2023/11/13 California Professional Engineering, Inc. CIP 22-15, Order No. 04356, Antelope Road / MSJC Entrance Traffic SignalCITY OF MENIFEE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 002 M:\Public Works Department\_Public Works Projects\CIP Projects\22-15 Antelope Rd-MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal\D- Construction\C-5 Change Orders (CCO) & Supporting Docs\CCO 2\CIP 25-15 CCO-2 Page 1 of 2 DATE: 11/13/2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Antelope Road / MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal PROJECT NO: CIP 22-15 PURCHASE ORDER NO: 04356 CONTRACTOR: California Professional, Engineering Inc. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES AND/OR EXTRA WORK: The Contractor is hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications and/or perform the following described work not included in the Plans and Specifications for this project. ITEM DESCRIPTION U/M QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 BID ITEM 8 6" AC PAVEMENT ACTUAL QUANTITIES WERE UNDER THE BID QUANTITIES TN (25) $402.50 ($10,062.50) 2 BID ITEM 9 8" CLASS II BASE ACTUAL QUANTITES WERE UNDER THE BID QUANTITIES CY (13) $115.00 ($1,495.00) 3 BID ITEM 10 CONSTRUCT 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK QUANTITITES WERE UNDER THE BID QUANTITIES SF (65) $17.25 ($1,121.25) 4 BID ITEM 13 CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER QUANTITIES WERE UNDER BID QUANTITIES LF (2) $80.00 ($160.00) 5 BID ITEM 5 SURVEY CENTERLINE TIES & RE-ESTABLISH MONUMENTS WS NOT PERFORMED AS NONE WERE PRESENT LS (1) $1,160.00 ($1,160.00) TOTAL ESTIMATED PRICE FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER: ($13,998.75) This document shall become an amendment to the Contract and all provisions of the Contract will apply hereto. This Change Order constitutes a complete and final resolution of all claims of the Contract for additional time or additional compensation related to or affected by work that is the subject of this Change Order. Quantities of items other than Lump Sum are not to exceed the amounts indicated. JUSTIFICATION: (Be specific on each item. Attach supporting documents as necessary) THIS CHANGE ORDER IS WRITTEN AS A NEGATIVE CHANGE ORDER AS CERTAIN BID ITEMS WERE ACTUALLY UNDER THE CONTRACT BID QUANTITIES AS VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. ITEMS 1-4 No additional Working Days will be required to perform this work. DocuSign Envelope ID: 72864EF1-C699-4C14-9A1F-707AF75C520F CITY OF MENIFEE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 002 M:\Public Works Department\_Public Works Projects\CIP Projects\22-15 Antelope Rd-MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal\D- Construction\C-5 Change Orders (CCO) & Supporting Docs\CCO 2\CIP 25-15 CCO-2 Original Contract Amount: $604,514.00 Previous Change Order Amounts: $17,017.00 Current Change Order Amount: ($13,998.75) Revised Contract Amount: $607,532.25 Date Started: May 15, 2023 Original Completion Date: August 8, 2023 Additional Time (Working Days) 0 Revised Completion Date: August 8, 2023 Page 2 of 2 CONTRACT VARIANCE SUMMARY CCO # Description Amount % Additional Time Date Approved 2 ACTUAL BID ITEMS QUANTITIES WERE UNDER THE BID QUANTITIES OR ELIMINATED ($13,998.75) -2.32% 0 1 Two items were added to the original contract. A push button and pedestal and addtinal conduit $17,017.00 2.81% 10/27/2023 Totals $3,018.25 0.50% 0 AUTHORIZATION BY CITY: Recommended for approval by: Date: Date: Diego Gullien - Project Manager, PE Don Sharp, Construction Manager Approved by: Date: Date: Nicolas Fidler, Director of Public Works Rebekah Kramer, Acting City Manager ACCEPTANCE BY CONTRACTOR: We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the above described changes and/or extra work and hereby agree that said work is a supplement to the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. Accepted by: Date: Signature Please print name and title DocuSign Envelope ID: 72864EF1-C699-4C14-9A1F-707AF75C520F 11/15/2023 Joseph Sing, Project Manager 11/15/2023 11/15/2023 11/17/2023 11/17/2023 From: California Professional Engineering, Inc. INVOICE 23-3451PR4 19062 San Jose Avenue La Puente, CA 91748 Phone: (626) 810-1338 Fax: (626) 810-1322 Thru Date: Progress tnvoice No. 0/30/2023 PRS To: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Rd Menifee. CA 92586 Attn: Don Sharp, Construction Manager Job Location: Project No.: Antelope/MSJC City of Menifee 22-15 . 1 . . Contract Previous Estimate This Estimate To Date Bid Item Description Qty UM Amt. Qty. Amt. Qty. Amt. Qty Amt 1 M(:b,llta!'OIIIOemobliuiacn 1 LS 518,550 00 85% $1585250 15% / $2,797.5( 100'Ve1 518,650.00 2 ?rep;iratioriof storm water management plan (signed by Registered pmfessiorrat}. anci Implement of storm water manage plan per specral pmmionssect 7-3 6 2 & 7-8 6 3 1 LS ,2 ooo oa 85% SI 700 OC 15% $300 00 100% 32,000 00 3 Traff:<C:ontrol and pedestrian control (signed by Registered Engineer) anoimplementation of traffic conrrol plan 1 LS 58,000.0() 85% 15% 100% 58,000 00 56,800 .00 / $1.200 .0C 4 C0t1sm,cuonStaking (ADA Ramps) I LS 510,000 00 100% 510.00000 0% S0 00 100% 510,000 00 5 6uf11ey Centerline Ties & re-e&ablish monuments (see close out documents 4-3 and sec!on 2-9 2) I LS 51160 00· 0%, so oa 0% 50.00 0% SO .Oc 6 1 LS S6.900 oa 85% ;s.865.00 15% J $1,035.0(I 100% S6,900,00 Cfa.anng 3nd Grubbing (see section 300-1,pg .174of special provisions) 7 Unclassilieo Excavation (TrarncSignal Foundations) 1 LS S500 00 100% S500 00 0% $00( iQO¾ 5500.00 8 6 AC pavement (CONVENTIONAL) per derails on sheel 2 including reia:;edunclassified exca11ation subgrade preparation line and graue,.(?{,70.1O.see secfon 203-1) 90 TON S402 50 65 0 so.ml 55 526,16250 $26 .1625(1 9 a·arClass 2 aggregate base 60 CY S11500 47 $5 405 00 0 $0,()( 47 55,405.00 10 Con 4" concrete sidewalk per c,r, std #400 200 SF 517 25 135 52.328 75 0 $0 oa 135 $2,3287, 11 Co structcor,cre,l!!pedestr,an ramp type I from BC !o EC (this includes Afl ramp with6"18" retaining curb, sidewalk. curb. gutter and ;oe,,drsl) per city of Menifee std's: 200 209.400405 including related undasslfied excavabon, subgrade preparation, line and grade 2 EA S12.650 00 2 m Joo oc1 0 $0.00 2 S25 300 00 12 CQnslM:lconcrelepedeslnan ramp type I (this includes ADA ramp witn 6"/8• retainingcurb, sidewalk. curb, gutter) per city of Menifee std's 1!200.4001msincluding related unclassified excavation subgrade preparation line ar.d grade I EA 512.550 00 1 $12,65000 0 SO.O(I I 512,65000 13 C t6" concrete curb & gutter per Cl / std #200 31 LF $80 0(1 29 s2 320 oa 0 so.oo 29 52,320 00 14 Construct o·concrete curb per c,ty std #202 70 LF $57 00 70 S3 990. 00 0 S0.00 70 53,990 00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 72864EF1-C699-4C14-9A1F-707AF75C520F . . S607 532 25 This Billing ;eta! 330,224 50 Less 5% Re.sotk>ot ----- ,$"1-=,s,..,1.,.·"'23,1 Amount Due This BIiiing Slll,113.2 15 Traffic Signing & Striping (Refer to Signing & Stnp,ng Plan, sheet 4) 1 LS 521,870.00 100% S21,870 00 0% 100% $21,870 Od $0 .00 16 Complete Traffic Signal System (Including but not limited to all work labor matenal. equipment utility coordination. utility work order work trenching, trench restoration.rema11al/repa1r/replacement/relocatton of any existing improvements or facilities, conduit pedestals, vaulls poles, Darings,import. export. footings all electrical work,incidemals, New SCE meter plan and anything else necessary io;nstaJI the completeand fully functional Traffic Signal System all incompliance withthe contract documents and all relevant standards codes, and ordinances to the satisfaction of the Engineer (Refer to Traffic Signal P!an, sheet 5) l LS $412,939 00 100% $41293900 0% 50.00 100% 5412,939 .00 17 std #1005 LS S31.50000 75% 523 .62500 25% $7,875.00 100% £31500 00 cco Additional Coundu,t ?er Std 111005 I LS S12,400 00 0% so 00 100% S12.400 0CI 100% 512.40000 cco Install PedestrianPush Button/Post and connections of wiring ccndu1ts 1 LS S4.51700 0% so 00 100% S4,617 OQ 100% S4,617 00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 72864EF1-C699-4C14-9A1F-707AF75C520F