2023/07/01 California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA)EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE & ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY This Evidence of Coverage is used as a ma4er of informa5on only and confers no rights upon the Cer5ficate Holder. This Evidence of Coverage does not amend, extend, or alter the coverage afforded by the memoranda listed below. DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) JPA MEMBER (Covered Party) TYPE OF COVERAGE ADDL INSR LIMIT OF LIABILITY / COVERAGE Re: EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE & ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY ENDORSEMENT AS REQUIRED BY AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY CIRA EOC ACP (07/2021) CANCELLATION Should any of the above coverages for the Covered Party be changed or withdrawn prior to the expira5on date issued above, JPA will mail 30 days wri4en no5ce to the Cer5ficate Holder, but failure to mail such no5ce shall impose no obliga5on or liability of any kind upon JPA, its agents, or representa5ves. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: EXPIRATION 12:01a.m. CONTACT NAME PHONE EMAIL EFFECTIVE (MM/DD/YYYY)MEMORANDUM NUMBER (MOC) CERTIFICATE NUMBER: GENERAL LIABILITY $ $ PER OCCURRENCE GROUP SELF-INSURANCE Public Errors & Omissions SELF-INSURED RETENTION The JPA Member (Covered Party) named above par5cipates in CIRA, the California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (JPA). As such, it is collec5vely and permissibly self-insured under Sec5ons 990.4 and 990.8 of the California Government Code. This is to cer5fy that the CIRA Memorandum of Coverages evidenced below have been issued to the Covered Party for the period indicated. The coverage is in effect and is provided through par5cipa5on in a risk sharing joint powers authority. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condi5on of any contract or other document with respect to which this Evidence of Coverage may be used or may pertain, the coverages afforded by the Memorandum of Coverages described herein are subject to all the terms, exclusions, and condi5ons of such Memorandum of Coverages. Bodily Injury / Property Damage Personal Injury Auto Liability $ WORKER’S COMPENSATION $PER OCCURRENCE GROUP SELF-INSURANCE Employer’s Liability SELF-INSURED RETENTION N/A 916-927-7727 aavila@cira-jpa.org 9/1/2023 7/1/2023 7/1/20243CIRA GL# 2023/24 CIRA Memorandum Dept. Amy Northam California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA) 2330 E. Bidwell Street, Ste. 150 Folsom, CA 95630 1,000,000 3 CIRA WC# 2023/24 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 500,000 First Mile Technologies 4460 Tucana Court, PH 6 Mississauga, ON L5R 3K9 Canada Commander Gateway, High Gain Antenna Array, M2 Micro, and Engo. As respects to the equipment lease agreement between the City of Menifee and First Mile Technologies for City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 76115036 150,000 50,000 76115036 | 23/24 GL WC | Thor Benzing | 9/1/2023 12:01:28 PM (PST) | Page 1 of 2 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. DocuSign Envelope ID: F1746886-74A4-49E6-B382-BDE938BE9EE1 ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY ENDORSEMENT DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA)JPA MEMBER (Covered Party) CONDITIONS OF THIS ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY ENDORSEMENT ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY CIRA EOC ACP ENDORSEMENT (07/2021) CANCELLATION Coverage is in effect as stated above and will not be cancelled except upon 30 days’ wriKen noLce to the AddiLonal Covered Party. CERTIFICATE NUMBER: The coverage afforded to the Addi$onal Covered Party as described on the CerLficate of Coverage is subject to all terms, exclusions, condiLons, definiLons, and other provisions of the California Intergovernmental Risk Authority’s Liability Memorandum of Coverage. Coverage is afforded hereunder only to the extent the Covered Party is required by agreement or contract to name the Cer$ficate Holder as Addi$onal Covered Party. If the Covered Party is required by agreement or contract to name the Cer$ficate Holder as an Addi$onal Covered Party and the agreement or contract requires the coverage provided to the Addi$onal Covered Party to be primary, then the coverage provided by this endorsement shall be primary. In all other events, if collecLble insurance with any insurer, coverage with any other joint powers authority or other self-funding mechanism is available to the Addi$onal Covered Party covering a loss to which the CIRA Memorandum of Coverage applies (whether on a primary, excess or conLngent basis), the coverage provided by this endorsement shall be in excess of, and shall not contribute with such other insurance or coverage; provided, however, that this clause does not apply with respect to excess insurance or coverage purchased specifically to be in excess of such Memorandum. This Endorsement does not apply to liability arising out of the sole or acLve negligence of the AddiLonal Covered Party named. Also, the AddiLonal Covered Party is not covered for Claims by another Covered Party. Effec$ve Date: Expira$on Date: at 12:01a.m. 09/01/2023 07/01/2024 California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA) 2330 E. Bidwell Street, Ste. 150 Folsom, CA 95630 City of Menifee First Mile Technologies 4460 Tucana Court, PH 6 Mississauga, ON L5R 3K9 Canada 76115036 76115036 | 23/24 GL WC | Thor Benzing | 9/1/2023 12:01:28 PM (PST) | Page 2 of 2 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. DocuSign Envelope ID: F1746886-74A4-49E6-B382-BDE938BE9EE1