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2023/03/01 C Below, Inc.
The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE HOLDER © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECTPRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) INSRLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS PERSTATUTE OTH-ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH) OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSD ADDL WVD SUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) OTHER: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE(A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER ADDRESS:E-MAIL FAX(A/C, No): CONTACTNAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 8/1/2023 Pacific Diversified Insurance Services 363 Civic Dr.Suite 100 Pleasant Hill CA 94523 Certificate Department 9256862860 925-686-6118 certificates@pdins.com License#:0K07568 National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburg 19445 CBELOWI-01 Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674CBelow,Inc. 1385 Old Temescal Road,Suite 100 Corona CA 92881 Peleus Insurance Company 34118 Admiral Insurance Company 24856 Tokio Marine Specialty Insurance Company 23850 United States Fire Insurance Company 21113 888219479 A X 1,000,000 X 300,000 25,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 X Y Y 4611548 3/1/2023 3/1/2024 2,000,000 F 1,000,000 X XX Y Y 1337546178 5/15/2023 5/15/2024 B X X 12,000,000 10,000 CUP1T08164223NF X 12,000,000 3/1/2023 3/1/2024 A N Y 014122658 3/1/2023 3/1/2024 X 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C D E Professional Liab./E&O Excess E&O Contractors Pollution Liability Y Y 121MPL021234302 XE00000093301 PPK2509378 3/1/2023 3/9/2023 1/17/2023 3/1/2024 3/1/2024 1/17/2024 Per Claim/Agg Per Claim/Agg Per Claim/Agg $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $5,000,000 Auto Excess Liability -Travelers Property Casualty Company of America -Effective Date:6/15/2023 -3/1/2024 -Policy #EX9W15663023NF -Limit: $1,000,000. As required by written contract,the following endorsements apply to the Certificate Holder and/or any other entity named in this section:General Liability Additional Insured CG2010 04-13 and/or CG2037 04-13,Primary Non-Contributory CG2001 04-13,Designated Construction Project General Aggregate 86681 9-04,Waiver of Subrogation CG2404 05-19;Auto Liability Additional Insured MA04008 01-18 including Primary Non-Contributory and Waiver of Subrogation, Auto Operations Connected to Railroads FM114.01256 05-01;Pollution Liability Additional Insured PIC-EVCP-001 07-22 including Primary Non-Contributory and Wavier of Subrogation;Workers'Compensation Waiver of Subrogation WC040361 11-90. See Attached... City of Menifee and its officers,employees agents,and authorized volunteers 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 THIS CERTIFICATE SUPERSEDES PREVIOUSLY ISSUED CERTIFICATE DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 ACORD 101 (2008/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD © 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER:FORM TITLE: ADDITIONAL REMARKS ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page of AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: LOC #: AGENCY CARRIER NAIC CODE POLICY NUMBER NAMED INSURED EFFECTIVE DATE: CBELOWI-01 1 1 Pacific Diversified Insurance Services C Below,Inc. 1385 Old Temescal Road,Suite 100 Corona CA 92881 25 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE RE:Insured'Operations City of Menifee and its officers,employees,agents,and authorized volunteers DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 C Below, Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 C Below, Inc. 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ocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 COMMERCIAL AUTO FM 114.0.1256 05 01 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. FM 114.0.1256 05 01 ISO Properties, Inc., 2000 Page 1 of 1 BLANKET COVERAGE FOR OPERATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH RAILROADS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM GARAGE COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM TRUCKERS COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modi- fied by the endorsement. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Endorsement Effective: Countersigned By: Named Insured: (Authorized Representative) With respect to the use of a covered "auto" in operations for or affecting a railroad, the two exceptions contained in the definition of "insured contract" relating to construction or demolition operations per- formed within 50 feet of a railroad do not apply. 7/19/2023 C Below, Inc. POLICY NUMBER: 1337546178DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 1 of 30 CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL COVERAGE Occurrence Contractor Environmental and Claims-Made Professional Liability Coverage CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THIS POLICY INCLUDE CLAIMS-MADE AND REPORTED COVERAGE. CLAIMS-MADE AND REPORTED COVERAGE REQUIRES CLAIMS TO BE FIRST MADE AGAINST THE INSURED AND REPORTED TO THE COMPANY DURING THE POLICY PERIOD OR ANY APPLICABLE EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD. OTHER SECTIONS OF THIS POLICY PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR CONTAMINATION THAT IS DISCOVERED BY THE INSURED DURING THE POLICY PERIOD AND REPORTED TO THE COMPANY DURING THE POLICY PERIOD. DEFENSE EXPENSE REDUCES THE LIMITS OF INSURANCE AND IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE SELF-INSURED RETENTION. READ THE ENTIRE POLICY CAREFULLY TO DETERMINE YOUR RIGHTS, DUTIES, AND WHAT IS OR IS NOT COVERED. Throughout this policy, the words “you” and “your” refer to the named insured shown in the Declarations. The words “we,” “us” and “our” refer to the Company providing this insurance. Other words and phrases that appear in bold have special meaning. Refer to Section II. DEFINITIONS. In consideration of the premium paid and in reliance upon the statements that you provided to us in the application and any other supplemental information provided in connection with the application, all of which are incorporated and made a part of this policy, we agree to provide coverage as shown in the Declarations and described as follows: I.INSURING AGREEMENTS A.Professional Liability 1.We will pay on behalf of the insured for professional loss in excess of the self- insured retention that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of a claim caused by an actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in the performance of your professional services provided: a.Such claim is first made against the insured and reported to us, in writing, during the policy period, or as expressly provided for in the extended reporting period, if applicable; and b.Such claim is not covered under Coverage B. Contracting Environmental Liability below; and c.Your professional services were first rendered on or after the Professional Liability Retroactive Date listed at ITEM 9.a. in the Declarations, and prior to expiration of the policy period. 2.We will reimburse the insured for reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses incurred in responding to a disciplinary proceeding, provided: POLICY NUMBER: PPK2509378 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 2 of 30 a. A disciplinary proceeding is commenced during the policy period against you, by reason of any negligent act, error or omission in the performance of your professional services; b. Your professional services that are subject to such disciplinary proceeding are first rendered for others on or after the Professional Liability Retroactive Date listed at ITEM 9.a. in the Declarations and before expiration of the policy period; and c. The insured reports the actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission to us during the policy period and prior to such disciplinary proceeding. The maximum amount payable, regardless of the number of disciplinary proceedings or the number of insureds, shall be $10,000 per policy period. The self-insured retention shall not apply to this provision; however, any payments made by us under this provision will erode the applicable Limit of Insurance and are not in addition thereto. The Company will not be obligated to defend, or pay any fine, penalty or award resulting from any disciplinary proceeding. B. Contracting Operations Environmental Liability Coverage We will pay on behalf of the insured for loss or remediation expense in excess of the self-insured retention that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of contamination caused by your contracting operations, completed operations or transportation, provided that: 1. The loss or remediation expense is the result of: (i) a claim for bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage; or (ii) contamination that caused the insured to incur emergency expense during the policy period; and 2. The bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage first occurs during the policy period; and 3. The bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage is caused by an occurrence. C. Non-Owned Location Liability Coverage We will pay on behalf of the insured for loss or remediation expense in excess of the self-insured retention that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of contamination on, at, under or migrating beyond the legal boundaries of a non-owned location, provided that: 1. The loss or remediation expense is the result of: (i) a claim for bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage that is first made against the insured and reported to us during the policy period, or as expressly provided for in the extended reporting period, if applicable; or (ii) contamination that caused the insured to incur emergency expense during the policy period; and 2. Such contamination first commences on or after the Non-Owned Location Retroactive Date shown in ITEM 9.b. in the Declarations, and before expiration of the policy period. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 3 of 30 D. Your Insured Location Liability We will pay on behalf of the insured for loss or remediation expense in excess of the self-insured retention that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of contamination on, at, under or migrating beyond the legal boundaries of your insured location, provided that: 1. Such contamination first commences during the policy period; 2. Such contamination ceases fully within ten (10) days of its commencement; and 3. The loss or remediation expense is the result of: (i) a claim for bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage that is first made against the insured and reported to us during the policy period, or as expressly provided for in the extended reporting period, if applicable; or (ii) contamination that caused the insured to incur emergency expense during the policy period. E. Image Restoration Coverage We will reimburse you for image restoration expenses incurred because of contamination or an actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in the performance of your professional services reported to us during the policy period or as expressly provided for in the extended reporting period, if applicable, and that results in bodily injury, property damage, or environmental damage covered under Insuring Agreements I. A., B., C. or D., as applicable. Reimbursement is limited to the costs of restoring your reputation and consumer confidence through image consulting, is subject to the self-insured retention for the applicable coverage part, and will in no event exceed the amount shown in ITEM 5.E. in the Declarations. II. DEFINITIONS A. Additional insured means any individual, organization or entity to the extent that they are contractually liable for loss or remediation expense to which this insurance applies as a result of your contracting operations, completed operations, or transportation performed by or on behalf of the named insured or arising out of the named insured’s ownership, use maintenance or operation of your insured location, provided: 1. Such individual, organization or entity is scheduled to this policy as an additional insured by an endorsement; or, 2. Solely with regard to Coverage B. Contracting Operations Environmental Liability, such individual, organization, or entity is required to be an additional insured under this policy in a written contract or agreement for your contracting operations or completed operations, provided that such contract or agreement was fully executed prior to the date that your contracting operations first commenced. Any coverage afforded such additional insured under this policy is available up to and not exceeding any specified limits of insurance as required by the written contract with you or subject to the applicable Coverage B. Contracting Operations Environmental Liability Coverage Limit of Insurance, whichever is less. The additional insured is not provided any coverage under this policy for any portion of its own negligence or legal liability. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 4 of 30 B. Bodily injury means: 1. Physical injury, sickness or disease including associated medical or environmental monitoring; and 2. Mental anguish, emotional distress or shock sustained by any person; Including death resulting therefrom. C. Claim means a written demand, notice, or assertion of a legal right seeking a remedy or alleging liability or responsibility on the part of you or any insured. Such demand, notice, or assertion of a legal right includes, but is not limited to legal actions, orders, petitions or governmental or regulatory actions, filed against you or any insured. D. Completed operations means work from your contracting operations that has been completed. Your contracting operations will be deemed completed at the earliest of the following times: 1. When all of your contracting operations to be performed in the contract are complete; 2. When all of your contracting operations to be done at a project site have been completed; or 3. When that part of your contracting operations at a project site has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor working on the same project. Your contracting operations that may need service, maintenance, correction, repair or replacement, but are otherwise complete, will be deemed complete. E. Contaminant means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or pollutant, including but not limited to smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, hazardous substances, petroleum hydrocarbons, legionella, electromagnetic fields, mold, silt or sediment that originated at and migrated from a project site, and waste materials including but not limited to municipal, industrial, medical, pathological, and low level radioactive waste and materials. F. Contamination means: 1. The discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any contaminant into or upon land, or any structure on land, the atmosphere or any watercourse or body of water, including groundwater, caused directly by your professional services, your contracting operations, completed operations, or transportation, or that originates at a non- owned location or at your insured location, provided such contaminant is not naturally present in the environment or is not present on, at or within any structure, as applicable, in the amounts or concentrations discovered; 2. The presence of contaminants that have been disposed of or abandoned at your insured location or a project site in violation of applicable law by parties other than an insured provided that prior to the inception date no insured or additional insured knew or reasonably should have known of such presence, disposal or abandonment; or 3. The presence of mold on, at or within buildings or structures. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 5 of 30 G. Conveyance means motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, aircraft, rolling stock or watercraft, but only if the operator and the conveyance are licensed, insured and permitted in full compliance with applicable law and regulations to transport its cargo, and in the business of transporting such cargo. H. Defense expense means reasonable and necessary legal fees and expenses incurred by us or by an insured with our prior written consent: (i) in the defense, investigation or adjustment of any claim to which this insurance applies; or (ii) as a direct result of your discovery of any contamination to which this insurance applies. Defense expense does not include salaries, wages, overhead or benefit expenses incurred by the insured, including but not limited to employees or a responsible individual or supervisory or monitoring counsel, or legal fees or expenses incurred in connection with any dispute, disagreement or controversy arising out of the formation, interpretation, alleged breach, termination, or invalidity of this policy, or as to any other issue regarding the respective duties and responsibilities of us or any insured regarding this policy. I. Disciplinary proceeding means any proceeding by a regulatory official or disciplinary agency to investigate charges made by a client or former client alleging professional misconduct in rendering or failing to render your professional services. J. Emergency expenses means only those reasonable and necessary expenses incurred to contain, control, abate, or mitigate contamination covered under this insurance and that is an imminent and substantial endangerment to: 1. Public health, safety or welfare; or 2. The environment; provided that all of the following applies: (i) the insured discovers such contamination within seventy-two (72) hours of the contamination first commencing; (ii) the insured incurs such emergency expenses within seven (7) days after the contamination first commenced; and (iii) the emergency expense is incurred pursuant to laws that require an immediate response to contamination. K. Employee includes temporary and leased staff working on behalf of and under direct supervision and control by an insured, but only while acting within the scope of performing your contracting operations, your professional services, completed operations, or transportation, as applicable. L. Environmental damage means direct physical damage to soil, plant or animal life, surface water or groundwater, building or structures, or indoor air caused by contamination and resulting in remediation expense. Environmental damage does not include property damage. M. Environmental professional means an individual chosen by us, in consultation with the insured, who possesses at least certain minimal levels of education and training and experience, holds valid and applicable licensing, certifications and qualifications to assess and remediate the contamination, and who maintains certain minimal levels of applicable insurance. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 6 of 30 N. Extended reporting period means either: 1. Automatic extended reporting period under Section IX. EXTENDED REPORTING PROVISIONS, Paragraph A.; or 2. Supplemental extended reporting period under Section IX. EXTENDED REPORTING PROVISIONS, Paragraph B.; Whichever is applicable, following termination of coverage, as described in Section IX. EXTENDED REPORTING PROVISIONS. O. Image restoration expenses means reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for services rendered by an image restoration firm, exclusive of: (i) any salaries, wages, overhead or benefit expenses incurred by an insured, or (ii) any expenses that are covered under any other insurance, including any applicable deductibles or self-insured retention amounts of such other insurance. P. Inception date means: (i) the first date shown in ITEM 4. in the Declarations; or (ii) with respect to any endorsement the Company issues after the first date shown in ITEM 4. in the Declarations, the effective date listed in such endorsement. Q. Insured means: 1. The named insured; 2. Any past or present director, officer, partner, member, or employee of the named insured, but only while acting within the scope of his or her employment as such; or 3. Any joint venture in which you participate as a member or co-venturer, but solely with regard to the named insured’s liability arising out of your contracting operations or your professional services provided in such joint venture. Insured does not include the legal entity itself, the joint venture itself or any other entity that is part of either the legal entity or joint venture. 4. Any entity newly formed or acquired by the named insured during the policy period provided that: (i) you have greater than fifty percent (50%) ownership, control, or beneficial interest in such entity; (ii) such entity performs operations and services consistent with your contracting operations and your professional services, and (iii) you notify us in writing of the formation or acquisition within 30 days thereof. Coverage will be provided only for loss, professional loss or remediation expense caused by your professional services or your contracting operations that are performed on or after the date of formation or acquisition. This coverage will expire within 90 days of such formation or acquisition or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier. No such entity will continue to be an insured under this policy beyond the 90 days of formation or acquisition unless the following conditions precedent to coverage are fully satisfied:: a. Within 90 days of formation or acquisition, you must provide us with all relevant particulars regarding such entity, including but not limited to any formation, acquisition or operational agreements or other documents that we may reasonably request from you; b. We must issue an endorsement to this policy expressly naming such entity as a named insured; DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 7 of 30 c. The named insured must pay the additional premium, if any, any agree to any amendment of the provisions of this policy by reason of such formation or acquisition. R. Law means any federal, state, provincial or local statutes, rule, regulation, ordinance, Voluntary Clean Up or Risk Based Corrective Action Standards, or judicial or administrative orders and directives, including any amendment thereto, that apply to the insured’s liability or responsibility for contamination. S. Loss means monetary awards or settlements, previously agreed to in writing by us, of compensatory damages and, where allowable by law, punitive, exemplary, or multiplied damages, civil fines, penalties and assessments for bodily injury or property damage, together with related defense expense to which this policy applies. Loss does not include any non-pecuniary or injunctive relief, the return or withholding of fees or charges for services rendered by or on behalf of the insured, costs to correct, re-perform or complete any work, or any insured’s or additional insured’s overhead, profit or mark up. T. Low level radioactive waste and materials means: (i) waste as defined in 10 CFR § 61.2; and/or (ii) material regulated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an Agreement State under a Type A, B or C Specific License of Broad Scope as defined in 10 CFR § 33.11. U. Mold means mold, mildew or any type or form of fungus including mycotoxins, spores, microbial volatile organic compounds or any other by-products produced by or released by fungi. V. Named insured means the individual or entity named in ITEM 1. in the Declarations and responsible for acting on behalf of all other insureds, if any, under this policy as described in X. GENERAL CONDITIONS, L. Sole Agent and any other individual or entity specifically scheduled onto this policy by endorsement as a named insured. W. Natural resource damage means physical injury to or destruction of, including the resulting loss of value of, and assessment of such physical injury to or destruction of: land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, groundwater, drinking water supplies, and other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States, including the resources of the fishery conservation zone established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. §1801a et seq.), any state or local government, any foreign government, any Indian tribe, or, if such resources are subject to a trust restriction on alienation, any member of an Indian tribe. X. Non-owned location means: 1. A site or location that is not owned, leased, managed, occupied, or operated by the insured, or its respective parents, subsidiaries or affiliates, and that is listed in a schedule to this policy utilizing the Non-Owned Location Schedule; or 2. A facility used for the recycling, treatment, storage or disposal of waste or materials generated by your contracting operations or your professional services or your insured location, but only if all of the following applies to the facility: a. The facility is not, nor has ever been, owned, occupied, managed, operated or leased by any insured or its respective parents, subsidiaries or affiliates; DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 8 of 30 b. At the time the facility accepts the insured’s waste, the facility: i. Possesses valid permits and/or licenses and operating in substantial compliance with the applicable regulations or laws to accept, store or process such materials or waste; and ii. Is not subject to any proceeding or litigation under CERCLA, RCRA or an equivalent state, local or provincial law ; c. The facility is not nor has ever been listed or proposed for listing on the Federal National Priorities List or state or provincial equivalent (State Superfund or Hazardous Site List); d. The facility is not insolvent or in bankruptcy; and e. No insured is nor has ever been named as a responsible party or a potentially responsible party due to, arising from, or associated with any contamination at the facility. Y. Occurrence means an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions. Z. Policy period means the period set forth in ITEM 4. in the Declarations, or any shorter period arising as a result of: 1. Cancellation of this policy; or 2. With respect to any your insured location or non-owned location, the deletion of any such location from this policy by us at your written request. AA. Professional loss means: 1. A monetary judgment, award or settlement of compensatory damages; 2. The following damages, fines or penalties: a. Civil fines or penalties assessed against a third party other than an insured for which the insured is legally liable; b. Civil fines or penalties assessed against the insured; or c. Punitive, exemplary or multiplied damages for which the insured is legally liable; and 3. Defense expense associated with paragraphs 1. and 2. of this definition as referenced above. Professional loss does not include: 1. Any non-pecuniary, injunctive, or equitable relief; 2. The return or withholding of fees or charges for services rendered by or on behalf of the insured; DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 9 of 30 3. Costs or expenses incurred by the insured to re-perform, alter, supplement, complete, or repair the insured’s work or services, including redesign; 4. Any of the insured’s overhead, mark-up, general conditions, or profit; or 5. Any damages, fines, or penalties that are uninsurable under applicable law. BB. Project site means: 1. A site or location at which your contracting operations are performed; or 2. A site which is rented or leased by you and utilized in the direct support of your contracting operations for a specific contract or project. Project site does not include any of the following: 1. Any location used for the recycling, treatment, storage or disposal of any waste or materials generated by your contracting operations; 2. Your insured location; or 3. Any location owned, leased or rented by you or any subsidiary, affiliate or joint venture of yours unless such location is utilized in the direct support of your contracting operations for a specific contract or project. CC. Property damage means: 1. Physical injury to or destruction of tangible property of parties other than the insured including the resulting loss of use and diminution in value thereof; 2. Loss of use, and diminution in value of tangible property of parties other than the insured that has not been physically injured or destroyed; and 3. Natural resource damage. Property damage does not include remediation expense or environmental damage. DD. Remediation expense means: 1. Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for investigation, removal, abatement, disposal, treatment, clean-up or neutralization, including associated monitoring, of contaminants: a. But only to the extent required by law applicable within the jurisdiction where the contamination occurred; b. In the absence of law, only to the extent required by written recommendations made by an environmental professional in accordance with written standards or guidance established for the investigation and remediation of contaminants by a local, state or federal regulator having jurisdiction where the contamination occurred, or in the absence of such standards or guidance, written industry standards or guidance for investigation and remediation of contamination that an environmental professional determines are necessary to protect human health; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 10 of 30 c. That have been actually incurred by any government department or agency in accordance with applicable law; 2. Monetary awards or settlements, previously agreed to in writing by us, of compensatory damages that the insured is legally obligated to pay for investigation, removal, abatement, disposal, treatment, clean-up or neutralization, including associated monitoring, of contaminants; and 3. Punitive, exemplary, or multiplied damages, civil fines, penalties or assessments for environmental damage to which this policy applies unless such damages, fines, penalties, or assessments are uninsurable under applicable law; 4. Restoration expense; 5. Emergency expense; and 6. Related defense expense to which this policy applies. However, remediation expense does not include property damage, or any non- pecuniary, injunctive, or equitable relief, the return or withholding of fees or charges for services rendered by or on behalf of the insured, costs to correct, re-perform, alter, supplement, or complete any work or services, or any insured’s or additional insured’s overhead, profit, general conditions or mark up. EE. Responsible individual means: 1. Any officer, director, partner, managing member, or project manager of the insured; or 2. The manager or supervisor of the insured who is responsible for environmental, health and safety affairs or compliance; or 3. Any manager or supervisor of the insured who is responsible for risk management, loss control, procurement or maintenance of insurance, or the tendering or reporting of losses or liabilities to insurers or other third-parties. FF. Restoration expense means only those reasonable and necessary costs required to repair, replace or restore real or personal property to substantially the same condition it was in prior to being physically damaged provided that: 1. Such real or personal property is owned by an insured; 2. Such costs are associated with a scheduled your insured location; and 3. Such physical damage was directly caused by work performed in responding to contamination to which this insurance applies. However, restoration expense does not include any costs associated with betterments or improvements to, or depreciation of, such real or personal property. GG. Self-Insured Retention means the amount stated in ITEM 7. in the Declarations that is primary to any liability or obligation by us under this policy and can only be satisfied by your payment of covered loss, professional loss or remediation expense, including related defense expense. The self-insured retention amount must be borne by you and cannot be insured. Your bankruptcy, insolvency or inability to pay the self-insured retention will not increase our liability under this policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 11 of 30 HH. Transportation means the transport of goods, materials, product or waste to or from a project site by a conveyance in support of or in the performance of your contracting operations. Transportation includes loading or unloading of such goods, materials, product or waste at a project site. Transportation begins upon loading your goods, products, material or waste onto a conveyance and ends when goods, products, materials or waste has been unloaded from a conveyance. II. Underground storage tank means any tank (including underground pipes connected thereto) that has at least ten (10) percent of its volume below ground and includes any ancillary and connected pumps, sumps and equipment. JJ. Voluntary Clean Up or Risk Based Corrective Action Standards means those minimum standards adopted by the federal, state, provincial or local regulatory agency (the “Regulatory Authority”) having jurisdiction over the contamination and applied in consideration of the applicable zoning, land use, geographic conditions, and use restrictions, if any, of the location where the contamination occurred for purposes of obtaining a no further action letter, closure or similar approval from the Regulatory Authority. KK. Your contracting operations means only those contracting activities and services stated in the application for this policy, or as scheduled to this policy via endorsement, and performed for third parties by you or on your behalf at a project site including means or methods in connection with such activities and services. LL. Your insured location means any property or location approved by us and shown in ITEM 3. in the Declarations or in Your Insured Location Schedule endorsed to this policy. Your insured location does not include a project site. MM. Your professional services mean only those professional services stated in Your Professional Services Schedule endorsed to this policy. In addition to the foregoing, if your professional services stated in Your Professional Services Schedule includes construction management services, for purposes of this policy, construction management services means only those services performed pursuant to the role of a construction manager, if accepted by a named insured in a written contract or agreement, to manage or coordinate construction means and methods as a consultant to the project owner as follows: 1. During the design phase of a project, only those services performed as a manager or coordinator responsible for communicating financing, time, and cost consequences of design decisions to your client; or 2. During the construction phase, only those services that consist of value engineering, field changes to design, scheduling or sequencing of subcontractors or sub consultants and monitoring performance of construction teams; provided that such services arise out of a vocation, calling, occupation, or employment involving specialized knowledge, labor, or skill, and the labor or skill involved is mental or intellectual, rather than physical or manual. Construction management services shall not include your professional services for design, design selection, or design recommendations by you or on your behalf. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 12 of 30 III. LIMITS OF INSURANCE AND SELF-INSURED RETENTION The Limits of Insurance shown in ITEMS 5. and 6. in the Declarations, the self-insured retention shown in ITEM 7., and the rules below fix the most we will pay regardless of the number of your insured locations, non-owned locations, insureds, contamination incidents, occurrences, negligent acts, errors, omissions, claims or claimants: A. The Total Policy Aggregate Limit shown in ITEM 6. in the Declarations is the most we will pay for the sum of all loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense, or other coverage afforded under this policy. B. Subject to the Total Policy Aggregate Limit, the most we will pay for the sum of all loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense, or other coverage afforded under this policy arising from any single contamination incident or any single negligent act, error or omission in your professional services, under any Insuring Agreement or endorsement is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations, or on the applicable endorsement. If no Limit of Insurance is shown for a particular Insuring Agreement in the Declarations, then no coverage is provided under that particular Insuring Agreement. C. The same, related, similar or continuous contamination shall be deemed to be a single contamination incident. D. All professional loss arising out of the same, related or continuous negligent acts, errors or omissions in rendering or failure to render your professional services shall be deemed to arise out of a single negligent act, error or omission. E. Two or more claims arising out of or resulting from the same, related, similar or continuous contamination or the same, related, similar or continuous negligent act, error or omission in your professional services, as applicable, will be deemed to: (i) be a single claim; (ii) have been first made at the time the first such claim was made against an insured; and (iii) be subject to only one Limit of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations or applicable endorsement subject to Paragraph III. F., below, if applicable. The same, related, similar or continuous contamination is contamination that is based upon, arises out of, is the result of or is logically or causally connected to the same, similar or related facts, circumstances, or situations. The same, related, similar or continuous negligent act, error or omission is a negligent act, error, or omission that is based upon, arises out of, is the result of, or is logically or causally connected to the same, similar or related facts, circumstances, or situations. F. If we or an arbitration panel determine that more than one Insuring Agreement applies to any single contamination incident or any single negligent act, error or omission in your professional services, the following conditions will apply: 1. Only one Limit of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations or applicable endorsement, together with the corresponding self-insured retention, will apply to such contamination incident or such negligent act, error or omission, as applicable. 2. If one of the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations or applicable endorsement exceed the amount of any of the other applicable Limits of Insurance, then only the highest such Limit of Insurance and corresponding self- insured retention will apply to such contamination incident or such negligent act, error or omission, as applicable. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 13 of 30 3. In no event will more than one Limit of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations, or applicable endorsement, apply to any single contamination incident or negligent act, error or omission in your professional services. G. We will not pay for loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense or other coverage afforded under this policy unless the amount of loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense or other coverage afforded under this policy exceeds the applicable self-insured retention. H. If the same, related, similar or continuous contamination results in bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage which occurs during policy periods of different CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL COVERAGE policies that we or an affiliated company have issued to the named insured, all such bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage will be deemed to have occurred only on the date of first exposure to such contamination and only the policy in force on the date of such exposure shall apply. All resulting loss or remediation expense shall be subject to the Limit of Insurance shown in ITEM 5. in the Declarations, as applicable and self-insured retention shown in ITEM 7. as applicable to such policy. For bodily injury, the date of first exposure is the date any individual is first exposed to contamination. For environmental damage or property damage, the date of first exposure is the date the contaminants were first discharged, dispersed, released or escaped. If the date of first exposure is prior to the first CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL COVERAGE policy issued to you by us or an affiliated company, or cannot be determined, and the bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage continues to occur during policy periods of more than one CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL COVERAGE policies, then such bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage will be deemed to have occurred only on the effective date of the first applicable CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL COVERAGE policy issued by us. In no event will more than one such policy apply to any loss, professional loss, remediation expense or defense expense that arises out of the same, related, similar or continuous contamination, or the same, related, similar or continuous act, error or omission in your professional services. I. Defense expense is included within and will erode the self-insured retention and the applicable Limit of Insurance. Defense expense will first be subtracted from the applicable Limit of Insurance, with the remainder of such Limit, if any, being available to pay loss, professional loss, remediation expense or emergency expense to which this insurance applies. IV. EXCLUSIONS This policy does not apply to claims, loss, professional loss, defense expense, remediation expense or any other coverage afforded under this policy: A. Asbestos/Lead Based upon or arising from any asbestos, asbestos products or any substance or material containing asbestos, or any lead, lead products or any substance or material containing lead that is or was present in or on any building or structure of any type, including any improvements or appurtenances thereto at your insured location. B. Bankruptcy Based upon or arising out of bankruptcy or insolvency of an insured or of any other individual, firm or organization. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 14 of 30 C. Contractual Liability Based upon or arising out of the insured’s: 1. Liability of others assumed under any contract or agreement; or 2. Breach of contract or agreement. Subparagraph 1. of this exclusion does not apply to liability: 1. That the insured would have in the absence of such contract or agreement; 2. For actual or alleged negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of your professional services; or 3. Solely with regard to your contracting operations, assumed in a written contract or agreement for your contracting operations, provided that the bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage occurs subsequent to the execution of such contract or agreement and does not arise from the client’s sole negligence. D. Criminal Fines and Penalties Based upon or arising out of any criminal fines, criminal assessments, or criminal penalties. E. Damage to Insured’s Product Based upon or arising out of property damage or environmental damage to the named insured’s product or work. However, this exclusion does not apply to completed operations or a claim for environmental damage. F. Damage to Insured’s Property Based upon or arising out of physical injury to or destruction of property owned by an insured leased, rented, or loaned to an insured including property in the insured’s care, custody and control. This exclusion applies solely with respect to claims for property damage. G. Discrimination Based upon or arising out of discrimination by an insured on the basis of race, creed, national origin, disability, age, marital status, sex, or sexual orientation. H. Divested Property Limitation Based upon or arising out of contamination that first begins after your insured location has been divested, sold, abandoned, given away, taken by eminent domain or condemned. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 15 of 30 I. Employers Liability Based upon or arising out of bodily injury to any past or current employee, partner or member of any insured, or by anyone who has a right to make a claim against any insured because of any employment, blood, marital or any other relationship with such employee, partner or member. This exclusion applies: 1. Whether the insured may be responsible as an employer or in any other capacity; or 2. To any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of claims. J. Fiduciary Liability The insured’s services and/or capacity as: 1. An officer, director, partner, trustee or employee of an organization not identified in ITEM 1. in the Declarations, or charitable organization or pension, welfare, profit sharing, mutual or investment fund or trust; or 2. A fiduciary pursuant to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and its amendments, or any regulation or order issued pursuant thereto; or any other employee benefit plan. K. Hostile Acts Based upon or arising out of any consequence of, whether direct or indirect, war, invasion, act of a foreign enemy, hostilities whether declared or not, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or any covert military action. L. Insurance and Suretyship Based upon or arising out of the requiring, obtaining, procuring, purchasing, maintaining, advising as to, or the failure to require, obtain, procure, purchase, maintain or advise as to any form of insurance, suretyship or bond, either with respect to any insured or any other individual or organization. M. Insured versus Insured Based upon or arising out of a claim by any insured against any other insured under this policy. This exclusion does not apply to a claim made by an entity as defined in Section II. DEFINITIONS, A. Additional Insured, Subparagraph 2. N. Material Change at Your Insured Location Based upon or arising out of any material change in the use or operations at your insured location from the use or operations stated by you in the application. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 16 of 30 O. Known Conditions/Known Circumstances Based upon or arising out of any fact, circumstance, event, situation or complaint that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim under this policy, which was in existence prior to the inception date and known by, or reasonably should have been known by, any responsible individual and not disclosed to us in the application. This exclusion applies to the following: 1. Contamination, including any subsequent dispersal, movement or migration of such contamination; or 2. Actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in your professional services. This exclusion, does not apply to contamination at a project site provided such contamination was in existence prior to the named insured first performing your contracting operations or your professional services at such project site and was caused or exacerbated by your contracting operations. P. Nuclear Liability Based upon or arising out of radioactive, toxic, or explosive properties of Source Materials, Special Nuclear Material or By-Product Material, as defined in the Atomic Energy Act, and for which the United States Department of Energy or any other governmental authority or agency has indemnified the insured, or for which the Price Anderson Act provides protection for the insured. Q. Personal Injury Based upon or arising out of the false arrest, humiliation, harassment, detention, imprisonment, wrongful entry or eviction or other invasion of private occupancy, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, harassment, or other defamatory or disparaging material, or a publication or an utterance in violation of an individual’s right of privacy. R. Prior Claims Based upon or arising from claims, loss, remediation expense, emergency expense, defense expense or other circumstances reported by you or required to be reported by you under any policy that was in effect prior to the inception date. S. Property Damage to Conveyance Based upon or arising out of property damage to any conveyance utilized during transportation. This exclusion does not apply to claims made by third party carriers, utilized during transportation, for such property damage directly caused by your sole negligence. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 17 of 30 T. Products Liability Based upon or arising out of goods or products designed, manufactured, sold, handled or distributed by the insured or others trading under the insured’s name, after physical possession of such goods or products has been relinquished by the insured or others trading under their names. , unless such claim, loss, remediation expense or any other coverage afforded under the policy arises out of the assembly, fabrication or installation of such product as part of your contracting operations. This exclusion does not apply to such products while within the legal boundaries of your insured location or during transportation or costs or expenses incurred due to normal operations engaged in or after the installation of your product as well as any product that has been withdrawn or recalled from the market. U. Process Improvements Based upon or arising out of any costs or expenses incurred to install, upgrade, modify or improve any processes, operations, equipment, machinery, or real or personal property at your insured location. However, this exclusion will not apply to any loss or remediation expense that is directly caused by such installation, upgrade, modification or improvement activities at your insured location. V. Related Entities Based upon or arising out of an insured’s involvement: (i) in your professional services or your contracting operations performed by, or on behalf of, any organization, or subsidiary or affiliate thereof, not named in the Declarations or scheduled to this policy as a named insured in an endorsement or (ii) as a partner, officer, director, stockholder, employer or employee of a business enterprise not named in the Declarations or scheduled to this policy as a named insured. W. Securities Violations Based upon or arising out of any violation of the Securities Act of 1933 as amended or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended or any state Blue Sky or securities law or similar State, Federal, or other governmental law, statute, regulation or order issued pursuant to any of the foregoing statutes. X. Separately Insured Project Based upon or arising out of any project that is insured under a valid and collectible project specific insurance policy, including but not limited to a project specific policy, owner protective insurance policy, owner controlled insurance program, contractor controlled insurance program, wrap-up policy or other similar policy or program, under which an insured is provided coverage similar to this policy. This exclusion does not apply to projects specifically scheduled as an Insured Project in an endorsement to this policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 18 of 30 Y. Underground Storage Tank Based upon or arising out of contamination resulting directly or indirectly from an underground storage tank , the existence of which is known by or which reasonably should have been known by a responsible individual and which is located on your insured location unless such underground storage tank is scheduled on the policy by endorsement. This exclusion does not apply to any underground storage tank that is: 1. A process or septic tank located partially in the ground; or 2. Located on or above the floor of structures built below the ground surface such as vaults or subsurface floors of buildings; or 3. Prior to the inception date, deemed closed or removed by the regulatory body having jurisdiction over the underground storage tank and where such regulatory body has made a determination that no further action or remediation related to such underground storage tank is required in accordance with applicable law . Z. Vehicles Based upon or arising out of the ownership, use, maintenance or operation any conveyance. This exclusion shall not apply to the ownership, use, maintenance or operation of a conveyance at a project site or your insured location or during transportation. AA. Warranties and Guarantees Based upon or arising out of any express warranty or guarantee. This exclusion does not apply to a warranty or guarantee by the insured that your contracting operations and your professional services conform to generally accepted standards or a legal obligation that you would have in absence of such warranty or guarantee. BB. Workers Compensation/Employment Practices Based upon or arising out of: 1. The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (Jones Act) or any workers compensation, unemployment compensation, disability, employee benefits, profit sharing, ERISA law or similar or related laws; or 2. Any type of employment relationship, terms of conditions of employment, or law relating to the employment of any person, including but not limited to: (i) termination of employment; (ii) refusal to employ; or (iii) any employment-related practices, policies, procedures, acts or omissions. CC. Willful Non-Compliance and Dishonest Acts Based upon, arising out of or attributable to: 1. A responsible individual’s intentional, willful or deliberate noncompliance with or intentional disregard of any law or any other statute, regulation, ordinance, administrative complaint, notice of violation, notice letter, executive order, or instruction of any governmental agency or body; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 19 of 30 2. Actual or alleged fraudulent, dishonest, knowingly wrongful or malicious conduct by or at the direction of the responsible individual. V. POLICY TERRITORY The coverage afforded pursuant to this policy shall only apply to contamination an actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in the performance of your professional services within the United States, its territories or possessions, or Canada, but only if the claim is made within the United States. All premiums, limits, self- insured retentions, loss, professional loss and other amounts under this policy are expressed and payable in the currency of the United States of America. If judgment is rendered, settlement is denominated or another element of loss under this policy is stated in a currency other than United States dollars, payment under this policy shall be made in United States dollars at the rate of exchange published in The Wall Street Journal on the date the final judgment is reached, the amount of the settlement is agreed upon, or the other element of loss or professional loss is due, respectively. This policy shall not apply in any situation that would be in violation of the laws of the United States of America or Canada, as applicable, including but not limited to, United States of America economic or trade sanction laws or export controls laws administered by the United States Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control. VI. DEFENSE AND SETTLEMENT A. We shall have the right and duty to defend any insured against any claim to which this insurance applies, even if such claim is groundless, false or fraudulent. For any claim we defend or for any loss, professional loss, or remediation expense to which this insurance applies, we will pay defense expense in excess of the self-insured retention: (i) for the investigation or defense of such claim; or (ii) incurred in connection with the payment of such loss or remediation expense, as applicable. Defense expense is included within and will erode the Limits of Insurance and is included within the self- insured retention shown in ITEM 7. in the Declarations, or applicable endorsement. Our duty to defend and to pay defense expense ends once the applicable Limit of Insurance is exhausted or tendered into a court of applicable jurisdiction or once the insured refuses a settlement offer as provided in Paragraph VI.D. below. We shall have no duty to defend any claim, or to pay defense expense for any loss, professional loss, or remediation expense, to which this insurance does not apply. B. We shall have the right to select counsel for the investigation, adjustment and defense of claims to which this insurance applies. The insured shall have the right to propose such counsel and we will consult with the insured on the selection. If more than one insured is involved in a claim to which this insurance applies, we may, in our sole discretion, appoint separate counsel for one or more of such insureds if there is a material (actual or potential) conflict of interest among any such insureds. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 20 of 30 C. In the event that by mutual agreement or by applicable law the insured is entitled to select independent counsel to defend a claim to which this insurance applies, the defense expense we must pay to such counsel is limited to the rates we would actually pay to counsel that we retain in the ordinary course of business in the defense of similar claims in the venue where the claim arose or is being defended. We have the right to require that such counsel have certain minimum qualifications with respect to competency, including experience in defending claims similar to the one pending against the insured, and to require that such counsel have acceptable limits of errors and omissions insurance coverage. The insured agrees that such counsel will timely respond to our requests for information regarding any claim. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the insured may at any time, by its written consent, freely and fully waive any right to select independent counsel. This paragraph C. applies to defense expense both within and excess of any self-insured retention. D. We reserve the right, but not the duty, to at any time, with the insured’s consent, settle any claim to which this insurance applies as we deem expedient. If with respect to any claim to which this insurance applies, the insured refuses to consent to the first settlement acceptable to the claimant which we recommend to the insured in writing, and elects to further contest such claim, then our liability for such claim shall not exceed the amount for which such claim could have been settled, including legal expenses incurred, up to the date of such refusal, plus fifty (50) percent of covered loss, professional loss, remediation expense or other coverage afforded under this policy in excess of such first settlement amount. It being a condition precedent of this insurance that the remaining fifty (50) percent of such loss, professional loss, remediation expense or other coverage afforded under this policy in excess of the first settlement amount is uninsured and shall be borne by the insured at the insured’s own risk. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this paragraph shall not apply until the settlement amount exceeds the self- insured retention amount stated in ITEM 7. in the Declarations or applicable endorsement. In addition, if we recommend a first settlement of a claim to which this insurance applies within the policy’s applicable Limit of Insurance that is acceptable to the claimant, and the insured consents to such settlement, then the insured’s applicable self-insured retention for such claim shall be retroactively reduced by ten (10) percent. It shall be a condition precedent to such reduction that you must consent to the first settlement amount within thirty (30) days after the date we recommend to the insured such first settlement amount, or in the case of a first settlement amount which arises from a first settlement offer by the claimant, then within the time permitted by the claimant to accept such first settlement offer, but in all events no later than thirty (30) days after we recommend to the insured such first settlement offer. If the insured does not consent to the first settlement within the time prescribed above, the applicable self-insured retention amount shall remain the respective amount set forth in ITEM 7. in the Declarations or applicable endorsement, even if consent is given to a subsequent settlement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 21 of 30 VII. NOTICE AND CLAIM REPORTING PROVISIONS A. Notice as required under this policy must be given by you, or on your behalf: In writing to us at: One Bala Plaza, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004–0950 ATTN: Claims – Environmental By email at: claimsreport@phly.com By fax at: 1 (800) 685-9238; or By telephone at: 1 (800) 765-9749. For claims-made coverage afforded by this policy, as a condition precedent to our obligations under this policy, the insured must give written notice to us as soon as practicable during the policy period or extended reporting period, if applicable, of any claim made against the insured for loss, professional loss, remediation expense or other coverage afforded under the policy. Oral notification must be followed with a written notice to us as soon as practicable during the policy period or extended reporting period, if applicable. For occurrence–based coverage afforded by the policy, the insured must give notice to us as soon as practicable of any occurrence that reasonably may result in a claim under the policy. Oral notification must be followed with a written notice to us as soon as practicable. B. If during the policy period, the insured: (i) first becomes aware of any: (a) contamination (b) negligent act, error or omission in your professional services, (c) or other occurrence, or (ii) incurs emergency expense, any of which could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim, remediation expense or other coverage under this policy, the insured must give written notice to us regarding all particulars of such incident. Notice must be provided to us as soon as practicable after the insured discovers such contamination, or occurrence, or incurs such emergency expense, but in no event later than the expiration of the policy period for any claims-made coverage afforded under this policy. Oral notification must be followed with a written notice to us as soon as practicable, but in no event later than the expiration of the policy period for any claims-made coverage afforded under this policy. Such notice of any contamination, occurrence, emergency expense or negligent act, error or omission in your professional services must include: 1. The particulars of the specific contamination, or occurrence, negligent act error or omission, or emergency expense; 2. The circumstances by which the insured first became aware of such contamination, or occurrence, negligent act error or omission, or emergency expense; and 3. The claim, loss, professional loss or remediation expense or other coverage afforded under this policy which has or may result from such contamination, or occurrence, negligent act, error or omission, or emergency expense. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 22 of 30 C. In the event that the named insured continuously maintains Contractors Environmental and Professional Coverage with the Company and in the event we determine that the insured fully complied with the notice provision set forth in Paragraph VII. B., then for a period not to exceed five (5) years from the expiration of this policy, any claim, remediation expense, loss, professional loss or other coverage afforded under this policy that subsequently arises out of such contamination or occurrence, or such negligent act, error or omission, as applicable, will be considered to have been first made under the policy in effect at the time the insured discovers or is first made aware of such contamination or occurrence, or such negligent act, error or omission. VIII. DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF A CLAIM OR REMEDIATION EXPENSE OR DISCOVERY OF CONTAMINATION A. The Insured’s Duties As a condition precedent to our obligations under this policy, in the event of a claim, loss, professional loss, remediation expense, other coverage afforded under this policy or the discovery of contamination, and pursuant to VII. NOTICE AND CLAIM REPORTING PROVISIONS above, you must: 1. As soon as practicable, give notice containing all reasonably ascertainable information including but not limited to the particulars sufficient to identify the insured, witnesses, injured parties, time, place and underlying circumstances to us; 2. As soon as practicable, give notice to us regarding the specific particulars of any contamination and reasonably anticipated response to such contamination and extent of expected remediation expense or emergency expense that may reasonably be anticipated to be incurred as a result of any contamination; 3. Immediately forward to us every demand, notice, summons, or other process received by the insured or insured’s representatives; 4. Authorize us to obtain records and other information on an insured’s behalf; 5. Take reasonable measures to protect your interests, and to mitigate any loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense or any other coverage afforded under this policy, and to comply with applicable laws. We shall not be liable for loss, professional loss, remediation expense, defense expense or any other coverage afforded under this policy admitted by the insured without our prior written consent; 6. Except at an insured’s sole expense, admit no liability, make no payments, assume no obligation and incur no expense related to such claim, or remediation expense without our prior written consent, except in the case of emergency expense; 7. Fully cooperate with us and, upon our request, assist in investigations, making settlements and in the conduct of defense of claims. The insured shall, at the insured’s cost, attend inquires, interviews, hearings, trials and depositions and shall assist in securing and giving evidence and in obtaining the attendance of witnesses and employees; and DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 23 of 30 8. Not demand or agree to arbitration of any claim or any part of your responsibilities for remediation expense, loss, or professional loss, or other coverage afforded or contamination without our prior written consent. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. BREACH OF ANY OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO COVERAGE WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE PREJUDICED THE COMPANY AND WILL, AT THE SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION OF THE COMPANY, RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF ALL COVERAGE FOR ANY CLAIM, LOSS, PROFESSIONAL LOSS, REMEDIATION EXPENSE, EMERGENCY EXPENSE OR ANY OTHER BENEFIT UNDER THIS POLICY B. Rights and Duties Concerning Contamination 1. Subsequent to an insured’s discovery of, and notification to us of contamination in accordance with Sections VII. and VIII. of the policy, The insured shall have the right and duty to retain an environmental professional, subject to our consent, to investigate or remediate contamination that has or may reasonably be expected to result in loss or remediation expense covered by this insurance. We have the right, but not the duty, to review and approve all aspects of any such investigation or remediation. 2. In the event of emergency expense, the insured may select an environmental professional without our prior consent. Except for emergency expense, any costs incurred without our consent will not be covered under this policy or credited against the self-insured retention. As a condition precedent for coverage of emergency expense under this policy, the insured must notify us as soon as practicable, but in no event after expiration of the policy period, of such emergency expense. a. In the event that the insured, subject to our prior consent, retains a remediation contractor to investigate and remediate contamination to which this policy applies, the remediation expense we must pay to such remediation contractor is limited to the unit rates and material costs we would actually pay to remediation contractors that we retain in the ordinary course of business in the investigation or remediation of similar contamination in the location where the contamination took place. We have the right to require that such remediation contractors have certain minimum qualifications with respect to competency, including experience in investigation and remediation contamination similar to the contamination at issue, and to require that such remediation contractors have acceptable limits of errors and omissions insurance coverage. The insured warrants that such remediation contractors will timely respond to our requests for information regarding any contamination. b. In the event that the insured, subject to our prior consent, directly undertakes the investigation and remediation of contamination resulting directly or indirectly from your contracting operations to which this policy applies, the remediation expense we must pay to such insured is limited to the unit rates and material costs we would actually pay to remediation contractors that we retain in the ordinary course of business in the investigation or remediation of similar contamination in the location where the contamination took place, but in no event will we be obligated to pay the insured for any element of overhead or profit with respect to any remediation expense it incurs under this subparagraph DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 24 of 30 3. In addition, we shall retain the right but not the duty to investigate or remediate contamination on behalf of the insured after receipt of notice of such contamination. Any expenses incurred in such investigation or remediation shall be deemed to be incurred by the insured and applied against the Limits of Insurance and credited against the self-insured retention. IX. EXTENDED REPORTING PROVISIONS The provisions of this Section IX. EXTENDED REPORTING PROVISIONS shall apply only to coverage provided by this policy that is on a Claims-Made and Reported Basis. A. Automatic Extended Reporting Period 1. If you cancel or refuse to renew this policy or, if we cancel or refuse to renew this policy for reasons other than non-payment of premium or fraud or material misrepresentation on your part, we will provide to you a ninety (90) day automatic extended reporting period, at no additional charge. 2. The automatic extended reporting period will apply to any claim first made against you and reported to us in writing during the ninety (90) day extension period, but only with respect to: a. A negligent act, error or omission in your professional services; or b. Contamination that the named insured discovers or is made aware of during the policy period and reports to us in writing during the policy period; or c. Solely with respect to contamination that the named insured discovers or is made aware of within twenty four (24) hours prior to the termination of the policy and reports to us in writing during the five (5) days immediately following the termination of the policy; Provided that such contamination or negligent act, error, or omission, as applicable, is otherwise covered by this policy. 3. If you purchase replacement coverage for this policy, the ninety (90) day automatic extension period will end on the effective date of the replacement coverage. B. Supplemental Extended Reporting Period 1. If you cancel or refuse to renew this policy or, if we cancel or refuse to renew this policy for reasons other than non-payment of premium or fraud or material misrepresentation on your part, you shall have the right to purchase a supplemental extended reporting period of thirty-three (33) months for a premium of not more than two hundred percent (200%) of the expiring policy premium. 2. The supplemental extended reporting period will apply to any claim first made against you and reported to us in writing during the supplemental extended reporting period but only with respect to: a. A negligent act, error or omission in your professional services; or b. Contamination that the named insured discovers or is made aware of during the policy period and reports to us in writing during the policy period; or DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 25 of 30 c. Solely with respect to contamination that the named insured discovers or is made aware of within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the termination of the policy and reports to us in writing during the five (5) days immediately following the termination of the policy; Provided that such contamination or negligent act, error, or omission, as applicable, is otherwise covered by this policy. 3. You must apply for this extension in writing, accompanied by payment of premium, prior to the expiration of the ninety (90) day automatic extended reporting period under A. above. C. Extended Reporting Periods The extended reporting periods are subject to the following conditions, as applicable: 1. All premium paid with respect to a supplemental extended reporting period shall be deemed to be fully earned as of the first day of the extension period. 2. The supplemental extended reporting period described herein shall commence upon the day that the automatic extended reporting period terminates. 3. For the purpose of any extended reporting period, any change in premium, self- insured retention, Limits of Insurance or other terms or conditions at renewal is not a refusal to renew. 4. Limits of Insurance available during any extended reporting period shall not exceed the balance of the Limits of Insurance in effect at the time the policy terminated. 5. In the event similar insurance is in force covering any claims first made during the automatic extended reporting period, there is no coverage under this policy. 6. In the event similar insurance is in force covering any claims first made during the supplemental extended reporting period, coverage provided by this policy shall be excess over any such other insurance, including any applicable deductible or self- insured retention amounts of such other insurance. For purposes of this provision, other insurance includes all types of self-insurance, indemnification or other funding arrangement or program that is available to compensate an insured for liability. 7. Any extended reporting period does not extend the policy period. Any claim first made against you during an extended reporting period will be deemed to have been first made during the last day of the policy period. X. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Subrogation If we pay any amount under this policy, we shall be subrogated to the insured’s rights of recovery against any individual, firm or organization. The insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever is necessary to secure such rights. The insured shall not waive or prejudice such rights subsequent to when a claim is first made or when the insured discovers contamination. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 26 of 30 Any recovery as a result of a subrogation proceeding arising out of payment of a professional loss, loss or remediation expense covered under this insurance shall accrue first to you to the extent of any payments in excess of the Limits of Insurance; then to us to the extent of our payment under the policy; and then to you to the extent of your deductible. Expenses incurred in such subrogation proceedings will be apportioned among the interested parties in the recovery, in the proportion that each interested party’s share in the recovery bears to the total recovery. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we hereby waive our right of subrogation against your client and any entity where required by written contract provided that such contract is fully executed prior to the first commencement of contamination or prior to the rendering or failure to render your professional services, as applicable to which this insurance applies. Such waiver of subrogation within any written contract does not expand, enhance or otherwise increase the terms and conditions of this policy accordingly B. Changes Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no provision of this policy may be amended, waived or otherwise changed except by endorsement issued by us to form part of this policy. C. Action Against Us No person or organization has a right under this insurance: 1. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us into a claim; or 2. To sue us under this insurance unless all of its terms have been fully complied with. A person or organization may sue us to recover on a fully executed settlement agreement or on a final judgment against the insured obtained after an actual trial; but we will not be liable for loss, professional loss, remediation expense, emergency expense, or defense expense that is not payable under the terms of this insurance or that is in excess of the applicable Limits of Insurance. D. Bankruptcy Your bankruptcy or insolvency, or that of your successors in interest, shall not relieve us of our obligations under this policy. E. Cancellation or Non-Renewal You may cancel this policy by surrendering it to us or one of our authorized agents or by mailing written notice to us and providing to us a future date when cancellation shall be effective. If you cancel this policy, we shall retain the customary short-rate portion of the premium less the minimum earned premium, if applicable. We may cancel the policy by mailing to you at the address stated in ITEM 2 in the Declarations written notice stating when, not less than ninety (90) days thereafter; or ten (10) days in the case of cancellation for non-payment of premium or self-insured retention, such cancellation shall become effective. If we cancel the policy, earned premium shall be computed pro-rata. The mailing of Notice of Cancellation as aforementioned shall be sufficient notice of the intent to cancel. The effective date of cancellation specified in the notice shall terminate this policy period. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 27 of 30 This policy may only be cancelled by us for: 1. Non-payment of premium or self-insured retention; 2. Change in your operations or professional services that materially increase risks covered under this policy; 3. Fraud or material misrepresentation by you; or 4. Any named insured’s failure to comply with terms and conditions or your contractual obligations under this policy. You shall have a period of sixty (60) days from the date of notice of cancellation to remedy such non-compliance. If the remedy is satisfactory to us, we shall rescind such notice in writing and the policy shall remain in force. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the policy is cancelled due to non-payment of premium, at the Company’s option, upon receipt of all outstanding premium payments, the policy may be reinstated, but only from the date we receive such outstanding premium payments. F. Assignment Assignment of interest under this policy shall not bind us and such assignment is void unless our consent is endorsed hereon. G. Representations By acceptance of this policy, you represent and warrant that: 1. The statements in the Declarations and application are complete and accurate; 2. The statements in the application are your representations and warranties and that those representations and warranties are material; 3. This policy is issued in reliance upon the truth and accuracy of such representations and warranties; 4. The statements in the application are incorporated into this policy. This policy embodies all existing agreements between you and us relating to this insurance; 5. Breach of those representations or warranties will result, at our election, in forfeiture of coverage for any claim, loss, professional loss, remediation expense or emergency expense reported to us under the policy, or voiding of the policy from the inception date. For the purposes of this policy, application means the formal application and all attachments and other documents and materials submitted to us by you, or on your behalf, in connection with your purchase of this policy and any endorsements we may issue after the inception date, including any renewal of this policy. In the event you did not submit an application form to us, the application will be deemed to consist of any documents or materials submitted to us by you or on your behalf in connection with your purchase of this policy, any endorsements we may issue or any renewal of this policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 28 of 30 H. Other Insurance If other valid and collectible insurance is available to the insured for coverage granted under this policy, our obligations are limited as follows: 1. This insurance is primary, and our obligations are not affected unless any other insurance is also primary. In that case, we will share with all such other insurance by the method described in Paragraph 2. below, or this insurance will be primary and non-contributory when Paragraph 3. below applies; and 2. If all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will also follow this method. In this approach each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first. If any of the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contribute by limits. In contribution by limits, each insurer’s share is based upon the ratio its applicable limit of insurance bears to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. 3. This insurance is primary and non-contributory with other valid and collectible insurance, but only if: (i) the named insured has a written contract or agreement requiring this insurance to be primary and non-contributory; and (ii) such contract or agreement was executed prior to the date that your contracting operations or your professional services, as applicable first commenced. For purposes of this provision, other insurance includes all types of self-insurance, indemnification or other funding arrangement or program that is available to compensate an insured for liability. I. Headings The descriptions in the headings of this policy and any endorsements attached hereto are solely for convenience, and form no part of the terms and conditions of coverage. J. Consent Where consent by us or an insured is required under this policy, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, conditioned or denied. K. Access and Inspection In connection with underwriting of this insurance or with our defense or adjustment of any loss, professional loss, claim, remediation expense or any other coverage afforded under this policy, we shall be allowed, but not obligated to, conduct inspections, surveys, audits or reviews of your location, operations, books or other information deemed pertinent by us. Such inspections, surveys, audits or reviews could involve the taking of samples, interviewing of employees, physical access to locations or access to materials or information concerning your operations, structure or financials of your company. The insured agrees to cooperate with us, and provide us with access to locations, information, and employees for such inspections, surveys, audits, or reviews, whether or not you deem such location or information relevant to the underwriting of this insurance, or with our defense or adjustment of any claim, loss, professional loss, remediation expense or any other coverage afforded under this policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 29 of 30 Neither our right to conduct such inspections, surveys, audits or reviews nor the results or conclusions of such actual inspections, surveys, audits or reviews shall warrant, in any way, that the operations or location are safe, healthful or compliant with or conform to applicable laws, standards or accepted practices. This condition applies to any agents or representatives that we allow to conduct such inspections, surveys, audits or reviews on our behalf. L. Sole Agent The named insured listed in ITEM 1. on the Declarations shall act on behalf of all other insureds, if any, for the payment or return of any premium, payment of any self-insured retention, receipt and acceptance of any endorsement issued to form a part of the policy, giving and receiving notices, including notices of cancellation or non-renewal, the exercise of the rights provided in the extended reporting period, and the receipt and acceptance of any payment required to be made by us under the policy. M. Severability Except with respect to Limits of Insurance, self-insured retention, Exclusion M. Insured versus Insured, Cancellation or Non-Renewal and any rights and duties assigned in this policy to you, this insurance applies as if each insured were the only insured and separately to each insured against whom a claim is made. Any misrepresentation, act, or omission that is in violation of a term, duty or condition under this policy by one insured shall not prejudice another insured under this policy. This condition shall not apply to an insured who is a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of the insured which committed the misrepresentation, act, or omission referenced above. N. Shared Limits You and all other insureds understand, agree and acknowledge that this policy contains an Aggregate Limit that is applicable to and shared by all insureds who are or may become an insured. As such all insureds understand and agree that the limits of this policy may be depleted or exhausted by payments to other insureds. O. Arbitration Any dispute, disagreement or controversy arising out of the formation, interpretation, alleged breach, termination, or invalidity of this policy, or as to any other issue regarding the respective duties and responsibilities of us or any insured regarding this policy, shall be resolved through binding arbitration. Except with respect to the selection of the arbitration panel, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) that are in effect as of the date a party first provides notice of its demand for arbitration to the other party in accordance with the policy’s notice provisions. The panel will consist of one arbitrator selected by the insured; one selected by us; and a third independent arbitrator will be selected by the first two arbitrators. If the first two arbitrators cannot agree on the selection of a third independent arbitrator within thirty (30) days of such notice, the third arbitrator will be selected by the AAA. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9 PIC-EVCP-001 (07/22) Page 30 of 30 The arbitration proceeding will take place in the state shown in ITEM 2. in the Declarations or in the domicile of the entity seeking relief from us or from whom we are seeking relief. The arbitrators must give due consideration to the general principles of the law of the state shown in ITEM 2. in the Declarations in construing and interpreting this policy; provided however, that the terms, conditions, provisions and exclusions of this policy are to be construed in an evenhanded fashion as between the parties. Where the language of this policy is alleged to be ambiguous or otherwise unclear, the issue will be resolved in the manner most consistent with the relevant terms, conditions, provision or exclusions of the policy (without regard to the authorship of the language, the doctrine of reasonable expectations of the parties and without any presumption or arbitrary interpretation or construction in favor of either party or parties, and in accordance with the intent of the parties). The written decision of the arbitrators will be binding on all parties, must set forth its reasoning and basis in law and fact, and must be provided to all parties simultaneously. The arbitrators’ award shall not include attorney fees or other costs of arbitration. Judgment on the award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Each party shall bear the costs and expenses of arbitration equally. Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the parties hereby agree that: the Underlying Award may be appealed pursuant to the AAA's Optional Appellate Arbitration Rules ("Appellate Rules"); and that the Underlying Award shall not be considered final until after the time for filing the notice of appeal pursuant to the Appellate Rules has expired. Appeals must be initiated within thirty (30) days of a party’s receipt of an Underlying Award, as defined by Rule A-3 of the Appellate Rules, by filing a Notice of Appeal with any AAA office and simultaneously serving such Notice on the other party. Following the appeal process the decision rendered by the appeal tribunal may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE CAUSED THIS POLICY TO BE SIGNED BY OUR PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY. THIS POLICY SHALL NOT BE VALID UNLESS SIGNED ON THE DECLARATIONS PAGE BY OUR DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EDD9D51-1904-42FE-BE90-D59DD913EEF9