Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Reduction Letter TM34406-3 024235844MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586 (9s11672-6777 I Fax (951) 679-3843 cityofmenifee.us March7,2023 Lennar Homes of California, Inc Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, C492879 RE: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., City of Menifee, TM 34406-3, Hampton (Heritage LakesJ, 50% Bond Reduction, Bond No. 024235844 Below u will find the schedule ofrelease for Bond No. 024235844: Enclosed is the Engineering Bond Reduction Request Letter and copies of original bonds for your review. Since ly, Ed lar M ment Analyst, City Cterk's Office Bill Zimmerman Bob Karwin Ricky Estrada Lesa A. Sobek Dean Deines Armando G. Villa Mayor Mayor Pro Tenl Councllmember Councrlmember Councllmember Clty M(rnager Drslflct 1 Distrrct 2 Drstrrcl 3 Drstrict 4 @copv 317123S3,s66,ooo024235844 (Fa ithfu I Performance Bond) N/As1,783,000024235844 (Material & Labor Bond) New Bond Amount s1,783,000 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a 500/o bond release of the Faithful Performance Bond for TM 34406-3 (Hampton (Heritage Lakes)J. The Material and Labor bond will remain at 50% ofthe original Faithful Performance bond amount and will be released in full following the acceptance of the public improvements, per City security release policy. Bond Reduction Amount (S1,783,000) Bond No. N/A s1,783,000 Red u ctio n Date Original Bond Amount