SH-Menifee, LLC Bond Release Letter GP18-039P 4428587MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menr,ee. CA 92586
951.672.6777 Far 951 679 3843
New. Better. Best.
June 23. 2021
SH-Menifee, LLC
'1030 S. Summer Breeze Lane
Anaheim. CA 92808
Subject: City of Menifee, SH- Menifee, LLC, Plot Plan 2017-137 , GP 18-039P, Bond Release
To whom it may concarn,
The Engineering Department for the City of Menifee has approved the release of the following bonds
. Failhful Performance Bond No. 4428587 - $105,500. Material and Labor Bond No. 4428587 - $52,750
Enclosed are the original bonds.
Please let me know if you have any questaons
Stephanie Roseen,
Oeputy City Clerk
Less A Sooek
Mayor Pro Tem
Orstl'ct 3
Bill Zrmmerman Bob Karwin
Drstrlct 1
Matl Lreremeyer
Cor rnarlnl{'mbt.r
Drslrlcl 2
Dern Deines
Drstl'ct 4
armando G. villa
C(y M,rn.rgor
New. Better.
June 15, 202'l
Sarah Manwaring
City Clerk
City of Menifee
RE: Grading Bond Release for PP 2017-137 (GP 18-039P)
Developer SH Menrfee, LLC is requestrng the gradrng bond release for (GP18-039P) The ongtnat bond
information is listed below.
PP 2017-137 (GP 18-039P):
Nicolas Frdler. P.E.
Public Works Oirector/City Engrneer
Matl Lresemeyer
lmproYomant Security Faithlul Performance Labor & Materials
Precise Grading 4428587 $24,000 s12,000
Erosion Control 4428587 $ 18,000 s9,000
WQMP s63,500 $31,750
$ 10s. s00 $52,7s0
Brll Zrrmer llr,irl Lesa A Sobek Bob Knrwrn
i,r ,l ,, I 1 lr
Dr,,trt D,,rrtls Arnr.rndo G Vrll.-!
lf you have any questions, please contact Chns Heron or Jennrter Hernandez.