Pinehurst, LLC Bond Release Letter TR28790-2 757219SMENIFEE
New. Better. Best.crlyotmenrlee us
February 5.2021
Pinehurst. LLC
1000 Dove Slreet, Suite 100
Newport Beach. CA 92660
Subject: City of Menifee, Pinehurst, LLC, TR 28790-2
Bond Rider Release
To whom it may concern,
At the November 6. 2019 Cily Council meeting the City had approved the 90o/o release of the Farthful
Performance Bond, the full release of the Material and Labor bond and accepted the remaintng 100/o
Bond Rider.
At the January 20.2021 City Council meeting the City Counol approved the full release of the bond rider
listed below.
o Bond Rider No. 7572195 - $66.900
Enclosed is the original Bond.
Please let me know if you have any queslions
Stephanie Roseen,
Deputy Caty Clerk
Lesa A Sobct
Mayor Pro Te{n
D6trl(t 3
Bill Zimmerman lr, , I ,,