Pinehurst, LLC Bond Release Letter TM28790 758815SMENIFEE
New. Better. Best.crtyotmenifee. us
March 14,2022
Pinehurst, LLC
1000 Dove Street, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Re: Pinehurst, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 28790
Bond Release, Bond No. 7588155
On November 6,2019, the City Council approved the release of the Labor and Material Bond
and Monument Bond listed below.
Material & labor Bond No. 7588155 - $130,500
Subdivision Monument Bond No. 5588165 - 945,000
On November 6, 20L9, the City Council also approved a 90o/o reduction of the Faithful
Performance Bond listed below.
Faithful Performance Bond No. 7588155 - $261,000
The Project Manager has approved the final 100/o warEnt! release of the Faithful Performance
Bond No. 7588155. Enclosed are the original bonds.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Stephanie Roseen,
Acting City Clerk
29844 Haun Ro.rd
951672 6777 Fat
Mitrch 8,202?
Salah Manwaring
(iity Clerk
City of Menifee
Subtectr Final Bond Release forl'M 28790
Orlginal Streets & Drainage Bond No.7588155
Streets and Drainage 7588155
'l otal
Plcasc contact lenniter Hernandez ifyou have any questions
S incerely.
;rrrt.l Padill;r lMar 9,2022 12.12 PST)
Daniel Padilla, PE
Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer
$261,000.00 $26,100.00
$261,000.00 $26,100.00
Faithful Performance
(Original Amount)
Faith ful Perfornrance
Final 107o Release)
New. Better. Best.
l)eveloper Pacific Communities Builder, lnc. has requested the final 109o warranty release of the
Streets and Drainage improvement bonds associated with Tract Map 2879O. The Proiect Manager
has revierved the request and determined all required improvements have been completed and
project conditions have been met to allow for the full release of said bonds. The original bond
infbrrnation is listed below.
,hn/e/ oa///a
lmprovement Security
MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menfee, CA 92586
951-672-6777 Fax95l-679-3843
New. Better.
November 25,2019
Developers Surety and Indemnity Co.
PO Box 19725
Irvine, CA 92623
Re: Pinehurct, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 28790
90o/o Bond Reduction of Faithful Performance Bond No. 7588155,
Release of Material and Labor Bond No. 7588155
Release of Monument Bond No. 5588165
On November 6,2019, the City Council approved the release of the Labor and Material Bond
and Monument Bond listed below.
Material & Labor Bond No. 7588155 - $130,500
Subdivision Monument Bond No. 5588165 - $45,000
On November 6,2019, the City Council also approved a 90o/o reduction of the Faithful
Performance Bond listed below.
Faithful Performance Bond No. 7588155 - $261,000
Please let me know if you have any questions.
rah A. Manwaring
City Clerk
cc: Pinehurst, LLC
MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road i Menifee. CA 92586
951-672-6777 | Fax 951 679 3843
New. Better.
November 7, 2019
Sarah Manwaring
City Clerk
City of Menifee
Subject: 90olo Bond Reduction for Parcel Map 28790 Public Improvements
Dear Sarah:
On November 6th,2019, the City of Menifee City Council approved the 90% Bond Reduction
of the Improvement Bonds, and the release ofthe survey monument bond for TM28'190.
l. TM28790 Original Bond
2. 90o/o Reduced Amount
3. Survey Monument Bond - To be released
Please let me know ifyou have any questions
Jonathan G. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP
Director of Public Works / City Engineer
Matt Liesemeyer
Drstrict 2
Improvement SecuriW Faithful Performance Labor & Material
Streets/Drainage 758815S $ 261,000.00 $ 130,500.00
Total $ 261,000.00 $ 130,500.00
Improvement SecuriW Faithful Performance Labor & Material
Streets/Drainage 758815S $ 26,100.00 N/A
Total $ 26,100.00 N/A
Improvement Security Faithful Performance Labor & Material
Survey Monument $ 45,000.00 N/A
Total $ 4s,000.00 N/A
Bill Zimmerman
Greg August
Mayor Pro Tem
District 1
Lesa A. Sobek
District 3
Dean Oeines
Drstrict 4
Armando G. Villa
Crty Managcr