Wellquest Menifee, LLC Bond Release Letter 9310535 PP2017-042MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Mell ee CA 9258t,
951.672 67n Fax 951 679 3843
New. Better. Best.cityolmeniree.us
April 13,2022
Wellquest Menifee, LLC
185 South State ST., 12h Ftoor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Re: Wellquest Menifee, LLC, City of Menifee, pp2OL7-042, GplS-057
Bond Release, Bond No. 9310535
The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the full release of the bond noted
above. Enclosed are the original bonds.
Stephanie Roseen
Acting City Clerk
Bill Zrmmerman Dean Dsnes
M.tyor Pro It,m
D6lrl(t 4
Man Lresemeyer
D6trrcl 2
Bob Karwin
Dlslrl(t I
L"sa A. Sobek
Dr\trct 3
Armando G Vrlla
Crly M.lrln(t+,1
New. Better. Best.
Sarah Manwaring
City Clerk
Ciry of Menifee
RE: Grading Bond Release for GP 18-0S7
Developer wellquest Menifee, LLC is requesting the grading bond release for
GP 18-057. Staff has reviewed the reduction request and determined that it is
warranted based on the work completed to date. The original bond information
is listed below.
Original Bond- Bond No.9310533 (cP 18-0S7)
Precise Grading
Site Amenities 9310535
lf you have any questions, please contact ,lennifer Hernandez.
),{ /-r!p
Daniel Padilla, P.E.
Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer
Improvement Security Faithtul
Performance Labor & Materials
9310535 $ 184,000 $92,000
$ 104,000 $52,000
9310535 $69,500