Wellquest Menifee, LLC Bond Release Letter PLN19-001129844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6Tn Fax951-679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityotmenifee.us December 3,2021 Charlene Kussner 185 South Street, Suite 1300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 RE: WellQuest Menifee, LLC, Cify of Menifee, PLN19-0011 Cash Performance Security Release The project site was inspected and returned to its approved condition. The City of Menifee Planning Department has approved the release of the above mentioned security. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $6,800. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen Deputy City Clerk Bill Zimmerman Mayor Lesa A. Sobek Mayor Pro Tem District 3 Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember Dislrict 2 Bob Karwin Councilmember District 1 Dean Deines Councilmember District 4 Armando G. Villa City Manager MENIFEE MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road I [,4enifee. CA 92586 951-672-6777 I Fax 951-679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenilee.us DATE:November 17 ,2021 TO:Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Directo FROM: Desiree Bowdan, Associate Planner Release of Cash Deposit for Construction Trailer for WellQuest Menifee LLCRE PLN19-001 1 Construction Trailer WellQuest Menifee LLC N/A N/A $6,800 - Cash Performance Security The City of Menifee approves the release of a Cash Performance Security in the amount of $6,800, for the placement of a temporary construction trailer for WellQuest Assisted Living. The project site was inspected by the city and returned to its approved condition. A project description is included below for reference. Description of Aqreement- Minor Temporary Use Permit No. PLN19-001 1 proposes the use of a temporary construction prolect office trailer (24'x60') located on a five (5) acre property east of Antelope Road, and immediately to the north of Aldergate Drive (APN:340-010-002). Sincerely, Desiree Bowdan Bill Zimmernan tvlivor lValt Lieserneyer 3ourcilnember Dr;trict 2 Lesa A. Sobek M^yor Pro T(,nl Drstncl 3 Bob Ka^4ifl Co,rncilmember Districl 1 Armando G. Villa Ci:y Mrrage. Planning App No.: Applicant Name: Surety Name: Bond/CD No.: Bond Amount: Please provide a PDF copy of the fully executed agreement to Desiree Bowdan at dbowdan@cityofmenifee.us. Oe6n Oeines C)!nci merrber Drslrict 4 CITY OF MENIFEE, CA ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK NO. 51038 INVOICE NUMBER orsaouNr CK REQ 1,1/17 1',t t1712021 REFUND SECURITY DEPOSIT PLN'I9-OO1'I 0.00 6,800.00 PLEASE DETACH AEFORE OEPOSITING MENIFEE CAIIFORNIA New. Better. B€sL ft CITYOF MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 (95't) 672-6777 CHARLENE KUSSNER 185 SOUTH STREET SUITE 13OO SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 UNION BANK OF C. fIFORXIA 30125 A'{IEIOPE RD 00474 12103t202',1 51038 rifts1220 6,800.00 pAy Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars and No Cents o DATE CHECK AMOUNT TO THE ORDER OF 6,800.00