D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. Bond Release Letter TR36485-3 09276859MENIFEE New. Better. Best. February 5. 2021 D R. Horton Attn. Jennifer O'Leary 2280 Wardlow Circle. Suite 100 Corona. CA 92880 Sublect: City of Menifee, D.R. Horton. TR 36485-3. PA 14 Bond No 09276859 Release To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee Communrty Development Department has approved the following bond for full release. Enclosed is the original bond. Subdivision Bond No. 09276859 - $2,500 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen. Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Bob lGnrin Councdmember D'stncl I Dean Dernes Councrlnremoer Drstr,ct 4 Brll Zimmerman Lesa A Sobek Mayor Pro Tem Dlstrrt 3 New. Better. Best January 13, 2021 OR Horton C/o Jennifer O'Leary 2280 Wardlow Carcle #100 Corona. CA 92880 RE: Performance Bond Release for PP 2017-401 - Tribute" Temporary Construction Trailer TR3648t3. Planning Area 14 within Audie Murphy Ranch To Whom it May Concern The Community Development Department has approved the full release ol Bond No 09276859. rn conformance with the Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan 2017-401 Upon cessatron of the temporary construclion trailer, all lemporary onsite items (temporary construclion lrailer. aggregate gravel base and water utility and electrical connections) were removed and the lots were converted to their onginal intended use (residential lot) and was confirmed upon inspection by a representative of the Communrty Development Department Please contacl me at (951) 72$3215 if you have questions or need addltional rnformation Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Departnent 7,,-l - L-- Russell Brown. Associate Planner City of Menifee Community Development Department t MENIFEE