Capital Pacific Real Estate, Inc. Bond Release Letter TR29636 800011643MENIFEE New. Better. Best.c rtyof menitee.us October 1, 2021 Sub,|ect, City of Menifee, Capital Pacific Reat Estate, tnc., TR 29636 Full Bond Release To whom it may concern, At the September 15.2021City Council meeting the Caty Council approved the futl release of the existing bonds listed below. Enclosed are the original bonds. Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond No. 8OOO1 1643 Brll Zrmmornrat St Please lel me know tf you have any questions Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Lesa A. Sobek Mayor Pro Tem Drslnct 3 u.rt, r. Caprtal Pacific Real Estate, lnc 4100 MacArthur Blvd.. #300 Newport Beach, CA 92660 MENIFEE New. Better. Best Scptenrber 16, ZO2l Su l) jcct [)ear Sa rah On Septembcr 15,2021, the City of Menifee City Council approved the bond release for Tract 29636 streets and Drainage, Flood Control, water, and Sewer improvements. The original bondinformation is listed below: Original Streets & Drainage, Flood Control. Water, and Sewer Bond - 900011643 Improvement Streets and D rai Flood Control $ 325,500 Wa!er Systent $ 48,000 24 000 Scwer S stonl ti000 I I (r43 s 35,s00 Total $ 1,4s9,500 Please let me know ifyou have any questions Sincerely, $ el fi^fr D;rniel Pad illa, PE D(' puty Public Works I)ircctor/City Enginccr Security Faithful Performance Labor & Material $ 352,500r.r00011643 80001 I (r43 s 725,000 $ 651,000 $ 17,750 750$ 729 Sa rah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menif'ec Bontl Rcleasc lbr Tract 29636 1800011643