CG Menifee 1, LLC Bond Release Letter CUP2016-078 30003084MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951-612 6777 Far 951-679 3843 New. Better. Best. February 19,2020 Western Surety Co. 1455 Frazee Rd., Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92108 Re: CG Menifee 1, LLC, City of Menifee, CUP 2016-078 Bond Release, Bond No. 30003084 To whom it may concern, At the February 5, 2020 City Council meeting the City Council approved the full release of the bond listed below. Enclosed are the original bonds and rider. Faithful Performance Bond No.30003084 - $135,500 Material and Labor Bond No. 30003084 Change Rider - $135,500 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, rah A. Manwaring City Clerk cc: CG Menifee 1, LLC Enclosure cityofmeoifee.us MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Ro.rd f,lenifee, CA 92586 951.672-6777 Fax 951-679 3843 cityofmenilee.us Irebruary 5, 2020 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Clty of Menifee City Clerk FEB 07 2020 ieceived Subject: Release of l0% Warrantee Bond for CUP 2016-078 Dear Sarah: On February 5, 2020, the City of Menifee City Council approved the release of the l0% Warrantee Bond for CIJP 2016-078. I . Original Bond Amounts: Please let me know il you have any questions. Sincerely. Jo Smith. P.E. Director ol' Public Works and Engineering / City lJngineer Improvement SccuriS"Faithful Performance Labor & Material Street and Drainage -30003084 $ 12.500 N/A Water System 3 0003084 $ I .050 N/A Total st3,550 NiA Brll Zimmerfnno Man Liesemeyer M.ryor Pro Tem Drstllct 2 Greg August CoLrncrlmembe, Distrct 1 Lesa A. Sobek Councilnronrber Drstr.t 3 Dean D€ines Councilmernber Drslftct 4 Armando G. Villa C,ty Ma oge( CIIAI\GE RIDER To bo attacM to and form I pat of Bond No. 3ooo3og4 in tlc arnount of $'135 500 00 issucd by estern Suretv Comoanv on bottalf of CG i/tenifee 1 LLC in favor of Citv of Menifee Il is undcrstood and agrccd that tho bond describcd abovo is hcreby modifiod so as to Bond Amount is decreased from $135 500 00 (One Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Five Hundred & 00/100 Dollars )to $13,550.00 (Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Frfty & oo/100 Doltars) It i3 funhcr crprcssly undcrstood and aSsscd that tbc aggrcgatc liability of tho CG lr,4enifee 1, LLc undcr said bond lo tlr obligca hcrcin mantioocd shall not Gficccd 0r0 amor$t stat d abovc- Nothing hctein contaitred shall bc held to vary, altcr, walvq or crtcnd alty of tho tcms, agrccmenls, conditions ot limitatiqs of tho abovo.mcntionod bond, othct than ss abovc statcd- CG Menifee 1, LLC By: --t-_--<__- Western S ty Company BY: e F Mci,4ahon Attomoy-ln-Fact Signc4 scalsd ard datd this 29th &y of November , 2018 !r!{'nI7t P 2/e5 CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLE DGMENT Optional lnformation Description of Attached Document The preceding Certificate of Acknowledgment is attached to a document tit ed,/for the purpose of containing pages, and dated The signer(s) capacity or authority islare as Method of Sagner ldenti6cation truve(, r,) tr,p o| lhc br\r! of \dl!l,r.torv evrclen,:c ' ,rr,r ,rr de.r ri Jt(I i r.(j,N,, ^,llr.5\1,\j Nolarial evenr rr detailed in notary journal on Page r Eovy # lndivdual(s) Corporate Office(s) Guardian/Conse&ato, Partner - Lrm(edlcenerat Tr!9tee(r) Other Orher A.,lro..l5ignerl5r 5ig^ei(, Thumbprin(, notalv rndiv p rd bl (oI heI offceI completi Ito thi5 Certi6 cate ve rfi es only the identity ofattached. dnd nottheUAIhosr9nedthedoCUmentIChrhscertificatetsrhetIUthfuIne5s,accU(ol a dity of that doc ent State of C County of a liforn ia Qr*ri/ c- On 0 before me,t L c (here rnee name dnd ri personally appeared ol4 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoryhlwhose name{s, islara, subscribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged to me that heAh;Ahcy executed the iame in hislhr/tlclauthorized capacity(ieJ), and that by hislh<:r|ttrtr signature(rr-on the instrument the person(+ or the entltyupon behalf of which the personflacted, executed the instrument. I certifiT under PENALTY OF PER URy under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. collM. #21390r9 WITNESS my hand and official seal.tloby Pnlla Rif,rsiL . Cllifomh lo. signatu (5eal) J'riI Addliion.l lntorm.tlon representing ) _) ,v A notary public or other offcer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this c,ertilicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity ot that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Dieqo ) on UAR'02017 , Notary Public, Dale personally appeared Janice Madin beicre me, Lilia De Loera @ CALIFORNIAALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT civir code S 11Be Name(s) ol Srgne(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence tobe the person( whose nameF) ishrH subscribed to the wrthin instrument and acknowledged to me that iftlshe/tXXXexecuted the same in **{her/&Et authorized capacity(j€Oi. and that by birher/tt€iD(signature{q on the instrument thepersont{, or the entity upon behalf of which the person8 acted. executed the instrument. c)U'(, LILIA DE LOERAcoMt\r. #20477sO NOI,{RY Pt]BLJC,;AL IFOR NIA SAN DIEGO COUNTYMy Commrsslon E^ptresNOVEMBER 29, 2017 I certify und the State of and correct. o o er PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of California that the foregoing paragraph is true Plece Nolary SealAbove S€nature ol Notary Public Lilia De LOe Public Thouoh the information below is not reouired bv law. it mav orove valuable to oersons relvino on the document- and could prevent fraudulent removdl and reaftSchment of the foni to anothei do-cument Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date Number of Pages Signe(s) Other Than Named Above. Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name E lndividual n Partner E Limited E General M Attorney in Fact fl Trustee E Guardian or Conservator E Other: Signer's Name E) lndividual 0 Partne, E Limited E General O Attorney in Fact D Trustee E Guardian or Conservator O Other: Signer is Representing Top ol thumb here Top ol lhumb here Witness my hand and official seal. Signature OPT'ONAL ECorporateofficerTitle(s):-Dcorporateoflicer-Title(S): RIGHT THUIVBPRINT OF SIGNER RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Signer is Representing: Western Surety Company POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDTVIDUAI, AI'TORNEY.IN-FACT Know AJI Mer By The!€ PrererlL' Thrt WESTERN sUREry COMPANY, a souh Dakot corpomtion, is . duly organizcd and existing coeoration fuving its principal ofrcc in thc City of sioux Falts, and statc of south Drkob, rnd that ir do6 by virtuc ofthc signaturc and scsl hcr€in affix€d hercby make, constitute and appoirt Lawrence F Mc Mahon, sarah Myers, Lilia De Loera, Janice Martin, christopher J conte,Rachel A Mullen, Individually on this lTth day ofJanuary,2017' bcforE mc peGorully camc Paut T. Bruflat, to mc l(Ilown, who, bcing by mc duly swom, did deposr aDd say: that h. rcsidcs in thc city of sioux Falls, statc of south Dskot6; thst hc is rhe vicc Pr6idcnr of WESTERN suRETy coMpANy dGcribcd rn and which executed thc abovc instrume'|t: thal hc knows the scal of said corpontion; that thc scal affixcd to thc said iostfirDcot is such corporatc s€at; that it was so afixed pursuart to authority givan by lhc Board of Dirctors of said corpoation and thar hc signcd his oamc thcrao pusuant to like ,ulhority, and acknowlcdgG s3mc to bc thc act and dc.d ofsaid corpodtion. of san Die8o, cA, its true end lawful A(orncy(sliFFacl wilh full powrr and authority hcrcby confcrrcd to sign, sc{l and cxccutc for and on its bchalf bonds, undcrtrkiogs and othcr obliSatory instrumcot! of similar Dahrr! This Powcr of Atlomcy is InadE and cxccuted pusurnt to and by suthority of thc By-Law printcd on th. rqvcrsc hctlof, duly adoptcd, as indicatcd, by thc shareholders of the corpoiaion. h wtn'lr wtcrcof. WESTERN SURETY COMPANY has c.u5cd thlsc prccnts to ba signcd by its vicc prcsidcnt atrd its coryDrdc sca.l to be hcrclo aftixd oo this l Tlh dsy ofJanuary, 20t 7. WESTERN SURETY COMPANY I T. Bruflat, Vicc Pr6idcnt ss) J My comnission Gxpires Junc 23, 2021 CERTIFICATE J. Molu, Noiary PubliC forcq ,nd funher ccrtiry lhat thc By-law ofthc corpo.alion priorcd on thc rcvc*c hcrmf is slifl in forcc. Ir lestimony whercof I havc hereLrnb subscrib.d my namc and afiixed the seal of rhe said corporalion rhis 29th 2017 WESTERN SURETY COMPANY wffi@ Fom F4280'7-2012 day of L Nclson, Assist&t Sccrclary - In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind it lhcrcby s! fully and to thc samc axtcnt as ifsuch instrum€nts wcrc signcd by s duly authorizcd offica ofthc corporation and all thc rcls ofsaid Anomcy, pursuant lo thc aurhority hereby givco, arc harEby mtificd and confimcd. Stst€ of South Dakota County of MirurchalE l, L. Nclsor\ Assistant s€crctary of WESTERN SURETY CoMPANY do hcrcby ccrtiry that thc powcr of Attomcy hprcinabovc sa fodh is still in March