Pacific Communities Builder, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM28788 785676SMENIFEE cityolmeniree. us March 2,2022 Pacific Communities Builder, Inc. 1000 Dove Street, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Pacific Communities Builder, Inc., City of Menifee, Tract Map 28788 Bond Release, Bond No. 7856765 On February 19,2020, the City of Menifee City Council approved the 90o/o bond reduction. The City of Menifee Engineering Department has determined all required improvements have been completed and the project conditions have been met and has approved the full release of the bond noted above. Enclosed is a copy of the bond. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk New. Better. Best. MENIFEE February 14,2022 Sa rah Manwaring City Clerk City of Mt' nifr.:c Subject: Bond Release for Tract Map 28788 Dca r Sarah Developer Pacific Communities Builder, lnc. has requested the final 1096 warranty release of Streets and Drainage, Water System, and Sewer System Improvement bonds associated with Tract Map 28788. The Proiect Manager has reviewed the request and determined all required improvements have been completed and proiect conditions have been met to allow for the full rclease of said bonds. The original bond information is listed below TM 28788 Original Streets and Drainage, Water System, Sewer System lmprovemcnts lmprovement Strcets rnd I) raina e Total Please contact fennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions Sincerely, T)JW Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Security Faithful Performance Faithful Performance fFinal 10olo Release) $702,326 $70,232.60 $ 116,400 $11,640.00 7856765 785675S 7856765 $59,250 $5,925.00 s877,976 $87,797.60 New. Better. Best. Water Svstem t Sewer Svstem r0.6.b Packst Pg. 174 rnsc(a o COP I SEEU&ITLRIDEIVC-ONSENT Plcasc bc sdvised that tlrc following sccuritics remrin in cfrcct to thc County of Rivcrsrdc for Tract 287E8. Thc surety conscnts to thc cxEnsion of limc. DESCRIPTION Mon umcntallon Bond Pcrformancc Bondstrccb & Drainagc Mstcrial & Labor Bond/StrEcts & Drainagc Performancc Bond/Wsts S ystcm Matcrial & txhor Bond./W8t r Systrm Pcrformancc Bond/Scwcr S ysrcm Matcrial & lrbor Bond/Scwar System Th€ s€cunties rcmain in forcc until such timc as thcy are rcleascd by thc County of Rivcrsid ) Surcry: f,revolopcrs Swrty and In&mnity Company l77EO Flich Irvine. CA 92614 o ttod,tlco @ l. t E o) !col0 .g.9 otc Et GINA L CARNER BOND NUMBER AMOTJNT 785677S $77.O00 $702,326 $1.417.490785676S ?856?65 $s9,2s0 7856765 $98,750 $l16,400785676S 785676S $194,000 By: Dater - Attomcy-in-fact lntco lnsutance Servrcot ,nc o ,. l,TEO Fich ' Sdrs 2m. lMne, CA 92614. {8OO) 782-t548. Pae) 263-3:m. Far erq 252-1955. htts:/lilyw.lflscooloo.com Undcr*rtiq Mlnsgar tr: Darcloocrs Surdy and hdarnnlty Coattpury. lridlnmily CorErny ol Cdrlomla 7856?65 POY|ER (T ANORIIEY FOR o€vELoPEia SuRErY A'lO tt{OE iIty COrtFAr{yrr{oGIirY cosPA'lY of calrfoRt|raocac, !9'25 ftftt c gt€73 r9a9 :Lt:q. |o.owAr- av rFt:lt irRaSt{'S rrdt.t d.r.rrr..It |nE Eltr(Dtis sft_Y$o Flftadl! '-aaaxl..(, tOExYn C:ilP.i,v Of Cl/- f(Xr'l^ r, d lri.n? r'rr{, r!n!l .n aDaa: "'Sle9hfi f p!tg. GrWg N Olu.a. Yvoono M. O.ao Pruroc ll. ,rd..o. M..t J L!nB(b.!. JalE! E Mrry. Danrgl Yoeng. Ca|!|r J Scrnrord. An! t. Grnr.. Anbnb Arva.ldo. ,o.nty o. ravartlty-' 8r x:trr r1.r r! lt|nJ Anqrr\ $ n rd E ra!, tr.qrL cid r( 5io.r..|a, t/ jc or !.hJ r'r- r{,Dr,&.r. rr rrrtr !o.lor. U'a!.Ed!{a rlo urtrar !.!.?tr. n r g,wT -n grrt It J1io *d A'l.,rr(rkof G rr rs rd r,tlorlr, b.n.,Il !€ laiton ry d ^-aair. rerira o, prrr lo !. dorr n :rl.!!a.Elr ln..rdh - -O ol14 orF.tqt @! n Du,e!,tl lo !-n o, i-.,.r&! L E .,1ra.rt uqt 16 G@ao. .r.ic tr.dr d..a Andrtnlr+{d lrrtr,d ro tn-. rr..!br. r r.bt r-.d ru .r ,tr(l 'hr Fos. ol^lan.y ll td.:.nd l..,enai t),ladrDr u.al ndD' ravrt c $.ldorgiaderr rlDt{!, t n €t. Boror !.lL*!rt ot o€!/t!(ftRs slRtll IO |\|r|ri{IY C r,t^l\r t{ ilffUvrY Cotrr, $ CA.t(nllA .i(!i! .t or J.IJ'I ln 200a Rtso(vE!. iI . ,qthrr{xr or rll tro .a !!.':irtrll.,lr gd lt. rt!rd.: turo/,rr 'ii'+!.n'll Sdtr V<..hod r rrr lrl.. Pra.ajt d,j. 3.rr.aorr !. ,ro hrr !.or ol lto6 haEq 'r rrtrotlx lo s.ob r.. Pdl' , Alcrt , qrsilq i. aonlir) n rd.. t! h6i , ^aarrq b aaora, o. !na, ol tr rda.r.lora. l.r€r. Jia.alngt nd ad*s d rr.lrrSi d nal li sEflr,,..i Alrirr s.ourr d aar, at t a'r.rarort h. ,{.dl d Frn hr&t r xlrrz.a b ald nr u&'ro.. d -, t/dl Fo.a r, llrlrl Rt3OtVtl RnTxER h.,tr.rr-r..d*66'lr.,!.It$.6-rrdrPo.i,dlerEtor,-rtrit&.flrilr.?otb *. r.drl, r, Pctd a'atEiay , :niLtt !-!r9 d! br- t'[flrl. ia n d r5 lnir9 ugot lr drF.idt. fr ro ri.d rr, . tla art a -r '!!ar b ,t to! lro-,r T.r or't d J rrattr9 rr rn : { -br.d N Xrl\Ejs wrEllto'. oEviLopEnS suRETr llr0 Dro€5llw colPlrlt r( rx)E rlllP c(lnirv ot alr aoa\rAn rr t 116 LrJt d tr... rltr.|i. ro c. 1ll)111!\ uur 'Ercnrho oira.n ic ,tltlc 4 qlf ,!t9elr! scatl, A-rlt! srcllty ltr Jrury ta 2m! co :,.E, l,E!tco @ l! :F Eo Eooc Eco @ E .go) oa o Ea sl4irl t Pa $ne lta.Mn Or ,rJ. i ll :otl 0rl Drd rir! ra shlrr. ' Pa Nrqn d SFt) ANIOlrO ALVAA.IOC @UM r r80G.3rfntr ft.g.r carrooa^oerrc oarxrY arFhd:s|nc artt t6.r.lrbdd! dr&i.. b E rr t-d{r, t.baa ,rrqq r't. $arft.d toh r!It! ralrrhrt ,lc adru*'tg* b m }d ,rllltul .r.arb tha aara ' h!.lrinr l rdc..oroifr, ,6 Oa Dy,iarBr!! T.rn llt r tE.fiurlri i. psria) E rlc rfty .oo taid otrrdr -i !.!d{r} .dd .rE .d !r 6.sr'rl r crr, lrar ctlril'r 0f cER..r.v ,u. ll! r'| ol r. st- d c.ltri. ir, "i. irqdr prTrT. . Hnfss rr t l ,to doa t d Sfar. L:LL Clr[ rnl':'tqln r. Scedr. o Alrr,l S.qriy c'lt! t -etE> iJrEwAnf,A9EVtlt COPA||Y r lr:arlhrYCISIIIY Of C^trf (}lt|ll:\s|l..,rr(rltt 'jra1!r'oagon PH , tEiatrna.r . ir ltra r! tr nd F fiCd r!, lrr$nrEr lral a! rliEl. ol h..6drErrd na r*d!l aoar!. (, Di.r.rr d tarc crpr:lo.tl n roo r,'ra Pr€ d lt q r,a n bl.a dna o ol F6 cdtara ocr 5 r967 tri3;t Pg. 175 ", u$o* h Zz*- ',.s a"1fln'"* so,n rli Jdi,ittcv !1 ,r .j flmTl ,. ,,-W.*+ ocl!0r9ta CALIFORNIA AII+URPOSE ACKNOUT'LEDGM ENT 10.8.b o EoE oo F@ l! F F c a o E r0 a o| oaco E STAIE OF CAIIFOFNIA Counv d Or8ng. On E+11 o& pelsooelly eppsersd Glna L Gernar btrfs rI8. AntOniO AvOBdo - Notar, Publl,crL! hrr N.F. d nn ot !h. ornc.t ) s o p.owd lo me on the ba6rs of satGraclory evidence to b9 lhe person(s) whose nam€(6) l6/ar€ subscribed to lh€ withh rnslrum€nt and 8c*nourledgsd !o me lhal h€/shdthsy Bxocuted tho ssma n hisrherrlheir aulhorizsd csp8ctty(lss) snd thal by his/hernherr srgnature(a) on lhe lnBlrumenl lrrep€r3on(s), or lh8 ent'ly upon bshalt ol whrch th€ pe.sonrs) ecl€d. exocutod the in6trumant. I cerltt under PENALTY OF PERJURY undor lhe laws ol th€ Slete ol Calilornia thel the lorogoing paragraph ls true and co,recl Wrtnoss my nand and otLc'al6eal -.Signeturo - __ ----.,*9!M1E olr,oLry Pdo c I PL.. l.olrt S..l Abo6 Oocumont Deta:Numbsr ol Pages: Sigmr(s) Othor Than Namad Above: Clprclty(l!s) Clslmod by Signot(3) Sion€/s N8rna: n lndMdral D Corpootc oflb6, Tltle(8): ll Prnnar D Lknibd E G.nrralg Anom.y in Fad I tnreteo E Guardlan or Conse.vator f ottrcr: Slonfl ls R€pIasentin0: O€vclopo6 Sur6lt end lndom.itt ci Top ol thumb hrr! Signorl Narno: I lndMdrral f Capomb Ofic.r- Tnl€(s): D Panne, - D um[.d O General n Ntomoy n F.cl i Tru.t a O Gurrdun or Congcrvabr U othcr: sl0nor 15 Repr.sonlrn0: Top ol thurnb herB BIGI{T THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER RIG}fI THUIT BPRINI OF STGNEF Packet Pg. 176 "-",,-r"*-, -- - r" *-- :#,1r1#- --- and caJld prwent leudulent pnqtal and reatlachmenl ol lhts lotfi lo anothq docudenl Oescdpllon ol Atlached Documonl Titl8 or Typ€ of Document: