Coastline Design & Construction, Inc. Bond Release Letter GP19-056 24242951MENIFEE
New. Better. Best.
November 22, 2021
Coastline Design and Construclion, lnc
32 Edelman
lrvine, CA 92618
Subjecl: City of Menifee, Coasfline Design and Construction, tnc., Gp19-056
Bond Release, Bond No. 24242951
To whom it may concern,
29844 Haun Road Menilee. CA 92586951-672.67]n Fax95't-679.3843
The City of Menifee Engineering department has approved the full release of the Faithful performance
and Material and Labor bonds noted above. Enclosed are the original bonds for release.
Ste anie Roseen.
Deputy City Clerk
Bill Zimmerman Lesa A- Sobek
Mayor Pro Tenr
D,slhct 3
8ob Karwin
Orstflct I
Man Liesemeyer
Drsl,rcl 2
Oean Oelnes
Drslnct 4
Armando G. villa
Crly Manirger
Please let me know if you have any questions.
New. Better. Best.
November 17 ,2OZl
Sa rah Manwaring
City Clerk
City of Menifee
v Cig of Menlfee
City Clerl
Nov I 7 202t
RE: Grading Bond Release for GP 19-056 Received
Developer coastline Design & construction, lnc. is requesting the grading bond release for
GP 19-056. Staff has reviewed the reduction request and determined that it is warranted
based on the work completed to date. The original bond inflormation is listed below.
Original Bond- Bond No.24242951(cP 19-056)
Grad ing/Drainage
lfyou have any questions, please contact Chet Robinson or fennifer Hernandez.
?J qt&
Daniel Padilla, P.E.
Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer
lmprovement Security Faithful Performance Labor & Materials
24242951 $29,000.00 $ 14,500.00
$29,000.00 $ 1 4,500.00