Coastline Design & Construction, Inc. Bond Release Letter GP19-056 24242951MENIFEE New. Better. Best. November 22, 2021 Coastline Design and Construclion, lnc 32 Edelman lrvine, CA 92618 Subjecl: City of Menifee, Coasfline Design and Construction, tnc., Gp19-056 Bond Release, Bond No. 24242951 To whom it may concern, Sincerely, 29844 Haun Road Menilee. CA 92586951-672.67]n Fax95't-679.3843 cityolmenitee.us q}, The City of Menifee Engineering department has approved the full release of the Faithful performance and Material and Labor bonds noted above. Enclosed are the original bonds for release. PNr,- Ste anie Roseen. Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Bill Zimmerman Lesa A- Sobek Mayor Pro Tenr D,slhct 3 8ob Karwin Councilmember Orstflct I Man Liesemeyer Councrlmember Drsl,rcl 2 Oean Oelnes Councrlmember Drslnct 4 Armando G. villa Crly Manirger Please let me know if you have any questions. New. Better. Best. November 17 ,2OZl Sa rah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee v Cig of Menlfee City Clerl Nov I 7 202t RE: Grading Bond Release for GP 19-056 Received Developer coastline Design & construction, lnc. is requesting the grading bond release for GP 19-056. Staff has reviewed the reduction request and determined that it is warranted based on the work completed to date. The original bond inflormation is listed below. Original Bond- Bond No.24242951(cP 19-056) Grad ing/Drainage 'fotal lfyou have any questions, please contact Chet Robinson or fennifer Hernandez. Sincerely, L ?J qt& Daniel Padilla, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer lmprovement Security Faithful Performance Labor & Materials 24242951 $29,000.00 $ 14,500.00 $29,000.00 $ 1 4,500.00 MENIFEE