KB Home Coastal, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM30142-2 30001158MENIFEE 29844 Haun Roacl Menifee. CA 92586 951 672-6771 Fax 951-679 3843 New. Better. Best. December 2t,2022 KB Homes Attn: Steve Brennan 36310 Inland Valley Drive, Suite 300 Wildomar, CA92595 Enclosed is the original bond. Sincerely, E ilar Management Analyst, City Clerk's 0ffice cityofmenifee.us @copv RE: KB Home Coastal, Inc, City of Menifee, TM 30t42_2 (Hidden HillsJ Full Bond Release, Bond No. 30001158 To whom it may concern, The- City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a full release of the FaithfulPerformance Bond for Gading Projects and/or Erosion conirol or Landscape Improvements for TM30142-2 (Hidden Hillsl, based on all conditions being satisfied Belowyou will find the schedule of release for Bond No. 30001158: 30001158 Faithful Performance Bond $1,635 000 $0.00 Released Amount $1,63s,000 t2/22/22 Bond Amount being witheld Bill Zimmerman M.tYOI Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember District 2 Oean Deines Mavor Pro Tenl Distflct 4 Bob Karwin Councilmcmber Districl 1 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmenrbcr District 3 Armando G. Villa City Mdn.rger Original Bond Amount Bond No.Release Date New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Road i Menitee, CA 92586951 672-6777 I Fax 951-679_3843 December 14,2022 Kay Vinson Acting City Clerk City of Menifee RE: Bond Release for TM 30142_2 Hidden Hi[s park Dear Kay, or Aprir 1.5.' ?g?0, the crty councir accepted pubric improvements at Hidden Hirs park,constructed by KB Homes coastar, rnc., the deveroper for Tract 30 14 2-2, andreduced the originarsecurity posted by 90%. The developer has now requested the final 1Oyo warrantv iJease or preimprovement bonds associated with rract 30142-i, r- tne parr rocated between Evans Roadand Munieta Road, south of craig Avenue. The project ,"n"g", has reviewed ano appioreo tnefull release of the warranty. The original bond information is listed below. There were no Material and Labor Bonds associatedwith these improvements. Original lmprovement Bonds lor IM 30142-2 Hidden Hills park Please mail original bond to:Please email bond release information to: KB Homes Attn: Steve Brennan 36310 lnland Vailey Dr., Suite 3OO Wildomar, CA 92595 lf you have any questions, please contact Kris Jensen. Sincerely, vtud Daniel Padilla, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Precise Grading 30001 158 $ 23s,000 N/APark lmprovements and Landsca 30001158 NiA Total $ 1,635,000 N/A Faithful Performance Original AmountSecurity Material & Labor MENIFEE - cityofmenifee.us kiensen@cityofmenifee.us cheron@citvofmenifee. us sbrennan(Okbhome.com iim@BKAIlenAndAssociates. com lmprovement $1,400,000