Pinehurst, LLC Bond Release Letter TM28794 491481SMENIFEE New. Better. Best.<rtyotmanile€.us September 8, 202'l Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Recelved RE: Grading Bond Release for TM 28794 On December 16,2020, the l\renifee City Council approved the bond replacemenls for Tracts 28796, 28791 ,28792. 28793, and 28794. Lennar Homes of California posted replacement bonds for Tract 28794. The grading bond GP 18-026P/Park Site originally posted by Pinehurst, LLC. must be released. The original bond information is listed below. TM 28794 Precise Grading Site Amenities Landscape Total lf you have any questaons, please contact Jennrfer Hernandez Srncerely, City of Menlfee Clty Cle* sEP l3 2021 f,W Danrel Padlla. PE Deputy Public Works Director/ City Engineer lmprovement Security Faithful Performance 491481S $388,000 491481S $998,000 491481S $456,000 $1,842,000 MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrtee, CA 92586 951672.6777 Fax 951 679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.us September 15,2021 Pinehurst, LLC 1000 Dove Street, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subjectr City of Menifee, Pinehurst, LLC, TR 28794 Full Bond Releases To whom it may concern, At the December 16, 2020 City Councal meeting the City Council approved the replacements bonds and approved the full release ofthe exasting bonds listed below. Enclosed are the onginal bonds. Please let me know if you have any questions Sincerely. tephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Lesa A. Sob€t Mayor Pro Tenr D,stnct 3 Matt Liesemeyer CoLrncrlmember Drslrlcl 2 Brll Zirnmerman 8ob Karwin Councrlnrember O'stflct I Dean Oein€s Councrln)emDer Drslrlal4 A.mando G Villa C'ty Mdn(rqr:, Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond No. 491481S