Pulte Home Company, LLC Bond Release Letter 268012158 PM28206-1MENIFEE
New. Better. Best.<atyolmenrree. us
May 6 2O21
Pulte Home Company. LLC
27401 Los Altos. Suite 400
Missaon Viejo, CA 92691
subject crty of Menifee, Pulte Home company. LLc, pM 29206i' . Gp18-004p. Bond Release
To whom rt may concern.
The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the full release of the bonds listed below.
o Faithful Performance Bond No. 26801215g - S7O9.OOO. Material and Labor Bond No. 268012158 - $364.500
Enclosed are the original Faithful Performance and Material and Labor Bond.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
ie Roseen,
Deputy City Clerk
Brll Zimmerman Lesr A SoDek
Mayol Pro Tem
Drstrct 3
New. Better. Best.
Aprll2T , 2021
Sarah Manwaflng
Crty Clerk
City ot Menifee
RE: Gradlng Park Bond Releass tor TR 28206-t
Developer, Pulte Home company, Lcc rs requ€sting the grading park bond retease for TR ag2o6-1. ThB
original bond information is listed betow.
TR 28206.1
Site Amenities
lf you have any questions, please contact Chns Heron or Vanessa Barrera
Yola Macalalad. P.E., OSP/QSD
City Engineer
lmprovement Security
Precise Grading 2680121 58 $131,000.00
268012158 $264,000 00
268012158 $314,000.00
$709,000 00
Falthful Performance