Pulte Home Company, LLC Bond Release Letter 268012158 PM28206-1MENIFEE New. Better. Best.<atyolmenrree. us May 6 2O21 Pulte Home Company. LLC 27401 Los Altos. Suite 400 Missaon Viejo, CA 92691 subject crty of Menifee, Pulte Home company. LLc, pM 29206i' . Gp18-004p. Bond Release To whom rt may concern. The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the full release of the bonds listed below. o Faithful Performance Bond No. 26801215g - S7O9.OOO. Material and Labor Bond No. 268012158 - $364.500 Enclosed are the original Faithful Performance and Material and Labor Bond. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Brll Zimmerman Lesr A SoDek Mayol Pro Tem Drstrct 3 : MENIFEE New. Better. Best. Aprll2T , 2021 Sarah Manwaflng Crty Clerk City ot Menifee RE: Gradlng Park Bond Releass tor TR 28206-t Developer, Pulte Home company, Lcc rs requ€sting the grading park bond retease for TR ag2o6-1. ThB original bond information is listed betow. TR 28206.1 Site Amenities Landscape Total lf you have any questions, please contact Chns Heron or Vanessa Barrera Sincerely, Yola Macalalad. P.E., OSP/QSD City Engineer lmprovement Security Precise Grading 2680121 58 $131,000.00 268012158 $264,000 00 268012158 $314,000.00 $709,000 00 Falthful Performance