Newhawk, LLC Bond Release Letter 4416825MENIFEE
29844 Haun Roao Menrlee. CA 92586
951-672 6In Fax 951.679 3843
February 6, 2020
Sarah Manwaring
City Clerk
City of Menifee
Subject: GPIT-021P Bond Release
Dear Sarah:
On February 16,2018 Newhawk, LLC entered into grading bonds and agreements with the City of
Menifee for the completion of work detailed on GP17-021.
Since then, City Staffhas reviewed and inspected the grading work and has confirmed the
condition ofthe grading improvements are in a position to allow for the full release of the park
grading. The bond to be released is shown below:
Type Security Faithful Performance Labor & Material
Precise Crading 4416825 $ 188,000 $ 94,000
Erosion Control 4416825 $ 21,000 $ 10,500
Total $ 209,000 $ 104,500
athan Smith, P.E.
irector of Public Works and Engineering / City Engineer
A,mando G. Villa
Crly Managt-.r
Bill Zrmmerman Mall Lresemeyer Greg August Lesa A. Sobek Oean Dernes
New. Better. Best.
City of Menifee
City Cterk
FEB 0 7 2020
1. Bond Amounts:
Please let me know ifyou have any questions.
MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrfee. CA 92586
951672 6777 Fax 951'679 3843
New. Better.
February 20,2020
SureTec Insurance Company
3131 Camino Del Rio N., Ste. 1450
San Diego, CA 92108
Re: NewHawk, LLC, City of Menifee, GP17-021P
Bond Release
The Grading and Erosion Control has been completed to City specifications and standards and
the Bond is now ready for release. Enclosed is the original Grading Bond as follows.
Faithful Performance Bond No. 4416825 - $209,000
Material & Labor Bond No. 4416825 - $104,500
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sarah A. Manwaring
City Clerk
cc: NewHawk, LLC