Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC Bond Release Letter TM28206 K09312365MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Meniree. CA 92586
951-672'6777 Fax951'679-3843
New. Better. Best.
December 12,20t9
Westchester Fire Insurance Co.
555 S. Flower St., 3d Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Re: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC, City of Menifee, Tract Map 2g206, Bond Release
on November 20,2019, the city council approved the release of the following bonds.
Enclosed are the original bonds.
. Faithful Performance Bond No. K09312365 - $1,964,500. Material and Labor Bond No. K09312365 - 9982,250. Subdivision Monument Bond No. K09312407 - $79,920
Please let me know if you have any questions.
anwaring, MMC
cc: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC
MEN!FEE 29844 Hdun Road Menilee. CA 92586
951-6'12 6777 Fax 951 679 3843
Dean Deines
November 21, 2019
Sarah Manwaring
City Clerk
City of Menifee
Subject: Release of Improvement and Subdivision Bonds for TM2g206
Dear Sarah:
On November 20th,20-J.9, the City of Menifee City Council approved the approval ofreplacement bonds, executed by Pulte Home company, LLC, to replace the existing bondsheld in place by watt communities at Mosaic LLC. As a result, the following bondJheld byWatt Communities at Mosaic LLC are to be released.
1. Improvement Bonds
2, Subdivision Monument Bond
Please let me know ifyou have any questions
Greg August
Drsrr.l 1
Matt Liesemeyer
CoLrrrc ln).'rrib..r
D itrict 2
Improvement Security Faithful Performance Labor & Materials
K09312365 $ 628,250.00
Water S tem $ 40s,000.00 $ 202,500.00
Scwcr System $ 303,000.00
TOTAL $ 1,964,500.00 $ 982,250.00
Monuments Security Faithful Performance Labor & Materials
K093L2407 $ 79,920.00 N/A
TOTAL $ 79,920.00 N A
Bill Zimmerman
M;tvc,Lesa A. Sobek
CoLrrrc lmernbl
D str!.t 3 4
Armando G. Villa
C ty M.rn.rg-,r
New. Better. Best.
Jonathan G. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP
Director of Public Works / City Engineer
Road & Drainage $ 1,256,000.00
$ 151,500.00