Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC Bond Release Letter TM28206MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951-672-6777 Fax 951-679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee.us October 9,2019 Westchester Fire Insurance Co. 555 S. Flower St., 3d Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Re: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 28206 Grading Bond Release, Bond No. K093I2444 The Grading and Erosion Control has been completed to City specifications and standards and the Bond is now ready for release. The City is unable to produce the original Bond; enclosed is a copy of the Grading Bond as follows. GradingBond-$64,000a Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, h A. Manwaring City Clerk cc: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC Enclosures MENIFEE 29844 Haun Rocrd i lMenifee, CA 92586 951-672-6777 Fax 951 679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee. us Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Subject: Watt Communities at Mosaic, LLC 2776 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 2025 Santa Monica, CA 90405 TM28206 Grading Bond Release Subject: Bond Release for Grading Bond NO. K09312444 Dear Sarah: Public Works Inspection has inspected and certified that the grading and drainage improvements associated with TM28206 Bond No. K093t2444 have been completed to a level that 100o/o Release ofthe subject bonds can be approved. This Ietter serves as Engineering's approval of releasing the subject bonds Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jonathan G. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP Director of Public Works / Cily Engineer Bill Zimmerman M.ryor Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember Dlstrict 2 Lesa A. Sobek Councrlmember District 3 Dean Deines Councilmenrber Distnct 4 Greg August Mayor Pro Tem Distr ict 1 Armando G. Villa CitY M.lrr.rger October 1, 2019