Halle Properties, LLC Bond Release Letter PP2013-244 929598111MENIFEE October 12,202t Halle Properties, LLC 20225 N. Scottsdale Road scoftsdale, Az 85255 Re: Halle Properties, LLC, City of Menifee, PP20t3-24 Bond Release, Bond No. 929598111 The landscape and irrigation for Plot Plan No. 2013-244 has been installed and maintained as required. The Planning Department has appoved the full release of the bond. Enclosed is the original bond. Maintenance Bond No. 929598111 - $64,417.00 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen Deputy City Clerk New. Better. Best. ( TO MENIFEE c ityotmenilee.us OATE: Septembe( 30, 2O2I Western Surety Company 333 5. Wabash Ave.,41-South Chicago, ll- 60604 CC:Halle Properties, LLC 20225 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255 RE: Performance Bond Release for PP 2013-244 - America's Tire Landscape and trrigation Landscape and irriBation for Plot Plan 2013-244 has been rnstalled by the applicant and approved by the City. The landscaping and irragation have been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition for the timeframe required in the agreement (12 months). Therefore, due to compliance with the Conditions of Approval, the Community Development Department approves the bond release for 564,417.00 for this project (Bond No.92959811). Please contact me at (951) 723-3740 if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Ryan F ,P ncipal Planner City of Menifee Community Development Department .l New. Better. Best.