Pacific Communities Builder, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM28790-1 757562SNew. Better. Best.(ityolmenitee.us January 24,2022 q _^nY Pacific Communities Builder, Inc. 1000 Dove Street, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Pacific Communities Builder, Inc., City of Menifee, Tract 28790-1,-2, and F Bond Release, Bond No. 7575625 The city of Menifee Planning Department has approved the full release of the bond noted above. Enclosed is the original bond. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen Deputy City Clerk Oean Dernes Mdyor Pro Tem Olst[cl 4 Bill Zimmerman Mayor 8ob Karwin Councrlm?mber Orstrrcl 1 Man Lresemayer Councrlm.mb..l Drsln(l J Lesa A. Sober Councrlmt.mb,., Dr\t,rct 3 Armando G Vrlla Crly M,rn,lqr.l MENIFEE MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 H,run Rodd Men ee. CA 9258( 951572 677:, Far 951.679 3843 RE: security Bond Release tor PP 2014-213 - Model Home complex Landscape and lrrigationfor Orchid (TR28790 - 1, -2, and F) Ja uary 12,2021 Developers Surety and lndemnity Co. PO Box 19725 lrvine, Ca 92623 Pacific Communities Build6r. lnc 1000 Dove Street, Suite 100 Newport Beach CA 92660 Please contact the Planning Division at (951) 672-6177 , rt you have questions or need additionalinformalion Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department Jessica McMillen Assislant Plann€r The City of Menifee Planning Department has completed the model home conversion inspection and thepost installation landscaping inspection for the Orchid Model Home Complex pursuant to the conditionsof approval on Plot Plan No. 2014-213 (Modet Home complex Landscaping plan)_ The requiredconversion has taken place to remove all atypical features and said lots have been riturned to single-family residences as shown in the approved final site of development plan. Therefore. due lo compliance with the conditions of approval the Planning Department approves the bond release for this pro,ect (Bond#7575625) in the amount of $31,000. cityolmenilee us Anr Ir usl Surcty ,,1 KN()U'AI I Ml:N ll\']'tllisll PRliSliN lS. lhat D€v.lop.B Surcty snd lndemnity Comp.ny lndemnlty Company of Caliiornia CorePointa ln3urance Company 17771 Corran. Surle lm . Irw)e. Calfornra 92614 . i949) 263.3300 vy*w ArnIruslsurely conl st Rul\ B()\t) Prerrriuur $49ti 00 ftJ-, PINEItURST. LLC , as principal, and OEVELOPERS ANO INOEMNITY COMPANY . a corporurion organizcd and doing husincss undcr and hy., r inue rrl thc larvs ol thc Slltc'()l lowA attd dulr liccnscrl t() conducl r gencral surcty busirrcss in the Stntc ol'Califomia as Surctv. arc hcld and firmly bound unt<r CITY OF MENIFEE as Obligcr. in lhc surl ol' THIRTY ONF THOUSANI] AND 00 I)ollani. ($ 3r,ooo.oo ) lbr uhich p ymcnl. \\cll und truly to bc rnadc. uc bitrd ounic'lvcs. our hcirs. cxqculors and succcssoru, jointly and scrcrally lirmll bv thcsc prcscnts lllIl ( ()NI)l'flON ()|'flllS OBl.lC'\TION IS SU( ll lllAI. \\'lll:RI:AS. MOOEL HOME COMPLEX AGREEMEI{I FOR TRACI NO 28790-,I. -2, ANO.F REMOVAL OF ALL MODEL HOUE SIGNAGE. REMOVAL OF PARKING LOTS CI-EAN UP OF ANY PAINTEO CURBA. REMOVAL OF SALES OFFICE, REMOVAL Of AI-L OTHER ANCILLARY ITEMS NOT INCIDENTAL OF A TYPICAL SINGLE.FAMILY RESIDENT UNIT Signcd rrnd sclrled th is t2lH .20t5 PINEHURST LLC OEVETOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY BY Po.\.1. . r'rrn('lrr lts l-Ilono HELS+I ro.,2r7 (ca) cs ?r€srDc+lT lrY MORAG A COREY []ond No. zszsozs dal of luousr STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF ch &r!15 CLACKAMAS l bebe nE LISA ANN MCCLELLAN (lEE nsed name ol nolary) persona y aweared MORAG A COREY (name$t ol Sgae4,) pe$onally known to me (or proved to ne on the basts ol salshclory evldetw) lo b the person(s) whose name(s) igarc subscnbed to the wthn insfiumenl and ad<nowledged lo m€ that hdsherhey axecuted the same in hidlatlher authoized capaciy(ies). and thal W hishernhei stgnatura(s) on the instrumenl lhe person(s), ot the enw uwn behall o! which the petsn(s) acted, exedrted he instument. WITNESS my had and otrbial seal. W CI USA oFFtctAr s€ArANI{ IC cr€LLAI{NOTASY PuEuc . oR€G0t{coMMtssloN I,lo.71ot8couMESDtrEIP'f,lE ll ?0t6 fhr: artt lor oltu ul .\',tun, S,.,tl _(sEAL) -OPTIONAL- Though the data below is not requrred by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the documsnt and could prevenl fraudulent reatlachmenl ol this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER OESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT C tr.iotvtouel D conponrre oracen TITLE OF TYPE OF OOCUMENT tl pnnrNss(s) M lrronlev.n.rlcr fl rnusree(s)! cuanotmrrcorsERvATon E orxen NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF OOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPFESENTING: SIGNEB(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE llr232 (REV 5iO9r Stgiatue_M^ D uurreo E oeruennl D6velopers Sursty And ]!ggg!y Company ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEOGEMENT POWER OF ATIORiIEY FOR OEVELOPERS SURETY AT{D INO€MNITY COMPANY INOEMNITY COMPA Y OF CALIFORNIA PO 8or 19115 IRVTNF rlA 92623 ($9r 263 3100 KNOWAIT BY IHESE PRESENIS ,la| .1660( 6 AIT.6S,Iy Vi{.d. DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INO€T*{IW CCI,PANY ..1d INOEMNITY COMPANY OF CAUFoFI.IIA do..dI lr€roDy m.ta. csrsblule and rppdnl "'Eric Enolt nd. Lisa Mc Clolhfi. Man St6lton. S.en Flinn. Blain6 D Witliamson, Morag A Coroy. rointly o. sev6rely... as tior ,ua 6nd lawful Alto.n€y(slm-F6rl. lo m.lo 6rctl. dr$va dld aclndtdgr. tr rld ot baf6f of rad dDart(,ls. .s $roto6. trddr, unddt*rBs and cont rab ol Fe6glE re hercby rrttod ano cofmled ThE Pffi oa Altrney 6 gre|t d and ls s€iad b,ldrltrl€ urda. ad by,r&dny ol h6 HorrB resdut(rls do@ Dy rlo l6f.6re 8{(b ot Ol*to! ol OEVELOPERS SUREIy At{D INDEMNITY COT PANY End lNoEII\llTY Cotf,AliY 0f CAJ-lFORillA .G.!v! .5 oI J.6us.y lsr. 2006 RESOLVED. hal a ct,nanltoo o, ly o ol UD Ciflil&! ol flo Bod h€ Plordglt. Eioattrre Vrc&Pr€{da. San6. VE&Pr&dont q any Ue proridot dtho cdro.alffs ba, lnd hal o€ch ol l16m ht60y 6. auho.Ead lo srad/16 tlr! P r ol Alidno, quarhng fio etdndy(t) namad n ho Po.r, o{ Alomay to arG)b. cn baha[ ot h6 lo a[6sl hc er€ortDo d my sud! Por!. o{ Atqlloy. R€SoLVED FURTHER.fi [tc aonat rrB ol $]dt oftc{a m,,y ba rfir.d lo $y $rdr Pdr o{&0.n6, dto'ly cgt6€h r6latE h6!b br L6lmac, rtd 'lly $d!P !. ota[dn€y or adticab boamg 3udr bali b &oodrlts lhJ ba vdd and mdng updl th€.flpo.8td! rio. so aff&d and n ttr ft r flf llsrad lo sn, bond. ud6 ,rqq cdliacl ol luGlyshp lo widr { 6 rf!&nod lN WTNESS WHEREof DEVELoPERS SURETY All0 INoEMNTIY CoITPANY tad rNDEh{'llTY COipANY OF CAIFCnNn h.w sovslly 6,r.d h6. p.6onb to b€ semd Dy tler rospadvo orfra8r3 and rltgitod by fid raap€dwe Soanady o. Ar.96bot S€cretr.y lhE J6nu.ry 29. 2015 I Daftd Yo{og S6nld Vce- Pre$denl %",trBY Mafi Lansdon. Vce- P.6sde.t C ocT s l9G7 A nolary public or other otfcer complelnq lhis certrtrcat€ verl6es only the rdenlrty of the individuat who signed the documenl to whrch this c.rlrlical€ is atLached and not th€ lrulhfulness or vehd SEb o, CCbn6 Cqrly ol Orto. o! -- J!ouq?q2ql-0- prsanrly 4poa,gd (r-,- - ...Ui4.'R$FS4d-t!Eq tuUE_ 'i.. rtlrern raorbq*. odl€l Yqrp and Maf [rBdoo,ii,.i.l d 3.tr0r f,ho polod to ma (,l tD bas6 ol s6bhdo.y 6tt&nae b bo tho ps!fi(sl rnco nm{s) 6/'{0 arblaraad lo h€ nllxn mhrEnt and adnollodgGd b me lhrl llcldlo UE, erertad ha !106 n l!6/ir/UEr auhoriEd r4-O(!a). and ,!!t by t's,hsiier egn.llrqs) or he mll[Ildtl 0r. pr!q{!). d ho rltly upo.r bahal ol ridt tra pa.sdrls) adcd. oroorEd trr6 nEtruftlilLUCLtt Mttlo Cor nrrrlm r 20tl9al tlotlry Pu c. Cli(nlt 0rriga Corxtty I csfy drdr PEMI-TY 0F PER URY 'rnd€. tr lns ol [,lc 9{. d Cdt n'! h, 0|. t .!oq parqr+h r ttl. 'ld csYacl Comm WITNESS m, h,td and offoal saal Pbce llol,ary SoarAbove Sgnaure tlolary Pubic CERTIFICATE Ths Co.tlrcale ,! ere.!l.d n ho Ct/ ol lrvlne Cal'lo.n'a hG l2h d8y ol Algust Tho undrsgn€d a6 S.qday., A.st$rtl Socd&y oa oEVEIoPERS SURETY Al.l0 lNo€l,ifil1Y CoiIPANY q |No€MNITY Col.PA]lY OF CAJ-lF0Rt'llA, do6 lto.d, calry hll hs b€gdng Ponrr o{ I{tornE rar|trnr n tull toaa r]d irs rd bdr r.rd(.d and. fudne.moe hi t|e Fffiro.ra oa [.4 radutms o{ ho tEa@,,9 Bo.rd. ot o{d.,s oI 3ad cdpoadq|s ssl lq$ f.^e P*et ol Alldncy ta n ldce ,s d li\6 &lo ol ih6 Cartllcats By 0ais€ J l0-1 3E01Rqv 0l l'5 ) fi*Mn 2015 ;/t"/-r'ffi \Q,, l;;l "981\*-,, ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual ' who signed the document to which this certilicate ls ] attached, and not the truthfulness. accuracy. or valid r of that document State of California County of Orange ) on August 14,2015 before me.Rebecca Ngai, Notary Public personally appeared Nelson Chung who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personG whose namero is/a?e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shcJttrcl executed the same in hislh€r*h€* authorized capacity(iee). and that by his/h€rlth€tr signature(€) on the instrument the person(€), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(€') acted, executed the inslrument I certafy under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offrcaal seal , nnl tntm llllllllllllullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll = ^ RESECCAM xGAl = ffi;h, coGrrritlbn , 2055290lffi *"x,ll:fi,lril""'' = \tZ M, ge,n6 51irro Jlr 30. zol8 innrruttuttrttttttttttttuttrttttttrrrrrr rrrtrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlrrrrrrrrrlt l (Seal)Sagnature (insert name and title of the of{icer)