Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Reduction Letter TM31098 30082943MENIFEE ?9844 Hdun Ro.rcr M-"n fee. CA 92586 951 612 6777 Fnx 951 679.38'13 New. Better. Best.cityotmenitee.us November 21, 2022 Lennar Homes of California Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Road, Suite 302 Corona, Ca 92879 RE: Lennar Homes ofCalifornia, City of Menifee, TM No. 31098 Partial Bond Release, Bond No. 30082943 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a 50o/o release of the Faithful Performance Bond for TM No. 31098, based on all conditions being satisfied. Faithful Performance Bond No.30082943 will be reduced from $12,370,000 to $6,185,000 based on the approved 500/o release. Below you will find the tentative schedule ofrelease for Bond No. 30082943: Enclosed is a copy of the original bond for your reference. Please note, the Material and Labor Bond will be fully released per standard City policy 90 days after acceptance ofpublic improvements. Sin relv' i lar M ment Analyst, Ciry Clerk's Office Matt Liesemeyer (lounailnr''rlrlJi l Dr,;tflct 2 Armando G. Villa L'ily Mnrr,rilar 30082943 [Faithful Performance Bond)$12,370,000 $6,185,000 30082943 (Materials & Labor Bond)$6,185,000 $6,185,000 Bill Zimmerman Il, ry( )r Dean Deines lvlnyor l'ro fEIrr L)rltri.l 4 Bob Karwin Cirflncrlr)rt rrl)r'r Drslllcl 1 Less A. Sobek Coun( ilrrrr'nri)ar Drstr (l f Original Bontl Arnotrtt Relea secl ArnoLrnt $6, l85,000 Re lea se Datc rt/21/22 Bond No.Bond Amotrnt being withcld II MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road I Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6777 I Fax 951-679'3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee.us November 17, 2022 Kay Vinson Acting City Clerk City of Menifee RE: 50% Faithful Performance Bond Reduction for Tract Map No. 3'1098 Dear Kay, Applicant (Lennar Homes) has requested a 50% release of their faithful performance bonds for TM 31098. Lennar has remitted all fees/deposits required to process this request. The p@ect manager has confirmed that improvements have been completed at a level that warrants a partial bond release and has approved a 50% release of the faithful performance bond. Material and labor bond will be released per City policy following full acceptance of the public improvements. Original lmprovement Bonds for Tract Map No. 31098 Please mail bond reduction letter to:Please email bond reduction letter to: Lennar Homes of California Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Road, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 lf you have any questions, please contact Kris Jensen. Sincerely, kiensen@citvofmenifee.us crobinson@citvofmenifee. us Brvce.fleminq@lennar.com danabieber@cox.net 'J DanieI Deputy hu Padilla, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Streets/Drainage 30082943 $ 9,810,500 $ 4,905,250 Water System 30082943 $ 931,500 $ 465,750 Recycled Water System 30082943 $ 486,s00 $ 243,250 Sewer System 30082943 $ 1 ,141 ,soo $ 570,750 Total:$ 6,185,000 Faithful Performance (Original Amount) Faithful Performance (50% Reduction)lmprovement Security $ 12,370,000 CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERlNG OEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BONDS Xgona Reduclion, $710 Fee + Oeposit determined by staff (1 set ot spproved plans required) tr Bond Replacement, $7'10 Fee + Oeposit determined by staff (1 set of approved plansrequired) o Bond Release, $710 Fee + Oeposat delermined by staff Ulr-ef.Eclllsi tr Grading E Monument UV Landscape Sewer .( Steet lmprovement Xw"tt r L CALL- M€SA - Prorect Description:5o oNo a TracUParceuGrading/l mprovement No -7R. zto18 Bond Number* ioog zlqb Name of Grmer:Lefl y14r a€Ca.li.$rn\a- signatue.@enone *: uarting eaorcs{:Wrxnu q5t mber: C.o.r,nz. & Name of Applica Authorized Signature Mailing Address Email ce Contact.ce uL r,Cn-Y-) r o€ ne #:Gsr)S t1->55.4 AX number: Cor'anacA qzg71 Email Address: FINAL INSPECTION BY:APPROVAL OATE SIGNATURE b r'a ct .8 lerni raO len n a r, OJTV\ ./ 29844 Haun Road - MeniG€, CA 92586 - phon€ (95i) 672677, - lax (S51) 67&38't3 $ENIFEI I 5t068020