CADO Garbani LLC Bond Release Letter 28206-2 SU1102671Wallace W. Edgerton Moyor Fred Twyman Vice Moyor John V. Denver Councllmember Darcy Kuenzi Counciimember Thomas Fuhrman councilmember 297r4 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Phone 951 .672.6777 ,ax 951.679.)84) www.cityofmeni{ee.us CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT January 12,2O11 City Clerk City of Menifee 297'14 Huan Road Menifee, CA 92586 RE: Tract 28206-2 - 100% Release of Security Developer: CADO Garbani LLC Surety: Arch lnsurance Company Dear Madam On August 19, 2009, the City entered into agreements with CADO Garbani LLC, successors to Zikakis Asset Management, LLC and Capstone Asset Management, lnc for the improvement of streets and drainage, the installation of a water and sewer system, and placement of subdivision monuments within the above referenced subdivision. Accompanying these agreements were Fatthful Performance securities and Material and Labor securities posted by Arch lnsurance Company as follows: Faithful Performance $618,000 - Bond #SU1 102671 for the completion of street improvements $210,000 - Bond #SU1102671 for the completion of the water system $220,000 - Bond #SU'1 10267'1 for the completion of the sewer system $40,800 - Bond #SU1 102670 for subdivision monument bond Material and Labor $309,000 - Bond #SU'l 102671 for the completion of street improvements $105,000 - Bond #SU'l 102671 forthe completion of the water system $1 10,000 - Bond #SU1102671 forthe completion of the sewer system The required bonds and agreements were executed on November't8, 2010 by Beazer Homes Holding Corp. and accepted by City Council on December 21, 20'10. The full amount of the faithful performance securities are hereby released at this time, as provided by Ordinance 460, Section 17.1 (l): Sincerely, Don Allison, P.E. City Engineer / Director of Public Works City of Menifee, Engineering Department Cc: File Wallace w' Edgerton MaYor Fred Twyman Vice Moyor John v. Denver Councilmember Darcy Kuenzi councilmember Thomas Fuhrman councilmember 29714 Haun Road Menifee, cA 92586 Phone 9r1.672.6n7 Fax 951.679.1843 www.cityofmenifee.us CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT January 12, 2011 Justin Bert CADO Garbani LLC 1545 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA, 92008 RE: 100% Release of Securities for Tract 28206-2 Dear Justin Bert, Replacement securities and agreements have been posted and executed with the City of Menifee by Beazer Homes Holdings Corp. Therefore, please find attached a copy of the 100% security release for Faithful Performance and Material and Labor. Sincerely, Don Allison, P.E. City Engineer / Director of Public Works City of Menifee, Engineering Department Attachment Cc: File .::rlr=, lf you have any questions regarding this conclusion, please contact the Don Allison, Engineering Department al 951 -672-6777. D*@*-