Prime Time Bond Release Letter PP1137 GP20-021MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951 672-6177 Far 951.679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee.us )uly 22,2022 @COPY Re: Prime Time, David Hernandez, City of Menifee, Parcel Map 11237 Gp20-02t Cash Bond Release The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the full release of the bond noted above. A check will be mailed by our Finance Department on July 29,2022. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen Acting City Clerk Matt Liesemeyer Cour'crlrnenli)er Drsircl 2 Bill Zimmerman lv].ty,)r Dean Deines M ryor Pro 'lPnl Drsl,rcl 4 Bob Karwin Lesa A. Sobek ao(l ncr;n)i,|]tti.r llsir ia( J Armando G. Villa CrlY ivlartaq,.r Prime Time Attn: David Hernandez 1092 lohns Road Perris, CA 92571 MENIFEE 29844 Hdun Road Menrfee, CA 92586 951 672.6777 Fax 951 679 3843 New Better. Best.cityotmenifee.us Jtne 16,2022 Stephanie Roseen Acting City Clerk City of Menifee Subject: Bond Release for Parcel Map 11237 (GP 20-0211 Dear Stephanie: Applicant David Hernandez has requested a full release of their cash bond for Grading associated with Parcel Map 11237. The Project Manager has reviewed and approved the release. The cash bond information is listed below. PM 1t237 (GP 20-0211: Please contact fennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions. Sincerelv,s Nick Fidler, PE Public Works Director Grading Cash Bond $11,500 N/A Total $11,s00 Improvement Labor and MaterialsSecurityFaithtul Performance 275 t6-fi39i3220 0 I $t,a; ooa6 A r:lleO?Bl8 I,01011. to the /: F&A FEOEf,,/IL CBEDTT UI{IOI{ 2e!25 CqDorare "l@, Moterey Pdt, ca 91 754,76a5 J! for MENIFEE New. Better. Best. C j-ty of Menifee Front Count6r2984{ Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6"t77 002609-0008 Maritsa R 12/L0/2A2A 09:39AM MISC RECEIPTS Palrment Tran Code: DEVELOPER SCE,/ PERMIT DEPOSITS ( devdep)Descrlption: CASH IN LIEU DEPOSIT GP2 O- 021 DEVELOPER S CE,/ PERMIT DEPOSITS ( devdep 12A2l Item: devdep DEVELoPER scE,/ PERMI T DEPOSITS (devdep )11.s00.00 11 ,500 . 0o 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 Subtotal Total CHECK Check Number 2'7 5 Change due Paid by: PRIME T IME 0.00 Thank you for your palrment CUSTOMER COPY CITY OF MENIFEE REQUEST FOR CHECK Vendor Name: Prime Time, David Hemandez Date:711912022 Address: '1092 Johns Road City, State, ZIP: Penis, CA 92571 Date Check Required: NEXT cHEcK RUN DESCRIPTION AIVIOUNT General Plan Deposit GP 20-021 PM 11237 u11o( dn{souP ^^EN teL %sc5 City of Menifee Fina nce "iU I ,j ?0?.? Received Additional Notes: Please provide copy of check to City Clerk Department SUBTOTAL:$ 11,500.00 SALES TAX:$ Other Total:$ 1 1,500.00 REQUESTOR: Emily Grisenti VENDORNO: 00474-2388 DEPT. HEAD: Stephanle Roseen ACCOUNTNO: 100-4113-52805 FINANCE: G]TY MANAGER: AMT: $ 11,500.00 $1 1,500.00 MENIFEE New. Better. Best. lune 15,2022 Stephanie Roseen Acting City CIerk City of Menifee PM 77237 (cP 20-021J: Please contact Jennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions. S Nick Fidler, PE Public Works Director 29844 Hnun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951-672 6?77 Fax 951 679 3843 COPY Subject: Bond Release for Parcel Map tLZ37 (Cp 20-021J Dear Stephanie: Applicant David Hernandez has requested a full release of their cash bond for Grading associatedwith Parcel Map 77237. The Project Manager has reviewed and approved the release. The cashbond information is listed below. c Grading Cash Bond $11,500 N/A Total $11,s00 Faithful Performancelmprovement cityoJmenilee.us Labor and MaterialsSecurity