Newhawk, LLC Bond Release Letter PP2017-168 4416822MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrtee. CA 92586 951-672 6777 Fax 951-679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.us January 9,2020 Canyon Crest Insurance Services Linda Meinzer 5051 Canyon Crest Dr. #104 Riverside, CA 92507 Re: Newhawk LLC, City of Menifee, PP2017-168 Release of Landscape Improvement Bond, Bond No. 4416822 To whom it may concern; Per the City of Menifee, Planning Department, the landscaping and irrigation improvements have been maintained to City specifications and standards and the bonds are now ready for release. Enclosed is the original bond. Landscape Improvement Bond - 945,698.95 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ring cc: Newhawk, LLC Enclosure A, Clerk MENIFEE January 6, 2020 Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Develop 29844 Haun Road I Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6777 I Fax 951-679'3843 cityofmenitee.us DATE: TO: CC: CC:ment Director FROM:Christina M. Bustamante, Associate Planner RE:Bond Release for Planning Case PP20l7-168 Onsite Landscape and lrrigation for "Auto Service Building" Planning App No. Applicant Name: Surety Name: Bond/CD No.: Bond Amount: Other: 2017-168 Onsite Landscape and lrrigation for "Auto Service Building" Newhawk LLC SureTec lnsurance Company 4416822 $45,698.95 Proiect Description Plot Plan No. 2017-168 is hereby approved for the on-site landscape and irrigation (working drawings), including a variety of trees, shrubs and ground cover, for a total landscaped area of 6,777 square feet for an auto service building located at the southwest corner of Newport Road and Winter Hawk Road (APN 360-020-031). The landscape plans were conceptually approved under Conditional Use Permit No. 2015-1 57. Attachments: Release Bond/Bond Agreement Form Landscape Agreement Greg Augusl Mayor Pro Tem District I Bill Zimme.mon Mayor Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember Distrct 2 Lesa A. Sobek Councrlmember Districl 3 Deen Deines Councilmember Dislrict 4 Armando G. Villa City Manager New. Better. Best. MENIFEE New. Better. Best.cityofmenilee.us January 6, 2020 SureTec lnsurance Company 3131 Camino Dol Rio N Suite 1450 San Diego, CA 92108 GC: Linda Xleizer Canyon Crest lnsurance Services 5051 Canyon Crest Dr. #104 Riverside, CA 92507 CC: Newhawk LLC PO Box 1171 Corona Del f,lar, GA 92625 The City of Menifee Planning Division has completed the inatial inspection and twelve month post landscape installation inspection for the Onsite Landscape and lrrigation for "Auto Service Building" pursuant to the conditions of approval on Plot Plan No. 2017-168 (Landscape Plan). The landscaping and inigation have been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition. Therefore, due to compliance with the conditions of approval the Planning Division approves the bond release for this project (Bond # 4416822). This is a release of the bond for $45,698.95 that was the amount for the entire bond including the portion for the 1-Year Establishment and Maintenance. Please contact the Planning Division at 951-672-6777, if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department Christina M. Bustamante, Associate Planner t Brll Zimmerman Greg August Dean Oernes 29844 Haun Roacl Menrlee. CA 92586 951.672-6777 Fax 951-679.3843 RE: Security Release for PP 2017-168 Onsite Landscape and lrrigation for an Auto Ssrvice Building occupied by "Good Yoar Tire" - Bond No. 4116822 Matt Liesemeyer Councrlmember Drstnct 2 Lesa A. Sobek Councrlmembe Drstrl.l 3 Armando G. Villa Crty Mdnaqer