Beshay & Fong Properties, LLC Cash Bond PLN2018-184 518733Show Receipt Detail RECEIPT City of Menifee l\,lENlFEE 29714 HAUN RD, lilenifee, CA 92586 Page I of 2 rppttcation: 2018-184 Applic.tion rypo: Planning/Application/Design RevieMNA raars*: MENIFEE CA Roc€ipt Io. Paym€nr Method Check 518733 Ref Numb3r P.ymont Oats 01t16t2019 R€ceived Comments $35,425 00 Beshay Fong Properties 41760 lvy Street #G521 l\4urrieta. CA CaBhier lD V\AA/ELCH https://av.accela.com/portlets/fee/receiptView.do?mode-view&receiptnbr-518734&modul..I fi712019 work Doscription: Landscaping for Jack in the Box at Moall and Sun City blvd