Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider 015050556 TM5190100Liberty Mutual Surety SURETY RIDER NO. 1 To be attached to and form a part of: BOND NO. TM5190100/015050ss6 Type of Bond: Subdivision Bond (Performance and Labor & Materiall Oate Effective: May 6th,2016 Executed by: Sutter Mltland 0t UC, as Principal, and by: Llbcrty Mutual lnsurance Company, as Surety, in favor of the CltY of Menlfee (Obligee) in consideration of the mutual a8reements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing the bond amount: FROM: S6,842,qP.m (Performancel 53,421,0@.00 (tabor & Materlal) TO: S3,421,fi10.(x) (Performance! S1,710,500.@ (Labor & Materlal) Nothin8 herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision of condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated. This rider is effective: April 86, 2019 Signed and Sealed: April 26s , 20f9 Sutter LibertyMutuil ,I q By (Principal) DAVID E. BARTLETT Vice Presldent Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company By aenedrct J Member of Liberty Mutual Group lndivldual Acknowledgment State of County ol On this day ot_, 20_, belore me personally came to me known. and known to me to be the individual in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same. My commission expires_ Notary Public On the _ day of _, _ belore me personally came to me known; who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she/they reside(s) in that he/she/they is (are) the oI the , the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he/she/they know(s) the seal of said corporation; that the seal aflixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so afflxed by authority of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he/she/they signed his/her/their name(s) thereto by liko authority. Notary Public Surety Acknowledgment State ol New York County ol Westchestel On the 26th day of April. 2019 personally came Benedict J. Tockarshewsky to me known , who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that h6/she is an Attorney-in-Fact ol Llbertv Mutual lnsurance Companv in and which executed the above lnstrument know(s) the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that he/she/they signed the said instrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney-in-fact by authority ol the Board of Directors of said corporation and by authority oJ this otfice under the standing resolution thereof. TAMEilAIfiIMi Mv commission eElgIAg RJBE SIAIE tr i$Yl0tr(lr,UIM- coMMtsstNEPtREt(Ds2@t )yr*-Q Corporation Acknowledgment State of _ County ol My commission expires Notary Public SU R ETY XTIOWN AtL PERSOT{S BY THESE PnESENTS: T}aI The Lib€rty I!fulual hsurance Cornp6ny is 6 cdpolation d'Jy oeelllad under trl€ lars ol be Stale ol Massadrus€G, andhe lass o, he State d lndlena iher.h cdiatvrt ciLd h€ 'Companra6J, pursrant to and by arhoaity herein Thir Porfi d Attom.y llmtt3 ti..ct ot tho.. n.mod h6rsin, and they h.vo no ruthority to blnd tha Company arcaptln thommnar.nd to th€ extenthrrain atrted. Uborty Mutual lnsurance Company Ihe Ohio Casuatty lnsuranco Company Wesl American lnsurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY Oib Casualty ln$ranc6 Co.npany 's a corporatEn ddy Cetuficaie No. al 97884-01 fro91 oagaized !nd€. he la*s ol ho Stae ol N€{ HampshiB, tltat Libcrtl,Mutuil Wesl Ar1€.ran lnsuance Cornpany 6 a cqporauon duty oBaolzd sel torh does hs*ry nrn€. consiub and aggont. wi iJm t)llaasi B€mdi('t,. Ii)ckrEho*sk r Marnic Cilrshur8: D.ncsc TiomFqtn allol6e NY ed1 hdi/dually, here be more trat one naneO, rb We rnd l€wIulatlomeyin lact to male as rrw d c ts eat ,{ d€od, any and atr und€rtahms, bqxb, reca{flzances and other swety ourqalions in p!6uance of hese pr€senls and siall be as bindir! upon $o Cdrlprios as 'f hey iava boair dt y s€n€d by he prssidod arld attested by he socrehry ol he Coinpanles in hef ortl prorer lx vtlltlEss lvHEREoF, hb Pfftl of ,\ftarby ha. baan *asaraad b, gl adb.Eod ofi.a( o. orfcid o, he conpr.i€s and he crpord[€ s€ds of he comprai6 hrvo bo€n afixodhe(€totts 2nd day ol Nov.mhc, 20lE L6sty lttJlual lnsura.ce Co.rpany Tle Ohro Casualv lnsuraace Conpany Wesl Ameocrn lnsLrrance Colnp8ny By Davd M Ca.ey. Assislanl Secrelary SIaIe oI PENNSYLVANIA County oI iTONTGoMERY 0n[lls 2-!ld -dayol N,,vSmlEr 2lrl,l b€lore m! p€.sonally app€ar€d Or d M. CarE. $itD aclnowlodSed hmso[ to bo fte Assistant Secxetary of Ltboiy Mutue nsurance boffin conhined by srgniog on bohal, of ,Ie coFordloos by himsetl as a duly Eu$oflzed dticer lN WTNESS WHEREOF, I ha!€ h6,eunlo subscribod my nall16 end afu€d my notarial seal at King ol Prussra. Pennsytuania on lh€ day and yea first above writen coxlorrlrE^lrH oF PElJl{sYlvaNrA /-fih/-By [-inr ,lErrdAeb.?rbltt Thb Porer ol Attom€, ls fi1sde and 6r.cutad ptrsudrt h rd by afiodily of ha loloifig +l6rs ad Auh.nzatms ot Thc Oho Casuelty ln$rrance Cornpanr, Liborty ti,|rtuatln$r c3 Compaly, and W€st &flnc l llrsllrsEe Co p'ly rhi,l Gadr{irB n6 rfr in fuX ldco '1d Efed eading e htows: ARTICLE lV-OFFTER3| S.clon 12. Pmr o( A[om.y. Any onaor (r otl€t oficid ol tl6 Coapoaatdr arfircizad to. 6al pr4osa ir rtling by ha Chiim or he Plesiront. and $0toc-t to suai limhtian as ho Ch:im d ho inclulnclE shal ba as bfiring as litrEd by 0|! Pr6irant rld s[tabd b by h0 S€selzy. Any pffi o. aJtlbrity 9rdt6d to ary rep.osanhtivo or afomey.h-lad unds tte pto,isrds d his ttd. rEy ba rtrofad d try tilll. by ,E Bord. h. Ch*nfi, [E Presidanl o. by he rlicer or ofrcsrs grg|tng $JCfi pffi or auho.ity AiIlCLE Xlll - &.cutloo o, Coitn t : Soclih 5 Su.ty Bdds 'td Und€rl,dr0s. sha] appont sudr atoaneygn{*1, 6 ntt, ba ndrssry b d n bahel ol tr CofiTany h mate, ercqrE, seal, acin lodge dld div€r 6 su€ty any and a undarlrli4s. b{nG, ccogdzaicas sd oh{ sl,I*, oui}tixu. Srrdr ddnoygi}hct $SFd h h6liryllalrd|s lct [o.tr n trci ro.eectiyc pd.rs ol atomsr, shrll hwe full poi,lr to bnd he Cmperv by ha, sinat lr ad cradion d Jly sJdr inrtun8lB ard b .tach hereto ho ssal of he Canpany. lthen so ereaied 9rd1 n3!l,m6B shal be as brndhg 6 rl ggned by he prssidarl and aiosbd by h6 s6qttr.y. o0liJ ins. Cdryw. xlterEvr 40a6rnf upoo a 6lrhd cooy ol fiy poy.r oa drl.y Eru6d by t'. Cmpaiy in cfin*lioo rih suety bods. shd be valid and bhdup upoo f16 Comprxly st1 he srie brcr dd €flgd 6 hough marud, dfuod. h€reby csli{y tDt tl€ drgrnd psr( ol atocray o{ rt ah he ldEEirg i! a lirt, !u6 rld cdracl @py d h6 Poxs ol Atl.lnq erecuted by sdd Compadas. is h fu[ Ifice ad o,lccl and h6 not b€on rovolod lN TESTIm Y WHEREoF, I ha/o h6r.ualo sat my hald ,M afird fle sesfs d saii Cd0pdrjes hB 26th day ol Apdl 2(l19 1912:r 9'19 1991 s T 6 o_t- i! r.rJ PE EE 9e O-o .aQ. :a G4 ex E9 oQ o .FiiE96' p* 6>6g -!, 3U do car PE9E tr- o(l oiz6 1912I 1919 LMS.I 2373 LM|C OC1C WAIC Mulr' CO O6mr 3 By: 1991 w Libcrtv*".lxll Asscts LIBERTY MUTUAI INSURANCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMETTT. DECEMBER ]t, 20It Lhb lrlcs t464,34t,7 t2 2,259,7 t 4,810 I t.864,776.740 16.521,115.226 255.t09.551 5.8t 7.927,234 t08. t_19,840 I r,532,139,744 Uncorncd Prcmiurns...... ... S7,E51,429,r149 Rcs€rvc for Claims snd Claims Expcnsc................- Funds Held Ljnd.rRcinsuranceTrearics................. J84.795,127 Ra$ervc for Di! idcnds lo Policyholdcrs.,................ I , I I I ,529 AdditioDslStaNloryRcs€rvc....------.-......... 62,866,000 Rescrv€ for Conunissions. T&tca snd Othcr Lirbilities............ 3,999.822,802 Toid --.------------.-..,......,.,..........-.....,.... S32J55,214J07 Spccial Surplus Funds................. $43,108.583 CspitalStock.........-.-....-.............. 10,O0O,000 Paid in Surplus............................ 10.044,912,727 Unsssigned Sue1us.............-....... 6.267.309, I 39 Surplur to Pollcyholdcn 16J65,330,{49'I-or3l Admirred Arsc1s......,.,..,......................... $41^El0l6{-E5r 'I otal l,irbiliti.s end Surp1us.,...,........................., q&ElXJ4!*E56 r llonds arc sralcd at amo(izcd or investment value: Slocks at Alsociarion Market Valucs. Thc forcSoing financial irlbrmation is takcn fro l Libcrty Mutusl lnsurancc Comp0ny's tinencial slalcmcnt filcd wilh rhc statc ofl\,rassachuscrts Dcpanmcnt oflnsurance. I. nM MIKOL JEWSKI. Assistant Sccrclary o[ Libcny Mutual hsurance Company, do h.rcby certiry thst thc forcgoing is a lruc. and corrcct slalcmcnl oflhc Assets end Liabilitics ot said Corporation. as of Decembcr 31.20 t8. to the best ofmy kno*ledge and bclicf. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hrvc hcreuro sct nry hand.rd aflircd the scal ofsaid Corporation st Scanle. Washingh . rhis 22 day ofMrrch. 2019. Assisl4nt Secretary