Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Subdivision Monument TM36485-1 929630702ENIF I7 SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) Tract Map No Bond No. 36485-1 929630702 Surety Premium $ 359 City/State Chicaqo, lL City/State Costa Mesa. CA zip 60604 zip 92626 Phone (416)542-7402 Phone That, Sutter Mitland 01 LLC , subdivider, as principal,and Continental Casualty Company , a corporation, as surety, are hereby jointly and severally bound to pay to the City of Menifee the sum of Sixtv Three Thousand and no/100, Dollars, $ 63.000.00 . The condition of this obligation is that, whereas the subdivider, as a condition of the filing of the final map of Tract 36485-1 , entered into an agreement with the City of Menifee to set Survey lVlonuments and Tie Points in said tract and furnish Tie Notes therefore and to pay the engineer or surveyor performing the work, in full, within 30 days after completion. NOW, THEREFORE, if the subdivider shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original tern thereof, or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the City of Menifee, with orwithout notice to the surety, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenivise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. Surety Continental Casualtv Companv Principal Sutter Mitland 01 LLC Address 333 S. Wabash Avenue, 41't Floor Address 3200 Park Center Drive. Suite '1000 (714\ 200-1609 SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND NAME OF PRINCIPAL:Sutter Mltland 01 LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By: Name: Oc.rc fur+lelFTitle: rJ rtc Przs i8o't (rF coRPoRATlON, AFFrX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY:Continental Casua Com n AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: uis A., Attomey-in-Fact (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on Mav 6th 2016 POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTINC INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT Ktrow All Men By These Presents, That Continental Casualty Company. ar Illinois insuance compaDy, National Fire lnsurance Company of Hanford, an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company ofl{eading, Pennsylvalia, a Pennsylvania insurance company (herein called "the CNA Companies"), are duly organized and existing insurance companies having their principal oIfices in the City ofChicago, and State oflllinois, and tlat thcy do by virtue ofthc signaturcs and scals hereifl aftixcd hcreby makc, constitute and appoint Paul A. Kitchell, Thelma D. Dulay, Lindsay Machacel! Patrick R. Diebel, Luis A. Espinoza, Individually ofSan Francisco, CA, their true and la*fiil Aftomey(s)-in-Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute for and on their behalfbonds, undertakings amd other obligatory instruments of similar nature - In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind them thsroby as fully and to the same cxtcnt as ifsuch instrumsnts were sigrred by a duly authorized ollicer oftheir insurance companies and all the acts ofsaid Attomey, purcuart to the authority hereby given is hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attomey is made and executed puNuant to and by authority ofthe By-Law and Resolutions, printed on the reverse hsreot duly adopted, as indicated, by the Boards of Dircctors of thc insurance companies. Itr Wittress Whereof, the CNA Companies have causd these prcsents to be signed by their Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 5th day of August, 2015, Continental Casualty Company National Fire Insurance Company ofHartford American ty Company of g, Pemsylvania Paul T. Bruflat President State of South Dakota, County ofMinnehaha, ss: On this 5th day ofAugust,2015, before me personally came Paul'l'. Bruflat to me known, who, being by me duly swom, did depose and say: that he resides in dre City of Sioux Falls, State of South Dakota; that he is a Vice Presidsnt ofcontinental Casualty Company, an lllinois insumnce company, National Firc lnsurance Company of Hartford, an Illinois insurance cofipa.y, and American Casualty Company ofReading, Pornsylvani4 a Pennsylvaria insurance company described in and which executcd the abovc instrument; that he knows the seals ofsaid insurance companics; that tha seals af{ixed k) the said insfument are such corporate sealsi that they were so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards ofDirectors ofsaid insurance companies and that he signed his narne thcreto pursuant to like authodty, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said insurance companics. +$rilt$$$+$r\rbrrir.| My Commission Expires February 12, 2021 S. Eich No Public CERTIFTCATE I, D. Bult, Assistant Secrctary ofContinental Casualty Company, an Illinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartfod, an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company ofReading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company do hereby certili that the Powcr of Attomcy herein above set forth is still in force, and further certiry that thc By-Law and Resoh.rtion of the Boad of Directors ofthc insurance companies printed on the reverse hereofis still in force. [n testimony whcrcof I have hereunto subscrjbed my name and affixed the seal ofthe said insurance companies this 6'h +iiii6$15$i*$6rrhr + im*m,fifi,flrmi r$'otr ./uLY ,tslSEAL , E97 SEAL 1897 \$m?oqraa ]ULY II. t9!2 Form F6853-4/2012 dav ofMav. 2016.6'yl # qlqfi|?^ D. Bult Assistant cretary Continental Casualty Company National Fte lnsurance Company of Hartford American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania \ Authorizing By-Laws and Resolutions ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY This Power of Attomey is made and executed pusuant to and by authority of the following resolutiofl duly adopted by the Board of Directots of the Company at a meeting held on May 12, 1995i "RESOLVED| That any Senior or Gmup Vice President may authorize an offic€r to sign specific docurnents, agreements and instrummts on behalf of the Company provid€d thst the name of such authorized officer and a description of the documents, agteements or insfium€nts that such oflic€r may sign will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary ofthe Company pior to such execution becoming effective." This Power of Attomey is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice Prosid€nt, who has b€€n autborized pu6uaDt to the abov€ rcsolution to €xecute powq of attomeys on behalf of Coutinental Casualty Company. This Power of Attomey is signed ard sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by uoarumous writlefl consent dated th€ 256 day of Aprit, 2012: "Wiereas, the bylaws of the Company or specific rcsolution ofthe Board of Directon has authorized various officers (the "Authorized Officerc")to exe.ute various policies, bonds. mdertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and mereas, from time to timc, the signature of the Authorized Omcers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy forrnat, may be provided via lacsimile or otherwise in an electromc format (collectively, "Electronic Slgllatur€s"); Now thercfore be it resolved: that the Electronic Sig&ture of any Authoriz€d Officer shall bc valid and binding on thc Company. ' ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF D]RECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRE INS1JRANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD This Power of Attomey is made and executed pusuant to aid by authority oI the followirE resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of thc Company by unanimous wntten consent dated May 10. 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Senior or Croup Vice President may authorizc an officer to sign specific documents, agreemmts and instruments on behalf of the Compa[y provided that the name of such authorized officcr ard a description of the docume s, agreements or ilstrume s that such officer may sign will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice Prcsident to the Se.retary ol the Company pnor to such execution becornilg effective." This Power of Attomey is sigDed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized puNuant to th€ abov€ resolution to ex€cute power of attomeys on behalf of National Fir€ Iffumnce Company of Hartford. This Power of Attomey is signed aod sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of DirectoN of the Company by uunimous written conserlt dated the 256 day of April, 2012: "wlere3s. the bylaws ofthe Company or speaific resolution ofthe Board of DirectoN has authorized various officeN (the "Authorized OfficeN")to execute various policies, boDds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like natur€; and Whereas, from time to time, th€ signature of the Authorized Ofiicers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy format, may be prcvided via facsimile or otherwise in ar electronic forlrDt (collectively, "Electronic Signatures"); Now thercfore be it resolved: thal the Electronic Signature of any Authorized Oflicer shall be valid and binding on the Company. ' ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READINC, PENNSYLVANTA This Power of Attomey is made and executed pusuant to and by authority ofthe followi[g resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written cons€nt dat€d May 10, 1995: "RESOLVED: That any Senior or G(oup Vice President nay authorize an officer to sign specific documents, agreements and instrummts on behalf of the Company provided that the name of such authorized officer and a description of the docurnents, agrcements or instrumerts that such officer may sign will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary of the Company prior to such exeoution becoming effective." This Power of Atromcy is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has bem authorized puNuant to the above resolution to exccute power of attomeys on behall of Aherican Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania. This Power of Altomey is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority ol thc following Resolulion adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated the 25e day of April, 20 | 2: "whereas, the bylaws of the Company or specific resolution ofthe Board of DirectoN has authorized various officeE (the "Authorized Officers")to execute various policies, bonals, undeftakings and other obligatory irlstrummts of like nature; and Wlereas, from time to time, the signaturc of the Authorized Officen, in addition to being provided in original, hald copy format, may be provided via facsimile or ofierwise in an electronic lomEt (coll€clively, "Electmnic Signaturcs"); Now thercfore be it resolved: that the Elertronic Signature of any Authoriz€d Officer shall be valid and binding on the Compaly. " CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT Civil CodeS1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document lo which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Californ ia County of On San Francisco May 6, 20'16 before me,Thelma D. Dulav. Nota Public Datr. personally appeared Herc lnsen Name and Title of the Officer Luis A. Espinoza NAME(5) Of STCNER(5) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal Coltnttlfi , 2t?CO,ilolr,ftatc. C lo,lilt8I| hllclrco Colnty rV\-b- SICNATURE OF NOTARY PUETIC OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. CAPACIry CLAIMED BY SICNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT (-) INDIVIDUAL (-) CORPORATE OFFICER (-) PARTNER(S) (-) CENERAL (-) LIMITED l,) OTHER S'GNfR'S REPRESINI'NC: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) Subdivision Monument Bond/Ciry of Menifee For Sutter Mitland 01 , LLC/Bond #929630702 TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT one Pase (1) NUMBER OF PAGES Mav 6, 2016 DATE OF DOCUMENT No Other SignersContinental Casualty Co G-107 426- MDANV SICNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE Lx ) ATTORNEY-IN-FACT L) TRUSTEE(S) L) CUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR CALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGM ENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of .. ) On ,tv eared before me,\d,vr personally app who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(i9s), and that by his/her/their signature(F) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. ANNE r,tARlE ASCHIERIS WTNESS my hand and official seal cor,r, #2123484 f*rtla, Pubfc-ClHo.fita ORAMTE COUiTY My Coltl!. ErO ArG 11,20ls 6rl nro Notary Public Signature (Nolary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCU[,4ENT Oi e or desanpton of atlached doar.rment) (tite or des.riplior of atbded documeol conlinued) Number ol Pages _ Document Date_ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Thislord conplies *ith cufte Al{omia sbrures rega ihE tbtary wotdthg ond, ifneeded, sho"ld be codpleted ald attached to rhe docuhrent. .4cknowledgnehts lron oth$ sbtes nay be completedfor docwrents beinE sent to that state so long os the \|oding does not req ne fie Calilomia notary to violate Cali/ornia notary . Srarc and County information musl be the State and County where the document signe(s) personally appered before lhe notary pubtic for acknowledgment.. Date ofnotariution must be the dale that the signe(s) personally appeared which must also be the sane date the acknowledgment is completed.. The nohry public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public) . Print the nam{s) of document si8ne(s) $fio personally appear at the lime of Indicate the correct singular or pluml forms by crossing oll inconect lorms (i.e HshdthByr is /aIe ) or circling the conect forms. Failure to.onectly indicak this information may lead 1o rejeclion ofdocument re.ording The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible Impression must not cover tex or lines. If seal impression smudges. re-seal if a sulficrent area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgmenl form Signature oftle notary public must match the signature on file with the offce of the county clerk..:. Additional information is not required but could help ro ensure fiis acknowledgment is not misused or afiached to a different docum€nl..:. Indicate title or typ€ ofattached document, number ofpages and date* Indrcate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate of}]cer, indicate the title (i.e CEO. CFO, Secretary) Securely attach this document to the signed documeni u'il} a slaple. CAPACIry CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER tr lndividual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) Partne(s) Attorney-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other t lo\,lr'9t,\ )t I certifu under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. U,yuv't- Yvua.^-t- Andu; 20'l 5 Version www.Nolaryclasses.com 800-873-9865 D tr tr !