20-981RESOLUTION NO. 20-981 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, UPDATING AND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 15-414, MENIFEE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, City committees have a primary role to encourage increased public input and citizen participation in the determination of City policies and procedures; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes Committee and Commission Members to be valuable resources when given the opportunity to plan and implement projects to meet real community needs, and recognizes they are capable of making a difference with the community; and WHEREAS, in July of 2012 the City of Menifee became an entitlement agency and recipient of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant; and WHEREAS, as a recipient of annual grant funds, the City assists with the enhancement and support of low to moderate income populations within the City of Menifee through delivery of public service grants to qualifying local non-profits; and WHEREAS, part of the requirements to becoming an entitlement community the City Council adopted a Citizen Participation Plan on October 18, 2011, establishing the policies and procedures to be followed in the 2012-17 Consolidated Plan, the 2012-13 Annual Action Plan, future Annual Action Plans, and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing; and WHEREAS, the adopted Citizens Participation Plan incorporated the participation of the Menifee Citizen’s Advisory Committee as part of the annual review for public services programs/activities included within the Annual Action Plan(s); and WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 15-414, establishing the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the composition of the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee was comprised of two members from the Youth Advisory Committee, Senior Advisory Committee, Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on August 15, 2018 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 18-709, dissolving and restructuring the Youth Advisory Committee as a Community Services Department program, resulting in the need to revise the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee composition; and WHEREAS, the revised composition on the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee shall occur through ad-hoc committee appointment by the following community advisory boards serving the City Council: Senior Advisory Committee, Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission, and the Planning Commission, with the benefit of recommendations made through City staff liaisons; and DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 WHEREAS, the community advisory boards shall make their appointments to the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee bi-annually, in February, to serve a two-year term, commencing 2021; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2020 the City Council adopted Policy No. CC-24, an updated City Council Recognition Policy, outlining selection guidelines for the Citizen of the Month and Citizen of the Year Programs to be implemented in 2021; and WHEREAS, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, limited ability for in person public recognition, and implementation of Policy No. CC-24, the Citizen of the Year program will resume in 2021 and the Citizen of the Month recipients for 2020 will be considered for Citizen of the Year for calendar year 2021; and WHEREAS, commencing in January 2022, the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee, at a meeting prior to the second regular scheduled City Council meeting in January each calendar year, shall review Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Month recipient applications and select Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year based on Policy No. CC-24; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Committee Composition That the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee consists of six members; two members from the Senior Advisory Committee, the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission and the Planning Commission. Section 2. Committee Purpose That the purpose of the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee shall be to promote and review Community Development Block Grant applications and reports for qualified sub-recipient public service and community organizations, review proposals for programs, projects and facilities as they pertain to residents; promote involvement in community events, programs or volunteer projects; and act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all other policy matters pertaining to the Community Development Block Grant program. The Committee shall also review Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Month recipient applications and meet prior to the second regularly scheduled City Council meeting in January to select Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year. Section 3. Committee Rules and Procedures That the role of the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee is contained in “Exhibit A” and the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee shall comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act, other applicable local and state laws and regulations, this Resolution and City Council Policy No. 1 (Rules of Decorum). DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2 day of December 2020. _______________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: _____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: _____________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 EXHIBIT A Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee Guidelines 1. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities. The Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee shall follow the general powers, duties and responsibilities set forth in City Council Policy No. 1, City of Menifee Municipal Code and all other Ordinances and regulations of the City of Menifee and with the laws of the State of California: A. Promote community involvement, with, for, and by residents. B. Review proposals for programs, projects, and facilities as they pertain to the City of Menifee Community Block Grant Program. C. Assist in the evaluation and planning of arts, recreation, and social service programs with an emphasis on low to moderate income populations as defined by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. D. Review and make recommendations on matters pertaining to the City of Menifee Community Development Block Grant program. E. Promote involvement in community events, programs or volunteer projects through public education, service clubs and community organizations. F. Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all other policy matters pertaining to City of Menifee Community Development Block Grant program. G. Review Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Month recipient applications and select Menifee’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year based on Policy No. CC-24, the City Council Recognition Policy. 2. Eligibility for the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee and Absences The following criteria will be considered for eligibility as a member of the Menifee Community Advisory Committee: A. Applicants must be residents of the City of Menifee and registered voters. B. The Menifee Community Advisory Committee shall consist of six members through appointment of each community advisory boards: two members of the Senior Advisory Committee, two members of the Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission, and two members of the Planning Commission. C. Members of the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee shall not be employed with the City of Menifee. DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 3. Procedure A. Support 1. The City Manager or his/her designee shall be the City Council’s liaison to the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee. B. Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee Officers 1. Chairperson: shall be appointed by the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee members at the first meeting of the calendar year, annually; The Chair shall facilitate the meetings of the committee and shall insure committee items are placed on the Agenda. 2. Vice-Chair: shall be appointed by the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee members at the first meeting of the calendar year, annually; The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair as requested and facilitate the meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. 3. The Secretary: A City staff liaison shall act as the Committee Secretary; The Secretary will: ▪ Record the minutes of Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee meetings; and ▪ Prepare the draft minutes and attach to the agenda for the subsequent meeting for approval; and ▪ The City Clerk, or their designee, will maintain records related to the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee C. Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee Meetings 1. Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee will have, at minimum, three regular meetings per year: one in March, one in August, and one prior to the second regularly scheduled City Council meeting in January. Additional special meetings can be scheduled as determined by the members of the Committee and approved by the City Council. 2. Meetings will be conducted according to the Ralph M. Brown Act. 3. Meetings may take place when a quorum is present; a quorum will be reached when half the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee members plus one are in attendance. 4. The City Council or staff liaison shall place items on the agenda according to the necessity and/or urgency of City Council and the Community Development Block Grant program, to have items reviewed by the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee. 5. Future agenda requests must be made and seconded by the Committee Members. DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 6. Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee members are expected to be present unless excused with prior notice to the staff liaison or Chairperson. A Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee member with any unexcused meeting absences may be replaced at the discretion of the City Council or the respective appointing Committee or Commission. D. Menifee Community Advisory Committee Member Term Limits 1. Committee Members shall serve at the pleasure of his/her appointing Committee or Commission, for a two-year term. 2. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee Member may serve. 3. At the discretion of the City Council or the appointing Committee/Commission, a Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee member may be excused from further participation, in the event it is deemed necessary for the benefit of the Committee as a whole. DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF MENIFEE ) I, Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 20-981 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of December 2020 by the following vote: Ayes: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman Noes: Absent: August Abstain: _______________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2 None None