WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of encouraging citizens of all ages in the
community to participate in and serve on City advisory committees; and
WHEREAS, City committees have a primary role to encourage increased public input
and citizen participation in the determination of City policies and procedures; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes seniors to be a valuable resource when given
the opportunity to plan and implement projects to meet real community needs, and recognizes
seniors are capable of making a difference with the community; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes a Senior Advisory Committee established to
serve as an advisory body to the City Council, will empower seniors, will create opportunities
for their input into community projects, programs, and events, and will provide a vehicle by
which seniors become involved in a process which enables them to have an influence and
impact on issues and decisions they care about; and
WHEREAS, on April 2, 2014 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 14-362, establishing
the Senior Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, on December 7, 2016 the City Council rescinded Resolution No. 14-362 and
adopted Resolution No. 16-578, revising the composition of the Senior Advisory Committee to
include seven members; and
WHEREAS, the Senior Advisory Committee Members and staff agree that a five-member
committee would be more efficient and follow the same requirements as other City Council
established Committees and Commissions; and
WHEREAS, by January 2021 the Senior Advisory Committee shall phase out the two at-
large committee member appointments made by the Council as a whole and continue as a five-
member committee, four appointed by districts and one at-large appointed by the Mayor; and
WHEREAS, commencing January 2021, following each regular municipal election, and
per the Maddy Act, the Mayor and Councilmember committee appointments shall be made; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee, California, does hereby
resolve, determine and order as follows:
Section 1. Committee Composition That the composition of the Senior Advisory
Committee shall consist of five members; four members appointed by each Councilmember from
their respective district and one appointed, at-large, by the Mayor.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2
Section 2. Committee Purpose That the purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee
shall be to promote public service and community involvement, with, for and by seniors; review
proposals for programs, projects and facilities as they pertain to seniors; promote senior
involvement in community events programs or volunteer projects; and act in an advisory
capacity to the City Council implementing senior oriented directives related to City projects,
events and senior oriented programs.
Section 3. Committee Appointment At the first City Council meeting, commencing
January 2021, following each regular municipal election, the Mayor and Councilmembers shall
appoint their Committee Members as required by the Maddy Act with the benefit of
recommendations made through City staff liaisons. Committee Members shall serve until their
successor is appointed and qualifies. In the case of an unexpected vacancy, the appointing
Councilmember shall appoint a new Committee Member at the next available Council Meeting
after the application process.
Section 4. Committee Rules and Procedures That the role of the Senior Advisory
Committee is contained in “Exhibit A” and the Senior Advisory Committee shall comply with the
Ralph M. Brown Act, other applicable local and state laws and regulations, this Resolution and
City Council Policy No. 1 (Rules of Decorum).
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2 day of December, 2020.
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Attest: Approved as to form:
_______________________ _______________________
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, Attorney
DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2
Menifee Senior Advisory Committee Guidelines
1. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities
The Menifee Senior Advisory Committee shall follow the general powers, duties and
responsibilities set forth in City Council Policy No. 1, City of Menifee Municipal Code and all
other Ordinances and regulations of the City of Menifee and with the laws of the State of
A. Promote community involvement, with, for, and by seniors.
B. Review proposals for programs, projects and facilities as they pertain to seniors.
C. Assist in the evaluation and planning of arts, recreation, and social service
programs with an emphasis on seniors.
D. Review and make recommendations on matters pertaining to senior
programming and/or services to the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission
or City Council.
E. Promote senior involvement in community events, programs or volunteer
projects through public education, service clubs and community organizations.
F. Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all other policy matters
pertaining to seniors.
2. Eligibility for the Senior Advisory Committee.
The following criteria will be considered for eligibility as a member of the Menifee Senior
Advisory Committee:
A. Applicants must be residents of the City of Menifee and reside in the district of
the Councilmember that has appointed them.
B. Applicants must be a registered voter in the City of Menifee.
C. Applicants must be 55 years of age and older.
D. Members of the Menifee Senior Advisory Committee shall not hold any paid
office or employment with the City of Menifee.
E. Committee members are required to sign that they have read and agree with
Policy No. CC-23, the City Council adopted Ethics Policy. Failure to comply could
result in removal from the Committee.
F. Committee members are required to attend Bi-annual AB1234 training. Failure to
comply could result in removal from the Committee per Policy No. CC-23.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2
3. Procedure
A. Composition of the Senior Advisory Committee
1. The Menifee Senior Advisory Committee shall consist of five
members: four district-represented members appointed by each
Councilmember and one member, at-large, appointed by the Mayor.
B. Support
1. The City Manager or his/her designee shall be the City Council's liaison
to the Senior Advisory Committee.
C. Senior Advisory Committee Officers
1. Chairperson: Shall be appointed by the Senior Advisory Committee
members each January to begin office on February 1, annually; The Chair
shall facilitate the meetings of the Committee and shall insure Committee
items are placed on the Agenda.
2. Vice-Chair: Shall be appointed by the Senior Advisory Committee
members each January to begin office on February 1, annually; The Vice-
Chair shall assist the Chair as requested and facilitate the meetings in the
absence of the Chairperson.
3. The Secretary: A City staff liaison shall act as the Committee Secretary;
the Secretary will:
• Record the minutes of Senior Advisory Committee meetings; and
• Prepare the draft minutes and attach to the agenda for the
subsequent meeting for approval; and
• The City Clerk, or their designee, will maintain records related to
the Senior Advisory Committee.
D. Senior Advisory Committee Meetings
1. The Senior Advisory Committee will meet on a regular monthly schedule
as determined by the members of the Committee and approved by the City
2. Meetings will be conducted according to the Ralph M. Brown Act.
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3. Meetings may take place when a quorum is present; a quorum will be
reached when half the Senior Advisory Committee members plus one are in
4. The City Council or staff liaison shall place items on the agenda according
to the necessity and/or urgency of Council to have items reviewed by the
Senior Advisory Committee.
5. Future agenda requests may be made and seconded by one of the Committee
6. Senior Advisory Committee Members are expected to be present unless
excused with prior notice to the staff liaison or Chairperson. A Committee
Member with three unexcused meeting absences during a twelve-month
period may be removed at the close of the meeting during which the final
absence occurs and the vacancy shall be filled according to the Maddy Act.
E. Senior Advisory Committee Member Terms and Term Limits
1. Committee Members representing their district and the Mayor may serve two-
year terms.
2. There will be no limit to the amount of terms a Committee Member may serve.
3. At the discretion of the City Council, a Senior Advisory Committee Member
may be excused from further participation, in the event it is deemed
necessary for the benefit of the Committee as a whole.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2
I, Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Resolution No. 20-980 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of
Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of December 2020 by the following vote:
Ayes: Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
Absent: August
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
DocuSign Envelope ID: 834C1C07-7F5C-4F82-BDC6-290C94AFC2A2