20-971RESOLUTION NO.20.971 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2O2OI21OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2020121 with resolution 20-916 on June 3'd, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2020121 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: 1. Record Revenue s lncrease FY 2020121 Revenue Budget:$3,943,818 GITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 21,2020 CDBG Grant 481-3845 $607,116 October 21,2020 Various Grants 301-XXXX 3,336,702 TOTAL:3,943,818 2. Record n S CITY COUNCIL MEET!NG DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 21,2020 Various Expenditures General Fund 1OO-XXXX-XXXXX $1,329,739 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Measure DD 1o5-XXXX-XXXXX 2,859,745 October 21, 2020 Various Expenditures lT Fund 11o-XXXX-XXXXX 303,918 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Fleet Fund 11 86,394 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Facilities Fund 116-XXXX-XXXXX 3,120 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Gas Tax Fund 2OO-XXXX-XXXXX 17,503 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures SB'1 Fund 201-XXXX-XXXXX 46,488 October 21,2O2O Various Expenditures Measure A Fund 220-XXXX-XXXXX 433,250 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Grant Fund 301-XXXX-XXXXX 2,756,110 DocuSign Envelope ID: 91B326FD-499E-4722-979F-E144A5E5381D Amending the Fiscal Year 2020121 Budget lncrease FY 2020121 Expenditure Budget:$29,795,017 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures TUMF Fund 320-XXXX-XXXXX 2,148,931 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Capital Projects Fund 32O-XXXX-XXXXX 2,423,150 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Scott Road RBBD Fund 4lO.XXXX.XXXXX 601,794 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures Menifee RBBD Fund 41s-XXXX-XXXXX 5,878,180 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures CSA 86 Fund 46O.XXXX-XXXXX 10,376 October 21,2O2O Various Expenditures CDBG Fund 481-XXXX-XXXXX 619,946 October 21, 2020 Various Expenditures DIF Public Facility Fund 507-XXXX-XXXXX 900,548 October 21,2O2O Various Expenditures DIF Roads Fund 509-XXXX.XXXXX 3,915,489 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures DIF Signals Fund 51o-XXXX-XXXXX 868,759 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures DIF Parks Fund 511-XXXX-XXXXX 1,850,000 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures DIF Trails Fund 512-XXXX-XXXXX 1,005,484 October 21,2020 Various Expenditures DIF Citywide Circulation 526-XXXX-XXXXX 1,723,638 October 21, 2020 Various Expenditures DIF Citywide Storm Drain Facilities 527-XXXX-XXXXX 12,455 TOTAL:$29,795,017 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal yeat 2020121 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 91B326FD-499E-4722-979F-E144A5E5381D Amending the Fiscal Year 2020121 Budget Fund Grant Fund CDBG Fund Fund No.Revenue Amount s3,336,702 607,Lt6 301 481 s3,943,919 Fund 100 105 110 115 116 200 20t 220 301 310 320 410 415 460 487 507 s09 510 511 5L2 526 527 Fund Name Expenditure Amount 51,329,739 2,859,745 303,918 86,394 3,!2O 17,503 46,499 433,250 2,756,11O 2,1,49,93t 2,423,L50 607,794 5,878,180 10,376 619,946 900,548 3,9L5,489 868,759 1,850,000 1,,0o5,484 1,,723,638 72,455 General Fund Measure DD lT Fund Fleet Fund Facilities Fund Gas Tax Fund SB 1 Fund Measure A Fund Grant Fund TUMF Fund Capital Project Fund Scott Road RBBD Menifee Valley RBBD CSA 86 Fund CDBG Fund DIF 17- Facilities DIF 17- Roads Fund DIF 17- Signals Fund DIF 17- Parks Fund DIF 17- Trails Fund Dl F Citywide- Circulation DIF Citywide- Storm Drain Facilities TOTAL Amended FY 2020121Revenue Budget: Amended FY 2020121 Expenditure Budget: $29,795,O,-7 $___i-94a8t8 $ 29-.o17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" day of October,2020 ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk J Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Bill Zimmerman, Mayor DocuSign Envelope ID: 91B326FD-499E-4722-979F-E144A5E5381D STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF MENIFEE l, Sarah A. [Vlanwaring, City Clerk of the City of lVlenifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 20-971 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of It/enifee at a meeting thereof held on the 21st day of October 2020 by the following vote: Ayes: August, Deines, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Zimmerman Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None Sarah A. lvlanwaring, City Clerk SS ) ) ) .S/IEN IFEE)ffi:f O6 \w DocuSign Envelope ID: 91B326FD-499E-4722-979F-E144A5E5381D