20-939RESOLUTION NO. 20-____
WHEREAS, on August 21, 2013 the Menifee City Council (“Council”) approved a
Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce
(“Chamber”) to encourage and facilitate businesses, business related services, and programs
within the City of Menifee (“City”).
WHEREAS, section D. Term of the MOU provides the agreement shall be in effect for
fiscal year 2020-2020 and shall automatically renew annually with the adoption of the City’s
annual budget and adjustment of Attachment A which provides for the activities, information
programs, training programs, events and promotional products for the upcoming fiscal year and
the respective contribution from the City.
WHEREAS, the fiscal year 2020-2021 Adopted Program Budget for the Economic
Development Department includes an amount of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND Dollars ($45,000) for
activities, information programs, training programs, events and promotional products as provided
in the MOU.
WHEREAS, the Chamber has updated the attachment (attached as Exhibit A-1 & A2
to this Resolution) to reflect activities, information programs, training programs, events and
promotional products for fiscal year 2020-2021 in an amount not-to-exceed FORTY FIVE
Thousand Dollars ($45,000).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Menifee,
California, does resolve, declare, determine and order that the City is authorized to approve
Exhibit A-1 & A-2 of the Resolution for fiscal year 2019-2020.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the City Manager of the City
of Menifee or his designee, is authorized to monitor the activities of the Chamber outlined in
Exhibit A-1 & A-2 of the Resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON this 15 day of July, 2020.
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
List of Chamber Provided Services FY 19/20 FY 20/21
Industry Specific Summits
(Four events) $8,000
Mayor’s Roundtable $2,000 (Revised to Summits)
Visionary Membership $7,500 $7,500
State of the City $3,500 No Cost
MVCC Administration $4,000 $2,000
Economic Forecast Event $4,500 (removed)
Menifee Monthly Coffees (4-coffee w/
Entrepreneur) $2,000 No Cost
Broker’s Luncheon $5,000
Workshops for Businesses/Menifee
Munch (all speakers must be business
impact survey/ Keep results)
$4000 $4,000
Job Fair & Tech Expo (2) $2,500 (1) $4,500 (2)
Business Survey & Annual Report
(KEEP Business Walk) $5,000 $5,000
Loans For Small Business EXPO $2,000 (removed)
Innovation Month Event $2,000 $2,000
Passport to Menifee (Shop Local
Initiative) $5,000 No Cost
Manufacturing Day $500 No Cost
Menifee Munch $500 No Cost
ICSC Attendance (Ex. Dir. Only) $2,000
City Sponsorships/Misc. $5,000
Total Budgeted Contribution $45,000 $45,000
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
Resolution No. 17-
Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce activities, information programs,
training programs, events and promotional products
2020-2021 Outcomes
The following is a listing of activities, information programs, training programs, events and
promotional products. Adjustments to individual line item contributions made during the course
of the fiscal year may be made as long as the total contract dollar amount is not exceeded.
List of Chamber Provided Services Funding City Task Items
Industry Specific Summits (4 Meetings spread out throughout
the year)
Host 4, industry summits/networking events aligned with
targeted industries from the City of Menifee’s CEDS
o Medical
o Advanced Manufacturing
o Technology Focused
o Local-Serving (Retail, Entertainment,
Collaborate together to produce a high-quality event
Invite attendees 4 weeks in advance of each event by
verbal and written invitations
Collect RSVP’s and follow-up on those who did not
RSVP, and share with the City 2-weeks and 1-week
Arrive at event 1 hour early for set-up
Provide high-quality Breakfast (goal is for a hot
breakfast, can be offset by sponsorship by Chamber)
Provide confirmed attendee list to city staff 5 days in
Search for new invitees from outside areas to the event
Provide weekly updates to city staff on attendees
Host event day-of
Chamber Executive to welcome attendees at beginning
of each roundtable, then turn over to city staff and/or
Mayor to proceed
Assist clean-up following event
Chamber President/CEO or Board of Director to host
$ 8,000
Provide topics to
Chamber in
sufficient time to
Presentation from
the Economic
Coordinate City
Council Attendance
Create Flyer
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
Visionary Membership
Chairman’s Circle Membership Plaque
1 Booth Business Expo
1 Table Business Awards/Installation Dinner
2 Foursomes at our Annual Patriots Cup Golf
VIP & 3 Tables at the State of the City Event
1 Booth Mega Mixer
Waived Fee to Host Mixer
Special Recognition at Business Awards
Logo on Website and Chairman’s Circle Banner
Logo on Email Footer for Menifee Valley Chamber
Banner Ad- Large Slideshow
Access to Our Menifee Chambers Members Plus+ App
& Enhanced Package in Chamber Master
Ability to Send Push Notifications to All Menifee Valley
Chamber Members
Prominent Listing at all Chamber Special Event
$ 7,500
Broker’s Luncheon
Book and purchase venue for the event
Collaborate with City
Assist with set-up and clean-up
Host and purchase lunch for the event
MVCC Administration
To be defined in meeting to create scope of work /
nothing currently in writing as to scope of work required
Attend SWCLC monthly meetings and report back to city
and Chamber as to bills affecting businesses
Attend regular city council meetings
Send out notices of city partnering with businesses and
Chamber for business events or projects
Send to membership Cal Chamber Legislative Updates
on website or as received, not less than monthly
Attend annual Cal Chamber conference as budget
provides, and make appointments with local legislators
Attend EDC meetings in the district as time permits, but
not less than 4 yearly
Promote legislative and business advocacy
$ 2,000
Workshops for Businesses/ Menifee Munch (4 workshops must
be from Menifee KEEP Results)
Notify City of workshops so City can promote in
advance, 4 weeks
Work with the City to select workshop topics
$4,000 Assist with
promotion of events
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
Organize, coordinate, and promote up to 4 business to
business workshops
Obtain venue and speakers / presenters for each
Use info from survey of business needs if possible
Job Fair & Tech Expo (2)
Put on 2 Menifee Job Fairs
Organize, coordinate and promote 2 Job Fairs
Obtain venue, supplies, speakers / presenters
City to have a table
City listed as co-host
Business Survey & Annual Report
Survey businesses in Menifee, work with City to develop
questions/survey and amount of businesses
Identify businesses interested in expansion
Share results with City
Produce a list to provide to City with contact info
Create, distribute and provide results, and report, of the
needs and challenges of home based businesses
Innovation Month Event
Host an event, in partnership with the City in the Month
of April focused around innovation and Entrepreneurs
Start planning in February
ICSC Attendance
Pay for ICSC travel expenses $2,000
City Sponsorships
Flexibility for new and innovative programs, outreach
and events
Total Budgeted Contribution 2020-21 $45,000
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
A. The Chamber and the City have previously worked together to put on signature
special events for the residents of the City of Menifee to enhance the quality of life
and vibrancy of the City.
B. The City sees participation of Chamber activities as an investment that benefits all
the residents of the community by encouraging the participation of local business
and beer vendors at city-wide special events throughout the year.
C. The Chamber finds the partnership and support of the City in its city-wide special
events to be a positive force and an advantageous opportunity enabling local
businesses and food vendors to thrive by providing public venues and/or special
events where they can showcase their product and services to the community.
D. The Parties desire to enter into an agreement regarding the following events:
Independence Celebration:
o Beer Garden only
o No revenue split, Chamber retains all revenue
o City requests Chamber assistance in obtaining event sponsorships.
Assistance will pertain to dissemination of flyers/video only.
Attachment A-2
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the following costs and
logistics relating to the Beer Garden at the Independence Celebration event on
Saturday, June 26, 2021:
Fencing to enclose the Beer Garden
All necessary certificates, licenses, etc necessary to operate Beer Garden
Security Guards (ID checks, and activity related to the Beer Garden).
Portable toilet and wash station inside Beer Garden
Minimum of three sanitation stations separate from hand wash stations and toilet
Ice for Beer Vendors
1 generator –power ice if necessary
Fencing and decorations consistent with event themes
mood lighting as needed
Tables and chairs for guests / vendors in beer garden
Cups and affiliated supplies that Beer Garden vendors will require
Signage and branding for Chamber and Beer Garden Vendors
Complete beer garden set up by 12:00pm per inspection guidelines from Cal-Fire
Shared cost of Menifee Police Department support – two dedicated deputies
for Beer garden.
Any Federal, State, County, or local guidelines related to Social Distancing, capacity,
and or additional cleaning measures must be adhered to. A comprehensive
checklist will be provided by City staff in collaboration with local Public Health
Clean up of Beer Garden area to include removal of trash
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
I, Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 20- was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a
meeting thereof held on the 15th day of July 2020 by the following vote:
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
DocuSign Envelope ID: EEA5E08E-2D92-4819-BD8D-E4DA9151DAC9
August, Deines, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Zimmerman