20-866RESOLUTION NO. 20.866 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2O19I2O OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2019120 with resolution 19-800 on June sth, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee does from time to time have unanticipated expenditures arise; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2019120 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: General Fund Adopted FY 2O19l2O Revenue Budget: $50,280,785 1. Record Revenue Estimate S Amended General Fund FY 2019120 Revenue Budget: $50,446,388 ACCOUNT #AMOUNT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION September 18, 2019 Rotary Club Donation 100-3855 9,000 Various 156,603Mid-Year Budget Adjustments TOTAL:$165,603 General Fund Adopted FY 201912A Expenditure Budget: $50,280 ,785 2. Record S crw couNctL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT November 6, 2019 FY 18/19 Budget Rollovers Various 438,093 Rincon Agreement 1 00-4330 -52825 90,759December 4,2019 February 19,2020 Michael Baker lntl. (Separate Staff Report) 1 00-4330 -52825 92,372 February 19,2020 Spicer Gonsulting Group (Separate Staff Report) 1 00-4330 -52825 75,000 TOTAL:$696,224 February 19,2020 Amending the Fiscal Year 2019120 Operating Budget Amended Genera! Fund FY 2019120 Expenditure Budget: $50,977,009 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:$ Other funds as shown in the table below: Reven u es/Savi ngs Expen d it u res/ReservesTotals By Fund 1,019,000s SMeasure DD L2L,2L5sGas Tax Fund 68,845s 20]-,970s SSB 1 Road Maintenance Fund S 130,000sPEG Fund 40,000SAQMD Fund S (17,906)sGrant Fund (17,906)S s 24,gLOsLLMD 89-1C Zone 3 175,000S SScott Road RBBD Fund S sMenifee Valley RBBD Fund (soo)s 4,575sCSA 33 s s 1,N8CSA 43 CSA 84 (L8,774],S 97,827S 7,67LSCSA 86 (s5o)s 1,850scsA 138 s (2,4L5],s 62,529ScsA 145 184,398s (6,188)sCDBG sDIF L6 - Park lmprovements (3,000)s (1,000)s SDIF 15 - Trails (800,000)S SDIF 17 - Public Facilites SUMMARY 2 Amending the Fiscal Year 2019120 Operating Budget Totals By Fund Reven u es Expenditures DIF 17 - Fire S (355,000)s DIF t7 - Roads S (700,000)S DIF t7 - Signals s (380,000)S DIF 17- Parks S (80,000)S DIF L7 - Trails S (40,000)S DIF L7 - Library S (40,000)S DIF L7 - Admin S (8,ooo)S Citywide DIF - Public Use & Comm. Facilities s 20,000 S Citywide DIF - Park lmprovements S 80,000 S Citywide DIF -Library S 9,000 S Citywide DIF - Generla Govt.(Fac,Veh,Equip)s 140,000 S Citywide DIF - Law Enforcement s 30,000 S Citywide DIF - Circulation s 400,000 S Citywide DIF - Storm Drain Facilities S 21L,200 s Citywide DIF - Animal Shelter s 22,W S Citywide DIF - Master Plan & Nexus Analysis s 5,000 S Quimby - Local Parks S 35,000 S CFD 2OL2-l Audie Murphy Ranch s L32,O34 s 2,53t CFD2OL2-2 Hidden Hills S 27,383 s 639 CFD 201+1Town Center S 100 S CFD 2OL+2 Commerce Point s toz s CFD 2015-2 Citywide Graffiti s (230)S CFD 2015-2 Citywide Parks S (15,280)S CFD 2015-2 Original Zone #1 S L3,954 CFD 2015-2 Annexation #t,Zone #2 s (281) CFD 2015-2 Annexation #2,Zone #3 S 30 S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #3,Zone tt4 s 46 S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #4,7one #5 s 34 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #6,Zone #7 S 5,2L7 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #7,Zone #8 s L3,226 S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #8 Zone #9 s 101 S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #9, Zone #10 s 34 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #1O Zone #11 s 9 $ CFD 2015-2 Annexation #L1.,Zone #72 s 7,253 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #L2,Zone #L3 s (19,000)s 119 CFD 20L5-2 Annexation #L3,Zone #L4 S 70 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #14, Zone #15 S 26 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #t6,Zone #L7 S 42 s 615 CFD 2015-2 Annexation #77,Zone #t8 S (20,028],s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #18, Zone #19 s 101 S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #!9, Zone #2O S 2,955 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #2l,Zone #22 s 37 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #23,Zone #24 S (4800)S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #24, Zone #25 Sr 36 s Amending the Fiscal Year 2019120 Operating Budget Totals By Fund Reven u es Expenditures CFD 2015-2 Annexation #25, Zone #26 s (s2o)S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #27,Zone #27 S (4,100)S CFD 2015-2 Annexation #28,Zone #28 s 9,500 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #29,Zone #29 S L17,495 s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #3Q Zone #302 S (1,500)s CFD 2015-2 Annexation #32, Tone #32 S 3,820 S CFD 20L5-2 Annexation #33, Zone #33 s (2,2OO)S Debt Service Fund s L86,475 S L86,475 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS OTHER FUNDS s 505,459 s 558,370 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual General Fund budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2019120 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated expenditures and revenues as follows: lncrease Budget for Mid-Year Budget Adjustments: 167,372 Amended General Fund FY 2019120 Expenditure Budget: $5WZZ!09 lncrease Budget for Mid-Year Budget Adjustments: 156,603 Amended General Fund FY 2019120 Revenue Budget: $5fu16,388 And all other funds as included here with. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of February 2020. Bill Zimme yor ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: hA.Ma nng,Melchi ttorney , 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF MENIFEE l, Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 20-866 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 19 of February 2020 by the following vote: Ayes: August, Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, ZimmermanNoes: NoneAbsent: None Abstain: None hA.ri ng,MMC ty Clerk ) ) ) SS ,MEN I FEE -- l. O5 \a a JI