2010/08/03 County, Riverside First Amendment - Law Enforcement Services/ (s narltl fu h/a lllcElvai,-orv kll' IT IS MUTUALI-' AGREED that the Agreement fbr Law EnforcemenrServices between the county of Riverside, a poritic-ar subdivision of the state ofcalifomia, on behalf of its Sherifrs Department, and the city of Menifee. a General LawCity, approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 21, 200'g. for ,"r"i.", .ir..rir" "rrrfl. 2009 through June 30, 2012, is hereby amended in the fo owing respects, and att oit itenns and conditions ofthe Agreement remain in full force and effict: l. Attachment A is amended to read as follorys: FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN COLINTY OF R]VERSIDE AND CITY OF MENIFEE I 20. supported hours per day. (Approxirnate equivarent of twenty-five (25) Deputy Sheriffpositions @ I,780 annual productive hours per position) Averaqe Patrol Services Dedicated Positi ons Four (4) Deputy Sheriff (fully supported) positions _ SET One ( I ) Deputy Sheriff (unsupported) position - Task Force Two (2) Deputy Sheriff(futly supported) positions _ euail Valley patrol One ( I ) Deputy Sheriff (fully supported) position _ Motor Officer Two (2) Deputy Sheriff(fully supported) positions _ Traffic Team Two (2) Community Service Officer II positions One (l) Community Service Officer I position ATTACHMENT A CITY OF MENIFEE LEVEL OF SERVICE IN WITNESS WHEREOF. rhe Ciry ol Menifee, by minute order or resolurionduly adopted by its City council,. has caused *,i, ngr..-"rr to be signed by irs Mayorand attested and sealed b1. its Clerk. and the County "? nlr.r.ia.. by ;r?;;;ii , il#;iSupervisors. has caused this Agreemenr to be signed by the chairman of said Board andsealed and attested by the Crerk of said Board. ari on # i;;. indicated berow. Dated: A'ITES'f Kathy Bennett City Clerk By: Dated: ATTEST: Kecia Harper-lhem Clerk of the Board Y;gltu C]TY OF MENIFEE B), Wallace Edgerton,or COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Mari on Ashley, Chair. Riverside County Board of Supervisors FOR '5 [\tu By, BY AI KI N i r i,( r AT Itv Deputy /)