2018/01/01 Rooftek Roofing and WaterproofingSTATE FUND COMPENSATIONINSURANCE CERTHOLOER COPY P,O, BOX 8192, PLEASANTON, CA 94588 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE SP ISSUE DATE: O7 -23-2014 EMPLOYER VANDERHULE, OANIEL B OBA: ROOFTEK ROOFING & I{ATERPROOF ING 2399 MSTA t{AY MENIFEE CA 92587 GBOUP: POLICY NUMBERT 9149583-2O'i 8 CERTIFICATE lD: 72 CERTTFTCATE EXPIRES O1-Ol -2019 o I -o 1-2018,/ol -ol -2019 CITY OF MENIFEE 29714 HAUN RO MENIFEE CA 92586-6540 This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California lnsurence Commissionsr to the employer named below tor the policy period indicEted. This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon 36 days advance written notice to the employer /-_- t-;"_,.",_ Authorized Representative President and CEO (FEV.7- 2014)PRINTEo : O7 -24-2018 MO408 We will also give you 30 days advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. Ihis certiticate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage aftorded by the policy listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate ot insurance may be issued or to which it may pertain, the insurance atforded by the policy described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions, ot such policy. SP UNLESS INOICATED OTHERI{tSE BY ENDORSEI,IENT, COVERAGE UNOER THIS POLICY EXCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: THOSE NAtilED IN THE POLICY OECLARATIONS AS AN INDMOUAL EIi{PLOYER OR A HUSBAND ANO wIFE EITPLOYER; EMPLOYEES COVERED ON A COMPREHENSIVE PERSONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY ALSO AFFORDING CALIFORNIA I{ORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS; EI'IPLoYEES EXCLUDED UNDER CALIFoRNIA I{ORKERS' COIIIPENSATION LAt{. EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LII{IT INCLUDING DEFENSE COSTS: $I,OOO,OOO PER OCCURRENCE. ENOORSEiIENT #2065 ENTITLEO CERTIFICATE HOLOERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE O'i.01-2016 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORI'S A PART OF THIS POLICY,