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2021-08-25 Planning Commision Regular MEETING - Agenda Packet
City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, ViceChair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, August 25, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NONAGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 July 28, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 200273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 200272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 210211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20 0275 (“Crossroads”) RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and, 2. Adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, 3. Adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN 200273 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 4. Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 200272 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 5. Adopt a Resolution approving Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21 0211 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 6. Adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 200275 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS NONE 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 14.ADJOURN Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Commission anticipates and encourages public participation at its Commission meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk, at (951) 6726777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk at (951) 6726777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. City of Menifee Planning Commission August 25,2021 Page 1 of 358 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Benjamin Diederich, ChairRandy Madrid, ViceChairJeff LaDue, CommissionerChris Thomas, CommissionerDavid White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, August 25, 20216:00 PM Regular MeetingCheryl Kitzerow, DirectorStephanie Roseen, ClerkREGULAR MEETING (6:00PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NONAGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listedon the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on nonagendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minuteson any single item.7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 July 28, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes8. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 200273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 200272, PublicConvenience and Necessity No. PLN 210211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20 0275 (“Crossroads”) RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and, 2. Adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, 3. Adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN 200273 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 4. Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 200272 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 5. Adopt a Resolution approving Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21 0211 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 6. Adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 200275 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS NONE 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 14.ADJOURN Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Commission anticipates and encourages public participation at its Commission meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk, at (951) 6726777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk at (951) 6726777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. City of Menifee Planning Commission August 25,2021 Page 2 of 358 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 28, 2021 Page 1 of 3 City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice-Chair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner MINUTES City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 28, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Diederich called the meeting to order at 6:09 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Benjamin Diederich, Jeff LaDue, Randy Madrid, Chris Thomas, David White Absent: None 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ron Sullivan led the flag salute. 4.PRESENTATIONS - NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) None. 7.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 July 14, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE 9.PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS - NONE Item Title:7.1 July 28,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 28, 2021 Page 2 of 3 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 Beyond Food Mart Workshop Planning Manager Orlando Hernandez provided a presentation and reported on the project location; background; proposed site plan; market elevations; and floor plans. Mr. Hernandez introduced a video on Beyond Food Mart provided by the applicant. The Commissioners inquired about the proposed gas station and car wash, intention for the two parcels located behind the commercial frontage, zoning for housing, general office and medical office within the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) overlay, charging stations, construction timeline for front parcel, entry and exit points for the three parcels, healthy eating options, hours of operations and the Alcohol and beverage Control (ABC) license, and pharmacy use within Beyond Food Mart. The Commissioners stated the reasons they were in favor of the proposed front parcel usage and stated they would like to see office and medical use buildings with minimal housing on the rear parcels. 11.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS None. 12.COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES None. 13.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS None. 14.ADJOURN Chair Diederich adjourned the meeting at 7:04 PM. Stephanie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk Item Title:7.1 July 28,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:2 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21- 0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) MEETING DATE: August 25, 2021 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Ryan Fowler, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Orlando Hernandez, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPLICANT: Menifee Crossroads, LLC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and, 2.Adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, 3.Adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 4.Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 5.Adopt a Resolution approving Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report; and, 6.Adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 subject to the attached conditions of approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 2 of 16 6 3 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 proposes the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. The office/retail commercial buildings consist of the following: Major ‘A’ – 37,400 sq. ft. (specialty grocer) Shops 1 – 8,200 sq. ft. Shops 2 – 8,500 sq. ft. with drive-thru Office/Retail – 7,750 sq. ft. Office 2 – 36,924 sq. ft. Pad A – 4,500 sq. ft. (restaurant) The project proposes 404 onsite vehicle parking space. Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 proposes to allow the drive-thru for Shops 2. Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 is a proposal to allow for the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for off-premise consumption (Type 21 License) at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer). The findings are required by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control (ABC) due to an overconcentration of alcohol licenses with the subject census tract. Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) proposes a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels. The parcels range in size from 0.77 to 2.68 acres. The subdivision also includes dedications on Bradley Road and Park Avenue. The Tentative Parcel Map is needed to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:2 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 3 of 16 6 3 2 PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). GENERAL PLAN/ZONING General Plan The project site is designated Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Subarea according to the City of Menifee General Plan. The Project and the properties situated to the north, east, and some of the properties to the west of the project site share the same General Plan designation (i.e., EDC-NR). Other properties to the west are designated Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and contain an existing place of worship. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan and are designated for commercial uses. The proposed project is consistent with its General Plan land use designation and the designations of the surrounding properties. The proposed project will provide additional commercial opportunities for the existing surrounding neighbors and the future population of the region. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:3 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 4 of 16 6 3 2 Zoning The Project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR). Surrounding zoning classifications include EDC-NR to the north, east, and west. Properties zoned Public/Quasi Public Facilities are also located to the west. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan. These zoning classifications are all compatible with the zoning for the Project site. Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, general retail, professional offices, restaurants, and grocery stores, which the project proposes, are permitted uses. Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 is proposed alongside this Plot Plan and proposes to allow for the drive-thru at Shops 2. The proposed alcohol sales within Major A does not require processing of a Conditional Use Permit, but is rather a “permitted use”, because Major A is a grocery store and is in excess of 20,000 square feet. However, the alcohol sales require findings of Public Convenience and Necessity (refer to discussion below). Project Site Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:4 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 5 of 16 6 3 2 DISCUSSION Background On November 13, 2006, Plot Plan (PP) No. 20487 (named “Bradley Paseo”) was approved by the Riverside County Planning Director for this same project site. It included the development of 9 acres as a 78,442 square feet retail shopping center comprised of nine retail shell buildings, two pad locations for drive-thru’s, and 432 parking spaces. PP No. 20487 was not diligently pursued after its approval and, as such, the entitlement ultimately expired. On October 8, 2020, the Applicant for the “Crossroads” project submitted the applications for development of the project site. Project Site Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:5 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 6 of 16 6 3 2 Site Layout The proposed commercial retail center contains a pedestrian-oriented collection of shops, restaurants, a specialty grocer and offices interconnected by walkways and plazas. This attention to usable public space provides visitors with opportunities for informal gathering and indoor/outdoor dining. Multiple outdoor plazas, focal accent pieces (including public art), distinctive paving, ornamental light fixtures, and shade trees mark the project as an attractive, comfortable and vibrant place. The layout of the plan focuses the retail shop buildings, grocer and restaurants within the southerly, central and southeasterly portions of the project site away from residents to the northeast. The plan locates the offices within the northerly portion of the site along Park Avenue closest to the residents to the northeast. In addition, the loading docks for the specialty grocer are hidden behind a screen wall and dense landscaping and the Office 2 and Retail/Office 1 buildings will further shield the docks from public views. Phasing of the project is not proposed at this time; however, if phasing is contemplated at a later date, it would require approval of a phasing plan per the project’s conditions of approval. Circulation Access to the project site is proposed via four (4) driveways: two (2) on Bradley Road; one (1) on Newport Road; and one (1) on Park Avenue. Sidewalks and roadway improvements are existing on Newport Road. However, sidewalks will be provided along the project frontages on Bradley Road and Park Avenue, and right-of-way landscaping would be provided on all street frontages. Bradley will be constructed to its ultimate half-section width. The required improvements will include the construction and restriping for one additional northbound through lane, two-way left turn pockets for access to the church driveway (opposite the project site) and the project site, and an 8-foot bike lane. The project would include the construction of approximately 500 linear feet of raised, hardscaped median on Bradley Road from Newport Road to the north. The median will restrict access for the project’s southern Bradley driveway to right in/right out only. The median would also allow for lengthening of the southbound left-turn pocket to 350 feet, which would accommodate traffic volumes in accordance with the traffic impact study. Due to the increased traffic generated by this project, and to protect public health and safety, the existing Newport Plaza shopping center’s Bradley Road driveway will also be restricted to right in/right out only. Parking According to the City of Menifee Development Code, parking for general retail and the professional offices is calculated based on a parking ratio of 3 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Based on this ratio, the minimum number of required parking spaces for the proposed project is 310. There are a total of 404 parking spaces provided, including twenty-one (21) parking spaces for persons with disabilities. Therefore, the project would far exceed its parking requirement. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:6 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 7 of 16 6 3 2 Landscaping Plans A total of 89,991 sq. ft. of landscape is proposed throughout the project site. The project is required to provide landscaping of ten percent (10%) of the project site, which equates to approximately 37,496 sq. ft. Therefore, the project far exceeds the minimal landscaping requirement. The landscape design includes two rows of perimeter trees and building-adjacent trees to soften the edges of the developments and the proposed buildings. In addition, the landscape plans feature site amenities that coordinate and compliment the proposed center, including patio umbrellas, tables and chairs, benches, bike racks and trash receptacles. No large bioswales or basins would be located within the project site, since the project proposes subsurface drainage and water quality systems. Architecture The architecture for the project will include modern design elements. This will include a complementary blend of roof forms, window types, and colors and materials. Visual interest will be maintained throughout the project by enhanced architectural detailing and façade articulation along building elevations. Conceptual renderings of each proposed building are highlighted on the following pages. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:7 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 8 of 16 6 3 2 Major A Pad A Restaurant Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:8 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 9 of 16 6 3 2 Office / Retail Shops 1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:9 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 10 of 16 6 3 2 Shops 2 Office 2 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:10 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 11 of 16 6 3 2 Signage The project includes a master sign program which contains general specifications for wall sign illumination, materials, heights, sign area, number of signs allowed, and general locations for all signs. The master sign program also includes the following free-standing sign: One (1) 22.9 sq. ft. center identification sign Two (2) 70.9 sq. ft. (two-sided) monument signs One (1) 43.2 sq. ft. (two-sided) monument sign One (1) 25 sq. ft. monument sign Proposed Monument Sign Locations Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:11 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 12 of 16 6 3 2 Center ID Sign Type A – Monument Signs #1 and #2 Type B – Monument Sign #3 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:12 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 13 of 16 6 3 2 Type C – Monument Sign #4 Tentative Parcel Map The project includes a Tentative Parcel Map that would create six (6) parcels from the two (2) existing parcels. The proposed parcel sizes would range from 0.77 to 2.68 acres (refer to image below). The conditions of approval for the Tentative Map include a requirement to establish a reciprocal access, parking and drainage agreement for the six parcels for appropriate onsite circulation and access to and from adjacent roadways, to allow flexible parking overflow between parcels and to allow for the use of shared drainage and water quality systems. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:13 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 14 of 16 6 3 2 Conditional Use Permits and Public Convenience and Necessity (PCN) As previously stated, the project requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the drive-thru located at Shops 2. The project also proposes the sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption within Major A and as such findings of Public Convenience and Necessity are needed. However, this activity does not require a Conditional Use Permit, because pursuant to Section 9.250.030(c) of the City’s Development Code, grocery stores in excess of 20,000 square feet may offer the incidental sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits as a permitted use. The Major A is proposed as specialty grocer store and is primarily engaged in the sale of groceries and the sale of alcohol is ancillary. The building is proposed as 37,400 square feet. The California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board determined that for this Census Tract No. 427.08, five (5) off-sale (Type 20 and 21) licenses have been permitted (and four [4] licenses are currently active) and two (2) off-sale licenses are allowed. The four (4) active off-sale licenses issued within the census tract are as follows: i. Chevron Extra Mile, 29950 Murrieta Road ii. Circle K Stores, 29955 Haun Road iii. Menifee Liquor, 29800 Bradley Road iv. 99¢ Only Store, 26100 Newport Road In addition, there is one additional off-sale license that is current not active and has a current status of “R64B” (meaning “Issue and Hold”): i. Smart and Final Store, 29791 Haun Road Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:14 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 15 of 16 6 3 2 See map below for the locations of the four active licenses, the non-active license, and the project site. Therefore, the granting of this liquor license would cause this Census Tract to be over- concentrated by ABC’s determination for off sale licenses. The resolution approving the PCN includes findings supporting approval of a finding of public necessity and convenience. The Springs Charter Schools Bear River Student Center is located within 1,000 feet of the subject site (approximately 750 feet to the west). Chester Morrison Elementary School is located just beyond 1,000 feet to the south across Newport Road. No other private or public schools are located within 1,000 feet of the project site. No public or private parks are located within 1,000 feet of the subject site. There are churches (or similar facility for the sole purpose of the exercise of religion) located within 1,000 feet of the subject site, including the Valley Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located immediately to the west, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, located approximately 400 feet to the northwest, both across Bradley Road. Major A store is located within the central portion of the proposed retail/office center and is buffered from residential uses located to the northeast of the site by the proposed office building, as well as the storage facility located immediately to the east of the project site. In addition, the front doors of Major A will be located approximately 700 feet from the residential uses to the northeast and will face towards Newport Road, away from these residential uses. The project is required to install adequate lighting and a surveillance system, and comply with ABC regulations. The project applicant will also be required to process lighting plans through the Building and Safety Department. In addition, the applicant will be required to submit plans for a Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:15 City of Menifee Planning Commission PP No. PLN 20-0273, CUP No. PLN 20-0272, PC&N No. PLN 21-0211 and TPM No. PLN 20- 0275 (“Crossroads”) August 25, 2021 Page 16 of 16 6 3 2 security and surveillance system and install the system. The City of Menifee Police Department will review said security plans. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Menifee Community Development Department has determined the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment with incorporation of mitigation and has recommended adoption of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). The twenty- (20)-day public review period for the IS/MND occurred from July 29, 2021 to August 18, 2021. The IS/MND, as well as all its technical appendices, can be accessed for review on the City website: https://www.cityofmenifee.us/325/Environmental-Notices-Documents. FINDINGS Findings for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Plot Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Public Convenience and Necessity, and Tentative Parcel Map are included in the attached resolutions for each. PUBLIC NOTICE Public notices were distributed on July 29, 2021 for the August 25, 2021 Planning Commission hearing. Notices were published in a newspaper of general circulation (The Press Enterprise) and notices were sent to owners within 1,000 feet of the Project site boundaries and to all relevant agencies and interested parties. On-site postings were provided. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Summary Table 2. Exhibits 3. Resolution – Initial Study/Mitigation Negative Declaration 4. Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan 6. Resolution - Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 7.Conditions of Approval - PP PLN 20-0273 8. Resolution - Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 9. Conditions of Approval - CUP PLN 20-0272 10. Resolution – Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 11. Resolution – Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 12. Conditions of Approval – TPM PLN 20-0275 13. Public Hearing Noticing Package 14. Public Comments Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:16 Attachment A Project Summary Table 4 3 7 4 5 Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information General Plan Existing General Plan Land Use Designation Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Surrounding General Plan Land Use Designation North: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) South: Cal Neva Specific Plan East: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) West: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) and Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) Zoning Existing Zoning Designation Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Surrounding Zoning Designations North: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) South: Cal Neva Specific Plan East: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) West: Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC- NR) and Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) Other Information Existing Use Vacant land Surrounding Uses North: Commercial retail center (Bradley Business Center) South: CVS pharmacy and vacant land East: Mini-storage facility (Right Space Storage) West: Commercial retail center (Newport Plaza), vacant land and Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church Gross Acreage 9.02 gross acres (8.61 net acres) Building Square Footage Major ‘A’ – 37,400 sq. ft. (specialty grocer) Shops 1 – 8,200 sq. ft. Shops 2 – 8,500 sq. ft. with drive-thru Office/Retail – 7,750 sq. ft. Office 2 – 36,924 sq. ft. Pad A – 4,500 sq. ft. (restaurant) Total – 103,274 sq. ft. Floor Area Ratio 0.26 FAR (103,274 sq. ft. of total building area / 393,033 sq. ft. of gross land area) Parking Required/Parking Proposed 310 required / 404 provided Landscaping Required/Landscaping Proposed 37,496 sq. ft. (10% of total site area) required / 89,991 sq. ft. proposed Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-013 and -028 Environmental Review Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Policy Areas Mt. Palomar Lighting Influence Area Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:17 Attachment A Project Summary Table 4 3 7 4 5 Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information District Information School: Menifee Union School District & Perris Union High School District Water/Sewer: Eastern Municipal Water District Flood Control: Riverside County Flood Control District Fees 1. Subsequent review fees on an hourly basis per Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study) 2. Development Impact Fees 3. Western Riverside Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (WRMSHCP) fee (Chapter 8.27) 4. Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat fees (Ord. No. 663) 5. Western Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (Ord. No. 824) (central) Letters Received Two email comments on the project have been received at the time this report was prepared. 1. Catherine Thinnes, 8/10/21 2. Roy Dewerks, 8/13/21 Source: Planning case file and GIS system, July 2021 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:18 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 1 MENIFEE CROSSROADS ENTITLEMENT SUBMITTAL PROJECT INFORMATION V SCOPE OF WORK: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF ±9.02 AC SITE WHICH INCLUDES ±103,274 SF RETAIL, OFFICE AND ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. PROPOSED RETAIL USES INCLUDE MARKET, RESTAURANTS AND SHOPS. ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS: 336-180-013, 336-180-028 ZONING AND LAND USE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR (NEWPORT ROAD) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: LOTS 288, 289, 336 THROUGH 339, INCLUSIVE, 386 THROUGH 389, INCLUSIVE, AS SHOWN BY MAP OF THE PRATT EUCALYPTUS TRACT 7, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 9 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY 18, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 73330 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 388 AND 389 WHICH WERE CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION, BY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 20, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 313466 OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL B: THE WESTERLY 20.00 FEET OF LOTS 290, 335, AND THE WESTERLY 20.00 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY ONE-HALF OF LOT 340 OF PRATT EUCALYPTUS TRACT 7, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 9 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. TITLE SHEET CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN CONCEPTUAL FLOOR DIAGRAM - MAJOR A CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - MAJOR A CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - MAJOR A CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - MAJOR A CONCEPTUAL LINE OF SIGHT EXHIBIT CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SW CORNER OF MAJOR A CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN AND ROOF PLAN - PAD A CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - PAD A CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF PAD A CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - SHOPS 1 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - SHOPS 1 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 1 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF SHOP 1 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - SHOPS 2 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - SHOPS 2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 2 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF SHOPS 2 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - OFFICE 2 FIRST LEVEL CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - OFFICE 2 SECOND LEVEL CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - OFFICE 2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - OFFICE 2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - OFFICE 2 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - OFFICE 2 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - OFFICE 2 CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - STREET CORNER OF NEWPORT RD & BRADLEY RD. CONCEPTUAL PHOTOMETRIC STUDY & LIGHTING FIXTURE CUTSHEETS CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - TRASH ENCLOSURE & CART STORAGE & FIXTURE CUTSHEETS COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD DRAWING INDEX ARCHITECTURAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 PROJECT DIRECTORY OWNER/DEVELOPER: MENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED COMPANY ATTN: MOHAMMAD ALI TABRIZIZADEH 24211 PARK GRANADA CALABASAS, CA 91302 PHONE (818)-414-4650 brizit@aol.com CALIBER RETAIL PROPERTIES GROUP RETAIL DEVELOPER BART PEBBLES PRINCIPAL 17682 MITCHELL N, SUITE 201 IRVINE, CA 92614 PHONE (949) 725-0103 ARCHITECT: KTGY GROUP, INC. 17911 VON KARMAN AVE, STE 200 IRVINE, CA 92614 MICHAEL TSENG PHONE 949.797.8370 mtseng@ktgy.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ALHAMBRA GROUP VINCE DIDONATO 41635 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE N. SITE C TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE (951) 970-6156 CIVIL ENGINEER: 4M ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT MATT LIESEMEYER 41635 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NORTH STE B, TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE (951)-757-4763 ENTITLEMENT CONSULTANT: KASSEN KLEIN CONSULTING, LLC. KASSEN KLEIN P.O. BOX 747 MURRIETA, CA 92564 N.T.S. VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD TITLE SHEET Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:19 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 2CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 24' - 0 " 36 ' - 0 " DEDICATED PARKING FOR DELIVERY STAGING 184'-5" SHOPS 2±8,500 SF MAJOR A±37,400 SF 30 ' - 0 " 24' - 0 " 36' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 43 ' - 0 " 36' - 0 " 26'-0" 30 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 170'-0" 5'- 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 10'-1" 12'-0" 48'-11" 28 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 6'- 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 26'-0"15'-0" GENERATOR CO M P A C T O R 5'-3" 50'-7" 10'-0" 7'-0" 25 ' - 6 " 19 4 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 30'-0" SHOPS 1±8,200 SF 12'-0" 11'-0" 10' - 1 1 " 18 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 143'-0" 57 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' 5'- 0 " MONUMENTSIGN TYPE A 21'-10" 47'-10" PAD A±4,500 SF51' - 0 " 81'-6" 7'- 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 14 ' - 0 " 7'-0 " 5'-9 " 62' - 0 " 5'-0 " 12' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 26'-0" 5'- 0 " 18'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 18'-0" RETAIL /OFFICE 1±7,750 SF 11 ' - 1 1 " 8'- 0 " FIRE TRUCK 18 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 24'-0" 12 ' - 8 " 25'-7" 125'-0" 9'-0"TYP. 11 ' - 0 " 8'-0" 8'-0 " 9'- 0 " 26'-0"15'-0"±122,523 SF(±2.81 AC) MONUMENTSIGN, TYPE A PATIO (E) BILLBOARDTO BE REMOVED 38'-4" PATIO. SEENOTE "A" A B C D E PUBLIC ARTBY OWNER CENTER ID SIGN±7'-4" CMU BLOCK WALL& GATE PUBLICGATHERINGAREA 50 ' LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 24 ' - 0 " 18' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 18' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 26'-0"18'-0" 18' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 18 ' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0"11'-0" LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 11'-0" 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11'-0"11'-0" 26'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 7'-0" 7'-11" OUTDOOR SEATING AREA12'x35.5'SEE SITE FURNISHINGIMAGE ON PAGE 35 9'-4" 2'-10" CONCRETESTEP OUT, TYP.2'-10" 6'-4"6'-4" 7'-0"2'-10"2'-10" CAR T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CAR T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CAR T C O R R A L STO R A G E 8'-1 0 " 7'-2" 200 ' - 0 " 9'-2" 93'-0" 26'-0"18'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 10'-0"11'-0"12'-0" ±252,678 SF(±5.80 AC) LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 18'-0"24'-0"18'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 26' - 0 " 24'-0" 5'- 0 " 5'- 0 " 9'-9" 9'-0"TYP. 5'-0" 8'-0"9'-0" TYP. 5'-0 " 9'- 0 " 5'-0"9'-0"TYP. 5'-0" 9'-0"TYP. 9'-0"TYP. 28' - 3 " 7'- 0 " 12 ' - 0 " 17 ' - 5 " 66'-0" 62' - 1 0 " 35 ' - 1 0 " 14' - 5 " 7'-0"7'- 4 " 8'-0"8'-0"7'-11" 9'-0" 9'- 1 1 " 7'-0" 11'-6" 5'-11"7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0"10'-11" 7'-0" 7'-6 " 11 ' - 3 " 7'- 0 " 7'-0 " 11 ' - 6 " 11 ' - 9 " 8'-4" 7'-3" 7'-0" 7'- 0 " 7'-0 " 7'-0" 7'- 0 " 9'-0"TYP. 20 ' - 0 " TY P . 4' HIGH WALL4' HIGH WALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4'- 0 " 5'- 0 " 295'-0" 20' - 3 " 5'- 0 " 17 9 ' - 9 " 5'-3" 16' - 0 " 3'-0" 7'- 0 " 5'-11" 4'-0" 6'- 1 " 5'-0 " 5'- 0 " MONUMENTSIGN, TYPE B 5'-0"3'-6"SCREENWALL 3'-6"SCREENWALL OFFICE BLDG.MONUMENTSIGN 6'-0" 11'-0" OFFICE 236,924 SF2 LEVELS (18,462 FOOTPRINT) 350'-0"255'-1" SITE LIGHTING,TYP. SITE LIGHTING,TYP. SITE LIGHTING,TYP. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ PATIO. SEENOTE "A" PATIO. SEENOTE "A" PATIO. SEENOTE "A" PATIO. SEENOTE "A" ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ SHOPS 2±8,500 SF MAJOR A±37,400 SF 30 ' - 0 " 24' - 0 " 36' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 43 ' - 0 " 24' - 0 " 36' - 0 " 36 ' - 0 " 26'-0" 24 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E 169'-4" 5'- 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 15'-0" 15'-0" 36'-0" 28 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 6'- 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 26'-0"15'-0" GENERATOR CO M P A C T O R 5'-3" 184'-5" DEDICATED PARKING FOR DELIVERY STAGING 10'-0" 7'-0" 25 ' - 6 " 19 4 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " NE W P O R T R O A D 30'-0" SHOPS 1±8,200 SF 12'-0" 10' - 1 1 " 18 ' - 0 " 26' - 0 " 143'-0" 57 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " LOA D I N G 10' x 2 5 ' 5'- 0 " MONUMENTSIGN 21'-10" 47'-10" PAD A±4,500 SF51' - 0 " 81'-6" 7'- 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 14 ' - 0 " 7'-0 " 5'-9 " 62' - 0 " 5'-0 " 12' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 24'-0" 5'- 0 " RETAIL /OFFICE 1±7,750 SF OFFICE 236,924 SF2 LEVELS (18,462 FOOTPRINT) 26'-0"15'-0"±122,523 SF(±2.81 AC) MONUMENTSIGN PATIO (E) BILLBOARDTO BE REMOVED 50'-8" 38'-5" PATIO PATIO A B C D E SHADESTRUCTURES CENTER ID SIGN CMU BLOCK WALL& GATE PUBLIC GATHERINGAREA PATIO 50 ' PATIO LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 24 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 24 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 18' - 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 26'-0"18'-0" 22 ' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 18 ' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11'-0" 11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0" LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 11'-0" 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11'-0"11'-0" 26'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 7'-0" 7'-11" OUTDOORSEATING12'x35.5' 9'-4" 2'-10" CONCRETESTEP OUT, TYP.2'-10" 6'-4"6'-4" 7'-0"2'-10"2'-10" CAR T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CAR T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CAR T C O R R A L STO R A G E 8'-1 0 " 7'-2" 20 0 ' - 0 " 9'-2" 92'-10" 26'-0"18'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 10'-0"11'-0"11'-0" ±252,678 SF(±5.80 AC) LO A D I N G 10'x 2 5 ' 18'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 18'-0"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0" 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 0 " 11 ' - 1 1 " 18 ' - 0 " 8'- 0 " FIRE TRUCK 18 ' - 0 " 18 ' - 0 " 26' - 0 " 24'-0" 24'-0" 5'- 0 " 5'- 0 " 9'-9" 12 ' - 8 " 25'-7" 137'-0" 5'- 0 " 9'-0"TYP. 5'-0" 5'-0" 8'-0"9'-0"TYP.8'-0"9'-0" TYP. 11 ' - 0 " 8'-0 " 9'- 0 " 5'-0 " 9'- 0 " 5'-0"9'-0"TYP. 5'-0" 9'-0"TYP. 9'-0"TYP. 28 ' - 3 " 7'- 0 " 12 ' - 0 " 17 ' - 5 " 66'-0" 62' - 1 0 " 35 ' - 1 0 " 14 ' - 4 " 2'-0" 7'-0"7'- 4 " 8'-0"8'-0"7'-11" 9'-0" 9'- 1 1 " 7'-0" 10'-1" 5'-11"7'-0" 7'-0" 9'-11" 7'-11"7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-6 " 11 ' - 3 " 7'- 0 " 7'-0 " 11 ' - 6 " 11 ' - 9 " 8'-4" 7'-3" 7'-0" 7'- 0 " 7'-0 " 7'-0" 7'- 0 " 9'-0"TYP. 20 ' - 0 " TY P . 4' HIGH WALL4' HIGH WALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4'- 0 " 5'- 0 " 285'-7"20' - 3 " 17 ' - 0 " 16 6 ' - 2 " 5'-3" 22 ' - 0 " 4'-4" 5'- 4 " 3'-6" 5'-0" SHADESTRUCTURES 6'- 1 " SCALE: 1” = 40’ 0 4020 80 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR- NEWPORT ROAD (EDC-NR)EXISTING COMMERCIAL / RETAIL CENTER PUBLIC/QUASO- PUBLIC FACILITIES(PF)VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR- NEWPORT ROAD (EDC-NR) EXISTING COMMERICAL / RETAIL CENTER ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS:APN: 336-180-013APN: 336-180-028 ZONING AND LAND USE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR (NEWPORT ROAD) LEGAL DESCRIPTION:PARCEL A:LOTS 288, 289, 336 THROUGH 339, INCLUSIVE, 386 THROUGH 389, INCLUSIVE, AS SHOWN BY MAP OFTHE PRATT EUCALYPTUS TRACT 7, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 9 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY 18, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 73330 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 388 AND 389 WHICH WERE CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION, BY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 20, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 313466 OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL B:THE WESTERLY 20.00 FEET OF LOTS 290, 335, AND THE WESTERLY 20.00 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY ONE-HALF OF LOT 340 OF PRATT EUCALYPTUS TRACT 7, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 9 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. NOTE:A: EXTERIO PATIO TABLES AS ALLOWED BY CITY BASED UPON TENANT’S INTERIOR/EXTERIOR DINING PLAN. SITE SUMMARY GROSS LAND AREA: ±393,033 SF (±9.02 AC)NET LAND AREA: ±374,964 SFTOTAL BUILDING AREA: ±103,274 SFTOTAL SITE COVERAGE: 26.3%**FAR: 0.26LANDSCAPE AREA: ±89,991 SF (24%)LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: ±67,494 (18%)PARKING REQUIRED: ±310 STALLS*PARKING PROVIDED: ±404 STALLSPARKING RATIO: 3.9/1000 RETAIL PARCELSITE AREA (NET) ±255,830 SF (±5.86 AC)BUILDING AREA: ±58,600 SFSITE COVERAGE: 22.9%FAR: 0.23PARKING REQUIRED: ±176 STALLS* PARKING PROVIDED: ±258 STALLSPARKING RATIO: 4.4/1000 OFFICE PARCELSITE AREA (NET): ±119,134 SF (±2.73 AC)BUILDING AREA: ±44,674 SFSITE COVERAGE: 22.0%**FAR: 0.22PARKING REQUIRED: ±134 STALLS* PARKING PROVIDED: ±146 STALLSPARKING RATIO: 3.3/1000 * BASED ON CITY OF MENIFEE PARKING STANDARDS:GENERAL RETAIL: 3/1000 (58,600 SF) = 176PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS OFFICES: 3/1000 (44,674 SF) = 134 ** BASED ON THE BUILDING FOOTPRINTS (±26,212 SF) HARDSCAPE PAVERS Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:20 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 3CONCEPTUAL FLOOR DIAGRAM - MAJOR A NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) DE D I C A T E D P A R K I N G F O R D E L I V E R Y S T A G I N G Trucks805 SF Trash Compactor 176 SF Staging2013 SF Counting 224 SF Freezer (35k)624 SF Food Bar -Hot / Cold 249 SF Bakery163 SF Cooler -Dairy 638 SF Meat / Seafood 1193 SF Sales Floor 9720 SF Checkout Stations 1312 SF Cooler -Produce566 SF Produce 1371 SF Freezer (35k)624 SF Restrooms 480 SF Office / Break 606 SF Trucks 805 SF Back of House 215 SF Electical Panels 70 SF Kitchen2683.96 SF Seating 618 SF Floral Fixture 72 SF Carts 285 SF Test Fit | Menifee-Newport(NEC), CA Issued: 08/31/20 0 32168 SCALE: 116" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN AND INTERIOR LAYOUT SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:21 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 4CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - MAJOR A NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 32' - 8"T.O.P. 27' - 0"T.O.P. 31' - 6"T.O.P. 31' - 6"T.O.P. 36' - 8"T.O.P. 32' - 8"T.O.P. 27' - 0"T.O.P. 24' - 3"T.O. ROOF 20' - 5"T.O. ROOF 32' - 8"T.O.P. 19' - 6"T.O. ROOF 27' - 0"T.O.P. 0 32168 SCALE: 116" = 1'-0" NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT PLAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:22 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 5CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - MAJOR A NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 4 4 10 18 192 2 1219 C C B P AL L DA M 1335 1 3 3 4 2 4 12 13 1312 1212 DIC LR I C L CI D D DD DD K 10 11 10 10BQ B B +31’-6” +16’-0” +0’-0” +31’-6” +24’-3” +24’-3” +32’-8” +31’-6” +12’- 0” +0’- 0” +12’-0” +36’-8” T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING F.F. T.O. PARAPET B/DECK B/DECK T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING F.F. T.O. OPENING T.O. PARAPET +31’-6” +32’-8” +27’-0” +19’-6” +20’-4” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF B/DECK B/DECK 1 2 ROOFLINE 3’-0” HIGH CART SCREEN WALL 1A MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. EAST ELEVATION2 SOUTH ELEVATION1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:23 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 6CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - MAJOR A K NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 13 12DD 19A2 1LL F 3 4 +27’-0”T.O. PARAPET 1219DA 1LE E E E 12 3DI213LD +31’-6” +24’-3” T.O. ROOF B.O. DECK K +32’-8” +0’-0” T.O. PARAPET F.F. +20’-4” +15’-0” B/DECK T.O. WALL ROOFLINE ROOFLINE 10B 6” PRE-CAST TRIM BY CDI MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. WEST ELEVATION4 NORTH ELEVATION3 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:24 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 7CONCEPTUAL LINE OF SIGHT EXHIBIT NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) A A MAJOR A 12’ HIGH TRUCKS IN POSITION LINE OF SIGHT OFFICE 2 +0’-0” T.O. F.F. +16-0” +15-0” +27-0” +43-0” SECOND LEVEL T.O. SCREEN WALL T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET SECTION A-A Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:25 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 8CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SW CORNER OF MAJOR A Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:26 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 9CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN - PAD A NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 20' - 9"T.O.P. 25' - 0"T.O.P. 20' - 9"T.O.P. 20' - 9"T.O.P. 26' - 2"T.O.P. KEF-4 KEF-3 KEF-2 KEF-1RTU-3 RTU-2 RTU-1 RTU-4 MAU-1EF-1 19' - 3"T.O.P. 19' - 3"T.O.P. 19' - 3"T.O.P. 24' - 7"T.O.P. 4,500 SF PAD A "B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION 22'-2"3'-10"4'-6"23'-5"4'-6"3'-10"19'-3" 81'-6" 38 ' - 7 " 12 ' - 6 " 1'- 8 " 51 ' - 1 " 2'-4"17'-4"64'-2"81'-6" 50 ' - 1 1 " 6'- 2 " 1'- 6 " 1'- 6 " 5'- 1 1 " COVEREDPATIO NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT PLAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLOOR PLAN AND INTERIOR LAYOUT SUBJECT TO CHANGE FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:27 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 10CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - PAD A NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 24 3 1 27 271727 27 17 2727 27 27 7 D DDC C A CD C C K K N2121 21 26 17 17 17 1727 A A A A D D D DC +26’-2” +25’-0” ±13’-6” ±14’-8” +20’-8” +11’-0” +20’-8” +20’-8” +11’-0” ±13’-6” ±14’-8” +11’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENING 0’-0” 0’-0” 0’-0” 0’-0”F.F. F.F. F.F. A N A P A AA A AANB B B2172123 21 2323 21 23267 +25’-2” +14’-8” +13’-6” +20’-8” +20’-8” T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET EAST ELEVATION1 NORTH ELEVATION2 WEST ELEVATION3 SOUTH ELEVATION4 ROOFLINE MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. 3 4 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:28 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 11CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF PAD A Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:29 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 12CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - RETAIL/OFFICE 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) NOTE: BUILDING DEMISING IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE.ELECTRICAL ROOM NOT INCLUDED IN SQUARE FOOTAGE. 36'-9" RETAIL / OFFICE 17,750 SF"B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION ROOF ACCESSLADDER FIRE RISER RM50 SF FIRE RISER 113'-0" ELEC ROOM70 SF 127'-0" 33'-8"36'-8"32'-8" 4'-4"24'-0"4'-4" 12'-0" 5'-0"23'-8"4'-4" 12'-0" 5'-0"12'-0"4'-0"12'-0"4'-4" 64 ' - 4 " 4' - 4 " 4'- 4 " 12 ' - 0 " 4'- 4 " 12 ' - 0 " 23 ' - 0 " 4'- 4 " PATIO 10'-0" 10 ' - 8 " 7'-0" 37 ' - 0 " 62 ' - 0 " 36'-0" 12'-0"4'-0"4'-0"12'-0"4'-0" 26'-0"37'-0" 126'-0" 27'-0" 6'-6"24'-0"6'-6" 63 ' - 4 " 37 ' - 0 " 4' - 4 " 12 ' - 0 " 4'- 4 " 4'- 4 " 12 ' - 0 " 26 ' - 4 " Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:30 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 13CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - RETAIL/OFFICE 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 28' - 0"T.O.P. 27' - 0"T.O.P. RTU TYP.. 23' - 8"T.O.P. CANOPY BELOWTYP. 21' - 8"T.O.P. 21' - 8"T.O.P. 23' - 8"T.O.P. ±17' - 0" T.O.ROOF ±18' - 3" T.O.ROOF RTU RTU RTU RTU NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT PLAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL, SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:31 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 14CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 2 1 PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. 0’-0” F.F. 20SPANDREL 2025181515151515AADADCKDDC AA DBBB1414 15 +23’-8”+23’-8” +28’-0” ±18’-3”±18’-3” +10’-0”+10’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENING T.O. OPENING EAST ELEVATION1 0’-0” F.F. SPANDREL2015 15 25ADDD A A APB1414 2014 +23’-8”+23’-8” ±18’-3”±17’-0” +10’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENING NORTH ELEVATION2 ROOFLINE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:32 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 15CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 4 3 PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 0’-0” F.F. 0’-0” F.F. 15 15 15 25 20 20 SPANDREL SPANDREL15251525201418 14 K K D D D D A ADDDDAAA A P A A B B B14 14 14 +23’-8”+23’-8” +23’-8”+23’-8” +27’-0” SPANDREL ±17’-0”±17’-0” ±17’-0”±18’-3” +10’-0”+10’-0” +10’-0” T.O. PARAPETT.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOFT.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENINGT.O. OPENING T.O. OPENING WEST ELEVATION3 SOUTH ELEVATION4 MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. 3 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:33 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 16CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SE CORNER OF OFFICE 1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:34 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 17CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - SHOPS 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 8,200 SF SHOPS 1 "B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION EL E C R O O M 78 S F 6'-6"25'-5"6'-6"18'-6"4'-8"18'-6"4'-8" 62'-11" 21 ' - 4 " 5'- 4 " 28 ' - 8 " 6'- 4 " 23 ' - 0 " 32'-1" 41'-3" 28'-8" 38'-8"7'-4" 58 ' - 0 " 145'-0" 58 ' - 1 " FIRE RISER 6'-4" 46'-4"38'-5" 56 ' - 0 " 147'-8" 144'-0" 26 ' - 1 " 36 ' - 9 " 5'- 4 " 19'-4" 5'-0"5'-0" 38'-5" ROOF ACCESSLADDER 14 ' - 4 " 12 ' - 3 " 13 ' - 4 " 11'-11" 3'-3" 5'-11" NOTE: BUILDING DEMISING IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE.ELECTRICAL ROOM NOT INCLUDED IN SQUARE FOOTAGE. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:35 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 18CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - SHOPS 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) RTU RTU RTU RTU METAL CANOPY BELOWTYP. 30' - 0" T.O.P. 22' - 4" T.O.P. RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTURTU 22' - 4" T.O.P. 19' - 8" T.O.P. 25' - 0" T.O.P. 22' - 3" T.O.P. 25' - 0" T.O.P. 23' - 0" T.O.P. 22' - 3" T.O.P. ±16' - 0" T.O.ROOF ±17' - 2" T.O.ROOF NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT PLAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:36 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 19CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 1 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 0’-0”0’-0” 0’-0”0’-0” F.F.F.F. F.F.F.F. MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. 24 3 1 14 2015 23 2315 23 15 15151519 152222 22 19 192221 20 14 15 19 192315DACCCD D D DACO DAA A O OAA A D C O OACK +25’- 0” +22’- 4” ±16’- 0” +30’- 0” +25’- 0” ±17’- 2” +23’- 0” ±17’- 2” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF 15 15 1515 1515 151010 101515SPANDRELSPANDRELSPANDREL 22 15 23C C CP PA PBB BCAF A A D ROOFLINE +23’-0” +11’-0” ±16’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. ROOF EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 1 3 2 4 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:37 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 20CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SHOPS 1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:38 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 21CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - SHOPS 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) "B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION 8,500 SF SHOPS 2 FIRE RISER 169'-4" 50 ' - 0 " 4'-0" 175'-2" 64'-10"69'-0"36'-4"5'-0" 24'-5"6'-0"24'-5"6'-0"7'-0"55'-0"7'-0"8'-0"28'-4" 8'- 0 " 50 ' - 1 0 " 29 ' - 6 " 21 ' - 4 " 15 ' - 6 " 6'- 0 " 6'-0" 173'-0" 36'-0"125'-0"12'-0" 27'-0"6'-0"6'-0"47'-0"6'-0"27'-0"4'-6"27'-0"4'-6" 51 ' - 8 " 27 ' - 4 " 8' - 0 " 19 ' - 4 " 11 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 4 " EL E C R O O M 78 S F FIRE RISER RM50 SF ROOF ACCESSLADDER NOTE: BUILDING DEMISING IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE.ELECTRICAL ROOM NOT INCLUDED IN SQUARE FOOTAGE. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:39 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 22CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - SHOPS 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU ±18' - 0" T.O.ROOF 26' - 6" T.O.P. 24' - 0" T.O.P.19' - 5" T.O.P. 23' - 0" T.O.P. 13' - 0" T.O.PROJECTION 27' - 0" T.O.OVERHANG METAL CANOPY BELOW 23' - 0" T.O.P. 19' - 5" T.O.P. ±17' - 0" T.O.ROOF 23' - 0" T.O.P. METAL CANOPY BELOW METAL CANOPY BELOW NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT PLAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:40 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 23CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 2 1 EL E C R O O M 78 S F ELEC ROOM78 SF PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 15 25 15 1914 22 22 15 15 13 15 1513 2315DD D OA A A A C O C AO OC +27’-0” +26’-6” ±18’-0” +12’-0” +10’-0” +2’-6” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENING T.O. OPENING B.O. OPENING 0’-0” 0’-0” F.F. F.F. K B +26’-6” ±18’-0” +24’-0” ±17’-0” +10’-0” +23’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. OPENING T.O. ROOF 23 15 15OABP EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION 1 2 MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. ROOFLINE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:41 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 24CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - SHOPS 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 4 3 ELEC ROOM 78 SF EL E C R O O M 78 S F PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. 25 22 2115 15 1513 19 151514 19DAACCAO O CDA O K +24’-0” ±17’-0” +22’-1” ±17’-0” +11’-2” T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF T.O. CANOPY 0’-0” 0’-0” F.F. F.F. +12’-5” T.O. PARAPET +22’-11” +11’-0” ± 17’-0” +27’-0” ±18’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. CANOPY T.O. ROOF T.O. PARAPET T.O. ROOF 21 15 SPANDREL SPANDRELSPANDRELSPANDREL 15 A P A B WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 3 4 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:42 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 25CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - SHOPS 2 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:43 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 26CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN -OFFICE 2 FIRST LEVEL NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 2 LEVELS OFFICE:GROUND FLOOR "B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION18,642 SQ.FT. 200'-7" 3'-10" 1'-10" 14'-9"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"3'-10" 1'-10" 93 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 0 " 4'- 6 " 25 ' - 1 0 " 32 ' - 7 " 5'- 0 " 25 ' - 1 " 200'-7" 24'-7"6'-10"7'-0"33'-1"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"5'-0"36'-5" 93 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 0 " 4'- 6 " 25 ' - 1 0 " 7'- 4 " 27 ' - 7 " 27 ' - 9 " 17'-10" ELEC ROOM140 SF WOMEN'S RESTROOM198 SQ. FT. MEN'S RESTROOM198 SQ. FT. MECHANICAL ROOM48 SQ. FT. FIRE RISER43 SF 7'- 4 " 10'-0" COMMONAREA975 SF NOTE: FLOOR PLAN AND INTERIOR LAYOUT SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:44 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 27CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN - OFFICE 2 SECOND LEVEL NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 2 LEVELS OFFICE: 1STFLOOR "B" OCCUPANCYTYPE V-B CONSTRUCTION18,642 SQ. FT 200'-7" 3'-10" 1'-10" 32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"3'-10" 1'-10" 93 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 0 " 4'- 6 " 25 ' - 1 0 " 7'- 4 " 25 ' - 3 " 5'- 0 " 25 ' - 1 " 200'-7" 24'-7"6'-10"7'-0"33'-1"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"32'-7"7'-6"5'-0"36'-5" 93 ' - 0 " 1'- 1 0 " 4'- 6 " 25 ' - 1 0 " 7'- 4 " 27 ' - 7 " 27 ' - 9 " WOMEN'S RESTROOM198 SQ. FT. MEN'S RESTROOM198 SQ. FT. JANITOR'S CLOSET48 SQ. FT. MECHANICAL SHAFT33 SQ. FT. MECHANICAL SHAFT40 SQ. FT. COMMONAREA455 SF 10'-0" NOTE: FLOOR PLAN AND INTERIOR LAYOUT SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:45 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 28CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLAN - OFFICE 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTURTU RTU RTU RTU 38' -0" T.O.P. 46' - 6" T.O.P. 46' - 8" T.O.P. 46' - 6" T.O.P. 41' - 0" T.O.P. 41' - 0" T.O.P.37' - 8" T.O.P. 37' - 0" T.O.P. 37' - 0" T.O.P. 41' - 0" T.O.P. 37 -0" T.O.P. RTU NOTE: ROOF PLAN AND EQUIPMENT LAYOUT ARE CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:46 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 29CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - OFFICE 2 SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 1 2 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 1 2 PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 15 20 14 202616 2015 16 16 26J D A AOA AA J A O +46’-8” +39’-0” +39’-0” +28’-8” +0’-0” +0’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. F.F. T.O. F.F. K 16 1614 C CP B B G P +40’-0”T.O. PARAPET +39’-0” +28’-8” +34’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. ROOF +43’-0” T.O. PARAPET K 14A B 14A B23A ROOFLINE +16-0” FLOOR TO FLOOR +16-0” FLOOR TO FLOOR +12’-0” T.O. OPENING MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:47 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 30CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - OFFICE 2 NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION 3 4 NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E KEY PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 3 4 PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” NOT USED FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6670 “GOLD CREST” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 +40’-0” +39’-0” +38’-0” +43-0” +28-8” +16-0” +16-0” +0’-0” +0’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING FLOOR TO FLOOR FLOOR TO FLOOR F.F. F.F. +46’-8” +13’-1” +38’-0” +39’-0” +28’-8” +12’-0” +32’-0”+32’-0” T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. OPENING T.O. OPENING T.O. ROOFT.O. ROOF 15202614AAOA 16 161520262016 16JJJAOAAA 16CPK 15P 14A 14A ROOFLINE MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE SPANDREL GLASS BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS LIGHT FIXTURES LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L NOTE: SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASTER SIGN PROGRAM. WINDOWS AND DOORS TO BE RECESSED A MIN. OF 2”. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:48 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 31CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - OFFICE 2 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:49 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 32CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - OFFICE 2 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:50 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 33CONCEPTUAL RENDERING - STREET CORNER OF NEWPORT RD. & BRADLEY RD. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:51 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 34 PH 1 & 2 FIXTUREBD 1 - BD 4 WD 2 CONCEPTUAL PHOTOMETRIC STUDY & LIGHTING FIXTURE CUTSHEETS Catalog # :Project : Date :Prepared By : LSI Industries Inc. 10000 Alliance Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 • www.lsi-industries.com(513) 372-3200 • ©2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Page 1/7 Rev. 07/28/20 SPEC.1045.A.0620 Mirada Medium (MRM)Outdoor LED Area Light FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Construction• Rugged die-cast aluminum housingcontains factory prewired driver and opticalunit. Cast aluminum wiring access doorlocated underneath.•Designed to mount to square or roundpoles.•Fixtures are finished with LSI’s DuraGrip®polyester powder coat finishing process.The DuraGrip finish withstands extremeweather changes without cracking orpeeling. Other standard LSI finishesavailable. Consult factory.•Shipping weight: 30 lbs in carton.Optical System•State-of-the-Art one piece silicone opticsheet delivers industry leading opticalcontrol with an integrated gasket to provideIP66 rated sealed optical chamber in 1component.•Proprietary silicone refractor optics provideexceptional coverage and uniformity in IESTypes 2, 3, 5W, FT and FTA.•Silicone optical material does not yellow orcrack with age and provides a typical lighttransmittance of 93%.•Zero uplight.•Available in 5000K, 4000K, and 3000Kcolor temperatures per ANSI C78.377. AlsoAvailable in Phosphor Converted Amberwith Peak intensity at 610nm.•Minimum CRI of 70.•Integral Louver (IL) option available forimproved back-light control withoutsacrificing street side performance. Seepage 5 for more details. Electrical•High-performance driver features over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuit andover temperature protection.•0-10V dimming (10% - 100%) standard.•Standard Universal Voltage (120-277 Vac)Input 50/60 Hz or optional High Voltage(347-480 Vac).•L80 Calculated Life: >100k Hours (SeeLumen Maintenance on Page 2)•Total harmonic distortion: <20%•Operating temperature: -40°C to +50°C(-40°F to +122°F). 42L lumen package ratedto +40ºC.•Power factor: >.90•Input power stays constant over life.•Field replaceable 10kV surge protectiondevice meets a minimum Category C Lowoperation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2).•High-efficacy LEDs mounted to metal-corecircuit board to maximize heat dissipation•Components are fully encased in pottingmaterial for moisture resistance. Drivercomplies with FCC standards. Driver andkey electronic components can easily beaccessed.Controls •Optional integral passive infraredBluetooth™ motion and photocellsensor (see page 5 for more details).Fixtures operate independently and canbe commissioned via iOS or Androidconfiguration app•LSI’s AirLink™ wireless control systemoptions reduce energy and maintenancecosts while optimizing light quality 24/7.(see page 5 for more details. Installation•A single fastener secures the hinged door,underneath the housing and providesquick & easy access to the electricalcompartment.•Included terminal block accepts up to 12 ga.wire.•Utilizes LSI’s traditional 3” drill pattern B3for easy fastening of LSI products. (Seedrawing on page 1)Warranty •LSI LED Fixtures carry a 5-year warranty.Listings• Listed to UL 1598 and UL 8750.• Meets Buy American Act requirements.• IDA compliant; with 3000K colortemperature selection.• Title 24 Compliant; see local ordinance forqualification information.• Suitable for wet Locations.• IP66 rated Luminaire per IEC 60598. IP66rated optical chamber.•3G rated for ANSI C136.31 high vibrationapplicationsapplicationsare qualified. Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. OVERVIEW Lumen Package 7,000 - 42,000Wattage Range 53 - 390 Efficacy Range (LPW)93 - 148 Weight lbs(kg)30 (13.6) QUICK LINKS Ordering Guide Performance Photometrics Dimensions LSI Industries Inc. 10000 Alliance Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 • www.lsi-industries.com(513) 372-3200 • ©2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Page 3/7 Rev. 07/28/20 SPEC.1045.A.0620 Mirada Medium Outdoor LED Area Light Optics Rotated Left Straight Optics Rotated Right Use TypeR(Optics Rotated Right) Pole EXAMPLE Use TypeL(Optics Rotated Left) OPTICS ROTATION ACCESSORIES/OPTIONS Integral Louver (IL)Accessory Integral Louver available for improved back-light control without sacrificing street side performance. LSI’s Integral Louver (IL) option delivers backlight control that significantly reduces light spill behind the pole for applications with pole locations close to adjacent properties. The integrated louvers’ design maximizes forward-reflected light while - reducing glare, maintaining the optical distribution selected, and most importantly, eliminating light trespass. The Integral louver rotates with the optical distribution. 7 Pin Photoelectric Control7-pin ANSI C136.41-2013 control receptacle option available fortwist lock photocontrols or wireless control modules. Controlaccessories sold separately. Dimming leads from the receptaclewill be connected to the driver dimming leads (Consult factoryfor alternate wiring). Luminaire Shown with PCR 7P Luminaire Shown with Integral Louver (IL) Top View Luminaire Shown with IMSBT Option IMSBT General information Luminaire characteristics:Power input: 12 to 22.1W Lumens: 1370 to 1960 lm (delivered)Luminaire efficacy: 85 to 124 lm/W Source: White LED 3000K or 4000K : 70CRI.Lumen maintenance: >80% of initial lumens at 100 000 hours (L80). LM-80 (LED) / LM-79 tested. Optics: Street optic, IESNA optics type II or III with comfort optic for reduced glare. Adjustable +45º/-60º tilt and 337º pan. Body: Die-cast aluminum optical assembly and frame. Sodium-calcium tempered sealing glass, sealed at the factory. Stainless steel fastening components and hardware. Supplied with an aluminum mounting plate. Electrical: Universal high efficiency electronic power supply, rated 50000 H. 120V-277V. Mounting: Wall arm, wall surface or ground spike. Finish: Gray (RAL9007) . Weight: 4.9lbs (2.2kg). Warranty: 5 year limited warranty. Certification: cULus listed for wet location. Ratings: IP66, IK09. Project name: Type: DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET MH - R3 PAGE: 1 OF 3 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.iguzzini-na.com LAST UPDATE: OCTOBER 20, 2016 iTEKALED Ø4½"(114mm) 6⅝"(169mm) 7⅝"(195mm) SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW 10⅝"(270mm) 15½"(394mm) Date Project nameCity / Location QTYType Lumca reserves the right to modify the elements on this technical data sheet without prior notice. T : 877.650.1693 | www.lumca.com Ordering example: CP8223 36LED07 80W 40K L3 120 BK RCD Weight: 36 lb - 16.4 kg HSSHouse Side Shield HSSHouse Side Shield Luminaire Options Source Dist. typeCCT Voltage Color BTPButton Type Photocell House Side Shield RCD - Remote Controle Dimmer (software N/I)SGP10Surge Protection (10kV)SGP20Surge Protection (20kV) TRTenon Reducer Existing Tenon Ø : HSS PRGProgrammable Driver Dark Sky with lens #4 CP8219 38.5 " [ 9 7 8 m m ] EPA 2.23 ft² Ø23.5" [597mm] CP8419 38.5 " [ 9 7 8 m m ] EPA 1.66 ft² Ø23.5" [597mm] CP8223 38.5 " [ 9 7 8 m m ] EPA 2.32 ft² Ø28.5" [724mm] HSSHouse Side Shield HSSHouse Side Shield HSSHouse Side Shield Luminaire Options Source Dist. typeCCTAdaptor Voltage Color BTPButton Type Photocell House Side Shield RCD - Remote Controle Dimmer (software N/I)SGP10Surge Protection (10kV)SGP20Surge Protection (20kV) TRTenon Reducer Existing Tenon Ø : HSS HSSHouse Side Shield HSSHouse Side Shield Luminaire Options Source Dist. typeCCT Voltage Color BTPButton Type Photocell House Side Shield RCD - Remote Controle Dimmer (software N/I)SGP10Surge Protection (10kV)SGP20Surge Protection (20kV) TRTenon Reducer Existing Tenon Ø : HSS PPDProgrammable Driver 38.5 " [ 9 7 8 m m ] CP8423 EPA 1.75 ft² Ø28.5" [724mm] - 3000K (30K) and 4000K (40K).- 1 to 4 LED modules (30 to 120 watts).- Light distribution available in type II, III, IV and V.- Tool-less access.- IP66.- CSA / CSA-US certified.- Dark sky compliant with lens #4 (flat lens). ------------------------ PH1 BD1a BD4 BD4 BD1 PH1 BD1g BD4 BD1b BD1b PH1a(SINGLE HEAD) PH1 PH1 PH1 BD4 BD1 PH1 PH1 PH1 WD1 WD1b WD1b WD1WD1 PH1 BD1 PH1a PH1a PH2(DOUBLE HEAD)PH2(DOUBLE HEAD)PH2(DOUBLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1a(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD)PH1(SINGLE HEAD)PH2(DOUBLE HEAD) BD1e BD1e BD1BD1BD1BD1BD1BD1 BD1cBD1BD1BD1BD1BD1 PH1a BD1 WD1a WD1WD1 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 WD2 PH1a(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD)PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD)PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD)PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1a PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD) BD1a(SINGLE HEAD) PH2(DOUBLE HEAD) PH2(DOUBLE HEAD) RD1 WD2BD1c WD1b WD1a BD1a WD1 BD1e BD1 BD3 BD4 PH1 PH1a PH2 RD1 RD1 BD1f WD1d WD2 WD2 WD2 WD1 WD1d BD1b PH1a PH1a BD1f BD1f BD1g BD1g BD1g BD1a BD1a BD1a BD4 BD1 BD4BD4 BD4 SHOPS 2•••••••••••••••••• MAJOR A•••••••••••••••••••• GENERATOR CO M P A C T O R EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT SHOPS 1•••••••••••••••••• LO A D I N G 10' x 2 5 ' MONUMENTSIGN TYPE B PAD A•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RETAIL /OFFICE 1•••••••••••••••••• FIRE TRUCK OU T D O O R S E A T I N G 12' x 3 5 . 5 ' OFFICE 236,924 SF2 LEVELS (18,462 FOOTPRINT) •••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • •• • ••••••••••• MONUMENTSIGN, TYPE A PATIO (E) BILLBOARDTO BE REMOVED PATIO PATIO A B C D E PUBLIC ARTBY OWNER CENTER ID SIGN•• ••• ••••••• CMU BLOCK WALL& GATE PUBLIC GATHERINGAREA PATIO PATIO LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' OUTDOORSEATING12'x35.5' CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CA R T C O R R A L STO R A G E •••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • •• • ••••••••••• LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' 5'- 0 " 4' HIGH WALL4' HIGH WALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4' - 0 " 5'- 0 " MONUMENTSIGN, TYPE B 3'-6"SCREENWALL 2'-0"SCREENWALL 3'-6"SCREENWALL OFFICE BLDG.MONUMENTSIGN PH1(SINGLE HEAD) PH1(SINGLE HEAD) Luminaire ScheduleSymbolQty Label Arrangement LLF Description Lum. Lumens Lum. Watts Total Watts BUG Rating24DRSINGLE0.700 HE WILLIAMS: 4DR-TL-L10-830-DIM-UNV-LW-OF-WH 674 9 18 B1-U1-G015ITEKASINGLE0.500 IGUZINNI: I.BV15-B0-UNV-15 1400 16.8 252 B1-U0-G11MRM-2-SINGLE-IL SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-2-30-70CRI-IL 7117 94 94 B1-U0-G21MRM-2-WALL-12L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-2-30-70CRI (WALL MOUNTED)11461 94 94 B2-U0-G25MRM-3-SINGLE-IL SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-18L-SIL-3-30-70CRI-IL 12920 150 750 B1-U0-G35MRM-3-WALL-12L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-3-30-70CRI (WALL MOUNTED)11766 94 470 B2-U0-G21MRM-3-WALL-9L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-09L-SIL-3-30-70CRI (WALL MOUNTED)8804 69 69 B1-U0-G22MRM-4-SINGLE-12L-IL SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-FT-30-70CRI-IL 7403 94 188 B0-U0-G23MRM-4-SINGLE-18L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-18L-SIL-FT-30-70CRI 17143 150 450 B3-U0-G32MRM-4-SINGLE-9L-IL SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-09L-SIL-FT-30-70CRI-IL 5540 69 138 B0-U0-G216MRM-4-SINGLE-IL-18L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-18L-SIL-FT-30-70CRI-IL 11089 150 2400 B1-U0-G22MRM-4-WALL SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-FT-30-70CRI (WALL MOUNTED)11444 94 188 B2-U0-G2 3 MRM-5-12L-3-HEAD 3 @ 90 DEGREES 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-5W-30-70CRI 11199 94 846 B4-U0-G2 5 MRM-5-12L-4-HEAD 4 @ 90 DEGREES 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-12L-SIL-5W-30-70CRI 11199 94 1880 B4-U0-G2 2 MRM-5-9L SINGLE 0.900 LSI INDUSTRIES: MRM-LED-09L-SIL-5W-30-70CRI 8380 69 138 B3-U0-G2 26 PH1 SINGLE 0.900 LUMCA: CP1A401-18LED07-40W-30K-L5S-VOLT-FINISH-DIM (1 HEAD POLE)3303 40 1040 B2-U2-G29PH1-SHIELD SINGLE 0.900 LUMCA: CP64XX-18LED07-40W-L3-30K-120-HSS (1 HEAD WITH SHIELD)3227 40 360 B0-U0-G06PH2-TWIN BACK-BACK 0.900 LUMCA: CPL02XX 18LED07 40W 40K L5S 120 (2 HEAD POLE)3303 40 480 B2-U2-G2 Calculation SummaryLabel Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min HEIGHT OF CALC POINTSTRASH ENCLOSURE Fc 2.37 3.3 1.4 1.69 2.36 0-- PROPERTY LINE - 15FT BEYOND Fc 0.01 0.30 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L O N G B E A C H , C A 9 0 8 0 6 - 2 2 1 3 , U S A T: 5 6 2 . 9 8 9 . 3 8 4 3 F : 5 6 2 . 9 8 9 . 3 8 4 7 ww w . L i g h t i n g D e s i g n A l l i a n c e . c o m SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" SITE LIGHTING LAYOUT & PHOTOMETRICS 1 LD 001 SI T E L I G H T I N G P L A N Me n i f e e C r o s s r o a d s Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:52 Architecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE, CA # 2020-0344 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MAY 19TH, 2021 CONCEPTUAL DESIGNMENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 PARK GRANADACALABASAS, CA 92301 35 WS 1 WS 2 WS 3 PRODUCT DETAILS: Suitable for use in wet (interior direct splash and outdoor direct rain orsprinkler) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United StatesUL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards AssociationProduct Safety StandardsFixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glareupward into the night sky.Fixture is ADA compliant and adheres to the standards and guidelineslisted by the Americans with Disabilities Act.Meets California Energy Commission 2013 & 2016 Title regulations/JA82 year finish warrantyLED components carry a 5-year limited warrantyBold lines and a clean, minimalist style complement contemporaryarchitectureStriking black finish enhances design CASCADE1834SK-LEDMEDIUM WALL MOUNT LANTERNThe clean, modern lines of Cascade complement therain glass while creating a glowing, indirect lightingeffect. The sleek aluminum construction adds to thedesign's versatility, making this contemporary styleperfect for either interior or exterior use. Cascade isstandard Dark Sky compliant. DETAILSFINISH:Satin BlackMATERIAL:Extruded AluminumGLASS:Clear Etched Organic Rain DIMENSIONSWIDTH:8"HEIGHT:18"WEIGHT:4 lbs.BACK PLATE:8"W X 18"HEXTENSION:4"TOP TO OUTLET:4.8" LIGHT SOURCELIGHT SOURCE:Integrated LEDLED NAME:LESF-2WATTAGE:11.50w LED *IncludedVOLTAGE:120vCOLOR TEMP:3000LUMENS:800CRI:90INCANDESCENTEQUIVALENCY:1-60w DIMMABLE:Yes SHIPPINGCARTON LENGTH:10"CARTON WIDTH:21"CARTON HEIGHT:6.5"CARTON WEIGHT:4 lbs. HINKLEY33000 Pin Oak ParkwayAvon Lake, OH 44012 PHONE: (440) 653-5500Toll Free: 1 (800) 446-5539 hinkley.com Fixture Type: Catalog Number: Project: Location:FictionOutdoor Wall Sconce 3000K Model & Size Color Temp & CRI Watt Voltage LED Lumens Delivered Lumens Finish WS-W11914 14"3000K 90 9W 120-277 VAC 788 445 BK Black Example: WS-W11914-BK DESCRIPTION Modern elegance in a powerful, iconic design.FEATURES • Front lit etched acrylic panel design• Driver concealed within the fixture• 5 year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Color Temp: 3000KInput: 120-277 VAC, 50/60HzCRI: 90Dimming: ELV: 100-10%, 0-10V: 100-10%, TRIAC: 100-10%Rated Life: 50000 HoursMounting: Can be mounted on wall vertically or upsidedownStandards: ETL, cETL, IP65, Title 24 JA8-2016 Compliant Wet Location ListedConstruction: Aluminum body with acrylic diffuser FINISHES BlackLINE DRAWING waclighting.com | Phone (800) 526.2588 | Fax (800) 526.2585 | Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center 44 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 1WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. December 2020 ❍❍ Fixture Type: Catalog Number: Project: Location:IconOutdoor Wall Sconce 3000K Model & Size Color Temp & CRI Watt LED Lumens Delivered Lumens Finish WS-W54614 14"3000K 90 10.9W 845 458 AL Brushed Aluminum BK Black BZ Bronze Example: WS-W54614-ALDESCRIPTION Like a simple reference to something greater, the up and down lightsaccentuate linear architectural forms. A simple shape, with infiniteapplications, the Icon features a shielded light source for great low-glareillumination. Constructed with a solid die-cast aluminum and powdercoated finish. The light engine is factory sealed for maximum protectionagainst the harshest elements.FEATURES • Weather resistant powder coat finish• Simple shape, simple idea, infinite applications• Up & down light• Shielded light source for great low-glare illumination• Driver concealed within the fixture• 5 year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Color Temp: 3000KInput: 120-277 VAC, 50/60HzCRI: 90Dimming: ELV: 100-10%Rated Life: 54000 HoursMounting: Can be mounted on wall in all orientationsStandards: ETL, cETL, IP65 Wet Location ListedConstruction: Aluminum hardware with glass diffuser FINISHES Black Bronze BrushedAluminumLINE DRAWING waclighting.com | Phone (800) 526.2588 | Fax (800) 526.2585 | Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center 44 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 1WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. December 2020 ❍❍ CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS - TRASH ENCLOSURE & CART STORAGE & FIXTURE CUTSHEETS REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION2 19A 3 2 6 6 196 22 E A AR AJ 13 ' - 7 " 21'-4" 20'-0"CLEAR 6" TALL CURB 4 3 2 1FLOOR PLAN NOTE: REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR CART STORAGE LOCATIONS PERSPECTIVE P FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION11 TRASH ENCLOSURE CART STORAGE BIKE RACK CUTSHEET (FOR MAJOR A ONLY) LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 4 P +10’-10” +9’-6” +8’-0” +0’-0” +0’-0” +0’-0” +3’-0” +8’-2” +8’-2” +3’-0” T.O. ROOF CLEAR T.O. WALL F.F. F.F. F.F. T.O. WALL T.O. SIGN T.O. SIGN T.O. WALL PAINT - FIRESTONE “CLEAR ANODIZED” PAINT - FIRESTONE “CHARCOAL” ALUMINIUM - KAWNEER, 451 “MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” BURNISHED CMU - OLD CASTLE, 4303 FINS - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES, “BLACK” PAINT - SW 7661 “REFLECTION” 7 8 9 10 11 12 METAL SIDING - CLADDING, DIM GREY PAINT - SW 9518 “FEATHER STONE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT - SW 9610 “STONY CREEK” PAINT- SW 6005 “FOLKSTONE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” 19 20 21 22 23 24 PAINT - SW 0077 “CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” PAINT - SW 6385 “DOVER WHITE” PAINT - SW 7069 “IRON ORE” PAINT - SW 6254 “LAZY GRAY” PAINT - SW 6868 “REAL RED” 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAINT- SW 7757 “HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE”STONE VENEER- “CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO BRICK VENEER- “ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO 25 PAINT- SW 7044 “AMAZING GRAY” PAINT- SW 7675 “SEAL SKIN” 26 27 MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB PANEL - STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANELS “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-AB GALVANIZED - IMETCO, LATITUDE FINISH “PREWEATHERED GALVALUME” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” CANOPY - MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES “ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW6921 PRE-CAST BASE CORRUGATED METAL PANEL CANOPY TENANT SIGNAGE CMU BRICK VENEER ALUMINIUM STOREFRONT METAL ROOFING ARCHITECTURAL TRIM PHENOLIC PANEL GARAGE METAL DOOR STONE VENEER FIBER CEMENT SIDING METAL DOOR CANOPY FINS CONCRETE CAP LANDSCAPE TRELLIS/PLANTER A 1 G M N O P Q R B 2 H C 3 I D 4 J E 5 K F 6 L SITE FURNISHING SUGGESTION LANDSCAPE FORMCANTINA LANDSCAPE FORMCHIPMAN Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:53 MENIFEE CROSSROADSArchitecture + Planning888.456.5849ktgy.com MENIFEE CROSSROADS, LLC24211 Park Granada, Calaba-sas, CA 92301 MENIFEE DECEMBER 18, 2020#2020-0344 SCHEMATIC DESIGN MATERIALS AND FINISHES PAINT“REFLECTION” SW7661, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“GOLD CREST” SW 6670, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“DOVER WHITE” SW 6384, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT “PURE WHITE” SW 7006, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT “SEAL SKIN” SW 7675, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“FOLKSTONE” SW 6005, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“ELECTRIC LIME GREEN” SW 6921, SHERWIN WILLIAMS CANOPY FINISH“MAPES WHITE BAKED ENAMEL” MAPES CANOPIES FINS“BLACK” MAPES ARCHITECTURAL CANOPIES PARAPET COPING - “CLEAR ANODIZED”FIRESTONE PARAPET COPING - “CHARCOAL”FIRESTONE ALUMINIUM“MATTE BLACK ANODIZED” KAWNER #541 PAINT“CLASSIC FRENCH GRAY” SW0077, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“IRON ORE” SW7069, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“FEATHER STONE” SW 9518, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“HIGH REFLECTIVE WHITE” SW 7757, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“AMAZING GRAY” SW 7044, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“LAZY GRAY” SW 6254, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“STONY CREEK” SW 9610, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT“PERFECT GREIGE” SW 6073, SHERWIN WILLIAMS STONE VENEER“CANNONADE”, CUT COARSE STONE, EL DORADO* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. PANEL - “FASHION GREY” 5619-CB, STONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANEL* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. PANEL - “GRAPHITE SPECTRUM” 6726-ABSTONEWOOD ARCHITECTURAL PANEL* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. GALVANIZED METAL“PREWEATHERED GALVALUME”, LATITUDE FINISH, IMETCO* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. BRICK VENEER“ASHLAND”, TUNDRA BRICK, EL DORADO.* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. CMU“BURNISHED CMU” 4303OLDCASTLE.* IMAGE NOT TO SCALE. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:54 s FH s s V V V V V V FH V FH V FH V FH V V V s FH V V V s s V s s s s V s s s V V s s Vs s V V s s s s s V V V V V V V s V V V V V 314 2 5 . 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ◊ ◊ ◊X 14 2 5 1 4 2 5 143 0 14 3 0 14 3 0 1425 1425 14 2 5 1 4 2 5 14 2 5 14 2 5 1425 14 3 4 . 6 14 3 3 . 9 14 3 1 . 4 14 2 9 . 7 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 7 . 3 14 2 6 . 3 14 2 5 . 5 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 2 . 9 14 2 2 . 3 14 2 1 . 8 14 2 1 . 6 14 2 1 . 7 14 2 2 . 2 14 2 2 . 8 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 3 . 4 14 2 2 . 6 14 2 3 . 3 14 2 4 . 3 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 4 . 8 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 6 . 1 14 2 6 . 5 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 9 . 3 14 2 9 . 1 14 3 3 . 2 14 3 3 . 1 14 3 3 . 4 14 3 3 . 8 14 3 3 . 9 14 3 3 . 3 14 3 2 . 9 14 3 4 . 4 14 3 4 . 5 14 3 3 . 6 14 3 4 . 1 14 3 0 . 5 14 2 9 . 3 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 7 . 8 14 2 7 . 2 14 2 6 . 2 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 2 . 2 14 2 2 . 9 14 2 1 . 7 14 2 1 . 9 14 2 1 . 1 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 3 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 4 . 7 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 4 . 3 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 8 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 5 . 2 14 2 5 . 5 14 2 7 . 1 14 2 4 . 5 14 2 3 . 9 14 2 5 . 6 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 5 . 3 14 2 7 . 1 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 5 . 6 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 4 . 9 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 7 . 3 14 2 6 . 3 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 7 . 2 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 8 . 6 14 2 8 . 8 14 2 8 . 5 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 7 . 7 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 6 . 8 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 9 . 1 14 3 0 . 3 14 2 8 . 3 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 2 . 5 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 5 . 3 14 2 3 . 4 14 2 2 . 3 14 2 3 . 8 14 3 0 . 2 14 3 4 . 9 14 2 8 . 7 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 8 . 8 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 5 14 2 3 . 8 14 2 2 . 1 14 2 1 . 4 14 2 7 . 7 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 1 . 5 Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d DDUCTILEIRON RAINSTOWATERWAYS NYLOPLAST DONOTPOLLUTEDDUCTILEIRON RAINSTOWATERWAYS NYLOPLAST DONOTPOLLUTE NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD FD 1" I P I L L E G I B L E GENERATOR CO M P A C T O R SHOPS 1 8,200 SF EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGING ONLY CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV MONUMENT SIGN PAD A 4,500 SF CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY CART CORRALS, TYP. EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y PATIO (E) BILLBOARD TO BE REMOVED PATIO PATIO CENTER ID SIGN PUBLIC GATHERING AREA PATIO CL CL CL EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGING ONLY CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY B CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGING ONLY LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' C PATIO SHOPS 2 ±8,500 SF RETAIL / OFFICE 1 ±7,750 SF LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' CMU BLOCK WALL & GATE GENERATOR ±119,790 SF (±2.75 AC) EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CO M P A C T O R CA R T C O R R A L ST O R A G E EV CHARGINGONLY OFFICE 2 36,924 SF 2 LEVELS (18,402 FOOTPRINT) CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' PA R K A V E N U E MONUMENT SIGN CO M P A C T O R MAJOR A ±37,400 SF CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV OU T D O O R S E A T I N G 12 ' x 3 5 . 5 ' TR A N S TR A N S TRANS CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y MONUMENT SIGN MONUMENT SIGN 3'-6" SCREEN WALL PUBLIC ART BY OWNER TE TE TE TE APN 338-170-027 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR APN 338-170-014 LAND USE: PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC FACILITIES ZONING: EDC NR APN 338-170-020 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR AP N 3 3 8 - 1 8 0 - 0 1 0 LA N D U S E : E D C ZO N I N G : E D C N R AP N 3 3 8 - 1 8 0 - 0 1 1 LA N D U S E : E D C ZO N I N G : E D C N R APN 338-180-026 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR GT GT FH FH FH FH FH FH FH PIV/FDC PIV/FDC PIV/FDC PI V / F D C PIV/FDC PIV/FDC "A""A" "C""C" "B" "B" "D" "D" FH TE EXIST MINI-STORAGE BLDG EXIST MINI-STORAGE BLDG EXIST MINI-STORAGE BLDG EXIST MINI-STORAGE BLDG FH 4' HIGH WALL 4' HIGH WALL PLOT PLAN PLN 20-0273 CONCEPT GRADING AND DRAINAGE SITE GUARD RAIL CATCH BASIN XX INDEX CONTOUR / TEXT INTER CONTOUR RETAINING WALL FENCEX TRAFFIC SIGNALGATE VALVE STREET SIGN METER / UTILITY UTILITY POLE SIGNS LIGHT POLE MANHOLE FIRE HYDRANT STREET LIGHT 2980.5 PALM TREE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL SPOT ELEVATION BILLBOARD TRANSMISSION OVERHEAD SIGNS SINGLE TREE POST / BOLLARD CULVERT FLAG X INDEX DEPRESSION / TEXT INTER DEPRESSION 3130 3130 RESTRICTED LINE OF SIGHT ///........ RESTRICTED ACCESS PARKING LIGHTS ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT, INC.4M PROTECT IN PLACE TO BE REMOVED Item Title: 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”)Item Page Number: 55 NE W P O R T R O A D FD 1" IP I L L E G I B L E GENERATOR CO M P A C T O R SHOPS 1 8,200 SF EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV MONUMENT SIGN PAD A 4,500 SF CLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/ EV EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY CART CORRALS, TYP. EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y TENANT PATIO (E) BILLBOARD TO BE REMOVED TENANT PATIO TENANT PATIO 5' HIGH CENTER ID SIGN PUBLIC GATHERING AREA TENANT PATIO L CL CL EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E CA R T C O R R A L S T O R A G E EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' SHOPS 2 ±8,500 SF RETAIL / OFFICE 1 ±7,750 SF LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' CMU BLOCK WALL & GATE GENERATOR ±119,790 SF (±2.75 AC) EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV CO M P A C T O R CA R T C O R R A L ST O R A G E EV CHARGINGONLY OFFICE 2 36,924 SF 2 LEVELS (18,402 FOOTPRINT) CLE A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV LO A D I N G 10 ' x 2 5 ' PA R K A V E N U E MONUMENT SIGN CO M P A C T O R MAJOR A ±37,400 SF CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV CL E A N A I R / VA N P O O L / EV OU T D O O R S E A T I N G 12 ' x 3 5 . 5 ' TR A N S TR A N S TRANS CLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/ EV EV CHARGING ONLY EVCHARGING ONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CH A R G I N G ON L Y MONUMENT SIGN MONUMENT SIGN 3'-6" SCREEN WALL PUBLIC ART BY OWNER DDUCTILEIRONRAINSTOWATERWAYS NYLOPLASTDONOTPOLLUTEDDUCTILEIRONRAINSTOWATERWAYS NYLOPLASTDONOTPOLLUTE BENCH TYP. 3'-6" SCREEN WALL ENTRY WALK TENANT PATIO ASH -TRASH TYP. ASH -TRASH TYP. CURB TYP.SIDEWALK TYP.R.O.W. TYP.CURB TYP.SIDEWALK TYP.R.O.W. TYP. CURB TYP.SIDEWALK TYP.R.O.W. TYP. R.O.W. TYP. SIDEWALK TYP. CURB TYP. CURB TYP. SIDEWALK TYP. R.O.W. TYP. ACCENT PAVING TYP. STAMPED CONCRETE ACCENT PAVING TYP. ACCENT PAVING TYP. PROPERTY LINE TYP. TRACT BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE TYP. PROPERTY LINE TYP. R.O.W. TYP. CURB TYP. SIGHT DISTANCE TYP. CITY MAINTAINED LANDSCAPE FROM BACK OF WALK TO R.OW. CITY MAINTAINED LANDSCAPE FROM BACK OF WALK TO R.OW. CITY MAINTAINED LANDSCAPE FROM BACK OF WALK TO R.OW. CITY MAINTAINED LANDSCAPE FROM BACK OF WALK TO R.OW. CITY MAINTAINED LANDSCAPE FROM BACK OF WALK TO R.OW. SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIREDSEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED SHADE CANOPY @ 15 YEARS TYP. SHADE CANOPY @ 15 YEARS TYP. BIOSWALE TYP. SIDEWALK TYP. SI G H T D I S T A N C E T Y P . SIGHT DISTANCE TYP. SIGHT DISTAN C E T Y P . SIGHT DISTA N C E T Y P . SCREEN WALL TYP. SCREEN WALL TYP. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE TYP. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE TYP. ACCENT PAVING TYP. STAMPED CONCRETE CLASS 2 BIKE LANE CLASS 2 BIKE LANE CLASS 2 BIKE LANE SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE TYP. BIKE RACK TYP. BENCH TYP. Item Title: 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”)Item Page Number: 56 s FH s s V V V V V FH V FH V FH V FH V V V V s FH V V V s s V s s s s V s s s V V s s s Vs s V V s s s V V V V V V V s V V V V V 314 2 5 . 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ X X 14 2 5 1 4 2 5 143 0 14 3 0 14 3 0 1425 1425 14 2 5 1 4 2 5 14 2 5 14 2 5 1425 14 3 4 . 6 14 3 3 . 9 14 3 1 . 4 14 2 9 . 7 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 7 . 3 14 2 6 . 3 14 2 5 . 5 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 2 . 9 14 2 2 . 3 14 2 1 . 8 14 2 1 . 6 14 2 1 . 3 14 2 1 . 7 14 2 2 . 2 14 2 2 . 8 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 3 . 4 14 2 2 . 6 14 2 3 . 3 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 4 . 8 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 6 . 1 14 2 6 . 5 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 9 . 3 14 2 9 . 1 14 3 3 . 2 14 3 3 . 1 14 3 3 . 4 14 3 3 . 8 14 3 3 . 9 14 3 3 . 3 14 3 2 . 9 14 3 4 . 4 14 3 4 . 5 14 3 3 . 6 14 3 4 . 1 14 3 0 . 5 14 2 9 . 3 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 7 . 8 14 2 7 . 2 14 2 6 . 2 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 2 . 2 14 2 2 . 9 14 2 1 . 7 14 2 1 . 9 14 2 1 . 1 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 3 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 1 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 4 . 7 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 4 . 3 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 8 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 5 . 2 14 2 5 . 5 14 2 7 . 1 14 2 4 . 5 14 2 3 . 9 14 2 5 . 6 14 2 4 . 6 14 2 3 . 5 14 2 5 . 3 14 2 7 . 1 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 5 . 6 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 5 . 9 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 3 . 7 14 2 4 . 9 14 2 5 . 8 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 7 . 3 14 2 6 . 3 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 7 . 2 14 2 8 . 4 14 2 8 . 6 14 2 8 . 8 14 2 8 . 5 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 7 . 7 14 2 7 . 6 14 2 6 . 8 14 2 6 . 4 14 2 9 . 1 14 3 0 . 3 14 2 8 . 3 14 2 5 . 7 14 2 2 . 5 14 2 4 . 2 14 2 5 . 3 14 2 3 . 4 14 2 2 . 3 14 2 3 . 8 14 3 0 . 2 14 3 4 . 9 14 2 8 . 7 14 2 7 . 4 14 2 8 . 8 14 2 5 . 4 14 2 4 . 5 14 2 3 . 8 14 2 2 . 1 14 2 1 . 4 14 2 7 . 7 14 2 3 . 2 14 2 1 . 5 Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Br u s h Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Tr e e s Gr o u n d O b s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d Ed g e o f R o a d Ob s c u r e d NE W P O R T R O A D BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E LOT A 0.11 AC.LOT B 0.05 AC. LOT C 0.11 AC. APN 338-170-027 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR APN 338-170-014 LAND USE: PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC FACILITIES ZONING: EDC NR APN 338-170-020 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR AP N 3 3 6 - 1 8 0 - 0 1 0 LA N D U S E : E D C ZO N I N G : E D C N R AP N 3 3 6 - 1 8 0 - 0 1 1 LA N D U S E : E D C ZO N I N G : E D C N R APN 336-180-015 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR LOT D 0.21 AC. SHOPS 1 8,200 SF PAD A 4,500 SF SHOPS 2 ±8,500 SF RETAIL / OFFICE 1 ±7,750 SF OFFICE 2 36,924 SF 2 LEVELS (18,402 FOOTPRINT) MAJOR A ±37,400 SF APN 336-180-028 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR APN 336-180-013 LAND USE: EDC ZONING: EDC NR LO T E 0. 2 6 A C . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 37972 IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SITE GUARD RAIL CATCH BASIN XX INDEX CONTOUR / TEXT INTER CONTOUR RETAINING WALL FENCEX TRAFFIC SIGNALGATE VALVE STREET SIGN METER / UTILITY UTILITY POLE SIGNS LIGHT POLE MANHOLE FIRE HYDRANT STREET LIGHT 2980.5 PALM TREE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL SPOT ELEVATION BILLBOARD TRANSMISSION OVERHEAD SIGNS SINGLE TREE POST / BOLLARD CULVERT FLAG X INDEX DEPRESSION / TEXT INTER DEPRESSION 3130 3130 RESTRICTED LINE OF SIGHT ///........ RESTRICTED ACCESS PARKING LIGHTS ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT, INC.4M PLN 20-0275 Item Title: 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”)Item Page Number: 57 MENIFEE CROSSROARDS Menifee, CA Menifee Crossroads, LLC 24211 Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 92301 MASTER SIGN PROGRAM 12/21/2020 06/08/2021 Date: Revised:PRELIMINARY, SUBJECT TO FINAL CITY APPROVAL 06/28/2021 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:58 2 MENIFEE CROSSROADS TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface................................................................. 3-4Project Directory................................................... 5 Sign Design Criteria............................................. 6-9 General Provisions............................................... 10Sign Area Measurement....................................... 11 Vicinity Map............................................. ............ 12Signage Location- Site Plan................................. 13Sign Criteria......................................................... 14-17Center ID Signs.................................................. 18-19 Monument Signs.................................................. 20 Tenant Sign Allowance CategoriesTenants Greater Than 10,000 s.f. (Major A & Multi-level office) 21-22Multi-Tenant (In-Line) Shops 1 Shop 2 & Office 1 23-25Single-Tenant Pad A.............................................. 26-42Shop Tenant Delivery Door ................................. 43Shops- Store frontage Sign.................................. 44Submittals and Approvals.................................... 45Sign Contractor Responsibilities.......................... 46Approved Sign Section Details............................. 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:59 3 MENIFEE CROSSROADS This document establishes guidelines and criteria for the design, implementation, and regulation of project identity and tenant signage as well as site signage and thematic graphics at the project. All criteria contained within this program are considered to be a supplemental addition to Chapter 9.220 City Sign Regulations. The Owner/Developer may implement any or all of the sign types outlined herein in accordance with these criteria and subject to the approval of City of Menifee. PREFACE PREFACE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:60 4 MENIFEE CROSSROADS The purpose of this sign criteria is to establish standards that assure tenant signage is harmonious, integrates with shopping center architecture, and provides coordinated proportional exposure for all tenants. This sign criteria also describes the responsibilities of the tenants with respect to sign review, approval, and installation. All work shall meet or exceed the minimum design intent and fabrication requirements shown in this document. Conformance will be enforced. A diversity of sign types within the parameters of these criteria is encouraged to allow for creative tenant signage. However, any non-conforming or disappoved signs will be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. OBJECTIVES: Each Tenant shall provide a minimum of one primary identification wall sign in accordance with the approved Master Sign Plan herein provided: Tenant shall be responsible for the following expenses relating to signage for tenant's store: • Plan check, permit processing and application fees. • Fabrication and installation of signage, and final electrical connections. • Maintenance and repair, to include; all costs relating to signage removal, including repair of any damage to the building, or any portion of the shopping center. There is a formal process for the creation, review and approval of Tenant signs (see "Submittals and Approvals" section of this document). The tenant shall provide the following information: store name, logo image and colors, intended sign dimensions, materials, colors, finishes and electrical connections. Only those sign types provided for and specifically approved in writing by the Landlord, City and Major Tenant will be allowed. The Tenants will be required, at their expense, to correct, replace or remove any sign that is installed without Landlord's approval and/ or that is deemed not to be in conformance with the plans as submitted and with requirements and documents referenced herein. REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNAGE IMPLEMENTATION: PREFACE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:61 5 MENIFEE CROSSROADS PROJECT DIRECTORY Owner Menifee Crossroads, LLC 24211 Park Granada Calabasas, CA 92301 Tel. (818) 414-4650 Attn. Ali Tabrizizadah brizit@aol.com City/County Planning Department 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92589 Tel. (951) 723-3741 Attn. Community Planning Planning_submittal@cityofmenifee.us Developer Caliber Retail properties Group 17682 Mitchell N., Suite 201Irvine, CA 92614 Tel. (949) 725-0103 Attn. Bart PebblesBPebbles@CaliberRetailProperties.com Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:62 6 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA The following are general guidelines to be used in the development of all signage and graphic elements: • Signs shall be designed in a manner that is not only imaginative but also of high graphic quality. In addition, signs should be compatible with and complementary to adjacent facades. • Notwithstanding the maximum square footages specified for copy area allowances, signs and typography in all cases shall appear balanced and in scale within the context of the sign space and the building as a whole. Signs shall be centered horizontally and vertically over each Tenant space unless otherwise directed by Owner/Developer and approved by the City of Menifee. • Signage and environmental graphics should be conceived as an integral part of the design, and not applied as an afterthought. • Primary storefront identification shall be limited to Tenant’s trade name, as approved in the lease, or as otherwise approved in writing. • All signs should fit comfortably into their storefront architecture, leaving sufficient margins and negative space on all sides. Thickness, height, and colors of sign lettering and graphics should be visually balance and in proportion to other signs on the building. Signs shall be centered over tenant’s entry whenever possible. • Location of sign placement shall be designated by Owner/Developer. • All illuminated signs must be controlled by Owner/Developer house panel and time clock, illuminated during general operating hours as defined by the Owner/Developer unless otherwise agreed. • All signs shall be presented to the Owner/Developer for approval prior to commencement of fabrication. • All signage should be placed out of reach. • All signage lighting should be baffled or concealed. Light leaks will not be permitted. SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:63 7 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Sign Design Criteria (Cont.) • Exposed signage lamps and fixtures are subject to approval by the owner/Developer and their architect. • Tenant signs that incorporate logos, business identities and /or images denoting the type of business, shall be encouraged. Logo design and color to be approved by Owner/Developer. • Wall signs shall be pegged from wall 1/2” minimum to allow for drainage. • Signs shall be mounted without visible means of attachment, unless attachments make intentional statement. • All logo images and type-styles shall be accurately reproduced. Lettering that approximates type-styles will not be accepted. The Owner/Developer reserves the right to reject any fabrication work deemed to be below standard. Sign Construction and Maintenance • All signs and their installation shall comply with all applicable City building and electrical codes, and bear the UL label. • Tenant’s sign contractor shall completely install and connect sign display and primary wiring at sign location per Landlord’s approval, unless otherwise directed. Signs are to be connected to the J-box provided by the Landlord. All penetrations of exterior fascia are to be sealed watertight, and finished to match adjacent material. • All signs shall be kept in good condition, free of corrosion, be legible, adequately repaired, maintained, and painted by the Tenant thereof at all times. All repairs shall be equal in quality and design to the original signs. The standards for maintenance and repair of signs shall be that which will assure the highest visual quality. SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:64 8 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Sign Design Criteria (Cont.) Prohibited Sign Approaches & Types In addition to as indicated in the City of Menifee Sign Refulations, the following types of signs are prohibited: • Internally illuminated boxed or cabinet type signs. Cabinet signs will not be considered unless they are less than 10% of the total sign area, and one part of tenant’s logo only. • Animated signs: signs consisting of anything swinging, rotating, flashing, blinking, strobing, including any moving electronic message boards or centers, or temporary lighting, such as but not limited to search, flood, or fluorescent gel lights. • Signs mounted directly to a raceway. Cloth, paper, cardboard, foamcore, gatorboard, stickers, or decals. • Temporary signs, such as but not limited to banners, streamers, and inflatable advertising devices or balloons (except for special sale events and grand opening signs as permitted by the City of Menifee and the Owner/Developer). • Permanent advertising devices such as attraction boards, banners and flags, except where specifically approved by the Owner/Developer and the City. • Exposed junction boxes, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduit, raceways or neon crossovers of any type. • Window signs except where specifically approved by the Owner/Developer and the City. • Sign manufacturer’s names, stamps, or decals visible from the street or normal viewing angles. • Exposed fastening devices, unless integral to the sign’s design intent. • Simulated materials (i.e. wood grained plastic laminates) or wall covering. • Any type of banner with a tenant listing or advertisement. • Any sign that is not in conformance with this Program. SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:65 9 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Sign Design Criteria (Cont.) Acceptable Sign Approaches and Types The following list is a broad suggestion of sign design solutions. All signs designs are subject to the approval of Owner/Developer. • Individual channel letters with light transmitting acrylic faces. • Mixed media signs incorporating multi-dimensional forms and combinations of colors, shapes, materials, and lighting. • Application of materials, finishes and colors as culled from the immediately adjacent architecture. • Application of innovative technologies. • Dimensional letter forms with seamless edge treatments. • Reverse channel lettering. • Cut or fabricated steel, painted or unfinished. • Etched metal or glass, sandblasted glass. • Dimensional shapes and forms of metal, hardwood, glass, or other material with a permanent appearance. • Glazed ceramic tile work forming patterns and/or fields, subject to height and area restrictions. • Silhouette or halo illumination • Front lighting, i.e. billboard or gooseneck lighting. • Open face channel letters or logo with exposed neon. SIGN DESIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:66 10 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 1. All sign types will require written approval of the Owner/Developer and City. Sign permits from the City are required prior to installation. Prior to manufacture of any sign in the center, the Tenant shall submit to Owner/Developer for approval, two (2) copies of detailed shop drawings. These drawings shall include the building elevations to which the signs are to be attached, sign materials, dimensions, graphics, location, colors, and method of attachment. Drawings are to be submitted via e-mail in PDF format. 2. All signs shall be reviewed for conformance with this criteria and overall design quality. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the right of the Owner/Developer. 3. Each Tenant shall pay all costs for its signs including design, manufacture, installation, maintenance, and County permits. 4. Each Tenant shall be fully responsible for and repair any damage to any surface caused by the signage or its installation. 5. Owner/Developer reserves the right to periodically hire an independent electrical engineer, at Tenant's sole expense, to inspect the installation of all Tenant's signs. Tenants will be required to have any discrepancies and/or code violations corrected at Tenant's expense. Any code violations, requests for sign removals, or discrepancies not corrected within fifteen (15) days of notice, may be corrected by the Owner/Developer at Tenant's expense. 6. Tenant's sign contractor shall carry workman's compensation and public liability insurance against all damage suffered or done by any and all persons and/or property while engaged in the construction and erection of signs in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Evidence of this insurance must be provided to Owner/Developer prior to installation naming Menifee Crossroads, LLC., or other party as may be required, as additionally insured. 7. Upon vacancy, Tenant shall remove sign and restore fascia to original condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense within fifteen (15) days of expiration of term or earlier termination of Tenant's lease. GENERAL PROVISIONS: GENERAL PROVISIONS Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:67 11 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SIGN AREA MEASUREMENT The following exhibits illustrate the methods of determining maximum square footages for the allowable sign area categories that follow in this document. Sign area shall be formulated by calculating the area contained within not more than (8) eight straight lines surrounding the outermost extents of the finished sign. Details and exceptions are illustrated in the exhibits below. The letter "h" represents the overall height of the sign, often expressed as a "not to exceed" number as described in each category on the following pages. SIGN AREA MEASUREMENT Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:68 12 MENIFEE CROSSROADS VICINITY MAP AREA OF WORK Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:69 13 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SIGNAGE LOCATION - SITE ◊◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ SHOPS 2±8,500 SF MAJOR A±37,400 SF BRADLEY ROAD PA R K A V E N U E NE W P O R T R O A D SHOPS 1±8,200 SF PAD A±4,500 SF 15 ' - 0 " RETAIL /OFFICE 1±7,750 SF OFFICE 236,924 SF2 LEVELS (18,462 FOOTPRINT) CENTER ID SIGN TYPE A MONUMENT SIGN #2 TYPE B MONUMENT SIGN #3 TYPE C OFFICE TENANT SIGN #4 TYPE A MONUMENT SIGN #1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:70 14 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 1) Wall Signs a) Major Tenants (Greater Than 10,000 SF- Major A) i) Signs on Front Building Elevation: One (1) square foot of sign area per one (1) linear foot of building frontage. Architectural background, if any, not included in sign area. ii) Signs on Side & Rear Building Elevations: No more than one (1) wall sign for each building face, up to a total of three (3) maximum per building. Maximum size of signs is one (1) square foot of sign area (excluding architectural backgrounds) per one (1) linear foot of building frontage. iii) Maximum 5' letter high. b) Pads and Retail Shop Tenants (Pad A, Retail/Office 1, Shops 1, Shops 2) i) Signs on Front Building Elevation: One (1) square foot of sign area (excluding architectural backgrounds) per one (1) linear foot of building frontage. ii) Signs on Side Elevations (Optional): Only allowed for end cap users. iii) Signs on Rear Building Elevations (Optional): Each tenant allowed these signs in addition to front elevations. c) Office (Office 2) i) Signs on Building Elevations: One (1) square foot of sign area (excluding architectural backgrounds) per one (1) linear foot of building frontage. One (1) sign per building face, maximum of two (2) per building. d) Height. Wall business signs shall not extend above the highest point of the roof or parapet. SIGN CRITERIA: SIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:71 15 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 2) Freestanding Signs. a) Monument Signs. Defined as signs which are completely self-supporting, have their face or base on the ground and have no air spaces, columns or supports visible between the ground and the bottom of the sign. b) Area. Maximum of 96 square feet per sign face. Subject to director's review, as set forth in subsection F of this section, the director may approve up to 96 square feet per sign face or where visibility constraints exist. c) Height. Maximum of (12) feet measured from the ground for all freestanding signs. d) Location. Signs shall be set back a minimum of three (3) feet from any street or public right-of-way and shall be placed in a manner that will not impede traffic and sight visibility. e) The menu board and the directional sign for the drive thru restaurant shall be submitted by the tenant as a separate submittal. f) All freestanding signage shall be subject to City review and approval. SIGN CRITERIA: SIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:72 16 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 3) Pole signs shall be prohibited. 4) Incidental business signs a) Definition: A small sign, emblem, or decal informing the public of goods, facilities or services available on the premise. b) Number: One per business. c) Locations: Wall mounted, below the roofline. d) Area: Two (2) feet square maximum. Signage Design, Materials, Attachment: • Creativity and quality are encouraged in the design of tenant wall signs. • Sign design will be evaluated on the basis of compatibility with the overall project architectural theme. However, at a minimum tenant wall signs will be internally illuminated individual pan-channel letters (raceways not permitted). Minimum .040 aluminum with 3/16" plastic face; no cross-over neon or wiring permitted. • Sign canisters may be allowed for tenant logos only when any such logo constitutes a registered trademark or is part of the D.B.A. However, "can like" signs are typically discouraged. • All signs colors, lettering styles, graphics treatments, and mounting attachments will be considered against overall compatibility with the development and architectural theme. Specialty background panels are encouraged and will not be calculated as part of sign area. • The final design and size of signs will be approved or disapproved at the discretion of the Landlord and must be approved by the City. All decisions will be based on architectural compatibility. SIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:73 17 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Miscellaneous Tenant Building Signage: • Each tenant shall be permitted to place upon each entrance of its store (inside storefront glass) not more than 144 square inches of gold leaf or decal application lettering not to exceed 2 inches in height, indicating hours of business, emergency telephone numbers, etc. (see page 49). Window signs shall not exceed 30% for each window of a commercial establishment to match City code. • No advertising place cards, banners, pennants, names, insignias, trademarks, or other descriptive material shall be affixed or maintained upon the glass panels and supports of the show windows and doors, or upon the exterior walls of buildings without the written previous approval of City and Landlord, and must be in compliance with Sign Regulation Codes. No permitted banners shall be affixed to the front, rear or sides of the buildings unless approved by Landlord and the City. A maximum twenty percent (20%) of interior window area may be used for temporary promotional and sales signage, subject to Landlord and City review and approval. • Landlord shall install address above receiving doors in six (6) inch high block letters. Receiving doors may have a two inch (see page 68) high block letter sign identifying the Tenant's name. Letters shall be Dark Bronze applied directly to the door. No white or other background color allowed. • Landlord shall install addresses numbers for each building on the front building wall, twelve (12) inches clear to the parapet or cornice and top-right of the main building wall. Letter style to be Helvetica Regular, height to be six (6) inches, securely mounted to the wall, and approved by the Building and Fire Departments. Signage Construction and Installation: • Letter fastening and clips are to be concealed and be galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum, brass or bronze metals. SIGN CRITERIA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:74 18 MENIFEE CROSSROADS CENTER ID SIGNS 15 2013DO GOCENTER SIGNAREA: ±22.9 SF 13S FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:75 19 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ CENTER ID SIGNS 7N 19D SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION 7N 19D Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:76 20 MENIFEE CROSSROADS CENTER ID SIGNS DISCLAIMER: THE ALLOWABLE SIGN PANEL AREA IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MENIFEE. THE TENANT SIGN LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARE CONCEPTUAL, THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE FINAL SIGNAGE PERMIT APPLICATION. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:77 21 MENIFEE CROSSROADS MONUMENT SIGNS 152622DA G A TENANT SIGN AREA: ±8.63 SFTENANT SIGN AREA: ±19.16 SF SIDE ELEVATION TYPE A - MONUMENT SIGN #1 & #2 FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ MATERIALS DISCLAIMER: FINISHES STUCCO PAINT - SW 7069 “IRONE ORE” THE ALLOWABLE SIGN PANEL AREA IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MENIFEE. THE TENANT SIGN LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARE CONCEPTUAL, THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE FINAL SIGNAGE PERMIT APPLICATION. PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT- SW 7745 “MUDDLED BASIL” PRE-CAST BASE ARCHITECTURAL TRIM FIBER CEMENT SIDING A 15 D 20 G 22 O 26 TOTAL SIGN AREA: 70.9 SF, EACH SIDE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE: 96 SF PER SIDE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:78 22 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 26 22 15 A A D TENANT SIGNAREA: ±8.63 SF SIDE ELEVATION TYPE B - MONUMENT SIGN #3 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PAINT - SW 7069 “IRONE ORE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT- SW 7745 “MUDDLED BASIL” PRE-CAST BASE ARCHITECTURAL TRIM FIBER CEMENT SIDING A 15 D 20 G 22 O 26 MONUMENT SIGNS DISCLAIMER: THE ALLOWABLE SIGN PANEL AREA IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MENIFEE. THE TENANT SIGN LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARE CONCEPTUAL, THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE FINAL SIGNAGE PERMIT APPLICATION. G SIDE ELEVATION TOTAL SIGN AREA: 43.2 SF, EACH SIDE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE: 45 SF, PER SIDE Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:79 23 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SIDE ELEVATION TYPE C - MONUMENT SIGN #4 FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4” = 1’ MATERIALS FINISHES STUCCO PAINT - SW 7069 “IRONE ORE” PAINT - SW 7006 “PURE WHITE” PAINT- SW 6073 “PERFECT GREIGE” PAINT- SW 7745 “MUDDLED BASIL” PRE-CAST BASE ARCHITECTURAL TRIM FIBER CEMENT SIDING A 15 D 20 G 22 O 26 DISCLAIMER: THE ALLOWABLE SIGN PANEL AREA IS CONCEPTUAL SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MENIFEE. THE TENANT SIGN LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARE CONCEPTUAL, THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE FINAL SIGNAGE PERMIT APPLICATION. 152620DAO TENANT SIGN AREA: ±6.25 SF G TOTAL SIGN AREA: 25 SF, ONE SIDE ONLY MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE: 96 SF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE: 30 SF, ONE SIDE ONLY Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:80 24 MENIFEE CROSSROADS TENANTS GREATER THAN 10,000 S.F. (MAJOR A) SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA NORTH ELEVATION Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:81 25 MENIFEE CROSSROADS TENANTS GREATER THAN 10,000 S.F. (OFFICE 2) SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:82 26 MENIFEE CROSSROADS RETAIL/ OFFICE 1 EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:83 27 MENIFEE CROSSROADS EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA SHOPS 1 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:84 28 MENIFEE CROSSROADS EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA SHOPS 2 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:85 29 MENIFEE CROSSROADS SINGLE-TENANT PAD A EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED WALL SIGN AREA Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:86 30 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 2020 Signage and Architectural Elements Package 2020 Signage and Architectural Elements Package Exterior Building Signs Freestanding Signs Heritage 2.0 Exterior Signs Her. 2.0 Chevron Her 2.0 Fork Her 2.0 America’s Diner Her 2.0 Shutter Awnings Her 2.0 LED Border Lighting Her 2.0 Slat Wall Component Heritage 2.0 Canopies Heritage 2.0 Awnings Heritage 2.0 Border Lighting Slat Wall System Heritage 2.0 Interior Signs & Architectural Elements Travel Centers Hanging Sign Coming Soon Sign DOT sign Panels 2-9 10-14 16-23 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-30 31 32-33 24 25-30 31 32-33 35-48 50 51 52 Glossary December 3, 2019 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:87 31 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Standard French Diamond SizesStandard French Diamond Sizes 2 FD Sizes PAGE SIZE: 11x17 300.0 Sq. Ft.Flexible Face 57.3 Sq. Ft.Flexible FacePan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face 2.7 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 4.5 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 4.9 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 21.9 Sq. Ft. Pan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face Flat Acrylic Face 32 Sq. Ft. Pan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face Flat Acrylic Face 98 Sq. Ft.Flexible Face 125.3 Sq. Ft.Flexible Face 231.1 Sq. Ft.Flexible Face 172.7 Sq. Ft.Flexible Face 24'-9"21'-6" 10'-5" 18'-8" 14'-0"16'-0" 12'-1 1/2"10'-9"9'-3" 5'-6" 7'-0"7'-10" 8'-0"6'-9" 3'-1"3'-0"2'-4"4'-0"3'-3"1'-7"1'-6"1'-2" Standard French Diamond SizesStandard French Diamond Sizes 2 FD Sizes PAGE SIZE: 11x17 300.0 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face 57.3 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face Pan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face 2.7 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 4.5 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 4.9 Sq. Ft. Flat Acrylic Face 21.9 Sq. Ft. Pan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face Flat Acrylic Face 32 Sq. Ft. Pan Formed Embossed Polycarbonate Face Flat Acrylic Face 98 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face 125.3 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face 231.1 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face 172.7 Sq. Ft. Flexible Face 24'-9"21'-6" 10'-5" 18'-8" 14'-0"16'-0" 12'-1 1/2"10'-9"9'-3" 5'-6" 7'-0"7'-10" 8'-0"6'-9" 3'-1"3'-0"2'-4"4'-0"3'-3"1'-7"1'-6"1'-2" Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:88 32 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 4 Exploded Color PAGE SIZE: 11x17 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:89 33 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Denny’s LED Illuminated S/F Wall Sign Specs • Extruded aluminum cabinet • Flat WHITE acrylic faces with translucent vinyl graphics applied to first surface • Illuminated with Principal LED lighting Principal LED Streetfighter, or equivalent 3500K Color Temp; 1.6 Modules/foot; .72 Watts/Module• Installed flush to wall with 3/8” lag bolts • Sign cabinets are UL listed 21.9 Sq.Ft.15.6 Actual Sq.Ft. 32 Sq.Ft. 23.5 Actual Sq.Ft. 57.3 Sq.Ft. 42.5 Actual Sq.Ft. COLOR LEGEND LETTER OUTLINE CABINET PMS#:White PMS#:138CSW#:6895“Laughing Orange”6 Wall Signs PAGE SIZE: 11x17 6'-9" 3'-3" 8'-0" 4'-0" 10'-5" 5'-6" UL approved electrical disconnect switch 6" Flat Acrylic Face Profile5 Trademark PAGE SIZE: 11x17 The Registered Trademark The Registered Trademark symbol is a required element and must be displayed on any branding or sign product depicting the French Diamond. Its size and placement are correctly embedded within the provided electronic art. The above exhibits are simply meant to be used as a visual confirmation of correct placement (relative to other colors and shapes) and the actual art of the symbol. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:90 34 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Denny’s LED Illuminated Channel Letters • 4” .060 Aluminum returns, painted to match PMS 485C Red • Illuminated with Principal RED LED modules • 2793 Red Plexiglass (or equal) faces • 1” Red trim cap 8 Channel Letters PAGE SIZE: 11x17 Standard Sizing Chart MODEL NUMBER DNCHNLLTTR-24 DNCHNLLTTR-28 DNCHNLLTTR-43 A B C Sq.Ft. 24” 4’-4.25”14’-5”52.5 28”2’-9.5”9’-3.25”21.6 43.625” 2’-5”7’-11.5”15.9 Flush MountedProfile Raceway MountedProfile A C B 4"4" 6" Trademark is flat 3/16” acrylic, painted to match PMS 485C Red with WHITE vinyl on 1st surface Flush mounted to building with aluminum studs and silicone When raceway is used, it is to be painted to match fascia color Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:91 35 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Denny’s LED Illuminated D/F Directional Sign Specs • Extruded aluminum cabinet • Flat White poly or acrylic faces with translucent vinyl graphics applied to first surface (colors per color schedule) • Illuminated with Principal LED Streetfighter modules, or equivalent• Cabinet installed onto 3” x 3” Aluminum post • Post set in concrete foundation • Sign cabinets are UL listed Alternative Option for Smaller Square Footage 14 Directionals PAGE SIZE: 11x17 COLOR LEGEND COPY/POSTARROW OUTLINEARROW CABINET PMS#:White PMS#:Black C3M Vinyl#:18C-123M Vinyl#:Trans.White PMS#:138CSW#:6895“Laughing Orange” 3'-0" 1'-6" 3'-0" J-Box for final electrical connection 1” Aluminum retainer fabricated out of 1 or multiple pieces 3” x 3” Aluminumpost 2'-0"* 1'-0"* *This foundation isfor presentation purposesonly. Actual foundation sizes may vary dependingon code and engineering. 6"2'-4" 1'-2" 4 SF MAX. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:92 36 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Heritage 2.0 Exterior Sign & Architectural Elements Heritage 2.0 Exterior Sign & Architectural Elements Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:93 37 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 16 Chevron Details PAGE SIZE: 11x17 1 3/4" 3" Front of Chevron (ACM Walnut Timber overlay) Chevron led cove with led strip lightingmounted on underside of cove in the LED’s aluminum track. LED will light wall below chevron. 6” ACM “Walnut Timber” skin 47’-0” Wood Grain CHEVRON w/ Cove Lighting • Chevron constructed of aluminum .063 returns, .063 backs, 6" finished depth. • Returns of aluminum coil-stock • Aluminum cove channel mounted to underside of chevron & skinned to match chevron.• Aluminum cove channel has white LED modules mounted so that it lights the wall below chevron. • ACM skin only on face, sides and bottom lip of LED cove. Top and cove of the chevron will be painted. • Hardware kit sent out with chevron, with hardware painted to match chevron colors. ACM Skin provider: Alpolic America - 800.422.7270 Lektron Lumiline Specifications Lektron Lumiline White LED lighting installed in cove for down light 3” x 4.25” deep aluminum channelmounted to underside of chevron.This channel or cove containswhite LED modules which throw lightdown on the wall below chevron. Seam Seam 47’-0" 72" Notch in chevron is 1/2” wider than FDS cabinet on each side to allow for certain fit. 6"5’-6” X 10’-5” FDS Heritage 2.0 Ground Up, Conversion and Remodel Chevron Standards This section of underside of chevron will have ACM Walnut Timber overlay 14'-0" X 7'-0" Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:94 38 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 18 Chevron LEDDetails PAGE SIZE: 11x17 SPECIFICATIONS 32 3.70 305600-1047 White 5700K 36 Part No./Color Footage Wattageper foot Lumensper foot Number ofLEDs/ft. *LumiLine systems based on Mean Well 240W, 24 VDC, LED DriverHLG-240H-24A CERTIFIED SAFETY US CA DIMENSIONS: Notes:1. Unit: in/f t *NOTE: 32.8f t is the maximum footage for single power supply 32.8f t H Flexible LED LUMILINE™ LED simulated neon igh Intensity Flexible LED Accent Lighting 0.5 5 i n 0.63in Input Output Max. Load Footage Watts per Foot Dimming Capable Bending Parameters Limited Warranty Terms Materials Dimensions Certification 100-240 VAC 24 VDC 32 ft. 3.70 Yes 3.93in. 3 Years Silicone 0.55 x 0.63 cURus DETAILS ................................................................... ............................................................... ........................................... .................................................. ............................................. ......................................... .................................. ............................................................ ........................................................ ...................................................... For CHEVRONS attached to exterior fascia only LUMILINE LED installed on the underside cove is the only lighting element on the chevron 1 3/4" 3" Front of Chevron Chevron led cove with led strip lighting mounted on underside of cove in theLED’s aluminum track. LED will light wall below chevron. 6” Heritage 2.0 Ground Up, Conversion and Remodel Chevron Under Lighting Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:95 39 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 22 2.0 ADChannel Letters PAGE SIZE: 11x17 Note: Actual placement of sign and electrical must be coordinated with G.C. 12.8 Sq. Ft. AMERICA’S DINER Channel Letters Scale: ½” = 1’-0” 1'-0" 12'-10 1/2" 1" Sq. tubing, painted to match wall colorto contain wiring & to support apostrophe 3” x 3” Wireway mountedflush to top of window mullion Channel letters Mounted to wirewayvia 3x3 mounting bar behind and at base of letters Channel Letter Specifications • .060 Aluminum backs • 3” Deep .063 Aluminum returns, painted Black • Translucent White acrylic faces • 1” Black trim-cap• White LED illumination • 3” x 3” Wireway painted to match window mullion Wireway painted to match window mullion (color TBD)White LED illuminated Channel Letters White acrylic faces w/ black aluminum returns w/ 1” black face trim. Wireway mounted to window mullion. Heritage 2.0 Ground Up America’s Diner Entrance Element 3" Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:96 40 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Black - returns; face trim Trans White Plex - Letters faces COLOR LEGEND SW 7041 Van Dyke Brown PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1/2” = 1’-0” 4” x 8” channel tube mounted to wall FRONT VIEWSCALE: 1/2” = 1’-0” 12’-11" Tie-backs subject to structural engineering Tie-back to fascia Canopy widths vary from site to site 8" 12" “A” Face lit channel letters mounted to rectangular tubing White plex faces withblack trim cap 2” x 2” U-channel wireway CANOPY & LETTER SIZES VARY FROM SITE TO SITE Face lit channel letter set 3'-0" 2'-0" 2’ Canopy is not over a walkway 3’ canopy will always be over an entrance and walkway 23 Canopy withChannel Letters PAGE SIZE: 11x17 1" Sq. tubing, painted to match wall color to contain wiring & to support apostrophe Face lit channel letter set Remodel & Conversion America’s Diner 3" 3" Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:97 41 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Travel Center Interior and Temporary Signs Travel Center Interior and Temporary Signs Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:98 42 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Denny’s Temporary Construction Sign • S/F temporary “COMING SOON” site sign constructed of wood frame with MDO panel. • Entire sign finished in gloss white enamel • All graphics digitally printed onto adhesive-backed high performance vinyl 52 Coming Soon Sign PAGE SIZE: 11x17 2" x 4" Wood Skid Frame Scale: ¾" = 1'-0" 4" x 4" Wood Post 4'-0 " 1'- 1 1 ¼ " 45 4" x 4" Wood Post 2" x 4" Wood Skid Frame 4'-0" x 8'-0" x 4'-0" x 8'-0" x .50" MDO P.50" MDO Panel Digitally Printed colors & graphics Temporary Coming Soon Wooded Sign 8'-0" 4'-0" 3'-10" 7'-10" • The duration of the temporary sign will be a maximum of 45 days. The location shall be determined by the Tenant. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:99 43 MENIFEE CROSSROADS DESCRIPTION: All letters and numbers color shall distinctly contrast with their background, either light on dark or dark on light. NOTE: No other signage is allowed on delivery side of building SHOPS - TENANT DELIVERY DOOR Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:100 44 MENIFEE CROSSROADS DESCRIPTION: 6" height tenant suite numbers in white vinyl above glass door tenant entry information sign to be white vinyl applied to glass with 12" x 24" (2 s.f.) max. area. To be installed by the Landlord. SHOPS - STORE FRONTAGE SIGN Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:101 45 MENIFEE CROSSROADS Prior to submittal to the City of Menifee for plan check and Tenants sign fabrication, Tenant or his sign contractor shall submit for Landlord approval three (3) sets of complete and fully dimensioned and detailed sign drawings. These drawings shall include: • Elevation of storefront showing design, location, size and layout of sign, drawn to scale, indicating materials, colors, and dimensions, attachment devices and construction detail. • Section through letter and/or sign panel showing the dimensioned projection of the face of the letter and/or sign panel and the illumination. Drawings should be mailed or email to: Caliber Retail properties Group 17682 Mitchell N., Suite 201Irvine, CA 92614 Tel. (949) 725-0103 Attn. Bart Pebbles BPebbles@CaliberRetailProperties.com All Tenant sign submittals shall be reviewed by Landlord and/or its agent for conformance with the provisions of the City approved Master Sign Program Plan. Within ten (10) business days after receipt of Tenant's drawings Landlord shall either approve the submittal, contingent upon any required modifications, or disapprove Tenant's sign submittal. Approval or disapproval shall remain at the sole right and discretion of Landlord and the architect. A full set of final plans must be approved in writing by Landlord and the architect, prior to permit application to the City of Menifee or sign fabrication. Following Landlord's approval of proposed signage, Tenant or his agent shall submit to the City sign plans signed by the Landlord and applications for all permits for fabrication and installation by sign contractor. Tenant shall be solely responsible for the cost of City of Menifee plan check fees and permits, and shall furnish Landlord with a copy of said permits prior to installation of Tenant's sign(s). Fabrication and installation of all signs shall be performed in accordance with standards and specifications outlined in these criteria and in the final plans and shop drawings approved by Landlord and the architect. Any work deemed unacceptable shall be rejected and shall be promptly corrected or modified at Tenant's expense as required by the City of Menifee, Landlord or its agent. SUBMITTALS AND APPROVALS Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:102 46 MENIFEE CROSSROADS The Tenant sign contractor is responsible to do the following: • Provide to the Landlord, prior to commencing sign fabrication and installation, an original certificate of insurance naming the Landlord as 'Additional Insured'. • Submit to Landlord for approval prior to fabrication complete and fully-dimensioned shop drawings. • Obtain approved sign permits (stamped as approved by City of Menifee) prior to sign fabrication and deliver copies of same to Landlord. • Repair and/or replace any damage or destruction to any portion of the shopping center (i.e. buildings and site improvements caused by contractor, its employees, or agents during the installation, repair, or removal of tenants sign(s). • Promptly remove any equipment, debris, and unused sign materials after installation, repair, or removal of tenants sign(s). SIGN CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:103 47 MENIFEE CROSSROADS 1 2 9 4 6 10 7 3 14 85 12 11 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 3 9 10 12 14 2 4 5678 11 13 15 15 1 2 4 10 11 13 1517 3 5 67 8 9 12 14 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 17 CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL, FULLY STAPLED SEAMS & SOLID ALUMINUM BACK 1/2” WEEP HOLES AT BOTTOMS OF LETTERS, 2 PER LETTER 3/4” TRIMCAP RETAINER WITH ALUMINUM SCREWS NEON TUBE SUPPORT TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC LETTER FACE ELECTROBITS HIGH VOLTAGE SS3/5U.L. APPROVED CONNECTOR & INSULATING BOOT GTO INSULATING SLEEVING DRAIN HOLES 1/4” DIA. SAFETY DISCONNECT SWITCH, ON WALL OR FIRST TRANSFORMER BOXNEON TUBE FASTERNER TO WALL (2-5 PER LETTER) GALVANIZED, VENTED TRANSFORMER BOX 13 LISTED FLEX (METAL SHOWN) AND LISTED GTO CABLE (SECONDARY SIDE ONLY) 30ma TRANSFORMER, U.L. LISTED PRIMARY ELECTRICAL SOURCE CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL 3/16” DIAMETER x 3” THREADED ROD WITH CLEAR ACRYLIC SPACERS ALUMINUM LETTER FACE 3/16” CLEAR LEXAN BACK LENS ELECTROBITS HIGH VOLTAGE SS3/5, U.L. APPROVED CONNECTOR #3830 GTO SLEEVING 1/2” METAL FLEXIBLE CONDUIT GTO WIRE NEON TUBE FASTENER TO WALL (2-5 PER LETTER) GALVANIZED, VENTED TRANSFORMER BOX NEON TUBE SUPPORT 30ma TRANSFORMER, U.L. LISTED WALL/SUPPORT STRUCTURE SAFETY DISCONNECT SWITCH ON WALL OR FIRST TRANSFORMER CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL 1/4” TRIMCAP RETAINER WITH ?? 1/2” ALUMINMUM SCREWS3/16” DIAMETER X 3” THREADED ROD WITH CLEAR ACRYLIC SPACERS TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC LETTER FACE 3/16” CLEAR LEXAN BACK LENS ELECTROBITS HIGH VOLTAGE SS3/5U.L. APPROVED CONNECTOR #3830 GTO SLEEVING 1/2” METAL FLEXIBLE CONDUIT GTO WIRE NEON TUBE FASTENER TO WALL (2-5 PER LETTER) GALVANIZED, VENTED TRANSFORMER BOX NEON TUBE SUPPORT 30ma TRANSFORMER, U.L. LISTED WALL/SUPPORT STRUCTURE SAFETY DISCONNECT SWITCHON WALL OR FIRST TRANSFORMER FASTENER: Sheet Metal Screw DEPTH VARIES WALL VARIES IN THICKNESS AND MATERIAL PAN - CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL:HALO ILLUMINATED REVERSE PAN - CHANEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL:FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED PAN-CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL: APPROVED SECTION DETAILS OR LED OR LED OR LED Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:104 RESOLUTION PC 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PLOT PLAN NO. PLN 20-0273, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. PLN 20-0272, PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. PLN 21-0211 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. PLN 20-0275 LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT ROAD AND BRADLEY ROAD WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 for the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee (APNs 336-180-013 and - 028. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. WHEREAS, June 16, 2021, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits (Type 21 License) for off- premises consumption at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer). WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study (“IS”) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”) have been prepared to analyze and mitigate the project's potentially significant environmental impacts. WHEREAS, the twenty-(20)-day public review period for the IS/MND occurred between July 29, 2021 to August 18, 2021. The public review period was publicly noticed by a publication in a newspaper of general circulation, notice to owners within 1,000 feet of the Project site boundaries, and notice to related agencies and government agencies. The project was also required to be transmitted to the State Clearinghouse for review by State agencies. WHEREAS, no comments on the IS/MND were received during the public review period. WHEREAS, on August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, onsite sign postings, and notice to property owners and occupants within 1,000 feet of the project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:105 IS/MND for Crossroads August 25, 2021 WHEREAS, the City has complied with CEQA and the IS/MND is an accurate and objective statement that fully complies with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines and represents the independent judgment of the City; and WHEREAS, no evidence of new significant impacts or increased severity of environmental impacts, as defined by CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, have been received by the City after circulation of the draft IS/MND which would require re- circulation. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following findings as established by the CEQA: Section 1.The Planning Commission finds on the basis of the evidence presented and the whole record before it, including the draft IS/MND, and any comments received, that there is no substantial evidence that the project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment. Section 2.The Planning Commission finds that the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (“MMRP”), which is incorporated into the project’s Conditions of Approval by reference, and a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1” and incorporated herein by reference, will assure compliance with the mitigation measures during project implementation. Section 3.The Planning Commission finds that the adoption of the IS/MND reflects the Planning Commission’s independent judgment and analysis. Section 4.The IS/MND, all documents referenced in the MND, and the record of proceedings on which the Planning Commission’s decision is based, are located at City of Menifee City Hall at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 and the custodian of record of proceedings is the City of Menifee City Clerk. Section 5.The Planning Commission adopts an IS/MND for the project including but not limited to the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan as attached to the IS/MND. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th of August 2021. _________________________ Benjamin Diederich, Chairman Attest: Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: V. Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:106 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 1 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 CITY OF MENIFEE CEQA Environmental Checklist Form 1. Project title: Menifee Crossroads 2. Lead agency name and address: City of Menifee, Community Development Department, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 3. Contact person and phone number: Ryan Fowler, Senior Planner: 951-723-3740 4. Project location: The project site is located approximately one mile west of Interstate 215 (I-215), east of Bradley Road, north of Newport Road, and south of Park Avenue, in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California (APNs: 336-180-013 [0.24 acre] and 336-180-028 [8.62 acres]). Refer to Figure 1, Project Vicinity Map and Figure 2, Project Location Map. A. Total Project Area: 9.02 gross acres Residential Acres: 0 Lots:0 Units: 0 Projected No. of Residents: 0 Commercial Acres: 0.96 (Lot 1); 2.68 (Lot 2); 1.16 (Lot 5); 1.07 (Lot 6) Lots: 4 (proposed) Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: ±58,600 Est. No. of Employees: 174 Office Acres: 1.97 (Lot 3) Lots: 1 (proposed) Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: ±36,924 Est. No. of Employees: 92 Industrial Acres: 0 Lots: 0 Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: 0 Est. No. of Employees: 0 Other Acres (Office/Retail): 0.77 (Lot 4) Lots: 1 Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: ±7,750 Est. No. of Employees: 24 B. Assessor’s Parcel No: 336-180-013 and 336-180-028. C. Map: Thomas Brothers Riverside County Street Guide 2008 Page 868, Grid C-2. D. Section 34, Township 5S & Range 3W of the San Bernardino Base and Meridian. E. Longitude: 117°11'16.13"W Latitude: 33°41'11.54"N 5. Project Applicant/Owners: Menifee Crossroads, LLC, 24211 Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 91302. Representative: Kassen Klein, PO Box 747, Murrieta, CA 92564 6. General Plan Designation: Economic Development Corridor (EDC)1 7. Existing Zoning: Economic Development Corridor-Newport Road (EDC-NR)2 1 City of Menifee. 2020. General Plan Land Use Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11043/General-Plan--Land-Use- Map---March-2020 (accessed March 2021). 2 City of Menifee. 2020. Zoning Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11042/Zoning-Map---April-2020 (accessed March 2021). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:107 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 2 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 8. Description of Project: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 proposes the development of a ±9.02-gross acre site. Development includes ±103,274 square feet (sf) of retail, office, and on-site improvements. Refer to Figure 3, Conceptual Site Plan. Proposed retail uses included a market (i.e., specialty grocer), restaurants, and shops. Proposed structures are as follows: • Shops 1: ±8,200 sf • Shops 2: ±8,500 sf • Retail/Office 1: ±7,750 sf • Office 2: 36,924 sf, 2 levels • Pad A: ±4,500 sf • Major A: ±37,400 sf The project proposes 404 onsite vehicle parking spaces. Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) proposes a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels. The parcels range in size from 0.77 to 2.68 acres. The subdivision also includes dedications on Bradley Road, Newport Road, and Park Avenue. The Tentative Parcel Map is needed to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 proposes to allow the drive-thru for Shops 2. Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 is an application for public convenience or necessity findings to allow for the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for off -premises consumption (Alcoholic Beverage Control [ABC] License Type 21) within the proposed market (Major A). The findings are required by the California Department of ABC due to an overconcentration of alcohol licenses in the area. Site Preparation/Phasing While the project site is relatively flat through most of the site, the project proposes 15,513 cubic yards of cut, with a need for 8,670 cubic yards of fill, for a net of 6,843 cubic yards of export of material. Grading is anticipated to last approximately 7 weeks included within an approximately 9-month of overall construction activity. (Phase I). Groundbreaking is anticipated to occur in September 2021, with “grey shell’ delivery of Major A – Grocery in April 2022, followed shortly thereafter of Pad A, restaurant building (Denny’s) and Shop Buildings 1 and 2 by May 2022. Phase 1 target grand opening is in June 2022. Access and Circulation Vehicular access to the site will be provided via one access point on Newport Road, two access points on Bradley Road, and one access point on Park Avenue. Primary access would be from Bradley Road. The project proposes improvements to Bradley Road and Park Avenue. Upon project completion, Bradley Road would typically be comprised of two 12 to 13-foot-wide travel lanes in each direction separated by a 10-foot-wide raised median. Six-foot-wide Class II bike lanes would border the 13-foot-wide outside lanes. Six-foot-wide sidewalks would be located adjacent to the bike lanes with an outside landscape strip. Curb and gutter would be provided between the travel lanes and sidewalks. Park Avenue would typically be comprised of one 12-foot-wide travel lane in each direction with 8-foot-wide outside shoulders. Six-foot-wide sidewalks would be located adjacent the outside shoulders with an outside landscape strip. Curb and gutter would b e provided between Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:108 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 3 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 the outside shoulders and sidewalks. Newport Road is currently built out to its ultimate roadway half-section. No additional roadway improvements to Newport Road would occur. However, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and landscaping improvements would occur to accommodate site access along the Project’s frontage for Driveway 4 consistent with the City’s standards. Other Site Improvements and Amenities The project is required to provide ±310 parking stalls but exceeds the requirement an d includes ±404 parking stalls (a ratio of 3.9 stalls per 1,000 sf ). Infrastructure, Utilities, and Public Services Onsite infrastructure would include associated internal driveway, service utilities, and drainage facilities including underground storage basins located throughout the site and a water quality swale located along the northern project boundary. Undergrounding of the existing power poles along Bradley Road would also be included with the Project. The following public services are available to the Project: • Fire Protection Services (City of Menifee through contract with the Riverside County Fire Department); • Police Protection Services (City of Menifee Police Department); • Public Schools (Menifee Union School District and Perris Union High School District) • Library Services (Riverside County Library System); and • City Administrative Services (City of Menifee). The following utilities/infrastructure systems and services are available to the Project: • Water/Sewer (Eastern Municipal Water District); • Electricity (Southern California Edison); • Natural Gas (Southern California Gas Company); and • Telephone/Communications (Frontier Communications). 9. Surrounding Land Uses and Environmental Setting: The project site is currently vacant. The property slopes very gently from southeast toward the northwest, with variation ranging from a low of approximately 1,423 feet above mean sea level (msl) at the northwest corner of the property and up to 1,432 feet msl in the southeast corner of the site. This represents an elevational change across the project site of ±9 feet. Vegetation on the subject site has been disturbed, both historically and recently. The site is best characterized as an open, disturbed area with remnant native and non-native vegetation. For the most part, native vegetation was removed initially many decades ago to allow for agricultural production. Recent disturbances have been related more to urban development than agriculture, and therefore the site has been subject to adjacent development effects which include road-building, infrastructure development, and some illegal dumping on the property of concrete and asphaltic materials.3 Land uses in the surrounding area varies between roadway rights-of-way, commercial, a storage facility, and single-family residential. 3 TeraCor Resource Management. October 2020. Step II, Part B Focused Burrowing Owl Survey Results for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:109 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 4 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The adjacent General Plan Area Plan(s), Land Use Designation(s), and Zoning(s), if any: Surrounding Land Uses Direction General Plan Designation Zoning District Existing Land Use Project Site Economic Development Corridor (EDC) Economic Development Corridor- Newport Road (EDC-NR) Vacant Land North Economic Development Corridor (EDC) Economic Development Corridor- Newport Road (EDC-NR) Park Avenue and commercial properties South Cal Neva Specific Plan (SP) Cal Neva Specific Plan (SP) Newport Road and commercial properties East Economic Development Corridor (EDC) Economic Development Corridor- Newport Road (EDC-NR) Statewide Mini Storage and residential properties West Economic Development Corridor (EDC) Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) Economic Development Corridor- Newport Road (EDC-NR) Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Bradley Road and commercial and institutional properties Sources: City of Menifee. 2020. General Plan Land Use Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11043/General- Plan--Land-Use-Map---March-2020 (accessed March 2021); City of Menifee. 2020. Zoning Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11042/Zoning-Map---April-2020 (accessed March 2021); and Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. August 2020. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. 10 . Other public agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, financing approval, or participation agreement): Based on the current Project design concept, other permits necessary to realize the proposal will likely include, but are not limited to, the following: • Stormwater management and associated permitting will be required consistent with the provisions of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. • Permitting required under Clean Water Act Section 401 and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) pursuant to requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. • Type 21 License for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for off-premise consumption will be required consistent with the provisions of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:110 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 5 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:111 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 6 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 2: Project Location Map Project Site Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:112 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 7 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 3: Conceptual Site Plan Newport Road Park Ave Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:113 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 8 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation/Traffic Cultural Resources Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Less than Significant” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would have “No Impact” by this project as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:114 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 9 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 DETERMINATION: (To be completed by the Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Signature Date Printed Name For Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:115 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 10 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project- specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off -site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from "Earlier Analyses," as described in (5) below, may be cross-referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. State CEQA Guidelines §15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 9) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:116 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 11 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Issues: I. AESTHETICS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Except as provided in Public Resources Code Section 21099, would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) In non urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Sources: Menifee General Plan (GP) Exhibit C-8, “Scenic Highways” and Sun City/Menifee Area Plan Figure 5, “Mt. Palomar Night Time Lighting Policy Area”; Menifee GP Draft EIR; State of California, Department of Transportation, California State Scenic Highway System Map; Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 (Regulating Light Pollution); City of Menifee Ordinance 2009-24 (Dark Sky) (Menifee Municipal Code [MMC] Chapter 6.01). Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal C-6: Scenic highway corridors that are preserved and protected from change which would diminish the aesthetic value of lands adjacent to the designated routes. Policy C-6.1: Design developments within designated scenic highway corridors to balance the objectives of maintaining scenic resources with accommodating compatible land uses. Policy C-6.4: Incorporate riding, hiking, and bicycle trails and other compatible public recreational facilities within scenic corridors. Policy C-6.5: Ensure that the design and appearance of new landscaping, structures, equipment, signs, or grading within eligible county scenic highway corridors are compatible with the surrounding scenic setting or environment. Goal CD-3: Projects, developments, and public spaces that visually enhance the character of the community and are appropriately buffered from dissimilar land uses so that differences in type and intensity do not conflict. Policy CD-3.1: Preserve positive characteristics and unique features of a site during the design and development of a new project; the relationship to scale and character of adjacent uses should be considered. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:117 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 12 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy CD-3.3: Minimize visual impacts of public and private facilities and support structures through sensitive site design and construction. This includes, but is not limited to: appropriate placement of facilities; undergrounding, where possible; and aesthetic design (e.g., cell tower stealthing). Policy CD-3.5: Design parking lots and structures to be functionally and visually integrated and connected; off-street parking lots should not dominate the street scene. Policy CD-3.7: Consider including public art at key gateways, major projects, and public gathering places. Policy CD-3.9: Utilize Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques and defensible space design concepts to enhance community safety. Policy CD-3.10: Employ design strategies and building materials that evoke a sense of quality and permanence. Policy CD-3.12: Utilize differing but complementary forms of architectural styles and designs that incorporate representative characteristics of a given area. Policy CD-3.14: Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and arch itectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. Policy CD-3.15: Require property owners to maintain structures and landscaping to high standards of design, health, and safety. Policy CD-3.17: Encourage the use of creative landscape design to create visual interest and reduce conflicts between different land uses. Policy CD-3.19: Design walls and fences that are well integrated in style with adjacent structures and terrain and utilize landscaping and vegetation materials to soften their appearance. Policy CD-3.20: Avoid the blocking of public views by solid walls. Goal CD-4: Recognize, preserve, and enhance the aesthetic value of the City's enhanced landscape corridors and scenic corridors. Policy CD-4.1: Create unifying streetscape elements for enhanced landscape streets, including coordinated streetlights, landscaping, public signage, street furniture, and hardscaping. Policy CD-4.2: Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. Policy CD-4.8: Preserve and enhance view corridors by undergrounding and/or screening new or relocated electric or communication distribution lines, which would be visible from the City's scenic highway corridors. Goal CD-5: Economic Development Corridors that are visually distinctive and vibrant and combine commercial, industrial, residential, civic, cultural, and recreational uses. Policy CD-5.1: Provide comfortable pedestrian amenities-quality sitting areas, wide paths and shade- along with specialized and engaging design features, such as interesting fountains or public art, which draw and maintain people's attention, as appropriate based on the preferred mix of land uses for each EDC subarea. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:118 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 13 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy CD-5.2: Include open space and/or recreational amenities in EDC areas to provide visual relief from development, form linkages to adjacent uses and other portions of the economic development corridor, and serve as buffers between uses, where necessary. Policy CD-5.7: Where a vertical mix of uses occurs, site retail or office uses on the ground floor, with residential and/or office uses above. Also, encourage architectural detailing that differentiates each use. Goal CD-6: Attractive landscaping, lighting, and signage that conveys a positive image of the community. Policy CD-6.3: Require property owners to maintain the existing landscape on developed nonresidential sites and replace unhealthy or dead landscaping. Policy CD-6.4: Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. Policy CD-6.5: Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. Policy CD-6.6: Encourage the incorporation of lighting into signage design when app ropriate in order to minimize glare and light spillage while accentuating the design of the signage. Policy CD-6.7: Integrate project signage into the architectural design and character of new buildings. Policy CD-6.8: Discourage the use of flashing, moving, or audible signs. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact I.a) Less Than Significant Impact. Under CEQA, a scenic vista is defined as a viewpoint that provides expansive views of a highly-valued landscape for the public’s benefit. Scenic vistas can be impacted by development in two ways. First, a structure may be constructed that blocks the view of a vista. Second, the vista itself may be altered (i.e., development on a scenic hillside). Menifee’s natural mountainous setting is critical to its overall visual character and provides scenic vistas for the community. Topography and a lack of dense vegetation or urban development offer scenic views throughout the City, including to and from hillside areas. Scenic features include gently sloping alluvial fans, rugged mountains and steep slopes, mountain peaks and ridges, rounded hills with boulder outcrops, farmland, and open space. Scenic vistas provide views of these features from public spaces. Many scenic resources are outside the City limits and beyond the planning area boundary. Scenic views from Menifee include: the San Jacinto Mountains to the northeast and east, the San Bernardino Mountains to the north, the San Gabriel Mountains to the northwest, and the Santa Ana Mountains to the west and southwest. The Canyon Lake Reservoir is adjacent to the City’s western boundary and approximately 4.5 miles west of the project site. The project site is a vacant lot bounded by roadways to the north, south, and west, and by a storage facility to the east. The project site is not considered to be within or comprise a portion of a scenic vista. While the project would construct retail/commercial and office structures on a site that is currently vacant, the structures would be similar to the commercial/retail uses to the north, west, and south of the project site. As such, the project would not introduce a new visual obstacle to an existing scenic vista. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact on scenic vistas. Impact I.b) Less Than Significant Impact. While the project is not adjacent to an officially designated state scenic highway, it is located approximately one mile west of an eligible County Scenic Highway (I-215) as identified in the Menifee General Plan4. An existing residential neighborhood and 4 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit C-8: Scenic Highways. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1025/C-8- Scenic_Highways_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed June 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:119 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 14 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 commercial/retail and public/institutional development are located directly in between the I-215 and the project site. Further, the project site is within a suburbanized area comprised of residential neighborhoods and vacant land, as well as surface street features, and does not contain significant trees, rock outcroppings, or historical buildings. Therefore, the project would not substantially damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway and no mitigation would be required. Impact I.c) Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is located in an area of the City that is dominated by existing and planned residential development with pockets of commercial/retail and public/institutional development and vacant land. Given that the project site is mostly bounded by developed land and in close proximity to existing residences, the project site is not located in a non-urbanized area. The proposed project would not result in a significant impact and would not substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the project site and its surroundings. Degradation of visual character or quality is defined by substantial changes to the existing site appearance through construction of structures such that they are poorly designed or conflict with the site’s existing surroundings. As such, the proposed project would not significantly alter the surroundings of the area. The project’s construction-related activities would result in short-term impacts to the area’s visual character and quality. Construction activities would require the use of equipment and storage of materials within the project site. However, construction activities are temporary and would not result in any permanent visual impact. While the project site is currently vacant and undeveloped, the area surrounding the project site generally comprises commercial/retail, public/institutional, and vacant land. Surrounding land uses include a storage facility to the east; commercial/retail to the north and south, and commercial/retail and public/institutional to the west. Vacant lots are to the northwest, southwest, and southeast. Upon completion, the proposed project would include the development of 9.02 gross acres with a commercial/retail shopping center with office space and a major commercial/retail anchor. Commercial retail development would total 58,600 square feet of building area, office development would total 36;924 square feet, and office/retail development would total 7,750 square feet. The project would be accessible via four driveway entries from surrounding adjacent streets. The project would also include landscaping improvements. While the project site’s existing visual quality would change by incorporating commercial/retail and office uses and new improvements, this would not degrade the existing visual character, site quality, or surroundings. The site’s visual character would be altered; however, the project would not become visually incompatible or visually unexpected when viewed in the context of its surroundings. Moreover, the project would be subject to compliance with City design guidelines and applicable development standards. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact on the site’s visual character and its surroundings and no mitigation is required. Impact I.d) Less Than Significant Impact. Excessive or inappropriately directed lighting can adversely impact nighttime views by reducing the ability to see the night sky and stars. Glare can be caused from unshielded or misdirected lighting sources. Reflective surfaces (i.e., polished metal) can also cause glare. Impacts associated with glare range from simple nuisance to potentially dangerous situations (i.e., if glare is directed into the eyes of motorists). Existing outdoor lighting at and near the project site is associated with commercial/retail, public/institutional, and street lighting typical of suburban areas. The proposed project would generate lighting from two primary sources: lighting from building interiors that would pass through windows, and lighting from exterior sources (e.g., street lighting, vehicles, security lighting, and landscape lighting). Lighting associated with the project would not be directed towards adjacent properties across Newport Road, Bradley Road, or Park Avenue or toward the storage facility that is adjacent to the east. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:120 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 15 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 MMC Chapter 6.01 (Dark Sky; Light Pollution) indicates that low-pressure sodium lamps are the preferred illuminating source and that all non-exempt outdoor light fixtures shall be shielded. A maximum of 8,100 total lumens per acre or per parcel if less than one acre would be allowed. When lighting is “allowed,” it must be fully shielded if feasible and partially shielded in all other cases, and must be focused to minimize spill light into the night sky and onto adjacent properties (MMC § 6.01.040). The project would be conditioned that, prior to the issuance of building permits, all new construction which introduces light sources would be required to have shielding or other light pollution limiting characteristics such as hood or lumen restrictions for consistency with MMC Chapter 6.01. The Menifee GP Community Design Element includes goals that encourage attractive landscaping, lighting, and signage that conveys the community’s positive image (Goal CD-6) and that limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the Palomar Observatory operations (Goal CD-6.5). Lighting proposed by the project would be subject to compliance with MMC Chapter 6.01 and Menifee GP goals and policies. Accordingly, the project would have a less than significant impact on interfering with Mt. Palomar Observatory nighttime use which is located approximately 30 miles southeast. Further, the City would also review new lighting for conformance with the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) (California Code of Regulations [CCR] Title 24 Part 11) such that only the minimum amount of lighting is used, and no light spillage occurs. Buildings with large facades constructed of reflective surfaces (e.g., brightly colored building façades, metal surfaces, and reflective glass) could increase existing levels of daytime glare. The project’s proposed design does not include such surfaces or components. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant impact concerning a new source of glare and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. II. AGRICULTURE AND FOREST RESOURCES: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland, are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to information compiled by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the state’s inventory of forest land, including the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy Assessment project; and forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Would the Project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code §12220(g)), timberland (as defined in Public Resources Code section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined in Government Code §51104(g))? Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:121 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 16 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? Sources: Menifee GP, California Department of Conservation’s California Important Farmland Finder. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-6: High-value agricultural lands available for long-term agricultural production in limited areas of the City. Policy OSC-6.1: Protect both existing farms and sensitive uses around them as agricultural acres transition to more developed land uses. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact II.a) Less Than Significant Impact. According to the Menifee GP, the project site contains farmland of local importance.5 Similarly, the California Department of Conservation’s (DOC) California Important Farmland Finder designates the project site as farmland of local importance.6 Although the project site is designated as farmland of local importance by the Menifee GP and DOC, the project site is currently zoned Economic Development Corridor-Newport Road (EDC-NR) and designated as Economic Development Corridor (EDC). Thus, the project site was identified as appropriate for development by the City and the conversion of farmland on site was analyzed by the City’s GP EIR, which found the conversion to be appropriate. Considering the small size of the area mapped as farmland and the economic and regulatory constraints on agriculture in western Riverside County, along with the currently approved Specific Plans and individual projects throughout the City, it is unlikely that the project site would re- establish agricultural production even without implementation of the project. Therefore, the project’s impacts concerning farmland conversion would be less than significant. Impacts II.b-c) No Impact. The project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor-Newport Road (EDC-NR) and is not under a Williamson Act Contract. The project site is not zoned for agricultural use or forestland; therefore, the project would not conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or forestland, or a Williamson Act contract. Impact II.d) No Impact. The project site and surrounding properties are not currently being managed or used for forest land; therefore, the project would not result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use. Impact II.e) No Impact. Surrounding land uses include a storage facility to the east; commercial/retail to the north and south, and commercial/retail and public/institutional to the west. Vacant lan ds are to the northwest and southeast. The surrounding zoning is Economic Development Corridor-Newport Road (EDC-NR) to the north, east, and west; Cal Neva Specific Plan (SP) to the south; and Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) to the west. Forest land are not present in the area surrounding the project site. Based upon historical records, the project site and surrounding areas were historically used for agricultural/dry farming uses. This activity ceased in approximately 1978.7 Additionally, according to the GP EIR and historical 5 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit OSC-5: Agricultural Resources. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1086/ExhibitOSC-5_AgriculturalResources_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed June 2021. 6 California Department of Conservation. 2016. California Important Farmland Finder. https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/CIFF/. Accessed June 2021. 7 Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. August 2020. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:122 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 17 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 aerial images, the project site is not currently used for agricultural uses and the uses surrounding the project site have existed since at least 1996.8 The project would not divide any agricultural parcels or impede access to any agricultural parcels, and would therefore not cause indirect conversion of farmland to non-agricultural use. No impact would occur. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. III. AIR QUALITY Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management district or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? c) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? d) Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people? Sources: Menifee GP and Menifee Crossroads Air Quality Impact Analysis (Urban Crossroads, April 2021); see Appendix A. Federal, State, and Regional Standards: Appendix A (Table 2-2) presents the federal and state ambient air quality standards. Appendix A (Table 3-1) shows the maximum daily regional construction and operations emissions thresholds for NOx, VOC, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, CO, and Pb. Appendix A (Tables 3-8 and 3-11) shows the maximum daily localized construction and operational emissions thresholds for NOx, CO, PM10, and PM2.5. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-9: Reduced impacts to air quality at the local level by minimizing pollution and particulate matter. Policy OSC-9.1: Meet state and federal clean air standards by minimizing particulate matter emissions from construction activities. Policy OSC-9.2: Buffer sensitive land uses, such as residences, schools, care facilities, and recreation areas from major air pollutant emission sources, including freeways, manufacturing, hazardous materials storage, wastewater treatment, and similar uses. Policy OSC-9.3: Comply with regional, state, and federal standards and programs for control of all airborne pollutants and noxious odors, regardless of source. 8 Historic Aerials. 2021. https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer. Accessed June 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:123 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 18 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy OSC-9.5: Comply with the mandatory requirements of Title 24 Part 11 of the California Building Standards Code (CALGreen) and Title 24 Part 6 Building and Energy Efficiency Standards. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact III.a) Less than Significant Impact. The Project site is located within the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), which is characterized by relatively poor air quality. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has jurisdiction over an approximately 10,743 square‐mile area consisting of the four‐ county Basin and the Los Angeles County and Riverside County portions of what use d to be referred to as the Southeast Desert Air Basin. In these areas, the SCAQMD is principally responsible for air pollution control, and works directly with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), county transportation commissions, local governments, as well as state and federal agencies to reduce emissions from stationary, mobile, and indirect sources to meet state and federal ambient air quality standards. Currently, these state and federal air quality standards are exceeded in most parts of the SCAB. In response, the SCAQMD has adopted a series of Air Quality Management Plans (AQMP) to meet the state and federal ambient air quality standards. AQMPs are updated regularly in order to more effectively reduce emissions, accommodate growth, and to minimize any negative fiscal impacts of air pollution control on the economy. In March 2017, the SCAQMD released the Final 2016 AQMP. The 2016 AQMP continues to evaluate current integrated strategies and control measures to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), as well as explore new and innovative methods to reach its goals. Some of these approaches include utilizing incentive programs, recognizing existing co‐benefit programs from other sectors, and developing a strategy with fair‐share reductions at the federal, state, and local levels. Similar to the 2012 AQMP, the 2016 AQMP incorporates scientific and technological information and planning assumptions, including the 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), a planning document that supports the integration of land use and transportation to help the region meet the federal Clean Air Act requirements. The project’s consistency with the AQMP will be determined using the 2016 AQMP as discussed below. Criteria for determining consistency with the AQMP are defined in Chapter 12, Sections 12.2 and 12.3 of the SCAQMD’s CEQA Air Quality Handbook (1993). These indicators are discussed below: Consistency Criterion No. 1 The proposed project will not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations or cause or contribute to new violations or delay the timely attainment of air quality standards or the interim emissions reductions specified in the AQMP. The violations that Consistency Criterion No. 1 refers to are the California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) and NAAQS. CAAQS and NAAQS violations would occur if regional or localized significance thresholds were exceeded. As emissions will not exceed the applicable thresholds, with implementation of mitigation measure (MM) AQ‐1 and MM AQ‐2, the project is determined to be consistent with the first criterion. Consistency Criterion No. 2 The Project will not exceed the assumptions in the AQMP based on the years of Project buildout phase. The 2016 AQMP demonstrates that the applicable ambient air quality standards can be achieved within the timeframes required under federal law. Growth projections from local general plans adopted by cities in the district are provided to the SCAG, which develops regional growth forecasts, which are then used to develop future air quality forecasts for the AQMP. Development consistent with the growth projections in the Menifee GP is considered to be consistent with the AQMP. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:124 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 19 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Construction Impacts – Consistency Criterion 2 Peak day emissions generated by construction activities are largely independent of land use assignments, but rather are a function of development scope and maximum area of disturbance. Irrespective of the site’s land use designation, development of the site to its maximum potential would likely occur, with disturbance of the entire site occurring during construction activities. Operational Impacts – Consistency Criterion 2 The project site is located within the City of Menifee. As per the General Plan, the Project is designated as Economic Development Corridor (EDC). The project would include commercial retail development with approximately 58,600 square feet of building area, office development with approximately 36;924 square feet of building area, and office/retail development with approximately 7,750 square feet of building area. The proposed land uses are consistent with the General Plan designation. On the basis of the preceding discussion, the project is determined to be consistent with the second criterion. AQMP Consistency Conclusion The project would not result in or cause NAAQS or CAAQS violations. The project is consistent with the land use and growth intensities reflected in the adopted Menifee GP. Furthermore, the project would not exceed any applicable regional or local thresholds. As such, the project is therefore considered to be consistent with the AQMP and a less than significant impact is expected. Impact III.b) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation. A project may have a significant impact if project-related emissions exceed federal, state, or regional standards or thresholds, or if project-related emissions substantially contribute to existing or projected air quality violations. The project is located within the SCAB, where efforts to attain state and federal air quality standards are governed by the SCAQMD. Both the State of California (state) and the federal government have established health-based ambient air quality standards (AAQS) for seven air pollutants (known as ‘criteria pollutants’): ozone (O 3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), inhalable particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (PM10), fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5), and lead (Pb). The state has also established AAQS for additional pollutants. The AAQS are designed to protect the health and welfare of the populace within a reasonable margin of safety. Where the state and federal standards differ, CAAQS are more stringent than NAAQS. Air pollution levels are measured at monitoring stations located throughout the Basin. Areas that are in nonattainment concerning federal or state AAQS are required to prepare plans and implement measures to bring the region into attainment. Table 2-3 of Appendix A (Attainment Status of Criteria Pollutants in the SCAB) summarizes the project area’s attainment status for the criteria pollutants. The project’s short- term construction and long-term operational emissions and their context for subsequently impacting the environment are discussed below. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION Construction‐Related Regional Impacts The construction‐related regional air quality impacts have been analyzed for criteria pollutants. The methodology used to calculate regional construction air emissions is detailed in Appendix A and summarized below. The analysis of the project’s short‐term construction emissions for criteria pollutants is also presented below. Typical emission rates from construction activities were obtained from CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2. Using CalEEMod, the peak daily air pollutant emissions during each project phase were calculated and presented below. The CalEEMod construction emissions model outputs are provided in Appendix A. The project would be required to comply with existing SCAQMD rules for reduction of fugitive dust emissions (Rule 403) and architectural coatings (Rule 1113). These SCAQMD rules are included as Best Available Control Measures (BACM). Compliance with Rule 403 is achieved through application of Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:125 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 20 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 standard best management practices in construction and operation activities, such as application of water or chemical stabilizers to disturbed soils, covering haul vehicles, sweeping loose dirt from paved site access roadways, cessation of construction activity when winds exceed 25 mph and establishing a permanent, stabilizing ground cover on finished sites. Rule 1113 requires architectural coating used to be no more than a low VOC default level of 50 g/L. Table 1: Overall Construction Emissions Summary – Unmitigated, presents the construction‐related criteria pollutant emissions anticipated during the construction period and indicates that emissions resulting from the project construction will not exceed criteria pollutant thresholds established by the SCAQMD for emissions of any criteria pollutant. While project emissions would not exceed the regional thresholds, project related emissions during grading and site preparation would exceed the localized significance threshold (LST) for PM2.5, as shown in Table 3: Localized Significance Summary Constructi–n - Without Mitigation. Table 2: Overall Construction Emissions Summary – Mitigated, shows all criteria pollutants remain below the SCAQMD thresholds with incorporation of MM AQ-1 and MM AQ-2. Therefore, project construction-related activities would result in a less than significant regional air quality impact during construction. Table 1: Overall Construction Emissions Summary – Unmitigated Year Emissions (pounds/day) VOC NOx CO SOx PM10 PM2.5 Maximum Summer 2021 Emissions 5.43 60.83 25.49 0.07 23.04 12.65 Maximum Summer 2022 Emissions 40.25 36.70 43.40 0.10 24.29 13.43 Maximum Winter 2021 Emissions 1.15 20.87 25.06 0.05 3.36 1.50 Maximum Winter 2022 Emissions 40.24 36.66 42.09 0.09 24.29 13.43 Maximum Daily Emissions 40.25 60.83 43.40 0.10 24.29 13.43 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 75 100 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Table 2: Overall Construction Emissions Summary – Mitigated Year Emissions (pounds/day) VOC NOx CO SOx PM10 PM2.5 Maximum Summer 2021 Emissions 3.45 39.99 30.98 0.07 9.92 5.07 Maximum Summer 2022 Emissions 38.42 35.26 47.84 0.10 11.17 5.85 Maximum Winter 2021 Emissions 3.45 39.99 16.94 0.05 3.36 1.50 Maximum Winter 2022 Emissions 38.41 35.21 46.53 0.09 11.17 5.85 Maximum Daily Emissions 38.42 39.99 47.84 0.10 11.17 5.85 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 75 100 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Construction‐Related Local Impacts Construction‐related air emissions could exceed state and federal air quality standards in the localized project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the Basin. Local Air Quality Impacts from Construction The appropriate Source Receptor Area (SRA) for the localized significance threshold (LST) analysis for the project is the Perris Valley monitoring station (SRA 24). LSTs apply to carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter ≤ 10 microns (PM10), and particulate matter ≤ 2.5 microns (PM2.5). The SCAQMD produced look-up tables for projects less than or equal to 5 acres in size. In order to determine the appropriate methodology for determining localized impacts that could occur as a result of project- related construction, the following process is undertaken: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:126 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 21 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • The CalEEMod model is utilized to determine the maximum daily on-site emissions that will occur during construction activity. • The SCAQMD’s Fact Sheet for Applying CalEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds and CalEEMod User’s Guide Appendix A: Calculation Details for CalEEMod is used to determine the maximum site acreage that is actively disturbed based on the construction equipment fleet and equipment hours as estimated in CalEEMod. • If the total acreage disturbed is less than or equal to five acres per day, as is the case for this Project, then the SCAQMD’s screening look‐up tables are utilized to determine if a Project has the potential to result in a significant impact. The look‐up tables establish a maximum daily emissions threshold in lbs./day that can be compared to CalEEMod outputs. Three and a half acres of land will be disturbed per day. • If the total acreage disturbed is greater than five acres per day, then LST impacts may still be conservatively evaluated using the LST look‐up tables for a 5‐acre disturbance area. Use of the 5‐acre disturbance area thresholds can be used to show that even if the daily emissions from all construction activity were emitted within a 5‐acre area, and therefore concentrated over a smaller area which would result in greater site adjacent concentrations, the impacts would still be less than significant if the applicable 5‐acre thresholds are utilized. • The LST methodology presents mass emission rates for each SRA, project sizes of 1, 2, and 5 acres, and nearest receptor distance of 25 meters. For project sizes between the values given, or with receptors at distances between the standardized receptors, the methodology uses linear interpolation to determine the thresholds. The CalEEMod output sheets included in Appendix A indicate the equipment used for this analysis. The SCAQMD’s screening look‐up tables were utilized in determining impacts, however, since the look‐ up tables identifies thresholds at only 1 acre, 2 acres, and 5 acres, and at distances of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 meters, linear regression was utilized, consistent with SCAQMD guidance, to interpolate the threshold values for the disturbed acreage of 3.5 acres and the distances of 52 and 25 meters. The 52-meter distance is not specified in the LST guidance so the threshold at 52 meters has been determined through linear regression based on the concentration thresholds at 50 and 100 meters. Based on the LST guidance for distances less than 25 meters, the 25‐meter thresholds should be used. According to Table 3: Localized Significance Summary of Construction - Without Mitigation, during the grading and site preparation phases, PM2.5 would exceed the SCAQMD local emissions thresholds at the nearest applicable sensitive receptors. The exceedance is due to fugitive dust and exhaust emissions during the grading and site preparation phases. All other construction related emissions would be below the SCAQMD LST thresholds. With MM AQ-1 and MM AQ-2, none of the criteria pollutants would exceed SCAQMD thresholds at the nearest applicable sensitive receptors as shown in Table 4: Project Localized Construction Emissions - With Mitigation. Therefore, impacts are less than significant with mitigation. Table 3: Localized Significance Summary Construction - Without Mitigation On-Site Emissions Emissions (lbs/day) NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Maximum Daily Emissions 60.79 34.44 0.06 20.19 SCAQMD Localized Threshold 220 1,230 32 8 Threshold Exceeded? No No No Yes Table 4: Project Localized Construction Emissions - With Mitigation On-Site Site Emissions Emissions (lbs/day) NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Maximum Daily Emissions 27.0 30.3 0.1 7.9 SCAQMD Localized Threshold 220 1,230 32 8 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:127 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 22 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 LONG-TERM OPERATIONS Long-term project operations would result in a long‐term increase in air quality emissions. Increased emissions would be due to project‐generated vehicle trips and on‐going use of the proposed project. The following is an analysis of potential long‐term operational air quality impacts. Operational Regional Impacts Operational activities associated with the project would result in emissions of VOCs, NOX, SOX, CO, PM10, and PM2.5. Operational emissions would be expected from the following primary sources: • Area Source Emissions • Energy Source Emissions • Mobile Source Emissions Area Sources. Area sources include emissions from consumer products, landscape maintenance equipment, and architectural coatings. Landscape maintenance includes fuel combustion emissions from equipment such as lawn mowers, rototillers, shredders/grinders, blowers, trimmers, chainsaws, and hedge trimmers. The emissions associated with landscape maintenance equipment were calculated based on assumptions provided in CalEEMod. Energy Sources. Electricity and natural gas are used by almost every project. Criteria pollutan t emissions are emitted through the generation of electricity and consumption of natural gas. However, because electrical generating facilities for the project area are located either outside the region (state) or offset through the use of pollution credits (RECLAIM) for generation within the SCAB, criteria pollutant emissions from offsite generation of electricity are generally excluded from the evaluation of significance and only natural gas use is considered. Mobile Sources. Project‐related operational emissions derive predominantly from mobile sources. In this regard, approximately 96 percent (by weight) of all project operational emissions would be generated by mobile sources (vehicles). Neither the project applicant nor the City has any regulatory control over these tail pipe emissions. Rather, vehicle tail pipe source emissions are regulated by the CARB and U.S. EPA. As a result of CARB and U.S. EPA actions, basin‐wide vehicular‐source emissions have been reduced dramatically over the past years and are expected to further decline as clean vehicle and fuel technologies improve. The project related operational emissions derive primarily from the weekday vehicle trips generated by the project. Per the Traffic Study (Appendix I), the project is anticipated to generate a net total of 5,358 trip‐ends per day with 450 AM peak hour trips and 381 PM peak hour trips. Vehicles traveling on paved roads would be a source of fugitive emissions due to the generation of road dust inclusive of break and tire wear particulates. The emissions estimates for travel on paved roads were calculated using CalEEMod. Project Impacts. Table 5: Summary of Peak Operational Emissions presents the project’s long-term operational worst‐case summer/winter criteria pollutant emissions for all sources and indicates that none of the sources would exceed SCAQMD regional thresholds. Therefore, long-term project operations would result in a less than significant regional air quality impact. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:128 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 23 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 5: Summary of Peak Operational Emissions Source Emissions (lbs/day) VOC NOx CO SO2 PM10 PM2.5 Summer Area Source 2.30 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 Energy Source 0.10 0.89 0.75 0.01 0.00 0.07 Mobile Source Passenger Cars 17.63 51.44 90.25 0.23 18.09 0.27 Total Maximum Daily Emissions 20.02 52.34 91.05 0.23 18.09 0.34 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 55 55 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Winter Area Sources 2.30 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 Energy Source 0.10 0.89 0.75 0.01 0.00 0.07 Mobile Sources Passenger Cars 15.75 52.93 85.03 0.22 18.09 0.27 Total Maximum Daily Emissions 18.14 53.82 85.83 0.22 18.09 0.34 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 55 55 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Operational Local Impacts The project is located on an approximately 9.02‐acre parcel. The analysis conducted was conservative as it assumed that all operational emissions associated with the project would occur within a 5 ‐acre area. The LST analysis generally included on‐site sources (area, energy, and mobile). However, it should be noted that the CalEEMod outputs do not separate on‐site and off‐site emissions from mobile sources. To establish a maximum potential impact scenario for analytic purposes, the emissions shown on Table 7 represent all on‐site project‐related stationary (area and energy) sources and 5 percent of the project‐ related mobile sources. As the operations project area is 9.02‐acres, a linear regression was performed to determine the thresholds. The derived operational thresholds are shown on Table 6. Table 6: Maximum Daily Localized Operations Emissions Thresholds Pollutant Operations Localized Thresholds1 NOx1 248 lbs/day CO1 1,305 lbs/day PM102 11 lbs/day PM2.52 3 lbs/day 1 Based on 8.47 acres of disturbance at 25‐meter distance to nearest non‐residential use for SRA 24. 2 Based on 8.47 acres of disturbance at 52.7‐meter distance to nearest residential use for SRA 24. As shown on Table 7, operational emissions will not exceed the LST thresholds for the nearest sensitive receptor. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant localized impact during operational activity. Table 7: Localized Significance Summary of Operations On-Site Emissions Emissions (lbs/day) NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Maximum Daily Emissions 3.54 5.31 0.99 0.32 SCAQMD Localized Threshold 248 1,305 11 3 Threshold Exceeded? No No No Yes Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:129 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 24 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Cumulative Impacts The CAAQS designate the project site as nonattainment for O3, PM10, and PM2.5 while the NAAQS designates the project site as nonattainment for O3 and PM2.5. Per SCAQMD guidance on how to address cumulative impacts for air pollution, the analysis conducted assumed that individual projects that do not generate operational or construction emissions that exceed the SCAQMD’s recommended daily thresholds for project-specific impacts would also not cause a cumulatively considerable increase in emissions for those pollutants for which the Basin is in nonattainment, and, therefore, would not be considered to have a significant, adverse air quality impact. Alternatively, individual project‐related construction and operational emissions that exceed SCAQMD thresholds for project ‐specific impacts would be considered cumulatively considerable. Construction Impacts The project‐specific evaluation of emissions presented in the preceding analysis demonstrates that project construction‐source air pollutant emissions would not result in exceedances of regional thresholds. Therefore, project construction‐source emissions would be considered less than significant on a project‐ specific and cumulative basis. Operational Impacts The project‐specific evaluation of emissions presented in the preceding analysis demonstrates that project operational‐source air pollutant emissions would not result in exceedances of regional thresholds. Therefore, project operational‐source emissions would be considered less than significant on a project‐ specific and cumulative basis Impact III.c) Less Than Significant Impact. The potential impact of project‐generated air pollutant emissions at sensitive receptors has also been considered. Sensitive receptors can include uses such as long‐term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers, and retirement homes. Residences, schools, playgrounds, childcare centers, and athletic facilities can also be considered as sensitive receptors. Results of the LST analysis indicate that with the incorporation of MM AQ‐1 and MM AQ‐2 the project would not exceed the SCAQMD localized significance thresholds during construction. Therefore, sensitive receptors would not be exposed to substantial pollutant concentrations during project construction. Additionally, the project would not exceed the SCAQMD localized significance thresholds during operational activity. Further project traffic would not create or result in a CO “hotspot” (see Section 3.9 of Appendix A for analysis). Therefore, sensitive receptors would not be exposed to substantial pollutant concentrations as the result of project operations. Impact III.d) Less Than Significant Impact. The potential for the project to generate objectionable odors has also been considered. Land uses generally associated with odor complaints include: • Agricultural uses (livestock and farming) • Wastewater treatment plants • Food processing plants • Chemical plants • Composting operations • Refineries • Landfills • Dairies • Fiberglass molding facilities The project does not contain land uses typically associated with emitting objectionable odors. Potential odor sources associated with the project may result from construction equipment exhaust and the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:130 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 25 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 application of asphalt and architectural coatings during construction activities and the temporary storage of typical solid waste (refuse) associated with the project’s (long‐term operational) uses. Standard construction requirements would minimize odor impacts from construction. The construction odor emissions would be temporary, short-term, and intermittent in nature and would cease upon completion of the respective phase of construction and is thus considered less than significant. It is expected that project‐generated refuse would be stored in covered containers and removed at regular intervals in compliance with the City’s solid waste regulations, i.e., Chapter 6.30 – Collection of Solid Waste and Recycling. The project would also be required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 402 to prevent occurrences of public nuisances. Therefore, odors associated with the project construction and operations would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: AQ-1: All actively graded (disturbed) areas within the project site during site preparation and grading activities shall be watered at 2.1‐hour watering intervals (e.g., 4 times per day) or a movable sprinkler system shall be in place to ensure minimum soil moisture of 12 percent in maintained for actively graded areas. Moisture content can be verified with use of a moisture pr obe by the grading contractor. AQ-2: Prior to issuance grading permits, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that all heavy construction equipment used during the grading and site preparation phases are powered by EPA or CARB certified Tier III equivalent engines. IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:131 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 26 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee GP Draft EIR; Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency, Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), Approved June 7, 2003; U.S. FWS Threatened and Endangered Species Active Critical Habitat Report, Updated March 2021; Step II, Part B Focused Burrowing Owl Survey Results for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee (TERACOR Resource Management, Inc., October 2020); and MSHCP Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee (TERACOR Resource Management, Inc., October 2020 included in Appendix B. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-8: Protected biological resources, especially sensitive and special status wildlife species and their natural habitats. Policy OSC-8.1: Work to implement the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan in coordination with the Regional Conservation Authority. Policy OSC-8.2: Support local and regional efforts to evaluate, acquire, and protect natural habitats for sensitive, threatened, and endangered species occurring in and around the City. Policy OSC-8.4: Identify and inventory existing natural resources in the City of Menifee. Policy OSC-8.5: Recognize the impacts new development will have on the City's natural resources and identify ways to reduce these impacts. Policy OSC-8.8: Implement and follow MSHCP goals and policies when making discretionary actions pursuant to Section 13 of the Implementing Agreement. Vegetation Sensitive Vegetation Communities Sensitive vegetation communities are those that are: considered sensitive pursuant to the State of California Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) program; are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA); are under the jurisdiction of the CDFW pursuant to §§ 1600 through 1612 of the California Fish and Game Code (CFGC); are known or believed to be of high priority for inventory in the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB 2019); are considered regionally rare in southern California; have undergone a large-scale reduction from their Pre-European coverage in southern California due to increased urban and agricultural encroachment; and/or support sensitive plant and animal species. Sensitive vegetation communities listed for the surrounding project area are: • Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest, • Southern Cottonwood Willow Riparian Forest, • Southern Interior Basalt Flow Vernal Pool, • Southern Riparian Scrub, • Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland, and • Valley Needlegrass Grassland. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:132 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 27 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Vegetation Communities on the Project Site The project encompasses seven vegetation community types. Vegetation communities currently present are characterized as Annual brome grassland and fiddleneck field; Buckwheat scrub series; Alkali heliotrope patch; and Cat-tail patch. No Narrow Endemic Plant Species Survey Area (NEPSSA) species or habitat is located on the project site. There are no NEPSSA impacts associated with the proposed project. Although there are sensitive plant species in the project area, none were observed on the project site.9 Wildlife The project site supports a low diversity of wildlife species due to the high level of disturbance and development in the vicinity. Many of the wildlife species observed or detected in the project study area are commonly found in the urban interface or on disturbed habitat. California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) is present in low densities on the project site. There were low numbers of small mammal burrows on the site, due likely to persistent disturbance. Desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) was also observed. Reptiles observed included side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) and western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis). Wildlife usage of the project site is spread throughout the project site. Characteristic avian species detected include Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii), red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), rock pigeon (Columba livia), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), common raven (Corvus corax), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria), cliff swallow (Hirundo pyrrhonota), barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), house sparrow (Passer domesticus), European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans), Say’s phoebe (Sayornis saya), and western kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis). A list of observed birds is included in Appendix B. Sensitive Wildlife No sensitive wildlife was noted within the project site during the biological field studies. However, while not seen, the Stephen’s Kangaroo rat (Diphodomys stephensi) is assumed to be present. Wildlife species that are covered and adequately conserved by the MSHCP does not include Stephens Kangaroo rat (SKR). SKR is covered under a separate Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). As a Covered species, participation in the HCP would provide “take” for SKR and no additional mitigation except a fee, would be required. Although SKR is adequately conserved, the intent of the project is to avoid and/or minimize impacts to all biological resources that occur within its boundaries. Burrowing Owl Survey Burrowing owl habitat assessment surveys and focused surveys were conducted during Spring/Summer 2020, according to the Step II, Part B Focused Burrowing Owl Survey Results for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee (TERACOR Resource Management, Inc., October 2020). The focused Burrowing Owl Surveys (BUOW) revealed that no owl burrows or burrowing owls on the proposed project site or within a 150 -meter buffer area. Hydrological Resources An incipient, human-induced inundated feature with hydric vegetation located in a very small linear cell is located at the north end of the property along Park Avenue. The feature was approximately 0.01 acre in extent and is actually just a curbside swale supplied with nuisance runoff. This human-induced feature did not meet criteria to be either Riparian/Riverine or Vernal Pool. It also does not meet any criteria to be 9 TERACOR Resource Management, Inc. 2020. MSHCP Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:133 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 28 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 considered jurisdictional under the federal Clean Water Act, the California Department of Fish and Game Code, or the state Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act.10 Fairy Shrimp Riparian Riverine stream areas and vernal pools are not present on the Project site. Absence of vernal pools precludes presence of Riverside fairy shrimp, vernal pool fairy shrimp and other seasonal pool- dependent organisms.11 Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact IV.a) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. SENSITIVE SPECIES A total of 64 plant species are listed as state and/or federal Threatened, Endangered, or Candidate species. Special-status plant and animal species have no to low potential to occur on-site. Table 3 of the Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report found in Appendix B of this Initial Study, documents the MSHCP-Covered Species whose presence was evaluated on the project site. Due to the lack of suitable habitat and/or soils at the site, these species were found to either have low or no potential to occur on - site. No sensitive plant species were observed on the project site. Areas with vegetation consist primarily of non-native species or species tolerant of disturbed areas. Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan The Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) covers 146 species, 38 of which require additional surveys if the proposed project occurs in the specific survey area for a species. The Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) MSHCP Information Map outlines, on a parcel by parcel basis, those properties which require habitat assessments and focused surveys. An assessment for six (6) narrow endemic plant species (Munz's onion, San Diego ambrosia, Many-stemmed dudleya, Spreading navarretia, California Orcutt grass, Wrights's trichocoronis) was required, but the only animal requiring specific analysis for this property was burrowing owl.12 This finding is consistent with the City’s General Plan, Exhibit OSC-8, MSHCP Survey Area13, which identified the project site as being within the Burrowing Owl Survey Area. The project site does not traverse Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool habitats as defined by the MSHCP. Burrowing Owl Survey Burrowing owl habitat assessment surveys and focused surveys were conducted in Spring/Summer 2020, according to the Step II, Part B Focused Burrowing Owl Survey Results for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee (TERACOR Resource Management, Inc., October 2020). The focused BUOW surveys revealed that no owl burrows or burrowing owls on the proposed project site or within a 150-meter buffer area. The MSHCP requires preconstruction surveys pursuant to the MSHCP Objective 6. For burrowing owl, a preconstruction burrowing owl survey shall be conducted prior to issuance of a grading permit to verify the presence/absence of the owl on the project site. Refer to Mitigation Measure BIO-1. Species Not Covered by the Western Riverside MSHCP No non-MSHCP covered special status wildlife species were observed on the project site. Impacts to non- MSHCP covered special status wildlife species would not be considered significant with the implementation of minimization and avoidance measures proposed in conjunction with other nesting and/or migratory bird species. Therefore, compliance with MM BIO-2, which requires a preconstruction 10 TERACOR Resource Management, Inc. 2020. MSHCP Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee. 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit OSC-8: MSHCP Survey Areas. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1089/ExhibitOSC- 8_MSHCP_SurveyAreas_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed June 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:134 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 29 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 survey to identify presence of nesting birds and raptors, would reduce potential impacts to non-covered species to less than significant. Nesting Birds Under MBTA provisions, it is unlawful “by any means or manner to pursue, hunt, take, capture (or) kill” any migratory birds except as permitted by regulations issued by the USFWS. The term “take” is defined by USFWS regulation to mean to “pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect” any migratory bird or any part, nest or egg of any migratory bird covered by the conventions, or to attempt those activities. In addition, the CFGC extends protection to non‐migratory birds identified as resident game birds (CFGC § 3500) and any birds in the orders Falconiformes or Strigiformes (birds‐of‐prey) (CFGC § 3503). The project site would not support tree- and shrub-nesting species, but ground-nesting species could nest onsite during the nesting bird season of February 1 through September 15. Therefore, if ground disturbance would occur between February 15 and September 15, the project could impact ground -nesting birds. To address potential impacts to nesting migratory birds, the project would be subject to compliance with MM BIO-2, which addresses construction activities within the nesting season. Following compliance with MM BIO-2, the project’s potential impacts to nesting migratory birds would be less than significant. CRITICAL HABITAT The project is not located within federally designated critical habitat. Therefore, no impact to critical habitat would occur. Impacts IV.b-c) Less Than Significant Impact. RIPARIAN HABITATS AND JURISDICTIONAL WATERS Riparian/Riverine and Vernal Pool Habitat An assessment of the potentially significant effects of the proposed project on riparian, riverine and vernal pool areas was conducted. There are no vernal pools on the property. The sandy and silty loam soils on- site are not conducive to ponding, and there was no evidence across the property that any location on the site ponded. No current or historic ponds were noted on-site. Incipient urban runoff slowly draining toward the west along Park Avenue was detected. It was determined that the feature along Park Avenue is an artificial, curbside swale within the existing street right-of-way. It is not Riparian/Riverine by definition, in that it is human induced via area development and does not constitute a natural creek, natural drainage, streambed, vernal pool or natural wash. Historic aerial analysis from 1967, 1978, and 2018 assists in confirming this determination. It has its origins due to urban runoff from development to the east. Furthermore, the curbside feature exhibited only two of the eight MSHCP-listed functions and values for Riparian/Riverine areas, as described in Section 6.1.2. Elimination of lawn irrigation/residential runoff would result in the demise of the cattail vegetation. The artificial nature of the feature precludes classification as Riparian/Riverine/Vernal Pool by definition and by absence of natural, critical functions and values.14 Jurisdictional Waters and Wetlands USACE regulates deposition of fill material into waters of the U.S. (WOUS) under Section 404 of the CWA. RWQCB regulates impacts to WUS under Section 401 of the CWA and to waters of the State (WOS) under the Porter Cologne Water Quality Control Act. The ar ea is under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, USACE and California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: The subject property does not contain any Corps jurisdictional areas, and therefore, would not be considered jurisdictional under current regulations, rules, guidance, and practice of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). 14 TERACOR Resource Management, Inc. 2020. MSHCP Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:135 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 30 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Board: It is preliminary determined that RWQCB “waters” are absent on-site, and that the Park Avenue feature (0.01 acre) is not a natural drainage but, rather, is a curbside swale comprised of nuisance runoff. California Department of Fish and Wildlife: It is preliminary determined that CDFW jurisdictional state “waters” are absent on-site and that the Park Avenue feature (0.01 acre) is not a natural drainage but, rather, is a curbside swale comprised of nuisance runoff. Impact IV.d) Less Than Significant Impact. The project area was evaluated for its function as a wildlife corridor that species would use to move between wildlife habitat zones. Features (e.g., mountain canyons or riparian corridors) typically used by wildlife as corridors are not present in the project area. The project site is located within the Sun City/Menifee Valley Area Plan of the Western Riverside County MSHCP. However, the project site is not located within a Criteria Cell or sub-unit of the Sun Valley/Menifee Valley Area Plan. Increases in noise, construction traffic, and human activities during construction activities may temporarily deter movement of wildlife within the project vicinity. However, significant impacts to wildlife corridors or nursery sites are not expected from construction or operational activities of the proposed project. In addition, the project area does not contain mountain canyons or riparian corridors that have the potential to be used by wildlife as corridors. Further, the project area is surrounded by human activity in the form of institutional and commercial/retail uses, and roadways. No wildlife movement corridors were found to be present on the project site and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard. Impact IV.e) No Impact. Vegetation onsite is limited to grassland species and ruderal species. There are no trees on-site that are considered Heritage Trees as defined in the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance (MMC § 9.86.110). Therefore, the project would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance. No impact would occur in this regard. Impact IV.f) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. No wildlife species that are Covered Species and Adequately Conserved by the MSHCP were detected within the project site during the habitat assessment and focused surveys. The proposed project would not directly affect any relevant MSHCP-covered plant and animal species for which surveys can sometimes be required or special mitigation arranged. Payment of MSHCP and Stephens’ kangaroo rat fees is intended to offset habitat losses for animals such as Stephens’ kangaroo rat, coyote, and foraging bird species that might utilize the project site. The impacts that might occur on-site are what the MSHCP anticipated in areas not situated in Criteria Area Cells (i.e., potential future MSHCP Reserve lands). Impacts are primarily offset through MSHCP fee payment and Stephens’ kangaroo rat fee payment. Overall, the project would not conflict with the relevant provisions of the Western Riverside County MSHCP and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard with implementation of Mitigation Measures BIO-1 and BIO-2, and Standard Conditions of Approval COA-BIO-1 through COA-BIO-4. Mitigation Measures: BIO-1: The Project Developer shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a 30-day pre-construction survey for Burrowing Owl. The results of the single one-day survey would be submitted to the City prior to obtaining a grading permit. If Burrowing Owl are not detected during the pre- construction survey, no further mitigation is required. If Burrowing Owl are detected during the pre-construction survey, the Project applicant and a qualified consulting biologist will be required to prepare and submit for approval a Burrowing Owl relocation program. BIO-2: Prior to vegetation clearance, the Project applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a pre-construction nesting bird survey in accordance with the following: a) The final walkover survey shall be conducted no more than three (3) days prior to the initiation of clearance/construction work; Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:136 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 31 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 b) If pre-construction surveys indicate that bird nests are not present or are inactive, or if potential habitat is unoccupied, no further mitigation is required; c) If active nesting birds are found during the surveys, a species-specific no-disturbance buffer zone shall be established by a qualified biologist around active nests until a qualified biologist determines that all young have fledged (i.e., no longer reliant upon the nest). d) It is recommended that close coordination between the developer of the site, the City of Menifee, the project engineer, and the consulting qualified biologist to consider vegetation clearance outside of the normal bird nesting season (usually February 15 – September 15) to avoid impacts to nesting birds which would potentially violate the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It should be noted that bird nesting season is increasingly less-definitive for some year-round resident species such as hummingbirds and raptors. Further, ground- dwelling birds such as burrowing owls, can be affected nearly any time of the year if present. It is therefore advisable to conduct a preconstruction bird survey no matter the time of year. e) Removal of vegetation necessitates installation of appropriate Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan “SWPPP” measures, particularly if development subsequent to grading is not undertaken immediately, therefore careful timing of the project schedule and implementation measures is necessary to avoid water quality impacts. Standard Conditions of Approval: COA-BIO-1:In accordance with City of Menifee requirements, the developer of the site shall make the appropriate mitigation fee payment into the Stephens’ kangaroo rat fee payment program for conservation of Stephens’ kangaroo rat-occupied habitats in order to offset the loss of potentially suitable Stephens’ kangaroo rat habitat on-site through project implementation. COA-BIO-2:In accordance with City of Menifee requirements, the developer of the site shall make the appropriate MSHCP mitigation fee payment that will contribute to conservation and management of conservation land for all MSHCP-covered organisms. COA-BIO-3:In accordance with MSCHP provisions limiting the use of exotic and invasive plant species, the Project’s landscape plan shall exclude invasive species such as, but not limited to crimson fountain grass (Cenchrus setaceus), pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), giant reed (Arundo donax), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Eucalyptus, Acacia shrubs and groundcovers (Acacia sp.) and other ornamental landscape elements on the list of exotic invasive plans listed in MSHCP Section 6.1.4 which have the potential to spread into adjoining or nearby areas and watersheds. COA-BIO-4: The Project Developer shall implement dust control and all other project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”) measures during grading and construction required by the City of Menifee. V. CULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource pursuant to § 15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:137 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 32 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee GP Draft EIR; and Jean A Keller, Ph.D.’s, Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of Plot Plan Pln20-0273, revised March 2021 and provided in Appendix C. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-5: Archaeological, historical, and cultural resources that are protected and integrated into the City's built environment. Policy OSC-5.1: Preserve and protect archaeological and historic resources and cultural sites, places, districts, structures, landforms, objects and native burial sites, traditional cultural landscapes and other features, consistent with state law and any laws, regulations or policies which may be adopted by the city to implement this goal and associated policies. Policy OSC-5.4: Establish clear and responsible policies and best practices to identify, evaluate, and protect previously unknown archaeological, historic, and cultural resources, following applicable CEQA and NEPA procedures and in consultation with the appropriate Native American tribes who have ancestral lands within the city. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact V.a) No Impact. The project site is vacant, and no buildings are present. A records search request was submitted by Dr. Keller to staff at the Eastern Information Center located at the University of California, Riverside on July 28, 2020. This research was to include a review of all site maps, site records, survey reports, and mitigation reports complied for land within a one-mile radius of the subject property. The following documents were also reviewed: National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), California Office of Historic Preservation Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility, and California Office of Historic Preservation Historic Properties Directory. The results of the records search were received on November 30, 2020. The results of the search indicated that no prehistoric or historic archaeological sites have been previously recorded within the boundaries of the project site. One previous cultural resources study included the subject property. This study, conducted in 2006, was entitled “Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment of 8.99 acres, Bradley Paseo Project (New APN 336-180-013 & 014) Menifee, Riverside County, CA” (RI-05269), and included only a records search and field reconnaissance. At only five pages in length, it lacked substantive research and discussion, as well as Native American consultation. No cultural resources were recorded on the subject property during the 2006 field survey. The subject property is located within a very well-studied region with 48 cultural resources studies having been conducted within a one-mile radius of the project site. During the course of field surveys for these studies, only 15 cultural resources properties have been recorded, the majority of which are located between three-quarters to one mile from the subject property (Table 8). Note that one recorded site (33-001029 [CA-RIV-1029]) was destroyed during road construction, but original site components are unknown since the 1976 site record listed no cultural resources. This site is located 0.75 – 1.0 miles from the project site. Due to not knowing if it is a historical or archaeological cultural resource, it is not discussed further. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:138 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 33 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 8: Historic Sites Located Within the Study Area Search Radius Primary Number (Trinomial) Description of Recorded Cultural Resource Distance from Project Site (in miles) 33-007703 Menifee School Site, constructed in 1890, destroyed post-1967 0.00 – 0.25 33-011177 Defunct water well (cement slab with well head, electric pump motor, pump, iron & steel piping) 0.00 – 0.25 33-026430 ca. 1967 Single-story vernacular commercial building on the SE corner of Bradley Road and Pebble Beach Drive, 0.50 – 0.75 Source: Jean A. Keller, Ph.D. March 2021. A Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of Plot Plan PLN20-0273. While there are historic cultural resources located 0.00 to 0.75 mile of the project site, none are located on the project site and the project site has no history of previously containing any structures. Therefore, project implementation would not cause an adverse change in the significance of a historical resource and no impact would occur in this regard. Impact V.b) Less Than Significant Impact. The Cultural Resources Assessment did not encounter any prehistoric or archaeological resources within or adjacent to the project site. Outside the project site, 11 prehistoric archaeological sites have been recorded within a 1.0-mile radius. All 11 sites are located between 0.5 and 0.75 miles of the project site. 33-008858 (CA-RIV-6288) and 33-010990 are the closest of the 11 sites to the project site, with the former containing three slicks and the latter containing one slick. Each site lies approximately 0.5 – 0.75 mile from the project site. There are no locations of archaeological interest recorded within a 0.25-miles of the project site. Each of the locations is listed and briefly characterized in Table 9, Archaeological Site Located Within the Study Area Search Radius. Table 9: Archaeological Site Located Within the Study Area Search Radius Primary Number (Trinomial) Description of Recorded Cultural Resource Distance from Project Site (in miles) 33-002009 (CA-RIV-2009) 4 metate fragments from 2 separate metates, 1 core 0.75 – 1.00 33-002074 (CA-RIV-2074) 1 slick 0.75 – 1.00 33-008853 (CA-RIV-6283) 1 slick 0.75 – 1.00 33-008854 (CA-RIV-6284) 1 slick 0.75 – 1.00 33-008855 (CA-RIV-6285) 1 slick 0.75 – 1.00 33-008856 (CA-RIV-6286) 5 slicks (2 on one boulder and 1 on each of 3 other boulders) 0.75 – 1.00 33-008857 (CA-RIV-6287) 1 basin metate 0.75 – 1.00 33-008858 (CA-RIV-6288) 3 slicks (2 on 1 boulder and 1 on 1 boulder) 0.50 – 0.75 33-010990 1 slick 0.50 – 0.75 33-010991 1 slick 0.75 – 1.00 33-013365 1 basalt flake 0.75 – 1.00 Source: Jean A. Keller, Ph.D. March 2021. A Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment of Plot Plan PLN20-0273. Given the negative results of the assessment, no additional work in conjunction with cultural resources is recommended for the project. Monitoring of future earth-disturbing activities connected with development of the property is not warranted or recommended as the chance of encountering buried archaeological deposits is considered very small. Additionally, a record search of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File was completed for the area of potential effect (APE) “the project site” and the search returned negative results. Therefore, the project’s potential impacts concerning the significance of an archaeological resource would be less than significant. Adherence to Standards Conditions of Approval COA-CUL-3 through COA-CUL-8 would further minimize impacts. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:139 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 34 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact V.c) Less Than Significant Impact. No formal cemeteries are on or near the project site. Most Native American human remains are found in association with prehistoric archaeological sites. Given the very low potential for the project’s ground-disturbing activities to encounter archaeological remains, human remains to be potentially encountered are considered low. Notwithstanding, if previously unknown human remains are discovered during the project’s ground-disturbing activities, a substantial adverse change in the significance of such a resource could occur. Standard Conditions of Approval COA-CUL-1 through COA-CUL-2 are required to reduce potentially significant impacts to previously unknown human remains that may be unexpectedly discovered during project implementation to a less than significant level. COA-CUL-1 requires that in the unlikely event that human remains are uncovered the contractor is required to halt work in the immediate area of the find and to notify the County Coroner, in accordance with Health and Safety Code (HSC) § 7050.5, who must then determine whether the remains are of forensic interest. If the Coroner, with the aid of a supervising archaeologist, determines that the remains are or appear to be of a Native American, he/she must contact the NAHC for further investigations and proper recovery of such remains, if necessary. Impacts will be less than significant with implementation of the aforementioned Standard Conditions. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code (PRC) § 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in PRC § 5097.98. Human remains from other ethnic/cultural groups with recognized historical associations to the project area shall also be subject to consultation between appropriate representatives from that group and the Community Development Director. Thus, compliance with the above-referenced state laws will reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Standard Conditions of Approval: COA-CUL-1 Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code § 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code § 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in PRC § 5097.98. COA-CUL-2 Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). COA-CUL-3 Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:140 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 35 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). a) All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. b) At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. c) Grading or further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area and will be monitored by additional Tribal monitors, if needed. d) Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. e) If the find is determined to be significant and avoidance of the site has not been achieved, a Phase III data recovery plan shall be prepared by the project archeologist, in consultation with the Tribe, and shall be submitted to the City for their review and approval prior to implementation of the said plan. f) Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council. COA-CUL-4 Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: a) One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:141 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 36 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. COA-CUL-5 Prior to Grading Permit Issuance Archeologist Retained. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the project applicant shall retain a Riverside County qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground disturbing activities in an effort to identify any unknown archaeological resources. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The developer/permit holder shall submit a fully executed copy of the contract to the Community Development Department to ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Upon verification, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. In addition, the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the Consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall develop a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) in consultation pursuant to the definition in Assembly Bill (AB) 52 to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. A consulting tribe is defined as a tribe that initiated the AB 52 tribal consultation process for the Project, has not opted out of the AB 52 consultation process, and has completed AB 52 consultation with the City as provided for in Cal Pub Res Code § 21080.3.2(b)(1) of AB 52. Details in the Plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling; b. The Project archeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre-grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and any contractors, and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The Training will include a brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the Project and the surrounding area; what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. All new construction personnel that will conduct earthwork or grading activities that begin work on the Project following the initial Training must take the Cultural Sensitivity Training prior to beginning work and the Project archaeologist and Consulting Tribe(s) shall make themselves available to provide the training on an as-needed basis; Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:142 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 37 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and Project archaeologist will follow in the event of inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resources evaluation. COA-CUL-6 Native American Monitoring (Pechanga). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. T he land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above- mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Tribal Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. COA-CUL-7 Native American Monitoring (Soboba). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above -mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Tribal Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. COA-CUL-8 Prior to Final Occupancy Archeology Report - Phase III and IV. Prior to final inspection, the developer/permit holder shall prompt the Project Archeologist to submit two (2) copies of the Phase III Data Recovery report (if required for the Project) and the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report that complies with the Community Development Department's requirements for such reports. The Phase IV report shall include evidence of the required cultural/historical sensitivity training for the construction staff held during the pre-grade meeting. The Community Development Department shall review the reports to determine adequate mitigation compliance. Provided the reports are adequate, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. Once the report(s) are determined to be adequate, two (2) copies shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and one (1) copy shall be submitted to the Consulting Tribe(s) Cultural Resources Department(s). VI. ENERGY Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Result in potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources, during construction or operation? b) Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency? Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee Crossroads Air Quality Impact Analysis (Urban Crossroads, April 30, 2021), see Appendix A; and Menifee Crossroads Greenhouse Gas Analysis (Urban Crossroads, April 30, 2021), see Appendix E. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:143 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 38 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.1: Apply energy efficiency and conservation practices in land use, transportation demand management, and subdivision and building design. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact VI.a-b): Less Than Significant Impact. California Code Title 24, Part 6 (also referred to as the California Energy Code), was promulgated by the California Energy Commission in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to create uniform building codes to reduce California’s energy consumption. To these ends, the California Energy Code provides energy efficiency standards for residential and nonresidential buildings. California’s building efficiency standards are updated on an approximately three‐year cycle. The 2019 Standards for building construction, which went into effect on January 1, 2020, improved upon the former 2016 Standards for residential and nonresidential buildings. The 2019 Title 24 standards will result in less energy use, thereby reducing air pollutant emissions associated with energy consumption in the SCAB and across the State of California. For example, the 2019 Title 24 standards will require solar photovoltaic systems for new homes, establish requirements for newly constructed healthcare facilities, encourage demand responsive technologies for residential buildings, and update indoor and outdoor lighting requirements for nonresidential buildings. Nonresidential buildings (such as the Project) will use approximately 30% less energy due to lighting upgrade requirements. For new development such as that proposed by the project, compliance with California Building Standards Code Title 24 energy efficiency requirements (CalGreen) are considered demonstrable evidence of efficient use of energy. Development on the project site would be required to promote and provide for energy efficiencies beyond those required under other applicable fe deral or State of California standards and regulations, and in so doing would meet all California Building Standards Code 24 standards. Moreover, energy consumed by the Project is expected be comparable to, or less than, energy consumed by other commercial/retail/office uses of similar scale and intensity that are constructed and operating in California. On this basis, the project would not result in the inefficient, wasteful, or unnecessary consumption of energy. Furthermore, the project would not cause or result in the need for additional energy facilities or energy delivery systems. Less than significant impacts would occur. VII. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:144 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 39 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? f) Be impacted by or result in an increase in wind erosion and blowsand, either on or off-site? g) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geological feature? Sources: Menifee GP Exhibits S-1, “Fault Map,” S-2, “Slope Distribution,” S-3, “Liquefaction and Landslides,” and S-4, “Geologic Map”; Menifee GP Draft EIR; Riverside County General Plan Figure S-8, “Wind Erosion Susceptibility Areas”; State of California Department of Conservation Website - EQ Zapp: California Earthquake Hazards Zone Application – Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation; Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California (Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc., July 31, 2020) and Response to the City of Menifee Review Comments Regarding Preliminary Commercial Development, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California (Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc., March 8, 2021) both located in Appendix D of this document. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-1: A community that is minimally impacted by seismic shaking and earthquake-induced or other geologic hazards. Policy S-1.1: Require all new habitable buildings and structures to be designed and built to be seismically resistant in accordance with the most recent California Building Code adopted by the City. Goal S-2: A community that has used engineering solutions to reduce or eliminate the potential for injury, loss of life, property damage, and economic and social disruption caused by geologic hazards such as slope instability; compressible, collapsible, expansive or corrosive soils; and subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:145 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 40 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy S-2.1: Require all new developments to mitigate the geologic hazards that have the potential to impact habitable structures and other improvements. Policy S-2.2: Monitor the losses caused by geologic hazards to existing development and require studies to specifically address these issues, including the implementation of measures designed to mitigate these hazards, in all future developments in these areas. Policy S-2.3: Minimize grading and modifications to the natural topography to prevent the potential for man-induced slope failures. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact VII.a.i) Less Than Significant Impact. The project is located in a seismically active region and as a result, significant ground shaking would likely impact the site within the design life of the proposed project. The geologic structure of the entire southern California area is dominated by northwest-trending faults associated with the San Andreas Fault system, which accommodates for most of the right lateral movement associated with the relative motion between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Known active faults within this system include the Newport-Inglewood, Whittier-Elsinore, San Jacinto, and San Andreas Faults. Based on review of regional geologic maps and applicable computer programs, the Elsinore Fault with an approximate source to site distance of 10.46 kilometers (6.5 miles), is the closest known active fault anticipated to produce the highest ground accelerations, with an anticipated maximum modal magnitude of 7.7. No active faults are known to project through the site and the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone, established by the State of California to restrict the construction of new habitable structures across identifiable traces of known active faults. An active fault is defined by the State of California as having surface displacement within the past 11,000 years or during the Holocene geologic time period. Based on mapping of the project site, review of current and historical aerial imagery, lack of lineaments indicative of active faulting, and the data compiled during the preparation of the technical report (Appendix D), it is interpreted that the potential for surface rupture to adversely impact the proposed structures is very low to remote.15 Therefore, the project would not have substantial adverse effects involving rupture of a known earthquake fault and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard. Impact VII.a.ii-iv, VII.c-d) Less Than Significant. While the site is in a seismically active region, no active or potentially active faults are presently known to exist at this site, as shown on the M enifee GP Fault Map Exhibit S-116 and described in the technical report (Appendix D). Although the site is likely to experience ground shaking during the life of the development due to its regional location, with compliance with the latest California Building Code (CBC) would provide for the development of seismically suitable structures. Additionally, the Menifee GP Liquefaction and Landslides Map, Exhibit S-317, shows that the project site is not delineated as a landslide or liquefaction zone. Similarly, the geotechnical report concluded that the project site has an unlikely potential for liquefaction/lateral spreading, landslides, ground lurching, or shallow ground rupture.18 However, given the potential for seismic activity in the general region, moderate to strong seismic shaking may occur during the project’s design life. Therefore, project implementation could expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects involving strong seismic ground shaking. The intensity 15 Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. 2020. Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California. 16 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit S-1: Fault Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1028/S-1_FaultMap_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed April 2021. 17 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit S-3: Liquefaction and Landslides. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1030/S- 3_LiquefactionandLandslides_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed April 2021. 18 Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. 2020. Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:146 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 41 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 of ground shaking on the project site would depend on several factors including: the distance to the earthquake focus, the earthquake magnitude, the response characteristics of the underlying materials, and the quality and type of construction. According to the geotechnical report, preliminary laboratory test results indicated onsite earth materials exhibit expansion potentials of low and medium as classified in accordance with 2019 California Building Code (CBC) § 1803.5.3 and ASTM D 4829. Additional testing for expansive soil conditions should be conducted upon completion of rough grading. Recommendations provided in the geotechnical report (pages 16 through 18) should be considered the very minimum requirements, for the earth materials tested. In summary, the geotechnical report concluded that, from geotechnical and engineering geologic points of view, the subject property is considered suitable for the proposed development, provided the conclusions and recommendations in the report are incorporated into the plans and are implemented during construction. Regulatory controls to address potential geologic and seismic hazards would be imposed on the project through the permitting process. Pursuant to MMC § 8.04.010, the City has adopted the 2019 CBC, su bject to certain amendments and changes. CBC design standards correspond to the level of seismic risk in a given location and are intended primarily to protect public safety and secondly to minimize property damage. The project would be subject to compliance with all applicable regulations in the most recently published CBC (as amended by MMC § 8.04.010), which specifies design requirements to mitigate the effects of potential geologic and seismic hazards. Additionally, the geotechnical report (pages 11 through 13) provides seismic design considerations. Standard Condition of Approval COA-GEO-1 requires that the Applicant comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and any revisions deemed necessary by the City’s Building Official and/or Engineering/Public Works Director. The Menifee Building and Safety Department and Engineering/Public Works Department would review construction plans for compliance with the MMC/CBC and the Geotechnical Interpretive Report’s recommendations. Following compliance with standard engineering practices, the Geotechnical Interpretive Report’s recommendations (COA-GEO-1), and the established regulatory framework (i.e., MMC and CBC), the project’s potential impacts concerning exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects involving geologic and seismic hazards, and unstable conditions, would be less than significant. Impact VII.b) Less Than Significant Impact. Grading and earthwork activities during construction would expose soils to potential short-term erosion by wind and water. During construction, the project would be subject to compliance with erosion and sediment control measures and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, and all subsequent amendments) (Construction General Permit); see Response X.a. MMC § 15.01.015(B)(1) specifies that any person performing construction work in the City shall comply with the provisions of MMC Chapter 15.01 and control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and the manner of implementation. Further, the project proposes hardscapes throughout most of the project site, which would stabilize soils and contain them onsite. Following compliance with the established regulatory framework (NPDES and MMC), the project’s potential impacts concerning soil erosion and loss of topsoil would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Impact VII.e) No Impact. Sewers would be available for disposal of project generated wastewater; see Response XIX.a. The project would not utilize septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems. Therefore, no impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:147 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 42 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact VII.f) Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is located in an area designated as having moderate susceptibility to wind erosion.19 However, the site is surrounded by commercial/retail and institutional development and roadways, which would minimize exposure to wind erosion. As such, it is not anticipated that high winds or blowing sand would have substantial impacts on project-related improvements. Project implementation would cover currently exposed soils with buildings/improvements, further reducing potential impacts related to windblown dust or sand within the project vicinity. Impact VII.g) Less Than Significant Impact. According to the City of Menifee’s General Plan, the majority of the City is assigned as a high paleontological sensitivity which includes the project site. The project site is bordered to the north by an area assigned as a low sensitive site.20 The geotechnical report found that the project site is underlain by artificial fill, undocumented; quaternary young alluvial valley deposits; and quaternary old alluvial fan deposits. Undocumented artificial fill materials were encountered throughout the site within the upper 1 ½ to 3 feet during exploration. Quaternary young alluvial valley deposits were encountered in the northern portion of the site to the maximum depth explored of 51.5 feet. Quaternary old alluvial fan deposits were encountered throughout the remainder of the project site to a maximum depth of 26.5 feet. The young alluvium deposits range in thickness from 16.5 feet to 47.5 feet. The old alluvium deposits range in thickness from 7.5 feet to 23.5 feet. Given that the project site’s paleontological sensitivity is high, and given the excavation of native soils ranges from two to thirteen feet within a sensitive area, there is potential to encounter fossils, which may be impacted during excavation by construction activities. Adherence to COA-GEO-2 and -3 would reduce potential impacts to paleontological resources to a less than significant level. Standard Conditions of Approval: COA-GEO-1: Geotechnical Recommendations Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Menifee Building & Safety Department Official and/or City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Director, that the recommendations for design and construction identified in the Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California, (Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc., July 31, 2020), have been incorporated into the project design, and grading and building plans. The project’s final grading plans, foundation plans, building loads, and specifications shall be reviewed b y a State of California Registered Professional Geologist/Registered Professional Engineer to verify that the Geotechnical Interpretive Report recommendations have been incorporated/updated, as needed. COA-GEO-2: Inadvertent Paleontological Find. Should fossil remains be encountered during site development: 1) All site earthmoving shall be ceased in the area of where the fossil remains are encountered. Earthmoving activities may be diverted to other areas of the site. 2) The applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the County of Riverside. 3) The paleontologist shall determine the significance of the encountered fossil remains. 4) Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will continue thereafter on an as-needed basis by the paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The supervising paleontol ogist will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering any additional fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. 19 Riverside County. 2016. Figure S-8 Wind Erosion Susceptibility Map. https://planning.rctlma.org/Portals/0/genplan/content/gp/chapter06.html#List_1_8. Accessed April 2021. 20 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit OSC-4 Paleologic Resource Sensitivity. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1085/ExhibitOSC- 4_Paleologic_Resource_Sensitivity_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed April 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:148 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 43 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 5) If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. 6) Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; placed in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, and associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized databases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. *The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. COA-GEO-3: Paleontologist Required. This site is mapped as having a high potential for paleontological resources (fossils) at shallow depth. Therefore, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: The permittee shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the City of Menifee to create and implement a project-specific plan for monitoring site grading/earthmoving activities which exceeds 5 feet in depth in native sedimentary. The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved Tentative Tract Map and shall conduct any pre-construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: A. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre-construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. B. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as-needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assignee will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. C. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. D. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the project paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:149 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 44 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 E. If fossil remains are encountered, the fossiliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. F. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; placed in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, and associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized databases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. *The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. G. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to building final inspection as described elsewhere in these conditions. All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other professionals responsible for the report's content (e.g., Professional Geologist, Professional Engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition, deposit-based fee and the grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. VIII. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? b) Conflict with any applicable plan, policy or regulation of an agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? Source: Menifee GP and Menifee Crossroads Greenhouse Gas Analysis (Urban Crossroads, April 30, 2021), see Appendix E. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.1: Apply energy efficiency and conservation practices in land use, transportation demand management, and subdivision and building design. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:150 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 45 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Goal OSC-10: An environmentally aware community that is responsive to changing climate conditions and actively seeks to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. Policy OSC-10.1: Align the City's local GHG reduction targets to be consistent with the statewide GHG reduction target of AB 32. Policy OSC-10.2: Align the City's long-term GHG reduction goal consistent with the statewide GHG reduction goal of Executive Order S-03-05. Policy OSC-10.3: Participate in regional greenhouse gas emission reduction initiatives. Policy OSC-10.4: Consider impacts to climate change as a factor in evaluation of policies, strategies, and projects. Existing Setting: Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases Global climate change (GCC) refers to changes in average meteorological conditions on earth with respect to temperature, wind patterns, precipitation, and storms. Global warming, a related concept, is the observed increase in average temperature of the earth’s surface and atmosphere. Global temperatures are regulated by naturally occurring atmospheric gases such as water vapor, CO2, N2O, CH4, NF3, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). These particular gases are important due to their residence time (duration they stay) in the atmosphere, which ranges from 10 years to more than 100 years. These gases allow solar radiation into the earth’s atmosphere, but prevent radioactive heat from escaping, thus warming the earth’s atmosphere. GCC can occur naturally as it has in the past with the previous ice ages. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are often referred to as greenhouse gases (GHGs). GHGs are released into the atmosphere by both natural and anthropogenic activity. Without the natural GHG effect, the earth’s average temperature would be approximately 61 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) cooler than it is currently. The cumulative accumulation of these gases in the earth’s atmosphere is considered to be the cause for the observed increase in the earth’s temperature. The potential effects of global climate change may include rising surface temperatures, loss in snowpack, sea-level rise, more extreme heat days per year, and more drought years. CO2 is an odorless, colorless natural GHG. Natural sources include the following: decomposition of dead organic matter; respiration of bacteria, plants, animals, and fungus; evaporation from oceans; and volcanic outgassing. Anthropogenic (human-caused) sources of CO2 are from burning coal, oil, natural gas, wood, butane, propane, etc. CH4 is a flammable gas and is the main component of natural gas. N20, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless GHG. Some industrial processes (fossil fuel-fired power plants, nylon production, nitric acid production, and vehicle emissions) also contribute to the atmospheric load of GHGs. HFCs are synthetic man-made chemicals that are used as a substitute for chlorofluorocarbons (whose production was stopped as required by the Montreal Protocol) for automobile air conditioners and refrigerants. The two main sources of PFCs are primary aluminum production and semiconductor manufacturing. SF6 is an inorganic, odorless, colorless, nontoxic, nonflammable gas. SF6 is used for insulation in electric power transmission and distribution equipment, in the magnesium industry, in semiconductor manufacturing, and as a tracer gas for leak detection. NF3 is a colorless gas with a distinctly moldy odor. NF3 is used in industrial processes and is produced in the manufacturing of semiconductors, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panels, types of solar panels, and chemical lasers. Events and activities, such as the industrial revolution and the increased combustion of fossil fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel, coal, etc.), have heavily contributed to the increase in atmospheric levels of GHGs. An air quality analysis of GHGs is a much different analysis than the analysis of criteria pollutants for the following reasons. For criteria pollutants significance thresholds are based on daily emissions because attainment or non-attainment is based on daily exceedances of applicable ambient air quality standards. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:151 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 46 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Further, several ambient air quality standards are based on relatively short-term exposure effects on human health, e.g., one-hour and eight-hour. Since the half-life of CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately 100 years, for example, the effects of GHGs are longer term, affecting global climate over a relatively long timeframe. As a result, the SCAQMD’s current position is to evaluate GHG effects over a longer timeframe than a single day. According to available information, the statewide inventory of CO2 equivalent emissions in the state is as follows: ▪ 1990 GHG emissions were estimated to equal 427 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (AB 32 2020 target); ▪ 2000 GHG emissions were estimated to equal 463 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (an average 8% reduction needed to achieve 1990 base); ▪ 2010 GHG emissions were estimated to equal 450 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (an average 5% reduction needed to achieve 1990 base); and ▪ 2020 GHG emissions were estimated to equal 545 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent, under a business as usual scenario (BAU) (an average 21.7% reduction from BAU needed to achieve 1990 base). The state has made steady progress in implementing AB 32 and achieving targets included in Executive Order S‐3‐05. The state has achieved the Executive Order S‐3‐05 target for 2010 of reducing GHG emissions to 2000 levels. As shown above, the 2010 emission inventory achieved this target. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts VIII.a) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation. The project would include commercial retail development with approximately 58,600 square feet of building area, office development with approximately 36;924 square feet of building area, and office/retail development with approximately 7,750 square feet of building area. The zoning designation of the Project site is Economic Development Corridor, Newport Road (EDC‐NR). The Project’s land uses are consistent with the Zoning designation. It should also be noted that the City of Menifee does not yet have an adopted GHG inventory or an adopted GHG reduction plan (such as a Climate Action Plan). The City of Menifee has not adopted its own numeric threshold of significance for determining impacts with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e per year to determine if additional analysis is required is an acceptable approach for small projects. This approach is a widely accepted screening threshold used by the City of Menifee and numerous cities in the SCAB and is based on the SCAQMD staff’s proposed GHG screening threshold for stationary source emissions for non‐industrial projects, as described in the SCAQMD’s Interim CEQA GHG Significance Threshold for Stationary Sources, Rules and Plans (“SCAQMD Interim GHG Threshold”). As shown on Table 10, the Project would result in a total of approximately 3,741.14 MTCO2e/yr, which would exceed the SCAQMD’s screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e/yr. As such, without mitigation the project would be considered significant based on regional thresholds. MM GHG‐1 has been included to reduce GHG emission below the 3,000 MTCO2e/yr threshold. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:152 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 47 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 10: Project GHG Emissions - Unmitigated Emission Source Emissions (MT/yr) CO2 CH4 N2O Total CO2e Annual construction-related emissions amortized over 30 years 32.93 0.01 0.00 33.06 Area 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 Energy 695.82 0.02 0.01 698.83 EV charging station Energy Use -- -- -- 35.70 Mobile 2,784.16 0.15 0.00 2,787.87 Waste 115.13 6.80 0.00 285.24 Water Use 52.23 0.40 0.01 65.29 EV Charging Station (21) -- -- -- -164.85 Total CO2e (All Sources) 3,741.14 SCAQMD Threshold 3,000 Exceeds Threshold? Yes Source: Menifee Crossroads Greenhouse Gas Analysis 2021. As shown in Table 11, with implementation of MM GHG‐1, project emissions would be reduced to 3,000 MTCO2e, annually. It should be noted that due to the continuing effects of RPS and California’s vehicle regulations, GHG emissions in the future would be lower in these sectors and the overall project emission would be lower. Thus, it would require fewer emission credits in the future to reduce the Proj ect’s GHG emissions to 3,000 MTCO2e. Therefore, MM GHG‐1 would result in the project generating fewer than 3,000 MTCO2e in future years and with the implementation of MM GHG‐1, the Project’s GHG emission would be less than significant. Table 11: Project GHG Emissions - Mitigated Emission Source Emissions (MT/yr) CO2 CH4 N2O Total CO2e Annual construction-related emissions amortized over 30 years 32.93 0.01 0.00 33.06 Area 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 Energy 695.82 0.02 0.01 698.83 EV charging station Energy Use -- -- -- 35.70 Mobile 2,784.16 0.15 0.00 2,787.87 Waste 115.13 6.80 0.00 285.24 Water Use 52.23 0.40 0.01 65.29 EV Charging Station (21) -- -- -- -164.85 MM GHG-1 -- -- -- -741.14 Total CO2e (All Sources) 3,000.00 SCAQMD Threshold 3,000 Exceeds Threshold? No Source: Menifee Crossroads Greenhouse Gas Analysis 2021. Impacts VIII. b) Less Than Significant Impact. SB 32/2017 Scoping Plan Consistency The 2017 Scoping Plan Update reflects the 2030 target of a 40% reduction below 1990 levels, set by Executive Order B‐30‐15 and codified by SB 32. Table 3‐5 of Appendix E summarizes the project’s consistency with the 2017 Scoping Plan. As summarized, the project would not conflict with any of the provisions of the Scoping Plan and, in fact, supports seven of the action categories. A less than significant impact would occur. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:153 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 48 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Mitigation Measures: GHG-1: Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the project applicant shall purchase a minimum of 22,234.13 MTCO2e credits (741.14 MTCO2e per year for 30 years). The purchase of carbon credits must be made from a CARB‐approved carbon registry with independent third‐party verification. Examples of approved registries include the American Carbon Registry, Climate Action Reserve, and Verra. The applicant shall submit documentation of the offset purchase to the City demonstrating that it mitigates a minimum of 741.14 MTCO2e per year (22,234.13 MTCO2e over a 30‐year period), prior to the issuance of building occupancy. Alternatively, the project applicant may submit a GHG reduction plan to the City for approval that achieves an equal level of GHG reduction outlined herein. The GHG plan must include enforceable actions that reduce GHG emissions to at or below the total mitigated values presented herein. IX. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard or excessive noise for people residing or working in the project area? f) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? g) Expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires? Sources: Menifee GP, Exhibit S-6, “High Fire Hazard Areas,” and Exhibit S-7, “Critical Facilities;” Menifee GP Draft EIR; State of California, Department of Toxics Substances Control, EnviroStor Database; Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:154 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 49 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 State of California, Department of Toxics Substances Control, Cortese List of Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites database; State of California, Water Resources Control Board, Geotracker, All Hazards Site Search; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s (CAL FIRE) California Fire Hazard Severity Zone Viewer; and Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc.’s 2020 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of Undeveloped Property, Assessor’s Parcel Number 336-180-028, Menifee, California 92584 (Appendix F). Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-5: A community that has reduced the potential for hazardous materials contamination. Policy S-5.1: Locate facilities involved in the production, use, storage, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials away from land uses that may be adversely impacted by such activities and areas susceptible to impacts or damage from a natural disaster. Policy S-5.2: Ensure that the fire department can continue to respond safely and effectively to a hazardous materials incident in the City, whether it is a spill at a permitted facility, or the result of an accident along a section of the freeway or railroads that extend across the City. Policy S-5.4: Ensure that all facilities that handle hazardous materials comply with federal and state laws pertaining to the management of hazardous wastes and materials. Policy S-5.5: Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to implement mitigation measures that reduce the risks associated with hazardous material production, storage, and disposal. Goal S-6: A City that responds and recovers in an effective and timely manner from natural disasters such as flooding, fire, and earthquakes, and as a result is not impacted by civil unrest that may occur following a natural disaster. Policy S-6.1: Continuously review, update, and implement emergency preparedness, response, and recovery plans that make the best use of the City- and county-specific emergency management resources available. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts IX.a) Less Than Significant Impact. A typical project that could result in a significant hazard to the public includes the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials or places housing near a facility which routinely transports, uses, or disposes of hazardous materials. The r outine use, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials is primarily associated with industrial uses that require such materials for operations or produce hazardous wastes as by-products of production applications. Both the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulate the transport of hazardous waste and material, including transport via highway. The U.S. EPA administers permitting, tracking, reporting, and operations requirements established by the Resource Conservation and Recover y Act. The DOT regulates the transportation of hazardous materials through enforcement of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act. This act includes requirements for container design and labeling, as well as for driver training. The established regulations are intended to track and manage the safe interstate transportation of hazardous materials and waste. Additionally, State and local agencies enforce the application of these acts and coordinate safety and mitigation responses in the case that accidents involving hazardous materials occur. The proposed project does not propose or facilitate any activity involving significant use, routine transport, or disposal of hazardous substances. Project construction activities may include refueling and minor maintenance of construction equipment on-site, which could lead to minor fuel and oil spills. The use and handling of hazardous materials during construction would occur in accordance with applicable federal, Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:155 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 50 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 State, and local laws, including California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements. It is anticipated that a minor level of transport, use, and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes would occur that are typical of construction projects. During project operations, widely used hazardous materials common at commercial/retail and office uses include cleaners, pesticides, and food waste would be present. The remnants of these and other products are disposed of as household hazardous waste that are prohibited or discouraged from being disposed of at local landfills. Regular operation and maintenance of the project structures would not result in significant impacts involving use, storage, transport or disposal of hazardous wastes and substances. Use of common commercial/retail and office hazardous materials and their disposal does not present a substantial health risk to the community Additionally, the project site is not included on the list of hazardous waste sites (Cortese List) compiled by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) pursuant to Government Code § 65962.5 and therefore would not release known hazardous materials due to ground- disturbing activities.21 Project impacts associated with the routine transport and use of hazardous materials or wastes would be less than significant. Impact IX.b) Less Than Significant Impact. Refer to Response IX.a above. The project site is not identified as a hazardous waste site with either an active or past occurrence.22,23,24 The nearest three listed sites on EnviroStor are classified as inactive or not requiring further action. The closest sites to the project site are identified as Newport Estates Project (Elem. Sch. #7) located approximately 0.8 mile southwest (No Action Required status); Santa Rosa Academy Charter School located approximately 0.8 mile southeast (Cleanup Status: Completed - Case Closed); and Cherry Hills Golf Club, Inc. located approximately 1.3 miles northwest (Cleanup Status: Completed - Case Closed). A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted for the project (see Appendix F). Based upon the limited site reconnaissance, historical review, regulatory records review, and other information detailed within this report; the ESA did not identify any evidence of American Society for Testing and Materials Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) or other issues in connection with the subject property. Based on the results of the Phase I ESA, no further investigation is recommended for this site.25 Additionally, the project includes the development of a mixed-use development with commercial/retail and office uses. Although typical hazardous materials associated with mixed-use development may be used (pesticides, oils, fertilizers, cleaning chemicals, etc.) these hazardous materials would no t be used in large amounts such that they would create a significant hazard involving the release of these materials. Because the project site is undeveloped, there would be no impacts related to structures with asbestos-containing materials or lead-based paint. With adherence to existing regulations, the proposed project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment; impacts would be less than significant. No mitigation is required. Impact IX.c) Less than Significant Impact. There are two schools within 0.25 mile of the project site.26 These schools are the Springs Charter School Bear River Student Center at 26800 Newport Road, Menifee, CA 92584 located approximately 750 feet (0.14 mile) west of the project site and Chester W. 21 Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) EnviroStor. 2021. Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List. https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/map/?myaddress=menifee. Accessed March 2021. 22 DTSC EnviroStor. 2021. Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List. https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/map/?myaddress=menifee. Accessed March 2021. 23 DTSC. 2021. DTSC’s Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List – Site Cleanup (Cortese List). https://dtsc.ca.gov/dtscs-cortese-list/. Accessed March 2021. 24 State Water Resources Control Board. 2021. GeoTracker. https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/map/?CMD=runreport&myaddress=Menifee. Accessed March 2021. 25 Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. 2020. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of Undeveloped Property, Assessor’s Parcel Number 336-180-028, Menifee, California 92584. 26 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit S-4 Critical Facilities. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1034/S- 7_CriticalFacilities_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:156 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 51 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Morrison Elementary School at 30250 Bradley Road, Menifee, CA 92584 located approximately 1,100 feet (0.2 mile) south of the project site. The proposed uses are mixed-use (commercial/retail and office), which would not emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste that would impact nearby schools. The types of hazardous materials that would be routinely handled would be limited to cleaners, paints, solvents, and fertilizers and pesticides for site landscaping. However, the Project would be required to adhere to all applicable Federal, State, and regional regulations regarding handling, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials. Therefore, the impacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation would be required. Impact IX.d) No Impact. Government Code § 65962.5 refers to the Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List, commonly known as the Cortese List, maintained by the DTSC. As stated in Impact IX.a, the project site is not included on the Cortese List. Therefore, the project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment in this regard. Impact IX.e) No Impact. The following airports/airstrips are located nearest the project site: ▪ Perris Valley Airport: at 2091 Goetz Road, Perris, approximately 5.1 miles to the northwest; ▪ Skylark Field Airport: at 20701 Cereal St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, approximately 7.2 miles to the southwest; ▪ French Valley Airport: at 37600 Sky Canyon Drive, Murrieta, approximately 7.8 miles to the southeast; and ▪ Hemet Ryan Airport: at 4710 W. Stetson Avenue, Hemet, approximately 9.3 miles to the northeast. The project site is not within the Airport Influence Area Boundary for Perris Valley Airport or the March Air Reserve Base27, and is not within 2.0 miles of any other public airport/public use airport or in the vicinity of a private airstrip; therefore, the project would not result in an airport-/airstrip-related safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area. No impact would occur in this regard. Impact IX.f) Less Than Significant Impact. The City of Menifee collaborates with local and regional emergency service organizations and personnel to conduct simulated emergency response exercises throughout the year. The City of Menifee and Menifee Police Department routinely coordinate with Riverside County/CAL Fire, Riverside County Emergency Management Department, and the local utility providers to discuss methods and response plans for various emergency scenarios that could potentially present themselves within the region. Additionally, the City makes available to resident’s downloadable resources such as storm and emergency preparedness information via its website: https://www.cityofmenifee.us/418/Storm-and-Emergency-Preparedness. Additionally, the proposed project site would include four access points (one via Newport Road, two via Bradley Road, and one via Park Avenue) and would include an internal circulation system that would allow for emergency vehicles and customer movement/evacuation in case of an emergency. Therefore, impacts to an emergency response plan would be less than significant. Impact IX.g) Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is not located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, as identified on CAL FIRE’s Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) Viewer 28 and Menifee GP Exhibit S-6, High Fire Hazard Areas.29 The project would be subject to compliance with the CCR Title 24 Parts 2 and 9 – Fire Codes and California PRC §§ 4290-4299 and General Code § 51178. The project would also be subject to compliance with regulations pertaining to fire protection, including MMC Chapter 8.20, Fire Code. Further, it is the City’s 27 Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. 2021. Current Compatibility Plans. http://www.rcaluc.org/Plans/New-Compatibility-Plan. Accessed March 2021. 28 CAL FIRE. 2021. FRAP FHSZ Viewer. https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/. Accessed April 2021. 29 City of Menifee. 2013. Figure S-6 High Fire Hazard Areas. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1033/S- 6_HighFireHazardAreas_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed April 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:157 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 52 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 goal (Goal S-4) for a community that has effective fire mitigation and response measures in place, and as a result is minimally impacted by wildland and structure fires. To this end, the project would be subject to compliance with the following City policies: ▪ Policy S-4.1: Require fire-resistant building construction materials, the use of vegetation control methods, and other construction and fire prevention features to reduce the hazard of wildland fire. ▪ Policy S-4.2: Ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that fire services, such as firefighting equipment and personnel, infrastructure, and response times, are adequate for all sections of the City. ▪ Policy S-4.4: Review development proposals for impacts to fire facilities and compatibility with fire areas or mitigate. The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical response services in the City of Menifee. The nearest fire station to the project site is Fire Station #07 located approximately 1.5 miles north at 28349 Bradley Road, Sun City, CA 92586. In coordination with the RCFD and CAL FIRE, the RCFD would evaluate the project to determine the necessary fire prevention features. Following compliance with the established local and state regulatory framework discussed above, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk involving wildland fires and impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. X. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or ground water quality? b) Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impede sustainable groundwater management of the basin? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner which would: i) result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site; ii) substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site; iii) create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:158 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 53 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; or iv) impede or redirect flood flows? d) In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, risk release of pollutants due to inundation? e) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan? Sources: Menifee GP Safety Element Exhibit S-5, “Flood Hazards,” Menifee GP Draft EIR, and Valued Engineering Inc.’s 2021 Preliminary Hydrology Study and 2021 Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan (Appendix G). Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-3: A community that is minimally disrupted by flooding and inundation hazards. Policy S-3.1: Require that all new developments and redevelopments in areas susceptible to flooding (such as the 100-year floodplain and areas known to the City to flood during intense or prolonged rainfall events) incorporate mitigation measures designed to mitigate flood hazards. Policy S-3.2: Reduce flood hazards in developed areas known to flood. Goal OSC-7: A reliable and safe water supply that effectively meets current and fu ture user demands. Policy OSC-7.8: Protect groundwater quality by decommissioning existing septic systems and establishing connections to sanitary sewer infrastructure. Policy OSC-7.9: Ensure that high-quality potable water resources continue to be available by managing stormwater runoff, wellhead protection, and other sources of pollutants. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts X.a, X.c (i) – X.c (iv), X.e) Less Than Significant Impact. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION The project’s construction-related activities would include excavation, grading, and trenching, which would displace soils and temporarily increase the potential for soils to be subject to wind and water erosion. Construction-related erosion effects would be addressed through compliance with the NPDES program’s Construction General Permit. Construction activity subject to this General Permit includes any construction or demolition activity, including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, grubbing, or excavation, or any other activity that results in a land disturbance of equal to or greater than 1.0 acre. Given that the project would disturb an area greater than 1.0 acre, it would be subject to this General Permit. To obtain coverage under the General Permit, dischargers are required to file with the State Water Board the Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), which include a Notice of Intent (NOI) and other compliance- related documents. The General Permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and monitoring plan, which must include erosion-control and sediment-control Best Management Practices (BMPs) that would meet or exceed General Permit-required measures to control potential construction-related pollutants. MMC Chapter 15.01, Storm Water/Urban Runoff, addresses stormwater and runoff pollution control and is intended to reduce the quantity of pollutants being discharged to waters of the United States. MMC § 15.01.015(B)(1) specifies that any person performing construction work in the City shall comply with the provisions of MMC Chapter 15.01 and control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:159 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 54 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 environment. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and the manner of implementation. Documentation on the effectiveness of BMP’s implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the MS4 would be required when requested by the Director of Public Works. Further, the project proposes hardscapes throughout a large portion of the project site, which would be stabilizing soils and contain them onsite as compared to the current undeveloped condition. Following compliance with NPDES and MMC requirements, the project’s construction-related activities would not violate water quality or waste discharge requirements. Additionally, the project would implement underground storage basins and a water quality swale that wo uld assist in the retention and collection of water runoff from hardscapes. A less than significant impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. LONG-TERM OPERATIONS Urban stormwater runoff is covered under the municipal permit for Riverside County, the NPDES MS4 Permit for stormwater and non-stormwater discharges from the MS4 within the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD) (CAS618033, Order No. R8-2010-0033). The City of Menifee is a Co-Permittee (Discharger) under the MS4 Permit. Each Co-Permittee is required to ensure that an appropriate Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) is prepared for “New Development” (and “Significant Redevelopment”) projects for which a map or permit for discretionary ap proval is sought. The New Development category includes new developments that create 10,000 SF or more of impervious surface (collectively over the entire project site) including commercial and mixed-use development requiring a Final Map, among other types of projects. The project would create more than 10,000 SF of impervious surface area; as such, a WQMP was prepared. The WQMP is required to include site design (including, where feasible, LID principles), Source Control and Treatment Control elements to r educe the discharge of pollutants in urban runoff. The project would include underground detention chambers and a vegetated swale to capture and treat urban runoff from the site. The vegetated swale has also been sized to handle a 100-year storm flow capacity. The existing site drains from the southeast to the northwest ultimately discharging to corner of Bradley Road and Park Avenue. The proposed development would collect and detain runoff and discharge at same discharge point. Additionally, MMC § 15.01.015(C) specifies that new development projects shall control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any deterioration of water quality that would impair subsequent or competing uses of the water. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and identify the manner of implementation. Documentation on the effectiveness of BMP’s implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the MS4 is required when requested by the Director of Public Works. Following compliance with the existing water quality regulatory framework (i.e., NPDES and MMC), including implementation of BMP’s specified in the project WQMP, project operations would not violate water quality or waste discharge requirements. A less than significant impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. Impact X.b) Less Than Significant Impact. If the project was to remove an existing groundwater recharge area or substantially reduces runoff that results in groundwater recharge such that existi ng wells would no longer be able to operate, a potentially significant impact could occur. The project site is located in the Menifee Hydrologic Subarea (HSA) within the Perris Hydrologic Area of the San Jacinto Valley Hydrologic Unit.30 Presently, the existing site drains from the southeast to the northwest, ultimately discharging to the corner of Bradley Road and Park Avenue. Receiving waters include Lake Elsinore via Salt Creek and Canyon Lake. The proposed development would collect and detain runoff and discharge at same discharge point. The project would not substantially reduce runoff that results in groundwater recharge. According to infiltration testing report (Appendix 3 of the Water Quality Management Plan [WQMP], located in Appendix G of this Initial Study), groundwater was not observed during subsurface exploration to a 30 California Water Boards. ND. Region 8 Hydrologic Areas. https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/water_issues/programs/stormwater/docs/sbpermit/forms/region8_hydrologic_areas.pdf. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:160 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 55 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 total depth of 51 ½ feet. According to the California Department of Water Resources, local well data indicates groundwater levels at depths greater than 75 feet below existing surface, which meets the minimum separation of 10 feet from the bottom of infiltration facility to the groundwater mark. Potential groundwater impact is considered very low. In addition, four infiltration tests were conducted, and the observed infiltration rate was 0 inches/hour for the clay soil present on-site. With that, the likelihood that the project site under existing conditions serves as an area of groundwater recharge is low. Lastly, the WQMP found that due to low infiltration rates found on this site, on-site infiltration is not a viable treatment method for stormwater runoff. The project would not significantly impact local groundwater recharge because it does not presently occur on the project site . Impacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation is required. Impact X.d) Less Than Significant Impact. Flood hazards for the City include dam inundation in the event of a catastrophic failure, such as seismically induced dam failure. The California Division of Dam Safety monitors the structural safety of dams that are greater than 25 feet high or have more than 50 acre- feet of storage capacity. Parts of Menifee are within existing dam inundation areas for three dams at Diamond Valley Lake, one dam at Canyon Lake, and one at Lake Perris Reservoir.31 Diamond Valley Lake is located approximately 7.0 miles east of the project site, Canyon Lake is located approximately 2.7 miles west of the project site, and Perris Reservoir is located approximately 10.5 miles north of the project site. The project site is located in Zone X.32 Zone X corresponds to areas outside of the 500-year flood or areas protected from a 100- year flood by levees. Additionally, the project site is located approximately 31 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Given the distance from the coast and the previously mentioned dams, the potential for inundation by a large catastrophic tsunami is extremely low. The design and construction of the dams for earthquake resistance, in combination with continued monitoring by the California Division of Dam Safety reduces risks of dam failure due to earthquakes. Dam inundation impacts would be less than significant. No steep slopes are in the Project vicinity; therefore, the risk of mudflow is insignificant. Therefore, potential impact concerning release of pollutants due to inundation from flood, tsunami, or seiche are considered less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XI. LAND USE AND PLANNING Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? b) Cause a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? Sources: Menifee GP, Menifee GP EIR, Menifee General Plan and Land Use Map; and Menifee Zoning Map. 31 California Department of Water Resources. 2021. Dam Breach Inundation Web Publisher. https://fmds.water.ca.gov/webgis/?appid=dam_prototype_v2. Accessed March 2021. 32 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit S-5 Flood Hazards . https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1032/S- 5_FloodHazards_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:161 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 56 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal LU-1: Land uses and building types that result in a community where residents at all stages of life, employers, workers, and visitors have a diversity of options of where they can live, work, shop, and recreate within Menifee. Policy LU-1.1: Concentrate growth in strategic locations to help preserve rural areas, create place and identity, provide infrastructure efficiently, and foster the use of transit options. Policy LU-1.5: Support development and land use patterns, where appropriate, that reduce reliance on the automobile and capitalize on multimodal transportation opportunities. Policy LU-1.6: Coordinate land use, infrastructure, and transportation planning and analysis with regional, county, and other local agencies to further regional and subregional goals for jobs-housing balance. Policy LU-1.8: Ensure new development is carefully designed to avoid or incorporate natural features, including washes, creeks, and hillsides. Policy LU-1.9: Allow for flexible development standards provided that the potential benefits and merit of projects can be balanced with potential impacts. Goal LU-2: Thriving Economic Development Corridors that accommodate a mix of nonresidential and residential uses that generate activity and economic vitality in the city. Policy LU-2.1: Promote infill development that complements existing neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Infill development and future growth in Menifee is strongly encouraged to locate within EDC areas to preserve the rural character of rural, estate, and small estate residential uses. Policy LU-2.2: Encourage vertical and horizontal integration of uses where feasible on properties in EDCs. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XI.a) No Impact. An example of a project that has the potential to divide an established community includes the construction of a new freeway or highway through an established neighborhood. The project proposes a mixed-use development (commercial/retail and office). The project would be located near already established residential communities and the general area is developing with additional residential neighborhoods. Given the project’s nature, scope, and location, the project would not physically divide an established community. No impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Impact XI.b) Less Than Significant Impact. The Menifee GP and Land Use Map depicts the City’s land use designations and indicates the project site is designated Economic Development Corridor (EDC).33 The City Zoning Map indicates the project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor-Newport Road (EDC-NR).34 The project proposes mixed-use (commercial/retail and office) development, which is permitted in the EDC land use designation and zoning classification.35,36 Note that a Conditional Use Permit is required for fast food/quick service, with drive-through. This would be achieved through Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 which proposes to allow drive-through for Shops 2. Refer to Figure 3, Site Plan Concept. Therefore, the project would be consistent with the applicable land use plans. Given that the General Plan EIR considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development of the project site assuming the EDC land use designation, this project would not create any new or greater environmental impacts than those identified in the Menifee GP EIR. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:162 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 57 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 XII. MINERAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally- important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee GP Exhibit OSC-3: Mineral Resource Zones; and California Department of Conservation’s Mines Online. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.1: Apply energy efficiency and conservation practices in land use, transportation demand management, and subdivision and building design. Policy OSC-4.3: Advocate for cost-effective and reliable production and delivery of electrical power to residents and businesses throughout the community. Policy OSC-4.4: Require that any future mining activities be in compliance with the State Mining Reclamation Act, federal and state environmental regulations, and local ordinances. Policy OSC-4.5: Limit the impacts of mining operations on the City's natural open space, biological and scenic resources, and any adjacent land uses. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XII.a-b) No Impact. The Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (SMARA) requires classification of land into MRZs according to the known or inferred mineral potential of the area. Under SMARA, areas are categorized into MRZs as follows: MRZ-1 Areas where the available geologic information indicates no significant mineral deposits or a minimal likelihood of significant mineral deposits. MRZ-2 Areas where the available geologic information indicates that there are significant mineral deposits or that there is a likelihood of significant mineral deposits. However, the significance of the deposit is undetermined. MRZ-3 Areas where the available geologic information indicates that mineral deposits are inferred to exist; however, the significance of the deposit is undetermined. 33 City of Menifee. 2020. General Plan and Land Use Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11043/General-Plan--Land-Use- Map---March-2020. Accessed March 2021. 34 City of Menifee. 2020. Zoning Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11042/Zoning-Map---April-2020. Accessed March 2021. 35 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit LU-3 Land Use Designations. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1014/Exhibit_LU- 3_LandUseDesignations_20151020?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. 36 City of Menifee. 2021. Comprehensive Development Code. http://online.encodeplus.com/regs/menifee-ca/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-1344. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:163 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 58 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 MRZ-4 Areas where there is not enough information available to determine the presence or absence of mineral deposits. There are no mineral extraction or process facilities on or near the project site.37 No mineral resources are known to exist in the site and the site is designated as an Urban Area.38 An area approximately 2.2 miles northwest of the site is identified as an MRZ-1 area. However, this area is mostly developed with residential dwelling units and there are no signs of mining activities. Implementation of the project would not deplete mineral deposits or involve mining activities. Furthermore, the project site is not located in an area identified as a locally important mineral resource recovery site and is not a mining area. Therefore, the project would not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource. No impacts would occur. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XIII. NOISE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project result in: a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Sources: Menifee GP, Noise Element; Menifee GP Draft EIR Figure 5.12-3, “Airport Noise Contours”; Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission Current Compatibility Reports for March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport; MMC; and Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis (Urban Crossroads, April 9, 2021, see Appendix H. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal N-1: Noise-sensitive land uses are protected from excessive noise and vibration exposure. Policy N-1.1: Assess the compatibility of proposed land uses with the noise environment when preparing, revising, or reviewing development project applications. Policy N-1.2: Require new projects to comply with the noise standards of local, regional, and state building code regulations, including but not limited to the City's Municipal Code, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, the California Green Building Code, and subdivision and development codes. 37 California Department of Conservation. 2016. Mines Online. https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/mol/index.html. Accessed March 2021. 38 City of Menifee. 2013. Exhibit OSC-3 Mineral Resource Zones. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1084/ExhibitOSC- 3_Mineral_Resource_Zones_HD0913?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:164 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 59 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy N-1.3: Require noise abatement measures to enforce compliance with any applicable regulatory mechanisms, including building codes and subdivision and zoning regulations, and ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are implemented. Policy N-1.7: Mitigate exterior and interior noises to the levels listed in the table below to the exte nt feasible, for stationary sources adjacent to sensitive receptors: Table 12: Stationary Source Noise Standards Land Use Interior Standards Exterior Standards Residential 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 40 Leq (10 minute) 55 Leq (10 minute) 45 Leq (10 minute) 65 Leq (10 minute) Policy N-1.8: Locate new development in areas where noise levels are appropriate for the proposed uses. Consider federal, state, and City noise standards and guidelines as a part of new development review. Policy N-1.9: Limit the development of new noise-producing uses adjacent to noise-sensitive receptors and require that new noise-producing land be are designed with adequate noise abatement measures. Policy N-1.10: Guide noise-tolerant land uses into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors adjacent to the I-215 or within the projected noise contours of any adjacent airports. Policy N-1.11: Discourage the siting of noise-sensitive uses in areas in excess of 65 dBA CNEL without appropriate mitigation. Policy N-1.12: Minimize potential noise impacts associated with the development of mixed -use projects (vertical or horizontal mixed-use) where residential units are located above or adjacent to noise-generating uses. Policy N-1.13: Require new development to minimize vibration impacts to adjacent uses during demolition and construction. Goal N-2: Minimal Noise Spillover. Minimal noise spillover from noise-generating uses, such as agriculture, commercial, and industrial uses into adjoining noise-sensitive uses. Refer to Appendix H Sections 2 and 3 for discussions concerning noise fundamentals and the regulatory setting. See Section 7 for an informational Off-Site Traffic Noise Analysis. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XIII.a-b) Less Than Significant. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION Existing single‐family residential homes located south and east of the project site and institutional uses located west and northwest of the project site may be affected by short‐term noise impacts associated with the transport of workers, the movement of construction materials to and from the project site, and ground clearing, excavation, grading, and building activities. Project generated construction noise would vary depending on the construction process, type of equipment involved, location of the construction site with respect to sensitive receptors, the schedule proposed to carry out each task (e.g., hours and days of the week) and the duration of the construction work. Site preparation and grading are expected to produce the highest sustained construction noise levels. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:165 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 60 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The potential short-term noise impacts of construction activity have been calculated in Table 13. The estimated construction noise levels are calculated using the Federal Highway Administration Roadway Construction Noise Model. To assess the worst-case construction noise levels, the project construction noise analysis relies on the highest noise level impacts when the equipment with the highest reference noise level is operating at the closest point from the edge of primary construction activity (project site boundary) to each receiver location. The construction related noise levels are shown for each phase of construction. As shown in Table 13, the construction noise levels are expected to range from 59.1 to 68.4 dBA Leq at the nearest receiver locations. Based on the results of the analysis, construction noise levels are not expected to be exceed the 80 dBA Leq threshold for construction-related daytime noise levels. The Federal Transit Administration considers a daytime exterior construction noise level of 80 dBA Leq as a reasonable threshold for noise sensitive residential land use. Therefore, the noise impacts due to Project construction noise is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. Table 13: Typical Construction Equipment Noise Level Summary Receiver Location1 Construction Noise Level (dBA Leq) Site Preparation Grading Building Construction Paving Architectural Coating Highest Levels2 R1 62.0 64.0 57.0 55.0 52.0 64.0 R2 63.4 65.4 58.4 56.4 53.4 65.4 R3 60.4 62.4 55.4 53.4 50.4 62.4 R4 58.4 60.4 53.4 51.4 48.4 60.4 R5 57.1 59.1 52.1 50.1 47.1 59.1 R6 66.4 68.4 61.4 59.4 56.4 68.4 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A in the Noise Impact Analysis. 2 Construction noise level calculations based on distance from the construction activity, which is measured from the Project site boundary to the nearest receiver locations. CadnaA construction noise model inputs are included in Appendix 10.1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 10-2. To describe the temporary project construction noise level increases to the existing ambient noise environment, the project construction noise levels were combined with the existing ambient noise levels measurements at the off -site receiver locations. The difference between the combined project-construction and ambient noise levels are used to describe the construction noise level increases. Temporary noise level increases that would be experienced at sensitive receiver locations when project construction-source noise is added to the ambient daytime are presented on Table 14. A temporary noise level increase of 12 dBA is considered a significant impact based on the Caltrans substantial noise level increase criteria which is used to assess the Project-construction noise level increases. Table 14: Temporary Construction Noise Level Increases (Leq) Receiver Location1 Highest Construction Noise Level2 Measureme nt Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Level4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Temporary Worth-Case Project Contribution6 Threshold Exceeded?7 R1 64.0 L1 59.1 65.2 6.1 No R2 65.4 L2 59.2 66.3 7.1 No R3 62.4 L3 51.9 62.8 10.9 No R4 60.4 L4 66.4 67.4 1.0 No R5 59.1 L5 52.7 60.0 7.3 No R6 68.4 L6 61.6 69.2 7.6 No Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:166 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 61 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 1 Noise receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A of the Noise Impact Analysis. 2 Highest Project construction noise levels as shown on Table 10-2 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 3 Ambient noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A of the Noise Impact Analysis. 4 Observed daytime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 5 Represents the combined daytime ambient noise conditions plus the Project construction activities. 6 The temporary noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed Project activities. 7 Based on the 12 dBA temporary increase significance criteria as defined in Section 4 of the Noise Impact Analysis. Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 10-4. As indicated in Table 14, the Project will contribute construction noise level increases ranging from 1.0 to 10.9 dBA Leq at the nearest sensitive receiver locations. The temporary noise level increases at all receiver locations does not exceed the Caltrans substantial 12 dBA Leq significance threshold, therefore, the construction noise level increases are considered less than significant at the nearest sensitive receivers. Table 15 presents the expected typical construction equipment vibration levels at the nearest receiver locations. At distances ranging from 173 feet to 507 feet from typical project construction activities (at the project site boundary), construction vibration levels are estimated to range from 0.001 to 0.003 in/sec root- mean-square (RMS) at the nearest receiver locations. The project construction is not expected to generate vibration levels exceeding the maximum acceptable vibration standard of 0.01 in/sec (RMS). Further, impacts at the site of the closest sensitive receiver are unlikely to be sustained during the entire construction period, but would occur rather only during the times that heavy construction equipment is operating proximate to the project site perimeter. Moreover, construction at the project site would be restricted to daytime hours consistent with City requirements thereby eliminating potential vibration impact during the sensitive nighttime hours. On this basis the potential for the project to result in exposure of persons to, or generation of, excessive ground- borne vibration is determined to be less than significant. Table 15: Typical Construction Equipment Vibration Levels Receiver Location1 Distance to Construction Activity (feet)2 Receiver Vibration Levels (in/sec) RMS3 Threshold (in/sec) RMS4 Threshold Exceeded?5 Small Bulldozer Jackhammer Loaded Trucks Large Bulldozer Peak Vibration R1 451 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 No R2 173 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.01 No R3 199 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.01 No R4 486 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 No R5 507 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 No R6 284 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.01 No 1 Receiver locations are shown on Exhibit 10-A. 2 Construction activity is measured from the Project site boundary. 3 Based on the Vibration Source Levels of Construction Equipment included on Table 10 -5. 4 County of Riverside General Plan Noise Element, Policy N 16.3. Vibration levels in PPV are converted to RMS velocity using a 0.71 conversion factor identified in the Caltrans Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, September 2013. 5 Does the vibration level exceed the maximum acceptable vibration threshold? Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 10-6. LONG-TERM OPERATIONS The intent of the operational noise analysis conducted as part of the Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis (Appendix H) is to describe noise level impacts associated with the expected typical daytime and nighttime activities at the project site. To present the potential worst-case noise conditions, the analysis assumed the project would be operational 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The on-site project-related noise sources are expected to include outdoor loading dock activity, roof -top air conditioning units, outdoor activity, drive-through speakerphone, trash enclosure activity, and trash compactor activity. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:167 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 62 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 To demonstrate compliance with local noise regulations, the project-only operational noise levels are evaluated against exterior noise level thresholds based on the City of Menifee exterior noise level standards at nearby noise-sensitive receiver locations. Table 16 shows the operational noise levels associated with project would satisfy the City of Menifee 65 dBA Leq daytime and 45 dBA Leq nighttime exterior noise level standards at all nearby receiver locations. Therefore, the operational noise impacts are considered less than significant at the nearby noise-sensitive receiver locations. Table 16: Operational Noise Level Compliance Receiver Location1 Project Operational Noise Levels (dBA Leq)2 Noise Level Standards (dBA Leq)3 Noise Level Standards Exceeded? 4 Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime R1 47.0 43.3 65 45 No No R2 47.5 43.9 65 45 No No R3 44.5 41.2 65 45 No No R4 41.0 37.2 65 45 No No R5 38.8 34.1 65 45 No No R6 48.2 44.6 65 45 No No 1 See Exhibit 8-A of the Noise Impact Analysis for the receiver locations. 2 Proposed Project operational noise levels as shown on Tables 9-2 and 9-3 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 3 Exterior noise level standards for source (commercial) land use, as shown on Table 4-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 4 Do the estimated Project operational noise source activities exceed the noise level standards? "Daytime" = 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.; "Nighttime" = 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 9-4. To describe the project operational noise level increases, the project operational noise levels were combined with the existing ambient noise levels measurements for the nearby receiver locations potentially impacted by project operational noise sources. As indicated on Tables 17 and 18, the project would generate daytime and nighttime operational noise level increases ranging from 0.0 to 0.9 dBA Leq at the nearest receiver locations. Project-related operational noise level increases would satisfy the operational noise level increase significance criteria (see Table 4-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis). Therefore, the incremental project operational noise level increase is considered less than significant at all receiver locations. Table 17: Daytime Project Operational Noise Level Increases Receiver Location1 Total Project Operational Noise LEvel2 Measurement Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Levels4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Project Increase6 Increase Criteria7 Increase Criteria Exceeded? R1 47.0 L1 59.1 59.4 0.3 5.0 No R2 47.5 L2 59.2 59.5 0.3 5.0 No R3 44.5 L3 51.9 52.6 0.7 5.0 No R4 41.0 L4 66.4 66.4 0.0 1.5 No R5 38.8 L5 52.7 52.9 0.2 5.0 No R6 48.2 L6 61.6 61.8 0.2 3.0 No 1 See Exhibit 8-A of the Noise Impact Analysis for the receiver locations. 2 Total Project daytime operational noise levels as shown on Table 9-2 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 3 Reference noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A of the Noise Impact Analysis. 4 Observed daytime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 5 Represents the combined ambient conditions plus the project activities. 6 The noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed project activities. 7 Significance increase criteria as shown on Table 4-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 9-5. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:168 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 63 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 18: Nighttime Project Operational Noise Level Increases Receiver Location1 Total Project Operational Noise Level2 Measurement Location3 Reference Ambient Noise Levels4 Combined Project and Ambient5 Project Increase6 Increase Criteria7 Increase Criteria Exceeded? R1 43.3 L1 53.9 54.3 0.4 5.0 No R2 43.9 L2 57.4 57.6 0.2 5.0 No R3 41.2 L3 47.3 48.2 0.9 5.0 No R4 37.2 L4 64.6 64.6 0.0 3.0 No R5 34.1 L5 49.8 49.9 0.1 5.0 No R6 44.6 L6 57.9 58.1 0.2 3.0 No 1 See Exhibit 8-A of the Noise Impact Analysis for the receiver locations. 2 Total Project nighttime operational noise levels as shown on Table 9-3 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 3 Reference noise level measurement locations as shown on Exhibit 5-A of the Noise Impact Analysis. 4 Observed nighttime ambient noise levels as shown on Table 5-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. 5 Represents the combined ambient conditions plus the project activities. 6 The noise level increase expected with the addition of the proposed project activities. 7 Significance increase criteria as shown on Table 4-1 of the Noise Impact Analysis. Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Table 9-6. Impact XIII.c) Less than Significant Impact. The following airports/airstrips are located nearest the project site: ▪ Perris Valley Airport: at 2091 Goetz Road, Perris, approximately 5.1 miles to the northwest; ▪ Skylark Field Airport: at 20701 Cereal St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, approximately 7.2 miles to the southwest; ▪ French Valley Airport: at 37600 Sky Canyon Drive, Murrieta, approximately 7.8 miles to the southeast; and ▪ Hemet Ryan Airport: at 4710 W. Stetson Avenue, Hemet, approximately 9.3 miles to the northeast. The project site is not within the Airport Influence Area Boundary or noise contours for Perris Valley Airport, French Valley Airport, or the March Air Reserve Base.39,40 The runway for March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport is located approximately 12.5 miles north of the project site. As such, the Project site would not be exposed to excessive noise levels from airport operations The project site is not within 2.0 miles of any other public airport/public-use airport or in the vicinity of a private airstrip; therefore, the project would not expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive airport/airstrip-related noise levels. As such, this impact would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XIV. POPULATION AND HOUSING Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Induce substantial unplanned population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or 39 Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. 2021. Current Compatibility Plans for French Valley Airport, March Air Reserve Base, and Perris Valley Airport. http://www.rcaluc.org/Plans/New-Compatibility-Plan. Accessed March 2021. 40 City of Menifee. 2013. Menifee General Plan Draft EIR, Section 5.12: Noise, Figure 5.12-3: Airport Noise Contours. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1112/Ch-05-12-N?bidId=. Accessed April 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:169 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 64 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Sources: Menifee GP; Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Adopted 2020–2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, Connect SoCal; and State of California, Department of Finance, E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State — January 1, 2020. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XIV.a) Less Than Significant Impact. As of January 1, 2020, the City’s population is approximately 97,093 persons and the City’s housing stock totaled 35,675 dwelling units (DU) with approximately 2.90 persons per household (PPH).41 No land uses generating new homes or extension of roads and other infrastructure capable of inducing direct/indirect population growth in the City are proposed. The project proposes development of a mixed-use (commercial/retail and office) development and would generate new employment opportunities in the City. The project is estimated to generate 290 employees. This analysis assumes 8 of these employees would relocate from elsewhere and newly establish themselves in Menifee.42 Assuming 8 employees and 2.90 PPH, the project’s forecast population growth is approximately 23 persons. Therefore, the project would induce direct population growth in the City by proposing new jobs. The project’s forecast population growth would increase the City’s existing population by less than one percent (approximately 0.0002%). According to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), Connect SoCal, Menifee’s population was estimated at 89,600 persons in 2016 and is projected to increase to 129,800 persons by 204543, an increase of approximately 40,200 persons over 2016 conditions. As such, the project’s forecast population growth (23 persons) are within SCAG’s growth assumptions for the City. Additionally, the project is consistent with City’s land use and zoning designation and the project’s nominal population growth has been accounted for in the City’s General Plan and the population growth is not considered substantial in a City-wide context. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant concerning population growth and no mitigation is required. Impact XIV.b) No Impact. There are no housing units or other structures on the project site; therefore, the project would not displace housing or people, or require construction of replacement housing elsewhere. No impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. 41 California Department of Finance. 2020. E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, County, and the State, January 2011-2020, with 2010 Benchmark. http://dof.ca.gov/Forecasting/Demographics/Estimates/E-5/. Accessed March 2021. 42 Data from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University found that approximately 13 percent of Americans move each year, and of those 21 percent move for job-related reasons. This analysis assumes an employee population of 290. 13 percent of 290 is 38 people and 21 percent of 38 people is 8 people. Therefore, the project is estimated to generate 8 new residents in Menifee. https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/blog/who-is-moving-and-why-seven-questions-about-residential-mobility. 43 SCAG. 2020. Connect SoCal Demographics and Growth Forecast Technical Report. https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file- attachments/0903fconnectsocal_demographics-and-growth-forecast.pdf?1606001579. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:170 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 65 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 XV. PUBLIC SERVICES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: a) Fire protection? b) Police protection? c) Schools? d) Parks? e) Other public facilities? Sources: Menifee GP Safety Element; Menifee Union School District and Perris Union High School District websites, and the Menifee Police Department. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-4: A community that has effective fire mitigation and response measures in place, and as a result is minimally impacted by wildland and structure fires. Policy S-4.1: Require fire-resistant building construction materials, the use of vegetation control methods, and other construction and fire prevention features to reduce the hazard of wildland fire. Policy S-4.2: Ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that fire services, such as firefighting equipment and personnel, infrastructure, and response times, are adequate for all sections of the City. Policy S-4.4: Review development proposals for impacts to fire facilities and compatibility with fire areas or mitigate. Goal OSC-1: A comprehensive system of high-quality parks and recreation programs that meets the diverse needs of the community. Policy OSC-1.7: Ensure that parks and recreational facilities are well-maintained by the responsible agency. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XV.a) Less Than Significant Impact. The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical response services for the City. RCFD Station No. 7, which is part of Battalion 13, is at 28349 Bradley Road, Sun City, CA 92586 approximately 1.5 miles north of the project site. Station No. 7 is equipped with one three-person fire engine and one two-person medic squad. The station receives approximately 3,700 calls per year.44 The nominal population growth associated with the project would incrementally increase th e demand for fire protection and emergency medical services to the project site. However, the project would not have a significant impact on fire response times, because the project site is within RCFD’s existing service area. 44 Personal communication. 2021. Email conversation with Adria Reinertson, Deputy Fire Marshal/Office of the Fire Marshal, CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department, April 1, 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:171 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 66 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Therefore, project impacts concerning fire protection services would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a need for, new/physically altered fire protection facilities, thus, less than significant environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Further, the project would include improving (widening) Bradley Road and Park Avenue. These roadway improvements would allow existing fire service providers to better access the area and provide emergency services. Finally, the project will be constructed to meet the latest CBC requirements and the project is subject to fire suppression development impact fees and other standards and conditions required by the City and County Fire. As such, a less than significant impact would occur. Impacts XV.b) Less Than Significant Impact. Police protection services for the City and Project site would be provided by the Menifee Police Department (MPD). MPD is a new department, authorized by City council to be created in late 2018 and officially open to serve the public July 1st, 2020. The MPD operates out of its headquarters at 29714 Haun Road, Sun City, CA 92586 which is approximately 0.6 mile northeast of the Project site. As with fire protection services discussed above, the Project site is already within the service area of the MPD. The MPD is authorized to serve the City with 90 full-time employees of which 69 are sworn officers and 21 are not sworn (professional staff members).45 According to the Demographic Marketing Report for the City, the January 2021 population was 105,773.46 This represents a service ratio of 0.85 officers per 1,000 population. MPD is comprised of two divisions: Operations and Investigations & Support Services. Within these divisions numerous units are used to serve the public. These include SWAT (in partnership with the cities of Murrieta and Hemet), K-9, Traffic, Patrol, Crime Scene Investigators, Code Enforcement, Records, Investigations Unit, Problem Oriented Policing, and Court Ordered Registr ants. The Patrol unit is the largest unit within the department and calls for routine and emergency service are typically handled by this unit. Between July 1, 2020 and April 14, 2021 there were a total of 48,667 calls for service. Of these, 39,192 were proactive calls. Proactive are vehicle stops, pedestrian checks, bicycle stops, business checks, extra patrols, etc.47 The average response time for Priority 1 calls was 9:00 minutes. MPD’s goal response time for Priority 1 calls is 6:00 minutes. This goal can be achieved through such measures as a False Alarm Ordinance.48 The MPD would be provided the opportunity to review the Project’s design to verify that all feasible CPTED strategies are incorporated. CPTED is a way of designing the built environment to create a safer built environment. CPTED elements include the strategic use of nighttime security lighting, avoidance of landscaping and fencing that limit sightlines, and use of a single, clearly identifiable point of entry. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. Additionally, fees are required on new developments to pay for new facilities. Funding for the operation and maintenance of existing services comes from the City’s General Fund, Measure DD funds, as well as County Service Area 86 monies. It is anticipated that the Project site would be adequately served by existing MPD facilities, equipment, and personnel such that new facilities would not be required. Because the Project site is not residential, although some calls for service are anticipated, the increase for police services would not be significantly impacted due to construction and operation of the warehouses. Additionally, development of the site would increase property tax revenues to provide a source of funding to offset any increases in the anticipated demands for public services generated by the Project. The nominal population growth associated with the project would incrementally increase the demand for police protection services to the project site. However, the proposed mixed-use development would not result in any unique or more extensive crime problems that cannot be handled with the existing level of 45 Personal communication. 2021. Telephone conversation with Menifee Police Captain David A. Gutierrez, March 23, 2021. 46 Derrigo Studies. 2021. City of Menifee Demographic Marketing Report. https://13xrl43fkrpl49g75u4bh1cl-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp- content/uploads/2021/03/2021DerrgioStudyMenifee.pdf (accessed March 2021). 47 Personal communication. 2021. Email conversation with Menifee Police Captain David A. Gutierrez, April 20, 2021 48 Personal communication. 2021. Telephone conversation with Menifee Police Captain David A. Gutierrez, March 23, 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:172 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 67 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 police resources. Additionally, the project would not have a significant impact on police response times, because the project site is within the Police’s existing service area. Therefore, project impacts concerning police protection services would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a n eed for, new/physically altered police protection facilities; thus, less than significant environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Impacts XV.c) Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is within jurisdiction of the Menifee Union School District and Perris Union High School District. The student population growth associated with the project would nominally/incrementally increase the demand for school facilities/services. However, the project would be subject to payment of school impact fees in accordance with SB 50. Pursuant to Government Code § 65995(3)(h), “payment of statutory fees is deemed to be full and complete mitigation of the impacts of any legislative or adjudicative act, or both, involving, but not limited to, the planning, use or development of real property…” Therefore, project impacts to schools would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a need for, new/physically altered school facilities; thus, less than environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Impact XV. d - e) Less Than Significant Impact. The project is a mixed-use development that would result in nominal population growth. Although the project would bring new residents to the general area, the use of parks and other facilities has been accounted for in the General Plan. The proposed mixed-use development would not significantly increase the demand of such services and a less than significant impact would occur. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XVI. RECREATION Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Sources: Menifee GP and Menifee GP Draft EIR. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-1: A comprehensive system of high-quality parks and recreation programs that meets the diverse needs of the community. Policy OSC-1.1: Provide parks and recreational programs to meet the varied needs of community residents, including children, youth, adults, seniors, and persons with disabilities, and make these facilities and services easily accessible and affordable to all users. Policy OSC-1.2: Require a minimum of five acres of public open space to be provided for every 1,000 City residents. Policy OCS-1.7: Ensure that parks and recreational f acilities are well-maintained by the responsible agency. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:173 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 68 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVI.a-b) No Impact. The project would not generate population such that their use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities would result in substantial physical deterioration of a park facility or accelerate deterioration of said facility. As specified in the MMC, the City requires dedication of land for park or recreation facilities, or payment of fees in-lieu thereof (or a combination of both), incidental to and as a condition of approval for a tentative or parcel map. The MMC specifies that dedication of land/Quimby Fees for park or recreational purposes shall be at the rate of 5.0 acres per 1,000 residents. According to § 7.75.090 of the MMC, commercial and industrial subdivisions are exempt from the provisions of MMC Chapter 7.75: Parkland Dedication and Fees. Therefore, no impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XVII. TRANSPORTATION Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Conflict with a program, plan, ordinance or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities? b) Would the project conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b)? c) Substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? d) Result in inadequate emergency access? Sources: Menifee GP Circulation Element; Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study, Urban Crossroads, June 15, 2021 (Appendix I); and Menifee Crossroads Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis, Urban Crossroads, December 23, 2020 (see Appendix I). Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal C-1: A roadway network that meets the circulation needs of all residents, employees, and visitors to the City of Menifee. Policy C-1.1: Require roadways to: • Comply with federal, state, and local design and safety standards. • Meet the needs of multiple transportation modes and users. • Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. • Be maintained in accordance with best practices. Policy C-1.2: Require development to mitigate its traffic impacts and achieve a peak hour Level of Service (LOS) D or better at intersections, except at constrained intersections at close proximity to the I-215 where LOS E may be permitted. Policy C-1.5: Minimize idling times and vehicle miles traveled to conserve resources, protect air quality, and limit greenhouse gas emissions. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:174 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 69 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Goal C-2: A bikeway and community pedestrian network that facilitates and encourages nonmotorized travel throughout the City of Menifee. Policy C-2.1: Require on- and off-street pathways to: • Comply with federal, state and local design and safety standards. • Meet the needs of multiple types of users (families, commuters, recreational beginners, exercise experts) and meet ADA standards and guidelines. • Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. • Be maintained in accordance with best practices. Policy C-2.2: Provide off-street multipurpose trails and on-street bike lanes as our primary paths of citywide travel and explore the shared use of low-speed roadways for connectivity wherever it is safe to do so. Policy C-2.3: Require walkways that promote safe and convenient travel between residential areas, businesses, schools, parks, recreation areas, transit facilities, and other key destination points. Policy C-2.4: Explore opportunities to expand the pedestrian and bicycle networks; this includes consideration of utility easements, drainage corridors, road rights-of-way and other potential options. Goal C-3: A public transit system that is a viable alternative to automobile travel and meets basic transportation needs of the transit dependent. Policy C-3.2: Require new development to provide transit facilities, such as bus shelters, transit bays, and turnouts, as necessary. Policy C-3.3: Provide additional development-related incentives to projects that promote transit use. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVII.a) Less Than Significant Impact. The intersection LOS analysis is based on the traffic volumes observed during the peak hour conditions using traffic count data collected in December 2018. The following peak hours were selected for analysis: • Weekday AM Peak Hour (peak hour between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM) • Weekday PM Peak Hour (peak hour between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM) Due to the currently ongoing COVID‐19 pandemic, schools and businesses within the study area were closed or operating at less than full capacity at the time this study was prepared. As such, historic traffic counts from 2018 were utilized in conjunction with a 2 percent per year, compounded annually, growth rate to develop traffic volumes for 2020 conditions. The historic weekday AM and weekday PM peak hour count data is representative of typical weekday peak hour traffic conditions in the study area. Historic traffic count data was not readily available for the intersection of Bradley Road and Park Avenue. As such, 2020 traffic counts have been collected at this intersection. Traffic counts have also been collected at the intersection of Bradley Road and Newport Road in order to compare and develop an adjustment factor based on a comparison to historic 2018 traffic count data to the recently collected 2020 traffic count data. This adjustment factor has been applied to the 2020 traffic count data at the intersection of Bradley Road & Park Avenue to reflect non‐COVID traffic conditions. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:175 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 70 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 19: Project Trip Generation Summary, presents the daily and peak hour trip generation for the project. As indicated in Table, the project is anticipated to generate approximately 5,358 ADT, including an estimated 450 AM peak hour trips and 381 PM peak hour trips. Table 19: Project Trip Generation Summary Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 4-2. Intersection Analysis Per Policy C‐1.2 of the Menifee GP, the following LOS will be utilized for study area intersections located within the City: The City of Menifee has identified LOS D as the threshold for acceptable operating conditions for intersections except at constrained intersections and roadway segments in close proximity to I ‐215, where LOS E is accepted during peak hours. Therefore, any intersection operating at LOS E or F will be considered deficient for the purposes of this analysis. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:176 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 71 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The 13 study area intersections listed below were selected for evaluation in the traffic study based on consultation with City of Menifee staff: 1 Murrieta Rd. & Newport Rd. 2 Evans Rd. & Newport Rd. 3 Bradley Rd. & Park Ave. 4 Bradley Rd. & Driveway 1 5 Bradley Rd. & Driveway 2 – Future Intersection 6 Bradley Rd. & Newport Rd. 7 Driveway 3 & Park Ave. – Future Intersection 8 Driveway 4 & Newport Rd. – Future Intersection 9 Avenida de Cortez & Town Center Rd. 10 Haun Rd. & Newport Rd. 11 I‐215 Southbound Ramps & Newport Rd. 12 I‐215 Northbound Ramps & Newport Rd. 13 Antelope Rd. & Newport Rd. Existing and Existing Plus Project Conditions The intersection analysis results are summarized below in Table 20: Intersection Analysis for E+P Conditions for E+P traffic conditions, which indicate that consistent with existing traffic conditions, the study area intersections are anticipated to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS under E+P traffic conditions. Table 20: Intersection Analysis for E+P Conditions Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 5-1. Improvements to Address Deficiencies at Intersections As shown in Table 20, the study area intersections are anticipated to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS during the peak hours under E+P traffic conditions. As such, no improvements have been identified. Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Opening Year Cumulative (2022) peak hour traffic operations have been evaluated for the study area intersections. The intersection analysis results are summarized in Table 21, which indicate that the following study area intersections are anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS during the peak hours under Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Without Project conditions: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:177 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 72 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • Murrieta Road & Newport Road (#1) – LOS E PM peak hour only • Bradley Road & Park (#3) – LOS F PM peak hour only • Haun Road & Newport Road (#10) – LOS F PM peak hour only • Antelope Road & Newport Road (#13) – LOS F PM peak hour only As shown in Table 21, there are no additional study area intersections anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS with the addition of Project traffic, in addition to the intersections previously identified under Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Without Project traffic conditions. It should be noted, with the implementation of the Project design features, the intersection of Bradley Road and Park Avenue (#3) is anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS during the peak hours. Table 21: Intersection Analysis for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 6-1. Improvements to Address Deficiencies at Intersections The effectiveness of the recommended improvement strategies to address Opening Year Cumulative (2022) traffic deficiencies are presented in Table 22. Table 22: Intersection Analysis for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions with Improvements Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 6-4. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:178 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 73 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Roadway Segment Analysis At the request of City staff, daily volume‐to‐capacity (v/c) has been evaluated for the following roadway segments: 1. Newport Rd., Murrieta Rd. to Evans Rd. 2. Newport Rd., Evans Rd. to Bradley Rd. 3. Newport Rd., Bradley Rd. to Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Rd. 4. Newport Rd., Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Rd. to Haun Rd. 5. Newport Rd., Haun Rd. to I‐215 Freeway 6. Newport Rd., I‐215 Freeway to Antelope Rd. 7. Bradley, Park Ave. to Driveway 1 8. Bradley, Driveway 1 to Driveway 2 9. Bradley, Driveway 2 to Newport Rd. Existing Plus Project Conditions The City of Menifee General Plan provides roadway volume capacity values. The roadway segment capacities are approximate figures only and are used at the General Plan level to assist in determining the roadway functional classification (number of through lanes) needed to meet traffic demand. Table 23 provides a summary of the E+P roadway segment capacity analysis based on the City of Menifee General Plan Roadway Segment Capacity Thresholds. As shown in Table 23, there are no additional roadway segments that are anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS under E+P traffic conditions. It should be noted, the following roadway segments are anticipated to improve operations to acceptable LOS with the implementation of the Project design features: • Bradley Road, Park Avenue to Driveway 1 (#7) – LOS B • Bradley Road, Driveway 1 to Driveway 2 (#8) – LOS C • Bradley Road, Driveway 2 to Newport Road (#9) – LOS C Table 23: Intersection Analysis for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 5-2. Improvements to Address Deficiencies on Roadway Segments Where the ADT based roadway segment analysis indicates a deficiency (unacceptable LOS), the more detailed peak hour intersection analysis has also been reviewed. The more detailed peak hour intersection analysis explicitly accounts for factors that affect roadway capacity. While the traffic study recognizes Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:179 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 74 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 LOS D is the City’s target LOS for roadway segments, a review of the more detailed peak hour intersection analysis is necessary to determine whether roadway widening along the segment is necessary. For the purposes of this analysis, if the peak hour intersection operations on either side of the roadway segment are anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS, then additional roadway segment widening has not been recommended. Therefore, for the purposes of this assessment, roadway segment widening has only been recommended if the peak hour intersection analysis indicates the need for additional through lanes or if the improvement is consistent with the City’s General Plan. Table 24 shows the roadway segment improvements identified to address roadway segment deficiencies under E+P traffic conditions. The following roadway segments are shown as deficient for E+P traffic conditions: • Newport Road, Bradley Road to Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road (#3) – LOS E • Newport Road, Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road to Haun Road (#4) – LOS F • Newport Road, Haun Road to I‐215 Freeway (#5) – LOS F • Newport Road, I‐215 Freeway to Antelope Road (#6) – LOS F Table 24: Roadway Segment Capacity Analysis for E+P Conditions with Improvements Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 5-4. Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Table 25 provides a summary of the Opening Year Cumulative (2022) conditions roadway segment capacity analysis based on the City of Menifee General Plan Roadway Segment Capacity Thresholds. As shown in Table 25, the following study area roadway segments are anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS based on the City’s planning level daily roadway capacity thresholds for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Without Project and With Project traffic conditions: • Newport Road, Murrieta Road to Evans Road (#1) – LOS F • Newport Road, Evans Road to Bradley Road (#2) – LOS F • Newport Road, Bradley Road to Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road (#3) – LOS F • Newport Road, Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road to Haun Road (#4) – LOS F • Newport Road, Haun Road to I‐215 Freeway (#5) – LOS F • Newport Road, I‐215 Freeway to Antelope Road (#6) – LOS F • Bradley Road, Park Avenue to Driveway 1 (#7) – LOS F • Bradley Road, Driveway 1 to Driveway 2 (#8) – LOS F • Bradley Road, Driveway 2 to Newport Road (#9) – LOS F Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:180 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 75 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Table 25: Roadway Segment Capacity Analysis for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 6-2. It should be noted, the following roadway segments are anticipated to improve operations to acceptable LOS with the implementation of the Project design features: • Bradley Road, Park Avenue to Driveway 1 (#7) – LOS D • Bradley Road, Driveway 1 to Driveway 2 (#8) – LOS D Improvements to Address Deficiencies on Roadway Segments Table 26 shows the roadway segment improvements identified to address roadway segment deficiencies under Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions. The following roadway segments are shown as deficient for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions Without Project and With Project traffic conditions, with improvements: • Newport Road, Murrieta Road to Evans Road (#1) • Newport Road, Evans Road to Bradley Road (#2) • Newport Road, Bradley Road to Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road (#3) • Newport Road, Avenida de Cortez/Town Center Road to Haun Road (#4) • Bradley Road, Driveway 2 to Newport Road (#9) Table 26: Roadway Segment Capacity Analysis for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Conditions with Improvements Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 6-5. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:181 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 76 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Cumulative Deficiencies and Recommended Improvements The recommended improvements needed to address the cumulative deficiencies identified under Existing (2020), E+P, and Opening Year Cumulative (2022) traffic conditions are shown in Table 27. For those improvements listed in Table 27 and not constructed as part of the Project, the Project Applicant’s responsibility for the Project’s contributions towards deficient intersections is fulfilled through payment of fair share that would be assigned to construction of the identified recommended improvements. The Project Applicant would be required to pay fair share fees consistent with the City’s requirements Table 27: Summary of Improvements by Analysis Scenario Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 1-5. Fair Share Contribution Project improvements may include a combination of fee payments to established programs, construction of specific improvements, payment of a fair share contribution toward future improvements or a combination of these approaches. Improvements constructed by development may be eligible for a fee credit or reimbursement through the program where appropriate (to be determined at the City’s discretion). When off‐site improvements are identified with a minor share of responsibility assigned to proposed development, the approving jurisdiction may elect to collect a fair share contribution or require the development to construct improvements. Detailed fair share calculations, for each peak hour, have been provided in Table 28 for the applicable deficient study area intersection and for each applicable phase. These fees are collected with the proceeds solely used as part of a f unding mechanism aimed at ensuring that regional highways and arterial expansions keep pace with the projected population increases. Table 28: Project Fair Share Calculations Source: Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Table 7-1. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:182 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 77 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 On-Site Roadway and Site Access Required Improvements Vehicular access will be provided via the following driveways: • Bradley Road via Driveway 1 – full access • Bradley Road via Driveway 2 – right‐in/right‐out only • Park Avenue via Driveway 3 – full access • Newport Road via Driveway 4 – right‐in/right‐out only Regional access to the project site is available from the I‐215 Freeway via Newport Road interchange. As part of the development, the project will construct improvements on the site adjacent roadways of Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue. Roadway improvements necessary to provide site access and on‐site circulation are assumed to be constructed in conjunction with site development and are noted below as Standard Conditions of Approval (COA). These improvements should be in place prior to occupancy. Signal Warrant Analysis Traffic signal warrant analyses were performed for the following unsignalized study area intersections: • Bradley Road / Park Avenue • Bradley Road / Driveway 1 • Bradley Road / Driveway 2 – Future Intersection • Driveway 3 / Park Avenue Although Driveway 4 on Newport Road is a future unsignalized intersection, the intersection is proposed for restricted access (right‐in/right‐out only). As such, traffic signal warrant analysis has not been evaluated for Driveway 4. Existing (2020) Traffic signal warrants for existing traffic conditions are based on existing peak hour intersection turning volumes. The following unsignalized study area intersection currently meets a traffic signal for Existing (2020) traffic conditions: • Bradley Road & Park Avenue (#3) E+P Conditions The following unsignalized study area intersection is anticipated to meet a planning level volume -based (ADT) traffic signal warrant for E+P traffic conditions: • Bradley Road & Driveway 1 (#4) Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Traffic signal warrants have been performed (based on CA MUTCD) for Opening Year Cumulative (2022) traffic conditions based on peak hour intersection turning movements volumes or planning level (ADT) volumes. There are no additional unsignalized study area intersections anticipated to meet a traffic signal warrant under Opening Year Cumulative (2022) Without Project or With Project traffic conditions, in addition to the intersections identified previously under Existing (2020) and E+P traffic conditions. A signal warrant defines the minimum condition under which the installation of a traffic signal might be warranted. Meeting this condition does not require that a traffic control signal be installed at a particular location, but rather, that other traffic factors and conditions be evaluated in order to determine whether the signal is truly justified. It should also be noted that signal warrants do not necessarily correlate with LOS. An intersection may satisfy a signal warrant condition and operate at or above acceptable LOS or operate below acceptable LOS and not meet a signal warrant. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:183 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 78 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Transit Service The study area is currently served by Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) with bus services along Bradley Road and Newport Road. RTA Routes 40, 61, and 74 runs along portions of Bradley Road and Newport Road. RTA Routes 40, 61, and 74 could potentially serve the Project. Transit service is reviewed and updated by RTA periodically to address ridership, budget, and community demand needs. Changes in land use can affect these periodic adjustments which may lead to either enhanced or reduced service where appropriate. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities There are existing Class II bike facilities along portions of Newport Road. There is a proposed Class II bike facility along Bradley Road (Project’s frontage). The existing pedestrian facilities include sidewalks and crosswalks. There are limited pedestrian facilities along Bradley Road and Park Avenue. With implementation of the COAs, the project would be consistent with all applicable traffic thresholds and therefore, the project would not conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance, or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system. The project’s traffic impacts would be less than significant. Impacts XVII.b) Less Than Significant Impact. The City of Menifee recently adopted new Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (June 2020) (City Guidelines), which documents the City’s VMT analysis methodology and approved impact thresholds. The VMT analysis presented below has been developed based on the newly adopted City Guidelines. The analysis utilized the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) VMT Screening Tool (Screening Tool). The Screening Tool allows users to input an assessor’s parcel number (APN) to determine if a project’s location meets one or more of the screening thresholds for land use projects identified in the City Guidelines. Project Screening The Technical Advisory and City Guidelines describe specific “screening thresholds” that can be used to identify when a proposed land use project is anticipated to result in a less than significant impact without conducting a more detailed project level VMT analysis. Screening thresholds are described in the following three steps: • Transit Priority Area (TPA) Screening • Low VMT Area Screening • Project Type Screening Consistent with the Technical Advisory and City Guidelines, a land use project needs only to satisfy one of the above screening thresholds to result in a less than significant impact. TPA Screening Projects located within a TPA (i.e., within ½ mile of an existing “major transit stop”49 or an existing stop along a “high-quality transit corridor”50) may be presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the contrary. However, the presumption may NOT be appropriate if a project: • Has a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of less than 0.75; • Includes more parking for use by residents, customers, or employees of the project than required by the jurisdiction (if the jurisdiction requires the project to supply parking); • Is inconsistent with the applicable Sustainable Communities Strategy (as determined by the lead agency, with input from the Metropolitan Planning Organization); or Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:184 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 79 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • Replaces affordable residential units with a smaller number of moderate- or high-income residential units. The Project site is not located within ½ mile of an existing major transit stop, or along a high-quality transit corridor. The TPA screening threshold is not met. Low VMT Area Screening The City Guidelines also states that, “residential and office projects located within a low VMT -generating area are presumed to have a less than significant impact absent substantial evidence to the contrary. In addition, other employment-related and mixed-use land use projects may qualify for the use of screening if there is a reasonable expectation that the project will generate VMT per service population that is similar to the existing land uses in the low VMT area.” Based on the Screening Tool results provided in Attachment B (see VMT Screening Analysis in Appendix I), the project is located within a low VMT generating zone. The Project resides within TAZ 3914 and was shown to generate 28.55 VMT per service population whereas the City’s impact threshold as stated in the City Guidelines is 35.68 VMT per service population. As stated previously, the site is currently designated as Economic Development Corridor (EDC) in the City’s General Plan, which allows for the proposed commercial use. The socioeconomic data for TAZ 3914 also includes retail employment. The Low VMT Area screening threshold is met. Project Type Screening Threshold The City Guidelines notes projects that consist of local-serving retail less than 50,000 square feet may be presumed to cause a less-than-significant impact. Local serving retail generally improves the convenience of shopping close to home and has the effect of reducing vehicle travel. The project would include commercial retail development with approximately 58,600 square feet of building area, office development with approximately 36;924 square feet of building area, and office/retail development with approximately 7,750 square feet of building area. The Small projects screening threshold is not met. Conclusion Based on review of applicable VMT screening thresholds, the Project meets the Low VMT Area screening and would therefore be presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact. The Project was not found to meet the TPA or Project Type screening, however meeting the Low VMT Area screening is sufficient to determine a less than significant impact; no additional VMT analysis is required. Impact XVII.c) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project does not include the use of any incompatible vehicles or equipment on-site, such as farm equipment. The design features of the proposed project would create new driveways and improve adjacent roadways. The proposed on-site and off-site improvements are noted in Impact XVII.a. The anticipated on-site and off-site roadway improvements 49 Pub. Resources Code, § 21064.3 (“‘Major transit stop’ means a site containing an existing rail transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods.”). 50 Pub. Resources Code, § 21155 (“For purposes of this section, a high-quality transit corridor means a corridor with fixed route bus service with service intervals no longer than 15 minutes during peak commute hours.”). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:185 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 80 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 would be compatible with the surrounding commercial/retail/institutional land uses. All on‐site and site‐ adjacent improvements would be constructed as approved by the City of Menifee Public Works Department. Sight distance at project access points would comply with applicable City of Menifee sight distance standards. Therefore, a less than significant impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. Impact XVII.d) Less Than Significant Impact. Vehicular access to the site will be provided via one (1) access point on Newport Road, two (2) access points on Bradley Road, and one(1) access point on Park Avenue. Pedestrian access is proposed via perimeter and internal sidewalks and walkways. The RCFD would review the project for access requirements concerning minimum roadway width, fire apparatus access roads, fire lanes, signage, access devices and gates, and access walkways, among other requirements, which would enhance emergency access to the project site. Following compliance with RCFD access requirements, adequate emergency access to the project site would be provided. Project impacts concerning emergency access would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Standard Conditions of Approval: COA-TRAN-1: Applicant shall pay a fair share contribution toward the installation of improvements at intersection #1 Murrieta Road / Newport Road, consistent with the City’s requirements. COA-TRAN-2: Applicant shall pay a fair share contribution toward the installation of improvements at intersection #10 Haun Road / Newport Road, consistent with the City’s requirements. COA-TRAN-3: Applicant shall pay a fair share contribution toward the installation of improvements at intersection #13 Antelope Road / Newport Road, consistent with the City’s requirements. COA-TRAN-4: Prior to issuance of a construction permit, any necessary signing and striping plan for Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City ordinances, standards and specifications, and with the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. COA-TRAN-5: Sight distance analysis shall be conducted at all project roadway entrances for conformance with City sight distance standards. The analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, and shall be incorporated in the final the grading plans, street improvement plans, and landscape improvement plans. COA-TRAN-6: Bradley Road & Park Avenue (#3) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Construct a northbound right turn lane and 8 foot bike lane along the project frontage for the southern leg of the intersection; restripe the existing through lane. COA-TRAN-7: Bradley Road & Driveway 1 (#4) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Northbound: one through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, one left-turn pocket, and one bike lane. • Southbound: one through lane, one left-turn pocket • Westbound: one right turn lane and one shared through / left turn lane. COA-TRAN-8: Bradley Road & Driveway 2 (#5) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Northbound: One through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, and one bike lane. • Eastbound: One right turn lane. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:186 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 81 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 COA-TRAN-9: Bradley Road & Newport Road (#6) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Northbound: Extend left turn pocket to 150 feet, one through lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. • Southbound: Extend left turn pocket to 350 feet, one shared through / left turn lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. • Eastbound and Westbound: Existing geometries to be retained. COA-TRAN-10:Driveway 3 & Park Avenue (#7) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Northbound: One shared left turn / right turn lane • Eastbound: One shared through / right turn lane • Westbound: One shared through / left turn lane COA-TRAN-11:Driveway 4 & Newport Road (#8) – The following improvements are necessary to accommodate site access: • Southbound: One right turn lane • Westbound: One shared through / right turn lane COA-TRAN-12:Bradley Road is a north‐south oriented roadway located on the Project’s western boundary. Project to construct Bradley Road to its ultimate half section width as a modified Secondary Arterial designation between Newport Road and Park Avenue. The required improvements shall include construction and restriping for one additional northbound through lane, a left turn pocket for access to the church driveway (opposite project site), and an 8 foot bike lane. Appropriate transitions shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. Project to construct a full raised median on Bradley Road from Newport Road past Driveway #2 to restrict access to right-in-right-out only. The median design shall include lengthening of the southbound left turn lane at Newport Road to 350 feet. Restriping of the southbound left turn lane and both through lanes may be required to accommodate the median. Appropriate transitions for the median shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. COA-TRAN-13:Park Avenue is an east‐west oriented roadway located on the Project’s northern boundary. Project to construct a 6 foot wide sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway on the south side of Park Avenue as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. XVIII. TRIBAL & CULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a Cultural Native American tribe, and that is: a) Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5020.1(k), or Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:187 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 82 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 b) A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1. In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee GP Draft EIR; and A Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment for Plot Plan PLN20-0273, revised March 2021, provided in Appendix C. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-5: Archaeological, historical, and cultural resources that are protected and integrated into the City's built environment. Policy OSC-5.1: Preserve and protect archaeological and historic resources and cultural sites, places, districts, structures, landforms, objects and native burial sites, traditional cultural landscapes and other features, consistent with state law and any laws, regulations or policies which may be adopted by the city to implement this goal and associated policies. Policy OSC-5.4: Establish clear and responsible policies and best practices to identify, evaluate, and protect previously unknown archaeological, historic, and cultural resources, following applicable CEQA and NEPA procedures and in consultation with the appropriate Native American tribes who have ancestral lands within the city. Policy OSC-5.5: Develop clear policies regarding the preservation and avoidance of cultural resources located within the city, in consultation with the appropriate Native American tribes who have ancestral lands within the city. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVIII.a-b) Less Than Significant Impact. AB 52 specifies that a project that may cause a substantial adverse change to a defined Tribal Cultural Resource (TCR) may result in a significant effect on the environment. AB 52 requires tribes interested in development projects within a traditionally and culturally affiliated geographic area to notify a lead agency of such interest and to request notification of future projects subject to CEQA prior to determining if a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or environmental impact report is required for a project. The lead agency is then required to notify the tribe within 14 days of deeming a development application subject to CEQA complete to notify the requesting tribe as an invitation to consult on the project. AB 52 identifies examples of mitigation measures that will avoid or minimize impacts to a TCR. The bill makes the above provisions applicable to projects that have a notice of preparation or a notice of intent to adopt a negative declaration/mit igated negative declaration circulated on or after July 1, 2015. AB 52 amends § 5097.94 and adds §§ 21073, 21074, 2108.3.1., 21080.3.2, 21082.3, 21083.09, 21084.2, and 21084.3 to the California PRC, relating to Native Americans. Based on the City’s prior experience with and written request from potentially interested Tribes, AB 52 Notices were sent to the following four (4) Tribes on October 8, 2020: • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians; • Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians; • Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians; and • Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:188 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 83 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians Cultural Resources Department recommended that an archaeological records search be conducted and asked that a copy of the results be provided to the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, both of which have been completed. In January 2021, the City met separately with the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians. On March 29, 2021, the City sent the Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment to both tribes. Neither tribe identified issues with the project site other than the need for standard conditions. Standard conditions were sent to the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians on May 11, 2021 and to the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians on April 19, 2021. The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians did not request formal consultation but did request the Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment and tribal monitoring. In addition, the standards conditions were sent to the tribe on April 15, 2021. On May 14, 2021, City staff received a formal letter from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians closing AB 52 consultation. In the letter, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians expressed their agreement with the standard conditions sent to them on April 15, 2021. Based on consultation with local tribes, Standard Conditions of Approval COA-CUL-1 through COA-CUL-8 would ensure that any impacts to potential tribal cultural resources would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: Overall, the project would not cause a substantial adverse change to a tribal cultural resource and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard with implementation of COA-CUL-1 through COA-CUL-8 as identified in Section V, above. XIX. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project: a) Require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded water, wastewater treatment, or storm water drainage, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects? b) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry, and multiple dry years? c) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project’s projected demand in addition to the provider’s existing commitments? d) Generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals? Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:189 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 84 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 e) Comply with federal, state, and local management and reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste? Sources: Menifee GP; Menifee GP Draft EIR; MCC; EMWD 2015 UWMP, and CalRecycle. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal LU-3: A full range of public utilities and related services that provide for the immediate and long- term needs of the community. Policy LU-3.1: Work with utility providers in the planning, designing, and siting of distribution and support facilities to comply with the standards of the General Plan and Development Code. Policy LU-3.2: Work with utility providers to increase service capacity as demand increases. Policy LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the City's Capital Improvement Program. Policy LU-3.4: Require that approval of new development be contingent upon the project's ability to secure appropriate infrastructure services. Policy LU-3.5: Facilitate the shared use of right-of-way, transmission corridors, and other appropriate measures to minimize the visual impact of utilities infrastructure throughout Menifee. Goal OSC-7: A reliable and safe water supply that effectively meets current and future user demands. Policy OSC-7.2: Encourage water conservation as a means of preserving water resources. Policy OSC-7.4: Encourage the use of reclaimed water for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, public landscaped areas, and other feasible applications as service becomes available from the Eastern Municipal Water District. Policy OSC-7.5: Utilize a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system that adequately serves the existing and long-term needs of the community. Policy OSC-7.7: Maintain and improve existing level of sewer service by improving infrastructure and repairing existing deficiencies. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XIX.a) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project could affect Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) treatment standards by increasing wastewater production such that expansion of existing facilities or construction of new facilities would be required. Exceeding the RWQCB treatment standards could result in contamination of surface or groundwater with pollutants such as pathogens and nitrates. New development in the City is required to install wastewater infrastructure concurrent with project development. Wastewater service within the City of Menifee is provided by Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD). Open drainage channels and underground storm drains larger than 36 inches diameter are operated and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCWCD); smaller underground storm drains are operated and maintained by the City of Menifee Public Works Department. EMWD provides wastewater treatment to the City of Menifee. Wastewater from most of Menifee – except the City’s north and south ends – is collected at the Sun City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF) and sent to the Perris Valley RWRF for treatment. EMWD owns and operates a network of sewer mains serving Menifee, ranging in diameter from under 10 inches in residential streets to 54 inches. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:190 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 85 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 All wastewater generated by the project’s interior plumbing system would be discharged into the local sewer system and conveyed for treatment at the Perris Valley RWRF. Wastewater flows would consist of typical mixed-use wastewater discharges and would not require new methods or equipment for treatment that are not currently permitted for the facility. The Perris Valley RWRF has a current capacity of treating 22 million gallons per day (mgd) and an ultimate capacity of 100 mgd.51 Wastewater flows associated with the proposed project would include the same kinds of substances typically generated by mixed-use developments and no modifications to any existing wastewater treatment systems or construction of any new ones would be needed to treat the project’s wastewater. EMWD anticipates that recycled water supplies will steadily grow from 43,000 acre -feet/year in 2015 to 55,300 acre-feet/year in 2035.52 The net increase in wastewater generation resulting from General Plan buildout is estimated as 100 percent of indoor residential water use plus 80 percent of commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) water use; the remaining 20 percent of CII water use is assumed to be landscape irrigation and to not enter sanitary sewers. The water demand factors used are EMWD 2020 target factors. Water use is forecast as gallons per capita per day. The net population increase due to General Plan buildout compared to the 2010 Census count is 81,423. The estimated net increase in wastewater generati on is about 5.6 mgd, as shown in Table 5.17-2 of the General Plan Draft EIR. The net increase in wastewater generation would be within that used by EMWD in planning ongoing and future RWRF expansions.53 Wastewater generated by the project would be within the Perris Valley RWRF’s treatment capacity and would thus have a less than significant impact on the Perris Valley RWRF’s ability to operate within its established wastewater treatment requirements, which are enforced via the facility’s NPDES permit authorized by the Santa Ana RWQCB. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact related to the Santa Ana RWQCB’s wastewater treatment requirements. Connections to local water and sewer mains would involve temporary and less than significant construction impacts that would occur in conjunction with other on-site improvements. No additional improvements are needed to either sewer lines or treatment facilities to serve the project. Standard connection fees would address any incremental project impacts. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant impact as a result of new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities. As discussed in Response IX.a, the project would not generate any increased runoff from the site that would require construction of new storm drainage facilities. All drainage would be directed to the onsite underground storage chambers. Curb and gutter improvements are also proposed along Bradley Road and Park Avenue. An NPDES permit would be required for the proposed project, and pursuant to MMC § 15.01.015, all construction projects shall apply (BMPs) to be contained in the project applicant’s submitted SWPPP. The proposed project would also be required to submit a WQMP in identifying post- construction BMPs that include drainage controls such as infiltration pits, detention ponds, bioswales, berms, rain gardens, and pervious pavement. Impacts would be less than significant, following compliance with the existing regulatory framework and implementation of BMPs. Utilities, including electrical, natural gas, and communications are required to be located underground in rights-of-way. The undergrounding of these utilities would not create or result in significant environmental effects. 51 EMWD. 2016. Perris Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility. https://www.emwd.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/pvrwrffactsheet.pdf?1537295012. Accessed March 2021. 52 City of Menifee. 2013. Menifee General Plan Draft EIR, Utilities and Service Systems. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1117/Ch-05-17-USS?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. 53 Ibid. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:191 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 86 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact XIX.b) Less Than Significant Impact. The EMWD provides water service to the City of Menifee. EMWD has three sources of water supply: imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), local groundwater, and recycled water. Approximately 75 percent of EMWD’s potable water demand is supplied by imported water from MWD through its Colorado River Aqueduct and connections to the State Water Project. EMWD forecasts that it would provide water for future growth in its service area through imported water from MWD. EMWD procures water from MWD that has been treated at MWD’s Skinner Filtration Plant in Winchester and Mills Filtration Plant in Riverside. In 2010 EMWD obtained 75,000 acre-feet (af ) of MWD water treated at MWD filtration plants before delivery, and 16,600 af of raw MWD water treated at EMWD water filtration plants. EMWD has two water filtration plants, one in Hemet and one in San Jacinto, with total existing capacity of 32 million gpd or approximately 35,840 acre-feet per year (afy). Approximately 25 percent of EMWD’s potable water demand is supplied by EMWD groundwater wells in the San Jacinto Groundwater Basin. EMWD’s estimated production of potable groundwater in 2010 was 18,800 af . EMWD’s production of desalinated groundwater in 2010 was 5,800 af . EMWD’s recycled water production in 2010 was 41,500 af. EMWD’s territory is divided into four subareas. The City of Menifee is in two service areas: the City is mainly in Sub-Area 41, but the southeast corner is in Sub-Area 43. Potable water sources for Sub-Area 41 are 1) Imported MWD water treated at MWD’s Mills Filtration Plant in the City of Riverside, 2) Imported MWD water treated at EMWD’s Perris Water Filtration Plant, 3) Local potable groundwater, and 4) Local groundwater treated at EMWD’s Menifee Desalter.54 The EMWD would supply water to the project site. EMWD’s 2015 UWMP Tables 7-4 through 7-9 indicate water supplies would meet water demands for normal, single-dry, and multiple dry-year conditions through 2040.55 According to the Menifee GP EIR, the projected net increase in water demands by General Plan buildout – approximately 15 mgd, or 16,800 afy - is within EMWD forecasts of increases in its water supplies over the 2015-2035 period. EMWD forecasts that its total water supplies would increase by 88,300 afy over that period. UWMP water demand forecasts are based on adopted General Plans.56 The project would not change the site’s land use designation and is consistent with the assumptions of the General Plan buildout, thus, would not increase water demands associated with the project site beyond what the UWMP assumed/planned. Thus, EMWD would have adequate water supplies from existing entitlements. Project impacts concerning water demand would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Further, EMWD provides conservation programs along with incentives to conserve water in the City. Although the EMWD service area population is expected to increase, the overall baseline potable demand in acre-feet per year (AFY) is expected to decrease due to further water use efficiency and recycled water programs. As part of the UWMP, EMWD was required to update its baseline and target per capita water use numbers in compliance with SBx7-7. The overall goal of SBx7-7 is to reach a 20 percent statewide reduction of per capita urban water use by 2020. EMWD established a 10-year baseline period from 1999 to 2008 with a baseline water usage of 197 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). The 2020 target was calculated using DWR’s Method 2, which uses an efficiency standard with targets for indoor use, landscape use, and commercial, industrial, and institutional use and an optional target for agricultural use. EMWD’s 2020 target was set at 176 GPCD.57 Based on the target GPCD and the project’s added employee population of approximately 290 persons, it is anticipated that the project would have an estimated water demand of 51,040 GPCD. There are adequate forecast water supplies in the region for the project, and no additional wate r supplies would be needed. Less than significant impacts would occur in this regard. 54 Ibid. 55 EMWD. 2016. Eastern Municipal Water District 2015 Urban Water Management Plan. https://www.emwd.org/sites/main/files/file- attachments/urbanwatermanagementplan_0.pdf?1537303453. Accessed March 2021. 56 City of Menifee. 2013. Menifee General Plan Draft EIR, Utilities and Service Systems. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/1117/Ch-05-17-USS?bidId=. Accessed March 2021. 57 EMWD. 2016. Urban Water Management Plan, page xiii. https://www.emwd.org/sites/main/files/file- attachments/urbanwatermanagementplan_0.pdf?1537303453. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:192 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 87 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact XIX.c) Less Than Significant Impact. Concerning wastewater facilities, as discussed in the preceding response, wastewater generated at the project site would be treated at the Perris Valley RWRF. The project is estimated to have a wastewater generation of approximately 10,847 gpd.58 This generation is well within the existing remaining Perris Valley RWRF’s treatment capacity. Impacts would be less than significant. Impact XIX.d-e) Less Than Significant Impact. Significant impacts could occur if the proposed project would exceed the existing permitted landfill capacity or violate federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. Solid waste from Menifee is collected by Waste Management, Inc. (WMI). The proposed project’s additional solid waste stream would have a less than significant impact on regional landfill capacity. The City of Menifee utilizes three landfills: Badlands Sanitary Landfill, El Sobrante Landfill, and Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill. Badlands Sanitary Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 4,800 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 34,400,000 cubic yards. The remaining capacity is 15,748,799 cubic yards and it is scheduled to cease operation in January 2022. 59 El Sobrante Sanitary Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 16,054 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 209,910,000 tons. The remaining capacity is 143,977,170 tons and it is scheduled to cease operation in January 2051.60 Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 5,000 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 38,935,653 cubic yards. The remaining capacity is 19,242,950 cubic yards and it is scheduled to cease operation in April 2029.61 Based on CalRecyle solid waste generation data (2.5 lb./1,000 sq. ft./day for commercial retail and 6.0 lb./1,000 sq. ft./day for office)62, the proposed project would generate approximately 76 tons of solid waste per year. There is adequate landfill capacity in the region to accommodate project -generated waste. Considering the availability of landfill capacity and the project’s relatively nominal amount of solid waste generation, project solid waste disposal needs can be adequately met without a significant impact on the nearest and optional, more distant, landfill capacities. Therefore, it is not expected that the proposed project would impact the City’s compliance with state-mandated (AB 939) waste diversion requirements. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XX. WILDFIRE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact If located in or near state responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones, would the project: a) Substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? b) Due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of wildfire? 58 Based on sewage generation factor of 80 GPD/1,000 Gr. Sq. Ft. for commercial use and retail area, and 150 GPD/1,000 Gr. Sq. Ft. for office building. Draft L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide, Exhibit M.2-12: Sewage Generation Rates. https://planning.lacity.org/eir/CrossroadsHwd/deir/files/references/A07.pdf. Accessed June 2021. 59 CalRecycle. 2019. Badlands Sanitary Landfill (33-AA-0006). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2245?siteID=2367. Accessed March 2021. 60 CalRecycle. 2019. El Sobrante Landfill (33-AA-0217). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2280?siteID=2402. Accessed March 2021. 61 CalRecycle. 2019. Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill (33-AA-0007). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2246?siteID=2368. Accessed March 2021. 62 CalRecycle. 2019. Estimated Solid Waste Generation Rates. https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/WasteCharacterization/General/Rates. Accessed March 2021. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:193 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 88 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 c) Require the installation or maintenance of associated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel, breaks, emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result in temporary or ongoing impacts the environment? d) Expose people or structures to significant risks, including downslope or downstream flooding or landslides, as a result of runoff, post-fire slope instability, or drainage changes? Sources: Menifee GP, Menifee GP Exhibit S-6, “High Fire Hazard Areas,” and Menifee GP Exhibit S-7, “Critical Facilities;” Menifee GP Draft EIR; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s (CAL FIRE) FHSZ Viewer. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-4: A community that has effective fire mitigation and response measures in place, and as a result is minimally impacted by wildland and structure fires. Policy S-4.1: Require fire-resistant building construction materials, the use of vegetation control methods, and other construction and fire prevention features to reduce the hazard of wildland fire. Policy S4.4: Review development proposals for impacts to fire facilities and compatibility with fire areas or mitigate. Goal S-5: A community that has reduced the potential for hazardous materials contamination. Policy S-5.2: Ensure that the fire department can continue to respond safely and effectively to a hazardous materials incident in the City, whether it is a spill at a permitted facility, or the result of an accident along a section of the freeway or railroads that extend across the City. Policy S-5.4: Ensure that all facilities that handle hazardous materials comply with federal and state laws pertaining to the management of hazardous wastes and materials. Policy S-5.5: Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to implement mitigation measures that reduce the risks associated with hazardous material production, storage, and disposal. Goal S-6: A City that responds and recovers in an effective and timely manner from natural disasters such as flooding, fire, and earthquakes, and as a result is not impacted by civil unrest that may occur following a natural disaster. Policy S-6.1: Continuously review, update, and implement emergency preparedness, response, and recovery plans that make the best use of the City- and county-specific emergency management resources available. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XX.a – XX b) Less Than Significant Impact. See Response IX.g Impact XX.c) Less Than Significant Impact. The project includes standard infrastructure, including roadways, utilities, and fire suppression systems. All of this infrastructure is designed to reduce the risk of fire. Following compliance with the established local and state regulatory framework discussed above, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk involving wildland fires and impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:194 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 89 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact XX.d) Less Than Significant Impact. Refer to Impact VII.a.ii-iv, and VII.c-d. Although the site elevation ranges from a low of approximately 1,423 feet above mean sea level (msl) at the northwest corner of the property and up to 1,432 feet msl in the southeast corner of the site, after grading, the project site would be a flat area. As shown on the Landslides Map, Exhibit S-3, the project is not located in a landslide prone zone or in an unstable soil area. As such, the potential for slope failure and landslides in the event of a fire would be negligible. Following site grading, major slopes and retaining walls are not expected. As such, risks associated with slope instability are considered "low." Therefore, impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required XXI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. As discussed throughout the analyses contained in this Initial Study, the project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment or result in significant impacts to the environment that cannot be reduced to less than significant following compliance with the established regulatory framework (i.e., local, state, and federal regulations), project conditions of approval, and the recommended mitigation measures. As concluded in Section IV, the project would not reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self -sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, or reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal following compliance with the recommended mitigation measures. As concluded in Section V, the project would not eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. The City hereby finds that impacts concerning degradation of the environment and biological and cultural resources would be less than significant with mitigation and COAs incorporated. b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed project would result in significant impacts unless mitigated for the following environmental issues: air quality, biological resources, GHG emissions, and transportation. A Mitigation Program has been prepared for Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:195 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 90 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 each of these environmental issue areas to reduce impacts to less than significant. City standard conditions of approval would also be imposed upon the project. Other development projects within the City would also be subject to these requirements, as appropriate. All other project impacts were determined either to have no impact or to be less than significant following compliance with the established regulatory framework, without the need for mitigation. Cu mulatively, the proposed project would not result in any significant impacts that would substantially combine with impacts of other current or probable future impacts. Therefore, the project, in conjunction with other future projects, would not result in any cumulatively considerable impacts and no mitigation is required. Therefore, the City hereby finds that the project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. Based on the analysis of the project’s impacts in the responses to items I thru XVII above, there is no indication that the project would result in substantial adverse effects on human beings. While there would be a variety of temporary adverse construction-related effects (e.g., air quality and noise), these would be less than significant or would be reduced to less than significant levels through mitigation. Long-term effects include increased vehicular traffic and traffic-related noise. The analysis herein concludes that direct and indirect environmental effects would at worst require mitigation to reduce impacts to less than significant. Generally, the project’s environmental effects would be less than significant. Based on the analysis in this Initial Study, the City finds that direct and indirect impacts to human beings would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. XIX. REFERENCES CAL FIRE. 2021. FRAP FHSZ Viewer. https://egis.fire.ca.gov/FHSZ/. California Department of Conservation. 2016. California Important Farmland Finder. https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/CIFF/. California Department of Conservation. 2016. Mines Online. https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/mol/index.html. California Department of Finance. 2020. E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, County, and the State, January 2011-2020, with 2010 Benchmark. Available at http://dof.ca.gov/Forecasting/Demographics/Estimates/E-5/. California Department of Water Resources. 2021. Dam Breach Inundation Web Publisher. https://fmds.water.ca.gov/webgis/?appid=dam_prototype_v2. California Water Boards. ND. Region 8 Hydrologic Areas. https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/water_issues/programs/stormwater/docs/sbpermit/forms/r egion8_hydrologic_areas.pdf. CalRecycle. 2019. Badlands Sanitary Landfill (33-AA-0006). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2245?siteID=2367 . Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:196 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 91 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 CalRecycle. 2019. El Sobrante Landfill (33-AA-0217). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2280?siteID=2402. CalRecycle. 2019. Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill (33-AA-0007). https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/SolidWaste/SiteActivity/Details/2246?siteID=2368. CalRecycle. 2019. Estimated Solid Waste Generation Rates. https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/WasteCharacterization/General/Rates. City of Menifee. 2013. Menifee General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/262/Environmental-Impact-Report. City of Menifee. 2013. Menifee General Plan. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/221/General-Plan. City of Menifee. 2020. General Plan Land Use Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11043/General-Plan--Land-Use-Map---March- 2020. City of Menifee. 2020. Zoning Map. https://www.cityofmenifee.us/DocumentCenter/View/11042/Zoning- Map---April-2020. City of Menifee. 2021. Comprehensive Development Code. http://online.encodeplus.com/regs/menifee- ca/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-1344. City of Los Angeles. 2006. L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide. https://planning.lacity.org/eir/CrossroadsHwd/deir/files/references/A07.pdf. Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) EnviroStor. 2021. Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List. Available at: https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/map/?myaddress=menifee. DTSC. 2021. DTSC’s Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List – Site Cleanup (Cortese List). https://dtsc.ca.gov/dtscs-cortese-list/. Derrigo Studies. 2021. City of Menifee Demographic Marketing Report. https://13xrl43fkrpl49g75u4bh1cl- wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021DerrgioStudyMenifee.pdf. Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. 2020. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of Undeveloped Property, Assessor’s Parcel Number 336-180-028, Menifee, California 92584. Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc. 2020. Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, located on the Northwestern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California. EMWD. 2016. Eastern Municipal Water District 2015 Urban Water Management Plan. https://www.emwd.org/sites/main/files/file- attachments/urbanwatermanagementplan_0.pdf?1537303453. EMWD. 2016. Perris Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility. https://www.emwd.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/pvrwrffactsheet.pdf?1537295012. Historic Aerials. 2021. https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:197 Planning Application No. PLN 20-0273 Page 92 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. 2020. Who is Moving and Why? Seven Questions about Residential Mobility. https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/blog/who-is-moving-and-why-seven- questions-about-residential-mobility. Keller, Jean A. Ph.D. 2021. A Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment of Plot Plan PLN20-0273. Personal communication. 2021. Telephone conversation with Menifee Police Captain David A. Gutierrez, March 23, 2021. Personal communication. 2021. Email conversation with Menifee Police Captain David A. Gutierrez, April 20, 2021. Riverside County. 2016. Figure S-8 Wind Erosion Susceptibility Map. https://planning.rctlma.org/Portals/0/genplan/content/gp/chapter06.html#List_1_8. Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. 2021. Current Compatibility Plans. http://www.rcaluc.org/Plans/New-Compatibility-Plan. Riverside County Fire Department. 2017. Riverside County Fire Department in Cooperation with CAL Fire. 2017 Annual Report. Available at http://www.rvcfire.org/ourDepartment/PIOEducation/Documents/2017%20AR.pdf. SCAG. 2020. Connect SoCal Demographics and Growth Forecast Technical Report. https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file-attachments/0903fconnectsocal_demographics-and-growth- forecast.pdf?1606001579. State Water Resources Control Board. 2021. GeoTracker. https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/map/?CMD=runreport&myaddress=Menifee. TeraCor Resource Management. 2020. MSHCP Consistency Analysis and Rare Plant Report for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee . TeraCor Resource Management. 2020. Step II, Part B Focused Burrowing Owl Survey Results for an 8.8 Acre Lot Located at the Northeast Corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road, City of Menifee . Urban Crossroads. 2020. Menifee Crossroads Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Analysis. Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Air Quality Impact Analysis. Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Greenhouse Gas Analysis. Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Noise Impact Analysis. Urban Crossroads. 2021. Menifee Crossroads Traffic Study. Valued Engineering, Inc. 2021. Preliminary Hydrology Study. Valued Engineering, Inc. 2021. Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:198 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT “1” “Crossroads” – Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211, & Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring Air Quality (Section III) MM AQ-1: All actively graded (disturbed) areas within the project site during site preparation and grading activities shall be watered at 2.1‐hour watering intervals (e.g., 4 times per day) or a movable sprinkler system shall be in place to ensure minimum soil moisture of 12 percent in maintained for actively graded areas. Moisture content can be verified with use of a moisture probe by the grading contractor. Prior to issuance of grading permits Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Applicant shall submit legally binding contract with the Project Contractor or these measures may be listed as notes on the grading plans. Air Quality (Section III) MM AQ-2: Prior to issuance grading permits, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that all heavy construction equipment used during the grading and site preparation phases are powered by EPA or CARB certified Tier III equivalent engines. Prior to issuance of grading permits Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Applicant shall submit legally binding contract with the Project Contractor or these measures may be listed as notes on the grading plans. Biological Resources (Section IV) MM BIO-1:The Project Developer shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a 30-day pre-construction survey for Burrowing Owl. The results of the single one-day survey would be submitted to the City prior to obtaining a grading permit. If Burrowing Owl are not detected during the pre-construction survey, no further mitigation is required. If Burrowing Owl are detected during the pre-construction survey, the Project applicant and a qualified consulting biologist will be required to prepare and submit for approval a Burrowing Owl relocation program. Prior to issuance of grading permits Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Submittal and approval of preconstruction surveys Biological Resources (Section IV) MM BIO-2:Prior to vegetation clearance, the Project applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a pre- construction nesting bird survey in accordance with the following: a. The final walkover survey shall be conducted no more than three (3) days prior to the initiation of clearance/construction work; b. If pre-construction surveys indicate that bird nests are not present or are inactive, or if potential habitat is unoccupied, no further mitigation is required; c. If active nesting birds are found during the surveys, a Prior to issuance of grading permits Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Submittal and approval of preconstruction surveys Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:199 Page 2 of 2 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring species-specific no-disturbance buffer zone shall be established by a qualified biologist around active nests until a qualified biologist determines that all young have fledged (i.e., no longer reliant upon the nest). d. It is recommended that close coordination between the developer of the site, the City of Menifee, the project engineer, and the consulting qualified biologist to consider vegetation clearance outside of the normal bird nesting season (usually February 15 – September 15) to avoid impacts to nesting birds which would potentially violate the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It should be noted that bird nesting season is increasingly less- definitive for some year-round resident species such as hummingbirds and raptors. Further, ground-dwelling birds such as burrowing owls, can be affected nearly any time of the year if present. It is therefore advisable to conduct a preconstruction bird survey no matter the time of year. e. Removal of vegetation necessitates installation of appropriate Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan “SWPPP” measures, particularly if development subsequent to grading is not undertaken immediately, therefore careful timing of the project schedule and implementation measures is necessary to avoid water quality impacts. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Section VIII) MM GHG-1: Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the project applicant shall purchase a minimum of 22,234.13 MTCO2e credits (741.14 MTCO2e per year for 30 years). The purchase of carbon credits must be made from a CARB‐approved carbon registry with independent third‐party verification. Examples of approved registries include the American Carbon Registry, Climate Action Reserve, and Verra. The applicant shall submit documentation of the offset purchase to the City demonstrating that it mitigates a minimum of 741.14 MTCO2e per year (22,234.13 MTCO2e over a 30‐year period), prior to the issuance of building occupancy. Alternatively, the project applicant may submit a GHG reduction plan to the City for approval that achieves an equal level of GHG reduction outlined herein. The GHG plan must include enforceable actions that reduce GHG emissions to at or below the total mitigated values presented herein. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Submittal of documentation of the offset purchase Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and Necessity No.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:200 RESOLUTION NO. PC21- _____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. PLN 20-0273 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF AN OFFICE/RETAIL COMMERCIAL CENTER WITH A MASTER SIGN PROGRAM LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT ROAD AND BRADLEY ROAD WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 for the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. WHEREAS, June 16, 2021, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits (Type 21 License) for off-premises consumption at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer) located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of a Master Sign Program; and, WHEREAS, on August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 1,000 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following Findings: Section 1: Consistency with the General Plan. The Plot Plan is consistent with the adopted General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Consistency with General Plan Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:201 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 The project site is designated Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Subarea according to the City of Menifee General Plan. The project site is not located within any Specific Plan. The intent of this designation is to create a dynamic east-west corridor by adding neighborhood-oriented commercial uses to support residential development and grow the City’s tax base. Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, general retail, professional offices, restaurants, and grocery stores are permitted uses. Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 is proposed alongside this Plot Plan and proposes to allow for the drive-thru at Shops 2. The Project and the properties situated to the north, east, and some of the properties to the west of the project site share the same General Plan designation (i.e., EDC-NR). Other properties to the west are designated Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and contain an existing place of worship. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan and are designated for commercial uses. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the Zoning and General Plan land use designations of these surrounding properties. The provision of this commercial use is important not only for convenience, but also to satisfy commercial needs of the future population of the region. The Project provides services and goods designated to serving patrons within the vicinity of the Project site as well as those from surrounding communities. Newport Road and Bradley Road are both major commercial corridors within the City and Interstate 215 is located in relatively close proximity to the east. In addition, the Project is consistent with the following City of Menifee General Plan policies: Project Design CD-3.5 Design parking lots and structures to be functionally and visually integrated and connected; off-street parking lots should not dominate the street scene. Perimeter landscaping have been provided to visually screen the parking lot, drive aisles, and this drive thru from surrounding roadways along both Newport Road and Bradley Road. CD-3.9 Utilize Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques and defensible space design concepts to enhance community safety. The Project is required to include security cameras at the entrances as well as within the property and the site has been designed to limit concealed areas to allow for greater visibility and security. Building Design Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:202 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 CD-3.10 Employ design strategies and building materials that evoke a sense of quality and permanence. The Project includes quality architectural features, such as stone and brick veneers, horizontal fiber cement siding, canopies, architectural trim, landscape trellises, distinct roof elements, decorative light fixture, and tower elements. In addition, the varied color palette creates a warm environment and ranges from pure whites to deeper charcoals, which will complement the more modern architectural elements of the project. CD-3.14 Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and architectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. The architecture of the Project incorporates varied colors, recesses, material changes, varied roof lines, wall plane changes, accent materials, and other architectural treatments that break up wall areas to avoid any long expanses of blank, monotonous walls. Enhanced Landscape Corridors CD-4.2 Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. The Project will provide sidewalks on Park Avenue and Bradley Road, which are currently absent. The sidewalk on Newport Road is already existing. The project will also provide parkway, street trees, and street lighting on its adjacent roadways and a Class II bike lane on Bradley Road and Newport Road. Lighting CD-6.4 Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. The applicant is proposing decorative down-shielded building mounted lighting, as well as decorative down-shielded free-standing lighting. CD-6.5 Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. The Project has been conditioned for all lighting fixtures to comply with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which will have the effect of limiting leakage and spillage of light. All lighting is to be down-shielded as described above. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:203 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 Policies ED-2.1 Promote retail development by locating needed goods and services in proximity to where residents live to improve quality of life, retain taxable spending by Menifee residents and attract residents from outside the City to shop in Menifee. o Locate businesses providing convenience goods and services in retail centers that are on arterials adjacent to neighborhoods and communities throughout the City but not in rural residential areas. o Encourage comparison goods businesses to locate in larger retail centers located on major arterials near freeway interchanges, because businesses that provide comparison goods tend to draw customers from larger areas. The Project would provide additional retail options and greater convenience to residential and commercial uses in the Project vicinity. The Project locates these retail goods and services along a major east/west and north-south commercial corridor (Newport Road and Bradley Road, respectively). The Project and the properties situated to the north, east, and some of the properties to the west of the project site share the same General Plan designation (i.e., EDC-NR). Other properties to the west are designated Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and contain an existing place of worship. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan and are designated for commercial uses. The Project is compatible with the surrounding uses and augments and supports the land uses in the vicinity of the Project. Consistency with Multiple Specie Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City’s boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan (SKR-HCP). The subject site is within the jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The Project site is located inside the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) (SKR) Fee Area. The Project is located within the boundaries of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however, the Project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group. The Project will be subject to the payment of fees for a commercial project consistent with City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 8.27. Therefore, the Project will not conflict with the provisions of the adopted HCP, Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant. Section 2:Consistency with the Zoning Code. The Plot Plan meets all applicable standards for development and provisions of the Zoning Code: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:204 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 The Project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR). Surrounding zoning classifications include EDC-NR to the north, east, and west. Properties zoned Public/Quasi Public Facilities are also located to the west. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan. These zoning classifications are all compatible with the zoning for the Project site. The proposed retail center requires the processing of a plot plan, as well as a conditional use permit to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. As such, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 is being processed concurrently with Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 application for the retail/office commercial center. The alcohol sales does not require processing of a Conditional Use Permit, but is rather a “permitted use”, because Major A is a grocery store and is in excess of 20,000 square feet. All other uses proposed within the project (e.g., sit-down and quick-serve restaurants, offices, grocery store, and general retail) are permitted uses. As stated in the City’s Development Code (Section 9.140.020), the EDC- NR zone is intended to provide neighborhood-oriented commercial uses that support the adjacent residential development to the north and south. Business park, office, or residential uses are envisioned along Bradley Road, to provide a buffer the commercial corridor and a logical transition to the adjacent single-family residential neighborhoods to the north. The project proposes a neighborhood-oriented commercial center which would support the adjacent residential developments. It also includes office uses within the northerly portion of the project which would in fact act as a transition to the adjacent single-family residential neighborhoods to the northeast. The project was reviewed against the City’s Development Code. The design of the Project is consistent with the development standard of the Development Code. Therefore, the proposed design and location of the conditional use meets all applicable standards of development and operation of the City’s Zoning Code, including any applicable specific use regulations. Section 3: Surrounding Uses. The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the proposed Project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use or to the general welfare of the City. The Project site is located at the northeast corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road. Uses surrounding the project site include a mini-storage facility (Right Space Storage) to the east, a CVS pharmacy and vacant land to the south, a commercial retail center similar to the proposed center (Newport Plaza), vacant land and the Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church to the west, and another commercial retail center similar to the proposed center (Bradley Business Center) to the north. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:205 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 The Project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications and is adequately sized, shaped, designed and located to accommodate the proposed uses. As noted above in Sections 1 and 2, the Project includes uses that are compatible and serve surroundings residents and businesses. The Project will provide a specialty grocer, office, restaurant, and retail options, in addition to the proposed drive-thru, along the Newport Road and Bradley Road corridors. The Project incorporates quality architecture and landscaping which will enhance the area. The Project has been reviewed by a variety of Departments to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, including, but not limited to City of Menifee Building and Safety, Engineering and Public Works, Riverside County Fire, and Riverside County Environmental Health. These Departments have also provided conditions of approval as appropriate to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Environmental impacts resulting from the project have been analyzed in an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). The IS/MND for the project determined that impacts would all be less than significant and impacts related to air quality, biological resources, greenhouse gas emission and transportation would be less than significant with the incorporation of the required mitigation measures. Therefore, the project would not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. Section 4: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. An IS/MND has been completed for the project and adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution PC 21-____. The Plot Plan at issue is consistent with the MND, which the Planning Commission has considered as part of its proceedings. No new environmental impacts have been identified and no further environmental review is required for this project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) was prepared and identifies all mitigation measures that will be required for the project. Major Master Sign Program Findings: Section 5: The design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping with the architectural character of the development. The proposed master sign program includes regulations for tenant signage including free-standing signs and wall signs affixed to a building. The proposed free-standing signs have been designed to incorporate Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:206 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 modern elements which can be found through the project on the proposed buildings. The proposed signage will be consistent with the proposed architectural theme. Future proposed tenant wall signs will be reviewed by City staff for consistency with City regulations, the master sign program and the overall architecture of the center. Therefore, the design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping with the architectural character of the development. Section 6: The design, location, and scale of proposed signs will not adversely affect the interests of the public or the interests of residents and property owners in the vicinity of the project. As previously mentioned, the proposed free-standing signs have been designed in a manner that is consistent with the architectural theme used throughout the development. The proposed location and scale of the freestanding signs were reviewed by City staff to ensure line of sight issues or other conflicts would not occur. The proposed free-standing signs would enhance the overall development and would aid in identifying the center to the public. Therefore, the design, location, and scale of the proposed free-standing signs will not adversely affect the interests of the public or the interests of residents and property owners in the vicinity of the project. Section 7: The proposed signs are consistent with the purposes of the General Plan or any applicable specific plan or development agreement. As mentioned in Section No. 1, above, the General Plan land use designation of the site is Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR). The proposed master sign program is for a proposed commercial development which includes regulations for free-standing signage as well as wall mounted signage for the center. The proposed program was reviewed against the City’s General Plan and Zoning code and was found to be consistent with all standards and regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby makes the following findings 1. That the Findings set out above are true and correct. 2. That the facts presented within the public record and within this resolution provide a basis to approve Plot Plan No. PLN 21-0273 subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Exhibit “1” of this Resolution. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:207 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 August 25, 2021 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 25th day of August 2021 _________________________ Benjamin Diederich, Chairman Attest: ___________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:208 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 1 of 71 EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 (“Crossroads”) Project Description: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 proposes the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. The office/retail commercial buildings consist of the following: Major ‘A’ – 37,400 sq. ft. (specialty grocer) Shops 1 – 8,200 sq. ft. Shops 2 – 8,500 sq. ft. with drive-thru Office/Retail – 7,750 sq. ft. Office 2 – 36,924 sq. ft. Pad A – 4,500 sq. ft. (restaurant) The project also includes a master sign program for the project site which contains general specifications for wall sign illumination, materials, heights, sign area, number of signs allowed, and general locations for all signs. The master sign program also includes the following free- standing sign: One (1) 22.9 sq. ft. center identification sign Two (2) 70.9 sq. ft. (two-sided) monument signs One (1) 43.2 sq. ft. (two-sided) monument sign One (1) 25 sq. ft. monument sign The project proposes 404 onsite vehicle parking space. Assessor's Parcel No.:336-180-013 and -028 MSHCP Category:Commercial Retail DIF Category:Commercial Retail (office building is Service Commercial) SKR Category:Discretionary permit on greater than ½ (0.5 acres) TUMF Category:Commercial Retail (subject to WRCOG) Quimby Category:Not Applicable Approval Date:August 25, 2021 Expiration Date:August 25, 2024 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:209 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 2 of 71 Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1.Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. 2.Filing Notice of Determination (ND/MND). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($2,530.25) which includes the Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cent ($2,480.25) fee, required by Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(d)(3) plus the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination (ND) for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration (MND) required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. Per Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(c)(3), a project shall not be operative, vested or final and local government permits for the project shall not be valid until the filling fees required are paid. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:210 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 3 of 71 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Section III: Engineering/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval Section IV: Building and Safety Department Conditions of Approval Section V: Fire Department Conditions of Approval Section VI: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:211 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 4 of 71 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:212 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 5 of 71 General Conditions 3.Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 shall be henceforth defined as follows: Permittee, Applicant, Project Permittee(s), Project Developer(s) shall all mean the permittee of this project. APPROVED EXHIBIT A = Site Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT B = Elevations of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT C = Floor Plans for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT G = Grading Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT L = Conceptual Landscaping for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 6, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT S = Master Sign Program for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated June 29, 2021 4.Ninety (90) Days to Protest. The project developer has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of this approval or conditional approval of this project. 5.Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The developer shall comply with the mitigation monitoring and reporting program (“MMRP”) which is incorporated by reference as part of these conditions of approval. 6.City of Menifee. The City of Menifee is a new City incorporated on October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances, regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City may identify and fund mitigation measures under CEQA through development impact fees. Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for the costs of providing planning services when development entitlement applications are submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of such services, and development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the development proposed on public improvements. To the extent that Menifee may develop future financing districts to cover the costs of maintenance of improvements constructed by development, Developer agrees to petition for Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:213 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 6 of 71 formation of, annexation to or inclusion in any such financing district and to pay the cost of such formation, annexation or inclusion. The developer acknowledges it is on notice of the current development fees and understands that such fees will apply at the levels in effect at the time the fee condition must be met as specified herein. 7.Causes for Revocation. In the event the use hereby permitted under this permit, a) is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions of this permit, b) is found to have been obtained by fraud or perjured testimony, or c) is found to be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or is a public nuisance, this permit shall be subject to the revocation procedures. 8.Business Registration. Every person conducting a business within the City of Menifee, as defined in Menifee Municipal Code, Chapter 5.01, shall obtain a business license. For more information regarding business registration, contact the City Clerk. 9.Expiration Date. This approval shall be used within three (3) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within a three-(3)-year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion or to the actual occupancy of existing buildings or land under the terms of the authorized use. Prior to the expiration of the three-(3)-year period, the permittee may request up to a three-(3)-year extension of time in which to begin substantial construction or use of this permit. Should the three-(3)-year extension be obtained and no substantial construction or use of this permit be initiated within six (6) years of the approval date this permit, shall become null and void. 10.Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:214 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 7 of 71 Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:215 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 8 of 71 General Conditions 11.Comply with Ordinances. The development of these premises shall comply with the standards City of the Menifee Municipal Code and all other applicable ordinances and State and Federal codes and regulations. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A, B, C, G, L, and S unless otherwise amended by these conditions of approval. 12.Outside Lighting. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way and so as to prevent either the spillage of lumens or reflection into the sky. 13.Colors and Materials. Building colors and materials shall be in substantial conformance with those shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B. 14.Parking. Pursuant on the City of Menifee Development Code, parking for the general retail and the professional offices is calculated based on a parking ratio of 3 spaces/1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Therefore, the minimum number of required parking spaces for the proposed project is 310. There are a total of 310 parking spaces required and 404 parking spaces are provided, including twenty-one (21) parking spaces for persons with disabilities. Area Square footage Parking Ratio Parking Required Parking Provided General retail 58,600 3 spaces/ 1,000 sq. ft.176 General retail/professional offices 7,750 3 spaces/ 1,000 sq. ft.23 Professional offices 36,924 3 spaces/ 1,000 sq. ft.111 404 A minimum of 404 parking spaces (in addition to the loading space) shall be provided as shown on the APPROVED EXHIBIT A, unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Department and/or Planning Commission. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete, concrete, or porous paving, to current standards as approved by the Department of Building and Safety. ADA Parking Spaces: A minimum of twenty-one (21) accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities shall be provided consistent with ADA requirements and as Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:216 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 9 of 71 approved by the City of Menifee Building and Safety Department. The location of ADA parking and paths of travel will be finalized on the final site plan of the proposed project. Each parking space reserved for persons with disabilities shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than seventy (70) square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height of eighty (80) inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than seventeen (17) inches by twenty-two (22) inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at ___ or by telephoning ___." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking space shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least three (3) square feet in size. Bicycle Racks: Bicycle racks or lockers with a minimum of twelve (12) spaces (310 required vehicular parking spaces / 25 racks per space = 4.64 racks) shall be provided as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. The bicycle racks shall be shown on project landscaping and improvement plans submitted for Community Development Department approval, and shall be installed in accordance with those plans. Bicycle rack designs that employ a theme are highly encouraged. 15.Loading Areas. Loading and/or unloading of goods/supplies shall occur in designated loading areas as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A only. No loading or unloading is allowed in front of the stores or within drive aisles. Loading areas shall be kept free of debris and clean throughout the life of this plot plan. 16.Signs. A master sign program has been approved with this application. All signs shall be consistent with the approved master sign program, APPROVED EXHIBIT S. Building permits for all signage shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department to confirm conformance with the approved sign program 17.Phases. Construction of this project may be done progressively in phases provided a phasing plan is submitted with appropriate fees to the Community Development Department and approved prior to issuance of any Building Permits. 18.Land Division Required. Prior to the sale of any individual structure as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A, a land division shall be recorded in Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:217 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 10 of 71 accordance with City of Menifee Title 7 (Subdivision Ordinance), and any other pertinent ordinance. This condition may be satisfied through the finalization and recording of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275. 19.No Outdoor Advertising. No outdoor advertising display, sign or billboard (not including on-site advertising or directional signs) shall be constructed or maintained within the property subject to this approval. 20.Reclaimed Water. The permit holder shall install purple pipes and connect to a reclaimed water supply for landscape watering purposes when secondary or reclaimed water is made available to the site. 21.No Permanent Occupancy. No permanent occupancy shall be permitted within the property approved under this plot plan as a principal place of residence. No person shall be entitled to vote using an address within the premises as a place of residence. 22.Exterior Noise Levels. Facility-related noise, as projected to any portion of any surrounding property containing a "sensitive receiver, habitable dwelling, hospital, school, library or nursing home", must not exceed the following worst-case noise levels 45 dB(A) - 10-minute noise equivalent level ("leq"), between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (nighttime standard) and 65 dB (A) - 10-minute leq, between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p. m. (daytime standard). 23.Electrical Hook-ups. Electrical hook-ups for refrigerated trailers shall be provided. The intent of this condition is to provide electrical hook-ups for refrigerated trailers that will be parked at the facility for more than fifteen (15) minutes. The use of truck engines or auxiliary power units to power refrigerated trailers for extended periods of time is not allowed. 24.No Idling. To reduce diesel truck emissions, the project has been conditioned to install signs in loading areas stating “The driver of a diesel- fueled motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 10,000 pounds is prohibited from idling the vehicle's primary engine for more than five (5) minutes at any location and may not operate a diesel fueled auxiliary power system (APS) for more than five (5) minutes at any location within 100 feet of a restricted area (residences). Electrical connections have been provided for your use. The minimum penalty for an idling violation is $300.00. To report a violation please contact 1800-END-SMOG". 25.No Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage is allowed within the site. No storage lockers, sheds, metal container bins or metal shipping containers will be allowed to be kept onsite unless stored within the approved buildings. 26.Recreational Vehicle Parking. No overnight recreational vehicle parking or camping will be allowed within the site. 27.Rules for Construction Activities. The permittee shall comply with all SCAQMD established minimum requirements for construction activities to reduce fugitive dust and PM10 emissions. Current requirements include, but may not be limited to: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:218 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 11 of 71 Any construction equipment using direct internal combustion engines shall use diesel fuel with a maximum of 0.05 percent sulfur and a four- degree retard. Construction operations affecting off-site roadways shall be scheduled by implementing traffic hours and shall minimize obstruction of through traffic lanes. On-site heavy equipment used during construction shall be equipped with diesel particulate filters unless it is demonstrated that such equipment is not available, or its use is not cost-competitive. 28.SCAQMD Rule 402. The project will comply with existing SCAQMD Rule 402 which prohibits a person from discharging any source quantities of air contaminants or other material which cause injury, nuisance, or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public. 29.Completion of Conditions Prior to Operations. Pursuant to City of Menifee Municipal Code, the proposed uses approved under Plot Plan No. PLN 20- 0273 and Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 shall be not be established or operated until all required conditions (e.g., road pavement, landscaping installation, building improvements, etc.) of this Plot Plan have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. Archeological and Paleontological Resources 30.Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 31.Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:219 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 12 of 71 32.Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). a. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. b. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. c. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area and will be monitored by additional Tribal monitors if needed. d. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. e. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” 33.Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:220 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 13 of 71 a. One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. 34.Inadvertent Paleontological Find. In the event that fossils or fossil-bearing deposits are discovered during construction, excavations within fifty (50) feet of the find shall be temporarily halted or diverted. The contractor shall notify a qualified paleontologist to examine the discovery. The paleontologist shall document the discovery as needed in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, evaluate the potential resource, and assess the significance of the find under the criteria set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. The paleontologist shall notify the Community Development Department to determine procedures that would be followed before construction is allowed to resume at the location of the find. If in consultation with the paleontologist, the Project proponent determines that avoidance is not feasible, the paleontologist shall prepare an excavation plan for mitigating the effect of the Project on the qualities that make the resource important. The plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:221 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 14 of 71 review and approval and the Project proponent shall implement the approval plan. Landscaping 35.Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Community Development Department and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 36.Landscape Plans. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, and the appropriate maintenance authority. 37.Viable Landscaping. All plant materials within landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition and free of weeds and debris throughout the life of this plot plan. To ensure that this occurs, the Community Development Department shall require inspections prior to final inspection and six (6) months and twelve (12) months after the final inspection. 38.Maintenance of Parks and Landscaping. All landscaping and similar improvements not properly maintained by a property owners association, individual property owners, or the common area maintenance director must be annexed into a Lighting and Landscape District, or other mechanism as determined by the City of Menifee. Fees 39.Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan, elevations, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study), or any successor thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit 40.Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director or review and approval demonstrating compliance with the standard conditions of approval and mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for this project which must be satisfied prior to issuance of grading permits. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:222 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 15 of 71 41.Rough and Precise Grading Plan Review. The Community Development Department shall review the rough and precise grading plans for consistency with the approved site plan and conceptual grading plan (Approved Exhibit A and G) and the conditions of approval. 42.Fugitive Dust Control. The project developer shall implement fugitive dust control measures in accordance with Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403. The project developer shall include in construction contracts the control measures required under Rule 403 at the time of development, including the following: a. Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or break-up of pavement. The construction area and vicinity (500-foot radius) must be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least twice daily. Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10 percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving activities. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50%. b. Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three times daily; c. All paved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two hours of active operations; d. Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty minutes of visible dirt deposition; e. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging areas; f. Onsite stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be covered or watered at least twice daily; g. Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders; h. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard; i. All inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind driven fugitive dust; j. Install wind breaks at the windward sides of construction areas; k. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed 25 mph; Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:223 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 16 of 71 l. Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 15 miles per hour over a 30-minute period or more, so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust; m. All haul trucks must have a capacity of not less than twelve and three- quarter (12.75) cubic yards; n. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust; o. Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15 miles per hour; p. Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the site; q. Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; r. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust; s. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage smog alerts; and, t. An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone number to call and receive information about the construction project or to report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any reasonable complaints shall be rectified within 24 hours of their receipt. 43.AQMD Rule 402. The project developer shall implement the following measures to reduce the emissions of pollutants generated by heavy-duty diesel-powered equipment operating at the project site throughout the project construction phases. The project developer shall include in construction contracts the control measures as may be required under Rule 402, at the time of development, including the following: a. Keep all construction equipment in proper tune in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. b. Use late model heavy-duty diesel-powered equipment at the project site to the extent that it is readily available in the South Coast Air Basin (meaning that it does not have to be imported from another air basin and that the procurement of the equipment would not cause a delay in construction activities of more than two weeks). c. Use low-emission diesel fuel for all heavy-duty diesel-powered equipment operating and refueling at the project site to the extent that it is readily available and cost effective in the South Coast Air Basin (meaning that it does not have to be imported from another air basin, that the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:224 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 17 of 71 procurement of the equipment would not cause a delay in construction activities of more than two weeks, that the cost of the equipment use is not more than 20 percent greater than the cost of standard equipment (This measure does not apply to diesel-powered trucks traveling to and from the site). d. Utilize alternative fuel construction equipment (i.e., compressed natural gas, liquid petroleum gas), if equipment is readily available and cost effective in the South Coast Air Basin (meaning that it does not have to be imported from another air basin, that the procurement of the equipment would not cause a delay in construction activities of more than two weeks, that the cost of the equipment use is not more than 20 percent greater than the cost of standard equipment). e. Limit truck and equipment idling time to five minutes or less. f. Rely on the electricity infrastructure surrounding the construction sites rather than electrical generators powered by internal combustion engines to the extent feasible. g. General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. Biological Resources 44.Burrowing Owl Pre-Construction Survey. The Project Developer shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a 30-day pre-construction survey for Burrowing Owl. The results of the single one-day survey would be submitted to the City prior to obtaining a grading permit. If Burrowing Owl are not detected during the pre-construction survey, no further mitigation is required. If Burrowing Owl are detected during the pre-construction survey, the Project applicant and a qualified consulting biologist will be required to prepare and submit for approval a Burrowing Owl relocation program. 45.Nesting Bird Pre-Construction Survey. Prior to vegetation clearance, the Project applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a pre- construction nesting bird survey in accordance with the following: a) The final walkover survey shall be conducted no more than three (3) days prior to the initiation of clearance/construction work; b) If pre-construction surveys indicate that bird nests are not present or are inactive, or if potential habitat is unoccupied, no further mitigation is required; c) If active nesting birds are found during the surveys, a species-specific no- disturbance buffer zone shall be established by a qualified biologist around active nests until a qualified biologist determines that all young have fledged (i.e., no longer reliant upon the nest). d) It is recommended that close coordination between the developer of the site, the City of Menifee, the project engineer, and the consulting qualified biologist to consider vegetation clearance outside of the normal bird nesting season (usually February 15 – September 15) to avoid impacts to Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:225 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 18 of 71 nesting birds which would potentially violate the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It should be noted that bird nesting season is increasingly less-definitive for some year-round resident species such as hummingbirds and raptors. Further, ground-dwelling birds such as burrowing owls, can be affected nearly any time of the year if present. It is therefore advisable to conduct a preconstruction bird survey no matter the time of year. e) Removal of vegetation necessitates installation of appropriate Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan “SWPPP” measures, particularly if development subsequent to grading is not undertaken immediately, therefore careful timing of the project schedule and implementation measures is necessary to avoid water quality impacts. Archeological and Paleontological Resources 46.Archeologist Retained. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the project applicant shall retain a Riverside County qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground disturbing activities in an effort to identify any unknown archaeological resources. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s), shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The developer/permit holder shall submit a fully executed copy of the contract to the Community Development Department to ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Upon verification, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. In addition, the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the Consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall develop a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) in consultation pursuant to the definition in AB52 to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. A consulting tribe is defined as a tribe that initiated the AB 52 tribal consultation process for the Project, has not opted out of the AB52 consultation process, and has completed AB 52 consultation with the City as provided for in Cal Pub Res Code Section 21080.3.2(b)(1) of AB52. Details in the Plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling; b. The Project archeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre-grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and any contractors and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The Training will include a Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:226 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 19 of 71 brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the Project and the surrounding area; what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. All new construction personnel that will conduct earthwork or grading activities that begin work on the Project following the initial Training must take the Cultural Sensitivity Training prior to beginning work and the Project archaeologist and Consulting Tribe(s) shall make themselves available to provide the training on an as-needed basis; c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and Project archaeologist will follow in the event of inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resources evaluation. 47.Paleontologist Required. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the Community Development Department to create and implement a project- specific plan for monitoring site grading/earthmoving activities (project paleontologist). The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved development plan and shall conduct any pre-construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: 1. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre-construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. 2. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as-needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assign will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. 3. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:227 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 20 of 71 4. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not on-site, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the project paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. 5. If fossil remains are found, fossilliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. 6. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains will then be curated (assigned and labeled with museum repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; placed in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, and associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. The City must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. 7. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to final building inspection as described elsewhere in this condition set. All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other professionals responsible for the report’s content (e.g., professional geologist, professional engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the office of the City Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition and the grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. 48.Native American Monitoring (Pechanga). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above- mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Tribal Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:228 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 21 of 71 49.Native American Monitoring (Soboba). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Native American Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. Fees 50.Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat Fee. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Riverside County Ordinance No. 663 (hereinafter Ordinance No. 663), which generally requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. The amount of the fee required to be paid may vary depending upon a variety of factors, including the type of development application submitted and the applicability of any fee reduction or exemption provisions contained in Ordinance No. 663. Said fee shall be calculated on the approved development project which is anticipated to be 9.02 acres (gross) in accordance with APPROVED EXHIBIT NO. A. If the development is subsequently revised, this acreage amount may be modified in order to reflect the revised development project acreage amount. In the event Ordinance No. 663 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 663 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent City mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 51.Processing Fees. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Community Development Department shall determine the status of the deposit-based fees. If the fees are in a negative status, the permit holder shall pay the outstanding balance. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 52.Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director or review and approval demonstrating compliance with the standard conditions of approval and mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for this project which must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. 53.Submit Building Plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the permittee shall submit building plans with the City of Menifee Building and Safety Department for building permits. The building plans shall be in substantial conformance with APPROVED EXHIBIT A, B, C, G, L and S. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:229 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 22 of 71 54.Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures submitted for building plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B and M. If building plans are proposed that alter the elevations as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B and M a plot plan application pursuant to City Municipal Code, along with the current fee shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. If substantial modifications are proposed to the elevations, the Community Development Director may determine that Planning Commission review and approval is required. 55.Tower Elements and Parapets. Tower elements shall include four architecturally enhanced sides or be wrapped (with the same architectural enhancement shown on the front of the tower) to appear four-sided from public view. Sides and backs of parapets open to public view shall be treated/painted in the same manner as the front of the parapet. Colors of all buildings shall be in substantial compliance with APPROVED EXHIBIT B. 56.Lighting. The building plans shall show the location and types of light fixtures that will be within the project site and on the building. Lighting fixtures shall be decorative. Shoe-box-type lighting will not be allowed. The types of lighting fixtures used shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. The location of lighting shown on the building is for conceptual purposes only and may be relocated during the building plan check. Architecturally appropriate themed lighting fixtures shall be located along the project perimeter, project entrances, and other focal points on the project site and shall be subject to Community Development Department review and approval. Parking lot lights shall be approved by the Community Development Director. All parking lot lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of the City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01. 57.Roof-Mounted Equipment Plans. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view and from view of any public right-of-way. All building plans shall show all roof-mounted equipment and methods for screening consistent with Approved Exhibit B and C and shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to Building Permit issuance. The plans shall be approved prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Screening material shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Community Development staff will verify that all roof-mounted equipment has been screened in compliance with the approved plans prior to final occupancy. 58.Dark Sky Ordinance. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety and the Community Development Department for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, the “Dark Sky Ordinance”, and the General Plan. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:230 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 23 of 71 59.Electrical Cabinets. All electrical cabinets shall be located inside a room that is architecturally integrated into the design of the building. 60.Floor Plans. Floor plans shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT C. 61.Wall and Fencing Plan. A wall and fencing plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval showing all wall and fence locations and typical views of all types of fences or walls proposed. This plan shall require anti-graffiti coatings on fences and walls, where applicable. The plan shall be approved prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 62.HVAC. The developer shall utilize HVAC units with the lowest sound power level shall be selected. The HVAC units shall be installed as far as possible from residential land uses. The HVAC equipment shall be enclosed or shielded from off-site properties. 63.Reciprocal Parking and Access Agreement. Prior to building permit issuance, a reciprocal parking and access agreement shall be recorded to share the parking spaces shown and to allow reciprocal access between the two subject parcels (APN 336-180-013 and -028). 64.Public Art. Public Art shall be provided within the southwest public plaza as noted on Exhibit A. Plans for the art to be provided shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Fees 65.Fees. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit-based fees for project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. 66.Ordinance No. 17-232 (DIF). Prior to the issuance a building permit (for any of the commercial buildings), the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 17-232, which requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 17-232 has been established to set forth policies, regulations and fees related to the funding and construction of facilities necessary to address the direct and cumulative environmental effects generated by new development projects described and defined in this Ordinance, and it establishes the authorized uses of the fees collected. In the event Ordinance No. 17-232 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 17-232 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent City mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 67.Open Space Fee (MSHCP). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 8.27 (hereinafter Chapter 8.27), which requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in the Ordinance. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:231 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 24 of 71 The amount of the fee will be based on the "Project Area" as defined in the Ordinance and the aforementioned Condition of Approval. In the event Chapter 8.27 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Chapter 8.27 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 68.Perris Union School District. Impacts to the Perris Union High School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 69.Menifee Union School District. Impacts to the Menifee Union School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. Landscaping 70.Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Community Development to guarantee the installation of plantings, irrigation system, walls and/or fences, in accordance with the approved plan, shall be filed with the Department of Community Development. Securities may require review by City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and the One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the planting and irrigation components have been adequately installed and maintained. A cash security shall be required when the estimated cost is $2,500.00 or less. At applicant’s election, a cash security may also be used for amounts exceeding $2,500. 71.Landscape and Irrigation Plans. The permittee shall submit three (3) sets of Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plans to the Planning Division for review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Division pursuant to City Municipal Code along with the current fee. The plan shall be in substantial conformance to APPROVED EXHIBIT L, Menifee Municipal Code and the conditions of approval. The plan shall show all common open space areas (e.g., outdoor gathering areas). The plan shall address all areas and conditions of the project requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, slope planting, water quality basins, common area and/or outdoor gathering area landscaping. Landscaping plans for areas that are totally within the road right-of-way shall be submitted to the Engineer Department only. Slope Landscaping plans for slopes exceeding 3 feet in height shall be submitted to the Engineering Department. The irrigation plan shall be in compliance with Menifee Municipal Code, and include a rain shut-off device which is capable of shutting down the entire system. In addition, the plan will incorporate the use of in-line check valves, or sprinkler heads containing check valves to prohibit low head drainage. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:232 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 25 of 71 The location, number, genus, species, and container size of plants shall be shown. If the above-mentioned landscaping plans do not include shading and parking landscaping, prior to issuance of building permits, three (3) copies of a Shading, Parking, Landscaping, and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department. Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall meet all applicable requirements of Menifee Municipal Code (as adopted and any amendments thereto), the Riverside County Guide to California Friendly Landscaping, and Eastern Municipal Water District requirements. Project Specific Landscape Requirements: a.Curb and Walkway on End Stall Planters. Unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director, a twelve (12) inch wide walkway shall be constructed along planters on end stalls adjacent to automobile parking areas. Public parking areas shall be designed with permanent curb, bumper, or wheel stop or similar device so that a parked vehicle does not overhang required sidewalks, planters, or landscaped areas. b.Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Planning Department, Building and Safety Department and the State air quality management authorities. Interim shrub borders shall be planted around various undeveloped pads of the project. c.Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines. All plants, landscaping and foliage shall fall within current CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) guidelines. d.Enhanced Paving. The landscaping and irrigation plans shall show the location and types of hardscape, including enhanced paving, throughout the site consistent with APPROVED EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT L. Currently, not all crosswalks are shown with pavers; however, on the final landscape and irrigation plans all crosswalks shall be shown with enhanced paving, such as pavers, thermoplastic paving, or similar design or material acceptable to the Community Development Director. e.Public Plazas. The landscaping plans shall provide the details on the outdoor plazas and shall be consistent with Approved Exhibit A, G, L, and M. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:233 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 26 of 71 f.Bicycle Racks. The landscaping plans shall show the location of bicycle racks. Where bicycle racks are placed in public view, the racks must be enhanced. g.Tree Placement. Tree placement should avoid conflicts with parking lot lighting. h.Basins. Planting in basins or vegetated swales shall be consistent with Approved Exhibit L and the plants shall be of adequate height so that they can be seen above the curbs surrounding the basins and/or up to a minimum height of three (3) feet. i.Double Detectors. Double detector check valve assemblies (backflow preventers) for landscape irrigation and domestic water shall not be located at visually prominent locations (such as the end of drive aisles or at site entries) and shall be well-screened with shrubs, berming, or low screen walls. 72.Landscape Inspections. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the permit holder shall open a Landscape Deposit Based Fee case and deposit the prevailing deposit amount to cover the pre-inspection, initial installation inspection, Six (6) Month and One Year Landscape Inspections. The number of hours for the inspections will be determined by the Community Development Department's Landscape personnel prior to approval of the requisite Minor Plot Plan for Planting and Irrigation. Prior to Final Inspection 73.Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director or review and approval demonstrating compliance with the standard conditions of approval and mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for this project which must be satisfied prior to final inspection. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. 74.Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures shall be in substantial conformance as determined by the Community Development Director with the elevations shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B. 75.Roof Mounted Equipment. Prior to final occupancy, Community Development staff will verify that all roof-mounted equipment has been screened in compliance with the approved plans. 76.Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with the approved building plans. 77.Trash Enclosures. Trash enclosures which are adequate to enclose the required number of bins (per Waste Management) shall be located as shown on the Approved Exhibit A, G and L and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. The enclosure(s) shall be a minimum of six Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:234 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 27 of 71 (6) feet in height and shall be architecturally enhanced and made with masonry block (including masonry cap) with landscaping screening, roof covering and a solid gate which screens the bins from external view in compliance with Approved Exhibit L. Additional enclosed area for collection of recyclable materials shall be located within, near or adjacent to each trash and rubbish disposal area. The recycling collection area shall be a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the area provided for the trash/rubbish enclosure(s) or as approved by the City of Menifee Engineering Public Works Department. All recycling bins shall be labeled with the universal recycling symbol and with signage indicating to the users the type of material to be deposited in each bin. 78.Phasing. If the project has been phased, all facilities meant to serve the current phase of development shall be installed in a usable condition. Project landscaping may not all be deferred until the final phase. 79.Condition Compliance. The Community Development Department shall verify that the Development Standards of this approval and all other preceding conditions have been complied with prior to any use allowed by this permit. 80.Utilities Underground. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33 kV or greater, shall be installed underground. If the permittee provides to the Department of Building and Safety and the Community Development Department a definitive statement from the utility provider refusing to allow underground installation of the utilities they provide, this condition shall be null and void with respect to that utility. 81.Hardscaping, Outdoor Furniture and Public Art. All hardscaping, including enhanced paving, outdoor furniture and community art shall have been installed in accordance with the approved landscaping, irrigation and shading plans or outdoor plaza plans (whichever is applicable) prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy. 82.Security Systems. Prior to the final occupancy, the applicant shall prepare a security plan for the site. The security plan for this project shall include a comprehensive security camera system that clearly depicts the entire parking field. This security camera system shall be based in one of the buildings containing the management office for this development, or inside a security office located within one of the retail buildings or other places acceptable to the Menifee Police Department, that is accessible to law enforcement at all times of the day and night. This security camera system shall have a recording capacity to minimally save footage for the period of one month. The above camera surveillance system shall include LPR (License Plate Recognition) cameras installed at the entrances/exits to this project. LPR cameras are cameras specifically designed to read and record vehicle license plates as they enter and exit this complex. It should be noted that high quality day/night vision LPR cameras are relatively inexpensive. The plan shall be approved prior to final occupancy. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:235 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 28 of 71 The Menifee Police Department, and/or Community Development Department shall also verify that the security system has been installed prior to final occupancy. 83.Final Planning Inspection. The permittee shall obtain final occupancy sign- off from the Planning Division for each Building Permit issued by scheduling a final Community Development Department inspection prior to the final sign-off from the Building Department. Community Development staff shall verify that all pertinent conditions of approval have been met, including compliance with the approved elevations, site plan, parking lot layout, etc. The permittee shall have all required paving, parking, walls, site lighting, landscaping and automatic irrigation installed and in good condition. 84.Paleontological Monitoring Report. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the permittee shall submit to the Community Development Department, two (2) copies of the Paleontology Monitoring Report. The report shall be certified by a professional paleontologist listed Riverside County’s Paleontology Consultant List. A deposit for the review of the report will be required. 85.Archeology Report - Phase III and IV. Prior to final inspection of the first building permit associated with each phase of grading, the developer/permit holder shall prompt the Project Archeologist to submit two (2) copies of the Phase III Data Recovery report (if conducted for the Project) and the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report that complies with the Community Development Department's requirements for such reports. The Phase IV report shall include evidence of the required cultural/historical sensitivity training for the construction staff held during the pre-grade meeting. The Community Development Department shall review the reports to determine adequate mitigation compliance. Provided the reports are adequate, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. Once the report(s) are determined to be adequate, two (2) copies shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and one (1) copy shall be submitted to the Pechanga Cultural Resources Department. Landscaping 86.Soil Management Plan. The permittee shall submit a Soil Management Plan (Report) to the Community Development Department before the Landscape Installation Inspection. The report can be sent in electronically. Information on the contents of the report can be found in the County of Riverside Guide to California Friendly Landscaping page 16, #7, “What is required in a Soil Management Plan?” 87.Landscape/Irrigation Install Inspection. The permittee landscape architect responsible for preparing the Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall arrange for a Pre-Landscape installation inspection and a Landscape Completion Installation Inspection with the Community Development Department. The pre-landscape inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to installation of landscaping. The landscape completion inspection Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:236 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 29 of 71 shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to final inspection of the structure or issuance of occupancy permit, whichever occurs first. A One Year Post-Establishment Inspection will also be required. The Community Development Department will require a deposit in order to conduct the landscape inspections. 88.Landscape Installation. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed in accordance with approved Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans, Menifee Municipal Code, Eastern Municipal Water District requirements and the Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping. All landscape and irrigation components shall be in a condition acceptable to the Community Development Department. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and determined to be in good working order. 89.Final Landscape Approval. The final landscape approval following installation shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Landscape Architectural Consultant and the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director may require additional trees, shrubs and/or groundcover as necessary, if site inspections reveal landscape deficiencies that were not apparent during the plan review process. Fees 90.Fees. Prior to issuance of occupancy/final inspections, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit-based fees for project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:237 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 30 of 71 Section III: Engineering/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:238 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 31 of 71 The following are the Public Works / Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project which shall be satisfied at no cost to the City or any other Government Agency. All questions regarding the intent of the following conditions shall be referred to the Public Works / Engineering Department, Land Development Section. The developer / property owner shall use the standards and design criteria stated in the following conditions, and shall comply with all applicable City of Menifee standards and ordinances. Should a conflict arise between City of Menifee standards and design criteria, and any other standards and design criteria, those of the City of Menifee shall prevail. A. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONDITIONS 91. This Plot Plan, PLN20-0273, is concurrently processing a proposed Tentative Parcel Map, PLN20-0275, which has its own set of Conditions of Approval. The conditions for this Plot Plan shall be satisfied in concurrence with the Conditions of Approval for the proposed Tentative Parcel Map. 92.Subdivision Map Act - The developer / property owner shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act. 93.Mylars – All improvement plans and grading plans shall be drawn on twenty- four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar and signed by a registered civil engineer and/or other registered/licensed professional as required. 94.Bond Agreement, Grading and Improvement Security – To guarantee the construction of all required grading and improvements, the developer / property owner shall enter into Bond Agreements and post security or bonds in accordance with applicable City policies and ordinances. The improvements shall include, but not limited to: onsite/offsite grading, erosion control, street improvements, street lights, traffic signals, signing and striping, public landscape improvements, recreational paseos, parks, water/sewer/recycled water improvements, water quality BMPs, and storm drainage facilities. Bond agreements and bond posting shall be required prior to map recordation, grading, building, or construction permit issuance, whichever is applicable. It should be noted that with the exception of grading bond agreements, all other bond agreements require council approvals. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to coordinate their project timing with City council calendar when requesting City approvals of Bond Agreements. 95.Bond Replacement, Reduction, and Releases – All requests for bond replacements (such as in changes of property ownerships), reductions (such as in partial completion of improvements), releases (such as in completion of improvements), shall conform to City policies, standards and applicable City ordinances. It shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to notify the City in time when any of these bond changes are necessary. The City shall review all changes in Bond Agreements and the accompanying bonds or security. Similarly, with the exception of grading bond agreements all other agreement changes require City Council approvals. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to coordinate Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:239 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 32 of 71 their project timing with City Council calendar when requesting changes to the bond agreements. 96.Existing and Proposed Easements - The final grading plan shall correctly show all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses. Any omission or misrepresentation of these documents may require said plan to be resubmitted for further consideration. 97.Plan Check Submittals - Appropriate plan check submittal forms shall be completed and submittal check list provided that includes required plan copies, necessary studies / reports, references, fees, deposits, etc. Prior to final approval of improvement plans by the Public Works / Engineering Department, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department CAD layers of all improvements to be maintained by the City (pavement, sidewalk, street lights, etc.). A scanned image of all final approved grading and improvement plans on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive, also known as a “flash” drive or “thumb” drive, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). CAD files created with the latest version shall only be accepted if approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 98.Plan Approvals – Improvement plans and grading plans shall be submitted with necessary supporting documentation and technical studies (hydrology, hydraulics, traffic impact analysis, geotechnical studies, etc.) to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. All submittals shall be signed and date stamped by the Engineer of Record. The plans must receive Public Works / Engineering Department approval prior to issuance of any construction permit, grading permit, or building permits as applicable and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. All submittals shall include a completed City Fee or Deposit Based Worksheet and the appropriate plan check. For improvements proposed to be owned and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, improvement plans must receive district approval prior to Building permit issuance or as determined by the District. 99.As-Built Plans - Upon completion of all required improvements, the developer / property owner shall cause the civil engineer of record to as-built all project plans, and submit project base line of work for all layers on a USB drive to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). The timing for submitting the as-built plans shall be as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 100.Construction Times of Operation - The developer / property owner shall monitor, supervise, and control all construction and construction related activities to prevent them from causing a public nuisance including, but not limited to, strict adherence to the following: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:240 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 33 of 71 (a) Construction activities shall comply with City of Menifee ordinances relating to construction noise. Any construction within the city located within one-fourth mile from an occupied residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday, except on nationally recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in accordance with Municipal Code Section 8.01.010. There shall be no construction permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer. (b) Removal of spoils, debris, or other construction materials deposited on any public street no later than the end of each working day. (c) The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. Violation of any condition or restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions shall subject the owner, applicant to remedies as set forth in the City Municipal Code. In addition, the Public Works Director / City Engineer or the Building Official may suspend all construction related activities for violation of any condition, restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions until such a time it has been determined that all operations and activities are in conformance with these conditions. (d) A Pre-Construction meeting is mandatory with the City’s Public Works Inspection team prior to start of any construction activities for this site. 101.Dry Utility Installations – Electrical power, telephone, communication, street lighting, and cable television lines shall be placed underground in accordance with current City ordinances, or as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This applies also to existing overhead lines which are 33.6 kilovolts or below along the project frontage and within the project boundaries. In cases where 33.6kV or below lines are collocated with high voltage lines (for example, 115kV), the low voltage lines shall still be placed underground even when the high voltage lines are exempt from relocation or undergrounding in accordance with City standards and ordinances. Exemption from undergrounding low voltage lines shall only be by the Public Works Director / City Engineer or as directed by the City Council. B. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 102.Introduction – Improvement such as grading, filling, over excavation and re- compaction, and base or paving which require a grading permit are subject to the Public Works Department conditions of approval stated herein. 103.Grading Regulations Chapter 8.26 – Any construction activity such as over excavation, re-compaction, cut, fill, base or paving which require a grading permit and shall conform to the requirements of City Grading Regulations Chapter 8.26. Additionally grading permits are subject to the Public Works Department conditions of approval stated herein. 104.Regulations and Ordinance on Grading Within the City – In addition to compliance with City Chapter 8.26, grading activities shall also conform to the latest edition of the California Building Code, City General Plan, other City Ordinances, City design standards and specifications and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing grading in the City of Menifee. Prior to Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:241 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 34 of 71 commencing any grading, clearing, grubbing or any topsoil disturbances, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Grading activities that are exempt from a grading permit as outlined by the City ordinance may still require a grading permit by the Public Works Director / City Engineer when deemed necessary to prevent the potential for adverse impacts upon drainage, sensitive environmental features, or to protect property, health safety, and welfare. 105.Grading Permit for Disturbed Soil – City ordinance on grading requires a grading permit prior to clearing, grubbing or any top soil disturbances related to construction grading. 106.Dust Control – All necessary measures to control dust shall be implemented by the developer during grading. Fugitive dust shall be controlled in accordance with Rule 403 of the California Air Quality Control Board. 107.2:1 Maximum Slope - Graded slopes shall be limited to a maximum steepness ratio of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless otherwise approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 108.Slope Setbacks – Observe slope setbacks from buildings and property lines per the California Building Code and City ordinance on grading. 109.Slope Landscaping and Irrigation – All slopes greater than or equal to 3 feet in vertical height shall be irrigated and landscaped with grass or ground cover. Drip irrigation shall be used for all irrigated slopes. 110.Slope Erosion Control Plan - Erosion control and/or landscape plans are required for manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical height. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect and bonded per applicable City ordinances. 111.Slope Stability Report – A slope stability report shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for all proposed cut and fill slopes steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or over 20 feet in vertical height, unless addressed in a previously city approved report. 112.Erosion Control Plans – All grading plans shall require erosion control plans prior to approval. Temporary erosion control measures shall be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. Plans showing erosion control measures may be included as part of the grading plans or submitted as a separate set of plans for city review and approval. Graded but undeveloped land shall provide, in addition to erosion control planting, any drainage facilities deemed necessary to control or prevent erosion. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are required year-round in compliance with all applicable City of Menifee Standards and Ordinances and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit from the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Additional Erosion protection may be required during the rainy season. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:242 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 35 of 71 113.Water Quality Management Plan - All grading plans shall require an approved copy of the Water Quality Management Plan sheet per the approved WQMP report. The developer / property owner shall comply with the requirements of the WQMP report, and City standards and specifications. 114.Design Grade Criteria – Onsite parking areas shall be designed in accordance with the current version of City of Menifee Standards and Specifications. Non-compliance may require a redesign of the project. Significant redesigns may require a revised Plot Plan and/or Tentative Parcel Map. 115.Drainage Grade - Minimum drainage design grade shall be 1% except on Portland cement concrete surfaces where 0.5% shall be the minimum. The engineer of record must submit a variance request for design grades less than 1% with a justification for a lesser grade. 116.Finish Grade – Shall be sloped to provide proper drainage away from all exterior foundation walls in accordance with City of Menifee Standard Plan 300. 117.Use of Maximum and Minimum Grade Criteria – Actual field construction grades shall not exceed the minimum and maximum grades for ADA and approved project grading design, to allow for construction tolerances. Any improvement that is out of the minimum and maximum values will not be accepted by the City Inspector, and will need to be removed and replaced at developer’s or owner’s expense. 118.Site Drainage - Positive drainage of the site shall be provided, and water shall not be allowed to pond behind or flow over cut and fill slopes. Where water is collected and discharged in a common area, protection of the native soils shall be provided by planting erosion resistant vegetation, as the native soils are susceptible to erosion by running water. All cut and fill slopes shall have a maximum 2:1 (H:V) grade, 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. 119.Alteration of Drainage Patterns – Prior to grading permit issuance or approval of improvement plans, the final engineering plans submitted by the applicant shall address the following: The project drainage system shall be designed to accept and properly convey all on- and off-site drainage flowing on or through the site. The project drainage system design shall protect downstream properties from any damage caused by alteration of drainage patterns such as concentration or diversion of flow. Concentrated drainage on commercial lots shall be diverted through parkway drains under sidewalks. 120.Licensed Geotech - A licensed geotechnical engineer shall perform final determination of the foundation characteristics of soils within on-site development areas. 121.10 Year Curb – 100 Year ROW - The 10 year storm flow shall be contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow shall be contained within the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:243 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 36 of 71 street right-of-way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities may be required to ensure the proposed development will not increase predevelopment flows to downstream receiving streets and properties. The property shall be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. 122.100 Year Drainage Facilities - All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate 100 year storm flows as approved by the City of Menifee Public Works / Engineering Department. 123.100 Year Design Criteria - In final engineering and prior to grading permit issuance, subsurface storage systems shall be designed with emergency overflow inlets to mitigate flows in excess of the 100 year storm event in a controlled manner to the satisfaction of the Public Works / Engineering Department. 124.100 Year Sump Outlet - Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions shall be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape shall also be provided. 125.On-Site Storm Drain System - Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the proposed on-site storm drain system shall be designed such that any ponding in the 100 year storm, shall be contained within the site; it shall not encroach onto any adjacent property, and shall maintain a minimum 1-foot freeboard to the proposed building pad elevation. The 100 year storm flow shall be conveyed to the Bradley Road, and shall not flow over the proposed parkway or within the driveway approach. 126.Retaining Walls – Sections, which propose retaining walls, will require separate permits. They shall be obtained prior to issuance of any other building permits – unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. The walls shall be designed by a registered civil engineer and conform to City Standards. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance: 127.Geotechnical Report – The following documentation was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California, prepared by Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc., Project No. 192852-10A, dated July 31, 2020. Two copies of City-approved geotechnical/soils report, no more than three (3) years from date of application for a grading permit, shall be provided to the City Public Works / Engineering Department with initial submittal of a grading plan. If there is no approved report and/or said report is past the three (3) years from date of application, a new geotechnical/soils report and/or update letter, respectively, shall be prepared and submitted to City for review and Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:244 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 37 of 71 approval. The geotechnical/soils, compaction and inspection reports will be reviewed in conformance with the latest edition of the Riverside County Technical Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports. A fee for review of the geotechnical/soils report and/or update letter shall be paid to the City, the amount of which shall be determined by the City at the first submittal of the report. A pre-grading meeting, certifications, approvals and inspection procedures will be implemented in accordance with City Public Works - Inspection process. All grading shall be done in conformance with the recommendations of the City approved geotechnical/soils reports, and under the general direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer. 128.Drainage Study – The following report was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Hydrology Study, Menifee Crossroads Commercial Development, Newport and Bradley, Menifee, CA, APNs: 336-180-013 and 336-180-028, prepared by Valued Engineering Inc., dated September 2020. Two copies of a final drainage study (also referred to as Hydrology/Hydraulics Report) shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The study shall analyze at a minimum the following: project site drainage flow; all future improvements drainage flow; Q10, Q100, pre- and post- condition flow rates; anticipated total drainage flow into existing storm drain; and existing storm drain capacity. The project shall comply with all mitigation recommended by the approved drainage study. A fee for review of the Drainage Study shall be paid to the City, the amount of which shall be determined by City at first submittal of report. 129.Grading Permit for Clearing and Grubbing – City ordinance on grading requires a grading permit prior to clearing, grubbing, or any topsoil disturbances related to construction grading activities. 130.Compliance with NPDES General Construction Permit – The developer/ property owner shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Construction Permit (GCP) from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Prior to approval of the grading plans or issuance of any grading permit, the developer / property owner shall obtain a GCP from the SWRCB. Proof of filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) and monitoring plan, shall be submitted to the City; and the WDID number issued by the SWRCB shall be reflected on all grading plans. For additional information on how to obtain a GCP, contact the SWRCB. 131.SWPPP - Prior to approval of the grading plans, the developer / property owner shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for uploading the SWPPP into the State’s SMARTS database system, and shall Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:245 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 38 of 71 ensure that the SWPPP is updated to constantly reflect the actual construction status of the site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be made available at the construction site at all times until construction is completed. The SWRCB considers a construction project complete once a Notice of Termination has been issued by SWRCB. The City shall require submittal of NOTs for requests to fully release associated grading bonds. 132.SWPPP for Inactive Sites - The developer / property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that any graded area that is left inactive for a long period of time has appropriate SWPPP BMPs in place and in good working condition at all times until construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the development. 133.Grading Bonds – Prior to commencing any grading of 50 or more cubic yards of dirt, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to issuance of the permit, adequate performance grading security shall be posted by the developer / property owner with the Public Works / Engineering Department. 134.Import/Export – In instances where a grading plan involves import or export, prior to obtaining a grading permit, the developer/property owner shall have obtained approval for the import/export location from the Public Works / Engineering Department. If an Environmental Assessment did not previously approve either location, a Grading Environmental Assessment shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and comment and to the Public Works Director / City Engineer for approval. Additionally, if the movement of import/export occurs using City roads, review and approval of the haul routes by the Public Works / Engineering Department will be required. Import or export materials shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 8.26. 135.Offsite Grading – Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners; including any off-site grading to construct the necessary transition from the west on Newport Road. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 136.Submit Plans – A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans, BMP improvement plans, and any other necessary documentation along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review. All submittals shall be date stamped by the engineer and include a completed City Deposit or Fee Based Worksheet and the appropriate plan check fee or deposit. 137.No Building Permit Without Legal Lot – Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer / property owner shall show that the underlying parcels are legally conforming or provide a certificate of compliance. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:246 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 39 of 71 138.No Building Permit Without Legal Lot – Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer / property owner shall ensure that the underlying parcels for such buildings are complying with City Ordinances, Codes, and the Subdivision Map Act. 139.Final Rough Grading Conditions – Prior to issuance of a building permit for any new structures or appurtenances, the developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record and Soils Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet stamped rough grade certification and compaction test reports with 90% or better compaction, for the lots for which building permits are requested. The certifications shall use City approved forms, and shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 140.Conformance to Elevations/Geotechnical Compaction - Rough grade elevations for all building pads and structure pads submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on approved grading plans. Compaction test certification shall be in compliance with the approved project geotechnical/soils report. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 141.Final Grade Certification – The developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit a signed and wet stamped final grade certification on City approved form, for each building for which a certificate of occupancy is requested. The certification shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 142.Conform to Elevations - Final grade elevations of all building or structure finish floors submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. 143.Plant & Irrigate Slopes – All manufactured slopes shall be irrigated and landscaped with grass or approved ground cover, and shall have some type of drainage swale at the toe of the slope to collect runoff. Slopes greater than or equal to 3’ in vertical height shall have erosion control measures provided. Slopes that exceed 15’ in vertical height are to be planted with additional shrubs and trees as approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. Drip irrigation shall be provided for all irrigated slopes. C. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS (CC&Rs) 144.Common Area Maintenance – Any common areas identified in the Tentative Parcel Map shall be owned and maintained as follows: a. A permanent master maintenance organization shall be established for the tentative parcel map area, to assume maintenance responsibility for all common areas. The organization may be public (City CFD, or another agency) or private (e.g., property owners’ association). Merger with an area-wide or regional organization shall satisfy this condition provided Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:247 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 40 of 71 that such organization is legally and financially capable of assuming the responsibilities for maintenance. When necessary, property dedication or easement dedications shall be granted to the maintenance organization through map dedication, or separate recordable instrument, and shall be in a form acceptable to the city. (See also the Use / Maintenance of Ultimate Right-of-Way Portion of Property and Owner Improvements condition) b. The maintenance organization shall be established prior to or concurrent with the Parcel Map recordation. 145.Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Private Common Areas) – In the event that the Community Facilities District will not maintain all common areas, the establishment of a property owner association (POA) shall be the mechanism to maintain such common areas. (See also the Use / Maintenance of Ultimate Right-of-Way Portion of Property and Owner Improvements condition) 146.CC&R Content, Submittal Process and Timing – Prior to parcel map recordation, the developer/property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval CC&R documents consisting of the following: a. One hard copy and an electronic version of the CC&R’s. A completed application form to review the CC&Rs, available at the Public Works / Engineering front counter. There is a fee associated with the application and required backup documents to review. The declaration of CC&R’s shall: i. provide for the establishment of a property owner's association, ii. provide for the ownership of the common area by the property owner's association, iii. contain provisions approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department, Community Development Department and the City Attorney, iv. Contain provisions with regards to the implementation of post development Water Quality Best Management Practices identified in the project’s approved WQMP. v. Contain provisions notifying initial occupants, or tenants of the project of their receipt of educational materials on good housekeeping practices which contribute to the protection of storm water quality. These educational materials shall be distributed by the property owners' association and/or the developer. vi. Contain provisions for allowing the City a Right of Entry to maintain BMPs that are otherwise not maintained by responsible property owners. If a separate Right of Entry Agreement has been executed, this provision is not necessary to be in the CC&Rs. b. As part of the CC&R document submittal, exhibit(s) identifying the areas or improvements that will be maintained by the POA, the CFD or other Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:248 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 41 of 71 entities shall be provided. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the City. c. Once approved, the developer / property owner shall provide a hard copy of the CC&R’s wet-signed and notarized to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The Public Works / Engineering Department shall record the original declaration of CC&R’s prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the parcel map. d. A deposit to pay for the review of the CC&Rs pursuant to the City’s current fee schedule at the time the above-referenced documents are submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. D. STREETS AND DEDICATIONS 147.Street Improvements - Street improvements shall conform to all applicable City Design Standards and Specifications, the City General Plan, and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing street construction in the City. The development includes improvements to Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue along the project frontage. Vehicular access to the project as shown on the Plot Plan / Tentative Parcel Map will be provided via four driveways. Driveway #1 is located along Bradley Road between Parcel 4 and Parcel 5. Driveway #2 is located along Bradley Road between Parcel 5 and Parcel 6. Driveway #3 is located along Park Avenue on the northern side of the project. Driveway #4 is located along Newport Road on the southern side of the project. a)Newport Road – Newport Road shall be improved to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet, 67 feet paved curb to centerline, a Class II bike lane, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 6 foot wide parkway. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Newport Road fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. b)Bradley Road – Bradley Road shall be improved to a modified Secondary designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet, 36 feet paved curb to centerline, a Class II bike lane, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and an 8 foot wide parkway. A raised median shall be constructed to restrict turns along Bradley Road. Undergrounding of electrical power lines along Bradley Road will be required. Prior to Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:249 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 42 of 71 recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Bradley Road fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. c)Park Avenue – Park Avenue shall be improved to a General Local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet, 20 feet paved curb to centerline, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Park Avenue fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Park Avenue is classified as a General Local roadway; however, because the project proposes Park Avenue as a truck delivery route, the road shall be improved with the minimum pavement structural section for an Industrial Collector designation. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. d)Reconstruction or Resurfacing of Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue – The Public Works Director / City Engineer may consider reconstruction or resurfacing of existing Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue paving fronting the development to meet existing conditions with acceptable overlays, provided the road is found to meet the minimum City standards for pavement conditions at the time of project construction. If it is determined during project construction that the existing road is found to be substandard, then the Public Works Director / City Engineer will require the developer / property owner to provide full reconstruction as provided for in these conditions of approval. At the discretion of the City Engineer, the developer may core the existing pavement during project design to confirm the adequate section, and any findings shall be incorporated into the project design. The Public Works Director / City Engineer shall have the final approval for all road conditions. 148.Reimbursement Agreement – The developer may enter into a Development Impact Fee (DIF) Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with the City for reimbursement of the construction cost of improving Bradley Road fronting the project, in excess of the DIF credit. The developer shall be responsible for Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:250 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 43 of 71 drafting the agreement consistent with City Ordinances and Codes, and it shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to any certificate of occupancy. The agreement shall include a benefit cost analysis identifying future developments that will benefit from the constructed improvements, and the future developments’ share. 149.Soils and Pavement Report - Street pavement structural designs shall comply with the recommendations in the City approved project soils and pavement investigation report, and must meet minimum City standards and specifications, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 150.Driveways - Final driveway geometrics may be modified in final engineering as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Driveways shall meet current standard radii on all existing and proposed commercial drive approaches used as access to the proposed development. The developer shall adhere to all City standards and regulations for access and ADA guidelines. 151.Acceptance of Public Roadway Dedication and Improvements – Easements and right-of way for public roadways shall be granted to the City through the Parcel Map, or other acceptable recordable instrument. 152.ADA Compliance – ADA path of travel shall be designed at the most convenient accesses and the shortest distance to the buildings in accordance with ADA design standards and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director / City Engineer and the City Building Official. 153.Paving or Paving Repairs – The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining the paving inspections required by Ordinance 461. Paving and/or paving repairs for utility street cuts shall be per City of Menifee Standards and Specifications and as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 154.Concrete Work – All concrete work including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, cross gutters, catch basins, manholes, vaults, etc. shall be constructed to meet a 28-day minimum concrete strength of 3,250 psi. 155.Signing and Striping – A signing and striping plan for Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue is required for this project. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional paving and/or striping removal caused by the striping plan. 156.Traffic Signal Plan – The applicant shall be responsible for modification of the traffic signal at Newport Road and Bradley Road. The traffic signal plan shall be approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 157.Street Light Plan – Street lights requiring relocations, or any required new street lights shall be designed in accordance with current City Standards for LS-3 type streetlights. Street light construction plans shall be prepared as separate plans or combined with the public street improvement plans as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:251 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 44 of 71 158.Street Sweeping and Pavement Maintenance. The property owner shall file for annexation or inclusion into the Citywide Community Facilities Maintenance District, CFD for street sweeping services and street pavement maintenance. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit: 159.Encroachment Permits – The developer / property owner shall obtain all required encroachment permits and clearances prior to start of any work within City, State, or local agency right-of-way. 160.Improvement Bonds – Prior to issuance of any construction permit for all required onsite and offsite public improvements, and/or the recordation of the Parcel Map, whichever occurs first, the developer/project owner shall post acceptable bonds or security to guarantee the construction of all required improvements. The bonds shall be in accordance with all applicable City ordinances, resolutions and municipal codes (See also bond agreement condition under General Condition). 161.Newport Road Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Newport Road to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet, and 67 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Newport Road right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Newport Road, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. 162.Bradley Road Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Bradley Road to a modified Secondary designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet, and 36 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Bradley Road right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Bradley Road, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. 163.Park Avenue Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Park Avenue to a general local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet, and 20 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Park Avenue right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map or any recordable instrument reviewed and approved by the City. The dedication shall include the northern portion of APN 336-180-013, the sliver parcel on the east side of the project. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Park Avenue, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:252 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 45 of 71 Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 164.Newport Road Improvements – Improvements on Newport Road fronting the development shall be completed to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet and 67 feet paved curb to centerline prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 165.Bradley Road Improvements – Improvements on Bradley Road fronting the development shall be completed to a modified Secondary Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet and 36 feet paved curb to centerline prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Undergrounding of electrical power lines along Bradley Road will be required. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 166.Park Avenue Improvements – Improvements on Park Avenue fronting the development shall be improved to a General Local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet and 20 feet paved curb to centerline with a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The improvements shall be adequately transitioned to the existing street improvements, including the sidewalk and curb and gutter to the east. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 167.Driveways and Driveway Approaches – Driveways and Driveway Approaches as shown on the approved plot plan/Tentative Parcel Map shall be designed and constructed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The driveways shall be designed and constructed per City of Menifee No. 208. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 168.Traffic Impact Analysis Report – The development shall comply with all the improvements and mitigation measures identified to be constructed or provided in the traffic impact analysis approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The traffic study was prepared by Urban Cross Roads, and dated May 20, 2021. All required improvements and mitigations Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:253 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 46 of 71 identified in the study shall be included in all improvement plans for review and approval by the Public Works Department. Additional improvements may be required to address public safety and welfare, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Prior to Issuance of Construction Permit: 169.Sight Distance Analysis – Sight distance analysis shall be conducted at all project roadway entrances for conformance with City sight distance standards. The analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, and shall be incorporated in the final the grading plans, street improvement plans, and landscape improvement plans. 170.Signing and Striping Plan – Prior to issuance of a construction permit, any necessary signing and striping plan for Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City ordinances, standards and specifications, and with the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. 171.Traffic Signal Plan – Prior to issuance of a construction permit, the traffic signal plan for the modification of the traffic signal at Newport Road and Bradley Road shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City standards and specifications. 172.Driveway Geometrics – Final driveway geometrics may be modified in final engineering as approved by the City Engineer / Public Works Director. Driveways shall meet current standard radii on all existing and proposed commercial drive approaches used as access to the proposed development. The developer shall adhere to all City standards and regulations for access and ADA guidelines. 173.Construction Traffic Control Plan – Prior to start of any project related construction, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval, a Construction Traffic Control Plan in compliance with all applicable City ordinances, standards and specifications, and the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. This traffic control plan shall address impacts from construction vehicular traffic, noise, and dust and shall propose measures to mitigate these effects. The traffic control plan shall include a Traffic Safety Plan for safe use of public roads right of way during construction. The plan shall specify the following mitigation measures to address the following: a. Dust and dirt fallout from truck loads that gets entrained onto City roadways: (1) Biweekly street sweeping during construction activity, and daily during all grading operations. (2) Approved BMPs shall be installed at all approved construction entrances as part of the SWPPP. b. Noise from construction truck traffic: Include construction time and operation of vehicles through surrounding residential streets. c. Traffic safety within the road right-of-way: Include temporary traffic control measures and devices. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:254 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 47 of 71 Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 174.Construction of Roadway Improvements – The developer / property owner shall design and construct the following roadway improvements: a.Bradley Road Frontage Improvements - Construct Bradley Road to its ultimate half section width as a modified Secondary Arterial designation between Newport Road and Park Avenue. The required improvements shall include construction and restriping for one additional northbound through lane, a left turn pocket for access to the church driveway (opposite project site), and a Class II bike lane. Appropriate transitions shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. b.Bradley Road Raised Median - Construct a full raised median on Bradley Road from Newport Road to Park Avenue to restrict access to right-in-right-out only with an opening at Driveway #1 for full access. The median design shall include lengthening of the southbound left turn lane at Newport Road to 350 feet. Restriping of the southbound left turn lane and both through lanes may be required to accommodate the median. Appropriate transitions for the median shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. c.Park Avenue Frontage Improvements - Construct a 6 foot wide sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway on the south side of Park Avenue as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. d.Bradley Road Driveway #1 – Construct the following improvements at the northern Bradley Road driveway intersection: i. Northbound: one through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, one left-turn pocket, and one bike lane. ii. Southbound: one through lane, one left-turn pocket iii. Westbound: one right turn lane and one shared through / left turn lane. e.Bradley Road Driveway #2 – Construct the following improvements at the southern Bradley Road driveway intersection: i. Northbound: One through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, and one bike lane. ii. Westbound: One right turn lane. f.Park Avenue Driveway #3 – Construct the following improvements at the Park Avenue driveway intersection: i. Northbound: One shared left turn / right turn lane ii. Eastbound: One shared through / right turn lane iii. Westbound: One shared through / left turn lane Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:255 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 48 of 71 g.Newport Road Driveway #4 – Construct the following improvements at the Newport Avenue driveway intersection: i. Southbound: One right turn lane ii. Westbound: One shared through / right turn lane 175.Intersection Geometrics – The following street intersections shall be improved with the following geometrics: a. Newport Road and Bradley Road Intersection Improvements i. Northbound: Extend left turn pocket to 150 feet, one through lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. ii. Southbound: Extend left turn pocket to 350 feet, one shared through / left turn lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. iii. Eastbound and Westbound: Existing geometries to be retained. b. Bradley Road and Park Avenue Intersection Improvements i. Construct a northbound right turn lane and Class II bike lane along the project frontage for the southern leg of the intersection; restripe the existing through lane. F. NPDES and WQMP 176.Stormwater Management - All City of Menifee requirements for NPDES and Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) shall be met per City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.01 for Stormwater/Urban Runoff Management Program and as determined and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This project is required to submit a project specific WQMP prepared in accordance with the latest WQMP guidelines approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 177.Trash Enclosures Standards and Specifications – Storm runoff resulting in direct contact with trash enclosure, or wastewater runoff from trash enclosure are prohibited from running off a site onto the City MS4 without proper treatment. Trash enclosures in new developments and redevelopment projects shall meet new storm water quality standards including: a) Provision of a solid impermeable roof with a minimum clearance height to allow the bin lid to completely open. b) Constructed of reinforced masonry without wooden gates. Walls shall be at least 6 feet high. c) Provision of concrete slab floor, graded to collect any spill within the enclosure. d) All trash bins in the trash enclosure shall be leak proof with lids that are continuously kept closed. e) The enclosure area shall be protected from receiving direct rainfall or run- on from collateral surfaces. f) The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2-inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:256 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 49 of 71 Any standing liquids within the trash enclosures without floor drain must be cleaned up and disposed of properly using a mop and a bucket or a wet/dry vacuum machine. All non-hazardous liquids without solid trash may be put in the sanitary sewer as an option, in accordance with Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) criteria. An alternate floor drain from the interior of the enclosure that discharges to the sanitary sewer may be constructed only after obtaining approval from EMWD. This option requires the following: a) The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2-inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. This requirement may not be applicable to commercial complexes with multiple tenants. b) A waterless trap primer shall be provided to prevent escape of gasses from the sewer line and save water. c) Hot and cold running water shall be provided with a connection nearby with an approved backflow preventer. The spigot shall be protected and located at the rear of the enclosure to prevent damage from bins. 178.SWRCB, TRASH AMENDMENTS. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California and the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries – collectively referred to as the “Trash Amendments.” Applicable requirements per these amendments shall be adhered to with implementation measures, prior to building permit issuance. Projects determined to be within Priority Land Uses as defined in the Trash Amendments, shall provide trash full capture devices to remove trash from all Priority Land Use areas that will contribute storm water runoff to the City of Menifee’s MS4. All trash full capture devices shall be listed on the State Board’s current list of certified full capture devices posted on their website (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/trash_i mplementation.shtml), or otherwise approved by State or Regional Water Quality Control Board staff. Storm water runoff from privately owned Priority Land Use areas shall be treated by full capture devices located within privately owned storm drain structures or otherwise located on the privately owned property, whenever possible. Runoff from Priority Land Use areas created or modified by the project, and which are proposed to be City owned, shall be treated by full capture devices located within city-owned storm drains or otherwise located within the public right of way. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance: 179.Final Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP) – The following report was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan, Menifee Crossroads, PLN20-0273, prepared by Valued Engineering, dated December 2020. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:257 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 50 of 71 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a FINAL project specific WQMP in substantial conformance with the approved PRELIMINARY WQMP, shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The final developed project construction plans shall implement all structural and non-structural BMPs specified in the approved FINAL WQMP. One copy of the approved FINAL WQMP on a CD-ROM in pdf format shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The FINAL WQMP submittal shall include at the minimum the following reports/studies: a.Hydrology/hydraulics report b.Soils Report that includes soil infiltration capacity 180.Revising the Final WQMP. In the event the Final WQMP requires design revisions that will substantially deviate from the approved Prelim WQMP, a revised or new WQMP shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The cost of reviewing the revised/new WQMP shall be charged on a time and material basis. The fixed fee to review a Final WQMP shall not apply, and a deposit shall be collected from the applicant to pay for reviewing the substantially revised WQMP. 181.WQMP Maintenance Agreement – All water quality features or BMPs shall be located within the property limits, and the maintenance shall be the full responsibility of the developer / project owner. Prior to, or concurrent with the approval of the FINAL WQMP, the developer / property owner shall record Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that addresses the implementation and maintenance of proposed WQMP BMPs, or enter into an acceptable maintenance agreement with the City to inform future property owners of the requirement to perpetually implement the approved FINAL WQMP. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 182.WQMP/BMP Education – Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the developer / project owner shall provide the City proof of notification to future occupants of all BMP’s and educational and training requirements for said BMP’s as directed in the approved WQMP. Proof of notification shall be provided to the Public Works / Engineering Department in forms determined acceptable by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Public Education Program materials may be obtained from the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s NPDES Section through their website at www.rcwatershed.org. The developer must provide to the Public Works / Engineering Department a notarized affidavit, or other notification forms acceptable to the Public Works Director / City Engineer, stating that the distribution of educational materials to future homebuyers has been completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits. A copy of the notarized affidavit must be placed in the final WQMP report. The Public Works / Engineering Department MUST also receive the original notarized affidavit with the plan check submittal in order to clear the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:258 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 51 of 71 appropriate condition. Placing a copy of the affidavit without submitting the original will not guarantee clearance of the condition. 183.Implement WQMP - All structural BMPs described in the project-specific WQMP shall be constructed and installed in conformance with approved plans and specifications. It shall be demonstrated that the applicant is prepared to implement all BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMP and that copies of the approved project-specific WQMP are available for the future owners/occupants. The City will not release occupancy permits for any portion of the project until all proposed BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMPs, to which the portion of the project is tributary to, are completed and operational. 184.Inspection of BMP Installation – Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, all structural BMPs included in the approved FINAL WQMP shall be inspected for completion of installation in accordance with approved plans and specifications, and the FINAL WQMP. The Public Works Stormwater Inspection team shall verify that all proposed structural BMPs are in working conditions, and that a hard copy and / or digital copy of the approved FINAL WQMP are available at the site for use and reference by future owners/occupants. The inspection shall ensure that the FINAL WQMP at the site includes the BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan, and shall include the site in a City maintained database for future periodic inspection. G. WATER, SEWER, AND RECYCLED WATER 185.Meet Minimum Standards – All public water, sewer and recycled water improvements shall be designed per the City adopted Riverside County Ordinances 460, 461 and 787; Eastern Municipal Water Districts (EMWD) standards and specifications, including required auxiliaries and appurtenances. The final design, including pipe sizes and alignments, shall be subject to the approval of EMWD and the City of Menifee. 186.Utility Improvement Plans – Public Water, Sewer and Recycled Water improvements shall be drawn on City title block for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department and EMWD. 187.Onsite and Offsite Sewer, Water and Recycled Water Improvements – All public onsite and offsite sewer, water and recycled water improvements shall be guaranteed for construction prior to Parcel Map recordation and approval of improvement plans. 188.Sewer Lines – Any new public sewer line alignments or realignments shall be designed such that the manholes are aligned with the center of lanes or on the lane line and in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances 460/461 and Eastern Municipal Water District standards. 189.Water Mains and Hydrants - All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinance Numbers 460 and 787, and subject to the approval of the Eastern Municipal Water District and the Riverside County Fire Department. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:259 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 52 of 71 H. CITYWIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (CFD) Prior to Final Map Recordation: 190.Annexation to the Citywide Community Facilities District (CFD) –Prior to Parcel Map recordation, the developer / property owner shall complete the annexation of the proposed development, into the boundaries of the City of Menifee citywide Community Facilities Maintenance District (Services). The citywide CFD shall be responsible for: The maintenance of public improvements or facilities that benefit this development, including but not limited to, public landscaping, streetlights, traffic signals, streets, drainage facilities, water quality basins, graffiti abatement, and other public improvements or facilities as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the annexation of the proposed development in the citywide CFD. 191.CFD Annexation Agreement – In the event timing for this development’s schedule prevents the developer / property owner from complying with condition of approval for CFD annexation, the developer shall enter into a CFD annexation agreement to allow the annexation to complete prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map. The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation of the CFD annexation agreement. The agreement shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of a building permit. 192.Landscape Improvement Plans for CFD Maintenance – Landscape improvements within public ROW and/or areas dedicated to the City for the citywide CFD to maintain shall be prepared on a separate City CFD plan for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 193.CFD Landscape Guidelines and Improvement Plans – All landscape improvements for maintenance by the CFD shall be designed and installed in accordance with City CFD Landscape Guidelines, and shall be drawn on a separate improvement plan on City title block. The landscape improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to issuance of a construction permit. 194.Landscaping on Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue – The parkway areas behind the sidewalk within the public right-of-way fronting the entire property along Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue shall be landscaped and irrigated per City standards and guidelines. These areas shall be maintained by the CFD. 195.Maintenance of CFD Accepted Facilities – All landscaping and appurtenant facilities to be maintained by the citywide CFD shall be built to City standards. The developer shall be responsible for ensuring that landscaping areas to be Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:260 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 53 of 71 maintained by the CFD have its own controller and meter system, separate from any private controller/meter system. I. WASTE MANAGEMENT 196.AB 341 - AB 341 focuses on increased commercial waste recycling as a method to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The regulation requires businesses and organizations that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and multifamily units of 5 or more, to recycle. A business shall take at least one of the following actions in order to reuse, recycle, compost, or otherwise divert commercial solid waste from disposal: a. Source separate recyclable and/or compostable material from solid waste and donate or self-haul the material to recycling facilities. b. Subscribe to a recycling service with their waste hauler. c. Provide recycling service to their tenants (if commercial or multi-family complex). d. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations Title 14. For more information please visit: www.rivcowm.org/opencms/recyclying/recycling_and_compost_business.html #mandatory 197.AB 1826. AB 1826 (effective April 1, 2016) requires businesses that generate eight (8) cubic yards or more or organic waste per week to arrange for organic waste recycling services. The threshold amount of organic waste generated requiring compliance by businesses is reduced in subsequent years. Businesses subject to AB 1826 shall take at least one of the following actions in order to divert organic waste from disposal: a. Source separate organic material from all other recyclables and donate or self-haul to a permitted organic waste processing facility. b. Enter into a contract or work agreement with gardening or landscaping service provider or refuse hauler to ensure the waste generated from those services meet the requirements of AB 1826. c. Consider xeriscaping and using drought tolerant/low maintenance vegetation in all landscaped areas of the project. As of January 1, 2019, the above requirements are now applicable to businesses that generate four (4) or more cubic yards of solid waste per week and one (1) or more cubic yards of organic waste per week. Additionally, as of January 1, 2019, a third trash bin is now required for organics recycling, which will require a larger trash enclosure to accommodate three (3) trash bins. This development is subject to this requirement. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 198.Recyclables Collection and Loading Area Plot Plan. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each building, the applicant shall submit three (3) Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:261 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 54 of 71 copies of a Recyclables Collection and Loading Area plot plan to the City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department for review and approval. The plot plan shall show the location of and access to the collection area for recyclable materials, along with its dimensions and construction detail, including elevation/façade, construction materials and signage. The plot plan shall clearly indicate how the trash and recycling enclosures shall be accessed by the hauler. The applicant shall provide documentation to the Community Development Department to verify that Engineering and Public Works has approved the plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 199.Waste Recycling Plan. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each building, a Waste Recycling Plan (WRP shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department for approval. Completion of Form B “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. At minimum, the WRP must identify the materials (i.e., concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.) that will be generated by construction and development, the projected amounts, the measures/methods that will be taken to recycle, reuse, and/or reduce the amounts of materials, the facilities and/or haulers that will be utilized, and the targeted recycling or reduction rate. During project construction, the project site shall have, at a minimum, two (2) bins; one for waste disposal and the other for recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials. Additional bins are encouraged to be used to further source separation of C&D recyclable materials. Accurate record keeping (receipts) for recycling of C&D recyclable materials and solid waste disposal must be kept. Arrangements can be made through the franchise hauler. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy 200.Waste Management Clearance. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for each building, evidence (i.e., receipts or other type of verification) shall be submitted to demonstrate project compliance with the approved WRP to the Engineering and Public Works Department in order to clear the project for occupancy permits. Receipts must clearly identify the amount of waste disposed and Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials recycled. Completion of Form C, “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program along with the receipts may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the PW Director / City Engineer. J.FEES, DEPOSITS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 201.Fees and Deposits – Prior to approval of grading plans, improvement plans, issuance of building permits, map recordation, and/or issuance of certificate of occupancy, the developer / property owner shall pay all fees, deposits as applicable. These shall include the regional Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF), any applicable Traffic Signal Mitigation Fees, Development Impact Fees (DIF), Road and Bridge Benefit District (RBBD) Fee, and any Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:262 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 55 of 71 applicable regional fees. Said fees and deposits shall be collected at the rate in effect at the time of collection as specified in current City resolutions and ordinances. 202.Road Bridge Benefit District (RBBD) – This project is within the Menifee Valley Zone C Road Bridge and Benefit District (RBBD). The applicant shall pay the RBBD fees based on the designated land use and areas, prior to issuance of a building permit. Should the project proponent choose to defer the time of payment, a written request shall be submitted to the City, deferring said payment from the time of issuance of a building permit to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Fees which are deferred shall be based upon the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance of the permit of each parcel. 203.TUMF Fees – Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the developer / property owner shall pay the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance, pursuant to adopted City Ordinance governing the TUMF program. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:263 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 56 of 71 Section IV: Building and Safety Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:264 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 57 of 71 General Requirements 204. Final Building & Safety Conditions. Final Building & Safety Conditions will be addressed when building construction plans are submitted to Building & Safety for review. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), and related codes which are enforced at the time of building plan submittal. 205. Compliance with Code. All Design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2019 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2019 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, 2019 California Energy Codes, 2019 California Green Building Standards, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and City of Menifee Municipal Code. If a code cycle changes prior to submission of any plans or documents, the plans submitted shall be updated to the current State of California, Title 24, Code of Regulations, City of Menifee Ordinance, or any other state, federal, or city requirements. 206. ADA Access. Applicant shall provide details of all applicable disabled access provisions and building setbacks on plans to include: a. Disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. b. Van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entrance of the building. c. Accessible path of travel from parking to the furthest point of improvement. d. Path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. e. Accessible path of travel from public right of way to all public areas on site, such as enclosures, clubhouses and picnic areas. 207. County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance. Applicant shall submit, at the time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plan with a “photometric study” showing compliance with County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance Number 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Building & Safety Department. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and aimed not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin and below. 208. Street Name Addressing. Applicant must obtain street name addressing for all proposed buildings by requesting street name addressing and submitting a site plan for commercial, residential/tract, or multi-family residential projects. 209. Obtain Approvals Prior to Construction. Applicant must obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 210. Obtaining Separate Approvals and Permits. Temporary construction/sales trailers, temporary power poles/generators, trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, building and monument signage, and any block walls will require separate approvals and permits. Solid covers are required over new and existing trash enclosures. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:265 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 58 of 71 211. Demolition. (If applicable) Demolition permits require separate approvals and permits. AQMD notification and approval may be required. 212. On-Site Sanitary Sewer and Domestic Water Plan Approvals. On-site sanitary sewer and domestic water plans will require separate approvals and permits from Building and Safety. A total of 6 sets shall be submitted. 213. Hours of Construction. Signage shall be prominently posted at the entrance of the project indicating the hours or construction, as allowed by the City of Menifee Municipal Ordinance 8.01.010, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. The permitted hours of construction are Monday through Saturday 6:30am to 7:00pm. No work is permitted on Sundays and nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer. 214. House Electrical Meter. A single house meter can be used for the entire site common areas (per C. Carlson, Building Official and T. Bilo, Plans Examiner for the City Building and Safety Department on 7/2/2021.) 215. Roof Drains. Drainage water collected from a roof, awning, canopy or marquee, and condensate from mechanical equipment shall not flow over a public walking surface. 216. Protection and penetration. Protection of joints and penetrations in fire resistance-rated assemblies shall not be concealed from view until inspected for all designed fire protection. Required fire seals/fire barriers in fire assemblies at fire resistant penetrations shall be installed by individuals with classification or certification covering the installation of these systems. Provide certification for the installation of each area and certification of compliance for Building Officials/Fire Marshal’s approval. At Plan Review Submittal 217. Submitting Plans and Calculations. Applicant must submit to Building & Safety one (1) complete set of each document listed below for electronic submittals or, seven (7) complete sets of plans and two (2) sets of supporting documents, two (2) sets of calculations for review including: All plans shall be submitted on minimum 24” x 36” size paper or digital equivalent. General Requirements a. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. (Business & Professions Code 5802), (Business & Professions Code 5536.1, 5802, & 6735) Cover Sheet b. Vicinity Map c. Parcel number and Site Address Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:266 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 59 of 71 d. Business Name e. Occupancy Type f. Occupant Load g. Type of Construction h. Number of stories i. Building Height j. Floor Area in sq. ft. k. Building data: Building Type of Construction, Square Feet of leased area intended use/occupancy, occupant loads, Building Code Data: 2019 California Building Code, 2019 California Electrical Code, 2019 California Mechanical Code, 2019 California Plumbing Code, 2019 California Green Building Code, 2019 California Energy Code, and 2019 California Fire Code. l. List any flammable/combustible materials, chemicals, toxics, or hazardous materials used or stored and total quantities or each, including MSDS reports. m. Indicate if the building has a fire sprinkler system. n. Sheet Index Plot Plans o. North Arrow p. Property Lines/Easements q. Street/Alleys r. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. s. Accessible parking/unload areas, curb ramps, exterior route of travel to the leased area entry door and at least one route to the public right-of- way. t. Calculations and locations for future electric vehicle charging station parking stalls and calculations and locations for the required clean air vehicle parking stalls. u. Precise grading plans indicating surface grades, locations and details for all accessible walkways, parking stalls, access aisles, ramps, etc… Floor Plans v. All wall lines to be indicated by double line. w. Fully dimensioned and to scale (3/16 inch per foot minimum) x. Exit door locations, widths, and direction of door swing. y. Wall legend. Show walls as existing or new, with references to wall construction details indicating heights, framing member size, spacing and material type, connections at top and bottom and top of wall lateral bracing method. z. Show all fixed elements of construction e.g., bathroom facilities, fixtures, cabinets, storage racks and/or shelves. aa. Accessible features e.g., fixed customer service counters, including kitchen, dining, or drinking bar counters, new bathroom facilities, access to new areas, features and elements. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:267 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 60 of 71 Reflected Ceiling Plans bb. Indicate the ceiling treatment, ceiling grid, and the placement of all light fixtures. Section Views cc. Walls and roof/ceiling finishes, complete occupancy separation and fire resistive construction if required, demising walls etc. For new conditioned spaces, section views shall indicate wall heights and insulation locations for walls and roof/ceilings. Plumbing/Mechanical Plans dd. System material types and sizes, waste/vent and potable water layouts or isometrics, plumbing fixture schedule, etc. ee. HVAC equipment location, distribution layout, material type and sizes fire/smoke control devices and activation. ff. Include a line of site detail showing new roof top equipment shielding. gg. Gas line diagram, material type, sizes, and load demand. Electrical Plans hh. Interior Main Distribution single line diagram, panel location/schedule, and load calculations, etc. ii. Electric power and lighting plans, interior fixture schedule, illuminated exit signs and emergency illumination. jj. Title 24 Energy Electrical requirements including multi-level switching arrangements and automatic electrical lighting shut-off system. Structural Plan/Foundation/Floor/Ceiling/Roof Plan and Details kk. Structural design justification of the existing roof framing for new mechanical equipment exceeding 300lbs. ll. Foundation supporting elements and connections, reinforcement, slab, and footing details, etc. mm. Structural frame plan(s). nn. T-Bar ceiling standard details and seismic restraints. Supplemental Information oo. Submittal to include two (2) copied sets of original shell building Title 24 Energy Calculations or new 8.5” x 11” Title 24 Energy calculations or Energy calculations as for newly constructed conditioned space. pp. Envelope or Mechanical for conditioned space as new construction or, as for an addition including, LTG (lighting) Energy calculations for new lighting with required forms copied to the full-size plan sheets. qq. Separate submittals and permits are required for signs. Planning approval required prior to submittal to Building & Safety. rr. Fees are based on the City of Menifee Adopted Fee Schedule. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:268 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 61 of 71 ss. Restaurant/Food establishments must obtain approval from the County Health Department/Food Division, and the local water/sewer purveyor for grease waste interceptors. tt. All contractors/sub-contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and shall comply with SEC. 3800 of the Labor Code regarding Workers Compensation. uu. Applicant shall obtain all required clearances and/or approvals from Planning, Engineering, Fire, and the appropriate water district(s) prior to issuance of any building permits. vv. A precise grading plan to verify accessibility for persons with disabilities. ww. Truss calculations that have been stamped by the engineer of record of the building and the truss manufacturer engineer. Maybe a deferred submittal. xx. Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) First Release Required. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits 218. On-site Domestic Water and Sanitary Sewer Plans. On-site domestic water and sanitary sewer plans, submitted separately from the building plans, shall be submitted to Building & Safety for review and approval. 219. Demolition Permits. (If applicable) A demolition permit shall be obtained if there is an existing structure to be removed as part of the project. AQMD shall be notified and a Permit/Release shall be submitted to Building and Safety, Prior to Permit Issuance. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits 220. Plans require Stamp of Registered Professional. Applicant shall provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on the plans. Electronic Signature is acceptable. All associated Building Fees to be paid. 221. Each Department is required to Approve, with a signature. Prior to Start of Construction 222. Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 223. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Application and deposit to be submitted, a minimum of 5 working days prior to effective date. Each department is required to provide an Exhibit’ clearly identifying those Conditions of Approval that remain outstanding with a signature. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy 224. Each department is required to Review and Approve with a Signature, once ALL Conditions of Approval have been Met/Approved. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:269 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 62 of 71 Prior to Final Inspection 225. Each department that has conditions shall have completed and approved their final inspection prior to requesting the final inspection by the Building and Safety Department. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:270 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 63 of 71 Section V: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:271 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 64 of 71 It is the responsibility of the recipient of these Fire Department conditions to forward then to all interested parties. The permit number (as it is noted above) is required on all correspondence. Questions should be directed to Menifee Fire Department-Office of the Fire Marshal at 29844 Haun Road., Menifee, CA 92586 or by phone at (951) 723-3767. With respect to the conditions of approval for the reference project, the Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: CONDITIONS 226.Fire Department Access - Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and a vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches 227.Surface Load and Capabilities - LOAD AND CAPABILITIES- Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed to support the impose loads of fire apparatus [75,000 pound live load (gross vehicular weight) distributed over two axles] and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities [rear wheel drive apparatus] for the length and grade(s) of the fire apparatus access road. 228.Hydrant Location - Fire Hydrants shall be located within 400’ of all exterior portions of the structures, measured along required fire apparatus access roads, and adjacent to public streets in the quantities and up to the maximum distance as required by the California Fire Code and Riverside County Fire Department. 229.Hydrants – Approved Super Hydrants, (6”x4”x 2 2 ½) shall be located at each street not more than 350 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 210 feet from any hydrant. 230.Sprinkler System - NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler are required per California Fire Code, California Building Code and Ordinance 460 as adopted by the City of Menifee. 231.Blue Dot Reflectors - Blue retro – reflective pavement markers shall be mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placements of markers must be approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 232.Fire Flow - The water mains shall be capable of providing a min. fire flows per CFC. Appendix B. 233.Water Plans - The applicant or developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block, and shall conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:272 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 65 of 71 234.Construction - Fire safety during construction shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33. (CFC Chapter 33 & CBC Chapter 33) 235.Required Access for Fire Fighting during Construction - Approved vehicle access for fire fighting shall be provided to all construction or demolition sites. Vehicle access shall be provided to within 100 feet of temporary or permanent fire department connections. Vehicle access shall be provided by either temporary or permanent roads, capable of supporting vehicle loading under all weather conditions. Vehicle access shall be maintained until permanent fire access roads are available. 236.Water Prior to Construction - The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any commencement of construction. (THIS DOES NOT SUFFICE FOR TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY) 237.Address – Commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side and rear access locations. The numerals shall be a minimum of twelve inches in height. 238.Pavers - Paving materials such as stone, concrete pavers, chip seal or slag, shall be evaluated based on their ability to support imposed load of a fire apparatus by a Civil or Soils Engineer and shall be installed per manufacture specification and designed to e RCV support the impose loads of fire apparatus {75,00 lbs of gross vehicular weight). Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when the Office of the Fire Marshal reviews building plans. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes, which are in effect at the time of building plan submittal. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:273 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 66 of 71 Section VI: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:274 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 67 of 71 General Conditions 239.Riverside County Department of Environmental Health. The project shall comply with the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health letter dated June 29, 2021 (attached at end of Conditions of Approval document). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:275 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 68 of 71 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:276 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 69 of 71 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:277 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 70 of 71 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:278 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 71 of 71 The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print) Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:279 RESOLUTION NO. PC21- _____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. PLN 20-0272 TO ALLOW FOR A DRIVE-THRU FOR THE PROPOSED SHOPS 2 LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT ROAD AND BRADLEY ROAD WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 for the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. WHEREAS, June 16, 2021, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits (Type 21 License) for off-premises consumption at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer) located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, on August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20- 0272, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 1,000 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following Findings: Section 1: Consistency with the General Plan. The proposed design and location of the Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the adopted General Plan and any applicable specific plan: Consistency with General Plan The project site is designated Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Subarea according to the City of Menifee General Plan. The intent of this designation is to create a dynamic east-west corridor by adding neighborhood-oriented commercial uses to support residential development and grow the City’s tax base. Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, general retail, professional offices, restaurants, and grocery stores are a permitted uses. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:280 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, a restaurant (or coffee shop) is a permitted use. Although it is not concluded with certainly the user associated with the drive-thru will ultimately be a restaurant, if it were, it would be a permitted use, but the drive-thru itself would require the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The provision of this commercial use is important not only for convenience, but also to satisfy commercial needs of the future population of the region. The Project, which includes the proposed drive-thru in addition to the other office and retail commercial uses, is consistent with the EDC-NR land use designation, because the project will provide commercial uses as envisioned in the General Plan. The Project provides services and goods designated to serving patrons within the vicinity of the Project site as well as those from surrounding communities. Newport Road and Bradley Road are both major commercial corridors within the City with Interstate 215 located in relatively close proximity to the east. In addition, the Project is consistent with the following City of Menifee General Plan policies: Project Design CD-3.5 Design parking lots and structures to be functionally and visually integrated and connected; off-street parking lots should not dominate the street scene. Perimeter landscaping have been provided to visually screen the parking lot, drive aisles, and this drive thru from surrounding roadways along both Newport Road and Bradley Road. CD-3.9 Utilize Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques and defensible space design concepts to enhance community safety. The Project is required to include security cameras at the entrances as well as within the property and the site has been designed to limit concealed areas to allow for greater visibility and security. Building Design CD-3.10 Employ design strategies and building materials that evoke a sense of quality and permanence. The Project includes quality architectural features, such as stone and brick veneers, horizontal fiber cement siding, canopies, architectural trim, landscape trellises, distinct roof elements, decorative light fixture, and tower elements. In addition, the varied color palette creates a warm environment and ranges from pure whites to deeper charcoals, Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:281 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 which will complement the more modern architectural elements of the project. CD-3.14 Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and architectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. The architecture of the Project incorporates varied colors, recesses, material changes, varied roof lines, wall plane changes, accent materials, and other architectural treatments that break up wall areas to avoid any long expanses of blank, monotonous walls. Enhanced Landscape Corridors CD-4.2 Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. The Project will provide sidewalks on Park Avenue and Bradley Road, which are currently absent. The sidewalk on Newport Road is already existing. The project will also provide parkway, street trees, and street lighting on its adjacent roadways and a Class II bike lane on Bradley Road and Newport Road. Lighting CD-6.4 Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. The applicant is proposing decorative down-shielded building mounted lighting, as well as decorative down-shielded free-standing lighting. CD-6.5 Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. The Project has been conditioned for all lighting fixtures to comply with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which will have the effect of limiting leakage and spillage of light. All lighting is to be down-shielded as described above. Policies ED-2.1 Promote retail development by locating needed goods and services in proximity to where residents live to improve quality of life, retain taxable spending by Menifee residents and attract residents from outside the City to shop in Menifee. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:282 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 o Locate businesses providing convenience goods and services in retail centers that are on arterials adjacent to neighborhoods and communities throughout the City but not in rural residential areas. o Encourage comparison goods businesses to locate in larger retail centers located on major arterials near freeway interchanges, because businesses that provide comparison goods tend to draw customers from larger areas. The Project would provide additional retail options and greater convenience to residential and commercial uses in the Project vicinity. The Project locates these retail goods and services along a major east/west and north-south commercial corridor (Newport Road and Bradley Road, respectively). The Project and the properties situated to the north, east, and some of the properties to the west of the project site share the same General Plan designation (i.e., EDC-NR). Other properties to the west are designated Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and contain an existing place of worship. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan and are designated for commercial uses. The Project is compatible with the surrounding uses and augments and supports the land uses in the vicinity of the Project. Consistency with Multiple Specie Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City’s boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan (SKR-HCP). The subject site is within the jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The Project site is located inside the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) (SKR) Fee Area. The Project is located within the boundaries of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however, the Project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group. The Project will be subject to the payment of fees for a commercial project consistent with City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 8.27 and Ordinance 663 as adopted by the City of Menifee. Therefore, the Project will not conflict with the provisions of the adopted HCP, Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant. Section 2:Consistency with the Zoning Code. The proposed design and location of the conditional uses meet all applicable standards of development and operation of the City’s Zoning Code, including any applicable specific use regulations. The Project site is zoned Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR). Surrounding zoning classifications include EDC-NR to the north, east, and west. Properties zoned Public/Quasi Public Facilities are also located to the west. Properties to the south are within the Cal Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:283 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 Neva Specific Plan. These zoning classifications are all compatible with the zoning for the Project site. The proposed retail center requires the processing of a plot plan, as well as a conditional use permit to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. The alcohol sales does not require processing of a Conditional Use Permit, but is rather a “permitted use”, because Major a is a grocery store and is in excess of 20,000 square feet. All other uses proposed within the project (e.g., sit-down and quick-serve restaurants, offices, grocery store, and general retail) are permitted uses. As stated in the City’s Development Code (Section 9.140.020), the EDC- NR zone is intended to provide neighborhood-oriented commercial uses that support the adjacent residential development to the north and south. Business park, office, or residential uses are envisioned along Bradley Road, to provide a buffer the commercial corridor and a logical transition to the adjacent single-family residential neighborhoods to the north. The project proposes a neighborhood-oriented commercial center which would support the adjacent residential developments. It also includes office uses within the northerly portion of the project which would in fact act as a transition to the adjacent single-family residential neighborhoods to the northeast. The project was reviewed against the City’s Development Code. The design of the Project is consistent with the development standard of the Development Code. Therefore, the proposed design and location of the conditional use meets all applicable standards of development and operation of the City’s Zoning Code, including any applicable specific use regulations. Section 3: Surrounding Uses. That the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the conditional uses in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned uses in the vicinity and that the proposed design and location of the conditional use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to uses, properties or improvements in the vicinity. The Project site is located at the northeast corner of Newport Road and Bradley Road. Uses surrounding the project site include a mini-storage facility (Right Space Storage) to the east, a CVS pharmacy and vacant land to the south, a commercial retail center similar to the proposed center (Newport Plaza), vacant land and the Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church to the west, and another commercial retail center similar to the proposed center (Bradley Business Center) to the north. The Project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications and is adequately sized, shaped, designed and located to accommodate the proposed uses. As noted above in Sections 1 and 2, the Project includes uses that are compatible and serve surroundings residents and businesses. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:284 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 The Project will provide a specialty grocer, office, restaurant, and retail options, in addition to the proposed drive-thru, along the Newport Road and Bradley Road corridors. The Project incorporates quality architecture and landscaping which will enhance the area. The Project has been reviewed by a variety of Departments to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, including, but not limited to City of Menifee Building and Safety, Engineering and Public Works, Riverside County Fire, and Riverside County Environmental Health. These Departments have also provided conditions of approval as appropriate to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Environmental impacts resulting from the project have been analyzed in an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). The IS/MND for the project determined that impacts would all be less than significant and impacts related to air quality, biological resources, greenhouse gas emission and transportation would be less than significant with the incorporation of the required mitigation measures. Therefore, the project would not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. Section 4: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. An IS/MND has been completed for the project and adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution PC 21-____. The Conditional Use Permit at issue is consistent with the MND, which the Planning Commission has considered as part of its proceedings. No new environmental impacts have been identified and no further environmental review is required for this project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) was prepared and identifies all mitigation measures that will be required for the project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following findings: 1. That the Findings set out above are true and correct. 2. That the facts presented within the public record and within this resolution provide a basis to approve Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Exhibit “1” of this Resolution. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:285 Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 August 25, 2021 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 25th day of August, 2021 _________________________ Benjamin Diederich, Chairman Attest: ___________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:286 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 1 of 9 EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 (“Crossroads”) Project Description: Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 proposes to allow the drive-thru for Shops 2. Assessor's Parcel No.:336-180-013 and -028 Approval Date:August 25, 2021 Expiration Date:August 25, 2024 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:287 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 2 of 9 Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1.Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. 2.Filing Notice of Determination (ND/MND). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($2,530.25) which includes the Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cent ($2,480.25) fee, required by Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(d)(3) plus the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination (ND) for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration (MND) required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. Per Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(c)(3), a project shall not be operative, vested or final and local government permits for the project shall not be valid until the filling fees required are paid. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:288 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 3 of 9 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:289 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 4 of 9 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:290 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 5 of 9 3.Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 shall be henceforth defined as follows: Permittee, Applicant, Project Permittee(s), Project Developer(s) shall all mean the permittee of this project. APPROVED EXHIBIT A = Site Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT B = Elevations of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT C = Floor Plans for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT G = Grading Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 24, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT L = Conceptual Landscaping for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, dated May 6, 2021. APPROVED EXHIBIT S = Master Sign Program for Plot Plan No. PLN 20- 0273, dated June 29, 2021 4.Ninety (90) Days. The permittee has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of this approval or conditional approval of this project. 5.Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The developer shall comply with the mitigation monitoring and reporting program (“MMRP”) which is incorporated by reference as part of these conditions of approval. 6.City of Menifee. The City of Menifee is a new City, incorporated on October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances, regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City also will identify and fund mitigation measure under CEQA through development impact fees. Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for the costs of providing planning services when development entitlement applications are submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of such services, and development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the development proposed on public improvements. To the extent that Menifee may develop future financing districts to cover the costs of maintenance of improvements constructed by development, Permittee agrees to petition for formation of, annexation to or inclusion in any such financing district and to pay the cost of such formation, annexation or inclusion. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:291 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 6 of 9 The permittee acknowledges it is on notice of the current development fees and understands that such fees will apply at the levels in effect at the time the fee condition must be met as specified herein. 7.Comply with All Conditions. The applicant/developer shall comply with all terms and conditions of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275. 8.Revocation. In the event the use hereby permitted under this permit, a) is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions of this permit, b) is found to have been obtained by fraud or perjured testimony, or c) is found to be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or is a public nuisance, this permit shall be subject to the revocation procedures. 9.Business Registration. Every person conducting a business within the City of Menifee shall obtain a business license, as required by the Menifee Municipal Code. For more information regarding business registration, contact the City of Menifee. 10.Expiration Date. This approval shall be used within three (3) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within a three-(3)-year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion or to the actual occupancy of existing buildings or land under the terms of the authorized use. Prior to the expiration of the three-(3)-year period, the permittee may request up to a three-(3)-year extension of time in which to begin substantial construction or use of this permit. Should the three-(3)-year extension be obtained and no substantial construction or use of this permit be initiated within six (6) years of the approval date this permit, shall become null and void. 11.Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:292 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 7 of 9 Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:293 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 8 of 9 General Conditions 12.Comply with Ordinances. The development of these premises shall comply with the standards of the City of Menifee Municipal Code and all other applicable ordinances and State and Federal codes and regulations. 13.Compliance with Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. The general site development standards as well as the site design, layout, location, setbacks, parking, landscaping, walls, building elevations, and other features for Shops 2 shall be in substantial conformance with those approved for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. 14.Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study), or any successor thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. 15.Hours of Operation. The hours of operation for drive thru at Shops 2 may be twenty-four (24) hours seven (7) days per week. 16.Ceased Operations. In the event the uses hereby permitted cease operation for a period of one (1) year or more, excluding renovation and casualty, this approval shall become null and void. Prior to Final Occupancy 17.Security Systems. Prior to the final occupancy, the applicant shall prepare a security plan for the site. The security plan for this project shall include a comprehensive security camera system that clearly depicts the entire parking field. This security camera system shall be based in one of the buildings containing the management office for this development, or inside a security office located within one of the retail buildings or other places acceptable to the Menifee Police Department, that is accessible to law enforcement at all times of the day and night. This security camera system shall have a recording capacity to minimally save footage for the period of one month. The above camera surveillance system shall include LPR (License Plate Recognition) cameras installed at the entrances/exits to this project. LPR cameras are cameras specifically designed to read and record vehicle license plates as they enter and exit this complex. It should be noted that high quality day/night vision LPR cameras are relatively inexpensive. The plan shall be approved prior to final occupancy. The Menifee Police Department, and/or Community Development Department shall also verify that the security system has been installed prior to final occupancy. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:294 Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0272 9 of 9 The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print) Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:295 RESOLUTION NO. PC21-_____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE APPROVING A FINDING OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. PLN 21-0211 FOR THE SALE OF BEER, WINE, AND DISTILLED SPIRITS FOR OFF-PREMISES CONSUMPTION AT THE PROPOSED MAJOR A (SPECIALTY GROCER) LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT ROAD AND BRADLEY ROAD WHEREAS, June 16, 2021, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits (Type 21 License) for off-premises consumption at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer) located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 for the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, The California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Act requires the local jurisdiction to make a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity prior to the ABC granting the license, when said retail license would be located in a census tract of undue concentration of retail licenses or if the granting of the retail license would cause a census tract to have an undue concentration. WHEREAS, The California ABC Board has determined that for this Census Tract No. 0427.08, two (2) off-site (Type 20 and 21) licenses are allowed and more than two (2) licenses are currently active. Therefore, the granting of this liquor license would cause this census tract to be over-concentrated by ABC’s determination. WHEREAS, on August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Public Convenience or Necessity No. PLN 21-0211, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 1,000 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee resolves as follows: Section 1. With regard to Public or Convenience Necessity Application No. PLN 21- 0211, the Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:296 Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 August 25, 2021 1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan and development code. The Major A specialty grocer is located in the central portion of the concurrently proposed office/retail commercial center (Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273). The project site is designated Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Subarea according to the City of Menifee General Plan. The intent of this designation is to create a dynamic east- west corridor by adding neighborhood-oriented commercial uses to support residential development and grow the City’s tax base. Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, a grocery store is a permitted use. The sale of alcohol is an ancillary use permitted within the grocery store. Therefore, the proposed use of off-site sales of beer, wine and distilled spirits is consistent with the City of Menifee General Plan and Development Code with the approval of this Public Convenience and Necessity. 2. The proposed use is compatible with the nature, condition and character of adjacent land uses. The Major A specialty grocer store is located in the central portion of the proposed office/retail commercial center (Plot Plan No. 20-0273). There is an existing mini-storage facility to the east. The specialty grocer is buffered from this use by a landscaped buffer and 6-foot-high screen wall. Therefore, the project will not impact the nature, condition or character of this adjacent use. To the south of the commercial center is Newport Road which in this location include 4 lanes in the westbound direction and 3 lanes in the eastbound direction (with a raised landscaped median). To the south of Newport Road is existing commercial land and commercially designated properties. Therefore, the project will not impact the nature, condition or character of these adjacent uses. Property to the west include similar commercial uses, vacant land (designated EDC-NR) and a place of worship. However, the place of worship is buffered by Bradley Road, perimeter landscaping, the proposed Shops 2 building and internal drive aisles and parking. Therefore, the project will not impact the nature, condition or character of these adjacent uses. Lastly, to the north is an existing commercial center, similar to the proposed project. Therefore, the project will not impact the nature, condition or character of these adjacent uses. 3. The proposed use would not have an adverse effect on adjacent land uses. The proposed off-site beer, wine and distilled spirits sales (Type 21 license) will not have an adverse effect on adjacent land uses as the Major A specialty grocer is located within the central portion of the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:297 Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 August 25, 2021 proposed office/retail commercial center has landscape buffering and intervening retail and office buildings. The sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits will not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the neighboring residential properties by their residents. 4. The proposed use would not result in an excessive number of similar establishments in close proximity. The Major A specialty grocer store will be located in an area that is an existing hub of commercial activity for the area west of the I-215 Freeway. This application for Findings of Public Convenience or Necessity should not result in an excessive number of off-site licenses, as the existing off- site licenses are located in different commercial centers spread throughout the census tract. 5. The proposed use will be essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare and will not impair the integrity and character of the zone district or be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. The Major A specialty grocer store is primarily engaged in the sale of groceries and the sale of alcohol is ancillary. Residents picking up general groceries would be able to purchase alcohol at the same time as purchasing other grocery items. Therefore, the project provides the public convenience for the residents of the surrounding community. 6. Notice of hearing shall be given to all owners of property within 1,000 feet of the subject facility, to any elementary school or secondary school district within those boundaries the facility is located and to any public entity operating a public park or playground within 1,000 feet of the subject facility. The Community Development Director may require that additional notice be given, in a matter the Director deems necessary or desirable to other persons or public entities. The proposed project was noticed on July 29, 2021 and published within The Press Enterprise. Notices were also mailed to property owners within a 1,000-foot radius of the project site and an on-site public noticing signs were placed on the property. All relevant public agencies were also notified of the public hearing. Section 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Menifee approves Public Necessity or Convenience Application No. PLN 21-0211. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:298 Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 August 25, 2021 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF AUGUST 2021 ___________________________________ Benjamin Diederich, Chairman ATTEST: ______________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: _____________________________ Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:299 RESOLUTION NO. PC21- _____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. PLN 20-0275 (TPM NO. 37972) FOR THE COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF 9.02 GROSS ACRES INTO SIX (6) PARCELS LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT ROAD AND BRADLEY ROAD WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) for a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcel for commercial development to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 for the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. WHEREAS, on October 8, 2020, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 to allow for the drive-thru for Shops 2. WHEREAS, June 16, 2021, the applicant, Menifee Crossroads, LLC, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for a finding of Public Convenience or Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 for the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits (Type 21 License) for off-premises consumption at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer) located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). WHEREAS, on August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20- 0275 (TPM 37972), which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 1,000 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following Findings: Section 1: The proposed subdivision and the design and improvements of the subdivision is consistent with the Development Code, General Plan, any applicable specific plan, and the Menifee Municipal Code. Consistency with General Plan The project site is designated Economic Development Corridor – Newport Road (EDC-NR) Subarea according to the City of Menifee General Plan. The intent of this designation is to create a dynamic east-west corridor by adding neighborhood-oriented commercial uses to support residential development and grow the City’s tax base. Within the EDC-NR subarea zone, general retail, professional offices, restaurants, and grocery stores are a permitted uses. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:300 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 August 25, 2021 The proposed project is the subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcel to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. This site meets the requirements of the Development Code, General Plan, and the Menifee Municipal Code. The project site is not located within any Specific Plan. The proposed subdivision is consistent with adopted Title 7 Subdivision Ordinance. The land to be subdivided is in accordance with the proposed Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. The Project and the properties situated to the north, east, and some of the properties to the west of the project site share the same General Plan designation (i.e., EDC-NR). Other properties to the west are designated Public/Quasi Public Facilities (PF) and contain an existing place of worship. Properties to the south are within the Cal Neva Specific Plan and are designated for commercial uses. The proposed commercial subdivision is consistent with the Zoning and General Plan land use designations of these surrounding properties. The subdivision will also comply with the development standards of the City’s Development Code including minimum lot dimensions, floor area ratio, and setbacks, furthering the project’s consistency with the Development Code, General Plan, and the Menifee Municipal Code. Section 2:The tentative map does not propose to divide land that is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, or the land is subject to a Land Conservation Act contract but the resulting parcels following division of the land will be of an adequate size to sustain their agricultural use. The tentative parcel map does not involve parcels that are subject to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. The proposed parcels currently contain vacant land; therefore, there are no agricultural uses to sustain. Because this is not a parcel used for agricultural purposes and is not subject to the California Land Conservation Act 1965, subdividing the property will not affect the agricultural viability of the property as the existing development on site is for commercial purposes. Section 3:The site is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development proposed by the tentative map. The proposed development (proposed under Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273) complies with the type of development and density of the EDC-NR land use designation and zone. The existing development complies with the development standards of the General Plan and Development Code including setbacks, building height, and landscaping. The proposed commercial development will cover approximately 26 percent (0.26 floor area ratio) of the created lot, as such the development will continue to comply with the intended lot coverage prescribed by the Development Code. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:301 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 August 25, 2021 The physical suitability of the proposed development was analyzed during the review process for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map will not change this development and there is no additional development proposed under this Tentative Parcel Map. Therefore, the proposed Tentative Parcel Map is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development. Section 4:The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements, with conditions of approval, is: 1. Not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The project is to subdivide 9.08 acres into six (6) parcels. An IS/MND has been completed for the project and adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution PC 21-____). Standard conditions of approval pertaining to burrowing owl, nesting birds, Stephens kangaroo rat and cultural resources still apply in this case and shall be addressed as part of standard monitoring in the conditions of approval. As such, the subdivision will not cause environmental damage or injure fish, wildlife, or their habitat. Section 5: The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. The proposed subdivision is proposed concurrently with Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. City of Menifee Engineering and Public Works, Building and Safety and Community Development Departments, Riverside County Environmental Health Department, and the City of Menifee Fire Marshal’s office analyzed all public health impacts for the proposed development during project review. Conditions of approval were assigned to ensure the health and safety of the public, and the employees of the proposed development. In addition, an IS/MND has been completed for the project and adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution PC 21-____ and found that no significant impacts related serious public health problems would occur with implementation of the proposed project. For these reasons, this subdivision will not cause serious public health problems. Section 6: The design of the subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the extent feasible. The design of the subdivision does not alter the concurrently proposed development (i.e., Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273). This parcel map does not further provide or alter future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities for the project site; however, the project site remains consistent with findings made for Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273. Section 7: The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, or the design of the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:302 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 August 25, 2021 alternate easements, which are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public will be provided. The proposed subdivision does not include improvements, or changes to the concurrently proposed development (i.e., Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273). Easements to provide access for the public through the property are included through conditions of approval for the Tentative Parcel Map. Section 8:The subdivision is consistent with the City’s parkland dedication requirements (per the Quimby Act), as applicable, in accordance with Chapter 7.75 (Parkland Dedication and Fees). This project is for the subdivision of a proposed commercial development and does not include residential units. For these reasons, no Quimby Act fees or dedications are required. Section 7: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. An IS/MND has been completed for the project and adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution PC 21-____. The Tentative Parcel Map at issue is consistent with the MND, which the Planning Commission has considered as part of its proceedings. No new environmental impacts have been identified and no further environmental review is required for this project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) was prepared and identifies all mitigation measures that will be required for the project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following findings: 1. That the Findings set out above are true and correct. 2. That the facts presented within the public record and within this resolution provide a basis to approve Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Exhibit “1” of this Resolution. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:303 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 August 25, 2021 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 25th day of August, 2021: _________________________ Benjamin Diederich, Chairman Attest: ___________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:304 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 1 of 44 EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 37972) (“Crossroads”) Project Description: Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (Tentative Parcel Map No. 37972) proposes a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcel to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. Assessor's Parcel No.:336-180-013 and -028 MSHCP Category:Commercial Retail DIF Category:Commercial Retail SKR Category:Discretionary permit on greater than ½ (0.5 acres) TUMF Category:Commercial Retail Quimby Category:Not Applicable Approval Date:August 25, 2021 Expiration Date:August 25, 2024 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:305 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 2 of 44 Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1.Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. 2.Filing Notice of Determination (ND/MND). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($2,530.25) which includes the Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Seventy-Five Cent ($2,480.25) fee, required by Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(d)(3) plus the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination (ND) for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration (MND) required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. Per Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(c)(3), a project shall not be operative, vested or final and local government permits for the project shall not be valid until the filling fees required are paid. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:306 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 3 of 44 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Section III: Engineering/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval Section IV: Fire Department Conditions of Approval Section V: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:307 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 4 of 44 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:308 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 5 of 44 General Conditions 3. Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37972 shall be henceforth defined as follows: TENTATIVE MAP = EXHIBIT A - Tentative Parcel Map No. 37972 dated May 24, 2021 (Planning Application No. PLN 20-0275) 5.Ninety (90) Days to Protest. The project developer has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of this approval or conditional approval of this project. 6.City of Menifee. The City of Menifee is a new City incorporated on October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances, regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City may identify and fund mitigation measures under CEQA through development impact fees. Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for the costs of providing planning services when development entitlement applications are submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of such services, and development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the development proposed on public improvements. To the extent that Menifee may develop future financing districts to cover the costs of maintenance of improvements constructed by development, Developer agrees to petition for formation of, annexation to or inclusion in any such financing district and to pay the cost of such formation, annexation or inclusion. The developer acknowledges it is on notice of the current development fees and understands that such fees will apply at the levels in effect at the time the fee condition must be met as specified herein. 7.Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The developer shall comply with the mitigation monitoring and reporting program (“MMRP”) which is incorporated by reference as part of these conditions of approval. 8.Comply with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 7 Subdivisions. This land division shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all requirements of Title 7 (Subdivisions) of the Menifee Municipal Code, unless modified by the conditions listed herein. 9.Expiration Date. The conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP shall expire three (3) years after the City of Menifee approval date, unless extended as provided pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, and the City of Menifee Subdivision Ordinance. Action on a minor change and/or revised map request shall not extend the time limits of the originally approved TENTATIVE MAP. If the TENTATIVE MAP expires before the recordation of the final phase, no further FINAL MAP recordation shall be permitted. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:309 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 6 of 44 Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:310 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 7 of 44 General Conditions Fees 10.Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to final map, grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 17-232 (Fees and Charges), or any successor thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. Prior to Final Map 11.Final Map. After the approval of the TENTATIVE MAP and prior to the expiration of said map, the developer/owner shall cause the real property included within the TENTATIVE MAP, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a FINAL MAP thereof prepared in accordance with the current Engineering Department requirements, the conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP, and in accordance with Menifee Municipal Code Title 7 Subdivisions. 12.Surveyor. The FINAL MAP shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer. The applicant will be required to update any previously recorded reciprocal access agreements as necessary as a result of Tentative Parcel Map No. 37972. 13.Reciprocal Access and Parking Agreements. Prior to map recordation, reciprocal access and parking agreements shall be established across Parcels 1 through 6 for appropriate on-site circulation and access to and from adjacent roadways and to allow flexible parking overflow between parcels. 14.ECS. The developer/owner shall prepare an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) in accordance with Menifee Municipal Code Title 7 Subdivisions, which shall be submitted as part of the plan check review of the FINAL MAP. 15.Dark Sky Ordinance. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be placed on the ECS: "This property is subject to lighting restrictions as required by the Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, the “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which are intended to reduce the effects of night lighting on the Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be in conformance with the Dark Sky Ordinance.” 16.Survey Checklist. The Engineering and Community Development Departments shall review any FINAL MAP and ensure compliance with the following: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:311 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 8 of 44 A. All parcels on the FINAL MAP shall be in substantial conformance with the approved TENTATIVE MAP relative to size and configuration. B. The total number of parcels on the final map shall be 6. Fees 17.Fees. Prior to recordation, the Planning Department shall determine if the deposit-based fees for the TENTATIVE MAP are in a negative balance. If so, any unpaid fees shall be paid by the developer/owner and/or the developer/owner's successor-in-interest. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:312 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 9 of 44 Section III: Engineering/Public Works Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:313 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 10 of 44 The following are the Public Works / Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project which shall be satisfied at no cost to the City or any other Government Agency. All questions regarding the intent of the following conditions shall be referred to the Public Works / Engineering Department, Land Development Section. The developer / property owner shall use the standards and design criteria stated in the following conditions, and shall comply with all applicable City of Menifee standards and ordinances. Should a conflict arise between City of Menifee standards and design criteria, and any other standards and design criteria, those of the City of Menifee shall prevail. A. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONDITIONS 18. This Tentative Parcel Map, PLN20-0275, is concurrently processing a proposed plot plan, PLN20-0273, which has its own set of Conditions of Approval. The conditions for this Tentative Parcel Map shall be satisfied in concurrence with the Conditions of Approval for the proposed Plot Plan. 19.Subdivision Map Act - The developer / property owner shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act. 20.Mylars – All improvement plans and grading plans shall be drawn on twenty- four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar and signed by a registered civil engineer and/or other registered/licensed professional as required. 21.Bond Agreement, Grading and Improvement Security – To guarantee the construction of all required grading and improvements, the developer / property owner shall enter into Bond Agreements and post security or bonds in accordance with applicable City policies and ordinances. The improvements shall include, but not limited to: onsite/offsite grading, erosion control, street improvements, street lights, traffic signals, signing and striping, public landscape improvements, recreational paseos, parks, water/sewer/recycled water improvements, water quality BMPs, and storm drainage facilities. Bond agreements and bond posting shall be required prior to map recordation, grading, building, or construction permit issuance, whichever is applicable. It should be noted that with the exception of grading bond agreements, all other bond agreements require council approvals. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to coordinate their project timing with City council calendar when requesting City approvals of Bond Agreements. 22.Bond Replacement, Reduction, and Releases – All requests for bond replacements (such as in changes of property ownerships), reductions (such as in partial completion of improvements), releases (such as in completion of improvements), shall conform to City policies, standards and applicable City ordinances. It shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to notify the City in time when any of these bond changes are necessary. The City shall review all changes in Bond Agreements and the accompanying bonds or security. Similarly, with the exception of grading bond agreements all other agreement changes require City Council approvals. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to coordinate their project timing with City Council calendar when requesting changes to the bond agreements. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:314 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 11 of 44 23.Existing and Proposed Easements - The final grading plan shall correctly show all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses. Any omission or misrepresentation of these documents may require said plan to be resubmitted for further consideration. 24.Plan Check Submittals - Appropriate plan check submittal forms shall be completed and submittal check list provided that includes required plan copies, necessary studies / reports, references, fees, deposits, etc. Prior to final approval of improvement plans by the Public Works / Engineering Department, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department CAD layers of all improvements to be maintained by the City (pavement, sidewalk, street lights, etc.). A scanned image of all final approved grading and improvement plans on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive, also known as a “flash” drive or “thumb” drive, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). CAD files created with the latest version shall only be accepted if approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 25.Plan Approvals – Improvement plans and grading plans shall be submitted with necessary supporting documentation and technical studies (hydrology, hydraulics, traffic impact analysis, geotechnical studies, etc.) to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. All submittals shall be signed and date stamped by the Engineer of Record. The plans must receive Public Works / Engineering Department approval prior to issuance of any construction permit, grading permit, or building permits as applicable and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. All submittals shall include a completed City Fee or Deposit Based Worksheet and the appropriate plan check. For improvements proposed to be owned and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, improvement plans must receive district approval prior to Building permit issuance or as determined by the District. 26.As-Built Plans - Upon completion of all required improvements, the developer / property owner shall cause the civil engineer of record to as-built all project plans, and submit project base line of work for all layers on a USB drive to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). The timing for submitting the as-built plans shall be as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 27.Construction Times of Operation - The developer / property owner shall monitor, supervise, and control all construction and construction related activities to prevent them from causing a public nuisance including, but not limited to, strict adherence to the following: a. Construction activities shall comply with City of Menifee ordinances relating to construction noise. Any construction within the city located within one- Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:315 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 12 of 44 fourth mile from an occupied residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday, except on nationally recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in accordance with Municipal Code Section 8.01.010. There shall be no construction permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer. b. Removal of spoils, debris, or other construction materials deposited on any public street no later than the end of each working day. c. The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. Violation of any condition or restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions shall subject the owner, applicant to remedies as set forth in the City Municipal Code. In addition, the Public Works Director / City Engineer or the Building Official may suspend all construction related activities for violation of any condition, restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions until such a time it has been determined that all operations and activities are in conformance with these conditions. d. A Pre-Construction meeting is mandatory with the City’s Public Works Inspection team prior to start of any construction activities for this site. 28.Dry Utility Installations – Electrical power, telephone, communication, street lighting, and cable television lines shall be placed underground in accordance with current City ordinances, or as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This applies also to existing overhead lines which are 33.6 kilovolts or below along the project frontage and within the project boundaries. In cases where 33.6kV or below lines are collocated with high voltage lines (for example, 115kV), the low voltage lines shall still be placed underground even when the high voltage lines are exempt from relocation or undergrounding in accordance with City standards and ordinances. Exemption from undergrounding low voltage lines shall only be by the Public Works Director / City Engineer or as directed by the City Council. 29.Final Map Required – After the approval of the Tentative Map and prior to the expiration of said map, the land divider shall cause the real property included within the Tentative Map, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a Parcel Map thereof prepared in accordance with the current Engineering Department requirements, the conditionally approved Tentative Map, and in accordance with Chapter 7.40 of the City of Menifee Municipal Code. 30.Licensed Surveyor – The Parcel Map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified by California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists the to prepare Parcel Maps. 31.Reciprocal Access – Prior to map recordation, reciprocal access shall be established across all parcels for appropriate on-site circulation, access for the project site and to allow shared parking across parcels. 32.Surveyor Checklist – The City Engineering Department – Survey Division shall review the Parcel Map and ensure compliance with the following: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:316 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 13 of 44 a. All parcels on the Parcel Map shall be in substantial conformance with the approved Tentative Map relative to size and configuration. b. The total number of parcels on the Parcel Map shall be six. 33.ECS – The land divider shall prepare and Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) in accordance with Chapter 7.65 of the City of Menifee Municipal Code, which shall be submitted as part of the plan check review of the Parcel Map. A note shall be placed on the Parcel Map “Environmental Constraint Sheet affecting this map is on file at the City of Menifee Public Works and Engineering Department, in E.C.S Book _XX_, Page _XX_. 34.ECS Note on Dark Sky Lighting – The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be placed on the ECS: “This property is subject to lighting restrictions as required by the Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, the “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which are intended to reduce the effects of night lighting on the Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall in in conformance with the Dark Sky Ordinance.” 35.ECS Mitigation Monitoring Plan – The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be placed on the ECS: “This property is subject to the Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Plan adopted as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project on file with the Community Development Department.” B. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 36.Introduction – Improvement such as grading, filling, over excavation and re- compaction, and base or paving which require a grading permit are subject to the Public Works Department conditions of approval stated herein. 37.Grading Regulations Chapter 8.26 – Any construction activity such as over excavation, re-compaction, cut, fill, base or paving which require a grading permit and shall conform to the requirements of City Grading Regulations Chapter 8.26. Additionally grading permits are subject to the Public Works Department conditions of approval stated herein. 38.Regulations and Ordinance on Grading Within the City – In addition to compliance with City Chapter 8.26, grading activities shall also conform to the latest edition of the California Building Code, City General Plan, other City Ordinances, City design standards and specifications and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing grading in the City of Menifee. Prior to commencing any grading, clearing, grubbing or any topsoil disturbances, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Grading activities that are exempt from a grading permit as outlined by the City ordinance may still require a grading permit by the Public Works Director / City Engineer when deemed necessary to prevent the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:317 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 14 of 44 potential for adverse impacts upon drainage, sensitive environmental features, or to protect property, health safety, and welfare. 39.Grading Permit for Disturbed Soil – City ordinance on grading requires a grading permit prior to clearing, grubbing or any top soil disturbances related to construction grading. 40.Dust Control – All necessary measures to control dust shall be implemented by the developer during grading. Fugitive dust shall be controlled in accordance with Rule 403 of the California Air Quality Control Board. 41.2:1 Maximum Slope - Graded slopes shall be limited to a maximum steepness ratio of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless otherwise approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 42.Slope Setbacks – Observe slope setbacks from buildings and property lines per the California Building Code and City ordinance on grading. 43.Slope Landscaping and Irrigation – All slopes greater than or equal to 3 feet in vertical height shall be irrigated and landscaped with grass or ground cover. Drip irrigation shall be used for all irrigated slopes. 44.Slope Erosion Control Plan - Erosion control and/or landscape plans are required for manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical height. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect and bonded per applicable City ordinances. 45.Slope Stability Report – A slope stability report shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for all proposed cut and fill slopes steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or over 20 feet in vertical height, unless addressed in a previously city approved report. 46.Erosion Control Plans – All grading plans shall require erosion control plans prior to approval. Temporary erosion control measures shall be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. Plans showing erosion control measures may be included as part of the grading plans or submitted as a separate set of plans for city review and approval. Graded but undeveloped land shall provide, in addition to erosion control planting, any drainage facilities deemed necessary to control or prevent erosion. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are required year-round in compliance with all applicable City of Menifee Standards and Ordinances and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit from the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Additional Erosion protection may be required during the rainy season. 47.Water Quality Management Plan - All grading plans shall require an approved copy of the Water Quality Management Plan sheet per the approved WQMP report. The developer / property owner shall comply with the requirements of the WQMP report, and City standards and specifications. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:318 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 15 of 44 48.Design Grade Criteria – Onsite parking areas shall be designed in accordance with the current version of City of Menifee Standards and Specifications. Non-compliance may require a redesign of the project. Significant redesigns may require a revised Plot Plan and/or Tentative Parcel Map. 49.Drainage Grade - Minimum drainage design grade shall be 1% except on Portland cement concrete surfaces where 0.5% shall be the minimum. The engineer of record must submit a variance request for design grades less than 1% with a justification for a lesser grade. 50.Finish Grade – Shall be sloped to provide proper drainage away from all exterior foundation walls in accordance with City of Menifee Standard Plan 300. 51.Use of Maximum and Minimum Grade Criteria – Actual field construction grades shall not exceed the minimum and maximum grades for ADA and approved project grading design, to allow for construction tolerances. Any improvement that is out of the minimum and maximum values will not be accepted by the City Inspector, and will need to be removed and replaced at developer’s or owner’s expense. 52.Site Drainage - Positive drainage of the site shall be provided, and water shall not be allowed to pond behind or flow over cut and fill slopes. Where water is collected and discharged in a common area, protection of the native soils shall be provided by planting erosion resistant vegetation, as the native soils are susceptible to erosion by running water. All cut and fill slopes shall have a maximum 2:1 (H:V) grade, 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. 53.Alteration of Drainage Patterns – Prior to grading permit issuance or approval of improvement plans, the final engineering plans submitted by the applicant shall address the following: The project drainage system shall be designed to accept and properly convey all on- and off-site drainage flowing on or through the site. The project drainage system design shall protect downstream properties from any damage caused by alteration of drainage patterns such as concentration or diversion of flow. Concentrated drainage on commercial lots shall be diverted through parkway drains under sidewalks. 54.Licensed Geotech - A licensed geotechnical engineer shall perform final determination of the foundation characteristics of soils within on-site development areas. 55.10 Year Curb – 100 Year ROW - The 10 year storm flow shall be contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow shall be contained within the street right-of-way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities may be required to ensure the proposed development will not increase predevelopment flows to downstream receiving streets and properties. The property shall be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:319 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 16 of 44 56.100 Year Drainage Facilities - All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate 100 year storm flows as approved by the City of Menifee Public Works / Engineering Department. 57.100 Year Design Criteria - In final engineering and prior to grading permit issuance, subsurface storage systems shall be designed with emergency overflow inlets to mitigate flows in excess of the 100 year storm event in a controlled manner to the satisfaction of the Public Works / Engineering Department. 58.100 Year Sump Outlet - Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions shall be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape shall also be provided. 59.On-Site Storm Drain System - Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the proposed on-site storm drain system shall be designed such that any ponding in the 100 year storm, shall be contained within the site; it shall not encroach onto any adjacent property, and shall maintain a minimum 1-foot freeboard to the proposed building pad elevation. The 100 year storm flow shall be conveyed to the Bradley Road, and shall not flow over the proposed parkway or within the driveway approach. 60.Retaining Walls – Sections, which propose retaining walls, will require separate permits. They shall be obtained prior to issuance of any other building permits – unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. The walls shall be designed by a registered civil engineer and conform to City Standards. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance: 61.Geotechnical Report – The following documentation was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Commercial Development, Assessor Parcel Numbers 336-180-028, Located on the Northeastern Corner of Bradley Road and Newport Road, City of Menifee, Riverside County, California, prepared by Earth Strata Geotechnical Services, Inc., Project No. 192852-10A, dated July 31, 2020. Two copies of City-approved geotechnical/soils report, no more than three (3) years from date of application for a grading permit, shall be provided to the City Public Works / Engineering Department with initial submittal of a grading plan. If there is no approved report and/or said report is past the three (3) years from date of application, a new geotechnical/soils report and/or update letter, respectively, shall be prepared and submitted to City for review and approval. The geotechnical/soils, compaction and inspection reports will be reviewed in conformance with the latest edition of the Riverside County Technical Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports. A fee for review of the geotechnical/soils report and/or update letter shall be paid to the City, the amount of which shall be determined by the City at the first submittal of the report. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:320 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 17 of 44 A pre-grading meeting, certifications, approvals and inspection procedures will be implemented in accordance with City Public Works - Inspection process. All grading shall be done in conformance with the recommendations of the City approved geotechnical/soils reports, and under the general direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer. 62.Drainage Study – The following report was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Hydrology Study, Menifee Crossroads Commercial Development, Newport and Bradley, Menifee, CA, APNs: 336-180-013 and 336-180-028, prepared by Valued Engineering Inc., dated September 2020. Two copies of a final drainage study (also referred to as Hydrology/Hydraulics Report) shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The study shall analyze at a minimum the following: project site drainage flow; all future improvements drainage flow; Q10, Q100, pre- and post- condition flow rates; anticipated total drainage flow into existing storm drain; and existing storm drain capacity. The project shall comply with all mitigation recommended by the approved drainage study. A fee for review of the Drainage Study shall be paid to the City, the amount of which shall be determined by City at first submittal of report. 63.Grading Permit for Clearing and Grubbing – City ordinance on grading requires a grading permit prior to clearing, grubbing, or any topsoil disturbances related to construction grading activities. 64.Compliance with NPDES General Construction Permit – The developer/ property owner shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Construction Permit (GCP) from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Prior to approval of the grading plans or issuance of any grading permit, the developer / property owner shall obtain a GCP from the SWRCB. Proof of filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) and monitoring plan, shall be submitted to the City; and the WDID number issued by the SWRCB shall be reflected on all grading plans. For additional information on how to obtain a GCP, contact the SWRCB. 65.SWPPP - Prior to approval of the grading plans, the developer / property owner shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for uploading the SWPPP into the State’s SMARTS database system, and shall ensure that the SWPPP is updated to constantly reflect the actual construction status of the site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be made available at the construction site at all times until construction is completed. The SWRCB considers a construction project complete once a Notice of Termination has been issued by SWRCB. The City shall require submittal of NOTs for requests to fully release associated grading bonds. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:321 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 18 of 44 66.SWPPP for Inactive Sites - The developer / property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that any graded area that is left inactive for a long period of time has appropriate SWPPP BMPs in place and in good working condition at all times until construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the development. 67.Grading Bonds – Prior to commencing any grading of 50 or more cubic yards of dirt, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to issuance of the permit, adequate performance grading security shall be posted by the developer / property owner with the Public Works / Engineering Department. 68.Import/Export – In instances where a grading plan involves import or export, prior to obtaining a grading permit, the developer/property owner shall have obtained approval for the import/export location from the Public Works / Engineering Department. If an Environmental Assessment did not previously approve either location, a Grading Environmental Assessment shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and comment and to the Public Works Director / City Engineer for approval. Additionally, if the movement of import/export occurs using City roads, review and approval of the haul routes by the Public Works / Engineering Department will be required. Import or export materials shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 8.26. 69.Offsite Grading – Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners; including any off-site grading to construct the necessary transition from the west on Newport Road. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 70.Submit Plans – A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans, BMP improvement plans, and any other necessary documentation along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review. All submittals shall be date stamped by the engineer and include a completed City Deposit or Fee Based Worksheet and the appropriate plan check fee or deposit. 71.No Building Permit Without Legal Lot – Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer / property owner shall ensure that the underlying parcels for such buildings are complying with City Ordinances, Codes, and the Subdivision Map Act. 72.No Building Permit without Grading Permit - Prior to issuance of any building permit for any new structures or appurtenances, the developer / property owner shall obtain a grading permit and/or approval to construct from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:322 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 19 of 44 73.Final Rough Grading Conditions – Prior to issuance of a building permit for any new structures or appurtenances, the developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record and Soils Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet stamped rough grade certification and compaction test reports with 90% or better compaction, for the lots for which building permits are requested. The certifications shall use City approved forms, and shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 74.Conformance to Elevations/Geotechnical Compaction - Rough grade elevations for all building pads and structure pads submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on approved grading plans. Compaction test certification shall be in compliance with the approved project geotechnical/soils report. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 75.No Occupancy Prior to Parcel Map Recordation – Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy, the developer / property owner shall record the Parcel Map. 76.Final Grade Certification – The developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit a signed and wet stamped final grade certification on City approved form, for each building for which a certificate of occupancy is requested. The certification shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 77.Conform to Elevations - Final grade elevations of all building or structure finish floors submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. 78.Plant & Irrigate Slopes – All manufactured slopes shall be irrigated and landscaped with grass or approved ground cover, and shall have some type of drainage swale at the toe of the slope to collect runoff. Slopes greater than or equal to 3’ in vertical height shall have erosion control measures provided. Slopes that exceed 15’ in vertical height are to be planted with additional shrubs and trees as approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. Drip irrigation shall be provided for all irrigated slopes. C. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS (CC&Rs) 79.Common Area Maintenance – Any common areas identified in the Tentative Parcel Map shall be owned and maintained as follows: a. A permanent master maintenance organization shall be established for the tentative parcel map area, to assume maintenance responsibility for all common areas. The organization may be public (City CFD, or another agency) or private (e.g., property owners’ association). Merger with an area-wide or regional organization shall satisfy this condition provided that such organization is legally and financially capable of assuming the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:323 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 20 of 44 responsibilities for maintenance. When necessary, property dedication or easement dedications shall be granted to the maintenance organization through map dedication, or separate recordable instrument, and shall be in a form acceptable to the city. (See also the Use / Maintenance of Ultimate Right-of-Way Portion of Property and Owner Improvements condition) b. The maintenance organization shall be established prior to or concurrent with the Parcel Map recordation. 80.Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Private Common Areas) – In the event that the Community Facilities District will not maintain all common areas, the establishment of a property owner association (POA) shall be the mechanism to maintain such common areas. (See also the Use / Maintenance of Ultimate Right-of-Way Portion of Property and Owner Improvements condition) 81.CC&R Content, Submittal Process and Timing – Prior to parcel map recordation, the developer/property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval CC&R documents consisting of the following: a. One hard copy and an electronic version of the CC&R’s. A completed application form to review the CC&Rs, available at the Public Works / Engineering front counter. There is a fee associated with the application and required backup documents to review. The declaration of CC&R’s shall: i. provide for the establishment of a property owner's association, ii. provide for the ownership of the common area by the property owner's association, iii. contain provisions approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department, Community Development Department and the City Attorney, iv. Contain provisions with regards to the implementation of post development Water Quality Best Management Practices identified in the project’s approved WQMP. v. Contain provisions notifying initial occupants, or tenants of the project of their receipt of educational materials on good housekeeping practices which contribute to the protection of storm water quality. These educational materials shall be distributed by the property owners' association and/or the developer. vi. Contain provisions for allowing the City a Right of Entry to maintain BMPs that are otherwise not maintained by responsible property owners. If a separate Right of Entry Agreement has been executed, this provision is not necessary to be in the CC&Rs. b. As part of the CC&R document submittal, exhibit(s) identifying the areas or improvements that will be maintained by the POA, the CFD or other entities shall be provided. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the City. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:324 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 21 of 44 c. Once approved, the developer / property owner shall provide a hard copy of the CC&R’s wet-signed and notarized to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The Public Works / Engineering Department shall record the original declaration of CC&R’s prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the parcel map. d. A deposit to pay for the review of the CC&Rs pursuant to the City’s current fee schedule at the time the above-referenced documents are submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. D. STREETS AND DEDICATIONS 82.Street Improvements - Street improvements shall conform to all applicable City Design Standards and Specifications, the City General Plan, and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing street construction in the City. The development includes improvements to Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue along the project frontage. Vehicular access to the project as shown on the Plot Plan / Tentative Parcel Map will be provided via four driveways. Driveway #1 is located along Bradley Road between Parcel 4 and Parcel 5. Driveway #2 is located along Bradley Road between Parcel 5 and Parcel 6. Driveway #3 is located along Park Avenue on the northern side of the project. Driveway #4 is located along Newport Road on the southern side of the project. a.Newport Road – Newport Road shall be improved to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet, 67 feet paved curb to centerline, a Class II bike lane, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 6 foot wide parkway. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Newport Road fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. b.Bradley Road – Bradley Road shall be improved to a modified Secondary designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet, 36 feet paved curb to centerline, a Class II bike lane, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and an 8 foot wide parkway. A raised median shall be constructed to restrict turns along Bradley Road. Undergrounding of electrical power lines along Bradley Road will be required. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Bradley Road fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:325 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 22 of 44 Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. c.Park Avenue – Park Avenue shall be improved to a General Local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet, 20 feet paved curb to centerline, a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of the public street improvements within Park Avenue fronting the property to the centerline plus an additional 12 feet past centerline, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Park Avenue is classified as a General Local roadway; however, because the project proposes Park Avenue as a truck delivery route, the road shall be improved with the minimum pavement structural section for an Industrial Collector designation. The design of the street improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If needed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. d.Reconstruction or Resurfacing of Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue – The Public Works Director / City Engineer may consider reconstruction or resurfacing of existing Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue paving fronting the development to meet existing conditions with acceptable overlays, provided the road is found to meet the minimum City standards for pavement conditions at the time of project construction. If it is determined during project construction that the existing road is found to be substandard, then the Public Works Director / City Engineer will require the developer / property owner to provide full reconstruction as provided for in these conditions of approval. At the discretion of the City Engineer, the developer may core the existing pavement during project design to confirm the adequate section, and any findings shall be incorporated into the project design. The Public Works Director / City Engineer shall have the final approval for all road conditions. 83.Reimbursement Agreement – The developer may enter into a Development Impact Fee (DIF) Credit and Reimbursement Agreement with the City for reimbursement of the construction cost of improving Bradley Road fronting the project, in excess of the DIF credit. The developer shall be responsible for drafting the agreement consistent with City Ordinances and Codes, and it shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to any certificate of occupancy. The agreement shall include a benefit cost analysis identifying future Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:326 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 23 of 44 developments that will benefit from the constructed improvements, and the future developments’ share. 84.Soils and Pavement Report - Street pavement structural designs shall comply with the recommendations in the City approved project soils and pavement investigation report, and must meet minimum City standards and specifications, as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 85.Driveways - Final driveway geometrics may be modified in final engineering as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Driveways shall meet current standard radii on all existing and proposed commercial drive approaches used as access to the proposed development. The developer shall adhere to all City standards and regulations for access and ADA guidelines. 86.Acceptance of Public Roadway Dedication and Improvements – Easements and right-of way for public roadways shall be granted to the City through the Parcel Map, or other acceptable recordable instrument. 87.ADA Compliance – ADA path of travel shall be designed at the most convenient accesses and the shortest distance to the buildings in accordance with ADA design standards and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director / City Engineer and the City Building Official. 88.Paving or Paving Repairs – The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining the paving inspections required by Ordinance 461. Paving and/or paving repairs for utility street cuts shall be per City of Menifee Standards and Specifications and as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 89.Concrete Work – All concrete work including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, cross gutters, catch basins, manholes, vaults, etc. shall be constructed to meet a 28-day minimum concrete strength of 3,250 psi. 90.Signing and Striping – A signing and striping plan for Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue is required for this project. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional paving and/or striping removal caused by the striping plan. 91.Traffic Signal Plan – The applicant shall be responsible for modification of the traffic signal at Newport Road and Bradley Road. The traffic signal plan shall be approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 92.Street Light Plan – Street lights requiring relocations, or any required new street lights shall be designed in accordance with current City Standards for LS-3 type streetlights. Street light construction plans shall be prepared as separate plans or combined with the public street improvement plans as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 93.Street Sweeping and Pavement Maintenance. The property owner shall file for annexation or inclusion into the Citywide Community Facilities Maintenance District, CFD for street sweeping services and street pavement maintenance. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:327 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 24 of 44 Prior to Issuance of Building Permit: 94.Encroachment Permits – The developer / property owner shall obtain all required encroachment permits and clearances prior to start of any work within City, State, or local agency right-of-way. 95.Improvement Bonds – Prior to issuance of any construction permit for all required onsite and offsite public improvements, and/or the recordation of the Parcel Map, whichever occurs first, the developer/project owner shall post acceptable bonds or security to guarantee the construction of all required improvements. The bonds shall be in accordance with all applicable City ordinances, resolutions and municipal codes (See also bond agreement condition under General Condition). 96.Newport Road Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Newport Road to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet, and 67 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Newport Road right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Newport Road, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. 97.Bradley Road Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Bradley Road to a modified Secondary designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet, and 36 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Bradley Road right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Bradley Road, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. 98.Park Avenue Dedication. The developer / property owner shall construct or guarantee the construction of Park Avenue to a general local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet, and 20 feet paved curb to centerline. The developer / property owner shall dedicate the necessary Park Avenue right of way fronting the development on the Parcel Map. The dedication shall include the northern portion of APN 336-180-013, the sliver parcel on the east side of the project. The Parcel Map boundary shall extend to the centerline of Park Avenue, unless the street was previously dedicated in fee title in which case the boundary should extend to the right-of-way line and the map shall note the instrument number that dedicated the right of way. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 99.Newport Road Improvements – Improvements on Newport Road fronting the development shall be completed to a modified Urban Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 79 feet and 67 feet paved curb to centerline prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. It shall be the sole Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:328 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 25 of 44 responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 100.Bradley Road Improvements – Improvements on Bradley Road fronting the development shall be completed to a modified Secondary Arterial designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 50 feet and 36 feet paved curb to centerline prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Undergrounding of electrical power lines along Bradley Road will be required. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 101.Park Avenue Improvements – Improvements on Park Avenue fronting the development shall be improved to a General Local designation with an ultimate half width Right of Way of 30 feet and 20 feet paved curb to centerline with a 6 foot sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The improvements shall be adequately transitioned to the existing street improvements, including the sidewalk and curb and gutter to the east. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer/property owner to obtain all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform offsite grading, from affected landowners where necessary to construct the street improvements. Notarized and recorded agreement or documents authorizing the offsite grading shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 102.Driveways and Driveway Approaches – Driveways and Driveway Approaches as shown on the approved plot plan/Tentative Parcel Map shall be designed and constructed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The driveways shall be designed and constructed per City of Menifee No. 208. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 103.Traffic Impact Analysis Report – The development shall comply with all the improvements and mitigation measures identified to be constructed or provided in the traffic impact analysis approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The traffic study was prepared by Urban Cross Roads, and dated May 20, 2021. All required improvements and mitigations identified in the study shall be included in all improvement plans for review and approval by the Public Works Department. Additional improvements may be required to address public safety and welfare, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Prior to Issuance of Construction Permit: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:329 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 26 of 44 104.Sight Distance Analysis – Sight distance analysis shall be conducted at all project roadway entrances for conformance with City sight distance standards. The analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, and shall be incorporated in the final the grading plans, street improvement plans, and landscape improvement plans. 105.Signing and Striping Plan – Prior to issuance of a construction permit, any necessary signing and striping plan for Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City ordinances, standards and specifications, and with the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. 106.Traffic Signal Plan – Prior to issuance of a construction permit, the traffic signal plan for the modification of the traffic signal at Newport Road and Bradley Road shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City standards and specifications. 107.Driveway Geometrics – Final driveway geometrics may be modified in final engineering as approved by the City Engineer / Public Works Director. Driveways shall meet current standard radii on all existing and proposed commercial drive approaches used as access to the proposed development. The developer shall adhere to all City standards and regulations for access and ADA guidelines. 108.Construction Traffic Control Plan – Prior to start of any project related construction, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval, a Construction Traffic Control Plan in compliance with all applicable City ordinances, standards and specifications, and the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. This traffic control plan shall address impacts from construction vehicular traffic, noise, and dust and shall propose measures to mitigate these effects. The traffic control plan shall include a Traffic Safety Plan for safe use of public roads right of way during construction. The plan shall specify the following mitigation measures to address the following: a. Dust and dirt fallout from truck loads that gets entrained onto City roadways: (1) Biweekly street sweeping during construction activity, and daily during all grading operations. (2) Approved BMPs shall be installed at all approved construction entrances as part of the SWPPP. b. Noise from construction truck traffic: Include construction time and operation of vehicles through surrounding residential streets. c. Traffic safety within the road right-of-way: Include temporary traffic control measures and devices. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 109.Construction of Roadway Improvements – The developer / property owner shall design and construct the following roadway improvements: Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:330 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 27 of 44 a.Bradley Road Frontage Improvements - Construct Bradley Road to its ultimate half section width as a modified Secondary Arterial designation between Newport Road and Park Avenue. The required improvements shall include construction and restriping for one additional northbound through lane, a left turn pocket for access to the church driveway (opposite project site), and a Class II bike lane. Appropriate transitions shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. b.Bradley Road Raised Median - Construct a full raised median on Bradley Road from Newport Road to Park Avenue to restrict access to right-in-right- out only with an opening at Driveway #1 for full access. The median design shall include lengthening of the southbound left turn lane at Newport Road to 350 feet. Restriping of the southbound left turn lane and both through lanes may be required to accommodate the median. Appropriate transitions for the median shall be provided as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. c.Park Avenue Frontage Improvements - Construct a 6 foot wide sidewalk adjacent to curb and a 4 foot wide parkway on the south side of Park Avenue as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The design shall be finalized during review of final construction drawings. d.Bradley Road Driveway #1 – Construct the following improvements at the northern Bradley Road driveway intersection: i. Northbound: one through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, one left-turn pocket, and one bike lane. ii. Southbound: one through lane, one left-turn pocket iii. Westbound: one right turn lane and one shared through / left turn lane. e.Bradley Road Driveway #2 – Construct the following improvements at the southern Bradley Road driveway intersection: i. Northbound: One through lane, one shared through / right turn lane, and one bike lane. ii. Westbound: One right turn lane. f.Park Avenue Driveway #3 – Construct the following improvements at the Park Avenue driveway intersection: i. Northbound: One shared left turn / right turn lane ii. Eastbound: One shared through / right turn lane iii. Westbound: One shared through / left turn lane g.Newport Road Driveway #4 – Construct the following improvements at the Newport Avenue driveway intersection: i. Southbound: One right turn lane ii. Westbound: One shared through / right turn lane Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:331 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 28 of 44 110.Intersection Geometrics – The following street intersections shall be improved with the following geometrics: a. Newport Road and Bradley Road Intersection Improvements i. Northbound: Extend left turn pocket to 150 feet, one through lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. ii. Southbound: Extend left turn pocket to 350 feet, one shared through / left turn lane, and one shared through / right turn lane. iii. Eastbound and Westbound: Existing geometries to be retained. b. Bradley Road and Park Avenue Intersection Improvements i. Construct a northbound right turn lane and Class II bike lane along the project frontage for the southern leg of the intersection; restripe the existing through lane. F. NPDES and WQMP 111.Stormwater Management - All City of Menifee requirements for NPDES and Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) shall be met per City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.01 for Stormwater/Urban Runoff Management Program and as determined and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This project is required to submit a project specific WQMP prepared in accordance with the latest WQMP guidelines approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 112.Trash Enclosures Standards and Specifications – Storm runoff resulting in direct contact with trash enclosure, or wastewater runoff from trash enclosure are prohibited from running off a site onto the City MS4 without proper treatment. Trash enclosures in new developments and redevelopment projects shall meet new storm water quality standards including: a. Provision of a solid impermeable roof with a minimum clearance height to allow the bin lid to completely open. b. Constructed of reinforced masonry without wooden gates. Walls shall be at least 6 feet high. c. Provision of concrete slab floor, graded to collect any spill within the enclosure. d. All trash bins in the trash enclosure shall be leak proof with lids that are continuously kept closed. e. The enclosure area shall be protected from receiving direct rainfall or run- on from collateral surfaces. f. The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2- inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. Any standing liquids within the trash enclosures without floor drain must be cleaned up and disposed of properly using a mop and a bucket or a wet/dry vacuum machine. All non-hazardous liquids without solid trash may be put in Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:332 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 29 of 44 the sanitary sewer as an option, in accordance with Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) criteria. An alternate floor drain from the interior of the enclosure that discharges to the sanitary sewer may be constructed only after obtaining approval from EMWD. This option requires the following: a. The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2- inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. This requirement may not be applicable to commercial complexes with multiple tenants. b. A waterless trap primer shall be provided to prevent escape of gasses from the sewer line and save water. c. Hot and cold running water shall be provided with a connection nearby with an approved backflow preventer. The spigot shall be protected and located at the rear of the enclosure to prevent damage from bins. 113.SWRCB, TRASH AMENDMENTS. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California and the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries – collectively referred to as the “Trash Amendments.” Applicable requirements per these amendments shall be adhered to with implementation measures, prior to building permit issuance. Projects determined to be within Priority Land Uses as defined in the Trash Amendments, shall provide trash full capture devices to remove trash from all Priority Land Use areas that will contribute storm water runoff to the City of Menifee’s MS4. All trash full capture devices shall be listed on the State Board’s current list of certified full capture devices posted on their website (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/trash_i mplementation.shtml), or otherwise approved by State or Regional Water Quality Control Board staff. Storm water runoff from privately owned Priority Land Use areas shall be treated by full capture devices located within privately owned storm drain structures or otherwise located on the privately owned property, whenever possible. Runoff from Priority Land Use areas created or modified by the project, and which are proposed to be City owned, shall be treated by full capture devices located within city-owned storm drains or otherwise located within the public right of way. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance: 114.Final Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP) – The following report was reviewed and approved by the City: a.Preliminary Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan, Menifee Crossroads, PLN20-0273, prepared by Valued Engineering, dated December 2020. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a FINAL project specific WQMP in substantial conformance with the approved PRELIMINARY WQMP, shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:333 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 30 of 44 final developed project construction plans shall implement all structural and non-structural BMPs specified in the approved FINAL WQMP. One copy of the approved FINAL WQMP on a CD-ROM in pdf format shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The FINAL WQMP submittal shall include at the minimum the following reports/studies: a. Hydrology/hydraulics report b. Soils Report that includes soil infiltration capacity 115.Revising the Final WQMP. In the event the Final WQMP requires design revisions that will substantially deviate from the approved Prelim WQMP, a revised or new WQMP shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The cost of reviewing the revised/new WQMP shall be charged on a time and material basis. The fixed fee to review a Final WQMP shall not apply, and a deposit shall be collected from the applicant to pay for reviewing the substantially revised WQMP. 116.WQMP Maintenance Agreement – All water quality features or BMPs shall be located within the property limits, and the maintenance shall be the full responsibility of the developer / project owner. Prior to, or concurrent with the approval of the FINAL WQMP, the developer / property owner shall record Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that addresses the implementation and maintenance of proposed WQMP BMPs, or enter into an acceptable maintenance agreement with the City to inform future property owners of the requirement to perpetually implement the approved FINAL WQMP. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy: 117.WQMP/BMP Education – Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the developer / project owner shall provide the City proof of notification to future occupants of all BMP’s and educational and training requirements for said BMP’s as directed in the approved WQMP. Proof of notification shall be provided to the Public Works / Engineering Department in forms determined acceptable by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Public Education Program materials may be obtained from the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s NPDES Section through their website at www.rcwatershed.org. The developer must provide to the Public Works / Engineering Department a notarized affidavit, or other notification forms acceptable to the Public Works Director / City Engineer, stating that the distribution of educational materials to future homebuyers has been completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits. A copy of the notarized affidavit must be placed in the final WQMP report. The Public Works / Engineering Department MUST also receive the original notarized affidavit with the plan check submittal in order to clear the appropriate condition. Placing a copy of the affidavit without submitting the original will not guarantee clearance of the condition. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:334 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 31 of 44 118.Implement WQMP - All structural BMPs described in the project-specific WQMP shall be constructed and installed in conformance with approved plans and specifications. It shall be demonstrated that the applicant is prepared to implement all BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMP and that copies of the approved project-specific WQMP are available for the future owners/occupants. The City will not release occupancy permits for any portion of the project until all proposed BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMPs, to which the portion of the project is tributary to, are completed and operational. 119.Inspection of BMP Installation – Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, all structural BMPs included in the approved FINAL WQMP shall be inspected for completion of installation in accordance with approved plans and specifications, and the FINAL WQMP. The Public Works Stormwater Inspection team shall verify that all proposed structural BMPs are in working conditions, and that a hard copy and / or digital copy of the approved FINAL WQMP are available at the site for use and reference by future owners/occupants. The inspection shall ensure that the FINAL WQMP at the site includes the BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan, and shall include the site in a City maintained database for future periodic inspection. G. WATER, SEWER, AND RECYCLED WATER 120.Meet Minimum Standards – All public water, sewer and recycled water improvements shall be designed per the City adopted Riverside County Ordinances 460, 461 and 787; Eastern Municipal Water Districts (EMWD) standards and specifications, including required auxiliaries and appurtenances. The final design, including pipe sizes and alignments, shall be subject to the approval of EMWD and the City of Menifee. 121.Utility Improvement Plans – Public Water, Sewer and Recycled Water improvements shall be drawn on City title block for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department and EMWD. 122.Onsite and Offsite Sewer, Water and Recycled Water Improvements – All public onsite and offsite sewer, water and recycled water improvements shall be guaranteed for construction prior to Parcel Map recordation and approval of improvement plans. 123.Sewer Lines – Any new public sewer line alignments or realignments shall be designed such that the manholes are aligned with the center of lanes or on the lane line and in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances 460/461 and Eastern Municipal Water District standards. 124.Water Mains and Hydrants - All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinance Numbers 460 and 787, and subject to the approval of the Eastern Municipal Water District and the Riverside County Fire Department. H. CITYWIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (CFD) Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:335 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 32 of 44 Prior to Final Map Recordation: 125.Annexation to the Citywide Community Facilities District (CFD) –Prior to Parcel Map recordation, the developer / property owner shall complete the annexation of the proposed development, into the boundaries of the City of Menifee citywide Community Facilities Maintenance District (Services). The citywide CFD shall be responsible for: The maintenance of public improvements or facilities that benefit this development, including but not limited to, public landscaping, streetlights, traffic signals, streets, drainage facilities, water quality basins, graffiti abatement, and other public improvements or facilities as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the annexation of the proposed development in the citywide CFD. 126.CFD Annexation Agreement – In the event timing for this development’s schedule prevents the developer / property owner from complying with condition of approval for CFD annexation, the developer shall enter into a CFD annexation agreement to allow the annexation to complete prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map. The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation of the CFD annexation agreement. The agreement shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of a building permit. 127.Landscape Improvement Plans for CFD Maintenance – Landscape improvements within public ROW and/or areas dedicated to the City for the citywide CFD to maintain shall be prepared on a separate City CFD plan for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 128.CFD Landscape Guidelines and Improvement Plans – All landscape improvements for maintenance by the CFD shall be designed and installed in accordance with City CFD Landscape Guidelines, and shall be drawn on a separate improvement plan on City title block. The landscape improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to issuance of a construction permit. 129.Landscaping on Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue – The parkway areas behind the sidewalk within the public right-of-way fronting the entire property along Newport Road, Bradley Road, and Park Avenue shall be landscaped and irrigated per City standards and guidelines. These areas shall be maintained by the CFD. 130.Maintenance of CFD Accepted Facilities – All landscaping and appurtenant facilities to be maintained by the citywide CFD shall be built to City standards. The developer shall be responsible for ensuring that landscaping areas to be maintained by the CFD have its own controller and meter system, separate from any private controller/meter system. I. WASTE MANAGEMENT Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:336 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 33 of 44 131.AB 341 - AB 341 focuses on increased commercial waste recycling as a method to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The regulation requires businesses and organizations that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and multifamily units of 5 or more, to recycle. A business shall take at least one of the following actions in order to reuse, recycle, compost, or otherwise divert commercial solid waste from disposal: a. Source separate recyclable and/or compostable material from solid waste and donate or self-haul the material to recycling facilities. b. Subscribe to a recycling service with their waste hauler. c. Provide recycling service to their tenants (if commercial or multi-family complex). d. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations Title 14. For more information please visit: www.rivcowm.org/opencms/recyclying/recycling_and_compost_business.html#mandatory 132.AB 1826. AB 1826 (effective April 1, 2016) requires businesses that generate eight (8) cubic yards or more or organic waste per week to arrange for organic waste recycling services. The threshold amount of organic waste generated requiring compliance by businesses is reduced in subsequent years. Businesses subject to AB 1826 shall take at least one of the following actions in order to divert organic waste from disposal: a. Source separate organic material from all other recyclables and donate or self-haul to a permitted organic waste processing facility. b. Enter into a contract or work agreement with gardening or landscaping service provider or refuse hauler to ensure the waste generated from those services meet the requirements of AB 1826. c. Consider xeriscaping and using drought tolerant/low maintenance vegetation in all landscaped areas of the project. As of January 1, 2019, the above requirements are now applicable to businesses that generate four (4) or more cubic yards of solid waste per week and one (1) or more cubic yards of organic waste per week. Additionally, as of January 1, 2019, a third trash bin is now required for organics recycling, which will require a larger trash enclosure to accommodate three (3) trash bins. This development is subject to this requirement. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 133.Recyclables Collection and Loading Area Plot Plan. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each building, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of a Recyclables Collection and Loading Area plot plan to the City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department for review and approval. The plot plan shall show the location of and access to the collection area for recyclable materials, along with its dimensions and construction detail, Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:337 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 34 of 44 including elevation/façade, construction materials and signage. The plot plan shall clearly indicate how the trash and recycling enclosures shall be accessed by the hauler. The applicant shall provide documentation to the Community Development Department to verify that Engineering and Public Works has approved the plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 134.Waste Recycling Plan. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each building, a Waste Recycling Plan (WRP shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department for approval. Completion of Form B “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. At minimum, the WRP must identify the materials (i.e., concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.) that will be generated by construction and development, the projected amounts, the measures/methods that will be taken to recycle, reuse, and/or reduce the amounts of materials, the facilities and/or haulers that will be utilized, and the targeted recycling or reduction rate. During project construction, the project site shall have, at a minimum, two (2) bins; one for waste disposal and the other for recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials. Additional bins are encouraged to be used to further source separation of C&D recyclable materials. Accurate record keeping (receipts) for recycling of C&D recyclable materials and solid waste disposal must be kept. Arrangements can be made through the franchise hauler. Prior to Issuance of Any Certificate of Occupancy 135.Waste Management Clearance. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for each building, evidence (i.e., receipts or other type of verification) shall be submitted to demonstrate project compliance with the approved WRP to the Engineering and Public Works Department in order to clear the project for occupancy permits. Receipts must clearly identify the amount of waste disposed and Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials recycled. Completion of Form C, “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program along with the receipts may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the PW Director / City Engineer. J.FEES, DEPOSITS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 136.Fees and Deposits – Prior to approval of grading plans, improvement plans, issuance of building permits, map recordation, and/or issuance of certificate of occupancy, the developer / property owner shall pay all fees, deposits as applicable. These shall include the regional Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF), any applicable Traffic Signal Mitigation Fees, Development Impact Fees (DIF), Road and Bridge Benefit District (RBBD) Fee, and any applicable regional fees. Said fees and deposits shall be collected at the rate in effect at the time of collection as specified in current City resolutions and ordinances. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:338 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 35 of 44 137.Road Bridge Benefit District (RBBD) – This project is within the Menifee Valley Zone C Road Bridge and Benefit District (RBBD). The applicant shall pay the RBBD fees based on the designated land use and areas, prior to issuance of a building permit. Should the project proponent choose to defer the time of payment, a written request shall be submitted to the City, deferring said payment from the time of issuance of a building permit to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Fees which are deferred shall be based upon the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance of the permit of each parcel. 138.TUMF Fees – Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the developer / property owner shall pay the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance, pursuant to adopted City Ordinance governing the TUMF program. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:339 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 36 of 44 Section IV: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:340 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 37 of 44 It is the responsibility of the recipient of these Fire Department conditions to forward then to all interested parties. The permit number (as it is noted above) is required on all correspondence. Questions should be directed to Menifee Fire Department-Office of the Fire Marshal at 29844 Haun Road., Menifee, CA 92586 or by phone at (951) 723-3767. With respect to the conditions of approval for the reference project, the Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: CONDITIONS 139.Fire Department Access - Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and a vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches 140.Surface Load and Capabilities - LOAD AND CAPABILITIES- Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed to support the impose loads of fire apparatus [75,000 pound live load (gross vehicular weight) distributed over two axles] and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities [rear wheel drive apparatus] for the length and grade(s) of the fire apparatus access road. 141.Hydrant Location - Fire Hydrants shall be located within 400’ of all exterior portions of the structures, measured along required fire apparatus access roads, and adjacent to public streets in the quantities and up to the maximum distance as required by the California Fire Code and Riverside County Fire Department. 142.Hydrants – Approved Super Hydrants, (6”x4”x 2 2 ½) shall be located at each street not more than 350 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 210 feet from any hydrant. 143.Sprinkler System - NFPA 13 Fire Sprinkler are required per California Fire Code, California Building Code and Ordinance 460 as adopted by the City of Menifee. 144.Blue Dot Reflectors - Blue retro – reflective pavement markers shall be mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placements of markers must be approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 145.Fire Flow - The water mains shall be capable of providing a min. fire flows per CFC. Appendix B. 146.Water Plans - The applicant or developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block, and shall conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:341 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 38 of 44 147.Construction - Fire safety during construction shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33. (CFC Chapter 33 & CBC Chapter 33) 148.Required Access for Fire Fighting during Construction - Approved vehicle access for fire fighting shall be provided to all construction or demolition sites. Vehicle access shall be provided to within 100 feet of temporary or permanent fire department connections. Vehicle access shall be provided by either temporary or permanent roads, capable of supporting vehicle loading under all weather conditions. Vehicle access shall be maintained until permanent fire access roads are available. 149.Water Prior to Construction - The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any commencement of construction. (THIS DOES NOT SUFFICE FOR TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY) 150.Address – Commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side and rear access locations. The numerals shall be a minimum of twelve inches in height. 151.Pavers - Paving materials such as stone, concrete pavers, chip seal or slag, shall be evaluated based on their ability to support imposed load of a fire apparatus by a Civil or Soils Engineer and shall be installed per manufacture specification and designed to e RCV support the impose loads of fire apparatus {75,00 lbs of gross vehicular weight). Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when the Office of the Fire Marshal reviews building plans. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes, which are in effect at the time of building plan submittal. Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:342 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 39 of 44 Section V: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:343 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 40 of 44 General Conditions 153.Riverside County Department of Environmental Health. The project shall comply with the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health letter dated June 29, 2021 (attached at end of Conditions of Approval document). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:344 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 41 of 44 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:345 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 42 of 44 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:346 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 43 of 44 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:347 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 44 of 44 END OF CONDITIONS The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print). Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:348 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: August, 25, 2021 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 Note: To confirm means and methods for participation, see the agenda, which will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at: https://www.cityofmenifee.us/agendas A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Project Location: The project site is located northeast of the intersection of Newport Road and Bradley Road within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APNs 336-180-013 and -028). The Planning Commission will consider the following project at a public hearing: Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273 proposes the construction and operation of a 103,274 sq. ft. office/retail commercial center on an 8.61-net acre (9.02-gross acre) project site. The office/retail commercial buildings consist of the following: • Major ‘A’ – 37,400 sq. ft. (specialty grocer) • Shops 1 – 8,200 sq. ft. • Shops 2 – 8,500 sq. ft. with drive-thru • Office/Retail – 7,750 sq. ft. • Office 2 – 36,924 sq. ft. • Pad A – 4,500 sq. ft. (restaurant) The project proposes 404 onsite vehicle parking space. Phasing of the project is no longer proposed. Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272 proposes to allow the drive-thru for Shops 2. Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 is a proposal to allow for the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for off-premise consumption (Type 21 License) at the proposed Major A (specialty grocer). The findings are required by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverages Control (ABC) due to an overconcentration of alcohol licenses with the subject census tract. Project Site Newport Rd Br a d l e y R d Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:349 Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (TPM 37972) proposes a subdivision of 9.02 gross acres into six (6) parcels. The parcels range in size from 0.77 to 2.68 acres. The subdivision also includes dedications on Bradley Road and Park Avenue. The Tentative Parcel Map is needed to create legal parcels allowing for the conveyance of ownership. Environmental Information: The City of Menifee Community Development Department has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment and has recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Menifee Planning Commission will consider the proposed project and the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration along with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) at the public hearing. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Public Review Period: The IS/MND is being circulated for a 20-day review period pursuant to State law. The public review period will start on July 29, 2021 and close on August 18, 2021. All comments on the IS/MND must be submitted in writing to the address or e-mail provided below and received no later than 5:00 PM Wednesday, August 18, 2021. The IS/MND can be found at the following web address: http://www.cityofmenifee.us/325/Environmental-Notices-Documents. Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. For further information regarding this project, please contact Ryan Fowler, at (951) 723-3740 or via email at rfowler@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. To view the case file information electronically for the proposed project, contact the Community Development Department office at (951) 672-6777 Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Ryan Fowler, Principal Planner 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:350 Item Title: 9.1 Plot Plan No. PLN 20-0273, Conditional Use Permit No. PLN 20-0272, Public Convenience and Necessity No. PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No. PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”)Item Page Number: 351 Southern California Edison Attn: Mindi De La Torre/ CEQA 26100 Menifee Rd. Menifee, CA 92585 Riverside County Transportation Commission Attn: Cathy Bechtel, Project Development Director/ CEQA P.O. Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 Southern California Edison Attn: Josh Thiel-Tract Supervisor/ CEQA 24487 Prielipp Drive Wildomar, CA 92595 Verizon California CEQA 9 South 4th Street Redlands, CA 92373 Eastern Municipal Water District Attn: Rebecca Tibayan/ CEQA P.O. Box 8300 Perris, CA 92572-8300 Southern California Edison Third Party Environmental Review/CEQA 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Quad 4C 472A Rosemead, CA 91770 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board CEQA 3737 Main Street, Suite 500 Riverside, CA 92501 Menifee Union School District Attn: James Seller 29775 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Pechanga Band of Mission Indians Attn: Ebru Ozdil, Cultural Analyst/CEQA P.O. Box 2183 Temecula, CA 92592 South Coast Air Quality Management District: CEQA IGR 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Riverside County Dept. of Environmental Health Attn: CEQA 3880 Lemon St. 2nd Floor Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92501 Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians CEQA P.O. Box 487 San Jacinto, CA 92581 California Council of the Blind CEQA 1510 J. Street, Suite 125 Sacramento, CA 95814 Riverside Transit Agency Mauricio Alvarez, MBA/ CEQA 1825 3rd Street Riverside, CA 92507 The Gas Company CEQA 527 N. San Jacinto Street Hemet, CA 92543 California Council for the Blind Donna Pomerantz/ CEQA 1115 Cordova Street Pasadena, CA 91106 California Department of Trans. Dist. 8 Attn: Rosa Clark/ CEQA 464 West 4th Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Perris Union High School District Attn: Candace Reines/ CEQA 155 East Fourth Street Perris, CA 92570 CA Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control CEQA 3737 Main Street, Suite 900 Riverside, CA 92501 Lozeau Drury LLP Richard Drury, Komalpreet Toor & Stacey Oborne 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94612 Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District James Salvador, Executive Assistant/ CEQA P.O. Box 907 San Jacinto, CA 92581 Caliber Retail Properties Group Attn: Bart Pebbles, Principal 17682 Mitchell N. Suite 201 Irvine, CA 92614 Menifee Crossroads LLC Attn: Ali Tabrizizadeh 24221 Park Granada Calabasas, CA 91302 Kassen Klein 2538 Fairway Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92627 4M Engineering and Development Attn: Sherrie Munroe, Principal 41635 Enterprise Circle North, Suite B Temecula CA 92590 Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:352 From:Catherine Thinnes To:Ryan Fowler Subject:Center Bradley/Newport Date:Tuesday, August 10, 2021 4:06:24 PM [CAUTION]: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. The only comment I have is in regards to a speciality grocer. Many Menifee residents would like to see a Trader Joe’s in Menifee. Perhaps the city needs to update Menifee’s current demographics and pursue a Trader Joe’s in Menifee. My understanding is that Trader Joe’s did not feel Menifee had the demographics to support a Trader Joe’s. A similar situation occurred in Temecula a while back. A big chain restaurant did not feel Temecula had the demographics to support the restaurant. The problem was they were looking at outdated data. Once new data was presented the restaurant was built and has been very successful. i lived in Temecula for 30 years prior to moving to Menifee 3 years ago and Menifee reminds me of Temecula way back when it was first developing. Thank You, Cathy Thinnes Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:353 August 13, 2021 Comment Letter Planning Commissioner’s Public Hearing for August 25th9 acres Commercial - the CrossRoads, Menifee I would like to make a request to the planning commissioners to require the developer to put atraffic signal at the intersection of Bradley Road and Park Avenue as part of the project. This signal will solve the problem and allow U-turns. The developers, Kassen Cline and Matt Liesmeyer are going to make a lot of money on thisproject, and they can afford it. Dont let them tell you its not required. This project will causea ton of problems with the traffic. That is your job as planning commissionersto make sure these develpers pay thier way now, and not the taxpayer after the project gets built. Thanks for listening, and we are all counting on you. Roy Dewerks, Sun City Item Title:9.1 Plot Plan No.PLN 20-0273,Conditional Use Permit No.PLN 20-0272,Public Convenience and NecessityNo.PLN 21-0211 and Tentative Parcel Map No.PLN 20-0275 (“Crossroads”) Item Page Number:354