2021-07-28 Planning Commision Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair            Randy Madrid, Vice­Chair   Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee  Planning Commission  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, July 28, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk PUBLIC MEETINGS ARE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT FULL CAPACITY. Public comments are now being heard in­person. Sign up with staff at City Hall. WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE:To watch the meeting live please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon () to the right of the specific meeting date. Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.  REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE  5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non­ agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7.1 July 14, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  10.1 Beyond Food Mart Workshop RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss the proposed project located in the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) McCall Boulevard Land Use District. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission July 28,2021 Page 1 of 9 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Benjamin Diederich, Chair           Randy Madrid, Vice­Chair  Jeff LaDue, CommissionerChris Thomas, CommissionerDavid White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, July 28, 20216:00 PM Regular MeetingCheryl Kitzerow, DirectorStephanie Roseen, ClerkPUBLIC MEETINGS ARE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT FULL CAPACITY.Public comments are now being heard in­person. Sign up with staff at City Hall.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE:To watch the meeting live please visit the City’s webpageat https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon () to the right of the specific meeting date.Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started. REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listedon the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minuteson any single item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas.7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 July 14, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  10.1 Beyond Food Mart Workshop RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss the proposed project located in the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) McCall Boulevard Land Use District. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission July 28,2021 Page 2 of 9 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 14, 2021 Page 1 of 5 City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice­Chair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner MINUTES City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 14, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Diederich called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Benjamin Diederich, Jeff LaDue, Randy Madrid, Chris Thomas, David White Absent: None 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Menifee Businessman Kassen Klein led the flag salute. 4.PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) Steve Westberg Owner of West Tow, Inc. inquired about zoning reconsideration for his business that he would like to bring to Menifee. Carl Wesenberg thanked staff for their due diligence and discussed the desire of West Tow, Inc. to relocate to Menifee. Kassen Klein stated his appreciation for Senior Planner Tamara Harrison. 7.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 June 23, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. Item Title:7.1 July 14,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 14, 2021 Page 2 of 5 AYES: Diederich, LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White NAYS: None RECUSE: None 8.CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE 9.PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1 “Newport Pointe Commercial Center” - Conditional Use Permit No. PLN19-0044, Plot Plan No. PLN19-0045, Parcel Map No. PLN19-0047, Minor Conditional Use Permit No. PLN20-0359 and Sign Program No. PLN19-0046 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Tamara Harrison. Ms. Harrison provided a presentation and reported on the project location; general plan land use; zoning; Plot Plan No. PLN19-0045; site layout and circulation; landscaping; memo provided to the Planning Commission regarding the Plot Plan condition of approvals; Tentative Parcel Map; architecture; master sign program; sign elevations; Conditional Use Permits; public convenience and necessity; environmental determination; and staff recommendations. The Commissioners asked questions of staff regarding the half traffic signal; fitness center elevations and stacking in the drive through businesses. Chair Diederich opened the public hearing at 6:26 PM. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was legally noticed. There was no correspondence received and there were no public comments. Applicant Scott Yorkison stated his appreciation for staff and that he was available for any questions. The Commissioners asked questions of the applicant regarding the Grocery Outlet, proposed restaurants, day care capacity, day care fencing, projected opening, and the hours of operation for the fitness center. Mr. Yorkison stated he agreed to the conditions of approval. Chair Diederich closed the public hearing at 6:35 PM. Commissioners LaDue and Thomas spoke in favor of the project. ACTION 1.Adopted Resolution No. PC21-538, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MOVER: Jeff LaDue SECONDER: David White Item Title:7.1 July 14,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:2 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 14, 2021 Page 3 of 5 AYES: Diederich, LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White NAYS: None RECUSE: None AYES: Diederich, LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White NAYS: None RECUSE: None AYES: Diederich, LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White NAYS: None RECUSE: None AYES: Diederich, LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White NAYS: None RECUSE: None 2.Adopted Resolution No. PC21-539, approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 37071 (PLN19-0047) subject to the attached conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions. MOVER: Randy Madrid SECONDER: Jeff LaDue 3.Adopted Resolution No. PC21-540, approving Plot Plan No. PLN19-0045 and Sign Program PLN19-046, with updated conditions of approval. MOVER: David White SECONDER: Chris Thomas 4.Adopted Resolution No. PC21-541, approving Conditional Use Permit No. PLN19-0044 to allow for the drive thru car wash, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions. MOVER: Jeff LaDue SECONDER: Chris Thomas 5.Adopted Resolution No. PC21-542, approving Minor Conditional Use Permit No. PLN20-0359 for the sale of beer, wine and spirits for off premise consumption and Public Convenience and Necessity findings for Building No. 1, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions. MOVER: Randy Madrid SECONDER: Chris Thomas The Commissioners and staff took a moment to recognize Tamara Harrison for her service to the City. 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 Discussion of Service Stations, Car Wash Businesses and Drive thru Restaurants Item Title:7.1 July 14,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:3 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 14, 2021 Page 4 of 5 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced the item and Planning Manager Orlando Hernandez. Mr. Hernandez provided a presentation and reported on the background of the item; current zoning allowances for gas stations, car washes and restaurants; total number of gas stations, car washes and restaurants in progress and completed; and business locations. Commissioner Madrid stated he would not be in favor of additional changes to the process. Mr. Hernandez also reported on the City’s development process. Commissioner White stated his concern with the high concentration areas presented in staff’s presentation and lack of those types of businesses located throughout the City. Ms. Kitzerow provided an explanation regarding rural residential zoning areas, available zoning, market demand, and vehicle travel trips. Commissioner LaDue commented on his understanding of the topics discussed and stated he agreed with Ms. Kitzerow. Commissioner Thomas commented on the need for more diverse businesses and sit- down restaurants. While not proposing additional restrictions, he expressed concerns with proliferation of gas stations, car washes and fast food drive throughs and supported staff’s efforts to get quality and diverse commercial development. Chair Diederich inquired about the number of gas stations in the area compared other cities. Commissioner White also commented on the need for new diverse business to keep sales dollars within the City. Ms. Kitzerow commented on staff’s current professional approach to new development project inquiries and noted some of the items staff consider such as best use, quality, mixed of land use and retail types. Menifee Businessman Kassen Klein commented on the necessities and improvements required for development to proceed in specific areas. 11.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Menifee’s new Deputy Public Works Director Daniel Padilla and provided an update on the approved Capital Improvement Program (CIP), upcoming workshops and events, Menifee Matters newsletter, and new upcoming businesses. 12.COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES None. Item Title:7.1 July 14,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:4 City of Menifee Planning Commission July 14, 2021 Page 5 of 5 13.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS None. 14.ADJOURN Chair Diederich adjourned the meeting at 7:23 PM. Stephanie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk Item Title:7.1 July 14,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:5 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Beyond Food Mart Workshop MEETING DATE: July 28, 2021 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Orlando Hernandez, Planning Manager REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPLICANT: Michael Ramirez -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review and discuss the proposed project located in the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) McCall Boulevard Land Use District. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposed commercial center that includes a 12,500 sq. ft. market with 10 dual fueling pumps, a car wash facility, a 2,400 sq. ft. drive thru establishment and a 20,000 sq. ft. medical/office building. LOCATION North side of McCall Boulevard between Antelope Road and Aspel Road. DISCUSSION The applicant Michael Ramirez representing the property owner has submitted a conceptual plan for a proposed commercial center. The property is approximately 17 gross acres located on the northeast corner of Antelope Road and McCall Boulevard. The property has a land use use designation of Economic Development Corridor (EDC) McCall Boulevard. The General Plan envisions this area with “future single-family attached and multi-family residential along the corridor and adjacent to the Menifee Valley Medical Center, as well as additional retail and office opportunities to serve the medical center’s employees, patients and visitors”. The proposed conceptual plan shows an area of approximately five acres to be developed with a commercial center that would include a 12,500 sq. ft. market with 10 dual fueling pumps and a Item Title:10.1 Beyond Food Mart Workshop Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission Beyond Food Mart Workshop July 28, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6 2 4 drive-thru lane for a pharmacy, a car wash facility, a 2,400 sq. ft. drive thru establishment and a 20,000 sq. ft. medical/office building. Proposed Site Plan: Proposed Market Elevations: The applicant is currently not proposing any development on the remaining 12 acres at the rear of the parcel. The purpose of the workshop is to solicit feedback on the proposed development. Item Title:10.1 Beyond Food Mart Workshop Item Page Number:2