2021-05-12 Planning Commision Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice­Chair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee  Planning Commission  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 12, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk AS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS CURRENTLY PERMITTED SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LOCAL HEALTH RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING MANDATORY MASKS/FACE COVERINGS AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET. WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Please note the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started. THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILE OBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FOR RESERVING A SEAT AND/OR REGISTERING TO MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT. ATTENDING THE MEETING IN PERSON: Council Chambers Limited Seating Now Available 1. Reserved Seating: Prior to the meeting, sign up to ensure a seat in the Council Chambers. Email the Deputy City Clerk at sroseen@cityofmenifee.us and let staff know the meeting in which you would like to reserve a seat. Reservations cannot be made prior to agenda posting. 2. Non­Reserved Seating: Seating available on a first come, first serve basis. The public may begin lining up 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 1. In­person: Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment. The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on. 2. Virtual: Email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us and include your name and the item(s) you wish to speak on. The City will provide the means by which you may join the meeting virtually and provide your public comment. REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE  5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. For more information on how to participate in the meeting please visit the City’s webpage at https://www.cityofmenifee.us/agendas.  7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7.1 April 28, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021­26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and; 2. Adopt a Resolution making the determination that the Fiscal Years 2021­22 through 2025­26 CIP is in conformance with the adopted City of Menifee General Plan. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  > Discussion Regarding Development of Gas Stations and Fast Food Restaurants (Thomas, April 28, 2021) Target Date: TBD   14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission May 12,2021 Page 1 of 25 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Benjamin Diederich, ChairRandy Madrid, Vice­ChairJeff LaDue, CommissionerChris Thomas, CommissionerDavid White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, May 12, 20216:00 PM Regular MeetingCheryl Kitzerow, DirectorStephanie Roseen, ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THEPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THERIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEEEMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS CURRENTLY PERMITTEDSUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LOCAL HEALTH RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING MANDATORY MASKS/FACECOVERINGS AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORRESERVING A SEAT AND/OR REGISTERING TO MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT.ATTENDING THE MEETING IN PERSON: Council Chambers Limited Seating Now Available1. Reserved Seating: Prior to the meeting, sign up to ensure a seat in the Council Chambers. Email theDeputy City Clerk at sroseen@cityofmenifee.us and let staff know the meeting in which you would like toreserve a seat. Reservations cannot be made prior to agenda posting.2. Non­Reserved Seating: Seating available on a first come, first serve basis. The public may begin lining up30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS: 1. In­person: Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment. The Clerk will call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on. 2. Virtual: Email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us and include your name and the item(s) you wish to speak on. The City will provide the means by which you may join the meeting virtually and provide your public comment. REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE  5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. For more information on how to participate in the meeting please visit the City’s webpage at https://www.cityofmenifee.us/agendas.  7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7.1 April 28, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021­26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and; 2. Adopt a Resolution making the determination that the Fiscal Years 2021­22 through 2025­26 CIP is in conformance with the adopted City of Menifee General Plan. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  > Discussion Regarding Development of Gas Stations and Fast Food Restaurants (Thomas, April 28, 2021) Target Date: TBD   14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission May 12,2021 Page 2 of 25 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Benjamin Diederich, ChairRandy Madrid, Vice­ChairJeff LaDue, CommissionerChris Thomas, CommissionerDavid White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, May 12, 20216:00 PM Regular MeetingCheryl Kitzerow, DirectorStephanie Roseen, ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THEPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THERIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEEEMERGENCY DECLARATION, LIMITED IN­PERSON ATTENDANCE IS CURRENTLY PERMITTEDSUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LOCAL HEALTH RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING MANDATORY MASKS/FACECOVERINGS AND PHYSICAL DISTANCING OF AT LEAST SIX FEET.WATCHING LIVE VIA YOUTUBE: If you would like to watch the meeting live from home, please visitthe City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the YouTube icon . Pleasenote the YouTube icon will only appear once the meeting has started.THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHILEOBSERVING SOCIAL DISTANCING REGULATIONS. PLEASE SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW FORRESERVING A SEAT AND/OR REGISTERING TO MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT.ATTENDING THE MEETING IN PERSON: Council Chambers Limited Seating Now Available1. Reserved Seating: Prior to the meeting, sign up to ensure a seat in the Council Chambers. Email theDeputy City Clerk at sroseen@cityofmenifee.us and let staff know the meeting in which you would like toreserve a seat. Reservations cannot be made prior to agenda posting.2. Non­Reserved Seating: Seating available on a first come, first serve basis. The public may begin lining up30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.PUBLIC COMMENTS:1. In­person: Sign up with staff at City Hall on the day of the meeting to provide public comment. The Clerkwill call your name during the item(s) which you wish to speak on.2. Virtual: Email publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us and include your name and the item(s) you wish tospeak on. The City will provide the means by which you may join the meeting virtually and provide yourpublic comment.REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the timesuch comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. For more information onhow to participate in the meeting please visit the City’s webpage at https://www.cityofmenifee.us/agendas. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 April 28, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan ConsistencyFindingsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Review the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021­26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and;2. Adopt a Resolution making the determination that the Fiscal Years 2021­22through 2025­26 CIP is in conformance with the adopted City of MenifeeGeneral Plan.11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  > Discussion Regarding Development of Gas Stations and Fast Food Restaurants (Thomas, April 28, 2021) Target Date: TBD   14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission May 12,2021 Page 3 of 25 April 28, 2021 Page 1 of 3 City of Menifee Planning Commission City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice-Chair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner MINUTES City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, April 28, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Diederich called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Benjamin Diederich, Jeff LaDue, Randy Madrid, Chris Thomas, David White Absent: None 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Thomas led the flag salute. 4. PRESENTATIONS None. 5. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON•AGENDA ITEMS) None. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 March 24, 2021 Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR None. Item Title:7.1 April 28,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:1 April 28, 2021 Page 2 of 3 City of Menifee Planning Commission AYES: LaDue, Thomas, White, Madrid, Diederich NAYS: None RECUSE: None 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1 Major Master Sign Program No. PLN 19-0035 for “McCall Plaza” Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Associate Planner Desiree Bowden. Ms. Bowden provided a presentation and reported on the project location; General Plan land use and zoning; background; proposed signage; environmental determination; and staff’s recommendation. The Commissioners asked questions of staff regarding the difference in diesel pricing, LED lighting and the dimensions of signage and distance from the right-of- way. Chair Diederich opened the public hearing at 6:20 PM. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was legally noticed. There was no correspondence received and no there were no public comments. Applicant Kathleen Corvin stated she agreed to the Conditions of Approval. Chair Diederich closed the public hearing at 6:21 PM. ACTION Adopted Resolution No. PC21-530, approving Major Master Sign Program No. PLN 19-0035 subject to the attached Conditions of Approval and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. MOVER: Jeff LaDue SECONDER: Chris Thomas 9.2 Arco at Newport and Bradley Monument Sign and Administrative Relief PLN20-0135 and PLN20-0125 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Tamara Harrison. Ms. Harrison provided a presentation and reported on the project location; General Plan land use and Zoning; project description; site plan; monument sign elevation; administrative relief; ultimate right-of-way; and staff’s recommendation. Ms. Kitzerow noted the memo that was provided to the Commission stating that the existing pole sign revisions were not a part of the Commission’s review at this time and any revisions to the existing pole sign would be reviewed separately. Chair Diederich opened the public hearing at 6:29 PM. Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there was no correspondence, and no public comments were received. Item Title:7.1 April 28,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:2 April 28, 2021 Page 3 of 3 City of Menifee Planning Commission AYES: LaDue, Thomas, White, Madrid, Diederich NAYS: None RECUSE: None Applicant Eddie Vidales commented on the existing pole sign. The Commissioners asked questions of the applicant and Ms. Kitzerow stated that was not included as part of the discussion at this time and would have to be reviewed separately. Applicant Eddie Vidales stated he agreed to the conditions of approval. Chair Diederich closed the public hearing at 6:34 PM. ACTION Adopted Resolution No. PC21-531, approving Plot Plan No. PLN20-0135 and Administrative Relief No. PLN20-0125, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. MOVER: David White SECONDER: Chris Thomas 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced the new Planning Manager Orlando Hernandez. Commissioner Thomas inquired about the foam block wall at the Krikorian site. 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Commissioner White stated he had attended the Planning Commissioner Academy, AB1234 Ethics Training, and sexual harassment training. 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Thomas requested a discussion item regarding the direction of the Commission on development of gas stations and fast-food restaurants. Vice Chair Madrid seconded the request. 14. ADJOURN Chair Diederich adjourned the meeting at 6:40 PM. Stephanie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk Item Title:7.1 April 28,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:3 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings MEETING DATE: May 12, 2021 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Doug Darnell, Senior Planner REVIEWED BY: Orlando Hernandez, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPLICANT: City of Menifee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Review the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and; 2. Adopt a Resolution making the determination that the Fiscal Years 2021-22 through 2025- 26 CIP is in conformance with the adopted City of Menifee General Plan. BACKGROUND California Government Code Section 65401 requires the City to prepare a coordinated program (i.e., Capital Improvement Program (CIP)) identifying projects recommended for planning, initiation, or construction during the coming Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22. In accordance with Sections 65402 and 65403 of State Planning and Zoning Law, the Planning Commission must review and provide comments to the City Council regarding the conformity of the proposed CIP with the adopted General Plan. The CIP serves as a single comprehensive plan of proposed capital improvement projects for the budget year FY 2021-22 and the four years thereafter. The CIP is a budgeting and planning tool used to determine the current fiscal year budget funding, and future funding needs and for programmed City capital projects. The CIP provides a list of future capital improvements to be carried out during a five-year planning period, together with project descriptions, cost estimates, and the anticipated means and sources of financing for each project. The CIP has identified a total of 138 projects within four general categories: 1. Transportation Projects 2. Traffic Signals Projects 3. Infrastructure Projects (Street Improvements, Pavement Management, Drainage, Street Lighting & Facilities) 4. Community Services Projects (Parks/Recreation) Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 2 of 10 As part of the five-year plan, staff annually reviews the priority listing to address changes in City development conditions and identify any new funding opportunities that may become available. The City Council held a CIP Workshop on April 19, 2021. At the Workshop, the City Council requested revisions to the Draft CIP. The revised CIP was presented to the City Council at a 2nd CIP Workshop on May 5, 2021. On May 6, 2021, the Community Services Projects portion of the CIP was presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission (PRTC). The CIP is recommended for adoption by City Council as part of the FY 21-22 budget. Staff has reviewed the new projects identified in the proposed five-year CIP plan for conformance with the City’s General Plan. The projects identified in the CIP are consistent with City of Menifee General Plan policy and will help implement the goals of the General Plan with regards to City infrastructure. DISCUSSION Transportation Projects The 5-year CIP contains 30 Transportation Projects, listed as follows: 1) Holland Road Overpass 2) Bradley Bridge over Salt Creek 3) McCall Blvd/I-215 Interchange 4) Scott Road/Bundy Canyon Road Widening 5) Garbani Rd/I-215 Interchange 6) Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge 7) Valley Boulevard Widening (Murrieta Road to Chambers Road) 8) McCall Boulevard Widening (Woodside-Menifee) 9) Bailey Boulevard Widening 10) Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek 11) Menifee Road Widening (Scott-Garbani) 12) Haun Road Widening (Holland Rd to Scott Rd) 13) Encanto Drive Widening (McCall-McLaughlin) 14) Murrieta Road Widening (McCall to Ethanac) 15) Murrieta Road Widening (Scott-Newport) 16) Holland Road Widening (Murrieta Rd to Haun Rd) 17) Lindenberger Road Widening (Silver Summit Dr to Trailhead Dr) 18) Goetz Road Widening 19) Garbani Road (I-215 to Menifee Road) 20) Garbani Road (Menifee Road to Briggs Road) 21) Garbani Road (I-215 to Bradley Road) 22) Briggs Road (Garbani Road to Loretta Avenue) 23) Antelope Road Widening (Craig Ave to Scott Rd) 24) Antelope Rd/Ethanac/HWY 74 Intersection Realignment 25) Ethanac Road Widening (Trumble Rd to Antelope Rd) 26) Pedestrian Bridge Over I-215 at Rouse Road 27) Menifee Road Widening (Watson Rd to SR 74) 28) Menifee Road Widening (Biscayne Rd to Matthews) Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:2 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 3 of 10 29) Murrieta Road/Holland Road Intersection Realignment 30) Study – Infrastructure Needs of Northern Gateway (East of 1-215) Staff has reviewed the projects for consistency with the General Plan and has determined that these projects are consistent with the provisions of the Circulation, Land Use, Community Design, and Economic Development Elements of the adopted General Plan. A review of the General Plan did not identify any goals or policies that provided contrary policy direction or that indicated an inconsistency between the Transportation Projects and the adopted General Plan. More specifically, the Transportation Projects are consistent with the following General Plan Policies: C-1.1: Require roadways to: o Comply with federal, state, and local design and safety standards. o Meet the needs of multiple transportation modes and users. o Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. o Be maintained in accordance with best practices. C-1.3: Work with Caltrans, RCTC, WRCOG and others to identify, fund, and implement needed improvements to roadways identified in the citywide roadway network. C-1.4: Promote development of local street patterns that unify neighborhoods and work with neighboring jurisdictions to provide compatible roadway linkages at the city limits. C-1.5: Minimize idling times and vehicle miles traveled to conserve resources, protect air quality, and limit greenhouse gas emissions. ED-1.4: Provide sufficient infrastructure to serve the full build out of the city. LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the city's Capital Improvement Program. CD-4.11: Work with Caltrans to implement a freeway and interchange landscaping and planting program to improve the appearance of the community along Interstate 215. Traffic Signal Projects The 5-year CIP contains 19 Traffic Signal Projects, listed as follows: 1) Menifee Rd/Garbani Rd 2) McCall Rd/Grosse Pointe 3) Hwy 74/3rd Street 4) Hwy 74/Tradewinds 5) Antelope/MSJC Entrance 6) Menifee Rd/Craig Rd 7) Cherry Hills/Pebble Beach Dr Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:3 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 4 of 10 8) Murrieta Rd/Chambers Rd 9) Bradley Road/Cherry Hills Blvd. 10) Menifee Rd/Lake Fork 11) Bradley Rd/Pebble Beach Dr 12) Murrieta Rd/La Piedra Rd 13) Menifee Rd/Matthews Rd 14) Evans Rd/Craig Rd 15) Bradley Rd/Rim Creek Path 16) Zeiders Rd/Keller Rd 17) Goetz Rd/Ave Roble 18) Goetz Rd/Vista Way 19) Briggs Road/Garbani Road Staff has reviewed the projects for consistency with the General Plan and has determined that these projects are consistent with the provisions of the Circulation, Land Use and Economic Development Elements of the adopted General Plan. A review of the General Plan did not identify any goals or policies that provided contrary policy direction or that indicated an inconsistency between the Traffic Signal Projects and the adopted General Plan. More specifically, the Traffic Signal Projects are consistent with the following General Plan Policies: ED-1.4: Provide sufficient infrastructure to serve the full build out of the City. LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the City's Capital Improvement Program. C-1.2: Require development to mitigate its traffic impacts and achieve a peak hour Level of Service (LOS) D or better at intersections, except at constrained intersections at close proximity to the I-215 where LOS E may be permitted. C-1.5: Minimize idling times and vehicle miles traveled to conserve resources, protect air quality, and limit greenhouse gas emissions. Infrastructure and Other Projects The 5-year CIP contains 68 Infrastructure/Other Projects in the following categories: - 23 Street Improvement Projects - 21 Pavement Management Program Projects - 9 Drainage Projects - 4 Street Lighting Projects - 11 Public Facilities Projects These projects are as follows: Street Improvement Projects 1) Normandy Road Improvements - La Ladera Rd to Berea Rd 2) Lindenberger Road – Sidewalk Improvements 3) Bradley Road and Newport Road Intersection Improvements Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:4 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 5 of 10 4) HSIP – Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to City Limits) 5) HSIP – Menifee Road (McCall Blvd to Hwy 74) 6) HSIP – McCall Blvd (Encanto Dr to Menifee Rd) 7) HSIP – Sun City Blvd (Manchester Dr to Cherry Hills Blvd) 8) HSIP – Newport Road Raised Medians (Murrieta Rd to Bradly Rd) 9) HSIP – Haun Road (Newport Rd to Scott Rd) 10) HSIP – Antelope Road (Newport Rd to Scott Rd) 11) HSIP – Scott Road (Murrieta Rd to Briggs Rd) 12) ATP – La Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle School 13) ATP – Sun City Community 14) ATP – Lazy Creek Park 15) ATP – Watson Road at Harvest Valley Elementary School 16) ATP – Bradley Road at Chester W. Morrison Elementary School 17) Highway 74 Parkway Landscape (SCE frontage) 18) Holland Road Raised Median – Sherman Rd to Haun Rd 19) Citywide Signage and Wayfinding Program 20) Interchange Beautification – Newport Road 21) Interchange Beautification – Scott Road 22) Newport Road/Menifee Road Intersection Improvements 23) Study – Newport Road Corridor Improvements (Antelope Rd to Briggs Rd) Pavement Management Program Projects 1) Peacock Community Road Resurfacing 2) Menifee Rd Resurfacing and Median Improvements – Holland Rod to Camino Crystal 3) Tradewinds Community (Romoland north of Hwy 74) 4) Neighborhood north of McCall Blvd and east of Sun City Blvd (Sun City) 5) Lazy Creek Community (between Newport and Lazy Creek Road) 6) Romoland Grid Neighborhood 7) Neighborhoods east of Bavaria Road 8) Casa Blanca Neighborhood (south of McCall) 9) Menifee Meadows Neighborhood (East of Bradley south of La Piedra) 10)Lake Ridge Estates Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) 11)Willowood Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) 12)Neighborhood east of Bradley Rd from Potomac Rd to El Rancho (Sun City) 13)Murrieta Road Resurfacing – San Quintin to Salt Creek 14)Antelope Road Resurfacing – Holland Rd to Newport Rd 15)Menifee Road Resurfacing - Biscayne Rd to Hwy 74 16)Antelope Rd Resurfacing – Newport Rd to Aldergate Dr 17)Menifee Road Resurfacing – Simpson Road to train tracks 18)Cherry Hills Blvd Resurfacing - Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd 19)Briggs Road Resurfacing - Hwy 74 to Mapes 20)Garbani Road Resurfacing - Antelope Rd to Menifee Rd 21)Mapes Road Resurfacing - Sherman Rd to Malaga Rd Drainage Projects 1) Ridgemore Road Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:5 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 6 of 10 2) Sun City Blvd. Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel 3) Cherry Hills Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel 4) Catch Basin Retrofit Program 5) Byers Rd at Ethanac Rd Drainage Improvements 6) MDP – Craig Avenue and Hawthorne Street 7) MDP – Lazy Creek Street and Murrieta Road 8) MDP – Murrieta Road and Garbani Road 9)MDP – Normandy Road and Salt Creek Channel Street Lighting Projects 1) Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74) 2) Quail Valley Grid Area 3) Vista Way and Casa Bonita Drive 4) Menifee Rd (South City limit to Garbani Rd) Facilities Projects 1) New Menifee City Hall 2) Fire Station #68 – Interior Improvements (Phase 2) 3) Menifee Central Police Headquarters 4) Public Works Corporation Yard 5) New 5th Fire Station (Northerly Area) 6) Fuel Station 7) Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades 8) Police Station Upgrades 9) Park and Facility Multi-Use Building 10) Council Chambers Window Upgrade 11) Acquisition of Police HQ Site Staff reviewed the projects for consistency with the General Plan and has determined that these projects are consistent with the provisions of the Land Use, Circulation, Community Design and Economic Development Elements of the adopted General Plan. A review of the General Plan did not identify any goals or policies that provided contrary policy direction or that indicated an inconsistency between the Infrastructure/Other Projects and the adopted General Plan. More specifically, the Infrastructure/Other Projects are consistent with the following General Plan Policies: C-1.1: Require roadways to: o Comply with federal, state, and local design and safety standards. o Meet the needs of multiple transportation modes and users. o Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. o Be maintained in accordance with best practices. C-1.4: Promote development of local street patterns that unify neighborhoods and work with neighboring jurisdictions to provide compatible roadway linkages at the city limits. Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:6 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 7 of 10 C-2.1: Require on- and off-street pathways to: o Comply with federal, state, and local design and safety standards. o Meet the needs of multiple types of users (families, commuters, recreational beginners, exercise experts) and meet ADA standards and guidelines. o Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. o Be maintained in accordance with best practices. C-2.3: Require walkways that promote safe and convenient travel between residential areas, businesses, schools, parks, recreation areas, transit facilities, and other key destination points. CD-4.1: Create unifying streetscape elements for enhanced landscape streets, including coordinated streetlights, landscaping, public signage, street furniture, and hardscaping. CD-4.2: Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. CD-6.5: Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. CD-6.6: Encourage the incorporation of lighting into signage design when appropriate in order to minimize glare and light spillage while accentuating the design of the signage. LU-1.6: Coordinate land use, infrastructure, and transportation planning and analysis with regional, county, and other local agencies to further regional and subregional goals for jobs-housing balance. LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the city's Capital Improvement Program. ED-1.4: Provide sufficient infrastructure to serve the full build out of the city. S-3.2: Reduce flood hazards in developed areas known to flood. Parks and Recreation The FY 2021-26 CIP contains 21 Parks and Recreation Projects. In FY 2014-15, the City Council adopted new Park and Landscape Design Standards to guide new open space development and set minimum standards for ongoing maintenance and construction of public facilities. Additionally, in February 2016 the City Council approved a Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan as a guiding document for future projects. Staff has referred to the guidelines and Master Plan in the assessment of existing parks and compiled a list of improvement needs for the upcoming years. Collectively, each of these projects are referred Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:7 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 8 of 10 to as the Community Services Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Parks and Recreation Projects include: 1) Evans Park Design/Construction 2) Sports Field Lighting 3) Lazy Creek Rec Center Improvements 4) Central Park Amenities 5) Permanent Park Restroom 6) Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosures 7) Park Amenity Enhancements 8) Park Lighting 9) Sports Court Resurfacing 10) Shade Structures 11) Salt Creek Trail Parking 12) IT Network Upgrades 13) Trails Connectivity and Enhancements 14) Utility Corridor Trail 15) Quail Valley Science Center 16) Park Land Acquisition 17) Bradley Basin Park 18) E.L. Peterson Dog Park Expansion 19) Street Median/Parkway Conversion 20) Irrigation Upgrades and Control System (PW) 21) Community Center at La Piedra and Menifee Road Staff reviewed the projects for consistency with the General Plan and has determined that these projects are consistent with the provisions of the Open Space and Conservation, Community Design, Economic Development, and Land Use Elements of the adopted General Plan, in addition to the City’s adopted Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan. A review of the General Plan did not identify any goals or policies that provided contrary policy direction or that indicated an inconsistency between the Parks and Recreation Projects and the adopted General Plan. More specifically, the Parks and Recreation Projects are consistent with the following General Plan Policies: OCS-1.1: Provide parks and recreational programs to meet the varied needs of community residents, including children, youth, adults, seniors, and persons with disabilities, and make these facilities and services easily accessible and affordable to all users. OSC-1.2: Require a minimum of 5 acres of public open space to be provided for every 1,000 city residents. OSC-1.3: Locate and distribute parks and recreational facilities throughout the community so that most residents are within walking distance (1-half mile) of a public open space. OSC-1.4: Enhance the natural environment and view sheds through park design and site selection while preserving sensitive biological, cultural, and historic resources. Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:8 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 9 of 10 OSC-1.6: Make parks as safe as possible by promoting the latest developments in facility design and equipment technology. OSC-1.7: Partner with school districts and other agencies and organizations for the joint- use, maintenance, and development of parks and recreational facilities and programs. OSC-1.8: Ensure that parks and recreational facilities are well-maintained by the responsible agency. OSC-1.10: Develop a regional park of at least 25 acres within the City of Menifee. OSC-2.1: Develop recreational trails for hiking, biking, and equestrian use throughout the city, making them, to the extent feasible, accessible to people of different neighborhoods, ages, and abilities. OSC-2.2: Locate and regulate recreational trails so that they do not negatively impact the city's sensitive habitat, wildlife, natural landforms, and cultural resources. OSC-2.3: Recognize flood control facilities as potential locations for recreational trails, and pursue these opportunities in coordination with the Riverside County Flood Control and Conservation District. OSC-2.4: Explore new acquisition opportunities for abandoned railroad rights-of-way, natural waterways, flood control rights-of-way, public utility easements, and public lands for potential designation as recreational trails. OSC-2.5: Equip trailheads and trail staging areas with adequate parking, restrooms, signage, or other facilities, and amenities as appropriate. OSC-2.6: Protect existing equestrian trails, including those in the city's rural neighborhoods, and encourage connections to new trails in other parts of the city. OSC-2.7: Coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions to establish recreational trails that connect to other trail systems and major destinations found outside of the city, such as Lake Elsinore, Kabian Park, and Diamond Valley Lake. OSC-7.1: Work with the Eastern Municipal Water District to ensure that adequate, high- quality potable water supplies and infrastructure are provided to all development in the community. OSC-7.4: Encourage the use of reclaimed water for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, public landscaped areas, and other feasible applications as service becomes available from the Eastern Municipal Water District. LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the city's Capital Improvement Program. Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:9 City of Menifee Planning Commission Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings May 12, 2021 Page 10 of 10 CD-4.1: Create unifying streetscape elements for enhanced landscape streets, including coordinated streetlights, landscaping, public signage, street furniture, and hardscaping. CD-4.2: Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. CD-6.4: Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. CD-6.5: Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. CD-6.6: Encourage the incorporation of lighting into signage design when appropriate in order to minimize glare and light spillage while accentuating the design of the signage ED-1.4: Provide sufficient infrastructure to serve the full build out of the city. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The FY 2021-26 CIP is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review, in accordance with Title 14 California Code of Regulations. The CIP is not a ‘project’ within the meaning of Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines and is therefore exempt from the requirements of CEQA. The CIP is a fiscal budgeting and long-range planning tool. It does not commit the City to construction or implementation of any specific project. The Planning Commission’s review and the determination that the CIP is consistent with the City of Menifee General Plan does not result in the construction nor cause the construction of any specific CIP project and will have no effect on the environment, and therefore, no environmental impact assessment is necessary. ATTACHMENTS 1. FY2021-26 CIP Project List 2. PC Reso 5yr CIP FY21-26 GP Consistency Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:10 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 13-03 58021 30,685,177$ 1 CIP 13-04 58000 14,489,512$ 1 CIP 14-01 58019 35,168,230$ 1 CIP 20-01 58033 30,541,178$ 2 CIP 20-05 58087 60,560,000$ 2 CIP 20-13 58098 6,425,000$ 1 CIP 22-02 58118 7,700,000$ 1 CIP 22-03 58119 3,444,000$ 1 CIP 22-04 58120 2,230,000$ 2 PW-TR-01 16,750,000$ 2 PW-TR-02 6,603,000$ 3 PW-TR-03 6,317,000$ 3 PW-TR-04 2,901,000$ 3 PW-TR-05 2,927,000$ 3 PW-TR-06 6,000,000$ 3 PW-TR-07 3,416,000$ 4 PW-TR-08 1,270,000$ 4 PW-TR-09 17,334,000$ 4 PW-TR-10 2,328,600$ 4 PW-TR-11 4,500,000$ 4 PW-TR-12 3,864,575$ 2 PW-TR-13 3,840,000$ 4 PW-TR-14 3,460,000$ 4 PW-TR-15 7,500,000$ 4 PW-TR-16 6,000,000$ 4 PW-TR-17 5,500,000$ 4 PW-TR-18 3,600,000$ 4 PW-TR-19 3,500,000$ 4 PW-TR-20 5,000,000$ 4 PW-TR-21 100,000$ 30 Total Projects 303,954,273$ Study - Infrastructure Needs of Northern Gateway (East of I-215) Holland Road Overpass McCall Blvd/I-215 Interchange Bradley Bridge over Salt Creek Scott Road/Bundy Canyon Road Widening Pedestrian Bridge Over I-215 at Rouse Road Antelope Rd / Ethanac / HWY 74 Intersection Realignment Murrieta Road Widening (McCall to Ethanac) Murrieta Road Widening (Scott-Newport) Garbani Road (I-215 to Bradley Road) Holland Road Widening (Murrieta Rd to Haun Rd) Antelope Road Widening (Craig Avenue to Scott Road) Ethanac Road Widening (Trumbull Road to Antelope Road) Briggs Road (Garbani Road to Loretta Avenue) Garbani Road (I-215 to Menifee Road) Goetz Road Widening PROJECT NAME CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMTransportation Project Listing Murrieta Road/Holland Road Intersection Realignment Encanto Drive Widening (McCall-McLaughlin) Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge Garbani Rd/ I-215 Interchange Menifee Road Widening (Scott-Garbani) McCall Boulevard Widening (Woodside-Menifee) Bailey Boulevard Widening Menifee Road Widening (Watson Rd to SR 74) Menifee Road Widening (Biscayne Rd to Mathews) Murrieta Bridge over Salt Creek Valley Boulevard Widening (Murrieta Rd to Chambers Road) Haun Road Widening (Holland Rd to Scott Rd) Linderberger Rd Widening (Silver Summit Dr to Trailhead Dr) Garbani Road (Menifee Road to Briggs Road) Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:11 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 21-11 58109 $1,433,690 3 PW-TS-01 $600,000 2 PW-TS-02 $725,000 2 PW-TS-03 $550,000 1 PW-TS-04 $550,000 3 PW-TS-05 $575,000 3 PW-TS-06 $575,000 2 PW-TS-07 $950,000 3 PW-TS-08 $575,000 3 PW-TS-09 $575,000 2 PW-TS-10 $575,000 1 PW-TS-11 $850,000 1 PW-TS-12 $1,400,000 4 PW-TS-13 $575,000 4 PW-TS-14 $575,000 4 PW-TS-15 $575,000 4 PW-TS-16 $575,000 3 PW-TS-17 $575,000 2 PW-TS-18 $575,000 19 $13,383,690 Briggs Road/Garbani Road Antelope/MSJC Entrance Hwy 74/Tradewinds Hwy 74/3rd Street McCall Rd/Grosse Pointe CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMTraffic Signal Project Listing PROJECT NAME Signal Projects (does not include other signals not under priority) Goetz Rd/Vista Way Goetz Rd/Ave Roble Zeiders Rd/Keller Rd Bradley Rd/Rim Creek Path Evans Rd/Craig Rd Menifee Rd/Mathews Rd Murrieta Rd/La Piedra Rd Bradley Rd/Peeble Beach Dr Menifee Rd/Garbani Rd Menifee Rd/Lake Fork Bradley Road/Cherry Hills Boulevard Murrieta Rd/Chambers Rd Cherry Hills/Peeble Beach Menifee Rd/Craig Rd Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:12 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 PW-IMP-01 58122 $410,000 2 PW-IMP-02 $650,000 3 PW-IMP-03 $230,000 2 PW-IMP-04 $100,000 2 PW-IMP-05 $550,000 2 PW-IMP-06 $345,500 2 PW-IMP-07 $54,000 1 PW-IMP-08 $810,000 3 PW-IMP-09 $65,400 3 PW-IMP-10 $71,099 3 PW-IMP-11 $345,301 2 PW-IMP-12 $191,674 3 PW-IMP-13 $157,938 3 PW-IMP-14 $285,648 3 PW-IMP-15 $345,301 3 PW-IMP-16 $533,672 4 PW-IMP-17 $300,000 4 PW-IMP-18 $450,000 4 PW-IMP-19 $3,500,000 4 PW-IMP-20 $4,000,000 4 PW-IMP-21 $4,000,000 4 PW-IMP-22 $1,100,000 4 PW-IMP-23 $50,000 23 Total Projects $18,545,533 Bradley Road And Newport Road Intersection Improvments Lindenberger Road - Sidewalk Improvements Normandy Road Improvements (La Ladera Rd. to Berea Rd.) Newport Road / Menifee Road Intersection Improvements Interchange Beautification - Scott Road Interchange Beautification - Newport Road Citywide Signage and Wayfinding Program HSIP - Menifee Road (McCall Blvd to Hwy 74) ATP - Watson Road at Harvest Valley Elementary School Holland Road Raised Median (Sherman Road to Haun Road) Highway 74 Parkway Landscape (SCE frontage) ATP - Bradley Road at Chester W. Morrison Elementary School HSIP - Menifee Road (Hwy 74 to City Limits) Study - Newport Road Corridor Improvements (Antelope Road to Briggs Road) ATP - Lazy Creek Park ATP - Sun City Community CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMStreet Improvements Project Listing ATP - La Piedra Road at Bell Mountain Middle School HSIP - Scott Road (Murrieta Rd. to Briggs Rd.) PROJECT NAME HSIP - Antelope Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.) HSIP - Haun Road (Newport Rd. to Scott Rd.) HSIP - Newport Road Raised Medians (Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd) HSIP - Sun City Blvd. (Manchester Dr. to Cherry Hills Blvd.) HSIP - McCall Blvd. (Encanto Dr. to Menifee Rd.) Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:13 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #FUND STATUS TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 CIP 21-17 58116 $1,300,000 1 CIP 22-06 58122 $1,500,000 1 PW-PMP-01 $969,663 2 PW-PMP-02 $800,000 2 PW-PMP-03 $700,000 1 PW-PMP-04 $1,200,000 2 PW-PMP-05 $950,000 2 PW-PMP-06 $1,000,000 1 PW-PMP-07 $1,000,000 2 PW-PMP-08 $750,000 4 PW-PMP-09 $950,000 1 PW-PMP-10 $5,500,000 2 PW-PMP-11 $1,450,000 2 PW-PMP-12 $1,400,000 3 PW-PMP-13 $350,000 3 PW-PMP-14 $1,050,000 2 PW-PMP-15 $2,100,000 3 PW-PMP-16 $852,000 3 PW-PMP-17 $989,000 3 PW-PMP-18 $890,323 3 PW-PMP-19 $871,000 21 Total Projects $26,571,986 Garbani Rd Resurfacing - Antelope Rd to Menifee Rd Mapes Rd Resurfacing - Sherman Rd to Malaga Rd Antelope Rd Resurfacing - Holland Rd to Newport Rd Menifee Rd resurfacing - Biscayne Rd to Hwy 74 Antelope Rd Resurfacing - Newport Rd to Aldergate Dr Menifee Road Resurfacing - Simpson Road to train tracks Cherry Hills Blvd Resurfacing- Murrieta Rd to Bradley Rd Briggs Rd Resurfacing - Hwy 74 to Mapes Murrieta Road Resurfacing - San Quintin to Salt Creek Peacock Community Road Resurfacing Tradewinds Community (Romoland north of Hwy 74) Neighborhood north of McCall and East of Sun City Blvd (Sun City) Lazy Creek Community (between Newport and Lazy Creek Road) Romoland Grid Neighborhood Neighborhoods East of Bavaria road Casa Blanca Neighborhood (south of McCall) Menifee Meadows Neighborhood (East of Bradley and South of La Piedra) Lake Ridge Estates Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) Willowood Neighborhood (Menifee Lakes) Neighborhood East of Bradley from Potomac Rd to El Rancho (Sun City) Menifee Rd Resurfacing and Median Improvements - Holland Rd to Camino Crystal PROJECT NAME CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPavement Management Program Project Listing Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:14 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 2 PW-SD-01 $353,000 2 PW-SD-02 $280,000 2 PW-SD-03 $280,000 2 PW-SD-04 $800,000 2 PW-SD-05 $1,500,000 4 PW-SD-06 $9,810,000 4 PW-SD-07 $2,710,000 4 PW-SD-08 $810,000 4 PW-SD-09 $2,220,000 9 Total Projects $18,763,000 CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMDrainage Project Listing PROJECT NAME MDP - Normandy Road at Salt Creek Channel MDP - Murrieta Road and Garbani Road MDP - Lazy Creek Street and Murrieta Road MDP - Craig Avenue and Hawthorne Street Byers Rd at Ethanac Rd Drainage Improvements Catch Basin Retrofit Program Cherry Hills Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel Sun City Blvd. Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel Ridgemore Road Crossing at Salt Creek Tributary Channel Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:15 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 2 PW-SL-01 $500,000 2 PW-SL-02 $500,000 3 PW-SL-03 $250,000 3 PW-SL-04 $300,000 4 Total Projects $1,550,000 PROJECT NAME Menifee Road (South City Limit to Garbani Road) Vista Way and Casa Bonita Drive Quail Valley Grid Area Romoland Grid Area (North of Hwy 74) CITY OF MENIFEESTREET LIGHTING PROGRAMStret LIght Project Listing Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:16 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 3 CIP 21-05 $36,100,000 3 PW-BLD-01 $2,300,000 1 PW-BLD-02 $4,950,000 4 PW-BLD-03 $10,000,000 4 PW-BLD-04 $6,000,000 1 F-001 $750,000 1 F-002 $390,000 2 F-003 $250,000 1 F-004 $500,000 2 F-005 $200,000 3 F-006 $200,000 11 Total Projects $61,640,000 Police Station Upgrades Park and Facility Multi-Use Building Old Fire Station 5 Renovation Council Chambers Window Upgrade Police Station Parking Lot Upgrades PROJECT NAME Fuel Station CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPublic Facilities Project Listing New 5th Station (Northerly Area) Public Works Corporation Yard Menifee Central Police HQ - Land Purchanse Fire Station #68 - Interior Improvements (Phase 2) New Menifee City Hall Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:17 PRIORITY (1-4)PROJECT #OBJECT CODE TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 4 CS004 $300,000 2 CS007 $275,000 4 CS009 $25,000 1 CS010 (17-01)$11,805,000 2 CS014 $250,000 1 CS015 (20-09)$876,000 1 CS020 (19-16)$2,017,070 1 CS021 $150,000 3 CS022 $75,000 3 CS023 $430,000 3 CS029 $2,000,000 1 CS030 (19-15)$3,932,740 4 CS031 $2,060,000 1 CS032 $400,000 4 CS037 $2,500,000 4 CS039 $200,000 2 CS042 $218,000 2 CS047 (21-06)$365,000 4 CS048 $3,500,000 2 CS049 $250,000 4 CS050 $2,500,000 21 Projects 34,128,810$ Quail Valley Science Center Salt Creek Trail Parking Community Center at La Piedra Road IT Network Upgrades Shade Structures Sports Court Resurfacing Permanent Park Restroom E.L. Peterson Dog Park Expansion Bradley Basin Park Park Land Acquisition Utility Corridor Trail Irrigation Upgrades and Control System (PW) Central Park Amenities CITY OF MENIFEECAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMCommunity Services Department Project Listing PROJECT NAME Lazy Creek Rec Center Improvements Sports Field Lighting Evans Park Design/Construction Street Median/Parkway Conversion Park Lighting Park Amenity Enhancements Parking Lot Resurfacing and Trash Enclosures Trails Connectivity and Enhancements Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:18 4 3 2 2 7 RESOLUTION NO. PC 21 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE FINDING THE FISCAL YEARS 2021-22 THROUGH 2025-26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY’S GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Menifee has an adopted General Plan which designates land uses and corresponding building intensities, open space, public facilities and circulation networks; and, WHEREAS, the City of Menifee has adopted procedures for evaluating Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects and prepares an annual CIP Budget, which identifies CIP projects and funding sources; and, WHEREAS, California Government Code Sections 65103 (c) and 65400 require the CIP Budget be consistent with the adopted General Plan, as well as provide, in part, that a local agency shall not acquire real property, nor dispose of any real property, nor construct a public building or structure in any county or city, until the location, purpose and extent of such activity has been reported upon as to conformity with the adopted General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the FY 2021-26 CIP is not a ‘project’ within the meaning of Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines and is therefore exempt from the requirements of CEQA. The CIP is a fiscal budgeting and long-range planning tool. It does not commit the City to construction or implementation of any specific project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee resolves as follows: Section 1. That the City’s Fiscal Years 2021-22 through 2025-26 CIP projects and corresponding FY 2021-22 budget are consistent with the City’s adopted General Plan as to location, purpose and extent necessary to facilitate the implementation of the General Plan and provide for orderly development patterns and the timely extension and provisions of public facilities. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 12 day of May, 2021. Benjamin Diederich, Chairman Attest: Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:10.1 Fiscal Year 2021/2026 Capital Improvement Program General Plan Consistency Findings Item Page Number:19