2021-02-24 Planning Commision Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers Via Live Video (see below) Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice­Chair   Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee  Planning Commission  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, February 24, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk AS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS THE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THE MENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDA APPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY: LIVE VIDEO: https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the “HTML Packet” icon under Documents. PUBLIC COMMENTS: For your comments to be read during the live meeting (3 minutes maximum) click on the link above and click on the comment icon under options, or submit an email to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2.ROLL CALL  3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE  5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listed on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non­ agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. Please submit public comments to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7.1 February 10, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  9.1 “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction ­ Plot Plan No. PLN19­0065 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt a Planning Commission Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN19­0065 subject to the Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS ­ NONE  11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission February 24,2021 Page 1 of 78 City Council ChambersVia Live Video (see below)Menifee, CA 92586Benjamin Diederich, ChairRandy Madrid, Vice­Chair  Jeff LaDue, CommissionerChris Thomas, CommissionerDavid White, Commissioner AGENDA City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, February 24, 20216:00 PM Regular MeetingCheryl Kitzerow, DirectorStephanie Roseen, ClerkAS A RESULT OF THE COVID­19 VIRUS, AND RESULTING ORDERS AND DIRECTIONFROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, AS WELL ASTHE CITY OF MENIFEE EMERGENCY DECLARATION, THE PUBLIC WILL NOT BEPERMITTED TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THE MENIFEE MEETING TO WHICH THIS AGENDAAPPLIES. YOU MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING BY:LIVE VIDEO: https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas and click on the “HTML Packet” icon underDocuments.PUBLIC COMMENTS: For your comments to be read during the live meeting (3minutes maximum) click on the link above and click on the comment icon under options, orsubmit an email to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us.REGULAR MEETING (6:00PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS ­ NONE 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Commission about items which are NOT listedon the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Commission’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minuteson any single item. Please submit public comments to publiccomments@cityofmenifee.us. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  7.1 February 10, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes 8. CONSENT CALENDAR ­ NONE  9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS  9.1 “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction ­ Plot Plan No. PLN19­0065 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt a Planning Commission Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN19­0065 subject to the Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS ­ NONE  11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS   12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES  13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS  14.ADJOURN  City of Menifee Planning Commission February 24,2021 Page 2 of 78 City of Menifee Planning Commission February 10, 2021 Page 1 of 2 City Council Chambers Via Live Meeting Menifee, CA 92586 Benjamin Diederich, Chair Randy Madrid, Vice Chair Jeff LaDue, Commissioner Chris Thomas, Commissioner David White, Commissioner MINUTES City of Menifee Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 10, 2021 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Stephanie Roseen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Diederich called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Jeff LaDue, Randy Madrid, Chris Thomas, David White, Benjamin Diederich Absent: None 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Madrid led the flag salute. 4.PRESENTATIONS 5.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) None. 7.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1 January 27, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR None. Item Title:7.1 February 10,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission February 10, 2021 Page 2 of 2 9.PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None. 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 General Plan Annual Progress Report for 2020 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Doug Darnell. Mr. Darnell provided a presentation and reported on the Annual Progress Report (APR) requirements; General Plan overview; General Plan Implementation Program; OPR General Plan guidelines compliance topics; legislative actions for 2020; Annual Housing Element Progress Report; and Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA). Commissioner Thomas asked questions of staff regarding low and moderate housing, any affordable housing applications and required zoning, City compliance, sixth Housing Element projected requirements, and qualifications for low-income housing. Chair Diederich stated this item was a receive and file item and no action was required. 11.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow invited the Commission and the public to join the second public workshop for the updated Housing Element that will take place February 25, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Ms. Kitzerow stated the meeting information could be found on the City’s webpage. 12.COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Commissioner White stated that he attended Councilmember Deines’ Development Status and Briefing Meeting for District 4. 13.FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Vice Chair Madrid inquired about the 2021 Planning Commissioner Academy. Ms. Kitzerow informed the Commission of the dates and stated staff would be in touch when more information regarding the schedule of events was provided. 14.ADJOURN Chair Diederich adjourned the meeting at 6:25 PM. Stephanie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk Item Title:7.1 February 10,2021 Planning Commission Minutes Item Page Number:2 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 MEETING DATE: February 24, 2021 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Russell Brown, Associate Planner REVIEWED BY: Ryan Fowler, Acting Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPLICANT: Joseph Van Haaster, KHJW Representative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 subject to the Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 proposes to demolish an existing 5,381 square foot building (Church) and parking lot and construct a new 3,312 square foot building (Kingdom Hall) along with a new parking lot (67 parking spaces) and 32,346 square foot on-site landscape area. No preschool activities are being proposed. LOCATION The project site is located south of Sun City Boulevard, north of Potomac Drive, east of Murrieta Road and west of Bradley Road at 29101 Del Monte Drive, City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California (APN: 338-024-033). The site is bound by developed single-family residential parcels with the exception of a vacant undeveloped lot owned by the neighboring religious facility to the northwest of the project site. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:1 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 2 of 10 3 6 2 GENERAL PLAN/ZONE General Plan The General Plan land use designation for the subject parcel and the adjacent parcels is 2.1-5 du/ac Residential (2.1-5R). The intent of this land use designation is for single-family detached and attached residences with a density range of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The subject site and the adjacent site to the northwest were approved as religious institutions under the County of Riverside prior to City incorporation. The project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation and compatible with surrounding General Plan land uses. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:2 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 3 of 10 3 6 2 Zoning The project site was zoned R-2 (Multiple Family Dwellings) when the City deemed the project application complete. The R-2 Zone allows for “Churches” with the approval of a Plot Plan. The zoning of the site was changed to LDR-2 (Low Density Residential) when the City conducted substantial updates to the zoning map and zoning ordinance in January 2020. A “Religious Institution” is allowed under the LDR-2 Zone with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The approval of a Major Plot Plan under the prior zoning code or a Major Conditional Use Permit under the present zoning code requires Planning Commission approval. The surrounding zoning classifications are the same as the subject site under the prior zoning code (R-2) and under the current zoning code (LDR-2). The surrounding “uses” are primarily single-family residential with the exception of the adjacent properties to the northwest of the project site which is a vacant lot owned by a separate church. The use is consistent with the zoning map. The current zoning map can be found below. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:3 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 4 of 10 3 6 2 DISCUSSION Background The existing building was constructed in 1964 shortly after residential construction began in the community of Sun City in 1962 by Del E. Webb Corporation. The existing building was permitted (building permit no. BZ120165) and constructed by First Baptist Church near the end of 1964. From 1967-1970, a Jewish faith group, Temple Beth Shalom acquired the property and constructed a small addition to the existing building and performed minor interior alterations. In 1986, a Plot Plan was approved (Plot Plan No. 8510) and construction began on a 1,500 square foot addition to the existing synagogue which included a new social hall and storage room. By 2013, building permits were issued for minor tenant improvement work under the supervision of the new property owners (KHJW), with a long-term goal of improving the newly acquired site substantially. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:4 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 5 of 10 3 6 2 Site Plan The majority of the existing 1.43-acre site has been improved. The site contains a 5,381 square foot building near the center of the site with an impervious parking area of 50,963 square feet located primarily to the south of the existing building. The proposed building and parking area will contain a similar footprint and orientation than the existing parking lot and building but will be reduced in size. The proposed building will be 3,312 square feet (2,069 less than the existing building) and the proposed parking area will be 26,770 (24,193 less than the existing parking area) with 32,346 square feet of proposed landscape area. The proposed building is setback 23 feet from the front property line with a large portion of the building approximately 40 feet from the front property line. The remaining building setbacks are as follows: 95.5 feet from the rear property line, 20 feet from the northerly interior side property line and approximately 275 feet from the southerly interior side property line. Based on the building square footage and size of the auditorium, a total of 53 parking spaces are required, however, 67 are being proposed. The following parking spaces are being proposed: 58 standard (9’ x 18’) parking spaces, four (4) Clean Air Vehicle parking spaces, three (3) ADA parking spaces and two (2) Electric Vehicle parking spaces. A decorative bicycle rack supporting at least three (3) bicycles is being proposed to the left of the primary entrance. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:5 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 6 of 10 3 6 2 Access and Circulation The project site is located west of Interstate 215, south of McCall Boulevard, north of Newport Road and east of Murrieta Road at 29101 Del Monte Drive. The site has approximately 320 lineal feet of street frontage along Del Monte Drive and has two (2) 30-foot-wide dual access driveways approximately 130 feet apart, along with 24-foot-wide drive aisles on-site. Del Monte Drive is classified as a General Local road designation per the City’s General Plan, with a typical 60-foot right-of-way width. No additional street dedication will be required as the site is at the ultimate right-of-way width. Architecture Sun City was developed in the early 1960’s as a low-profile Ranch Style Community with a curvilinear street layout and a 55-plus age restriction on its residents, much is still the same today. The proposed Kingdom Hall building is compatible with the theme of the existing community, including the single-level design with a shake roof (or asphalt shingles), stucco siding, stone veneer, and a rustic trim with earthen color tones. The front elevation (southern elevation) contains the primary entrance while facing the proposed parking lot. A portico is located over the main entrance, with stone support columns and a stone veneer wainscot below the front windows. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:6 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 7 of 10 3 6 2 Two (2) enclosures are being proposed; one (1) 14-foot by 16-foot masonry block trash enclosure with a decorative cap and stone veneer pilasters and one (1) 13-foot by 28-foot mechanical equipment enclosure with matching decorative block, cap and veneer finish. Both enclosures will have landscape vines on the exterior at 10 feet on center and an overhead decorative trellis. The proposed building materials and colors are consistent with the surrounding residential properties and adjacent church. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:7 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 8 of 10 3 6 2 Signage The site will be allowed a maximum of three (3) wall signs (1 per building face, max. 3) at a ratio of one (1) lineal foot of building frontage per one (1) square foot of wall signage. Wall signage will be approved under a separate permit, but the approved locations are shown on the elevation drawings. A four (4) foot high, 32 square foot monument sign is being proposed between the building and the front property line and will be setback approximately nine (9) feet from the right-of-way, allowing for an adequate line-of-sight when exiting or entering the property. The monument sign will be constructed of similar colors and materials as the rest of the project site. A decorative stone veneer cap will be used to tie in the architecture of the main building. Landscaping and Screening The project site will include 32,346 sq. ft. of proposed landscaped area. This equates to approximately 59 percent of the project area (10 percent is required by the City’s Landscape Ordinance). A variety of planting fingers and landscape diamonds will be used throughout the parking area to allow for shade trees and to soften the visual appearance. Due to the irregular shaped lot, a large flat landscaped area (approximately 16,000 square feet) behind and to the southwest of the primary building will be covered with ground mulch and planted with a combination of evergreen trees and drought-tolerant shrubs. The site contains a bio-swale between the building and the right-of-way that will gather onsite runoff and serve as a filter before it is routed and ultimately collected by the public storm drain. A combination of low shrubs and trees will be used within a proposed 10-foot landscape buffer along the entire site boundary to partially screen the new parking area and building from adjacent properties. A five (5) foot high masonry block wall exists along the southwestern (rear yard) and Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:8 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 9 of 10 3 6 2 southeastern (interior side yard) property lines and will be painted to match the proposed building and enclosures. A six (6) inch mow curb will be used along the northern property line (to indicate property boundary) along with evergreen trees to screen the proposed building from the adjacent vacant neighboring church property and the right-of-way. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The project is determined to be Categorically Exempt under Section(s) 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” (Class 2) and 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” (Class 32) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. Section 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, as is the case of the proposed project. Section 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” also applies as the project site is surrounded by “urban uses” and is consistent with the General Plan Policies and zoning designation. Furthermore, the project has been reviewed and it was determined it will not have an adverse effect related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. In addition, the proposed development is within the boundaries of the City of Menifee and is less than five (5) acres. The project has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, because Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:9 City of Menifee Planning Commission “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 Page 10 of 10 3 6 2 there is an existing church building and parking currently on the property. Lastly, the site is adequately served by all the necessary utilities and public services. CEQA Guidelines state that historical resources (buildings, structures, or archeological resources) are considered part of the environment and are subject to review under CEQA. A historical analysis was performed between September and November 2018 by CRM TECH, to determine the level of historical significance for the existing building due to the age of construction (1964, 57 years old). After performing a detailed document search and conducting interviews with the Sun City Civic Association and Menifee Valley Historical Association, CRM TECH made the determination that the demolition of the building would not constitute “a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource.” Concluding that the existing building does not meet CEQA’s definition of a historic resource. FINDINGS Findings for the Plot Plan are included in the attached Resolution. PUBLIC NOTICE The proposed project was noticed on February 12, 2021 for the February 24, 2021 Planning Commission hearing. A public notice was published within The Press Enterprise. Notices were also mailed to property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site and posted on the project site. All relevant public agencies were also notified of the public hearing. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Summary Table 2. Resolution 3. Plot Plan Conditions of Approval 4. Exhibits 5. Public Hearing Notice Package 6. Statement of Operations Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:10 PROJECT SUMMARY TABLE Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information General Plan General Plan Land Use Designation 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) Surrounding General Plan Land Use Designation North: 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) South: 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) East: 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) West: 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R) Zoning Existing Zoning Classification Multiple Family Dwellings (R-2) (zoning classification at the time project was deemed complete), Low Density Residential (LDR-2) (current zoning classification) Surrounding Zoning Classification North: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) South: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) East: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) West: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) Other Information Existing Use Religious Institution – Kingdom Hall Surrounding Uses North: Single-Family Residential South: Single-Family Residential East: Single-Family Residential West: Vacant Lot, Religious Institution (Valley Church of Christ) Gross Acreage 1.43 Building Square Footage 3,312 sq. ft. (proposed), 5,381 sq. ft. (existing to be demolished) Floor Area Ratio N/A Parking Required/Parking Proposed 53 parking spaces / 67 parking spaces Landscaping Required/Landscaping Proposed 5,589 sq. ft. / 32,346 sq. ft. Assessor Parcel Numbers 372-024-033 Environmental Review CEQA Exempt – 15302 “Replacement or Reconstruction” & 15332 “In- fill Exemption” Policy Areas Mt. Palomar Lighting Influence Area District Information School: Menifee Union School District & Perris Union High School District Water/Sewer: Eastern Municipal Water District Flood Control: Riverside County Flood Control District (flood plain review not required) ALUC: N/A Fees 1. Subsequent review fees on an hourly basis per Resolution No. 18- 741 (Cost of Services Fee Study) Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:11 Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information Letters Received None Source: Planning case file and GIS system, December 2020 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:12 RESOLUTION PC21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. PLN19-0065, KINGDOM HALL LOCATED SOUTH OF SUN CITY BOULEVARD, NORTH OF POTOMAC DRIVE, EAST OF MURRIETA ROAD AND WEST OF BRADLEY ROAD (APN: 338-024-033) WHEREAS, on November 14, 2019, the applicant, Joe VanHaaster, on behalf of Newport Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Plot Plan PLN19-0065 to demolish an existing 5,381 square foot building (Church) and parking lot and construct a new 3,312 square foot building (Kingdom Hall) along with a new parking lot (67 parking spaces) and 32,346 square foot on-site landscape area; and, WHEREAS, on February 24, 2021, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee held a public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in The Press Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 300 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice and on-site posting; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following Findings: Section 1: The proposed project is consistent with the adopted General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Consistency with General Plan The General Plan land use designation for the subject parcel and the adjacent parcels is 2.1-5 du/ac Residential (2.1-5R). The intent of this land use designation is for single- family detached and attached residences with a density range of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The subject site was developed and became an integral component of the Community of Sun City during its original construction. The subject site and the adjacent site to the northwest were approved as religious institutions under the County of Riverside prior to city incorporation. The project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation and compatible with surrounding general plan land uses. In addition, the project is consistent with the following City of Menifee General Plan policies: General Land Use Policies LU-1: Land uses and building types that result in a community where residents at all stages of life, employers, workers, and visitors have a diversity of options of where they can live, work, shop, and recreate within Menifee. LU-1.7: Ensure neighborhood amenities and public facilities (natural open space areas, parks, libraries, schools, trails, etc.) are distributed equitably throughout the city. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:13 Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 The project site was originally developed in 1964, shortly after residential and commercial development began (by Del Webb) in what is present day Community of Sun City. The religious facility was strategically constructed so that the neighboring residential property owners had a place to gather and worship without use of a motor vehicle. The project site, along with the adjacent property (Church of Christ of the Valley) serves as a destination place that allows residents of Sun City (and the City of Menifee at large) a place to gather, socialize and recreate while remaining within the comfort of their community. Project Design/ Community Design Features CD-3.5  Design parking lots and structures to be functionally and visually integrated and connected; off-street parking lots should not dominate the street scene. CD-3.8: Design retention/detention basins to be visually attractive and well integrated with any associated project and with adjacent land uses. CD-6.3 Require property owners to maintain the existing landscape on developed nonresidential sites and replace unhealthy or dead landscaping. A perimeter landscape buffer with evergreen trees and low shrubs is being proposed around the entire site and perimeter walls exist along the rear and eastern interior side yard to visually screen the proposed building and parking areas. The project site will include 32,346 sq. ft. of proposed landscaped area, which equates to greater than 50 percent of the project area or an increase in approximately 267% over the existing square footage of landscaped area. A variety of planting fingers and landscape diamonds will be used throughout the parking area to allow for shade trees and to soften the visual appearance. Due to the irregular shaped lot, a large flat landscaped area (approximately 16,000 square feet) behind and to the southwest of the primary building will be covered with ground mulch and planted with a combination of evergreen trees and drought-tolerant shrubs. The site contains a bio-swale between the building and the right-of-way that will gather onsite runoff and serve as a filter before it is routed and ultimately collected by the public storm drain. The site design and use of landscaping and landscape buffers well exceeds what is existing and what the city code requires. CD-3.12: Utilize differing but complementary forms of architectural styles and designs that incorporate representative characteristics of a given area. CD-3.14  Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and architectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. The proposed Kingdom Hall architecture is compatible with the theme of the existing community, including the single-level design with a shake roof (or asphalt shingles), stucco siding, stone veneer, and a rustic trim with earthen color tones. A portico is located over the main entrance, with stone support columns and a stone veneer wainscot below the front windows. Furthermore, two (2) enclosures are being proposed; one (1) masonry block trash enclosure with a decorative cap and stone veneer pilasters and one (1) mechanical equipment enclosure with matching decorative block, cap and veneer finish. Both enclosures will have landscape vines on the exterior at 10 feet on Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:14 Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 center and an overhead decorative trellis. All proposed structures will utilize complementary colors, materials, and architectural features and, therefore, will be functionally and visually integrated. Community Design Features - Lighting CD-6.4  Require that lighting and fixtures be integrated with the design and layout of a project and that they provide a desirable level of security and illumination. CD-6.5  Limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the operations of the Palomar Observatory. Adequate onsite lighting will be provided for security and visibility. The project has been conditioned for all lighting fixtures to comply with Ordinance No. 2009-24, “Dark Sky Ordinance”, which will have the effect of limiting leakage and spillage of light. Section 2:Consistency with the Zoning Code. The project site was zoned R-2 (Multiple Family Dwellings) when the city deemed the project application complete, and therefore the project was analyzed under City-adopted Ordinance No. 348. The R-2 Zone allows for “Churches” with the approval of a Plot Plan. The existing building was originally approved with building permits (BZ120165) in 1964 and subsequentially with a Plot Plan for a substantial addition (Plot Plan No. 8510) under the County of Riverside in 1986. The project is consistent with the development standards, including but not limited to, parking and landscape regulations of all applicable ordinances and codes at the time the application was deemed complete. The zoning of the project site (and surrounding sites) was changed to LDR-2 (Low Density Residential) when the city approved updates to the zoning map and zoning ordinance in January 2020. A “Religious Institution” is allowed under the LDR-2 Zone, with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The approval of a Major Plot Plan under the prior zoning code or a Major Conditional Use Permit under the present zoning code requires Planning Commission approval. The surrounding zoning classifications are the same as the subject site under the prior zoning code (R-2) and under the current zoning code (LDR-2). The surrounding uses are single-family residential with the exception of the adjacent properties to the northwest of the project site which is a vacant lot owned by a separate church. The project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications subject to Planning Commission approval. The project incorporates architecture and landscaping which will enhance the area. Therefore, the project would not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. Section 3:Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:15 Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 February 24, 2021 The project is determined to be Categorically Exempt under Section(s) 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” (Class 2) and 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” (Class 32) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. Section 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, as is the case of the proposed project. Section 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” also applies as the project site is surrounded by “urban uses” and is consistent with the General Plan Policies and zoning designation. Furthermore, the project has been reviewed and it was determined it will not have an adverse effect related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. In addition, the proposed development is within the boundaries of the City of Menifee and is less than five (5) acres. The project has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, because there is an existing church building and parking currently on the property. Lastly, the site is adequately served by all the necessary utilities and public services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby approves Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 subject to the following: 1. The Findings set out above are true and correct. 2. Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 is hereby approved subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Exhibit “1” to this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 24th day of FEBRUARY, 2021. _________________________ Benjamin Diedrich, Chairman Attest: _______________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:16 Page 1 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - 29101 Del Monte Drive - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 Project Description: Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 proposes to demolish an existing 5,381 square foot building (Church) and parking lot and construct a new 3,312 square foot building (Kingdom Hall) along with a new parking lot (67 parking spaces) and 32,346 square foot on-site landscape area. No preschool activities are being proposed. Assessor's Parcel No.:338-024-033 MSHCP Category:N/A DIF Category:N/A TUMF Category:N/A Quimby Category:N/A Approval Date:February 24, 2021 Expiration Date:February 24, 2024 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:17 Page 2 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1.Filing Notice of Exemption (NOE). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the project within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project. 2.Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:18 Page 3 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Section III: Engineering/Grading/Transportation Conditions of Approval Section IV: Building and Safety Department Conditions of Approval Section V: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval Section VI: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:19 Page 4 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section I: Conditions Applicable to all Departments Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:20 Page 5 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 General Conditions 1.Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 shall be henceforth defined as follows: APPROVED EXHIBIT A = Site Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065, dated 1/12/11 APPROVED EXHIBIT B = Elevations for Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065, dated 1/12/11 APPROVED EXHIBIT C = Floor Plans for Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065, dated 1/12/11 APPROVED EXHIBIT L = Conceptual Landscaping Plan for Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065, dated 1/12/11 APPROVED EXHIBIT M = Colors and Materials for Plot Plan No. PLN19- 0065, dated 1/12/11 2.Ninety (90) Days. The permittee has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of this approval or conditional approval of this project. 3.City of Menifee. The City of Menifee is a new City, incorporated on October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances, regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City also will identify and fund mitigation measure under CEQA through development impact fees. Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for the costs of providing planning services when development entitlement applications are submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of such services, and development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the development proposed on public improvements. To the extent that Menifee may develop future financing districts to cover the costs of maintenance of improvements constructed by development, Permittee agrees to petition for formation of, annexation to or inclusion in any such financing district and to pay the cost of such formation, annexation or inclusion. The permittee acknowledges it is on notice of the current development fees and understands that such fees will apply at the levels in effect at the time the fee condition must be met as specified herein. 4.Comply with All Conditions. The applicant/developer shall comply with all terms and conditions of Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065. 5.Revocation. In the event the use hereby permitted under this permit, a) is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions of this permit, b) is found to have been Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:21 Page 6 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 obtained by fraud or perjured testimony, or c) is found to be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or is a public nuisance, this permit shall be subject to the revocation procedures. 6.Business License. Every person conducting a business within the City of Menifee shall obtain a business license, as required by the Menifee Municipal Code. For more information regarding business licensing, contact the City of Menifee. 7.Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 8.Expiration Date. This approval shall be used within three (3) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within three (3) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion or to the actual occupancy of existing buildings or land under the terms of the authorized use. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:22 Page 7 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:23 Page 8 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 General Conditions 10.Comply with Ordinance. The development of these premises shall comply with the standards of the City Municipal Code and all other applicable ordinances and State and Federal codes. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A, B, C, L and M unless otherwise amended by these conditions of approval. 11.Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan or building plan shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study), or any successor thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. 12.Hours of Operation. Typical hours of operation for the proposed facility will be the same as the existing facility and will be from 7:00AM to 10:00PM, seven days a week. Weekday (Monday-Friday) activities will typically consist of administration meetings which generally occur between 7:00AM – 5:00PM and Bible education classes which typically occur from 6:00PM – 10:00PM. Weekends (Saturday- Sunday) typically consist of regular worship and other common religious facility activities. No on-site activities will occur after 10:00PM. The proposed use does not contain any of the following: permanent on-site staff, outdoor activities, food preparation nor cooking facilities, daycare/preschool activities, non-service related activities or amplified music. 13.Outdoor Events/Temporary Uses. A temporary use permit, shall be required for outdoor events and/or temporary uses as described in Menifee Municipal Code. 14.Completion of Conditions Prior to Operations. The proposed use approved under Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 shall be not be established or operated until all required conditions (e.g., road pavement, landscaping installation, building improvements, etc.) of this Plot Plan have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. 15.Outside Lighting. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way and so as to prevent either the spillage of lumens or reflection into the sky. 16.Colors and Materials. Building colors and materials shall be in substantial conformance with those shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B and M. 17.Parking. Based on the parking regulations applicable at the time the project application was deemed complete (i.e., Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.12), one (1) parking space is required per 35 square feet of general assembly area. The proposed assembly area is approximately 1,867 square feet, resulting in 53 parking spaces being required unless otherwise approved by the Community Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:24 Page 9 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Development Department and/or Planning Commission. The project is proposing a total of 67 parking spaces with the following breakdown: 58 standard (9’ x 18’) parking spaces, four (4) Clean Air Vehicle parking spaces, three (3) ADA parking spaces and two (2) Electric Vehicle parking spaces (as shown on Exhibit A), The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete, concrete, or porous paving, to current standards as approved by the City. ADA Parking Spaces: A minimum of three (3) accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities shall be provided consistent with ADA requirements and as approved by the City of Menifee Building and Safety Department. The location of ADA parking and paths of travel will be finalized on the final site plan of the proposed project. Each parking space reserved for persons with disabilities shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than seventy (70) square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height of eighty (80) inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade or centered at a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off- street parking facility, not less than seventeen (17) inches by twenty-two (22) inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at ___ or by telephoning ___." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking space shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least three (3) square feet in size. Bicycle Racks: Bicycle racks or lockers with a minimum of three (3) spaces (54 spaces / 1 bicycle rack per 25 spaces = 2.16 racks) shall be provided as shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. The bicycle racks shall be shown on project landscaping and improvement plans submitted for Community Development Department approval and shall be installed in accordance with those plans. 18.Freestanding Signage. A four (4) foot high, 32 square foot monument sign is being proposed between the building and the front property line and will be setback approximately nine (9) feet from the right-of-way, allowing for an adequate line-of- sight when exiting or entering the property. The monument sign will be constructed of similar colors and materials as the rest of the project site. A decorative stone veneer cap will be used to tie in the architecture of the main building. Additional Plot Plan is not required for review of the monument sign, if consistent with this design. Building plans shall be submitted directly to Building and Safety for review prior to monument sign installation. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:25 Page 10 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 19.No Outdoor Advertising. No outdoor advertising display, sign or billboard (not including on-site advertising or directional signs) shall be constructed or maintained within the property subject to this approval. 20.Reclaimed Water. The permittee shall connect to a reclaimed water supply for landscape watering purposes when secondary or reclaimed water is made available to the site as required by Eastern Municipal Water District. 21.Exterior Noise Levels. Facility-related noise, as projected to any portion of any surrounding property containing a "sensitive receiver, habitable dwelling, hospital, school, library or nursing home", must not exceed the following worst-case noise levels 45 dB(A) – 10-minute noise equivalent level ("leq"), between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (nighttime standard) and 65 dB (A) – 10-minute leq, between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p. m. (daytime standard). 22.No Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage is allowed within or upon the site. No storage lockers, sheds, metal container bins or metal shipping containers will be allowed to be stored outside the building unless first reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 23.No Permanent Occupancy. No permanent occupancy shall be permitted within the property approved under this plot plan as a principal place of residence. No person shall be entitled to vote using an address within the premises as a place of residence. 24.Hours of Construction. Pursuant to Menifee Municipal Code, any construction within the city located within one-fourth mile from an occupied residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday, except nationally recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. There shall be no construction permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer. 25.Rules for Construction Activities. The applicant shall adhere to the Best Available Control Measures (BACMs). SCAQMD Rules that are currently applicable during construction activity for the project include but are not limited to: Rule 1113 (Architectural Coatings); Rule 431.2 (Low Sulfur Fuel); Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust); and Rule 1186 / 1186.1 (Street Sweepers). The specific Rule 403 regulatory requirements that are applicable to the project are as follows: All clearing, grading, earth-moving, or excavation activities shall cease when winds exceed 25 mph per SCAQMD guidelines in order to limit fugitive dust emissions. The contractor shall ensure that all disturbed unpaved roads and disturbed areas within the project are watered at least three times daily during dry weather. Watering, with complete coverage of disturbed areas, shall occur at least three times a day, preferably in the midmorning, afternoon, and after work is done for the day. Implementation of this measure is estimated to reduce PM10 and PM2.5 fugitive dust emissions by approximately 61%. The contractor shall ensure that traffic speeds on unpaved roads and project site areas are reduced to 15 miles per hour or less to reduce PM10 and PM2.5 fugitive dust haul road emissions by approximately 44%. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:26 Page 11 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 26.Recreational Vehicle Parking. No overnight recreational vehicle parking or camping will be allowed within the site. ARCHEOLOGY 27.Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 28.Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). 29.Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). i. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. ii. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. iii. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area and will be monitored by additional Tribal monitors if needed. iv. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:27 Page 12 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. v. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” 30.Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: a) One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:28 Page 13 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. PALEONTOLOGICAL 31.Inadvertent Paleontological Find. Should fossil remains be encountered during site development: 1) All site earthmoving shall be ceased in the area of where the fossil remains are encountered. Earthmoving activities may be diverted to other areas of the site. 2) The applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the County of Riverside. 3) The paleontologist shall determine the significance of the encountered fossil remains. 4) Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will continue thereafter on an as-needed basis by the paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The supervising paleontologist will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering any additional fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. 5) If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. 6) Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:29 Page 14 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 *The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. LANDSCAPING 32.Viable Landscaping. All plant materials within landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition throughout the life of this permit. To ensure that this occurs, the Community Development Department shall require inspections in accordance with the building permit landscaping install and inspection condition. 33.Landscape Plans. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MMC 15.04) and the City of Menifee Landscape Standards (MMC 9.195). Such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, and the appropriate maintenance authority. 34.Maintenance of Landscaping. All private landscaping shall be maintained by a property owners association, individual property owner, or as otherwise established by CC&Rs. All landscaping, and similar improvements not properly maintained by a property owners association or individual property owners must be annexed into a Lighting and Landscape District, or other mechanism as determined by the City of Menifee. 35.Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines. All plants, landscaping and foliage shall fall within current CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) guidelines. FEES 36.Subsequent Submittals and Fees. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study). Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit 37.Rough and Precise Grading Plan Review. The Community Development Department shall review the rough and precise grading plans for consistency with the approved site plan and conceptual grading plan (APPROVED EXHIBIT A) and the conditions of approval. 38.Fugitive Dust Control. The permittee shall implement fugitive dust control measures in accordance with Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403. The permittee shall include in construction contracts the control measures required under Rule 403 at the time of development, including the following: Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:30 Page 15 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 a. Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or break-up of pavement. The construction area and vicinity (500-foot radius) must be swept (preferably with water sweepers) and watered at least twice daily. Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10 percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving activities. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50%. b. Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three times daily; c. All paved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two hours of active operations; d. Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty minutes of visible dirt deposition; e. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging areas; f. Onsite stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be covered or watered at least twice daily; g. Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders; h. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard; i. All inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind drive fugitive dust; j. Install wind breaks at the windward sides of construction areas; k. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed 25 mph; l. Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 15 miles per hour over a 30-minute period or more, so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust; m. All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three-quarter (12.75) cubic yards; n. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust; o. Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15 miles per hour; p. Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the site; Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:31 Page 16 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 q. Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; r. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust; s. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage smog alerts; and, t. An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone number to call and receive information about the construction project or to report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any reasonable complaints shall be rectified within 24 hours of their receipt. 39.Archeologist Retained. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the project applicant shall retain a Riverside County qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground disturbing activities in an effort to identify any unknown archaeological resources. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s), shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The developer/permit holder shall submit a fully executed copy of the contract to the Community Development Department to ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Upon verification, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. In addition, the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the Consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall develop a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) in consultation pursuant to the definition in AB52 to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. A consulting tribe is defined as a tribe that initiated the AB 52 tribal consultation process for the Project, has not opted out of the AB52 consultation process, and has completed AB 52 consultation with the City as provided for in Cal Pub Res Code Section 21080.3.2(b)(1) of AB52. Details in the Plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling; b. The Project archeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre- grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and any contractors and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The Training will include a brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the Project and the surrounding area; Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:32 Page 17 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. All new construction personnel that will conduct earthwork or grading activities that begin work on the Project following the initial Training must take the Cultural Sensitivity Training prior to beginning work and the Project archaeologist and Consulting Tribe(s) shall make themselves available to provide the training on an as-needed basis; c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and Project archaeologist will follow in the event of inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resources evaluation. 40.Native American Monitoring (Soboba). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on- site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Native American Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. The Developer shall relinquish ownership of all cultural resources, including all archaeological artifacts that are of Native American origin, found in the project area for proper treatment and disposition to a curational facility that meets or exceeds Federal Curation Standards outlined in 36 CFR 79. The Applicant/Permittee shall be responsible for all curation costs. 41.Native American Monitoring (Pechanga). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on- site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Native American Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. The Developer shall relinquish ownership of all cultural resources, including all archaeological artifacts that are of Native American origin, found in the project area for proper treatment and disposition to a curational facility that meets or exceeds Federal Curation Standards outlined in 36 CFR 79. The Applicant/Permittee shall be responsible for all curation costs. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:33 Page 18 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 42.Fees. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the Community Development Department shall determine the status of any deposit-based fee accounts related to Plot Plan No. PLN 19-0065. If the fees are in a negative status, the permit holder shall pay the outstanding balance. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 43.Submit Building Plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the permittee shall submit building plans with the City of Menifee Building and Safety Department for building permits. The building plans shall be in substantial conformance with APPROVED EXHIBIT A, B, C, and M. Building and Safety will require the following items: i. Plans shall be designed to the provisions of the 2019 edition (or current) of the California Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, Energy and Green Codes. ii. Electronic set of drawings shall be submitted along with structural calculations and Title 24 Energy documentation. iii. All exterior lighting shall comply with Ordinance 2009-24, “Dark Sky Ordinance”. iv. All exterior lighting shall fall within current commercial standards. v. Separate plan submittal will be required by Riverside County Fire along with a formal transmittal issued by Building and Safety. 44.Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures submitted for building plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT B. 45.Floor Plans. Floor plans shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT C. 46.Lighting. The building plans shall show the location and types of light fixtures that will be within the project site and on the building. The types of lighting fixtures used shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. The location of lighting shown on the building is for conceptual purposes only and may be relocated during the building plan check. All parking lot lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Municipal Code Section 6.01. 47.Security Systems. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall prepare and obtain approval (from City of Menifee Police Department and/or Planning Division of the Community Development Department) of a security plan for the site. In addition to the common burglary/security alarm system, the applicant shall also install exterior cameras to monitor all parking stalls surrounding Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:34 Page 19 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 the exterior of this store. These cameras shall be attached to the proposed light poles in the parking lot and/or the exterior of the building itself. The interior and exterior cameras shall be equipped with recording capabilities allowing it to save a minimum of four months of recording time. 48.Screening of Accessory Structures. Screening of trash receptacles within trellised enclosures and encasing mechanical equipment within small structures compatible in color and materials to the adjacent landscaping or the primary structures shall be required and methods of screening shall be included on building plans and/or landscaping plans. LANDSCAPING 49.Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Community Development to guarantee the installation of plantings, irrigation system, walls and/or fences, in accordance with the approved plan, shall be filed with the Department of Community Development. Securities may require review by City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and the One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the planting and irrigation components have been adequately installed and maintained. A cash security shall be required when the estimated cost is $2,500.00 or less. 50.Landscape and Irrigation Plans. The permittee shall submit Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plans to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to installation. Said plan shall be submitted to the Division in the form of a plot plan application pursuant to Menifee Municipal Code along with the current fee. The plan shall be in compliance with APPROVED EXHIBIT L. The plan shall address all areas and conditions of the project requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of plants shall be shown. Emphasis shall be placed on using plant species that are drought tolerant and which have low water usage. Landscaping and Irrigation Plot Plans shall be prepared consistent with Menifee Municipal Code (as adopted and any amendments thereto), the Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping and Eastern Municipal Water District requirements. Landscaping plans for areas that are totally within the road right-of-way shall be submitted to the Engineer Department only. Slope Landscaping plans for slopes exceeding 3 feet in height shall be submitted to the Engineering Department. The irrigation plan shall be in compliance with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04, and include a rain shut-off device which is capable of shutting down the entire system. In addition, the plan will incorporate the use of in-line check valves, or sprinkler heads containing check valves to prohibit low head drainage. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:35 Page 20 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Curb and Walkway on End Stall Planters. A six inch high curb with a twelve (12) inch wide walkway shall be constructed along planters on end stalls adjacent to automobile parking areas. Public parking areas shall be designed with permanent curb, bumper, or wheel stop or similar device so that a parked vehicle does not overhang required sidewalks, planters, or landscaped areas. Director Authority to Defer. The Community Development Director shall have the authority to defer the requirement that the landscape and irrigation plans be approved prior to building permit issuance. Any deferral of the approval of the plans will be based on the status of the plans and severity of outstanding corrections. However, the requirement to submit plan prior to building permit issuance shall not be deferred. 51.Landscape Inspections. Prior to issuance of building permits, the permit holder shall open a Landscape Deposit Based Fee case and deposit the prevailing deposit amount to cover the pre installation, installation, Six Month, and One Year Landscape Inspections. 52.Fees. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Community Development Department shall determine if any deposit-based fee accounts related to Plot Plan No. PLN 19-0065 are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. Prior to Final Inspection 53.Security System Inspection. The City of Menifee Police Department and/or Planning Division of the Community Development Department shall verify that the security system has been installed prior to final occupancy. 54.Archeology Report - Phase III and IV. Prior to final inspection, the developer/permit holder shall prompt the Project Archeologist to submit two (2) copies of the Phase III Data Recovery report (if required for the Project) and the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report that complies with the Community Development Department's requirements for such reports. The Phase IV report shall include evidence of the required cultural/historical sensitivity training for the construction staff held during the pre-grade meeting. The Community Development Department shall review the reports to determine adequate mitigation compliance. Provided the reports are adequate, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. Once the report(s) are determined to be adequate, two (2) copies shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and one (1) copy shall be submitted to the Pechanga Cultural Resources Department. 55.Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the APPROVED EXHIBIT B. 56.Mechanical Equipment Enclosure. Prior to final occupancy, Community Development staff will verify that all ground-mounted mechanical equipment has been screened in compliance with the approved plans. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:36 Page 21 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 57.Condition Compliance. The Community Development Department shall verify that the Development Standards and all other preceding conditions have been complied with prior to any use allowed by this permit. 58.Final Planning Inspection. The permittee shall obtain final occupancy sign-off from the Community Development Department for each building permit issued by scheduling a final Planning inspection prior to the final sign-off from the Building Department. Planning staff shall verify that all pertinent conditions of approval have been met, including compliance with the approved elevations, site plan, parking lot layout, decorative paving, public plazas, etc. The permittee shall have all required paving, parking, walls, site lighting, landscaping and automatic irrigation installed and in good condition. LANDSCAPING 59.Soil Management Plan. The permittee shall submit a Soil Management Plan (Report) to the Community Development Department before the Landscape Installation Inspection. The report can be sent in electronically. Information on the contents of the report can be found in the County of Riverside Guide to California Friendly Landscaping page 16, #7, “What is required in a Soil Management Plan?” 60.Landscape/Irrigation Install Inspection. The permittee landscape architect responsible for preparing the Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall arrange for a Pre-Landscape installation inspection and a Landscape Completion Installation Inspection with the Community Development Department. The pre-landscape inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to installation of landscaping. The landscape completion inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to final inspection of the structure or issuance of occupancy permit, whichever occurs first. A One Year Post-Establishment Inspection will also be required. The Community Development Department will require a deposit in order to conduct the landscape inspections. 61.Landscape Installation. All required landscape planting and irrigation, including but not limited to onsite, shall have been installed in accordance with approved Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans, Menifee Municipal Code (as adopted and any amendments thereto), Eastern Municipal Water District requirements and the Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping. All landscape and irrigation components shall be in a condition acceptable to the Community Development Department. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and determined to be in good working order. 62.Final Landscape Approval. The final landscape approval following installation shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Landscape Architectural Consultant and the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director may require additional trees, shrubs and/or groundcover as necessary, if site inspections reveal landscape deficiencies that were not apparent during the plan review process. FEES Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:37 Page 22 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 63.Fees. Prior to issuance of occupancy/final inspections, the Community Development Department shall determine if any deposit based fee accounts related to the project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:38 Page 23 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section III: Engineering/Transportation/ Grading Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:39 Page 24 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 The following are the City of Menifee Public Works / Engineering Department (Public Works / Engineering Department) Conditions of Approval for this development project, which shall be satisfied at no cost to the City or any other Government Agency. All questions regarding the intent of the following conditions shall be referred to the Public Works / Engineering Department, Land Development Section. The developer / property owner shall use the standards and design criteria stated in the following conditions, and shall comply with all applicable City of Menifee standards and ordinances. Should a conflict arise between City of Menifee standards and design criteria, and any other standards and design criteria, those of the City of Menifee shall prevail. A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 64.Subdivision Map Act – The developer / property owner shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act. 65.Mylars – All improvement plans, and grading plans shall be drawn on twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar and signed by a registered civil engineer or other registered/licensed professional as required. 66.Plan Check Submittal Process – Appropriate plan check submittal forms shall be completed and submittal checklist provided that includes required plan copies, necessary studies / reports, references, fees, deposits, etc. Prior to final approval of improvement plans by the Public Works / Engineering Department, the Developer / Property Owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department CAD layers of all improvements to be maintained by the City (pavement, sidewalk, streetlights, etc.). A scanned image of all final approved grading and improvement plans on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive, also known as a “flash” drive or “thumb” drive, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension. gdb). CAD files created with the latest version shall only be accepted if approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 67.As-Built Plans – Upon completion of all required improvements, the Developer / Property Owner shall cause the civil engineer of record to as-built all project plans, and submit project base line of work for all layers on a USB drive to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shape file (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). If the required files are unavailable, the Developer / Property Owner shall pay a scanning fee to cover the cost of scanning the as-built plans. The timing for submitting the as-built plans shall be as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 68.Construction Times of Operation – The Developer / Property Owner shall monitor, supervise, and control all construction and construction related activities to prevent them from causing a public nuisance including, but not limited to, strict adherence to the following: (a) Construction activities shall comply with City of Menifee ordinances relating to construction noise. Any construction within the city located within one- Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:40 Page 25 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 fourth mile from an occupied residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday, except on nationally recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in accordance with Municipal Code Section 8.01.010. There shall be no construction permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or Public Works Director / City Engineer. (b) Removal of spoils, debris, or other construction materials deposited on any public street no later than the end of each working day. (c) The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. Violation of any condition or restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions shall subject the owner / applicant to remedies as set forth in the City Municipal Code. In addition, the Public Works Director or the Building Official may suspend all construction related activities for violation of any condition, restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions until such a time it has been determined that all operations and activities are in conformance with these conditions. (d) A Pre-Construction meeting is mandatory with the City’s Public Works Inspection prior to start of any construction activities. 69.Bond Agreements, Grading and Improvement Security – The Developer / Property Owner shall enter into bond agreements and post security in forms acceptable to the City, guaranteeing the construction of all required grading and improvements in accordance with applicable City policies and ordinances, and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The grading and improvements shall include, but not limited to onsite/offsite grading, street improvements, streetlights, traffic signals, signing and striping, landscaping within right of way or dedicated easements, water quality BMPs, water and sewer improvements, survey monuments, erosion control and storm drainage facilities. If map recordation is required, appropriate bond/surety shall be posted prior to map recordation. Otherwise, appropriate bond/surety shall be posted prior to grading, building, or construction permit issuance whichever is applicable. 70.Bond Replacement, Reductions and Releases – All requests for bond replacements (such as in changes of property ownerships), reductions (such as in partial completion of improvements), releases (such as in completion of improvements), shall conform to City policies, standards, and applicable City ordinances. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer / Property Owner to notify the City in time when any of these bond changes are necessary. The City shall review all changes in Bond Agreements and the accompanying bonds or security. Similarly, except for grading bond agreements, all other agreement changes require Council approvals. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the Developer / Property Owner to coordinate their project timing with City Council calendar when requesting changes to bond agreements. 71.Dry Utility Installations – Electrical power, telephone, and cable television lines shall be placed underground in accordance with current City ordinances, or as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The applicant is Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:41 Page 26 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 responsible for coordinating the work with the serving utility company. This applies also to existing overhead lines which are 33.6 kilovolts or below along the project frontage and within the project boundaries which includes between the nearest poles offsite in each direction of the project site even when collocated with high voltage lines (for example, 115kV). For further clarification, low voltage lines shall be placed underground even when the high voltage lines are exempt from relocation or undergrounding in accordance with City standards and ordinances. Exemption from undergrounding low voltage lines shall only be by the Public Works Director / City Engineer or as directed by the City Council. A disposition note describing undergrounding and / or relocation shall be reflected on all required design improvement plans. A written proof for initiating the design and/or application for the relocation issued by the utility company shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification purposes. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Developer / Property Owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department, written proof from the pertinent utility company that the required utility work has been completed. 72.Encroachment Permits, Plan Approval and Clearances – The Developer / Property Owner shall obtain all required encroachment permits, plan approval, and / or clearances prior to start of any work within City’s, State’s, or local agency’s right of way or connection to their facilities. B. GRADING General Conditions 73.Regulations and Ordinance on Grading within the City – All grading activities shall conform to the latest edition of the California Building Code, City General Plan, City Ordinances, City design standards and specifications and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing grading in the City of Menifee. Prior to commencing any grading, clearing, grubbing or any topsoil disturbances, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Grading activities that are exempt from a grading permit as outlined by the City ordinance may still require a grading permit by the Public Works Director / City Engineer when deemed necessary to prevent the potential for adverse impacts upon drainage, sensitive environmental features, or to protect property, health, safety, and welfare. 74.Dust Control – All necessary measures to control dust shall be implemented by the Developer / Property Owner during grading. Fugitive dust shall be controlled in accordance with Rule 403 of the California Air Quality Control Board. A watering device shall be present and in use at the project site during all grading operations. 75.Use of Maximum and Minimum Grade Criteria – Actual field construction grades shall not exceed the minimum and maximum grades specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and approved project grading design, to allow for construction tolerances. Any improvement that is outside of the minimum and maximum values will not be accepted by the City Inspector and will have to be removed and replaced at the expense of the Developer / Property Owner. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:42 Page 27 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 76.Minimum Drainage Grade – Minimum drainage grade shall be 1% except on Portland cement concrete where 0.50% shall be the minimum, unless otherwise determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 77.100-Yr Drainage Facilities – All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate 100-year storm flows or as approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 78.Grading Drainage Site – Positive drainage of the site shall be provided, and water shall not be allowed to pond behind or flow over cut and fill slopes. Where water is collected in a common area and discharged, protection of the native soils shall be provided by planting erosion resistant vegetation, as the native soil is susceptible to erosion by running water. 79.Erosion Control After Grading – All grading plans shall require erosion control plans prior to approval. Temporary erosion control measures shall be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. Plans showing erosion control measures may be included as part of the grading plans or submitted as a separate set of plans for City review and approval. Graded but undeveloped land shall provide, in addition to erosion control planting, any drainage facilities deemed necessary to control or prevent erosion. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are required year-round in compliance with all applicable City of Menifee standards and ordinances and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit from the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Additional erosion protection may be required during the rainy season. Prior to Grading Permit All grading activities shall conform to the latest adopted edition of the California Building Code, City Ordinances on grading, applicable City design standards and specifications, City ordinances, and policies, rules and regulations governing grading in the City. 80.Geotechnical Report – A geotechnical / soils report shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The report shall be in conformance with the publication titled “Technical Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports – 2000 Edition”, prepared by the County of Riverside Transportation and Land Management Agency Building and Safety Department / Planning Department / Transportation Department. Two copies of the City-approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The Developer / Property Owner shall comply with the recommendations of the report and all applicable City standards and specifications. All grading shall be done in conformance with the recommendations of the report, and under the general direction of a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. 81.Grading Permit for Clearing and Grubbing – A grading permit is required from the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to any clearing, grubbing, or any topsoil disturbances related to construction grading activities. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:43 Page 28 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 82.Grading Bonds – Prior to commencing any grading the Developer / Property Owner shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to issuance of the permit, adequate performance grading security shall be posted by the Developer / Property Owner with the Public Works / Engineering Department. 83.Import / Export – Prior to issuance of a grading permit, grading plans involving import or export of dirt shall require approval of the import / export locations from the Public Works / Engineering Department, which may include submittal of a soils report for review and approval by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. A haul route must be submitted for approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to grading operations. 84.NPDES/SWPPP – Prior to approval of the grading plans, the Developer / Property Owner shall obtain a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Proof of filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to construct shall be provided by the Developer, and the State issued Waste Discharge ID number (WDID#) shall be shown on the title sheet of the grading plans. The Developer / Property Owner shall be responsible for the preparation and uploading of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) into the State’s SMARTS database system. The Developer / Property Owner shall also be responsible for updating the SWPPP to constantly reflect the actual construction status of the site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be always available at the construction site until construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the development. 85.SWPPP FOR INACTIVE SITES – The Developer / Property Owner shall be responsible for ensuring that any graded area left inactive for a long period of time has appropriate SWPPP BMPs in place and in good working conditions at all times until construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the development. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 86.Grading Permit Prior To Building – Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Developer / Property Owner shall obtain a grading permit and/or approval to construct from the Public Works / Engineering Department. 87.Rough Grade Conformance to Elevations / Geotechnical Compaction – Rough grade elevations for all building pads and structure pads submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. Compaction test certification shall follow the approved project geotechnical / soils report. 88.Final Rough Grading Conditions – Prior to building permit issuance, the Developer / Property Owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record and Soils Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:44 Page 29 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 stamped rough grade certification and compaction test reports with 90% or better compaction. The certifications shall use City approved forms and shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy 89.Finish Grade Drainage – Finish grade shall be sloped to provide proper drainage away from all exterior foundation walls. The slopes and drainage swales shall be in accordance with City Standards. 90.Final Grade Certification – The Developer / Property Owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record for approved grading plans to submit signed and wet stamped final grade certification on City-approved forms, for each building requesting a certificate of occupancy. The certification shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 91.Final Grade Conformance to Elevations – Final grade elevations of all building or structure finish floors submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. C. DRAINAGE General Conditions 92.Drainage Guideline – The Developer / Property Owner shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities. The protection shall be as approved by Public Works Director / City Engineer. In the event the Public Works / Engineering Department permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of City Ordinances shall apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity, or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities and/or appropriate easements as approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 93.Perpetuate Drainage Patterns – Any grading shall be designed and performed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary drainage areas, outlet points and outlet conditions. Otherwise, a drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. 94.Emergency Escape – An emergency escape path shall be provided for the stormwater runoff at all inlets if the inlets become blocked with debris. To prevent flood damage to the proposed structures, all proposed structures in the vicinity of the inlets and along the emergency escape path shall be protected from flooding by either properly elevating the finished floor in relation to the inlets and flow path or by making sure the structures are set back from the inlets to provide adequate Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:45 Page 30 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 flow through area in the event the emergency escape of the stormwater runoff is necessary. 95.10 YR Curb – 100 YR ROW – The 10-year storm flow shall be contained within the curb and the 100-year storm flow shall be contained within the street right of way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities shall be installed. The property shall be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. 96.Preliminary and Final Drainage Studies – The following Preliminary Drainage Study was submitted for this project: “Preliminary Hydrology Report for Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses” prepared by Heitec dated November 17, 2019. The City Public Works / Engineering Department has reviewed and conditionally approved the report. In final engineering and prior to approval of all proposed storm drain facilities or issuance of a grading permit, the Developer / Property Owner shall submit a final drainage report for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The responsible Engineer of Record shall sign and wet stamp the final study. The project shall comply with all the mitigation measures identified in the approved final study. 97.Proposed Drainage Concept – The proposed project site is located at 29101 Del Monte Drive in the central area of the City. There is no offsite runoff onto the project site. The site currently drains easterly towards Del Monte Drive where it is then conveyed in a southeasterly direction via curb and gutter to the Salt Creek – Potomac Drive Channel which eventually discharges flows to Salt Creek. The proposed site is designed to follow the existing drainage pattern. The site drainage is collected in swales that drain to the bioretention basins located adjacent to the public street. The Developer / Property Owner shall ensure that the runoff from the site in the 100-year storm event in the proposed condition, shall be less than the existing condition; or otherwise show how any increase in flow will be mitigated as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 98.BMP – Energy Dissipators – Energy Dissipators, such as riprap shall be installed at the outlet of a storm drain system that discharges runoff flows into a natural channel or an unmaintained facility. The dissipators shall be designed to minimize the amount of erosion downstream of the storm drain outlet. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 99.Drainage Facility Completion – Prior to release of Certificate of Occupancy the Developer shall complete the construction of all required drainage facilities as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. D. NPDES, SWPPP AND WQMP General Conditions Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:46 Page 31 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 100.Stormwater/Urban Runoff Management Program, MMC Chapter 15.01 – All City of Menifee requirements for NPDES and Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) shall be met per City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.01 for Stormwater/Urban Runoff Management Program unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This project is required to submit a project specific WQMP prepared in accordance with the latest WQMP guidelines approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 101.Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) – In compliance with Santa Ana Region Regional Water Quality Control Board Orders, and beginning January 1, 2005, projects determined as priority development projects seeking discretionary approval by the governing body, will be required to comply with the Water Quality Management Plan requirement for Urban Runoff (WQMP). The WQMP addresses post-development water quality impacts from new development and redevelopment projects. This project is within the Santa Ana River (SAR) watershed, therefore the WQMP requirements for the SAR will apply. The Regional Board approved WQMP guidelines and templates to assist the Developer / Property Owner in preparing the necessary WQMP are available on-line at http://rcflood.org/npdes/ under Watershed Protection web page. To comply with the requirement for a WQMP, the Developer / Property Owner must submit a "Project Specific" WQMP in compliance with the latest WQMP guidelines approved by the Regional Board. This report is intended to a) identify potential post-project pollutants and hydrologic impacts associated with the development; b) identify proposed mitigation measures (BMPs) for identified impacts including site design, source control and treatment control post-development BMPs; and c) identify sustainable funding and maintenance mechanisms for the BMPs. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 102.Preliminary Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan (Prelim WQMP) – A Preliminary Project Specific WQMP prepared by Michael D Hacker, dated October 25, 2019 and December 28, 2020, has been reviewed and received preliminary approval for this development. 103.Final Project Specific Water Quality Management Plan (Final WQMP) – Prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, a FINAL project specific WQMP in substantial conformance with the concept of the conditionally approved PRELIMINARY WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Engineering Department. The final construction plans shall incorporate all the structural BMP’s identified in the approved FINAL WQMP. The final developed project shall implement all structural and non-structural BMPs specified in the approved FINAL WQMP. An electronic copy of the approved FINAL WQMP on a CD-ROM in pdf format shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The FINAL WQMP submittal shall include at the minimum the following reports/studies: a. Soils Report that includes soil infiltration tests for areas where BMPs are proposed. b. Operations and Maintenance Plan c. Approved Phase I ESA Report and Limited Phase II as may be required by the approved Phase I ESA Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:47 Page 32 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 104.Maintenance Entity for WQMP BMPs – The maintenance of the proposed BMPs shall be the responsibility of the Developer / Property Owner. 105.SWRCB, Trash Amendments – The State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California and the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries – collectively referred to as the “Trash Amendments.” Applicable requirements per these amendments shall be adhered to with implementation measures, prior to building permit issuance. Projects determined to be within Priority Land Uses as defined in the Trash Amendments, shall provide trash full capture devices to remove trash from all Priority Land Use areas that will contribute storm water runoff to the City of Menifee’s MS4. All trash full capture devices shall be listed on the State Board’s current list of certified full capture devices posted on their website (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/trash_imple mentation.shtml), or otherwise approved by State or Regional Water Quality Control Board staff. Storm water runoff from privately owned Priority Land Use areas shall be treated by full capture devices located within privately owned storm drain structures or otherwise located on the privately owned property, whenever possible. Runoff from Priority Land Use areas created or modified by the project, and which are proposed to be City owned, shall be treated by full capture devices located within city-owned storm drains or otherwise located within the public right of way. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 106.WQMP/BMP Education – Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the Developer / Property Owner shall provide the City proof of notification to future occupants of all BMP’s and educational and training requirements for said BMP’s as directed in the approved WQMP. Acceptable proof of notification must be in the form of a notarized affidavit, or some other forms acceptable to the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The Developer / Property Owner may obtain NPDES Public Educational Program materials from the Flood Control District NPDES Section by either the Flood Control District’s website at www.rcwatershed.org, or by calling the Flood Control District’s office directly. 107.Implement WQMP – All structural BMPs described in the project specific WQMP shall be constructed and installed in conformance with approved plans and specifications. It shall be demonstrated that the applicant is prepared to implement all non-structural BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMP and that copies of the approved project specific WQMP are available for the future owners/occupants. The City will not release occupancy permits for any portion of the project until all proposed BMPs described in the approved project specific WQMP are completed and operational. 108.Inspection of BMP Installation – Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, all structural BMPs included in the approved FINAL WQMP shall be inspected for completion of installation in accordance with approved plans and specifications, and the FINAL WQMP. The Public Works Stormwater Inspection Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:48 Page 33 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 team shall verify that all proposed structural BMPs are operational and in working conditions, and that a hard copy and/or digital copy of the approved FINAL WQMP are available at the site for use and reference by future owners/occupants. The inspection shall ensure that the FINAL WQMP at the site includes the BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan and shall include the site in a City maintained database for future periodic inspection. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND DEDICATIONS General Conditions 109.Road Improvements – All required road improvements shall be per the City of Menifee General Plan designations, as adopted by the City of Menifee City Council. 110.Reconstruction or Resurfacing Existing Offsite Streets – The Public Works Director / City Engineer may consider reconstruction or resurfacing of existing offsite street paving fronting the development to meet existing conditions with acceptable overlays, provided streets are found meeting the minimum City standards for pavement conditions at the time of project construction. If it is determined during project construction that the existing offsite street improvements are substandard, the Public Works Director / City Engineer will require the Developer / Property Owner to provide full reconstruction as provided for in these conditions of approval. At the discretion of the Developer / Property Owner, the existing pavement may be cored during project design to confirm adequate section, and any findings shall be incorporated into project design. The Public Works Director / City Engineer shall have the final approval for all street’s conditions. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 111.Public Street Designation and Improvements – Prior to issuance of building permits, sufficient right-of-way along Del Monte Drive shall be confirmed to exist, or conveyed for public use by the Developer / Property Owner, to provide for a 30- foot half-width right-of-way adjacent to the development. Said dedication shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free of all encumbrances and approved by the Public Works Director. 112.Del Monte Drive – Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Developer shall construct or guarantee the construction of all missing public improvements, and /or reconstruction of all substandard improvements, within the project frontage of Del Monte Drive, to the street centerline plus 12 additional feet. Del Monte Drive shall be improved along the project frontage with concrete curb and gutter located 18-feet from centerline, with a 12-foot parkway, and 6-foot sidewalk, within the 30- foot half-width right-of-way, in accordance with the General Local Standard (City Standard No. 115). Improvements may extend beyond the project frontage as needed to provide a safe transition and shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:49 Page 34 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 113.Construction Traffic Control Plan – Prior to start of any project related construction, the developer/property owner shall submit to the Public Works Engineering Department for review and approval, a Construction Traffic Control Plan in compliance with all applicable City ordinances, standards and specifications, and the latest edition of the CAMUTCD. This traffic control plan shall address impacts from construction vehicular traffic, noise, and dust and shall propose measures to mitigate these effects. The traffic control plan shall include a Traffic Safety Plan for safe use of public roads right-of-way during construction. The plan shall specify mitigation measures to address the following: d. Dust and dirt fallout from truck loads and gets entrained onto City roadways: (1) Biweekly street sweeping during construction activity, and daily during all grading operations. (2) Approved BMPs shall be installed at all approved construction entrances as part of the SWPPP. e. Noise from construction truck traffic: Include construction time and operation of vehicles through surrounding residential streets. f. Traffic safety within the road right-of-way: Include temporary traffic control measures and devices. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 114.Driveways and Driveway Approaches – Driveways and driveway approaches shall be designed and constructed per City standards. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, all required driveways shall be constructed. 115.Public Street Improvements – Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all required public improvements along the project frontage of Del Monte Drive shall be constructed, including but not limited to, sidewalk, landscaping, streetlights, and concrete curb and gutter located 18-feet from centerline. Reconstruction of resurfacing of existing paving shall be as determined by the Public Works Director. F. WATER, SEWER, RECYCLED WATER 116.Wet Utility Improvements – All public potable water, sewer, and recycled water improvements to serve this development shall be designed per the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) standards and specifications and applicable City standards. The final design including pipe sizes and alignments shall be subject to the review and approval by both the EMWD and the City of Menifee. Applicable City of Menifee plan check fees shall be separate from those of the EMWD. 117.Wet Utility Improvement Plans – Public Water, Sewer and Recycled Water improvements shall be drawn on City title block for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department and EMWD. 118.Offsite and Onsite Lateral Connections – All onsite and offsite sewer, water and recycled water connections within the public’s ROW shall require encroachment permits from the City and shall be guaranteed for construction. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:50 Page 35 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 G. WASTE MANAGEMENT 119.AB 341 – AB 341 focuses on increased commercial waste recycling as a method to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The regulation requires businesses and organizations that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and multifamily units of 5 or more, to recycle. A business shall take at least one of the following actions to reuse, recycle, compost, or otherwise divert commercial solid waste from disposal: g. Source separate recyclable and/or compostable material from solid waste and donate or self-haul the material to recycling facilities. h. Subscribe to a recycling service with their waste hauler. i. Provide recycling service to their tenants (if commercial or multi-family complex). j. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations Title 14. For more information please visit: www.rivcowm.org/opencms/recyclying/recycling_and_compost_business.html#m andatory 120.AB 1826 – AB 1826 (effective April 1, 2016) requires businesses that generate eight (8) cubic yards or more or organic waste per week, to arrange for organic waste recycling services. The threshold amount of organic waste generated requiring compliance by businesses is reduced in subsequent years. Businesses subject to AB 1826 shall take at least one of the following actions to divert organic waste from disposal: k. Source separate organic material from all other recyclables and donate or self-haul to a permitted organic waste processing facility. l. Enter into a contract or work agreement with gardening or landscaping service provider or refuse hauler to ensure the waste generated from those services meet the requirements of AB 1826. m. Consider xeriscaping and using drought tolerant/low maintenance vegetation in all landscaped areas of the project. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 121.Recyclables Collection and Loading Area Plot Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of a Recyclables Collection and Loading Area plot plan to the City of Menifee Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. The plot plan shall show the location of and access to the collection area for recyclable materials, along with its dimensions and construction detail, including elevation/façade, construction materials and signage. The plot plan shall clearly indicate how the trash and recycling enclosures shall be accessed by the hauler. 122.Waste Recycling Plan – Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each building, a Waste Recycling Plan (WRP) shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Department approval. Completion of Form B, “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. At a minimum, the WRP must identify the materials (i.e., Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:51 Page 36 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.) that will be generated by construction and development, the projected amounts, the measures/methods that will be taken to recycle, reuse, and/or reduce the amount of materials, the facilities and/or haulers that will be utilized, and the targeted recycling or reduction rate. During project construction, the project site shall have, at a minimum, two (2) bins; one for waste disposal and the other for the recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials. Additional bins are encouraged to be used for further source separation of C&D recyclable materials. Accurate record keeping (receipts) for recycling of C&D recyclable materials and solid waste disposal must be kept. Arrangements can be made through the franchise hauler. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 123.Waste Management Clearance – Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for each building, evidence (i.e., receipts or other type of verification) shall be submitted to demonstrate project compliance with the approved WRP to the Engineering and Public Works Department to clear the project for occupancy permits. Receipts must clearly identify the amount of waste disposed and Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials recycled. Completion of Form C, “Waste Reporting Form” of the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Program along with the receipts may be sufficient proof of WRP compliance, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. H. Fees, Deposits and Development Impact Fees 124.Fees and Deposits – Prior to approval of final maps, grading plans, improvement plans, issuance of building permits, and/or issuance of certificate of occupancy, the Developer / Property Owner shall pay all fees, deposits as applicable. These shall include the regional Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF), any applicable Traffic Signal Mitigation Fees, Development Impact Fees (DIF), and any applicable regional fees. Said fees and deposits shall be collected at the rate in effect at the time of collection as specified in current City resolutions and ordinances. 125.WRCOG TUMF – Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the project proponent shall pay the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of Certificate of Occupancy issuance unless deemed exempt by the County of Riverside and the City of Menifee. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:52 Page 37 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section IV: Building and Safety Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:53 Page 38 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 126. Final Building & Safety Conditions. Final Building & Safety Conditions will be addressed when building construction plans are submitted to Building & Safety for review. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), and related codes which are enforced at the time of building plan submittal. 127. Compliance with Code. All Design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2019 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2019 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, 2019 California Energy Codes, 2019 California Green Building Standards, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and City of Menifee Municipal Code. 128. ADA Access. Applicant shall provide details of all applicable disabled access provisions and building setbacks on plans to include: a. Disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. b. Van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entrance of the building. c. Accessible path of travel from parking to the furthest point of improvement. d. Path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. e. Accessible path of travel from public right of way to all public areas on site, such as enclosures, clubhouses and picnic areas. 129. County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance. Applicant shall submit, at the time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plan with a “photometric study” showing compliance with County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance Number 655P for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Building & Safety Department. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and aimed not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin and below. 130. Obtain Approvals Prior to Construction. Applicant must obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 131. Obtaining Separate Approvals and Permits. Trash Enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls will require separate approvals and permits. Solid covers are required over new and existing trash enclosures. 132. Demolition. (If applicable) Demolition permits require separate approvals and permits. AQMD notification and approval may be required. 133. Hours of Construction. Signage shall be prominently posted at the entrance of the project indicating the hours or construction, as allowed by the City of Menifee Municipal Ordinance 8.01.010, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. The permitted hours of construction are Monday through Saturday 6:30am to 7:00pm. No work is permitted on Sundays and nationally recognized holidays unless approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:54 Page 39 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 134. Roof Drains. Drainage water collected from a roof, awning, canopy or marquee, and condensate from mechanical equipment shall not flow over a public walking surface. 135. Protection and penetration. Protection of joints and penetrations in fire resistance- rated assemblies shall not be concealed from view until inspected for all designed fire protection. Required fire seals/fire barriers in fire assemblies at fire resistant penetrations shall be installed by individuals with classification or certification covering the installation of these systems. Provide certification for the installation of each area and certification of compliance for Building Officials/Fire Marshal’s approval. At Plan Review Submittal 136. Submitting Plans and Calculations. Applicant must submit to Building & Safety seven (7) complete sets of plans and two (2) sets of supporting documents, two (2) sets of calculations or, one set of each document listed above for electronic submittals for review and approval including: a. An electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic, and mechanical plan applicable to scope of work. b. A precise grading plan to verify accessibility for persons with disabilities. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits 137. Demolition Permits. (If applicable) A demolition permit shall be obtained if there is an existing structure to be removed as part of the project. AQMD shall be notified and a Permit/Release shall be submitted to Building and Safety, Prior to Permit Issuance. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits 138. Plans require Stamp of Registered Professional. Applicant shall provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on the plans. Electronic Signature is acceptable. All associated Building Fees to be paid. 139. Each Department is required to Approve, with a signature. Prior to Start of Construction 140. Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 141. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Application and deposit to be submitted, a minimum of 5 working days prior to effective date. Each department is required Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:55 Page 40 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 to provide an Exhibit’ clearly identifying those Conditions of Approval that remain outstanding with a signature. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy 142. Each department is required to Review and Approve with a Signature, once ALL Conditions of Approval have been Met/Approved. Prior to Final Inspection 143. Each department that has conditions shall have completed and approved their final inspection prior to requesting the final inspection by the Building and Safety Department. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:56 Page 41 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section V: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:57 Page 42 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 General Conditions 144.City Case Statement. With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced project, the Fire Dept. recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with City of Menifee and Riverside County Ordinances and / or recognized fire protection standards. Fire Department review is based upon the 2019 CFC and CBC occupancy requirements. It is prohibited to use process or store any materials in the occupancy’s that would classify it as a Group H occupancy. 145.Fire Hydrants and Fire Flow. Fire Hydrant(s) shall be capable of delivering fire flow as required by the California Fire Code and Riverside County Fire Department standards. 146.Blue Dot Reflectors. Blue retro-reflective pavement markers shall be mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placement of markers must be approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 147.Fire Department Access. Fire Department apparatus access shall be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of all buildings. Driveway loops, fire apparatus access lanes and entrance curb radius should be designed to adequately allow access of emergency fire vehicles. The applicant or developer shall include in the building plans the required fire lanes and include the appropriate lane printing and/or signs. 148.Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and a vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. 149.Surface Load and Capabilities. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed to support the impose loads of fire apparatus [75,000 pound live load (gross vehicular weight) distributed over two axles] and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities [rear wheel drive apparatus] for the length and grade(s) of the fire apparatus access road. 150.Gate Entrance. Gate entrances shall be at least two feet wider than the width of the traffic lanes serving that gate. Any gate providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located at least 35 feet setback from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. here a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, 38 feet turning radius shall be used. 151.Building Address Numbers. Display street numbers in a prominent location on the address side of buildings and/or rear access if applicable. Numbers and letters shall be a minimum of 12” in height for buildings up to 25’ in height. In complexes with alpha designations, letter size must match numbers. All addressing must be legible, of a contrasting color, and adequately illuminated to be visible from street at all hours. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:58 Page 43 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 152.Knox Rapid Entry System. Buildings and gates shall be equipped with a Knox Rapid Entry System. Contact the City of Menifee Fire Department for further information. 153.Automatic Opener. New motorized gates shall be provided with means to be automatically opened remotely by emergency vehicle in accordance with City of Menifee Fire Department standards and policies, as may be amended from time to time. (787.8 amendment to 503.6.1 CFC) Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:59 Page 44 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 Section VI: Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions of Approval Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:60 Page 45 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 General Conditions 154.Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer. A “General Condition” shall be placed on the project indicating that the subject property is proposing to receive potable water service and sanitary sewer service from Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD). It is the responsibility of this facility to ensure that all requirements to obtain potable water and sanitary sewer service are met with EMWD, as well as, all other applicable agencies. 155.Environmental Cleanup Programs (RCDEH-ECP). If contamination or the presence of a naturally occurring hazardous material is discovered at the site, assessment, investigation, and/or cleanup may be required. Contact Riverside County Environmental Health - Environmental Cleanup Programs at (951) 955- 8980, for further information. 156.District Environmental Services (DES). Floorplans provided for the review of this project did not include plans for a kitchen or other type of operation that handles food. If in the future there is a proposal to serve food from this site, the plans will require review by DES to ensure compliance with applicable California Health and Safety Codes. An annual operating permit for the food facility may be required. Please contact the Hemet DES office at (951) 766-2824. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:61 Page 46 of 46 1 5 9 3 2 The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print) Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:62 E/V E/V C/A C/A C/A C/A VAN NO PARKIN G NOPARKING K I N G D O M H A L L F.F. = 1 7 . 5 7 PAD = 1 6 . 9 A A A D B B B 8 9 D 8 9 D 8 9 A AB L L K K K J J I H G F 12 C 10 E M 10 1 2 5 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 7 11 11 F 14 14 14 14 15 13 13 17 18 1 1 5 6 14 15 24 23 32 33 43 44 55 56 67 C C B B A A 19 16 16 21 21 21 21 20 Kingdom Hall of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 29101 Meetings also held in: español JW.ORG SECTION B-B SECTION A-A SECTION C-C LACF R No. 55606 K LACTE T Exp. 12/31/22 ATS REG MICHIS V OEIC OFILI RED . E DE PROF H SSIONA NG AIN EERE R L IN EA VICLI B A D E F G H I C J L K 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 17 MICHAEL D. HACKER, P.E. 777 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way Suite 309 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.340.9060 m: 760.250.2538 mhacker@heitecinc.com 18 19 20 21 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:63 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:64 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:65 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:66 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:67 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:68 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:69 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: February 24, 2021 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 Note: To confirm means and methods for participation, see the agenda, which will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at: https://www.cityofmenifee.us/agendas A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: “Kingdom Hall” Reconstruction - 29101 Del Monte Drive - Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 The Planning Commission will consider the following project at a public hearing: Plot Plan No. PLN19-0065 proposes to demolish an existing 5,381 square foot building (Church) and parking lot and construct a new 3,312 square foot building (Kingdom Hall) along with a new parking lot (67 parking spaces) and 32,346 square foot on-site landscape area. No preschool activities or study groups are being proposed. Project Location: The project site is located in a residential zone in the Community of Sun City, south of Sun City Boulevard, north of Potomac Drive, east of Murrieta Road and west of Bradley Road at 29101 Del Monte Drive, City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California (APN: 338- 024-033). Project Data: General Plan Land Use: 2.1-5 du/acre (2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre - Residential) Zoning: Multiple Family Dwellings (R-2) (zoning classification at the time project was deemed complete) Low Density Residential (LDR-2) (current zoning classification) Environmental Information: The project is determined to be Categorically Exempt under Section(s) 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” (Class 2) and 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” (Class 32) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines. Section 15302, “Replacement or Reconstruction” consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, as is the case of the proposed project. Section 15332, “In-Fill Development Projects” also applies as the project site is surrounded by “urban uses” and is consistent with the General Plan Policies and zoning designation. Furthermore, the project has been reviewed and it was determined it will not have an adverse effect related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the Planning Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:70 Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. For further information regarding this project, please contact Russell Brown, at (951) 723-3745 or e-mail rbrown@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. To view the case file for the proposed project, contact the Community Development Department office at (951) 672-6777 Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Russell Brown, Associate Planner 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:71 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:72 Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:73 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses July,16, 2019 29101 Del Monte Avenue Menifee, California, 92586 This site is to be used to accommodate a religious facility, (referred to as a Kingdom Hall). It will be used in a typical fashion similar to other religious facilities. This includes meetings for worship on weekends and Bible education meetings during the week. Weekends are typically used for regular worship services, which may include weekly worship, weddings, and funerals. These services could occur between the hours of 7a.m. and 10p.m. On weekdays Bible education classes are typically held in the evenings between 6p.m. and 10p.m. Additional activity on Saturday may include site and building maintenance typically performed during daylight hours. During other portions of the week, the Kingdom Hall is also used for administrative purposes and small meetings organizing our ministry. These occur between the hours of 7a.m. and 5p.m. There is no permanent staff on site, nor any non-service related activities. There are no outdoor activities associated with its use. It does not house any food preparation or food serving facilities; nor is it used for a day care, preschool or parochial school. Outdoor activities, such as car washes, barbecues, and the like will not take place on the site, nor will amplified speakers be utilized on the site. The current usage of this site is the same as described above. The existing structure is to be demolished and a new smaller structure will be erected on the site. Item Title:9.1 “Kingdom Hall”Reconstruction -Plot Plan No.PLN19-0065 Item Page Number:74