2020-02-26 Planning Commision Regular MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Planning Commission Menifee, CA 92586 Meeting Agenda Randy Madrid, Chair Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Benjamin Diederich, Vice Chair 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Robert Karwin, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Chris Thomas, Commissioner Stephanie Roseen, Clerk AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PRESENTATIONS None 5. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 2020 8. CONSENT CALENDAR None 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1. Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 for a Wireless Facility Generally Located Along the South Side of Scott Road, East of Briggs Road RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, subject to the conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. 9.2. Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) for a 174 Single Family Lot Subdivision Generally Located Southwest of Barnett and McLaughlin Roads. RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and, 2. Adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, City of Menifee Planning Commission Agenda February 26, 2020 Page 2 3. Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and resolution. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. General Plan Housing Element Annual Progress Report, 2019 RECOMMENDED ACTION Review the Annual Housing Element Progress Report for 2019 as required by State law to show progress on the General Plan Housing Element and receive and file the report. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 14. ADJOURN Decorum Policy Notes Please use a speaker request form when you wish to address the Commissioners. The Commission anticipates and encourages public participation at its Commission meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please use respect by not having your cell phones on, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. While we encourage participation, we ask there be a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this Agenda, including those submitted to the Planning Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk, at (951) 672-6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk, at (951) 672-6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. City Council Chambers City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Planning Commission Menifee, CA 92586 Meeting Minutes Randy Madrid, Chair Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Benjamin Diederich, Vice Chair 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Robert Karwin, Commissioner Earl Phillips, Commissioner Cheryl Kitzerow, Director Chris Thomas, Commissioner Stephanie Roseen, Clerk MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER The Special Joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting held at 5:00 p.m., adjourned at 6:22 p.m. Chair Madrid called the regular Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:29 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Randy Madrid Chair Present Earl Phillips Commissioner Present Benjamin Diederich Commissioner Present Robert P. Karwin Commissioner Present Chris Thomas Commissioner Present 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Diederich led the flag salute. 4. PRESENTATIONS None. 5. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved (5-0) with no modifications. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) None. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1. Approval of Minutes of January 22, 2020 The minutes were approved by the following vote. 7.1 Packet Pg. 3 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f F e b 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 6 : 0 0 P M ( A P P R O V A L O F M I N U T E S ) City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes February 12, 2020 Page 2 RESULT: Accepted [Unanimous] MOVER: Earl Phillips SECONDER: Robert P. Karwin AYES: Karwin, Phillips, Diederich, Madrid, Thomas 8. CONSENT CALENDAR None 9. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 9.1. General Plan Consistency Amendments - General Plan Amendment, PLN19- 0014, and Change of Zone, PLN19-0092 Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow introduced Senior Planner Doug Darnell. Mr. Darnell reported on the project location; project description;; background on the policy amendment; background for site one; background for site two; environmental review; staff recommendations; and noted the correspondence that had been received and provided to the Planning Commission. Chair Madrid opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. and Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Roseen stated the public hearing was properly noticed. Brian Goodell on behalf of Robert Love, General Manager for Kensington West, LLC, spoke in support of the item. Dana Williams, Menifee resident, stated his concerns regarding traffic for the previously approved senior apartment project for Site 1. Chair Madrid closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. Commissioner Karwin and Ms. Kitzerow provided clarification that the apartments at Site 1 had been approved in 2009 by the City Council and the item being presented was to address a clerical mapping error on the previously approved item. Ms. Kitzerow also stated the number of apartment units would not change with the approval of the proposed item and this item was a recommendation to the City Council and would be heard by the City Council at a scheduled public hearing. ACTION 1. Conducted a public hearing; and 2. Adopted R esolution No. PC20-481, recommending City Council adoption of the Second Addendum to the General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report, based on the findings incorporated in the Second Addendum and the conclusion that no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances associated with the proposed project that would result in new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects identified in the General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR); and 7.1 Packet Pg. 4 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f F e b 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 6 : 0 0 P M ( A P P R O V A L O F M I N U T E S ) City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes February 12, 2020 Page 3 RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Robert P. Karwin SECONDER: Earl Phillips AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 7.1 Packet Pg. 5 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f F e b 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 6 : 0 0 P M ( A P P R O V A L O F M I N U T E S ) City of Menifee Planning Commission Minutes February 12, 2020 Page 4 3. Adopted Resolution No. PC20-482, recommending City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. PLN19-0014, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and Resolution; and RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Robert P. Karwin SECONDER: Benjamin Diederich AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 4. Adopted Resolution No. PC20-483, recommending City Council approval of Change of Zone No. PLN19-0092 based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and Resolution. RESULT: Adopted [Unanimous] MOVER: Robert P. Karwin SECONDER: Earl Phillips AYES: Madrid, Phillips, Diederich, Karwin, Thomas 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. 11. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS None. 12. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Commissioner Karwin reported that he and Vice Chair Diederich attended the Menifee Citizens Advisory Committee (MCAC) meeting. Commissioner Phillips stated there would be Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) information added to City of Menifee website soon for emergency preparedness. 13. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS None. 14. ADJOURN Chair Madrid adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m. ______________________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk 7.1 Packet Pg. 6 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f F e b 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 6 : 0 0 P M ( A P P R O V A L O F M I N U T E S ) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 for a Wireless Facility Generally Located Along the South Side of Scott Road, East of Briggs Road MEETING DATE: February 26, 2020 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Desiree Bowdan, Associate Planner APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPLICANT: AT&T Wireless Communication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, subject to the conditions of approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report. Project Description Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank. The facility will include twelve (12) 8’ panel antennas (four [4] panels per sector), 36 LTE RRUs at antenna level (12 per sector), one (1) 2’- 6” microwave antenna, six (6) DC-6 surge suppressors (two [2] per sector), two (2) DC-12 surge suppressors, 1 GPS antenna, one (1) 30KW generator, utility cabinets, and one (1) 8’ x 8’ foot walk-in cabinet, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area enclosed within an existing 8-foot perimeter wall at an EMWD facility. Project Location The project site is located west of El Centro Lane, east of Briggs Road, and south of Scott Road within an existing developed site owned and operated by Eastern Municipal Water District addressed as 30245 Scott Road (APN: 472-010-010). The land to the east, west, and south of the proposed cell site is vacant land. On the north side of Scott Road are single-family residences, which is located in unincorporated Riverside County. 9.1 Packet Pg. 7 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 2 of 10 Project Location N Scott Road El C e n t r o L a n e 9.1 Packet Pg. 8 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 3 of 10 General Plan: Rural Residential – 5 Acre Min (RR5) Zoning: Rural Residential – 5 Acre Min (RR5) The General Plan land use designation for the subject property is Rural Residential - Five Acre Minimum (RR5), and the zoning classification is Rural Residential – 5 Acre Minimum (RR5). The land use designation is intended for single-family residential uses. However, this project was deemed complete prior to the new zoning code and designation becoming effective and was, therefore, reviewed under the previous zoning designation for the site, Light Agriculture – 5 Acre Minimum (A-1-5) and under the previous Siting of Wireless Facilities regulations (Section 9.08). It was determined the project is also consistent with the currently Wireless Communication Facilities (Section 9.290) code. The proposed construction and operation of the Project Site 9.1 Packet Pg. 9 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 4 of 10 unmanned wireless communication facility is consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation and zoning because the proposed wireless facility will be disguised and the property does not contain a residential use. The Project proposes a 70-foot tall, concealed “stealth” faux water tank located at the EMWD pump station on south side of Scott Road. The project is consistent with the General Plan designation of Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum and zoning classification of Light Agriculture – 5 Acre Minimum. Because the wireless communication facility property does not contain any residential use and the facility will be disguised, the facility is allowed with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Project Site Analysis Per Municipal Code Section 9.08.040, a wireless communication facility may be approved administratively. However, a Major Conditional Use Permit was required because of the location and height of the proposed wireless telecommunication facility. The Project is proposed to be located on the south side of Scott Road within the existing Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) pump station, 16 feet from the ultimate road right-of- way. The project site is surrounded by vacant land to the north, east, and west and a residential community to the north, which is within unincorporated Riverside County jurisdiction. The proposed wireless communication facility will be seventy (70’) feet in height, which is consistent with Section 9.08 (“Siting of Wireless Facilities”). Furthermore, the design of the Project will accommodate co-location for future service providers within the proposed faux water tank. The 70-foot height of the proposed wireless facility is necessary to provide adequate coverage to the zones, which have limited to no coverage. As demonstrated on the propagation maps and to help further understand the legend below, the “coverage site before” propagation map shows a red circle as the location of the proposed wireless facility or “macro site”. The areas shown in dark green on both maps would be the strongest signal and be sufficient for most “in-building” “in-vehicle” coverage. The areas shown in yellow should be sufficient for “on-street” or “in-the- open” coverage, most “in-vehicle” and some “in-building” coverage. Finally, the areas shown in purple should provide sufficient signal strength for “on-street” or “in-the-open” coverage, but possibly not for “in-vehicle” or “in-building” coverage. As demonstrated in the “coverage before site” map, the “macro site” is surrounded by dark purple, and there is not strong enough for “in- building” or “in-vehicle” coverage. The second propagation map shows “coverage after site”, which would provide necessary “in-building” “in-vehicle” coverage to the area where it was shown in purple before. Therefore, the addition of this wireless facility is necessary for adequate coverage to the area. 9.1 Packet Pg. 10 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 5 of 10 Coverage Legend Proposed Wireless Facility “macro site” 9.1 Packet Pg. 11 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 6 of 10 Site Layout and Access As shown on the photo below, there is existing access on the east side of the site. AT&T will be granted access by Eastern Municipal Water District. Two parking stalls exclusive to AT&T wireless will be located within the perimeter wall of the pump station and located within the 1,816 square foot lease area for the equipment and wireless facility. 9.1 Packet Pg. 12 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 7 of 10 Landscaping The project landscaping is subject to the requirements of the City of Menifee Municipal Code. Section 9.08.080, requires all equipment enclosures be installed in such a manner so as to maintain and enhance existing native and/or landscaped vegetation to screen the facility. The level of screening shall be consistent with the type of facility proposed. Currently, the EMWD Pump Station does not have any exterior landscaping. AT&T proposes to provide two (2) 15- gallon trees with a minimum growth height of ten (10’) feet and twenty-three (23) 5-gallon shrubs located along the exterior of the north perimeter wall, which will soften the existing EMWD pump station’s northerly exterior wall and buffer the wireless communication facility from Scott Road. Proposed Cell Site (2) Proposed Parking Spaces Exclusive 12ft. Access Proposed Perimeter Landscape 9.1 Packet Pg. 13 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 8 of 10 Elevations The tank will imitate the appearance of wood by providing dark brown, faux wood slats for the water tank. There will be a catwalk that extends 2-feet around the cylindrical base of the tank to appear to simulate a faux water tank. The 47-foot tall stand for the faux water tank will be painted brown to blend in with the surroundings and minimize visual impacts. The equipment cabinets and maintenance parking will be located within the perimeter wall of the EMWD Pump Station and will not be visible from Scott Road. Alternative Site Analysis The following locations were evaluated and the reasons why they were not selected for this project are addressed: 1. 33630 Elmhurst Ln. a. This property was originally considered as AT&T’s primary candidate due to it being an existing wireless communication facility; however, there was no room available due to multiple carriers along being located on the facility. 2. 29801 Scott Rd. a. This site location owner never responded, despite several attempts to contact. 3. APN: 472-070-001 (Scott Rd./Christine Rd.) a. This site location owner declined interest as they have future development plans. 4. Antelope Road at intersection of Scott Road and Antelope Road a. This rooftop proposal at this retail development was deemed unfeasible due to not being able to provide the coverage in the area that is needed to provide satisfactory coverage. 9.1 Packet Pg. 14 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 9 of 10 5. Revival Christian Fellowship Church located at 29220 Scott Road a. The location is outside of the gap-in-coverage area and will not meet AT&T’s objective. This location would be much closer to residences within the area. 6. Existing mono-pine cell site located at the corner Briggs Road and Scott Road a. The site is owned by SBA and has been deemed an unfeasible site due to SBA being a disinclined property owner between two parties. Furthermore, the height of the mono-pine does not meet the coverage needs of AT&T. 7. Nursery located at 30115 Scott Road and one block west of the EMWD pump station a. Available space on the property site is close to two residences at the corner of Briggs Road and Alcazar Drive. Environmental Determination The proposed use has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). This section consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: (c) A store, motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area. In urbanized areas, the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 10,000 square feet in floor area on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. The proposed project is for a new wireless communication facility concealed “stealth” as a 70-foot tall faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on Scott Road. The proposed faux water tank is a structure that does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in floor area as the project only includes 1,816 square feet of floor area (faux water tank and lease area combined). Therefore, the project is exempt per Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures,” of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Project Findings Findings for the Conditional Use Permit are located in the attached Resolution. 9.1 Packet Pg. 15 City of Menifee Planning Commission Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 February 26, 2020 Page 10 of 10 Public Notice The proposed project was noticed on February 16, 2020 for the February 26, 2020 Planning Commission hearing. A public notice was published in The Press Enterprise. Notices were also mailed to property owners within a 500-foot radius of the Project site. All relevant public agencies and all interested parties were also notified of the public hearing. All relevant public agencies were also notified of the public hearing. Please see the attached labels and radius map located within the last few pages of the staff report package. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Summary Table 2. Resolution for CUP 2019-016 3. Conditions of Approval for CUP 2019-016 4. Exhibits 5. Public Hearing Notice 6. Radius Map and Notification Labels 7. Notice of Exemption 9.1 Packet Pg. 16 SUMMARY Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information General Plan General Plan Land Use Designation Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) Surrounding General Plan Land Use Designation North: Rural Residential (Unincorporated Riverside County) South: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) East: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) West: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) Zoning Zoning Designation Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) Surrounding Zoning Designations North: Rural Residential (Unincorporated Riverside County) South: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) East: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) West: Rural Residential - 5 Acre Minimum (RR5) Other Information Existing Use EMWD Pump Station Surrounding Uses North: Single Family Residential, Unincorporated Riverside County South: Vacant Land East: Vacant Land West: Vacant Land Gross Acreage 0.87 gross acres Number of Lots 1 Assessor Parcel Numbers 472-010-010 Environmental Review Categorically Exempt (CEQA Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”) Policy Areas Mt. Palomar Lighting Influence Area, Zone B District Information School: Menifee Union School District & Perris Union High School District Water & Sewer: Eastern Municipal Water District Flood Control: Riverside County Flood Control District (flood plain review not required) Fees 1. Subsequent review fees on an hourly basis per Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study) 2. School mitigation fees 3. Western Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (Ord. No. 824) (Central Zone) 4. Road and Bridge Benefit District Fees – “Scott” Zone A Letters Received None to date Source: City Case files, City GIS 9.1.a Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : P r o j e c t S u m m a r y T a b l e ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) RESOLUTION NO. PC 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2019-016 ATT MENIFEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY LOCATED AT THE EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PUMP STATION AT 30245 SCOTT ROAD, CITY OF MENIFEE (APN 472-010- 010) WHEREAS, on January 17, 2019, AT&T Wireless applied to the City of Menifee for the approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area, on 0.87 gross acres; and WHEREAS, on February 26, 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee held a public hearing on Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, considered all public testimony as well as materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, which a hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the Press Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 500 feet of the project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee make the following Findings: Section 1: Consistency with the General Plan. The Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map and applicable General Plan objectives, policies, and programs. Consistency with General Plan The General Plan land use designation for the subject parcel is Rural Residential, Five-acre Minimum (RR5). The land use designation is intended for single-family residential communities. The proposed construction and operation of unmanned wireless communication facilities are allowed within the residential zones on properties that do not contain a residential use when concealed or disguised per the City’s Wireless Communications Facilities code. The Project proposes a 70-foot-tall, concealed “stealth” faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on south side of Scott Road. The property contains no residential use. Because the wireless communication facility site does not contain any residential use and will be disguised, it is an allowed use with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Goal: LU-3: A full range of public utilities and related services that provide for the immediate and long term needs of the community.  LU-3.1 – Work with utility providers in the planning, designing, and siting of distribution and support facilities to comply with the standards of the General Plan and Development Code. The proposed Project has been designed, and sited to comply with the development standards of the zone, and General Plan guidelines. 9.1.b Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Resolution No. PC 20-____ EMDW Pump Station Wireless Communications Facility February 26, 2020  LU-3.2 – Work with utility providers to increase service capacity as demand increases. The propagation maps for the Project demonstrated that implementation of the proposed wireless communication facility will fill in existing gaps in coverage. Therefore, the wireless facility will provide an increase in coverage where lacking and will support growing demand.  CD-3.3 – Minimize visual impacts of public and private facilities and support structures through sensitive site design and construction. This includes, but not limited to: appropriate placement of facilities; undergrounding, where possible; and aesthetic design (e.g., cell tower stealthing). The wireless communication facility is proposed to be located at the EMWD Pump Station on the south side of Scott Road outside of the ultimate road right-of-way. The wireless facility proposes to be concealed as a faux water tank, which would appear consistent with the EMWD Pump Station facility. The features and architectural design will consist of dark brown earth tones and the faux water tank will have the appearance of faux wood slats. The platform will be located behind the perimeter wall and painted brown to provide consistency and minimize visual impacts to Scott Road and nearby single family residential. Consistency with the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City’s boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan (SKR-HCP). The subject site is within the jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The project site is located inside the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) (SKR) Fee Area, but not subject to fee payment as determined by RCHCA. The proposed project is located within the boundaries of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however, the project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group, and the project area is developed/disturbed. The project is not subject to the payment of fees consistent with Riverside County Ordinance No. 810.2 as adopted by the City of Menifee. Therefore, the project would not conflict with the provisions of the adopted HCP, Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant. Therefore, the project is consistent with the General Plan, and applicable General Plan objectives, policies, and programs. Section 2: Consistency with the Zoning Code. Consistency with the Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the zone designation map, and applicable development standards within the zone designation: The Project site is zoned Rural Residential (RR) (5 Acre Minimum), However, this project was deemed complete prior to the current zoning 9.1.b Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Resolution No. PC 20-____ EMDW Pump Station Wireless Communications Facility February 26, 2020 designation becoming effective and was, therefore, reviewed under the previous zoning designation for the site, Light Agriculture - 5 Acre Minimum (A-1-5) and under the previous Siting of Wireless Facilities code (Section 9.08). The project was also reviewed against the current Wireless Communication Facilities code (Section 9.290) for consistency. It was determined the project is also consistent with the currently Wireless Communication Facilities (Section 9.290) code. The City’s Municipal Code Section 9.08 allows for concealed wireless communication facilities in residential zones where non-residential uses exist with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, provided they are consistent with architectural and aesthetic integration, height and other similar factors. The proposed faux water tank proposes to be concealed “stealth” and will be located at the EMWD pump station within the existing 8-foot-tall perimeter wall, which will provide screening for all ground equipment for the proposed wireless facility and trees and shrubs will be added to the exterior of the perimeter wall to reduce the visual impact of the faux water tank. In addition, the design of the Project will also accommodate co-location for other service providers. The Wireless Communication Facilities (Section 9.290) code also allows for the development of wireless communication facilities in rural and residential zones, similar to the previous municipal code, as long as the facility is disguised or concealed and the property does not contain a residential use. The Project meets the requirements as they relate to Section 9.08 of the City’s Municipal Code. Section 3: Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. The use is compatible with and provides adequate buffering from adjacent properties. The proposed wireless communication facility will be located on a 0.87-acre lot behind the perimeter block wall of the existing EMWD pump station. Existing residences are located on the north side of Scott Road, also behind a perimeter block wall. Although residences are located within the vicinity of the proposed wireless facility, the closest residence is 180 feet away from the project site. There is vacant property to the east, west and south of the subject site. In addition, the wireless facility will be concealed as a faux water tank with the antennas and other components located inside the tank structure and associated ground equipment fully screened within equipment cabinets behind a perimeter wall. The applicant shall obtain all required Building Permits from the City’s Building and Safety Department. The proposed Project has been reviewed and conditioned as necessary by the City of Menifee Engineering, Building and Safety, Fire Departments and Riverside County Information Technology Department. Therefore, the Project will not create conditions materially 9.1.b Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Resolution No. PC 20-____ EMDW Pump Station Wireless Communications Facility February 26, 2020 detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. Section 4: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The proposed use has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). This section consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: (c) A store, motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area. In urbanized areas, the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 10,000 square feet in floor area on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. The proposed project is for a new wireless communication facility concealed “stealth” as a 70-foot tall faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on Scott Road. The proposed faux water tank is a structure that does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in floor area as the project only includes 1,816 square feet of floor area (faux water tank and lease area combined). Therefore, the project is exempt per Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures,” of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 subject to the following: 1. The Findings set out above are true and correct. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 is hereby approved subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth in Exhibit “1” to this Resolution. 9.1.b Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Resolution No. PC 20-____ EMDW Pump Station Wireless Communications Facility February 26, 2020 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 26th day of FEBRUARY, 2020 _________________________ Randy Madrid, Chairman Attest: ___________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ V. Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney 9.1.b Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: “AT&T EMWD Pump Station, Wireless Communication Facility” - Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 Description: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank. The facility will include twelve (12) 8’ panel antennas (four [4] panels per sector), 36 LTE RRUs at antenna level (12 per sector), one (1) 2’-6” microwave antenna, six (6) DC-6 surge suppressors (two [2] per sector), two (2) DC-12 surge suppressors, 1 GPS antenna, one (1) 30KW generator, utility cabinets, and one (1) 8’ x 8’ foot walk-in cabinet, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area enclosed within the 8-foot perimeter wall of the EMWD Menifee wireless facility. The project site is located west of El Centro Lane, east of Briggs Road, and south of Scott Road within an existing developed site owned and operated by Eastern Municipal Water District located at 30245 Scott Road. Assessor's Parcel No.: 472-010-010 MSHCP Category: Not applicable DIF Category: Not Applicable TUMF Category: Per WRCOG determination Quimby Category: Not applicable, not a residential land use Approval Date: February 26, 2019 Expiration Date: February 26, 2022 9.1.c Packet Pg. 23 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1. Filing Notice of Exemption (NOE). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the project within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project. 2. Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operation of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 24 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Section I: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Section II: Building & Safety Department Conditions of Approval Section III: Engineering/Grading/Transportation Department Conditions of Approval Section IV: Fire Department Conditions of Approval 9.1.c Packet Pg. 25 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Section I: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval 9.1.c Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) General Conditions 3. Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 shall be henceforth defined as follows: APPROVED EXHIBIT A = Site Plan, Elevations, Colors and Materials and for Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, dated August 26, 2019. APPROVED EXHIBIT L = Landscape plant and irrigation for Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, dated August 26, 2019. 4. Ninety (90) Days to Protest. The project developer has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of this approval or conditional approval of this project. 5. Causes for Revocation. In the event the use hereby permitted under this permit, a) is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions of this permit, b) is found to have been obtained by fraud or perjured testimony, c) the facility has failed to comply with any applicable federal standard, d) the operation fails to comply with the requirements of the City’s Municipal Code (“Siting of Wireless Communication Facilities”), e) the facility (including the landscaping, hardscape or site has not been properly maintained or f) is found to be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or is a public nuisance, this permit shall be subject to the revocation procedures. 6. Business Registration. Every person conducting a business within the City of Menifee shall obtain a business license, as required by the Menifee Municipal Code. For more information regarding business registration, contact the City of Menifee. 7. Ceased Operations. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one (1) year or more, excluding renovation and casualty, this approval shall become null and void. 8. Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 9. Comply with Ordinances and Codes. The development of these premises shall comply with the standards of the City of Menifee Municipal Code and all other applicable Riverside County or City of Menifee ordinances or guidelines and State and Federal codes. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Exhibit A, unless otherwise amended by these conditions of approval. 10. Comply with Building and Safety. Compliance with Department of Building and Safety directives and all required permits shall be obtained prior to establishment or continuation of the use. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 11. Comply with Engineering Department. Compliance with Engineering Department directives and all required permits shall be obtained prior to establishment or continuation of the use. 12. Outside Lighting. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly on adjoining property or public rights-of-way and so as to prevent either the spillage of lumens or reflection in to the sky. 13. Comply with Menifee Municipal Code All lighting shall comply with any applicable provisions of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter. 14. Parking. All parking aisles shall remain unobstructed at all times. 15. Building Permit Required for Signage. A Building permit will be required through the City’s Building and Safety Department for all signage. Contact the Building and Safety Department directly for submittal requirement information. 16. Signs Maintained. All signs shall be maintained in a condition acceptable to the Community Development Department throughout the life of the permit. Graffiti shall be removed from all signs within twenty-four (24) hours. Damage to or malfunction of the sign shall be replaced within 48 hours. 17. No Outdoor Advertising. No outdoor advertising display, sign or billboard (not including on-site advertising or directional signs) shall be constructed or maintained within the property subject to this approval. 18. Reclaimed Water. The permittee shall connect to a reclaimed water supply for landscape watering purposes when secondary or reclaimed water is made available to the site as required by Eastern Municipal Water District. 19. Exterior Noise Levels. Facility-related noise, as projected to any portion of any surrounding property containing a "sensitive receiver, habitable dwelling, hospital, school, library or nursing home", must not exceed the following worst-case noise levels 45 dB(A) - 10 minute noise equivalent level ("leq"), between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (nighttime standard) and 65 dB (A) - 10 minute leq, between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p. m. (daytime standard). 20. No Permanent Occupancy. No permanent occupancy shall be permitted within the property approved under this conditional use permit as a principal place of residence. No person shall be entitled to vote using and address within the premises as a place of residence. 21. Interference. As allowed by law or regulation, if the operation of the facilities authorized by this approved Conditional Use Permit generates electronic interference with or otherwise impairs the operation of Riverside County or City of Menifee communication facilities, the applicant shall consult with Riverside County Information Technology staff and implement mitigation measures acceptable to the Riverside County Department of Information Technology and the City of Menifee. 22. Height. The antennas shall be fully concealed within the proposed faux water tank and the peak of the tank shall not measure more than seventy (70) feet in total 9.1.c Packet Pg. 28 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) height from existing ground surface below the center of the base of the tower to the top of the tower. 23. Equipment Cabinet Shielding. The ground equipment shall be located within the walled enclosure and shall not be visible from public view. The site plan shows the enclosure walls to be an existing split-face 8’-4” tall CMU masonry block wall with a masonry cap. Changes in the above-listed materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 24. Maintenance of Hardscape and Debris Removal. The telecommunications service provider (i.e., the wireless facility lessee) shall maintain support facilities (i.e., cleaning, painting and specifically the removal of graffiti immediately). The property owner shall agree to perform such maintenance to the extent the telecommunications service provider fails to do so. The property owner shall consent in writing to the City's entry onto the property to inspect and, as necessary, remove debris and graffiti as well as repair or fence any support facilities which constitute a safety hazard and specifically consent to the city's ability to lien the property or place a lien on the tax roll for the repayment of such costs, plus interest, without any further notice thereof. 25. Cell Tower Physical Condition. The tower itself, as well as the proposed walls and lease area, shall be in good repair, including damaged or missing walls or landscaping, and/or any other apparent items needing repair. 26. Abandoned Site. Any wireless communication facility that is not continuously operated for a period of ninety (90) days shall be conclusively deemed abandoned except when such non-operation is the result of natural disaster, in which case the period of time shall be 180 days (six months). The telecommunications service provider shall give written notice to the City at such time as use of the facility ceases. The telecommunications service provider shall have sixty (60) days after a notice of abandonment is mailed by the City to make the facility operable, replace the facility with an operable facility, or completely remove the facility and all supporting facilities and restore the site. The owner of the property in a safe manner shall remove and thereafter cause the site to be restored to its original condition (wear and tear excepted) within 180 days of the removal of the facilities. Alternatively, the carrier shall provide a letter of credit or cash deposit acceptable to the City, which guarantees removal of all such equipment and restoration of the property. Bonds are not considered acceptable security. Any cash deposit shall be held in trust by the city for the express purpose of using the funds for removal of the equipment/facility. If the owner does not do so within that period of time, the City may remove or cause to be removed the wireless communication facility at the underlying property owner's expense and place a lien on the property for the cost of such removal as set out in the written consent provided by the property owner. If there are two or more users of a single facility, the facility shall not be deemed abandoned until all users abandon it. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 29 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 27. Expiration Date. This approval shall be used within three (3) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within three (3) year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion under the terms of the authorized use. No extensions of time (in which to begin substantial construction or use of this permit) are available. Should no substantial construction or use of this permit be initiated within three (3) years of the approval date of this permit, this approval shall become null and void. 28. Subsequent Submittals and Fees. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study). Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. 29. Rules for Construction Activities. The applicant shall adhere to the Best Available Control Measures (BACMs). SCAQMD Rules that are currently applicable during construction activity for the project include, but are not limited to: Rule 1113 (Architectural Coatings); Rule 431.2 (Low Sulfur Fuel); Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust); and Rule 1186 / 1186.1 (Street Sweepers). The specific Rule 403 regulatory requirements that are applicable to the project are as follows: a. All clearing, grading, earth-moving, or excavation activities shall cease when winds exceed 25 mph per SCAQMD guidelines in order to limit fugitive dust emissions. b. The contractor shall ensure that all disturbed unpaved roads and disturbed areas within the project are watered at least three times daily during dry weather. Watering, with complete coverage of disturbed areas, shall occur at least three times a day, preferably in the midmorning, afternoon, and after work is done for the day. Implementation of this measure is estimated to reduce PM10 and PM2.5 fugitive dust emissions by approximately 61%. c. The contractor shall ensure that traffic speeds on unpaved roads and project site areas are reduced to 15 miles per hour or less to reduce PM10 and PM2.5 fugitive dust haul road emissions by approximately 44%. 30. Airport Influence Area. The project site is not located within an Airport Influence Area. 31. Comply with Riverside County Environmental Health Conditions. The applicant shall comply with the conditions contained in the letter from Riverside County Department of Environmental Health dated January 31, 2019 attached herein. ARCHEOLOGY/PALEONTOLOGY 32. Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, 9.1.c Packet Pg. 30 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 33. Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). 34. Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). i. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. ii. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. iii. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area and will be monitored by additional Tribal monitors if needed. iv. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. v. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the 9.1.c Packet Pg. 31 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” 35. Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: a) One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 32 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 36. Inadvertent Paleontological Find. If paleontological materials are uncovered during grading or other earth-moving activities, the contractor shall be required to halt work in the immediate area of the find and retain a professional paleontologist to examine the materials to determine whether it is a significant paleontological resource. If this determination is positive, the resource shall be left in place, if determined feasible by the project paleontologist. Otherwise the scientifically consequential information shall be fully recovered by the paleontologist. Work may continue outside of the area of the find. However, no further work shall occur in the immediate location of the find until all information recovery has been completed and report concerning it filed with the Community Development Director. The applicant shall bear the cost of implementation of this mitigation. LANDSCAPING 37. Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Community Development Department and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 38. Viable Landscaping. All plant materials within landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition throughout the life of this permit. To ensure that this occurs, the Community Development Department shall require inspections in accordance with the building permit landscaping install and inspection condition. 39. Landscape Plans. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, and the appropriate maintenance authority. 40. Maintenance of Landscaping. All private landscaping shall be maintained by the individual property owner. All landscaping, and similar improvements not properly maintained by the individual property owners must be annexed into a Lighting and Landscape District, or other mechanism as determined by the City of Menifee. FEES 41. Subsequent Submittals and Fees. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study). Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance 42. Fugitive Dust Control. The permittee shall implement fugitive dust control 9.1.c Packet Pg. 33 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) measures in accordance with Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403. The permittee shall include in construction contracts the control measures required under Rule 403 at the time of development, including the following: Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or break- up of pavement. The construction area and vicinity (500-foot radius) must be swept (preferably with water weepers) and watered at least twice daily. Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a 10 percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving activities. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as 50%. Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three times daily; a. All paved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two hours of active operations; b. Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty minutes of visible dirt deposition; c. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging areas; d. Onsite stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be covered or watered at least twice daily; e. Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders; f. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard; g. All inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind drive fugitive dust; h. Install wind breaks at the windward sides of construction areas; i. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed 25 mph; j. Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 15 miles per hour over a 30-minute pe3riod or more, so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust; k. All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three- quarter (12.75) cubic yards; l. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust; m. Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to 15 miles per hour; n. Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the site; o. Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; p. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust; q. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage smog alerts; and, 9.1.c Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) r. An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone number to call and receive information about the construction project or to report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any reasonable complaints shall be rectified within 24 hours of their receipt. 43. Fees. Prior to the issuance of grading permits for CUP No. 2018-078, the Community Development Department shall determine the status of the deposit based fees. If the fees are in a negative status, the permit holder shall pay the outstanding balance. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 44. Menifee Union School District. Impacts to the Menifee Union School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 45. Perris Union High School District. Impacts to the Perris Union High School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 46. Submit Building Plans. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the permitee shall submit building plans with the City of Menifee Building and Safety Department. The building plans shall be in substantial conformance with APPROVED EXHIBIT A, B, and C.  Building and Safety will require the following items:  All Design components shall comply with applicable current adopted code provisions of the California Building, California Residential Code, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, California Energy Codes, California Green Building Standards, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and City of Menifee Municipal Code. Three (3) sets of plan drawings shall be submitted along with two (2) copies of structural and Title 24 Energy documentation.  All exterior lighting shall comply with Ordinance, “Dark Sky Ordinance”.  All exterior lighting shall fall within current commercial standards.  Separate plan submittal will be required by Riverside County Fire along with a formal transmittal issued by Building and Safety. 47. Elevations. Elevations of all structures submitted for building plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A. 48. Color and Materials. The colors and materials on all structures submitted for building plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A. 49. Signage. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant or their successor- in-interest shall submit a copy of the sign that will be installed at the facility. That 9.1.c Packet Pg. 35 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) sign is required to have the following information:  Address of wireless communications facility and any internal site identification number or code;  Name(s) of company who operates the wireless communications facility;  Full company address, including mailing address and Division name that will address problems;  Telephone number of wireless communications facility company; and,  If a co-located facility (addition antennas and/or equipment shelters or cabinets) are added to an existing facility, an additional sign, including the above described information shall be installed on said shelter or cabinet stating the name of the company who operates the primary wireless communications facility and the name of the company that operates the co- located facility. 50. Lighting. The building plans shall show the location and types of light fixtures that will be within the project site and on the building. Lighting fixtures shall be decorative. Shoe-box-type lighting will not be allowed. The types of lighting fixtures used shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Architecturally appropriate themed lighting fixtures shall be located along the project perimeter, project entrances, and other focal points on the project site and shall be subject to Community Development Department review and approval. 51. Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Community Development to guarantee the installation of plantings, irrigation system, walls and/or fences, in accordance with the approved plan, shall be filed with the Department of Community Development. Securities may require review by City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and the One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the planting and irrigation components have been adequately installed and maintained. A cash security shall be required when the estimated cost is $2,500.00 or less. 52. Landscape Inspections. Prior to issuance of building permits, the permit holder shall open a Landscape Deposit Based Fee case and deposit the prevailing deposit amount to cover the pre installation, installation, Six Month, and One Year Landscape Inspections. The amount of hours for pre installation, installation, Six Month, and One Year Landscape Inspections is estimated to be $5,000. 53. FCC Compliance. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the permit holder shall perform a radio frequency (RF) compliance pre-construction evaluation to indicate compliance with FCC Guidelines and submit the results of this evaluation to the Community Development Department. Please refer to the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65 for information on RF exposure guidelines. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 36 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Prior to Building Final Inspection 54. Final Planning Inspection. The permitee shall obtain final occupancy sign-off from the Planning Division for each Building Permit issued by scheduling a final Planning inspection prior to the final sign-off from the Building Department. Planning staff shall verify that all pertinent conditions of approval have been met, including compliance with the approved elevations, site plan, and landscaping plans, etc. The permitee shall have all required walls, landscaping and automatic irrigation installed and in good condition. 55. Cell Tower Physical Condition. The tower itself, as well as the proposed walls and lease area, shall be in good repair, including damaged or missing walls or landscaping, and/or any other apparent items needing repair. 56. Elevations. The elevations and colors shall conform substantially with that shown on APPROVED EXHIBIT A. 57. Roof Mounted Equipment. Prior to final occupancy, Community Development staff will verify that all roof-mounted equipment has been screened in compliance with the approved plans. 58. Utilities Underground. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33 kV or greater, shall be installed underground. If the permittee provides to the Department of Building and Safety and the Community Development Department a definitive statement from the utility provider refusing to allow underground installation of the utilities they provide, this condition shall be null and void with respect to that utility. 59. Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with the approved lighting plans. 60. Landscape/Irrigation Install Inspection. The permittee landscape architect responsible for preparing the Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall arrange for a Pre-Landscape installation inspection and a Landscape Completion Installation Inspection with the Community Development Department. The pre-landscape inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to installation of landscaping. The landscape completion inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to final inspection of the structure. A One Year Post- Establishment Inspection will also be required. The Community Development Department will require a deposit in order to conduct the landscape inspections. 61. Landscape Installation. All required landscape planting and irrigation, including but not limited to onsite, shall have been installed in accordance with approved Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans, Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 (as adopted and any amendments thereto), Eastern Municipal Water District requirements and the Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping. All landscape and irrigation components shall be in a condition acceptable to the Community Development Department. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and determined to be in good working order. 62. Final Landscape Approval. The final landscape approval following installation shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Landscape Architectural 9.1.c Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Consultant and the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director may require additional trees, shrubs and/or groundcover as necessary, if site inspections reveal landscape deficiencies that were not apparent during the plan review process. 63. Condition Compliance. The Community Development Department shall verify that the Development Standards and all other preceding conditions have been complied with prior to any use allowed by this permit. FEES 64. Fees. Prior to issuance of occupancy/final inspections, the Planning Division shall determine if the deposit-based fees for project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Section II: Building and Safety Department Conditions of Approval 9.1.c Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) General Conditions 65. Address. An application shall be submitted for a new address specifically for the service panel for the cell tower only. An application for an address can be through the City of Menifee Engineering Department. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Section III: Public Works and Engineering Department Conditions of Approval 9.1.c Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) General Conditions 66. Encroachment. Any encroachment into the public ROW during project construction, will require an encroachment permit from the Public Works and Engineering Department, which may require posting of cash security to guarantee repairs to any public facilities that may be damaged during the course of this project’s work in the City’s ROW. 67. Grading Permits. Any grading activity resulting in movement of dirt exceeding 50 cubic yards shall require a grading permit from the Public Works-Engineering Department. All grading shall conform to the latest adopted edition of the California Building Code, the City’s Municipal Code, applicable City design standards and specifications, City ordinances, policies, rules and regulations governing grading in the City. 68. Erosion Control Plans. All grading plans shall require erosion control plans approved by the Public Works-Engineering Department. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Section IV: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval 9.1.c Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) General Conditions 69. West Fire Protection Planning Office Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the recipient of these Fire Department conditions to forward them to all interested parties. The permit number (CUP 2019-016) is required on all correspondence. Additional information is available at our website: www.rvcfire.org go to the link marked “Ordinance 787”. Questions should be directed to the Riverside County Fire Department, Fire Protection Planning Division at 2300 Market St. Suite 150, Riverside, CA 92501. Phone: (951) 955-4777, Fax: (951) 955-4886. 70. City Case Statement. The Riverside County Fire Department recommends the following fire and life and safety protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognize fire protection standards. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 71. Generator. Provide Information (Manufacturer cut sheet) on Generator, fuel storage type and capacity. 72. Note. Note on plans any battery back-up system that will be used, type of battery and quantity in gallons or lbs of corrosive if any. 73. Fire Extinguisher. Provide an additional mounted 2A10-BC Rated Fire Extinguisher for potential use by maintenance personnel. Mount extinguisher 3-5 feet from finished floor. 74. Knox Box. Provide access key card or access key for placement in Knox box shown on plan. 75. Building Plans. Provide sheet on submittal showing emergency/safety signage and placement of an NFPA 704 placard showing any hazardous materials in use at this site shall be posted. Additional safety signage and contact information sign in the event of an emergency shall be posted. 76. Hazardous Materials, Emergency Generator and Battery Storage. The project has not been reviewed or approved for hazardous materials or battery storage. Prior to building permit issuance, building plans shall be submitted for approval indicating the presence of an emergency generator and battery storage. Battery storage and fuel use, storage, and handling shall be approved by the Fire Department per the California Building Code and California Fire Code prior to materials being stored on site. 77. Further Review. Further review of the project will occur upon receipt of building plans. Additional requirements may be necessary at that time. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Prior to Final Inspection 78. Knox Box. Provide access key card or access key for placement in Knox box shown on plan. 79. Addressing. Address for the site shall be posted and be visible from the street. Numbers shall be in contrast to background and meet City of Menifee and Riverside County Fire Department requirements for commercial structure addressing. 80. Further Review. Further review of the project will occur upon receipt of building plans. Additional requirements may be necessary at that time. 9.1.c Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) END OF CONDITIONS The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print) 9.1.c Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.c Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.c Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) AGREEMENT TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS This Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless (“Agreement”) is entered into, effective as of ______________, by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporation, on the one hand, (“City”), and S&B Partners, LLC, a California Limited Liability Corporation, (“Indemnitor” or “Indemnitors”), on the other. The City and Indemnitor(s) are herein referred to collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” RECITALS Whereas, Indemnitor has applied to the City for various discretionary approvals including Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016, which proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be disguised as a 70’ faux water tank (the “Project”) and is located at 30245 Scott Road, within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APN: 472-010-010) (the “Property”); and Whereas, in connection with the consideration of the above-mentioned discretionary approvals, Indemnitor has offered to, and hereby agrees that it will, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any challenges arising from or related to the discretionary approvals, the Property or the Project as more fully set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for full and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and based upon the foregoing recitals, and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are an integral part of this Agreement, and are fully incorporated herein. 2. Indemnitors’ Indemnification Obligations. Indemnitor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants (which may include the County of Riverside and its employees, officers, officials, and agents), and agents (herein, collectively, the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either (i) the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property, including without limitation any judicial or administrative proceeding initiated or maintained by any person or entity challenging the validity or enforceability of any City permit or approval relating to the Project, any condition of approval imposed by the City on such permit or approval, and any finding or determination made and any other action taken by any of the Indemnitees in conjunction with such permit or approval, including without limitation any action taken pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), or (ii) the acts, omissions, or operations of the Indemnitor and the directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the Indemnitor with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. The City shall notify the Indemnitor of any claim, lawsuit, or other judicial or administrative proceeding (herein, an “Action”) within the scope of this indemnity obligation and request that the Indemnitor defend such Action with legal counsel reasonably satisfactory to the City. If the Indemnitor 9.1.c Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) fails to so defend the Action, the City shall have the right but not the obligation to do so with counsel of their own choosing, with no right of approval by Indemnitor and, if they do, the Indemnitor shall promptly pay the City’s full cost thereof, with payments made at least on a monthly basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnity obligation under clause (i) of the first sentence of this condition shall not apply to the extent the claim arises out of the willful misconduct or the sole active negligence of the City. This Agreement shall survive any final action on the Project, and shall survive and be independent of any Project approvals, even if such Project approvals are invalidated in whole or part. 3. Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the City and Indemnitor with respect to the subject matter set forth herein and supersedes any prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements with respect thereto. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written agreement executed by both Parties. No waiver of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective or binding unless in writing and executed by an authorized representative of the Party waiving its rights hereunder. 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, transferees, and assigns of the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above. Dated: ______________________ “CITY” CITY OF MENIFEE, a California Municipal Corporation By: _______ Its: _____________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP _________________________ Attorneys for the City of Menifee 9.1.c Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Dated: ______ “INDEMNITOR” S&B Partners, LLC, a California Limited Liability Corporation By: ______________________________ Print Name:________________________ 9.1.c Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r C U P 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Exhibit: A Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 DATE: 8/21/2019 Planner: D. Bowdan 9.1.d Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Exhibit: C Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 DATE: 8/21/2019 Planner: D. Bowdan 9.1.d Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 56 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 57 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Exhibit: B (sheets A4-A6) Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 DATE: 8/21/2019 Planner: D. Bowdan 9.1.d Packet Pg. 58 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 59 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 60 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 61 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Exhibit: L (sheets L1-L4) Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 DATE: 8/21/2019 Planner: D. Bowdan 9.1.d Packet Pg. 62 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 63 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 64 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.d Packet Pg. 65 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: February 26, 2020 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: “EMWD Menifee, AT&T Wireless (Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016)” Project Location: The site is located at 30245 Scott Road, within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APN: 472-010-010). The Planning Commission will consider the following project at a public hearing: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank. The facility will include twelve (12) 8’ panel antennas (four [4] panels per sector), 36 LTE RRUs at antenna level (12 per sector), one (1) 2’-6” microwave antenna, six (6) DC-6 surge suppressors (two [2] per sector), two (2) DC-12 surge suppressors, 1 GPS antenna, one (1) 30KW generator, utility cabinets, and one (1) 8’ x 8’ foot walk-in cabinet, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area enclosed within the 8-foot perimeter wall of the EMWD Menifee wireless facility. Project Data: General Plan Land Use: Rural Residential - Five Acre Minimum (RR5) Zoning: Rural Residential – Five Acre Minimum (RR5). Environmental Information: The proposed use has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Section 15303 “New Construction” consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: (c) A store, motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area. In urbanized areas, the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 10,000 square feet in floor area on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. The proposed project is an application for a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on Scott Road. The proposed faux water tank is a structure that does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in floor area as the project only includes 1,816 square feet of floor area (faux water tank and lease area combined). Therefore, the project is exempt per Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures,” of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the 9.1.e Packet Pg. 66 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. For further information regarding this project, please contact Desiree Bowdan, at (951) 723-3770 or e-mail dbowdan@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. The case file for the proposed project may be viewed Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Community Development Department office, located at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Desiree Bowdan, Associate Planner 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 9.1.e Packet Pg. 67 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: February 26, 2020 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: “EMWD Menifee, AT&T Wireless (Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016)” Project Location: The site is located at 30245 Scott Road, within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APN: 472-010-010). The Planning Commission will consider the following project at a public hearing: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank. The facility will include twelve (12) 8’ panel antennas (four [4] panels per sector), 36 LTE RRUs at antenna level (12 per sector), one (1) 2’-6” microwave antenna, six (6) DC-6 surge suppressors (two [2] per sector), two (2) DC-12 surge suppressors, 1 GPS antenna, one (1) 30KW generator, utility cabinets, and one (1) 8’ x 8’ foot walk-in cabinet, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area enclosed within the 8-foot perimeter wall of the EMWD Menifee wireless facility. Project Data: General Plan Land Use: Rural Residential - Five Acre Minimum (RR5) Zoning: Rural Residential – Five Acre Minimum (RR5). Environmental Information: The proposed use has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). Section 15303 “New Construction” consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: (c) A store, motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area. In urbanized areas, the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 10,000 square feet in floor area on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. The proposed project is an application for a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on Scott Road. The proposed faux water tank is a structure that does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in floor area as the project only includes 1,816 square feet of floor area (faux water tank and lease area combined). Therefore, the project is exempt per Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures,” of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the 9.1.f Packet Pg. 68 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. For further information regarding this project, please contact Desiree Bowdan, at (951) 723-3770 or e-mail dbowdan@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. The case file for the proposed project may be viewed Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Community Development Department office, located at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Desiree Bowdan, Associate Planner 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 9.1.f Packet Pg. 69 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 9.1.f Packet Pg. 70 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 5 466-391-044 OCCUPANT 30179 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 6 466-391-045 OCCUPANT 30191 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 7 466-391-046 OCCUPANT 30203 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 8 466-391-047 OCCUPANT 30215 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 15 466-392-001 OCCUPANT 32931 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 9.1.f Packet Pg. 71 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) 1 466-220-029 HYUN JAEIHM 1 HEATH WAY S BARRINGTON IL 60010 2 466-391-023 MARGARET E JACKSON PEGGY 30138 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 3 466-391-042 ADAMS DUANE & JAN ADAMS 30155 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 4 466-391-043 TERRY KING 30167 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 5 466-391-044 HAI HONG NGUYEN 409 TENNANT STA #401 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 6 466-391-045 MOOLA 1061 ROCKY POINT DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056 7 466-391-046 HARRY KATCHADOORIAN 15986 SKYRIDGE DR RIVERSIDE CA 92503 8 466-391-047 MICHAEL WONG 10158 WATERIDGE CIR #133 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 9 466-391-048 CHIAMING HSU 30227 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 10 466-391-049 KOREY REED 32962 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 11 466-391-050 MICHAEL R ALBERTS 32950 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 12 466-391-051 BRUCE M DREW 32938 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 13 466-391-052 FELMAR F VINLUAN 32926 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 14 466-391-053 MARIGOLD OWNERS ASSN 3088 PIO PICO DR #200 CARLSBAD CA 92008 15 466-392-001 HPA BORROWER 2017 1 180 N STETSON AVE #3650 CHICAGO IL 60601 16 466-392-002 AUTALAVOU VAIAU 32943 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 17 466-392-003 ERIC TAYLOR RICE 32955 EDINBOROUGH WAY MENIFEE CA 92584 18 466-392-004 JUAN C ESPINOSA 30186 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 19 466-392-005 RICHARD A BARTKUS 30174 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 20 466-392-006 SIENNA MARIE ARCHIBEK 30162 WALES CT MENIFEE CA 92584 21 466-392-007 HENG L ING 30159 WHEMBLY CIR MENIFEE CA 92584 22 466-392-008 SARA GRIFFITH 30171 WHEMBLY CIR MENIFEE CA 92584 23 466-392-009 KEVIN A MOORE 30183 WHEMBLY CIR MENIFEE CA 92584 24 472-010-007 CARTER WRIGHT 22124 COSTANSO ST WOODLAND HILLS CA 91364 25 472-010-009 JUDITH A SCHREIBER 8751 SAILPORT DR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92646 26 472-010-010 EMWD P O BOX 8300 PERRIS CA 92572 AT&T MOBILITY ATTN: BOB STURTEVANTC 1452 EDINGER AVE TUSTIN CA 92780 SMARTLINK 3300 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 AT&T MOBILITY ATTN: JULIO FIGUEROA 3580 ORANGE ST ROOM #O RIVERSIDE CA 92501 AT&T MOBILITY ATTN: BRIAN MALOOF 1452 EDINGER AVE TUSTIN CA 92780 9.1.f Packet Pg. 72 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) WILL KAZIMI 8219 CALLE NUEVA SAN DIEGO CA 92126 GC MAPPING SERVICE NP GILBERT CASTRO 3055 W VALLEY BLVD ALHAMBRA CA 91803 9.1.f Packet Pg. 73 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) The Gas Company 527 N. San Jacinto Street Hemet, CA 92548 Verizon California 150 S. Juanita St. Hemet, CA 92543 Eastern Municipal Water District Attn: Maroun El-Hage P.O. Box 8300 Perris, CA 92572-8300 Riverside County Dept. of Environmental Health 3880 Lemon Street, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92501 Southern California Edison Attn: Josh Thiel 24487 Prielipp Lane Wildomar, CA 92595 Perris Union High School District 155 East Fourth Street Perris, CA 92570 Attn: Candace Reines Karen Cadavona Southern California Edison Third Party Environmental Review 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Quad 4C 472A Rosemead, CA 91770 Menifee Union School District 30205 Menifee Road Menifee, CA 92548 Attn: Jim Sellers Clerk of the Board Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District P.O. Box 907 San Jacinto, CA 92581 Lozeau Drury LLP 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94612 Riverside County IT c/o Howard Newton 4080 Lemon Street, 10th Floor P.O. Box 1589 Riverside, CA 92502 Mindi De La Torre Southern California Edison 26100 Menifee Rd. Menifee, CA 92585 Southern California Edison Third Party Environmental Review 2244 Walnut Grove Ave, GO-1, Quad 2C Rosemead, CA 91770 Infinigy Engineering, LLP 26455 Rancho Parkway South Lake Forest, CA 92630 9.1.f Packet Pg. 74 At t a c h m e n t : R a d i u s M a p a n d N o t i f i c a t i o n L a b e l s ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) CITY OF MENIFEE Community Development Department Cheryl Kitzerow – Community Development Director NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Office of Planning and Research (OPR) P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 County of Riverside County Clerk FROM: City of Menifee Community Development Department 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Project Title/Case No.: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 “EMWD Pump Station Wireless Communication Facility,” Project Location: The project site is located at 30245 Scott Road within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APN: 472-010-010) Project Description: Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-016 proposes a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank. The facility will include twelve (12) 8’ panel antennas (four [4] panels per sector), 36 LTE RRUs at antenna level (12 per sector), one (1) 2’-6” microwave antenna, six (6) DC-6 surge suppressors (two [2] per sector), one (1) DC power plant, 1 GPS antenna, one (1) 30KW generator, utility cabinets, and one (1) 8’ x 8’ foot walk-in cabinet, located within a 1,816 square foot lease area that will be enclosed by an eight (8) foot high split-faced CMU block wall. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Menifee Project Sponsor: AT&T Wireless 1452 Edinger Ave. 3rd Floor, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 351-6581 Exempt Status: (Check one) Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268) Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)) Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c)) Categorical Exemption (15303) Statutory Exemption ( ) Other: Reasons why project is exempt: The proposed use has been determined to be Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303 (“New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures”). This section consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: (c) A store, motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area. In urbanized areas, the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 10,000 square feet in floor area on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction. The proposes project is an application for a new wireless communication facility that will be concealed “stealth” as a 70’ faux water tank located at the EMWD Pump Station on Scott Road. The proposed faux water tank is a structure that does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances and does not exceed 2,500 square feet in floor area as the project only includes 1,816 square feet of floor area (faux water tank and lease area combined). Therefore, the project is exempt per Section 15303, “New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures,” of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). 9.1.g Packet Pg. 75 At t a c h m e n t : N o t i c e o f E x e m p t i o n ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Page 2 Desiree Bowdan, Project Planner (951) 723-3770 City Contact Person Phone Number Associate Planner Signature Title Date Date Received for Filing and Posting at OPR: FOR COUNTY CLERK'S USE ONLY 9.1.g Packet Pg. 76 At t a c h m e n t : N o t i c e o f E x e m p t i o n ( 2 4 0 9 : C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r m i t N o . 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 6 ) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) for a 174 Single Family Lot Subdivision Generally Located Southwest of Barnett and McLaughlin Roads. MEETING DATE: February 26, 2020 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Tamara Harrison, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a Public Hearing; and, 2. Adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) based on the findings incorporated in the Initial Study and the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, 3. Adopt a Resolution recommending City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, and based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and resolution. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR2018-065) (also referred to as Tentative Tract Map No. 37400) proposes a Schedule ‘A’ subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and multiple lettered lots including an HOA maintained park (1.23-acre park with a shade structure, barbeque grills, picnic tables and a tot lot), a WQMP basin (35,550 square feet and CFD maintained), paseos, and interior parkways (HOA maintained) and exterior parkways (CFD maintained). The dwelling units are proposed to be single-family detached homes with proposed residential lot sizes that range from a minimum of 7,200 square feet to 13,507 square feet. PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road, north of Rouse Road, and west of Barnett Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California (APNs: 9.2 Packet Pg. 77 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 2 of 9 331-080-005 through 331-080-012, 331-080-018 through 331-080-021, 331-080-024 through 331-080-025, and 331-080-027 through 331-180-028). Project Location General Plan and Zoning The General Plan land use designation of the project site is 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5 Residential). The 2.1-5R General Plan land use designation is intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a density range of two (2) to five (5) dwelling units per acre. The project proposes a 174-lot single-family (detached) residential subdivision with a density of 3.71 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, the project is consistent with the 2.1-5R General Plan designation. The project is surrounded to the north by properties designated by the General Plan as Public Utility Corridor, 2.1-5R to the south, 8.1-14 Residential (8.1-14R), 5.1-8 Residential (5.1-8R) and Open Space-Recreation (OS-R) to the east, and 2.1-5R to the west. These classifications are compatible with the existing General Plan designation of the subject site. 9.2 Packet Pg. 78 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 3 of 9 General Plan Designation The current zoning designation of the project site is Low Density Residential (LDR-2). The LDR- 2 designation is intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a minimum lot size of seven thousand and two-hundred (7,200) square feet. However, this project was deemed complete prior to the current zoning designation becoming effective and was therefore reviewed under the previous zoning designation for the site, One Family Dwellings (R-1). The R- 1 zone was also intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. As mentioned above, the project proposes a 174-lot single-family (detached) residential subdivision with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet; therefore, the project is consistent with both the LDR-2 and R-1 zoning designations. Surrounding zoning designations include Low Density Residential (LDR-2) to the south and west of the subject site, Public Utility Corridor (PUC) to the north and Medium Density Residential (MDR), Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) and Open Space Recreation (OS- R) to the east. These classifications are compatible with the existing zoning designation of the subject site. 9.2 Packet Pg. 79 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 4 of 9 Zoning Designation Previous County Approvals Tentative Tract Map No. 33419 was previously approved by the County of Riverside at the subject site for a Schedule “A” subdivision of 46.9 acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. However, the map expired prior to the applicant recording the map. Therefore, an application for a new tentative map was required. Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) was initiated with the City on March 8, 2018. 9.2 Packet Pg. 80 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 5 of 9 Analysis Project Access and Design Project access will be provided via three (3) access points: one on Barnett Road (eastern access point), one on Evans Road (western access point) and one on McLaughlin Road (northern access point). All three (3) access points can accommodate full turn movements and each entry will include enhanced landscaping including a ten (10) foot landscaped median. The project includes the creation of 174 residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and an average lot size of 7,882 square feet. Lot sizes range from 7,200 square feet to 13,505 square feet and the project features a curvilinear roadway design. The proposed project would not pose an impact to surrounding land uses which are predominantly vacant land and/or residential. The site layout, circulation and lot size adhere to the existing zoning code, General Plan and General Plan land use policies. Walls, Fencing, and Monument Signage The conceptual landscape plan for the project includes six (6) foot decorative perimeter/sound walls along the entire project site. The perimeter walls will be designed as tan split-face block with decorative pilasters and caps. A 6’ powdered coated tubular steel fence is proposed at the basin and a section of the tubular steel fencing at the basin will also include 6’ double gates for maintenance access. The project will incorporate monument signage at each access point (Barnett Road, McLaughlin Boulevard and Evans Road). The monument signs will be placed within the entry medians and the concept design for the monuments include two (2) sided monument walls with stacked stone and succulent plantings that would be placed in concrete bowls. Lighting is also proposed for the monuments which shall be consistent with Chapter 6.01 of the Menifee Municipal Code. A monument sign has also been proposed for the park’s identification and the design of that sign will be reviewed during the post entitlement process. The final design and locations of proposed walls and fencing and monument signage will be reviewed by the Community Development Department during post entitlement. Landscaping The landscaping for the project will include themed street trees, shrubs, groundcover and landscaping necessary for the stabilization of slopes throughout the site. Park and Paseo landscaping will also be provided for Lots B, C and D which are discussed in more detail below. 9.2 Packet Pg. 81 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 6 of 9 Concept Landscaping 1.23 Acre Park and Paseos The proposed project includes a 1.23-acre park (Lot B) that is located just west of Barnett Road in the central portion of the project. The park will include a shade structure, tot lot, barbeques, picnic tables, park benches and associated landscaping. The park will be maintained by the homeowner’s association for the development. Two (2) pedestrian paseos (Lot C and Lot D) have been provided for the project. They will serve as pedestrian connections between two (2) cul-de-sac streets, the remainder of the development, and the park. Lot C will aide in greater pedestrian connectivity for the southern portion of the development and Lot D will aide in greater pedestrian connectivity for the northern portion of the development. 9.2 Packet Pg. 82 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 7 of 9 Concept Park Plan Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission The proposed project was presented as a Discussion Item at the City’s June 6, 2019 Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission (PRTC) meeting. The project applicant proposed a combination of 1.23 acres of HOA parkland for park credit and Quimby fees in order to satisfy the project’s parkland dedication and fee obligation. The Commission unanimously voted that the 1.23-acre park belong exclusively to the project developer and that the developer would be responsible to pay full Quimby fees or provide parkland to the City according to the City’s current parkland dedication standards. 9.2 Packet Pg. 83 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 8 of 9 Drainage Onsite rainfall runoff / storm water will drain to a system of storm drain pipes onsite that will route a portion of the onsite runoff to an onsite water quality basin, while the remaining onsite storm water will be routed to an offsite storm drain system that will run northerly along Evans Road. The storm drain system that runs along Evans Road will be maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control District). This storm drain system is referred to as Line A-10. Onsite storm water that is routed to Line A-10 will be treated through a series of vegetated swales onsite before entering Line A-10. From Line A-10, storm water will be routed either directly to an existing concrete box culvert that is maintained by the Flood Control District (referred to as Line A) or to an offsite storm drain system that is located just north of McLaughlin Road and runs easterly to the southeastern extension of Line A. This offsite storm drain system is referred to as Line A-8. The option that is selected and approved by the City will be determined in the final engineering stage, prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Offsite storm water that runs along the westerly project frontage will drain to Line A-10. Offsite storm water that runs along the easterly project frontage will drain to a storm drain system that runs northerly along Barnett Road. This storm drain system is referred to as Line A- 9. From Line A-9, storm water will be routed directly to the southeastern extension of Line A. The water quality basin and storm drain systems described above will be constructed by the developer of the project. A possible exception to this is Line A-9, which would be constructed by the developer of the adjacent tract, the McLaughlin Villages tract, in the event that the McLaughlin Villages tract develops before the Garrett-Menifee tract. The McLaughlin Villages tract is currently in the final engineering stage. Both permanent and temporary drainage systems will be put in place during construction, to ensure that City and State storm water regulations are complied with. Environmental Determination The City of Menifee Community Development Department has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment and has recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Menifee Planning Commission will consider the proposed project and the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, at the public hearing. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). FINDINGS Findings for the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Tentative Tract Map are included in the attached resolutions for each. PUBLIC NOTICE The proposed project was noticed on February 16, 2020 for the February 26, 2020 Planning Commission hearing. A public notice was published within the Press Enterprise. Notices were also mailed to property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. All relevant public 9.2 Packet Pg. 84 City of Menifee Planning Commission Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400) February 26, 2020 Page 9 of 9 agencies were also notified of the public hearing. The labels and radius map are attached to the staff report package. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Summary Table 2. Resolution - Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3. Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 4. Mitigation Monitoring Program Final 5. Resolution for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 6. Conditions of Approval for TR 2018-065 7. Exhibits - Tentative Map 8. Exhibits - Concept Grading 9. Exhibits - Concept Landscape 10. Exhibit - Concept Storm Drain 11. Public Hearing Notice, Radius Map and Labels 12. Correspondence 9.2 Packet Pg. 85 Attachment A Project Summary Table Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information General Plan General Plan Land Use Designation 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5R) Surrounding General Plan Land Use Designation North: Public Utility Corridor (PUC) South: 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5R) East: 5.1-8 Residential (5.1-8R), 8.1-14 Residential (8.1-14) and Open Space-Recreation (OS-R) West: 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5R) and Open Space-Recreation (OS-R) Zoning Zoning Designation Low Density Residential (LDR-2) Surrounding Zoning Designations North: Public Utility Corridor (PUC) South: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) East: Medium Density Residential (MDR), Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) and Open Space – Recreation (OS-R) West: Low Density Residential (LDR-2) Other Information Existing Use Vacant land Surrounding Uses North: Vacant South: Vacant and Existing Single-Family Residences East: Vacant (Approved Townhome Units) and Existing Single-Family Residences West: Vacant and Existing Single-Family Residences Gross Acreage 46.9 Number of Lots 174 Density 3.71 du/acre Lot Area Minimum/Proposed 7,200 square feet Landscaping Proposed 240,927 square feet per Concept Landscape Plan Parking Required/Proposed 2 spaces per unit/2 spaces per unit Assessor Parcel Numbers 331-080-005 through 331-080-012, 331-080-018 through 331-080-021, 331-080-024 through 331-080-025 and, 331-080-027 through 331-180- 028 Environmental Review Mitigated Negative Declaration Policy Areas Mt. Palomar Lighting Influence Area District Information School: Menifee Union School District & Perris Union High School District Water/Sewer: Eastern Municipal Water District Flood Control: Riverside County Flood Control District (flood plain review not required) 9.2.a Packet Pg. 86 At t a c h m e n t : P r o j e c t S u m m a r y T a b l e [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Attachment A Project Summary Table Summary of Pertinent Land Use and Policy Designations for Proposed Project Category Information Fees 1. Subsequent review fees on an hourly basis per Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study) 2. Development Impact Fees (Ord. No. 17-232) 3. Western Riverside Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (WRMSHCP) fee (Ord. No. 810) 4. Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat fees (Ord. No. 663) 5. Western Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (Ord. No. 824) 6. Road and Bridge Benefit District Fees 7. Quimby Fees Letters Received One letter has been received as of the writing of this staff report - attached. Source: Planning case file and GIS system, February 2020 9.2.a Packet Pg. 87 At t a c h m e n t : P r o j e c t S u m m a r y T a b l e [ R e v i s i o n 2 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) RESOLUTION NO. PC 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 2018-065 (TR 37400) LOCATED SOUTH OF MCLAUGHLIN ROAD, EAST OF EVANS ROAD, NORTH OF ROUSE ROAD, AND WEST OF BARNETT ROAD WHEREAS, on March 8, 2018, the applicant, Garrett Group, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 2018- 065 for a Schedule ‘A’ subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, a 1.23 acre park, a water quality basin, two (2) paseos and parkways located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road, north of Rouse Road, and west of Barnett Road; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study (“IS”) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (“MND”) have been prepared to analyze and mitigate the project's potentially significant environmental impacts; and, WHEREAS, between January 31, 2020 and February 19, 2020, the twenty-(20)- day public review period for the IS/MND took effect. During this time, the IS/MND, was publicly noticed by publication in a newspaper of general circulation and was noticed to owners within 300 feet of the Project site boundaries, related agencies and government agencies; and WHEREAS, no comments on the IS/MND were received during the public review period; and WHEREAS, on February 26, 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee held a public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR37400), which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in the Press Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 300 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice, and WHEREAS, the City has complied with CEQA and the IS/MND is an accurate and objective statement that fully complies with the CEQA Guidelines and represents the independent judgment of the City; and WHEREAS, no evidence of new significant impacts or increased severity of environmental impacts, as defined by CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, have been received by the City after circulation of the draft IS/MND which would require re- circulation. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby recommends to the City Council the following: 1. That the City Council determine on the basis of the evidence presented and the whole record before it, including the Initial Study and the draft MND, and any comments received, that there is no substantial evidence that the project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment. 9.2.b Packet Pg. 88 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n - I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 2 of 2 IS/MND for TR 2018-065 Date: February 26, 2020 2. That the City Council determine that the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (“MMRP”), which is attached to the MND and incorporated into the project’s Conditions of Approval, and a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1” and incorporated herein by reference, will assure compliance with the mitigation measures during project implementation. 3. That the City Council further finds that the adoption of the MND reflects the City Council’s independent judgment and analysis. 4. That the City Council finds that the MND, all documents referenced in the MND, and the record of proceedings on which the City Council’s decision is based are located at City of Menifee City Hall at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 and the custodian of record of proceedings is the City of Menifee City Clerk. 5. That the City Council adopts an MND for the project including but not limited to the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) as attached to the MND and incorporated into the project’s Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2020. _________________________ Randy Madrid, Chairman Attest: _______________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ V. Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney 9.2.b Packet Pg. 89 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n - I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 1 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 CITY OF MENIFEE CEQA Environmental Checklist Form 1. Project title: Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR 2018-065) (also referred to as Tentative Tract Map No. 37400) 2. Lead agency name and address: City of Menifee, Community Development Department, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. 3. Contact person and phone number: Tamara Harrison, Senior Planner: 951-723-3743 4. Project location: The project site is located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road and north of Rouse Road and west of Barnett Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, California (APNs: 331-080-005, 331-080-009 through012, 331-080-018 through021, 331-080-024-025 and 331- 080-027 through 028). Refer to Figures 1 Project Vicinity, and Figure 2, Project Location. A. Total Project Area: 46.9 gross acres. Residential Acres: 46.9 Lots:174 Units: 174 Projected No. of Residents: 512 Commercial Acres: 0 Lots: Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: 0 Est. No. of Employees: 0 Industrial Acres: 0 Lots: 0 Sq. Ft. of Bldg. Area: 0 Est. No. of Employees: 0 Other: 0 B. Assessor’s Parcel No: 331-080-005, 331-080-009 through 012, 331-080-018 through021, 331- 080-024-025 and 331-080-027 through028 C. Map: Thomas Brothers Riverside County Street Guide 2008 Page 838, Grid B3. D. Section 16 NW, Township 5S & Range 3W of the San Bernardino Base and Meridian. E. Longitude: 117° 11’45.9 W Latitude: 33° 43’19.58 N 5. Project Applicant/Owners: The Garrett Group, LLC, c/o Philip Jones, 3846 Via Zara, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Representative: Phillip Jones, 951-308-2096 6. General Plan Designation: 2.1-5 du/ac Residential (2.1-5 R) 7. Existing Zoning: One-Family Dwellings (R-1) Proposed Zoning: N/A 8. Description of Project: Planning Application Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TR 2018-065) (also referred to as Tentative Tract Map No. 37400) proposes a Schedule ‘A’ Subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The project proposal also includes multiple lettered lots including a 0.81 acre basin, a 1.23 acre park, two (2) paseos and various interior and exterior parkways. Tentative Tract Map No. 33419 was previously approved by the County of Riverside at the subject site for a Schedule “A” subdivision of 46.9 acres into 174 single family residential lots with a minimum lot 9.2.c Packet Pg. 90 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 2 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 size of 7,200 square feet; however, the map expired prior to the applicant recording the map. Site Preparation/Phasing While the project site is relatively flat, the project proposes a balanced site for earthwork with 51,560 cubic yards of cut and 77,560 cubic yards of fill (net import of 26,000 cubic yards). There would be no grading or slopes outside the project site perimeter. The project is anticipated to be constructed in one phase. Construction is anticipated to last approximately 36 months and project operations are anticipated to begin in 2021. Access and Circulation Vehicular access to the site will be provided via one (1) access point on Evans Road, one (1) access point on McLaughlin Road, and one (1) access point on Barnett Road. Primary access would be from Barnett Road and secondary access would be from McLaughlin and Evans Roads. The majority of the existing segments of Evans Road and McLaughlin Road that border the project site are dirt roads which would be paved as part of the project. The portion of Evans Road just south of McLaughlin Road to Nova Lane is currently paved. The project also provides interior street improvements, which would be public roads (currently identified at Streets A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, and N), for internal circulation. Internal roadways would be 60 feet wide, including sidewalks on both sides. Class II bike lanes are planned for McLaughlin Road and Barnett Road and Class III bike lanes are planned for Evans Road near the project site. The project could be conditioned to implement the Barnett Road Extension improvement since the nearby McLaughlin Village project might not have that roadway extension completed and in place by the time of completion of the proposed project. Hence, the proposed project could be conditioned to construct the Barnett Road extension from McLaughlin Road to Patricia Lane with a minimum width of 28 feet. It should be noted that environmental impacts associated with this extension were previously analyzed in the Environmental Assessment prepared for McLaughlin Village, Tract Map No. 36937, Plot Plan No. 2015-251 and Change of Zone No. 2015-252 and adopted by the Menifee City Council on June 20, 2018. Other Site Improvements and Amenities The project includes a 35,550 sq. ft. water infiltration quality basin and a 1.23 acre park. Infrastructure, Utilities, and Public Services Onsite infrastructure will include a 10-foot drainage easement to be maintained by the homeowners association and would also include two- 20-foot storm drain easements that will be maintained by the homeowners association and a 30-foot drainage and sewer easement also to be maintained by the homeowners association. All utilities proposed as part of the project shall be underground. The project site receives tributary offsite flows from a detention basin built by TR23311 (now TR36937). A separate developer (Tract 36937) proposes to eliminate that existing detention basin to the east and convey tributary offsite flows in a storm drain northerly on Barnett Road to Romoland Master Drainage Plan. This project will construct such facilities if others do not build them in order to operate. Final design will be determined through coordination with the City of Menifee, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the developers of the projects in question and has been addressed through the conditions of approval. Onsite infrastructure will include associated internal roadways, drainage facilities, and a water quality infiltration basin. The basin is located at the western boundary of the project site, near the intersection of Nova Lane and Evans Road. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 91 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 3 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The following public services are available to the Project: • Fire Protection Services (City of Menifee through contract with the Riverside County Fire Department); • Police Protection Services (City of Menifee through contract with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department); • Public Schools (Romoland School District and Perris Union High School District) • Library Services (Riverside County Library System); and • City Administrative Services (City of Menifee). The following utilities/infrastructure systems and services are available to the Project: • Water/Sewer (Eastern Municipal Water District); • Electricity (Southern California Edison); • Natural Gas (Southern California Gas Company); and • Telephone/Communications (AT&T, Frontier Communications). 9. Surrounding Land Uses and Environmental Setting: The project site is currently vacant and is located at an elevation of approximately 1,425 feet above sea level. The topography generally increases in elevation to the south and west. The project site has historically been used as agricultural land but has not been utilized as such since at least 2007 although ongoing disturbance occurs at the site (discing, etc). Overhead power lines run along the northern property boundary. The adjacent General Plan Area Plan(s), Land Use Designation(s), and Zoning(s), if any: Surrounding Land Uses Direction General Plan Designation Zoning District Existing Land Use Project Site 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1- 5R) One-Family Dwellings (R-1) Vacant Land North Public Utility Corridor (PUC), Economic Development Corridor (EDC) Rural Residential (R-R) Vacant Land South 2.1-5R R-1 Vacant land, Single- family residential East Open Space-Recreation (OS-R), 8.1 – 14 du/ac Residential (8.1-14 R), 5.1 - 8 du/ac Residential (5.1-8R) R-1, Mobilehome Subdivision and Mobilehome Park (R-T) Single-family residential West 2.1-5R, OS-R R-1 Vacant land, Single- family residential 9.2.c Packet Pg. 92 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 4 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 10. Other public agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, financing approval, or participation agreement): Based on the current Project design concept, other permits necessary to realize the proposal will likely include, but are not limited to, the following. • Permitting required under Clean Water Act Section 402 administered by the State Water Quality Control Board (SWQCB) pursuant to requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for construction stormwater runoff; 9.2.c Packet Pg. 93 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 5 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 1: Project Vicinity 9.2.c Packet Pg. 94 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 6 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 2: Project Location 9.2.c Packet Pg. 95 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 7 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Figure 3: Site Plan Concept 9.2.c Packet Pg. 96 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 8 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation/Traffic Cultural Resources Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Less than Significant” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance The environmental factors checked below (x) would have “No Impact” by this project as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population and Housing Agriculture Resources Hazards & Hazardous Materials Public Services Air Quality Hydrology/Water Quality Recreation Biological Resources Land Use/Planning Transportation Cultural Resources Energy Geology/Soils Mineral Resources Noise Tribal Cultural Resources Utilities and Service Systems Wildfire Mandatory Findings of Significance 9.2.c Packet Pg. 97 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.c Packet Pg. 98 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 10 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from "Earlier Analyses," as described in (5) below, may be cross-referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. State CEQA Guidelines §15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 9) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 99 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 11 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Issues: I. AESTHETICS – Except as provided in Public Resources Code Section 21099, would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista?     b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway?     c) In non urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality?     d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area?     Sources: Menifee General Plan (MGP) Exhibit C-8, “Scenic Highways” and Riverside County General Plan Figure 5, “Mt. Palomar Nighttime Lighting Policy”; MGP Draft EIR; State of California, Department of Transportation, California State Scenic Highway Mapping System; Ordinance No. 655 (Regulating Light Pollution); City of Menifee Ordinance 2009-24 (Dark Sky) (Menifee Municipal Code 6.01). Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal C-6: Scenic highway corridors that are preserved and protected from change which would diminish the aesthetic value of lands adjacent to the designated routes. Policy C-6.1: Design developments within designated scenic highway corridors to balance the objectives of maintaining scenic resources with accommodating compatible land uses. Policy C-6.4: Incorporate riding, hiking, and bicycle trails and other compatible public recreational facilities within scenic corridors. Policy C-6.5: Ensure that the design and appearance of new landscaping, structures, equipment, signs, or grading within eligible county scenic highway corridors are compatible with the surrounding scenic setting or environment. Goal CD-3: Projects, developments, and public spaces that visually enhance the character of the community and are appropriately buffered from dissimilar land uses so that differences in type and intensity do not conflict. Policy CD-3.1: Preserve positive characteristics and unique features of a site during the design and development of a new project; the relationship to scale and character of adjacent uses should be considered. Policy CD-3.2: Maintain and incorporate the City's natural amenities, including its hillsides, indigenous vegetation, and rock outcroppings, within proposed projects. Policy CD-3.3: Minimize visual impacts of public and private facilities and support structures through 9.2.c Packet Pg. 100 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 12 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 sensitive site design and construction. This includes, but is not limited to: appropriate placement of facilities; undergrounding, where possible; and aesthetic design (e.g., cell tower stealthing). Policy CD-3.7: Consider including public art at key gateways, major projects, and public gathering places. Policy CD-3.8: Design retention/detention basins to be visually attractive and well-integrated with any associated project and with adjacent land uses. Policy CD-3.10: Employ design strategies and building materials that evoke a sense of quality and permanence. Policy CD-3.12: Utilize differing but complementary forms of architectural styles and designs that incorporate representative characteristics of a given area. Policy CD-3.13: Utilize architectural design features (e.g., windows, columns, offset roof planes, etc.) to vertically and horizontally articulate elevations in the front and rear of residential buildings. Policy CD-3.14: Provide variations in color, texture, materials, articulation, and architectural treatments. Avoid long expanses of blank, monotonous walls or fences. Policy CD-3.15: Require property owners to maintain structures and landscaping to high standards of design, health, and safety. Policy CD-3.17: Encourage the use of creative landscape design to create visual interest and reduce conflicts between different land uses. Policy CD-3.18: Require setbacks and other design elements to buffer residential units to the extent possible from the impacts of abutting roadway, commercial, agricultural, and industrial uses. Policy CD-3.19: Design walls and fences that are well integrated in style with adjacent structures and terrain and utilize landscaping and vegetation materials to soften their appearance. Policy CD-3.20: Avoid the blocking of public views by solid walls. Policy CD-3.21: Use open space, greenways, recreational lands, and water courses as community separators. Policy CD-3.22: Incorporate visual buffers, including landscaping, equipment and storage area screening, and roof treatments, on properties abutting either Interstate 215 or residentially designated property. Goal CD-4: Recognize, preserve, and enhance the aesthetic value of the City's enhanced landscape corridors and scenic corridors. Policy CD-4.1: Create unifying streetscape elements for enhanced landscape streets, including coordinated streetlights, landscaping, public signage, street furniture, and hardscaping. Policy CD-4.2: Design new and, when necessary, retrofit existing streets to improve walkability, bicycling, and transit integration; strengthen connectivity; and enhance community identity through improvements to the public right-of-way such as sidewalks, street trees, parkways, curbs, street lighting, and street furniture. Policy CD-4.3: Apply special paving at major intersections and crosswalks along enhanced corridors to create a visual focal point and slow traffic speeds. Policy CD-4.4: Frame views along streets through the use of wide parkways and median landscaping. Policy CD-4.5: Orient new streets to maximize the view of open space, parks, mountains, and built 9.2.c Packet Pg. 101 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 13 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 landmarks where possible. Policy CD-4.6: Prohibit outdoor advertising devices (billboards, but not on-site signs identifying a business on the same property as the sign) within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way line of all scenic corridors as depicted on Circulation Element Exhibit C-8 and the entire length of I-215; City Community Information Signs or other City-sponsored signs are not subject to this requirement. Policy CD-4.7: Design new landscaping, structures, equipment, signs, or grading within the scenic corridors for compatibility with the surrounding scenic setting or environment. Policy CD-4.8: Preserve and enhance view corridors by undergrounding and/or screening new or relocated electric or communication distribution lines, which would be visible from the City's scenic highway corridors. Policy CD-4.9: Require specialized design review for development along scenic corridors, including but not limited to, building height restrictions, setback requirements, and site-orientation guidelines. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact I.a) Less Than Significant Impact. Under CEQA, a scenic vista is defined as a viewpoint that provides expansive views of a highly-valued landscape for the public’s benefit. Scenic vistas can be impacted by development in two ways. First, a structure may be constructed that blocks the view of a vista. Second, the vista itself may be altered (i.e., development on a scenic hillside). Menifee’s natural mountainous setting is critical to its overall visual character, and provides scenic vistas for the community. Topography and a lack of dense vegetation or urban development offer scenic views throughout the City, including to and from hillside areas. Scenic features include gently sloping alluvial fans, rugged mountains and steep slopes, mountain peaks and ridges, rounded hills with boulder outcrops, farmland and open space. Scenic vistas provide views of these features from public spaces. Many scenic resources are outside the City limits and beyond the planning area boundary. Scenic views from Menifee include: the San Jacinto Mountains to the northeast and east, the San Bernardino Mountains to the north, the San Gabriel Mountains to the northwest, and the Santa Ana Mountains to the west and southwest. The Canyon Lake Reservoir is adjacent to the City’s western boundary. The project site is a vacant lot bounded by McLaughlin Road to the north, vacant property to the south, Barnett Road to the east, and Evans Road to the west. The project site is not considered to be within or to comprise a portion of a scenic vista. While the project would construct new single-family residential structures on a site that is currently vacant, the structures would be similar to the residential uses directly south, east, and west of the project site. As such, the project would not introduce a new visual obstacle to an existing scenic vista. Therefore, the proposed project would have a less than significant impact on scenic vistas. Impact I.b): Less Than Significant Impact. While the project is not adjacent to an officially designated state scenic highway, it is located approximately 0.3 mile west of an eligible state scenic highway (I-215) as identified on the California Scenic Highway Mapping System and the Menifee General Plan. However, an existing residential neighborhood is located directly in between the I-215 and the project site. Further, the project site is within a suburbanized area comprised of residential neighborhoods and vacant land, as well as surface street features, and does not contain significant trees, rock outcroppings, or historical buildings. Therefore, the project would not substantially damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway and no mitigation would be required. Impact I.c): Less Than Significant Impact. Given that the project site is located in a non-urbanized area, the proposed project could result in a significant impact if it would substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the project site and its surroundings. Degradation of visual character or quality is defined by substantial changes to the existing site appearance through construction of structures such that they are poorly designed or conflict with the site’s existing surroundings. The project’s construction-related activities would result in short-term impacts to the area’s visual character 9.2.c Packet Pg. 102 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 14 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 and quality. Construction activities would require the use of equipment and storage of materials within the project site. However, construction activities are temporary and would not result in any permanent visual impact. While the project site is currently vacant and undeveloped, the area surrounding the project site generally comprises residential land uses and vacant land. Surrounding land uses include residential to the east, west and south. Vacant/fallow agricultural lands are to the north. Upon completion, the proposed project would include the subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single- family residential lots with a minimum size of 7,200 SF and two (2) lettered lots including Lot A-WQMP Basin and Lot B-Park. The project would also include landscaping improvements. While the project site’s existing visual quality would change by incorporating residential uses and new improvements, this would not degrade the existing visual character, site quality, or surroundings. The site’s visual character would be altered; however, the project would not become visually incompatible or visually unexpected when viewed in the context of its surroundings. Moreover, the project would be subject to compliance with City design guidelines and applicable development standards. Therefore, the proposed project would have a less than significant impact on the site’s visual character and its surroundings and no mitigation is required. Impact I.d): Less Than Significant Impact. Excessive or inappropriately directed lighting can adversely impact nighttime views by reducing the ability to see the night sky and stars. Glare can be caused from unshielded or misdirected lighting sources. Reflective surfaces (i.e., polished metal) can also cause glare. Impacts associated with glare range from simple nuisance to potentially dangerous situations (i.e., if glare is directed into the eyes of motorists). Existing outdoor lighting at and near the project site is associated with residential and street lighting typical of suburban areas. The proposed project would generate lighting from two primary sources: lighting from building interiors that would pass through windows, and lighting from exterior sources (e.g., street lighting, parking lot lighting, building illumination, security lighting, and landscape lighting). Lighting associated with the project would not be directed towards adjacent properties. MMC Chapter 6.01 (Dark Sky; Light Pollution) indicates that low-pressure sodium lamps are the preferred illuminating source and that all non-exempt outdoor light fixtures shall be shielded. A maximum of 8,100 total lumens per acre or per parcel if less than one acre would be allowed. When lighting is “allowed”, it must be fully shielded if feasible and partially shielded in all other cases, and must be focused to minimize spill light into the night sky and onto adjacent properties (MMC §6.01.040). The project would be conditioned that, prior to the issuance of building permits, all new construction which introduces light sources would be required to have shielding or other light pollution limiting characteristics such as hood or lumen restrictions for consistency with Menifee Municipal Code 6.01. The MGP Community Design Element includes goals that encourage attractive landscaping, lighting, and signage that conveys the community’s (Goal CD-6) positive image and that limit light leakage and spillage that may interfere with the Palomar Observatory operations (Goal CD-6.5). Lighting proposed by the project would be subject to compliance with MMC §6.01 and MGP goals and policies. Accordingly, the project would have a less than significant impact on interfering with Mt. Palomar Observatory nighttime use. Further, the City would also review new lighting for conformance with the 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) (CCR Title 24 Part 11) such that only the minimum amount of lighting is used, and no light spillage occurs. Buildings with large facades constructed of reflective surfaces (e.g., brightly colored building façades, metal surfaces, and reflective glass) could increase existing levels of daytime glare. The project’s proposed design does not include such surfaces or components. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant impact concerning a new source of glare and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 103 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 15 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 II. AGRICULTURE AND FOREST RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland, are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to information compiled by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the state’s inventory of forest land, including the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy Assessment project; and forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Would the Project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use?     b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract?     c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code §12220(g)), timberland (as defined in Public Resources Code section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined in Government Code §51104(g))?     d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use?     e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use?     Sources: State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. Riverside County Important Farmland 2016, Sheet 1 of 3, map published July 2017. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-6: High-value agricultural lands available for long-term agricultural production in limited areas of the City. Policy OSC-6.1: Protect both existing farms and sensitive uses around them as agricultural acres transition to more developed land uses. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact II.a): Less Than Significant Impact. The project site does not contain any Prime Farmland or Unique Farmland, as mapped by the California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping and Monitoring 9.2.c Packet Pg. 104 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 16 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Program (FMMP).i However, the project site is designated as Farmland of Statewide Importance by the FMMP. However, the project site is currently zoned One-Family Dwellings (R-1) and designated as 2.1-5 dwelling units/acre Residential (2.1-5 R). Thus, the project site was identified as appropriate for development by the City and the conversion of farmland on site was analyzed by the City’s General Plan EIR, which found the conversion to be a significant impact. Considering the small size of the area mapped as farmland and the economic and regulatory constraints on agriculture in western Riverside County, along with the currently approved Specific Plans and individual projects throughout the City, it is unlikely that the project site would re- establish agricultural production even without implementation of the project. Therefore, the project’s impacts concerning farmland conversion would be less than significant. Impacts II.b-c): No Impact. The project site is zoned One-Family Dwellings (R-1) and is not under a Williamson Act Contract. The project site is not zoned for agricultural use or forestland; therefore, the project would not conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or forestland, or a Williamson Act contract. Impact II.d): No Impact. The project site and surrounding properties are not currently being managed or used for forest land; therefore, the project would not result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use. Impact II.e): No Impact. Surrounding land uses include residential to the east, west., and south. Vacant/fallow agricultural lands are to the immediate south and north. The surrounding zoning is Rural Residential (R-R) to the north, One-Family Dwellings (R-1) to the south, R-1 and Mobilehome Subdivision and Mobilehome Park (R-T) to the east, and R-1 to the west. Forest land are not present in the area surrounding the project site. Based upon historical records, the project site and surrounding areas were historically used for agricultural/dry farming uses. However, according to the General Plan EIR and historical aerial images, the project site is not currently used for agricultural uses and the residential uses surrounding the project site have existed since at least 2002. The project would not divide any agricultural parcels or impede access to any agricultural parcels, and would therefore not cause indirect conversion of farmland to non-agricultural use. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. III. AIR QUALITY -- Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan?     b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard?     c) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations?     d) Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people?     Sources: South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, 1993; Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR; and Air Quality Assessment Garrett Menifee (Tract 37400) Residential Development (Ldn Consulting, Inc, February 2019); see Appendix A, Air Quality Assessment. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 105 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 17 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Federal, State, and Regional Standards: Appendix A (State and Federal Criteria Pollutant Standards) presents the federal and state standards. Appendix A (SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds) shows the ambient air quality standards for NO2, CO, PM10, and PM2.5. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-9: Reduced impacts to air quality at the local level by minimizing pollution and particulate matter. Policy OSC-9.1: Meet state and federal clean air standards by minimizing particulate matter emissions from construction activities. Policy OSC-9.2: Buffer sensitive land uses, such as residences, schools, care facilities, and recreation areas from major air pollutant emission sources, including freeways, manufacturing, hazardous materials storage, wastewater treatment, and similar uses. Policy OSC-9.3: Comply with regional, state, and federal standards and programs for control of all airborne pollutants and noxious odors, regardless of source. Policy OSC-9.5: Comply with the mandatory requirements of Title 24 Part 11 of the California Building Standards Code (CALGreen) and Title 24 Part 6 Building and Energy Efficiency Standards. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact III.a): Less than Significant Impact. A significant impact would occur if the proposed project would conflict with or obstruct South Coast Air Basin 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) implementation. Conflicts and obstructions that hinder AQMP implementation can delay efforts to meet attainment deadlines for criteria pollutants and maintain existing compliance with applicable air quality standards. Pursuant to the methodology in 1993 SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook Chapter 12, AQMP consistency is affirmed when a project (1) does not increase the frequency or severity of an air quality standards violation or cause a new violation and (2) is consistent with the AQMP’s growth assumptions. Consistency review is presented below. 1. The project would result in short-term construction and long-term operational pollutant emissions that would be less than the SCAQMD’s CEQA significance emissions thresholds, as demonstrated by the project Air Quality Assessment presented in Response III.b-e) below and Appendix A. The project’s short-term construction and long-term operational impacts would be less than significant. Therefore, the project would not increase the frequency or severity of any air quality standards violation or cause a new air quality standard violation and is found to be consistent with the AQMP for the first criterion. 2. The CEQA Air Quality Handbook indicates that consistency with AQMP growth assumptions must be analyzed for new or amended General Plan Elements, Specific Plans, and significant projects. Consistency with AQMP growth assumptions is determined by analyzing the proposed project with AQMP growth assumptions. The emphasis of this criterion is to ensure that the project’s analyses are based on the same forecasts as the AQMP. The MGP Land Use Map depicts the land use assumptions represented in the AQMP. The site’s existing land use designation is 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre – Residential (2.1-5R). As concluded in III.b-e) below, the project would be consistent with the site’s existing land use designations, and thus, the assumptions represented in the AQMP. Significant projects include airports, electrical generating facilities, petroleum and gas refineries, designation of oil drilling districts, water ports, solid waste disposal sites, and offshore drilling facilities. The proposed project is not considered a significant project. Therefore, the project would not exceed the AQMP assumptions for the project site and is found to be consistent with the AQMP for the second criterion. Impacts III.b-d): Less Than Significant Impact. A project may have a significant impact if project-related emissions exceed federal, state, or regional standards or thresholds, or if project-related emissions 9.2.c Packet Pg. 106 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 18 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 substantially contribute to existing or projected air quality violations. The proposed project is located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin), where efforts to attain state and federal air quality standards are governed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Both the State of California (state) and the federal government have established health-based ambient air quality standards (AAQS) for seven air pollutants (known as ‘criteria pollutants’): ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), inhalable particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (PM10), fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5), and lead (Pb). The state has also established AAQS for additional pollutants. The AAQS are designed to protect the health and welfare of the populace within a reasonable margin of safety. Where the state and federal standards differ, California AAQS are more stringent than national AAQS. Air pollution levels are measured at monitoring stations located throughout the air basin. Areas that are in nonattainment concerning federal or state AAQS are required to prepare plans and implement measures to bring the region into attainment. Appendix A Table 2.2 (South Coast Air Basin Attainment Status by Pollutant) summarizes the project area’s attainment status for the criteria pollutants. The project’s short-term construction and long-term operational emissions and their context for subsequently impacting the environment are discussed below. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION Construction‐Related Regional Impacts The construction‐related regional air quality impacts have been analyzed for criteria pollutants. The methodology used to calculate regional construction air emissions is detailed in Appendix A and summarized below. The analysis of the project’s short‐term construction emissions for criteria pollutants is also presented below. Typical emission rates from construction activities were obtained from CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2. The CalEEMod program uses the EMFAC2014 computer program to calculate the emission rates for construction‐related employee vehicle trips and the OFFROAD2014 computer program to calculate emission rates for heavy truck operations. EMFAC2014 and OFFROAD2014 are computer programs generated by CARB that calculates composite emission rates for vehicles. Using CalEEMod, the peak daily air pollutant emissions during each project phase were calculated and presented below. The CalEEMod construction emissions model outputs are provided in Appendix A. The project would be required to comply with existing SCAQMD rules for reduction of fugitive dust emissions. SCAQMD Rule 403 establishes these procedures. Compliance with Rule 403 is achieved through application of standard best management practices in construction and operation activities, such as application of water or chemical stabilizers to disturbed soils, managing haul road dust by application of water, covering haul vehicles, restricting vehicle speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph, sweeping loose dirt from paved site access roadways, cessation of construction activity when winds exceed 25 mph and establishing a permanent, stabilizing ground cover on finished sites. In addition, projects that disturb 50 acres or more of soil or move 5,000 cubic yards (cy) of materials per day are required to submit a Fugitive Dust Control Plan or a Large Operation Notification Form to SCAQMD. Based on the size of the project area (approximately 46.91 acres) a Fugitive Dust Control Plan or Large Operation Notification are not required. Table 1 (Regional Construction‐Related Pollutant Emissions) presents the construction‐related criteria pollutant emissions anticipated during the construction period and indicates that none of the analyzed criteria pollutants would exceed the SCAQMD daily emissions thresholds. Therefore, project construction-related activities would result in a less than significant regional air quality impact during construction. Table1: Regional Construction-Related Pollutant Emissions1 Year Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day) 9.2.c Packet Pg. 107 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 19 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10 (Dust) PM10 (Exhaust) PM10 (Total) PM2.5 (Dust) PM2.5 (Exhaust) PM2.5 (Total) 2019 6.27 20.35 37.61 0.07 18.27 0.09 18.28 9.98 0.08 9.99 2020 6.15 19.54 29.96 0.07 2.92 0.07 2.99 0.78 0.06 0.85 2021 6.04 18.77 29.06 0.07 2.92 0.04 2.96 0.78 0.04 0.82 SCAQMD Thresholds 75 100 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Thresholds? No No No No No No Notes: 1 Source: CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2 2 The Project construction dates were estimated based a hypothetical construction kickoff in early 2019 with grading expected to last about five months. Once all the earthwork is completed, the project would pave the roads and the start building construction. Buildout of the project would be expected in middle to late 2021 as a worst-case assumption. * Mitigated on-site values for fugitive dust used during grading to show compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403. Construction‐Related Local Impacts Construction‐related air emissions could exceed state and federal air quality standards in the localized project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the Basin. The proposed project has been analyzed for the potential local air quality impacts created from: construction‐related fugitive dust and diesel emissions; toxic air contaminants; and construction‐related odor impacts. Local Air Quality Impacts from Construction The SCAQMD has published a “Fact Sheet for Applying CalEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds” (South Coast Air Quality Management District 2011b). CalEEMod calculates construction emissions based on the number of equipment hours and the maximum daily disturbance activity possible for each piece of equipment. To compare CalEEMod reported emissions against the localized significance threshold lookup tables, the CEQA document should contain in its project design features or its mitigation measures the following parameters: 1. The off‐road equipment list (including type of equipment, horsepower, and hours of operation) assumed for the day of construction activity with maximum emissions. 2. The maximum number of acres disturbed on the peak day. 3. Any emission control devices added onto off‐road equipment. 4. Specific dust suppression techniques used on the day of construction activity with maximum emissions. The CalEEMod output sheets included in Appendix A indicate the equipment used for this analysis. The local air quality emissions from construction were analyzed using the SCAQMD’s Mass Rate Localized Significant Threshold Look‐ups and the methodology described in Localized Significance Threshold Methodology, prepared by SCAQMD, revised July 2008. The SCAQMD developed the Look‐up Tables to readily determine if a project’s daily CO, NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 emissions could result in a significant local air quality impact. According to LST Methodology, any receptor located closer than 25 meters (82 feet) shall be based on the 25-meter thresholds. The nearest sensitive receptor to the project site is a neighborhood of single‐family detached residential DUs located adjacent to the site’s eastern property line; therefore, the SCAQMD Look‐up Tables for 25 meters was used. Additionally, the emission thresholds were calculated based on 25-, 50-, 100-, 200- and 500-meter buffers to account for nearby sensitive receptors at the various distances. The project would include Tier IV equipment as a design feature to this project. Table 2 (Unmitigated Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptors) presents the onsite emissions from the CalEEMod model. As indicated in Table 2, none of the analyzed criteria pollutants for the project site would exceed the SCAQMD local emissions thresholds at the nearest sensitive receptors. Therefore, project 9.2.c Packet Pg. 108 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 20 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 construction-related activities would result in a less than significant local air quality impact. In Table 2 below, the PM10 line item is also addressing PM2.5 as the less than significant threshold for PM2.5 is the same as PM10 (10.4 micrograms per cubic meter). In regards to PM2.5, impacts would be less than significant as all modeled concentrations are below the 10.4 micrograms per cubic meter less than significant threshold. In regards to CO, the emissions in Table 4.1 of the approved Air Quality report (37.61 pounds per day max) are substantially below the SCAQMD less than significant threshold for a 5-acre site in Source Receptor Area 24 (1,577 pounds per day at a distance of 25 meters). Therefore, he project would not result in significant local CO concentrations during construction. Table 2: Unmitigated Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptors Pollutant Averaging Time Threshold Background Ambient Air Quality Data LST (µg/m3 ) Project Contribution (µg/m3) Sig? Data (µg/m3) 25 (m) 50 (m) 100 (m) 200 (m) 500 (m) NOx 1 Hour 0.18 ppm (339 µg/m3) 0.051 ppm 96.9 245.1 49 43 27 21 10 No PM10 24 Hour 10.4 µg/m3) 134.1 µg/m3) 134.1 10.4 3.1 2.7 1.8 0.97 0.30 No Source: Calculated from CalEEMod 2016.3.2 Construction‐Related Toxic Air Contaminant Impacts The greatest potential for toxic air contaminant emissions would be related to diesel particulate emissions associated with heavy equipment operations during project construction. According to SCAQMD methodology, health effects from carcinogenic air toxics are usually described in terms of “Individual Cancer Risk.” Individual Cancer Risk is the likelihood that a person exposed to concentrations of toxic air contaminants over a 30-year lifetime will contract cancer, based on the use of standard risk‐assessment methodology. Given the relatively limited number of heavy‐duty construction equipment and relatively short construction schedule, the proposed project would not result in a long‐term (i.e., 30 years) substantial source of toxic air contaminant emissions and corresponding individual cancer risk (Appendix A). Further, construction‐based particulate matter (PM) emissions (including diesel exhaust emissions) would not exceed any local or regional thresholds. Therefore, project construction activities would not result in significant short‐term toxic air contaminant impacts. Construction‐Related Odor Impacts Potential sources that may emit odors during construction activities include the application of materials such as asphalt pavement. The objectionable odors that may be produced during the construction process are short‐term and the odor emissions would cease upon the drying or hardening of the odor-producing materials. Due to the relatively short‐term nature of project construction activities and limited amounts of odor-producing materials being utilized, the project would result in a less than significant impact concerning construction- related odors. Additionally, project construction activities would emit diesel exhaust and VOCs, which are objectionable to some; however, emissions would disperse rapidly from the project site and therefore would not reach an objectionable level at the nearest sensitive receptors. A less than significant impact would occur in this regard. LONG-TERM OPERATIONS Long-term project operations would result in a long‐term increase in air quality emissions. Increased emissions would be due to project‐generated vehicle trips and on‐going use of the proposed project. Following is an analysis of potential long‐term operational air quality impacts. Operational Regional Impacts 9.2.c Packet Pg. 109 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 21 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 The project’s potential operational air emissions have been analyzed below for the criteria pollutants and cumulative impacts. Operations‐Related Criteria Pollutant Analysis The project’s operational criteria air quality impacts have been analyzed using the CalEEMod model. The operational emissions were based on the project becoming operational in year 2021. The operational daily emissions CalEEMod model outputs are provided in Appendix A. The CalEEMod analysis presented below addresses operational emissions from mobile sources, area sources, and energy usage. Mobile Sources. Mobile sources include emissions from the additional vehicle miles generated from the proposed project. The vehicle trips associated with the project have been analyzed based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition (2017) trip generation rates. The trip generation rate for single‐family detached residential DUs is 9.44 trips per DU per day. CalEEMod then applies the emission factors for each trip, which is provided by the EMFAC2014 model to determine the vehicular traffic pollutant emissions. The CalEEMod default trip lengths were used in this analysis. Area Sources. Area sources include emissions from consumer products, landscape equipment, and architectural coatings. Landscape maintenance includes fuel combustion emissions from equipment such as lawn mowers, rototillers, shredders/grinders, blowers, trimmers, chainsaws, and hedge trimmers, as well as air compressors, generators, and pumps. As landscaping equipment fleet specifics were unknown, CalEEMod defaults were used to estimate emissions from landscaping equipment. Energy Usage. Energy usage includes emissions from the generation of electricity and natural gas used on‐site. No changes were made to the CalEEMod default energy use parameters. Project Impacts. Table 3 (Regional Operational Pollutant Emissions) presents the project’s long-term operational worst‐case summer/winter criteria pollutant emissions for all phases and indicates that none of the phases would exceed SCAQMD regional thresholds. Therefore, long-term project operations would result in a less than significant regional air quality impact. The February 11, 2019 approved Air Quality Assessment Report indicated that Summer VOC thresholds would be exceeded, in error. The ROG emissions numbers provided in the approved report, 10.65 pounds per day in the summer, do not exceed SCAQMD’s regional significance threshold of 55 pounds per day and therefore, the report should have reflected this. Table 3, below, has updated this information for accuracy purposes. Impacts remain less than significant. Table 3: Regional Operational Pollutant Emissions Activity Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day) VOC NOx CO SO2 PM10 PM2.5 Summer Scenario Area Sources2 7.61 2.76 15.49 0.02 0.29 0.29 Energy Usage3 0.12 1.03 0.44 0.01 0.08 0.08 Mobile Sources4 2.92 19.99 27.80 0.11 7.89 2.16 Total Emissions 10.65 23.78 43.73 0.14 8.26 2.53 SCAQMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No No No Winter Scenario Area Sources2 7.61 2.76 15.49 0.02 0.29 0.29 Energy Usage3 0.12 1.03 0.44 0.01 0.08 0.08 Mobile Sources4 2.45 19.84 24.82 0.10 7.89 2.16 Total Emissions 10.18 23.64 40.75 0.13 8.26 2.53 9.2.c Packet Pg. 110 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 22 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No No No Notes: Daily pollutant generation assumes trip distances within CALLEEMOD 2016.3.2 1 Source: CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2 2 Area sources consist of emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscaping equipment. 3 Energy usage consists of emissions from generation of electricity and on-site natural gas usage. 4 Mobile sources consist of emissions from vehicles and road dust. Cumulative Regional Air Quality Impacts Cumulative projects include local development as well as general growth within the project area. However, as with most development, the greatest source of emissions is from mobile sources, which travel well out of the local area. Therefore, concerning air quality, the cumulative analysis would extend beyond any local projects, and when wind patterns are considered, would cover an even larger area. Accordingly, the cumulative analysis for the project’s air quality must be generic in nature. The project area is non- attainment for both ozone and particulate matter (PM‐10 and PM‐2.5). Cumulative projects construction and operational activities would further degrade the local air quality, as well as the Basin’s air quality. The greatest cumulative impact on regional air cell quality would be the incremental addition of pollutants mainly from increased traffic associated with residential, commercial, and industrial development, and use of heavy equipment/trucks associated with construction of these projects. Air quality would be temporarily degraded during construction activities that occur separately or simultaneously. However, in accordance with the SCAQMD methodology, projects that do not exceed the SCAQMD criteria or can be mitigated to less than criteria levels are not significant and do not add to the overall cumulative impact. Concerning long‐term emissions, the project would result in a less than significant cumulative impact. The proposed Project has a General Plan designation of 2.1-5 Residential and has a design density of 3.71 units per acre. Based on this, the proposed project is consistent with the City’s General Plan. Since the proposed project would be expected to generate less traffic than the maximum buildout assumed in in the project zoning which is 5 units per acre and since no direct impacts are expected, the proposed project would be consistent with the SIP and local AQMP. Given this, less than significant cumulative operational impacts would be expected. Operational Local Impacts Project‐related air emissions could exceed state and federal air quality standards in the project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the Basin. The proposed project has been analyzed for the potential local CO emission impacts from the project‐related vehicular trips and from the potential local air quality impacts from onsite operations. An analysis of the vehicular CO emissions, local impacts from on‐site operations, and odor impacts is presented below. Local CO Emission Impacts from Project‐Generated Vehicular Trips CO is the pollutant of major concern along roadways because the most notable source of CO is motor vehicles. For this reason, CO concentrations are usually indicative of the local air quality generated by a roadway network and are used as an indicator of potential local air quality impacts. Local air quality impacts can be assessed by comparing future without and with project CO levels to the state and federal CO standards. To determine if the proposed project could cause emission levels in excess of the CO standards, a sensitivity analysis is typically conducted to determine the potential for CO “hot spots” at a number of intersections in the general project vicinity. Because of reduced speeds and vehicle queuing, hot spots can potentially occur at high traffic volume intersections with a Level of Service E or worse. The project would not create sufficient traffic to warrant a traffic impact analysis; therefore no CO hot spot modeling was not necessary. Therefore, long-term project operations would result in a less than significant impact to local air quality. Local Air Quality Impacts from On‐Site Operations 9.2.c Packet Pg. 111 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 23 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Project‐related air emissions from on‐site sources such as architectural coatings, landscaping equipment, on‐site usage of natural gas appliances, and operations of vehicles on‐site could exceed state and federal air quality standards in the project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the Basin. The nearest sensitive receptors to the project site that could be impacted by the project are the residential land uses immediately east of the project site. According to SCAQMD LST methodology, LSTs would apply to a project’s operational phase if the project includes stationary sources or attracts mobile sources (such as heavy‐duty trucks) that could spend long periods queuing and idling at the site (e.g., industrial warehouse/transfer facilities). The proposed project consists of residential uses and does not include such uses. Therefore, because the project would not generate stationary source emissions, no long‐term localized significance threshold analysis is warranted. Operations‐Related Odor Impacts The SCAQMD recommends that odor impacts be addressed in a qualitative manner. Such an analysis shall determine whether a project would result in excessive nuisance odors, as defined under the California Code of Regulations and Section 41700 of the California Health and Safety Code, and thus would constitute a public nuisance related to air quality. Land uses typically associated with odors include wastewater treatment facilities, waste‐disposal facilities, or agricultural operations. The project does not involve land uses typically associated with emitting objectionable odors, therefore, no impact would occur in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No project specific mitigation is required. However, the project would be required to implement standard air quality regulations and mitigation pursuant to State CEQA requirements. Such measures include compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, which requires daily watering to limit dust and particulate matter emissions. IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?     b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service?     c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means?     9.2.c Packet Pg. 112 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 24 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites?     e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance?     f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR; Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency, Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), Approved June 7, 2003; U.S. FWS Threatened and Endangered Species Active Critical Habitat Report, Updated May 2019; and Biological Resources Letter Report for the Menifee 157 Project (REC Consultants Inc, September 7, 2018) included in Appendix B. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-8: Protected biological resources, especially sensitive and special status wildlife species and their natural habitats. Policy OSC-8.1: Work to implement the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan in coordination with the Regional Conservation Authority. Policy OSC-8.2: Support local and regional efforts to evaluate, acquire, and protect natural habitats for sensitive, threatened, and endangered species occurring in and around the City. Policy OSC-8.4: Identify and inventory existing natural resources in the City of Menifee. Policy OSC-8.5: Recognize the impacts new development will have on the City's natural resources and identify ways to reduce these impacts. Policy OSC-8.8: Implement and follow MSHCP goals and policies when making discretionary actions pursuant to Section 13 of the Implementing Agreement. Existing Conditions: The project site is vacant agricultural lands with no visual signs of structures. The site topography is relatively flat with elevations ranging from approximately 1,425 to 1,430 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) over an approximately 47 acre area. Surrounding land uses include residential to the south, east, and west of the project site. Vacant/fallow agricultural lands are to the north. The project site contains two habitat types: agricultural land, and developed/disturbed areas. However, the project site is not currently used for agricultural uses and the residential uses surrounding the project site have existed since at least 2002. Grassland habitat exists offsite in areas that have not been recently tilled, developed or otherwise disturbed and are comprised of largely non-native species. Refer to the Biological Resources Letter Report (BLRP) Page 4 and Figure 4, included in Appendix B of this ISMND for detailed discussion and illustration of habitat types. According to the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB), a total of 67 sensitive plant species and 53 sensitive wildlife species have the potential to occur within the project’s U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5’ 9.2.c Packet Pg. 113 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 25 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 quadrangle. All habitats with the potential to be used by sensitive species were evaluated during the site visit and the BLRP includes a determination concerning the presence or probability of presence. Those species listed as Candidate, Rare, Threatened, or Endangered under the state and federal endangered species laws or directed to be evaluated under the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) are discussed in detail in BLRP Pages 5-8 and Attachment D and summarized below. A complete list of plant and wildlife species observed on the project site is also provided in the BLRP Attachments A and B of Appendix B of this ISMND, respectively. The project is not located within federally designated critical habitat. The nearest designated critical habitat is for the coastal California gnatcatcher and occurs approximately 1.6 miles west of the project site. The site is located within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) boundary, but not in a Criteria Cell. The MSHCP is a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional Habitat Conservation Plan intended to conserve species and their habitats while allowing the County and its cities to better control local land use and more efficiently implement requirements of the State and federal Endangered Species Acts. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact IV.a): Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. Project implementation would result in impacts to approximately 46.7 acres of agricultural land and 0.6 acre of disturbed/developed land; see BLRP Figure 5. SENSITIVE SPECIES A total of 67 plant species are listed as state and/or federal Threatened, Endangered, or Candidate species, required to be reviewed under the Narrow Endemic Plant section of the Western Riverside MSHCP, included in 1B.1 listed plants on the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory, or found to have a potential to exist on the project site or in the Project’s USGS 7.5’ quadrangle. These species are described in detail in BLRP Attachment C. Due to the lack of suitable habitat and/or soils at the site, these 67 species were found to either have low or no potential to occur onsite. No sensitive plant species were observed on the project site. Areas with vegetation consist primarily of non-native species or species tolerant of disturbed areas. A total of 53 wildlife species listed as state and/or federal Threatened, Endangered, or Candidate or that are for special consideration under the Western Riverside County MSHCP are described in detail in BLRP Attachment D. Of the 53 wildlife species with potential to occur in the vicinity, three sensitive wildlife species were observed onsite: burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris actia), and prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus). The remaining species had only moderate, low, or no potential to occur on site due to lack of suitable habitat, or presence of only marginally suitable habitat on site. Project implementation could significantly impact habitat areas where sensitive plant and wildlife species exist. Additionally, the project could result in a “take” of one of the special status species. Development of the site would result in the loss of burrowing owl foraging habitat, California horned lark, and prairie falcon foraging habitat, in addition to potentially impacting one BUOW burrow observed approximately 100 feet west of the site. Objective 5 of the MSHCP Volume 2, identifies mitigation requirements for BUOWs based on project site size and whether it is within a Criteria Area identified by the MSHCP. Under this Objective, passive or active relocation of a BUOW is suitable mitigation for sites that are part of an area supporting less than 35 acres of suitable habitat or a BUOW survey reveals that the site and surrounding area supports fewer than 3 pairs of BUOWs. While the project site is greater than 35 acres, only a single BUOW was observed. It should be noted that this BUOW was found approximately 100 feet west of the site. However, the BUOW is anticipated to forage on the project site. Due to the adjacency to the site and potential disturbance during construction, passive or active relocation of the BUOW will be required to reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Western Riverside MSHCP Covered Species. All 3 of the sensitive species that were observed onsite and 9.2.c Packet Pg. 114 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 26 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 would be impacted by the project are covered by the Western Riverside MSHCP. Species covered by the MSHCP are considered adequately conserved. The MSHCP incorporates features that would minimize impacts to sensitive species. The MSHCP assembles a Reserve Area that incorporates substantial acreages of suitable habitat and known locations in a configuration that provides live-in and linkage habitat for a number of covered species. Also, it is City policy (i.e., Policy OSC-8.8) to implement and follow MSHCP goals and policies when making discretionary actions. Compliance with Menifee’s Local Development Mitigation Fee Ordinance (i.e., payment of the mitigation fee) would provide full mitigation under CEQA for impacts to MSHCP-covered species and habitats pursuant to agreements with the USFWS and CDFW. The project site is not located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP Narrow Endemic Plant Species Survey Area (NEPSSA), Criteria Area Plant Species Survey Area (CAPSSA), or additional survey areas for amphibians, survey areas for mammals, or any special linkage areas. Therefore, survey requirements for these areas are not applicable to the project; see also Response IV.f below. However, the project site is located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP BUOW survey area. In compliance with this survey requirement, a Western Riverside County MSHCP burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) survey was conducted and is summarized in the BLRP. The survey determined that the project site provides suitable burrows/nesting opportunities. One individual BUOW was observed at its burrow approximately 100 feet west of the project site during a biological survey, and is expected to forage on the site. Mitigation Measure BIO-1 requires that an MSHCP preconstruction survey be conducted within 30 days prior to the start of any ground disturbing activities to reevaluate the locations of active BUOW burrows located adjacent to or within the project limits and avoid direct take of BUOW (MSHCP Species Specific Objective 6). If the 30-day pre-construction BUOW survey finds BUOWs on the site, CDFW and USFWS would be notified and a BUOW Protection and Relocation Plan would be prepared. Following compliance with BIO-1, the project would result in less than significant impacts to BUOW. Species Not Covered by the Western Riverside MSHCP. As identified in the BLRP there is potential or known occurrences of raptors near the project site; red-tailed hawk was observed at the site and a nest was located in the vicinity. The project area provides suitable raptor foraging habitat that would be directly impacted due to development of the site. For the red-tailed hawk and other raptor species that may occur on the project site, but are not covered by the Western Riverside MSHCP, a pre-construction survey would be completed to avoid impacts to nesting birds and raptors. Therefore, compliance with BIO-2, which requires a preconstruction survey to identify presence of nesting birds and raptors, would reduce potential impacts to non-covered species to less than significant. CRITICAL HABITAT The project is not located within federally designated critical habitat. Therefore, no impact to critical habitat would occur. Impacts IV.b-c): Less Than Significant. RIPARIAN HABITATS AND JURISDICTIONAL WATERS The project area consists of vacant agricultural land and developed areas surrounding the site. No wetlands, riparian or riverine habitat, or potential vernal pool areas were observed onsite. No state or federal jurisdictional waters or streambeds were found onsite. The tilled soil has no potential to support riparian, riverine, vernal pool, or any other type of wetland habitat and the project area does not support topography such as depressions, road ruts, or similar that could retain water for a sufficient period of time to support fairy shrimp, amphibians, vernal pool endemics, or other water-dependent species. The project is not near any aquatic resource, so fairy shrimp cysts or similar are very unlikely to wash onto project site. Given the absence of jurisdictional waters, state or federally protected wetlands and vernal pools, less than significant impacts will occur. Impact IV.d): Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. The project area was evaluated for its 9.2.c Packet Pg. 115 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 27 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 function as a wildlife corridor that species would use to move between wildlife habitat zones. Features (e.g., mountain canyons or riparian corridors) typically used by wildlife as corridors are not present in the project area. The project site is located within the Sun Valley/Menifee Valley Area Plan of the Western Riverside County MSHCP. However, the project site is not located within a Criteria Cell or sub-unit of the Sun Valley/Menifee Valley Area Plan. In addition, the project area does not contain mountain canyons or riparian corridors that have the potential to be used by wildlife as corridors. Further, the project area is surrounded by human activity in the form of residences, agricultural uses, and roadways. No wildlife movement corridors were found to be present on the project site and no impact would occur in this regard. The project would result in removal of vegetation with potential to support nesting migratory birds that are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and California Fish and Game Code (CFGC). Under MBTA provisions, it is unlawful “by any means or manner to pursue, hunt, take, capture (or) kill” any migratory birds except as permitted by regulations issued by the USFWS. The term “take” is defined by USFWS regulation to mean to “pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect” any migratory bird or any part, nest or egg of any migratory bird covered by the conventions, or to attempt those activities. In addition, the CFGC extends protection to non‐migratory birds identified as resident game birds (CFGC §3500) and any birds in the orders Falconiformes or Strigiformes (birds‐of‐prey) (CFGC §3503). The project site would not support tree- and shrub-nesting species, but ground-nesting species could nest onsite during the nesting bird season of February 1 through September 15. Therefore, if ground disturbance would occur between February 1 and September 15, the project could impact ground-nesting birds. To address potential impacts to nesting migratory birds, the project would be subject to compliance with mitigation measure BIO-2, which addresses construction activities within the nesting season. Following compliance with BIO-2, the project’s potential impacts to nesting migratory birds would be less than significant. Impact IV.e): No Impact. Vegetation onsite is limited to grassland species and ruderal species. There are no trees onsite that are considered Heritage Trees as defined in the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance (MMC §9.86.110). Therefore, the project would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance. No impact would occur in this regard. Impact IV.f): Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The project area is located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP boundaries. An analysis was conducted and summarized in the BLRP that determined the project is consistent with the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The project site is located within the Sun City/Menifee Valley Area Plan of the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The project site is not located within a Criteria Cell or Subunit. The nearest Criteria Cell is approximately 1.6 miles to the northwest. Onsite vegetation was mapped and, except for a narrow fringe of disturbed/developed land along the eastern edge of the site, the remaining area is agricultural land. MSHCP Section 6.1.2 Species Associated With Riparian/Riverine Habitat and Vernal Pools. Refer to Response IV.b-c above. The site contains no riparian/riverine or vernal pool habitat. The agricultural lands do not support hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, depressions or other topographic features that suggest riparian, vernal pool, or other wetland habitat could occur onsite. MSHCP Section 6.1.3 Sensitive Plant Species. The project site is not located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP NEPSSA pursuant to MSHCP Section 6.1.3. Therefore, the NEPSSA requirements are not applicable to the project and the project is consistent with the Western Riverside County MSHCP narrow endemic plant species policies. MSHCP Section 6.3.2 Additional Surveys and Procedures. The project site is not located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP CAPSSA pursuant to MSHCP Section 6.3.2; therefore, the CAPSSA requirements are not applicable to the project. Additionally, the project site is not located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP Additional survey areas for amphibians, survey areas for mammals, or any special linkage areas; however, the project site is located within the Western Riverside County MSHCP BUOW survey area 9.2.c Packet Pg. 116 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 28 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 and a survey was completed and is summarized in Appendix B; see Response Response IV.a above. Overall, the project would not conflict with the relevant provisions of the Western Riverside County MSHCP and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard with implementation of Mitigation Measures BIO-1 and BIO-2. Mitigation Measures: BIO-1 Burrowing Owl. Pursuant to Objective 6 and Objective 7 of the Species Account for the Burrowing Owl included in the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a pre-construction presence/absence survey for the burrowing owl shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and the results of this presence/absence survey shall be provided in writing to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. As long as there are fewer than 3 pairs of burrowing owls on or adjacent to the Site, passive or active relocation of the burrowing owls will occur prior to ground-disturbing activities onsite and follow standard protocols. If 3 or more pairs of burrowing owls are detected on or adjacent to the Site, the City and County will be contacted immediately to discuss appropriate actions. If construction must occur during the avian breeding season, pre-construction surveys shall be performed by a qualified biologist within 10 calendar days prior to the start of work to determine the presence or absence of nesting birds within 300 feet (500 feet for special-status species and raptors) of the impact area. If nesting birds are detected, the City, County, and Wildlife Agencies shall be contacted to discuss the potential impact minimization measures to be implemented. If construction and/or disturbance of the site is suspended for a period of days (30) days or more, a new survey shall be required. If the 30-day pre-construction burrowing owl survey finds burrowing owls on the site, the project biologist shall notify CDFW and USFWS within two business days of discovering the occupied burrows, and shall subsequently prepare a Burrowing Owl Protection and Relocation Plan for review and approval by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) prior to initiating any ground-disturbing activities (including disking and mowing, among others). BIO-2 Nesting Birds. To avoid impacting nesting birds, one of the following must be implemented: Conduct grading activities from September 16th through January 31st, when birds are not likely to be nesting on the site; OR Conduct pre-construction surveys for nesting birds if construction is to take place during the nesting season (February 1st through September 15th). A qualified wildlife biologist shall conduct a pre- construction nest survey no more than 10 calendar days prior to initiation of grading to provide confirmation of the presence or absence of active nests on or immediately adjacent to the project site. If active nests are encountered, species-specific measures shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and implemented to prevent abandonment of the active nest. At a minimum, grading in the vicinity of the nest shall be deferred until the young birds have fledged. An exclusion buffer of 100 feet, or other suitable buffer determined by the City of Menifee in consultation with applicable agencies, shall be maintained until the nest has successfully fledged, depending on the species and location. Construction personnel and activities shall be restricted within the exclusion buffer area. A survey report by the qualified biologist verifying that (1) no active nests are present prior to the initiation of grading, or (2) that the young have fledged in the nest-setback zone prior to removing the exclusion buffer area. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts on these nests occur. A report of the findings prepared by a qualified biologist shall be submitted to the City prior to ground disturbance and/or issuance of a grading permit. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 117 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 29 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 BIO-3: Landscaping. Project-related landscaping shall not include exotic plan species that may be invasive to native habitats. Invasive exotic plant species not to be used include those listed on the California Invasive Plant Council’s Invasive Plant Inventory and Table 6-2: Plants that should be avoided adjacent to the MSHCP Conservation Area,” found in Section 6.1.4 of the MSHCP. BIO-4: Best Management Practices: Best Management Practices and the SWPPP shall specifically include mandatory measures to prevent any movement of water, soils, or any material from the site into offsite areas. V. CULTURAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource pursuant to § 15064.5?     b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5?         c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR; Riverside County Land Information System; and Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment for The Menifee Tract 37400 Project ,dated September 12, 2018 provided in Appendix C. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-5: Archaeological, historical, and cultural resources that are protected and integrated into the City's built environment. Policy OSC-5.1: Preserve and protect significant archeological, historic, and cultural sites, places, districts, structures, landforms, objects and native burial sites, and other features, such as Ringing Rock and Grandmother Oak, consistent with state law. Policy OSC-5.3: Preserve sacred sites identified by the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, such as tribal burial grounds, by avoiding activities that would negatively impact the sites. Policy OSC-5.5: Establish clear and responsible practices to identify, evaluate, and protect previously unknown archeological, historic, and cultural sites, following CEQA and NEPA procedure. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact V.a): No Impact. The project site is vacant and no buildings are present. Heritage Resources conducted a historical/archaeological resources records search within one mile of the Project, a Sacred Lands File search with the Native American Heritage Commission and contacted Native American representatives, conducted historical background research, and carried out field survey of the entire project area. The Cultural Resource Assessment (CRA) did not identify any historical resources within or adjacent to the project area. A review of previous cultural resource studies conducted in the area found 6 studies that had occurred within a portion of the project area. These prior studies were also negative and did not identify historical or archaeological resources within the project area. Therefore, project implementation would not cause an adverse change in the significance of a historical resource and no impact would occur in this regard. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 118 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 30 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact V.b): Less Than Significant Impact. The CRA study did not encounter any archaeological resources or tribal cultural resources within or adjacent to the project area. Moreover, the study concluded the subsurface sediments the project would impact do not demonstrate a particularly high sensitivity for buried deposits of potentially significant cultural remains. Additionally, the project site has been previously disturbed and at the time the CRM was completed had recently been ripped or disked. While the CRA indicates a low potential for archaeological resources to occur on site, there is a possibility for incidental discovery of archaeological resources to occur during ground disturbing activities. Implementation of SC-CUL-2 would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Following compliance with SC-CUL-2, the project’s potential impacts concerning the significance of an archaeological resource would be less than significant. Impact V.c): Less Than Significant Impact. No formal cemeteries are on or near the project site. Most Native American human remains are found in association with prehistoric archaeological sites. Given the extent of past site disturbances, there is low potential for the project’s ground-disturbing activities to encounter human remains. Notwithstanding, if previously unknown human remains are discovered during the project’s ground- disturbing activities, a substantial adverse change in the significance of such a resource could occur. Standard Condition SC-CUL-1 through SC-CUL-3 is required to reduce potentially significant impacts to previously unknown human remains that may be unexpectedly discovered during Project implementation to a less than significant level. SC-CUL-1 requires that in the unlikely event that human remains are uncovered the contractor is required to halt work in the immediate area of the find and to notify the County Coroner, in accordance with Health and Safety Code § 7050.5, who must then determine whether the remains are of forensic interest. If the Coroner, with the aid of a supervising archaeologist, determines that the remains are or appear to be of a Native American, he/she must contact the Native American Heritage Commission for further investigations and proper recovery of such remains, if necessary. Impacts will be less than significant with implementation of mitigation. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant". The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. Human remains from other ethnic/cultural groups with recognized historical associations to the Project area shall also be subject to consultation between appropriate representatives from that group and the Community Development Director. Thus, compliance with the above- referenced state laws will reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Standard Conditions and Requirements: SC-CUL-1 Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. SC-CUL-2 Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural 9.2.c Packet Pg. 119 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 31 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). i. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. ii. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative (s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. iii. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area and will be monitored by additional Tribal monitors if needed. iv. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. v. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” SC-CUL-3 Tribal Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: a) One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of 9.2.c Packet Pg. 120 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 32 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. SC-CUL-4 Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). SC-CUL-5 Archeologist Retained. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the project applicant shall retain a Riverside County qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground disturbing activities in an effort to identify any unknown archaeological resources. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s), shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s), shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The developer/permit holder shall submit a fully executed copy of the contract to the Community Development Department to ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Upon verification, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. In addition, the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the Consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall develop a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) in consultation pursuant to the definition in AB52 to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. A consulting tribe is defined as a tribe that initiated the AB 52 tribal consultation process for the Project, has not opted out of the AB52 consultation process, and has completed AB 52 consultation with the 9.2.c Packet Pg. 121 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 33 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 City as provided for in Cal Pub Res Code Section 21080.3.2(b)(1) of AB52. Details in the Plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling; b. The Project archeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre-grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and any contractors and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The Training will include a brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the Project and the surrounding area; what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. All new construction personnel that will conduct earthwork or grading activities that begin work on the Project following the initial Training must take the Cultural Sensitivity Training prior to beginning work and the Project archaeologist and Consulting Tribe(s) shall make themselves available to provide the training on an as-needed basis; c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and Project archaeologist will follow in the event of inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resources evaluation. SC-CUL-6 Native American Monitoring (Pechanga). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Tribal Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. SC-CUL-7 Archeology Report – Phase III and IV. Prior to final inspection, the developer/permit holder shall prompt the Project Archeologist to submit two (2) copies of the Phase III Data Recovery report (if required for the Project) and the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report that complies with the Community Development Department's requirements for such reports. The Phase IV report shall include evidence of the required cultural/historical sensitivity training for the construction staff held during the pre-grade meeting. The Community Development Department shall review the reports to determine adequate mitigation compliance. Provided the reports are adequate, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. Once the report(s) are determined to be adequate, two (2) copies shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and one (1) copy shall be submitted to the Consulting Tribe(s) Cultural Resources Department(s). Overall, the project would not cause a substantial adverse change to a historical or cultural resource and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard with implementation of SC-CUL-1 through SC-CUL-7. VI. ENERGY -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact 9.2.c Packet Pg. 122 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 34 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Incorporated a) Result in potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources, during construction or operation?     b) Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; OPR’s Technical Advisory; and Air Quality and Global Climate Change Impact Analysis - Garbani 10 Project (Roma Environmental, Revised March 6, 2018); see Appendix A, Air Quality and Global Climate Change Analysis. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.1: Apply energy efficiency and conservation practices in land use, transportation demand management, and subdivision and building design. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact VI.a-b): Less Than Significant Impact. California Code Title 24, Part 6 (also referred to as the California Energy Code), was promulgated by the CEC in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to create uniform building codes to reduce California’s energy consumption. To these ends, the California Energy Code provides energy efficiency standards for residential and nonresidential buildings. California’s building efficiency standards are updated on an approximately three‐year cycle. The 2016 Standards for building construction, which went into effect on January 1, 2017, improved upon the former 2013 Standards for residential and nonresidential buildings. For new development such as that proposed by the Project, compliance with California Building Standards Code Title 24 energy efficiency requirements (CalGreen) are considered demonstrable evidence of efficient use of energy. Residential development on the Project site would be required to promote and provide for energy efficiencies beyond those required under other applicable federal or State of California standards and regulations, and in so doing would meet all California Building Standards Code 24 standards. Moreover, energy consumed by the Project is expected be comparable to, or less than, energy consumed by other residential uses of similar scale and intensity that are constructed and operating in California. On this basis, the Project would not result in the inefficient, wasteful, or unnecessary consumption of energy. Furthermore, the Project would not cause or result in the need for additional energy facilities or energy delivery systems. Less than significant impacts would occur. VII. GEOLOGY AND SOILS -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42.     9.2.c Packet Pg. 123 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 35 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 ii) Strong seismic ground shaking?     iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction?     iv) Landslides?     b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil?     c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse?     d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18- 1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property?     e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water?     f) Be impacted by or result in an increase in wind erosion and blowsand, either on or off site?     g) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geological feature?     Sources: Menifee General Plan Exhibits S-1, “Fault Map,” S-2, “Slope Distribution,” S-3, “Liquefaction and Landslides,” and S-4, “Geologic Map”; MGP Draft EIR; Riverside County General Plan Figure S-8, Wind “Erosion Susceptibility Map; ” State of California Department of Conservation Website - EQ Zapp: California Earthquake Hazards Zone Application – Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation; and Revised Update Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development Tract Map No. 33419, Menifee 157 Project (GeoTek, August 27, 2018), see Appendix D; and Paleontological Resource Assessment Garrett- Menifee Project (; Paleontological Resource Assessment Garrett-Menifee Project (San Diego Natural History Museum, September 5, 2018), see Appendix E. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-1: A community that is minimally impacted by seismic shaking and earthquake-induced or other geologic hazards. Policy S-1.1: Require all new habitable buildings and structures to be designed and built to be seismically resistant in accordance with the most recent California Building Code adopted by the City. Goal S-2: A community that has used engineering solutions to reduce or eliminate the potential for injury, loss of life, property damage, and economic and social disruption caused by geologic hazards such as slope instability; compressible, collapsible, expansive or corrosive soils; and subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal. Policy S-2.1: Require all new developments to mitigate the geologic hazards that have the potential to impact habitable structures and other improvements. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact VII.a.i): Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone and there are no known active faults on or immediately adjacent to the property.ii 9.2.c Packet Pg. 124 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 36 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Therefore, the project would not have substantial adverse effects involving rupture of a known earthquake fault and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard. Impact VII.a.ii-iv, VII.c-d): Less Than Significant. While the site is in a seismically active region, no active or potentially active faults are presently known to exist at this site. Also, the County of Riverside Parcel Report indicates that the site is “not in a fault zone” and “not within a ½ mile of a fault.” The nearest zoned faults are the Elsinore Fault, located approximately 10 miles to the southwest, and the San Jacinto fault, located approximately 11 miles to the northeast. Further, the absence of shallow groundwater at the site reduces the potential for seismic-induced liquefaction. Given the potential for seismic activity in the region, moderate to strong seismic shaking may occur during the project’s design life. Therefore, project implementation could expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects involving strong seismic ground shaking. The intensity of ground shaking on the project site would depend on several factors including: the distance to the earthquake focus, the earthquake magnitude, the response characteristics of the underlying materials, and the quality and type of construction. Moreover, the Geotechnical Investigation has evaluated the following geologic and seismic hazards based on site-specific parameters: Liquefaction/Seismic Settlement. The project site is not within an area currently mapped by the State of California for seismic hazards such as liquefaction and the County of Riverside classifies the site as having “low” potential for liquefaction. Slope Failure, Landslides, Rock Falls. Due to the relatively flat nature of the property following proposed grading, and lack of evidence of existing landslides or slope instability, the potential for slope failure and landslides is negligible. Grading for site development will most likely include minimal cuts and fills of up to a few feet, given the current flat topography of the site. Following site grading, major slopes and retaining walls are not expected. As such, risks associated with slope instability are considered "low." Expansive Soil. Expansion Index testing of select samples was performed to evaluate the expansive potential of the materials underlying the project site. Based on laboratory testing results provided in the Geotechnical Report, the materials present near the ground surface are considered to have a "low" expansion potential. Settlement. Settlement resulting from the anticipated foundation loads should be tolerable provided that the preliminary recommendations included in the Geotechnical Investigation are confirmed by additional testing conducted following rough grading and are then considered in foundation design and construction. The estimated ultimate settlement is calculated to be approximately 1.0 inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical matter, differential settlement between footings can be assumed as one-half the total settlement. Subsidence. Due to existing site topography, the project will likely require imported soils to attain design grades. Minor subsidence up to 0.20 feet is anticipated in areas to receive fill. In summary, the Geotechnical Investigation concluded the project is feasible from a geotechnical perspective provided the recommendations in the Geotechnical Investigation are confirmed by testing following rough grading and then are incorporated into design and carried out through construction. Regulatory controls to address potential geologic and seismic hazards would be imposed on the project through the permitting process. Pursuant to MMC §8.04.010, the City has adopted the 2019 California Building Code (CBC), subject to certain amendments and changes. CBC design standards correspond to the level of seismic risk in a given location and are intended primarily to protect public safety and secondly to minimize property damage. The project would be subject to compliance with all applicable regulations in the most recently published CBC (as amended by MMC §8.04.010), which specifies design requirements to mitigate the effects of potential geologic and seismic hazards. Additionally, Geotechnical Investigation Page 6 makes preliminary recommendations concerning seismic design parameters. Standard Condition SC-GEO-1 requires that the Applicant comply with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Investigation and any revisions deemed necessary by the City’s Building Official and/or Engineering/Public Works Director. The 9.2.c Packet Pg. 125 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 37 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Menifee Building and Safety Department and Engineering/Public Works Department would review construction plans for compliance with the MMC/CBC and the Geotechnical Investigation’s recommendations. Following compliance with standard engineering practices, the Geotechnical Investigation’s recommendations (SC-GEO-1), and the established regulatory framework (i.e., MMC and CBC), the project’s potential impacts concerning exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects involving geologic and seismic hazards, and unstable conditions, would be less than significant. Impact VII.b): Less Than Significant Impact. Grading and earthwork activities during construction would expose soils to potential short-term erosion by wind and water. During construction, the project would be subject to compliance with erosion and sediment control measures and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, and all subsequent amendments) (Construction General Permit); see Response X.a). MMC §15.01.015(B)(1) specifies that any person performing construction work in the City shall comply with the provisions of MMC Chapter 15.01 and control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and the manner of implementation. Further, the project proposes hardscapes throughout most of the project site, which would stabilize soils and contain them onsite. Following compliance with the established regulatory framework (NPDES and MMC), the project’s potential impacts concerning soil erosion and loss of topsoil would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Impact VII.e): No Impact. Sewers would be available for disposal of project generated wastewater; see Responses XIX.a.The project would not utilize septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems. Therefore, no impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Impact VII.f): Less Than Significant Impact. The project site, like the rest of the City, is located in an area designated as having moderate susceptibility to wind erosion. Further, the site is surrounded by residential development to the west, east, and south, which would minimize exposure to wind erosion. As such, it is not anticipated that high winds or blowing sand would have substantial impacts on project-related improvements. Project implementation would cover currently exposed soils with buildings/improvements, further reducing potential impacts related to windblown dust or sand within the project vicinity. Impact VII.g): Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. While no known fossils have been collected within a one-mile radius of the site, significant fossils have been discovered within 10 miles to the southeast of the project site in Pleistocene-age alluvial fan deposits exposed during construction of the Diamond Valley Lake project. Further, the City of Menifee’s General Plan assigned a high paleontological sensitivity to Quaternary old alluvial-fan deposits which underlay the entire project site. Given the project site’s paleontological sensitivity is high, and given the excavation of native soils ranges from 1 to 5 feet within a sensitive area, there is potential to encounter fossils, which may be impacted during excavation by construction activities. Implementation of GEO-1 would reduce potential impacts to paleontological resources to a less than significant level. Standard Conditions SC-GEO-1 Geotechnical Recommendations Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Menifee Building & Safety Department Official and/or City of Menifee Engineering/Public Works Director, that the recommendations for design and construction identified in the Revised Update Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development Tract Map No. 33419, Menifee 157 Project (GeoTek, August 27, 2018), and supplemental geotechnical investigations referenced therein, have been incorporated into the project design, and grading and building plans. The project’s final grading plans, foundation plans, building loads, and specifications shall be reviewed by a State of California Registered Professional Geologist/Registered Professional Engineer to verify that the Geotechnical Report’s recommendations 9.2.c Packet Pg. 126 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 38 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 have been incorporated/updated, as needed. Mitigation Measures: GEO-1 Paleontological Monitoring A qualified project paleontologist, that meets qualifications described in the paleontology report and is approved by the City of Menifee, should be retained to monitor for and address incidental discovery during project construction activities. The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved development plan and shall conduct any pre-construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: i. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre-construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. ii. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as- needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assign will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. iii. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. iv. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the project paleontologist called to the site immediately to evaluate the significance of the discovery, recover the remains, if deemed necessary, in accordance with GEO-2. v. If fossil remains are encountered, fossiliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. vi. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and 9.2.c Packet Pg. 127 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 39 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. * The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. vii. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to building final inspection as described elsewhere in these conditions. All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other professionals responsible for the report's content (e.g. Professional Geologist, Professional Engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition, deposit-based fee and the grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. VIII. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment?     b) Conflict with any applicable plan, policy or regulation of an agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; OPR’s Technical Advisory Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.1: Apply energy efficiency and conservation practices in land use, transportation demand management, and subdivision and building design. Goal OSC-10: An environmentally aware community that is responsive to changing climate conditions and actively seeks to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. Policy OSC-10.1: Align the City's local GHG reduction targets to be consistent with the statewide GHG reduction target of AB 32. Policy OSC-10.2: Align the City's long-term GHG reduction goal consistent with the statewide GHG reduction goal of Executive Order S-03-05. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 128 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 40 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy OSC-10.3: Participate in regional greenhouse gas emission reduction initiatives. Policy OSC-10.4: Consider impacts to climate change as a factor in evaluation of policies, strategies, and projects. Existing Setting: Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases Global climate change refers to changes in average climatic conditions on earth as a whole, including temperature, wind patterns, precipitation and storms. Global warming, a related concept, is the observed increase in average temperature of the earth’s surface and atmosphere. The six major greenhouse gases (GHGs) identified by the Kyoto Protocol are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). GHGs absorb longwave radiant energy reflected by the earth, which warms the atmosphere. GHGs also radiate long wave radiation both upward to space and back down toward the surface of the earth. The downward part of this longwave radiation absorbed by the atmosphere is known as the “greenhouse effect.” The potential effects of global climate change may include rising surface temperatures, loss in snow pack, sea level rise, more extreme heat days per year, and more drought years. CO2 is an odorless, colorless natural GHG. Natural sources include the following: decomposition of dead organic matter; respiration of bacteria, plants, animals, and fungus; evaporation from oceans; and volcanic outgassing. Anthropogenic (human-caused) sources of CO2 are from burning coal, oil, natural gas, wood, butane, propane, etc. CH4 is a flammable gas and is the main component of natural gas. N20, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless GHG. Some industrial processes (fossil fuel-fired power plants, nylon production, nitric acid production, and vehicle emissions) also contribute to the atmospheric load of GHGs. HFCs are synthetic man-made chemicals that are used as a substitute for chlorofluorocarbons (whose production was stopped as required by the Montreal Protocol) for automobile air conditioners and refrigerants. The two main sources of PFCs are primary aluminum production and semiconductor manufacture. SF6 is an inorganic, odorless, colorless, nontoxic, nonflammable gas. SF6 is used for insulation in electric power transmission and distribution equipment, in the magnesium industry, in semiconductor manufacturing, and as a tracer gas for leak detection. Events and activities, such as the industrial revolution and the increased combustion of fossil fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel, coal, etc.), have heavily contributed to the increase in atmospheric levels of GHGs. An air quality analysis of GHGs is a much different analysis than the analysis of criteria pollutants for the following reasons. For criteria pollutants significance thresholds are based on daily emissions because attainment or non-attainment is based on daily exceedances of applicable ambient air quality standards. Further, several ambient air quality standards are based on relatively short-term exposure effects on human health, e.g., one- hour and eight-hour. Since the half-life of CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately 100 years, for example, the effects of GHGs are longer term, affecting global climate over a relatively long timeframe. As a result, the SCAQMD’s current position is to evaluate GHG effects over a longer timeframe than a single day. In its CEQA and Climate Change document (January 2008), the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) identifies many potential GHG significance threshold options. The CAPCOA document indicates that establishing quantitative thresholds is a balance between setting the level low enough to capture a substantial portion of future residential and non-residential development, while also setting a threshold high enough to exclude small development projects that would contribute a relatively small fraction of the cumulative statewide GHG emissions. Two potential significance thresholds were 10,000 metric tons per year and 25,000 metric tons per year. Finally, another approach to determining significance is to estimate what percentage of the total inventory of GHG emissions are represented by emissions from a single project. If emissions are a relatively small percentage of the total inventory, it is possible that the project would have little or no effect on global climate change. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 129 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 41 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 2 4 According to available information, the statewide inventory of CO2 equivalent emissions is as follows: 1990 GHG emissions were estimated to equal 427 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent, and 2020 GHG emissions are projected to equal 600 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent, under a business as usual scenario. Interpolating an inventory for the year 2011 results in an estimated inventory of approximately 121 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Interpolating an inventory for the year 2012 results in an estimated inventory of approximately 127 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent. These amounts assume that between 1990 and 2020 there is an average increase of 5.76 million tons per year of GHG. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts VIII.a): Less Than Significant Impact. The project would comprise 174 single-family residential dwelling units, which is consistent with the land use type and density designated for the project site in the General Plan. It should also be noted that the City of Menifee does not yet have an adopted GHG inventory or an adopted GHG reduction plan (such as a Climate Action Plan). The City also has not adopted a quantitative threshold of significance for GHGs. As shown in Table 4, the project’s emissions would generate approximately 2,604 metric tons of CO2 equivalents per year. According to SCAQMD, a cumulative global climate change impact would occur if the GHG emissions created from the on‐going project operations would exceed 3,000 metric tons per year of CO2e. Therefore, project operations would not create a significant cumulative impact to global climate change. Table 4: Project‐Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions1 Category Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Metric Tons/Year) Bio-CO2 NonBio-CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Area Sources2 0.00 40.5368 40.5368 3.5600e- 003 6.9000e-004 40.8313 Energy Usage3 0.00 599.0955 599.0955 0.0199 7.2400e-003 601.7524 Mobile Sources4 0.00 1,801.0478 1,801.0478 0.1108 0.0000 1,803.8173 Solid Waste5 31.1018 0.0000 31.1018 1.8381 0.0000 77.0533 Water6 2.8773 68.2835 71.1608 0.2984 7.5600e-003 80.8727 Total Emissions 33.9791 2,508.9636 2,542.9426 2.2707 0.0155 2,604.3270 SCAQMD Tier 3 Draft Screening Threshold 3,000.00 Exceeds Threshold? No Notes: 1 Source: CalEEMod Version 2016.3.2 2 Area sources consist of GHG emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscape equipment. 3 Energy usage consist of GHG emissions from electricity and natural gas usage. 4 Mobile sources consist of GHG emissions from vehicles. 5 Solid waste includes the CO and CH emissions created from the solid waste placed in landfills. 6 Water includes GHG emissions from electricity used for transport of water and processing of wastewater. 7 Construction GHG emissions (includes off‐site improvements) CO2e based on a 30 year amortization rate. The project is also subject to compliance with CALGreen (CCR Title 24 Part 11) requirements. The 2016 Standards were adopted January 1, 2017. The Code is a comprehensive and uniform regulatory code for all residential, commercial, and school buildings. CALGreen provides the minimum standards that buildings need to meet to be certified for occupancy. The project’s CALGreen compliance would be enforced through the City’s Building Official. Impacts VIII. b): Less Than Significant Impact. The City of Menifee has not yet adopted a qualified GHG reduction plan. The City of Menifee General Plan includes policies and measures (shown in General Plan 9.2.c Packet Pg. 130 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 42 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Draft EIR GHG section Table 5.7-9) for the City to implement in support of achieving the reduction target of AB 32 and the statewide GHG reduction goal of Executive Order S-03-05. The City has adopted the 2019 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), including the California Green Building Standards Code (pursuant to Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 8.06). The Project will be subject to the California Green Building Standards Code, which requires new buildings to reduce water consumption, employ building commissioning to increase building system efficiencies for large buildings, divert construction waste from landfills, and install low pollutant-emitting finish materials. AB 32 requires the state to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, a reduction target that was first introduced in Executive Order B-30-15. The new legislation builds upon the AB 32 goal of 1990 levels by 2020 and provides an intermediate goal to achieving S-3-05, which sets a statewide greenhouse gas reduction target of 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Modeling shows the GHG emissions from the proposed project will fall below the 3,000 metric ton limit established by the SCAQMD in 2010. In addition, all proposed improvements associated with the project will meet current energy efficiency requirements of California Title 24. Those responsible for design and completion of the project are dedicated to regulatory compliance in all other areas of construction and operation, the requirements of many of which are mandated by the members of the Climate Action Team. For these reasons, this project will be consistent with the California Scoping plan and should not conflict with applicable plans, policies and regulations adopted for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the impact is considered less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. IX. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials?     b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment?     c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school?     d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment?     e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard or excessive noise for people residing or working in the project area?     9.2.c Packet Pg. 131 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 43 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 f) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan?     g) Expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires?     Sources: Menifee General Plan, Exhibit S-6, “High Fire Hazard Areas,” and Exhibit S-7, “Critical Facilities;” MGP Draft EIR; State of California, Department of Toxics Substances Control, EnviroStor Database; State of California, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Cortese list of Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites database; State of California, Water Resources Control Board, Geotracker, All Hazards Site Search; United States, Environmental Protection Agency, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Website - Riverside County City Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps; Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Geoteck, Inc. September 29, 2017; see Appendix F. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-5: A community that has reduced the potential for hazardous materials contamination. Policy S-5.1: Locate facilities involved in the production, use, storage, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials away from land uses that may be adversely impacted by such activities and areas susceptible to impacts or damage from a natural disaster. Policy S-5.2: Ensure that the fire department can continue to respond safely and effectively to a hazardous materials incident in the City, whether it is a spill at a permitted facility, or the result of an accident along a section of the freeway or railroads that extend across the City. Policy S-5.4: Ensure that all facilities that handle hazardous materials comply with federal and state laws pertaining to the management of hazardous wastes and materials. Policy S-5.5: Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to implement mitigation measures that reduce the risks associated with hazardous material production, storage, and disposal. Goal S-6: A City that responds and recovers in an effective and timely manner from natural disasters such as flooding, fire, and earthquakes, and as a result is not impacted by civil unrest that may occur following a natural disaster. Policy S-6.1: Continuously review, update, and implement emergency preparedness, response, and recovery plans that make the best use of the City- and county-specific emergency management resources available. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts IIX.a): Less Than Significant Impact. The project could result in a significant hazard to the public if the project includes the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials or places housing near a facility which routinely transports, uses, or disposes of hazardous materials. The routine use, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials is primarily associated with industrial uses that require such materials for operations or produce hazardous wastes as by-products of production applications. The proposed project does not propose or facilitate any activity involving significant use, routine transport, or disposal of hazardous substances. During construction, a minor level of transport, use, and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes would occur that are typical of construction projects. This would include fuels and lubricants for construction machinery, coating materials, etc. Routine construction control measures and best management practices for hazardous materials storage, application, waste disposal, accident prevention and clean-up, etc. in compliance with the established regulatory framework (i.e., local, regional, state) would 9.2.c Packet Pg. 132 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 44 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 sufficiently reduce potential impacts to less than significant. During project operations, widely used hazardous materials common at residential uses include cleaners, pesticides, and food waste. The remnants of these and other products are disposed of as household hazardous waste that are prohibited or discouraged from being disposed of at local landfills. Regular operation and cleaning of the single-family homes would not result in significant impacts involving use, storage, transport or disposal of hazardous wastes and substances. Use of common household hazardous materials and their disposal does not present a substantial health risk to the community. The proposed project site is not in an industrial area; therefore, the project would not place housing near any hazardous materials facilities. Project impacts associated with the routine transport and use of hazardous materials or wastes would be less than significant. Impact IXI.b): Less Than Significant Impact. According to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared for the project, the project does not appear on EnviroStor and GeoTracker databases.No other known hazardous releases have occurred on or near the project site. There is one (1) EnviroStor facility within 0.5 mile of the Site. The facility is listed as The Club K-8 School, located at Evans Road/Nova Lane. The facility is listed as being located less than 0.125 (0.005) mile west- northwest of the site. The facility status is listed as “no further action.” A second facility is listed as Naval Convalescent Hospital, with no address listed. The facility is listed as being located 0.25 to 0.5 (0.382) mile west of the site. The facility status is listed as “inactive-needs evaluation.” Due to the facility status listings and locations hydrogeologically down- or cross-gradient, this facility does not represent a recognized environmental condition or concern to the site. The project site is undeveloped thus there would be no impacts related to structures with asbestos containing materials or lead-based paint. With adherence to existing regulations, the proposed project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment; impacts would be less than significant. No mitigation is required. Additionally, the project includes the development of 174 single family residential lots. Although typical hazardous materials associated with residential development may be used (household pesticides, oils, fertilizers, household chemicals, etc) these hazardous materials would not be used in large amounts and thus would not create a significant hazard involving the release of these materials. Therefore, based on the findings summarized above, the project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment. A less than significant impact would occur in this regard. Impact IX.c): No Impact. The proposed uses are residential, which would not emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste. There are no schools within a ½ mile of the project site. No impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Impact IX.d): No Impact. Government Code §65962.5 refers to the Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List, commonly known as the Cortese List, maintained by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). According to the DTSC EnviroStor Database, the project site is not included on the Cortese List.iii Therefore, the project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment in this regard. Impact IX.e): No Impact. The following airports/airstrips are located nearest the project site: 9.2.c Packet Pg. 133 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 45 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1  Perris Valley Airport: at 2091 Goetz Road, Perris, approximately 2 miles to the north;  French Valley Airport: at 37600 Sky Canyon Drive, Murrieta, approximately 11 miles to the south;  Pines Airpark: at 32655 Flight Way, Winchester, approximately 8 miles to the east; and  Skylark Field Airport: at 20701 Cereal St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, approximately 9 miles to the southwest. The project site is not within the Perris Valley Airport Land Use Plan area, and is not within 2.0 miles of any other public airport/public use airport or in the vicinity of a private airstrip; therefore, the project would not result in an airport-/airstrip-related safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area. No impact would occur in this regard. Impact IX.f): Less Than Significant Impact. See Response XVI.e). Impact IX.g): Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is not located within a Moderate, High, or Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, as identified on the latest Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps prepared by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). The project would be subject to compliance with the CCR Title 24 Parts 2 and 9 – Fire Codes and California Public Resources Code Sections 4290-4299 ad General Code Section 51178. Further, it is the City’s goal (Goal S-4) for a community that has effective fire mitigation and response measures in place, and as a result is minimally impacted by wildland and structure fires. To this end, the project would be subject to compliance with the following City policies:  Policy S-4.1: Require fire-resistant building construction materials, the use of vegetation control methods, and other construction and fire prevention features to reduce the hazard of wildland fire.  Policy S-4.2: Ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that fire services, such as firefighting equipment and personnel, infrastructure, and response times, are adequate for all sections of the City.  Policy S-4.4: Review development proposals for impacts to fire facilities and compatibility with fire areas or mitigate. The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical response services in the City of Menifee. In coordination with the RCFD and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the RCFD would evaluate the project to determine the necessary fire prevention features. Following compliance with the established local and state regulatory framework discussed above, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk involving wildland fires and impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. X. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or ground water quality?     b) Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impede sustainable groundwater     9.2.c Packet Pg. 134 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 46 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 management of the basin? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner which would:     i) result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site;     ii) substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site;     iii) create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; or     iv) impede or redirect flood flows?     d) In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, risk release of pollutants due to inundation?     e) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan?     Sources: Menifee General Plan Safety Element Exhibit S-5, “Flood Hazards”; MGP Draft EIR; Riverside County General Plan Figure S-9, “100- and 500-Year Flood Hazard Zones” and Figure S-10 “Dam Failure Inundation Zone”. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-3: A community that is minimally disrupted by flooding and inundation hazards. Policy S-3.1: Require that all new developments and redevelopments in areas susceptible to flooding (such as the 100-year floodplain and areas known to the City to flood during intense or prolonged rainfall events) incorporate mitigation measures designed to mitigate flood hazards. Policy S-3.2: Reduce flood hazards in developed areas known to flood. Policy OSC-7.8: Protect groundwater quality by decommissioning existing septic systems and establishing connections to sanitary sewer infrastructure. Policy OSC-7.9: Ensure that high-quality potable water resources continue to be available by managing stormwater runoff, wellhead protection, and other sources of pollutants. Policy OSC-7.10: Preserve natural floodplains, including Salt Creek, Ethanac Wash, Paloma Wash, and Warm Springs Creek, to facilitate water percolation, replenishment of the natural aquifer, proper drainage, and prevention of flood damage. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts X.a, c (i) – c (iii), X e): Less Than Significant Impact. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION The project’s construction-related activities would include excavation, grading, and trenching, which would displace soils and temporarily increase the potential for soils to be subject to wind and water erosion. Construction-related erosion effects would be addressed through compliance with the NPDES program’s 9.2.c Packet Pg. 135 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 47 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Construction General Permit. Construction activity subject to this General Permit includes any construction or demolition activity, including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, grubbing, or excavation, or any other activity that results in a land disturbance of equal to or greater than 1.0 acre. Given the project would disturb an area greater than 1.0 acre it would be subject to this General Permit. To obtain coverage under the General Permit, dischargers are required to file with the State Water Board the Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), which include a Notice of Intent (NOI) and other compliance-related documents. The General Permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and monitoring plan, which must include erosion-control and sediment-control Best Management Practices (BMPs) that would meet or exceed General Permit-required measures to control potential construction-related pollutants. MMC Chapter 15.01, Storm Water/Urban Runoff, addresses stormwater and runoff pollution control and is intended to reduce the quantity of pollutants being discharged to waters of the United States. MMC §15.01.015(B)(1) specifies that any person performing construction work in the City shall comply with the provisions of MMC Chapter 15.01 and control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and the manner of implementation. Documentation on the effectiveness of BMP’s implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the MS4 would be required when requested by the Director of Public Works. Further, the project proposes hardscapes throughout most of the project site, which would stabilizing soils and contain them onsite as compared to the current undeveloped condition. Following compliance with NPDES and MMC requirements, the project’s construction-related activities would not violate water quality or waste discharge requirements. A less than significant impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. LONG-TERM OPERATIONS Urban stormwater runoff is covered under the municipal permit for Riverside County, the NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit for stormwater and non-stormwater discharges from the MS4 within the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD) (CAS618033, Order No. R8-2010-0033). The City of Menifee is a Co-Permittee (Discharger) under the MS4 Permit. Each Co- Permittee is required to ensure that an appropriate Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) is prepared for “New Development” (and “Significant Redevelopment”) projects for which a map or permit for discretionary approval is sought. The New Development category includes new developments that create 10,000 SF or more of impervious surface (collectively over the entire project site) including residential housing subdivisions requiring a Final Map, among other types of projects. The project would create more than 10,000 SF of impervious surface area; as such, a WQMP must be prepared. The WQMP is required to include site design (including, where feasible, LID principles), Source Control and Treatment Control elements to reduce the discharge of pollutants in urban runoff. The proposed Project would include an approximately 0.8 acre water quality basin to capture urban runoff from the site. Additionally, MMC §15.01.015(C) specifies that new development projects shall control stormwater runoff so as to prevent any deterioration of water quality that would impair subsequent or competing uses of the water. The Director of Public Works would identify the BMP’s that may be implemented to prevent such deterioration and identify the manner of implementation. Documentation on the effectiveness of BMP’s implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the MS4 is required when requested by the Director of Public Works. Following compliance with the existing water quality regulatory framework (i.e., NPDES and MMC), including implementation of BMP’s that would be specified in the project WQMP, project operations would not violate water quality or waste discharge requirements. A less than significant impact would occur and no mitigation is required. Impact X.b): Less Than Significant Impact. If the project removes an existing groundwater recharge area or substantially reduces runoff that results in groundwater recharge such that existing wells would no longer be able to operate, a potentially significant impact could occur. The project site is located in the Menifee Hydrologic Subarea (HSA) within the Perris Hydrologic Area of the San Jacinto Valley Hydrologic Unit. The project would increase onsite impervious surface area thereby reducing the total amount of onsite infiltration. However, the project site is not managed for groundwater supplies. Therefore, the project would not 9.2.c Packet Pg. 136 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 48 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge, and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard. Impact X.d): Less Than Significant Impact. According to Menifee General Plan Exhibit S-5, the project site is located in Zone X. Zone X corresponds to areas outside of the 500-year flood or areas protected from a 100- year flood by levees. Flood hazards for the City include dam inundation in the event of a catastrophic failure, such as seismically induced dam failure. The California Division of Dam Safety monitors the structural safety of dams that are greater than 25 feet high or have more than 50 acre-feet of storage capacity. Parts of Menifee are within existing dam inundation areas for three dams at Diamond Valley Lake, two dams at Canyon Lake, and one at Lake Perris Reservoir. Diamond Valley Lake is located approximately 8 miles southeast of the project site, Canyon Lake is located approximately 5 miles southwest of the project site, and Perris Reservoir is located approximately 20 miles north of the project site. The design and construction of the dams for earthquake resistance, in combination with continued monitoring by the California Division of Dam Safety reduces risks of dam failure due to earthquakes. Dam inundation impacts would be less than significant. Because the site is situated at an elevated inland location and is not immediately adjacent to any impounded bodies of water, risk associated with tsunamis and seiches is considered negligible. The site is situated on relatively flat ground; however, it is located adjacent to an ascending sloped hillside to the west. The Geotechnical Investigation concluded that signs of slope instability in the form of landslides, rock falls, earthflows and slumps were not observed at or near the project site during the investigation. As such, risks associated with slope instability were considered "low." Therefore, potential impact concerning release of pollutants due to inundation from flood, tsunami, or seiche are considered less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XI. LAND USE AND PLANNING - Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Physically divide an established community?     b) Cause a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect?     Sources: Menifee General Plan, Exhibit LU-2, “Land Use Map”; and Menifee Zoning Map. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal LU-1: Land uses and building types that result in a community where residents at all stages of life, employers, workers, and visitors have a diversity of options of where they can live, work, shop, and recreate within Menifee. Policy LU-1.1: Concentrate growth in strategic locations to help preserve rural areas, create place and identity, provide infrastructure efficiently, and foster the use of transit options. Policy LU-1.4: Preserve, protect, and enhance established rural, estate, and residential neighborhoods by providing sensitive and well-designed transitions (building design, landscape, etc.) between these 9.2.c Packet Pg. 137 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 49 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 neighborhoods and adjoining areas. Policy LU-1.5: Support development and land use patterns, where appropriate, that reduce reliance on the automobile and capitalize on multimodal transportation opportunities. Policy LU-1.6: Coordinate land use, infrastructure, and transportation planning and analysis with regional, county, and other local agencies to further regional and subregional goals for jobs-housing balance. Policy LU-1.8: Ensure new development is carefully designed to avoid or incorporate natural features, including washes, creeks, and hillsides. Policy LU-1.9: Allow for flexible development standards provided that the potential benefits and merit of projects can be balanced with potential impacts. Policy LU-1.10: Buffer sensitive land uses, such as residences, schools, care facilities, and recreation areas from major air pollutant emission sources, including freeways, manufacturing, hazardous materials storage, wastewater treatment, and similar uses. Goal LU-2: Thriving Economic Development Corridors that accommodate a mix of nonresidential and residential uses that generate activity and economic vitality in the City. Policy LU-2.1: Promote infill development that complements existing neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Infill development and future growth in Menifee is strongly encouraged to locate within EDC areas to preserve the rural character of rural, estate, and small estate residential uses. Goal ED-1: A diverse and robust local economy capable of providing employment for all residents desiring to work in the City. Policy ED-1.2: Diversify the local economy and create a balance of employment opportunities across skill and education levels, wages and salaries, and industries and occupations. Goal ED-3: A mix of land uses that generates a fiscal balance to support and enhance the community's quality of life. Policy ED-3.1: Incorporate short-term and long-term economic and fiscal implications of proposed actions into decision making. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XI.a): No Impact. An example of a project that has the potential to divide an established community includes the construction of a new freeway or highway through an established neighborhood. The project proposes a residential community consisting of 174 single-family residential dwelling units. Given its nature and scope, the project would not physically divide an established community. No impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Impact XI.b): Less Than Significant Impact. The MGP Land Use Map depicts the City’s land use designations and indicates the project site is designated 2.1-5 Dwelling Units per Acre - Residential (2.1‐5R). The City Zoning Map indicates the project site is zoned One-Family Dwellings (R-1). The project proposes residential uses, which are permitted in the R-1 Zone and 2.1-5R land use designation. Therefore, the project would be consistent with the applicable land use plans. Given that the General Plan EIR considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development of the project site assuming the 2.1-5R land use designation, this project would not create any new or greater environmental impacts than those identified in the General Plan EIR. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XII. MINERAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Less Than Significant No Impact 9.2.c Packet Pg. 138 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 50 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact with Mitigation Incorporated Impact a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state?     b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR Figure 5.12-1, ”Mineral Resource Zones.” Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-4: Efficient and environmentally appropriate use and management of energy and mineral resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Policy OSC-4.4: Require that any future mining activities be in compliance with the State Mining Reclamation Act, federal and state environmental regulations, and local ordinances. Policy OSC-4.5: Limit the impacts of mining operations on the City's natural open space, biological and scenic resources, and any adjacent land uses. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XII.a-b): No Impact. There are no mineral extraction or process facilities on or near the project site. No mineral resources are known to exist in the site’s vicinity. No known significant mineral resources have been designated in the City of Menifee.iv Therefore, the project would not impact mineral resources. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XIII. NOISE -- Would the project result in: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies?     b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels?     c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels?     Sources: Menifee General Plan, Noise Element; MGP Draft EIR Figure 5.12-3, “Airport Noise Contours”; Menifee Municipal Code (MMC); and TTM 37400 Single Family Residential Development Noise Impact Study (RK Engineering, February 2019); see Appendix G. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 139 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 51 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal N-1: Noise-sensitive land uses are protected from excessive noise and vibration exposure. Policy N-1.1: Assess the compatibility of proposed land uses with the noise environment when preparing, revising, or reviewing development project applications. Policy N-1.2: Require new projects to comply with the noise standards of local, regional, and state building code regulations, including but not limited to the City's Municipal Code, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, the California Green Building Code, and subdivision and development codes. Policy N-1.3: Require noise abatement measures to enforce compliance with any applicable regulatory mechanisms, including building codes and subdivision and zoning regulations, and ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are implemented. Policy N-1.7: Mitigate exterior and interior noises to the levels listed in the table below to the extent feasible, for stationary sources adjacent to sensitive receptors: Table N-1 Stationary Source Noise Standards Land Use Interior Standards Exterior Standards Residential 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 40 Leq (10 minute) 55 Leq (10 minute) 45 Leq (10 minute) 65 Leq (10 minute) Policy N-1.8 Locate new development in areas where noise levels are appropriate for the proposed uses. Consider federal, state, and City noise standards and guidelines as a part of new development review. Policy N-1.9: Limit the development of new noise-producing uses adjacent to noise-sensitive receptors and require that new noise-producing land be are designed with adequate noise abatement measures. Policy N-1.10: Guide noise-tolerant land uses into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise- producing, such as transportation corridors adjacent to the I-215 or within the projected noise contours of any adjacent airports. Policy N-1.11: Discourage the siting of noise-sensitive uses in areas in excess of 65 dBA CNEL without appropriate mitigation. Policy N-1.13: Require new development to minimize vibration impacts to adjacent uses during demolition and construction. Goal N-2: Minimal Noise Spillover. Minimal noise spillover from noise-generating uses, such as agriculture, commercial, and industrial uses into adjoining noise-sensitive uses. Refer to Appendix G Sections II and III for discussions concerning noise fundamentals and the existing noise environment. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XIII.a-b): Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. SHORT-TERM CONSTRUCTION Existing single‐family detached residential DUs located south, east and west of the project site may be affected by short‐term noise impacts associated with the transport of workers, the movement of construction materials to and from the project site, and ground clearing, excavation, grading, and building activities. Project generated construction noise would vary depending on the construction process, type of equipment involved, location of the construction site with respect to sensitive receptors, the schedule proposed to carry 9.2.c Packet Pg. 140 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 52 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 out each task (e.g., hours and days of the week) and the duration of the construction work. Site grading and preparation is expected to produce the highest sustained construction noise levels. The potential short-term noise impacts of construction activity have been calculated in Table 5. The estimated construction noise levels are calculated using the Federal Highway Administration Roadway Construction Noise Model Version 1.1. Noise levels are calculated based on the worst case distance of equipment operating over an 8-hour period; approximately 25 feet from the nearest residential property line. The construction related noise levels are shown for each phase of construction. As shown in Table 5, the peak 8-hour Leq noise levels will be 95.5 dBA. Based on the results of the analysis, construction noise levels are expected to be greater than 80 dBA Leq over an 8-hour period and therefore the project has the potential to cause a significant temporary increase in noise associated with construction. Table 5: Construction Related Noise Levels (dBA) Phase Equipment Quantity Calculated Noise Level at 25ft (dBA) Combined Noise Level at 25f (dBA) Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Site Preparation Rubber Tired Dozers 3 87.7 83.7 90.0 93.6 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 4 90.0 86.0 Grading Excavators 2 86.7 82.8 70.3 66.3 Graders 1 91.0 87.0 Rubber Tired Dozers 1 87.7 83.7 Scrapers 2 89.6 85.6 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 2 90.0 86.0 Building construction Cranes 1 86.6 78.6 90.0 92.1 Forklifts 3 80.7 73.7 Generator Sets 1 86.7 82.6 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 90.0 86.0 Welders 1 80.0 76.0 Paving Pavers 2 83.2 80.2 95.5 92.5 Paving Equipment 2 95.5 88.5 Rollers 2 86.0 79.0 Architectural Coating Air Compressors 1 83.7 82.7 83.7 82.7 Maximum Construction Phase Noise Level - Leq (dBA) 93.6 FTA 8-Hour Construction Noise Threshold 80 Potentially Significant Short-Term Noise Impact (Yes/No?) Yes In order to mitigate the short-term construction noise levels, a noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the 8-hour Leq exceedance threshold (80 dBA) along the adjacent residential uses. Construction activity should cease prior to noise levels exceeding the 8-hour threshold. Mitigation Measures NOI-1 through NOI-3 would reduce the impact to less than significant. To determine the vibratory impacts during construction, reference construction equipment vibration levels were utilized and then extrapolated to the façade of the nearest adjacent structure. The nearest sensitive receptors are residential homes located adjacent to the site on Phyllis Circle. For purposes of assessing 9.2.c Packet Pg. 141 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 53 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 structural impacts from vibration, the nearest sensitive receptors are considered “new residential structures”. No historical or fragile buildings are known to be located within the vicinity of the site. The construction of the proposed project would not require the use of substantial vibration inducing equipment or activities, such as pile drivers or blasting. The main sources of vibration impacts during construction of the project would be from bulldozer activity during site preparation and grading, loading trucks during excavation, and vibratory rollers during paving. The worst case vibratory impact from the site is estimated to be 0.172 PPV (in/sec) at the nearest residential structures. The expected vibration levels are significantly below the threshold for potential damage to the new residential structures (See Appendix G). The annoyance potential of vibration from construction activities may be “strongly perceptible” during a short period of time if heavy construction activities occur along the adjoining residential property line. Therefore, vibration impacts from construction would be less than significant. LONG-TERM OPERATIONS Noise Impacts to Off‐Site Receptors Due to Project Generated Traffic The project site and surrounding residential areas adjacent to roadways currently experience traffic related noise levels within the “normally acceptable” 60 dBA CNEL limit for residential areas. The direct noise impact of project traffic added to the surrounding roadways is shown in Table 6 for existing plus project conditions. The project’s contribution to traffic related noise levels would remain within the “normally acceptable” 60 dBA CNEL limit. Therefore, the increase in traffic is considered to be consistent with the City’s performance standards for the planned circulation system established in the General Plan and the impact is considered less than significant. TABLE 6 : Existing Plus Project Conditions Roadway Noise Levels Roadway2 Segment CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) Does Project Generate a Significant Impact? Existing Conditions (Year 2017) Existing Plus Project Conditions (Year 2017) Change as a Result of Project McLaughlin Road Evans Rd to Sun City Blvd(Barnett Road) 0 51 51 No Rouse Road Evans Road to Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) 58.8 58.9 0.1 No Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road) McLaughlin Rd to Rouse Rd 54.5 56.3 1.8 No Evans Road McLaughlin Rd to Rouse Rd 40.5 43.2 2.7 No The cumulative noise impact of project traffic added to the surrounding roadways with future growth is shown in Table 7 for Cumulative Conditions. The cumulative impact of the project’s contribution to traffic related noise levels would remain within the “normally acceptable” 60 dBA CNEL limit in the near-term. Therefore, the increase in traffic is considered to be consistent with the City’s performance standards for the planned circulation system established in the General Plan and the impact is considered less than significant. TABLE 7: Cumulative Conditions (Year 2020) Roadway Noise Levels CNEL at 100 Feet (dBA) 9.2.c Packet Pg. 142 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 54 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Roadway2 Segment Cumulative Conditions Without Project (Year 2020) Cumulative Conditions With Project (Year 2020) Change as a Result of Project (2020) Does Project Generate a Significant Impact? McLaughlin Road Evans Rd to Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) 0.0 51.0 51.0 No Rouse Road Evans Road to Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) 59.1 59.3 0.2 No Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road) McLaughlin Rd to Rouse Rd 57.5 58.5 1.0 No Evans Road McLaughlin Rd to Rouse Rd 40.8 43.4 2.6 No Noise Impacts to the Proposed Project Traffic noise along Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), Rouse Road, and Interstate 215 will be the main sources of noise impacting the project site and the surrounding area. The unmitigated exterior noise level in the backyard of the units nearest Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road will range from approximately 57.3 dBA CNEL to approximately 68.3 dBA CNEL. The unmitigated exterior noise level contribution from Interstate 215 will range from approximately 67.7 dBA CNEL to approximately 70.5 dBA CNEL. In order to ensure the noise levels are below the 65 dBA CNEL exterior noise standard (conditionally acceptable noise range classification), a minimum 6-foot noise shielding wall would be included as part of the project to enclose the backyard area for all lots along Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, and Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), as well as for all lots nearest Rouse Road. With the installation of the 6-foot noise shielding wall, the combined exterior noise levels will be below the City’s standard; refer to Mitigation Measure NOI-4. Adequate building insulation and design must be provided to ensure interior noise levels do not exceed 45 dBA CNEL. A window closed condition will be required to meet interior noise level standards; refer to Mitigation Measure NOI-5. Therefore, the project’s operational noise impacts would be reduced to less than significant. Impact XIII.c): Less than Significant Impact. The following airports/airstrips are located nearest the project site:  Perris Valley Airport: at 2091 Goetz Road, Perris, approximately 2 miles to the north;  French Valley Airport: at 37600 Sky Canyon Drive, Murrieta, approximately 11 miles to the south;  Pines Airpark: at 32655 Flight Way, Winchester, approximately 8 miles to the east; and  Skylark Field Airport: at 20701 Cereal St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, approximately 9 miles to the southwest. The project site is within approximately 2 miles of the Perris Valley Airport. However, the adopted Land Use Compatibility Plan for the Perris Valley Airport demonstrates that the project site is not within the airport’s vicinity and would not be within the airport’s mapped noise contours1. Additionally, the entire Project site is located in a compatibility zone (Zone E) for the March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport Land Use 1 http://www.rcaluc.org/Plans/New-Compatibility-Plan 9.2.c Packet Pg. 143 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 55 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Compatibility Plan (ALUC). Zone E has no limit on the number residential dwelling units permitted on a site, no restriction on the number of people per acre allowed on a site, and no open land requirement. Prohibited uses within this zone include anything that is considered a hazard to flight. Disclosure to future residents that the Project site is located within Zone E is a development condition required by the ALUC. The runway for March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport is located approximately 12 miles north of the Project site. The project site is not within 2.0 miles of any other public airport/public use airport or in the vicinity of a private airstrip; therefore, the project would not expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive airport- airstrip-related noise levels. As such, this impact would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: NOI-1 Limit construction activities to daytime hours, Monday through Saturday, between 6:30 AM and 6:00 PM, June through September and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, October through May. No construction activity shall occur on Sundays or nationally recognized holidays. NOI-2 Short-Term Construction Noise Impacts. Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Menifee City Engineer that the project plan specifications comply with the following: 1. During all project site excavation and grading on‐site, construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturer standards. 2. The contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the project site. 3. Equipment shall be shut off and not left to idle when not in use. 4. The contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that would create the greatest distance between construction‐related noise sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction as is feasible. 5. The project proponent shall mandate that the construction contractor prohibit the use of music or sound amplification on the project site during construction. 6. The construction contractor shall limit haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment. 7. During construction, the contractor shall ensure all construction equipment is equipped with appropriate noise attenuating devices and equipment shall be maintained so that vehicles and their loads are secured from rattling and banging. Idling equipment shall be turned off when not in use. NOI- 3 Construction Monitoring. A noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the residential noise threshold (80 dBA) at the surrounding residential property line. Construction activity will cease prior to noise levels exceeding the residential threshold. NOI-4 Sound Walls. A Minimum 6-foot high sound walls are required around all habitable exterior backyard and sideyard areas for all lots along Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, and Barnett Road, as well as for all lots nearest Rouse Road. NOI-5: Required Design Elements. The following design elements are required to meet noise standards: • A “windows closed” condition is required to meet interior noise standards for all homes. • Upgraded windows and sliding glass doors are required on all homes facing Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 144 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 56 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • Attic and roof vents that directly face Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road, if applicable, should include an acoustical baffles to prevent vehicle noise intrusion. The contractor may install similar measures to provide noise reduction. • For proper acoustical performance, all exterior windows, doors, and sliding glass doors must have a positive seal and leaks/cracks must be kept to a minimum. XIV. POPULATION AND HOUSING -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Induce substantial unplanned population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)?     b) Displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places over 50,000; Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Adopted 2012 RTP Growth Forecast; and State of California, Department of Finance, E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State — January 1, 2011-2018. Sacramento, California, May 2018. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XIV.a): Less Than Significant Impact. The City’s current population is approximately 91,902 persons. The City’s housing stock totaled 33,884 DU with approximately 2.94 persons per household (PPH). No land uses generating permanent employment or extension of roads capable of inducing direct/indirect population growth in the City are proposed. However, the project proposes development of a residential community consisting of 174 DU. Assuming 174 DU and 2.94 PPH, the project’s forecast population growth is approximately 512 persons. Therefore, the project would induce direct population growth in the City by proposing new homes. The project’s forecast population growth would increase the City’s existing population of approximately 91,902 persons by less than one percent (approximately 0.5%). According to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), Menifee’s population was estimated at 74,800 persons in 2008 and is projected to increase to 93,100 persons by 2020 and 119,400 persons by 2035, an increase of 44,600 persons over 2008 conditions. As such, the project’s forecast population growth (512 persons) are within SCAG’s growth assumptions for the City. Additionally, the project’s nominal population growth is not considered substantial in a City-wide context. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant concerning population growth and no mitigation is required. Impact XIV.b): No Impact. There are no housing units or other structures on the project site; therefore, the project would not displace housing or people, or require construction of replacement housing elsewhere. No impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XV. PUBLIC SERVICES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Less Than Significant Impact No Impact 9.2.c Packet Pg. 145 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 57 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Mitigation Incorporated Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: a) Fire protection?     b) Police protection?     c) Schools?     d) Parks?     e) Other public facilities?     Sources: Menifee General Plan Safety Element; Menifee Union School District, Romoland School District, and Perris Union High School District websites. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal S-4: A community that has effective fire mitigation and response measures in place, and as a result is minimally impacted by wildland and structure fires. Policy S-4.1: Require fire-resistant building construction materials, the use of vegetation control methods, and other construction and fire prevention features to reduce the hazard of wildland fire. Policy S-4.2: Ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that fire services, such as firefighting equipment and personnel, infrastructure, and response times, are adequate for all sections of the City. Policy S-4.4: Review development proposals for impacts to fire facilities and compatibility with fire areas or mitigate. Goal OSC-1: A comprehensive system of high-quality parks and recreation programs that meets the diverse needs of the community. Policy OSC-1.7: Ensure that parks and recreational facilities are well-maintained by the responsible agency. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XV.a): Less Than Significant Impact. The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical response services for the City. RCFD Station No. 7, which is part of Battalion 13, is at 28349 Bradley Road, Sun City, approximately 1.75 miles south of the project site. The Riverside County Fire Department in cooperation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection serves more than 1,360,000 residents and employs nearly 1,700 career and volunteer firefighters and 240 administrative support personnel.v The nominal population growth associated with the project would incrementally increase the demand for fire 9.2.c Packet Pg. 146 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 58 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 protection and emergency medical services to the project site. However, the project would not have a significant impact on fire response times, because the project site is within RCFD’s existing service area. Therefore, project impacts concerning fire protection services would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a need for, new/physically altered fire protection facilities, thus, less than significant environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Further, the project would include improving the existing dirt portions of Evans Road and McLaughlin Road, immediately surrounding the project site, to paved roadways. These roadway improvements would allow existing fire service providers to better access the area and provide emergency services. Impacts XV.b): Less Than Significant Impact. The City of Menifee contracts with the Riverside County Sheriff (Sheriff) to provide police services for the City. Menifee-specific police services are coordinated out of the Sheriff’s Perris office at 137 North Perris Boulevard approximately 4 miles north of the project site. In January 2013 the Perris Station was staffed with 138 sworn deputies and 30 classified employees, including 33 patrol and traffic officers assigned to patrol in Menifee. Average Sheriff response time to emergency calls is 7.28 minutes, and average response time for nonemergency calls is 49.58 minutes.vi The City also has a police sub-station located at 28115 Bradley Road in the Sun City portion of Menifee. The City is currently in the process of establishing a City Police Department, but data are currently insufficient to make a forecast regarding potential impacts. The Riverside County Sheriff’s Office provides a crime prevention program to Menifee, consisting of support to the Neighborhood Watch program in the City and officer visits to schools and churches with presentations on topics including drug education and personal safety. Additionally, the Project is subject to Ordinance No. 17-232, Development Impact Fees (DIF). DIF shall be paid at the time a certificate of occupancy is issued for the Development Project or upon final inspection, whichever occurs first. However, the fees may be paid at the time application is made for a building permit. DIF is used to pay for fire protection and emergency response services. Credits may be afforded to the applicant if improvements are made to these facilities as part of the Project development. The nominal population growth associated with the project would incrementally increase the demand for police protection (Sheriff) services to the project site. However, the proposed residential development would not result in any unique or more extensive crime problems that cannot be handled with the existing level of police resources. Additionally, the project would not have a significant impact on Sheriff response times, because the project site is within the Sheriff’s existing service area. Therefore, project impacts concerning police protection services would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a need for, new/physically altered police protection facilities; thus, less than significant environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Impacts XV.c): Less Than Significant Impact. The project site is within jurisdiction of the Romoland School District and Perris Union High School District. The student population growth associated with the project would nominally/incrementally increase the demand for school facilities/services. However, the project would be subject to payment of school impact fees in accordance with Senate Bill 50 (SB50). Pursuant to Government Code §65995(3)(h), “payment of statutory fees is deemed to be full and complete mitigation of the impacts of any legislative or adjudicative act, or both, involving, but not limited to, the planning, use or development of real property…” Therefore, project impacts to schools would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Additionally, the project does not propose, and would not create a need for, new/physically altered school facilities; thus, less than environmental impacts would occur in this regard. Impact XV.d): Less Than Significant Impact. See Response XVI. below. Impact XV.e): Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project, a residential development, would result in nominal employment growth. The RTP/SCS forecasts an estimated employment base of 10,500 by 2020 9.2.c Packet Pg. 147 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 59 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 and 12,600 by 2035 in the City. The project-related employment increase, whether from employed residents within the City or commuting from outside the City, would be within SCAG assumptions and thus would not induce substantial growth or require expansion of any other public services, such as libraries or hospitals. The proposed residential development would not significantly increase the demand of such services and a less than significant impact would occur. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XVI. RECREATION Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated?     b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; and MGP Draft EIR. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-1: A comprehensive system of high-quality parks and recreation programs that meets the diverse needs of the community. Policy OSC-1.1: Provide parks and recreational programs to meet the varied needs of community residents, including children, youth, adults, seniors, and persons with disabilities, and make these facilities and services easily accessible and affordable to all users. OSC-1.2: Require a minimum of five acres of public open space to be provided for every 1,000 City residents. OSC-1.3: Locate and distribute parks and recreational facilities throughout the community so that most residents are within walking distance (one-half mile) of a public open space. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVI.a-b): As specified in MMC Chapter 9.55, Parkland Dedication or Quimby Fee Requirements for Residential Development Requiring a Tentative Map or Parcel Map, the City requires dedication of land for park or recreation facilities, or payment of fees in-lieu thereof (or a combination of both), incidental to and as a condition of approval for a tentative or parcel map. MMC §9.55.040 specifies that dedication of land/Quimby Fees for park or recreational purposes shall be at the rate of 5.0 acres per 1,000 residents. Per City of Menifee Resolution 16-514, single family residential dwelling units must assume an average population per dwelling unit of 3.164 to calculate Quimby fees. Based on these assumptions, the project would generate approximately 551 persons (using the most-recent available Federal census for average household size [3.164] as specified in Resolution 16-514). Based on this forecast population growth and the City’s park area target of 5.0 acres per 1,000 persons, the project would create a demand for approximately 2.76 acres of park/recreational area. Additionally, the population growth associated with the project could also incrementally increase the use of existing recreational facilities, potentially accelerating their deterioration. Following compliance with MMC Chapter 9.55 requirements, the project would result in a less than significant impact to park/recreational facilities and no mitigation is required 9.2.c Packet Pg. 148 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 60 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 As noted above, the project proposes 1.23 acres of park land ; however, these facilities would not be considered fulfillment of the project’s Quimby obligation. Instead, the applicant will be required to fulfill their Quimby obligation through the payment of in-lieu fees. The City’s Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission (PRTC) confirmed that the payment of in-lieu fees would be required for the project in a unanimous vote at its June 6, 2019 meeting. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XVII. TRANSPORTATION -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Conflict with a program, plan, ordinance or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities?     b) Would the project conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b)?     c) Substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)?     d) Result in inadequate emergency access?     Sources: Menifee General Plan Circulation Element; Riverside County Transportation Commission, 2010 Riverside County Congestion Management Program adopted March 10, 2010; Riverside Transit Agency. 2010 Annual Report, Ride Guides and System Map; TTM 37400 Single Family Residential Traffic Impact Study, RK Engineering, April 2019 Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal C-1: A roadway network that meets the circulation needs of all residents, employees, and visitors to the City of Menifee. Policy C-1.1: Require roadways to: • Comply with federal, state and local design and safety standards. • Meet the needs of multiple transportation modes and users. • Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. • Be maintained in accordance with best practices. Policy C-1.2: Require development to mitigate its traffic impacts and achieve a peak hour Level of Service (LOS) D or better at intersections, except at constrained intersections at close proximity to the I-215 where LOS E may be permitted. Policy C-1.5: Minimize idling times and vehicle miles traveled to conserve resources, protect air quality, and limit greenhouse gas emissions. Goal C-2: A bikeway and community pedestrian network that facilitates and encourages nonmotorized travel throughout the City of Menifee. Policy C-2.1: Require on- and off-street pathways to: 9.2.c Packet Pg. 149 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 61 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • Comply with federal, state and local design and safety standards. • Meet the needs of multiple types of users (families, commuters, recreational beginners, exercise experts) and meet ADA standards and guidelines. • Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land uses. • Be maintained in accordance with best practices. Policy C-2.2: Provide off-street multipurpose trails and on-street bike lanes as our primary paths of citywide travel, and explore the shared use of low-speed roadways for connectivity wherever it is safe to do so. Policy C-2.3: Require walkways that promote safe and convenient travel between residential areas, businesses, schools, parks, recreation areas, transit facilities, and other key destination points. Policy C-2.4: Explore opportunities to expand the pedestrian and bicycle networks; this includes consideration of utility easements, drainage corridors, road rights-of-way and other potential options. Goal C-3: A public transit system that is a viable alternative to automobile travel and meets basic transportation needs of the transit dependent. Policy C-3.2: Require new development to provide transit facilities, such as bus shelters, transit bays, and turnouts, as necessary. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVII.a): Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation. A traffic study was prepared for the proposed project by RK Engineering Group in April 2019 (See Appendix H). Table 8 (Project Trip Generation) presents the daily and peak hour trip generation for the proposed project. As indicated in Table 8, the proposed project is anticipated to generate approximately 1,643 ADT, including an estimated 129 AM peak hour trips and 173 PM peak hour trips. Table 8: Project Trip Generation Land use Qty. Unit AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily In Out Total In Out Total Trip Generation Rates1 Single-Family Detached Residential -- DU2 0.19 0.56 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44 Trips Generated Single-Family Detached Residential 174 DU 32 97 129 109 64 173 1,643 Notes: 1. Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition (2017) Land Use Code #210. 2. DU= Dwelling Unit Intersection Analysis LOS “D” is generally considered acceptable at intersections within the City of Menifee. LOS “E” may be allowed in designated Economic Development Corridors to the extent that it would support transit-oriented development and pedestrian communities. The LOS criteria recognizes the physical and financial limitations of providing additional infrastructure to satisfy peak hour traffic demands considering that traffic congestion itself encourages the use of alternative modes of transportation. LOS “E” may also be used at constrained intersections in close proximity to I-215. Hence, this analysis utilizes the following LOS Standards at each study intersection: • Evans Road / McLaughlin Road – LOS D • Evans Road / Project Access 1 – LOS D • Project Access 2 / McLaughlin Road – LOS D 9.2.c Packet Pg. 150 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 62 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 • Barnett Road / Ethanac Road – LOS E • Case Road / Ethanac Road – LOS E • Barnett Road / McLaughlin Road – LOS D • Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road) / Project Access 3 – LOS D • Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road) / Rouse Road – LOS D • I-215 Southbound Ramps / Ethanac Road – LOS E • I-215 Northbound Ramps / Ethanac Road – LOS E The unsignalized study intersections have been evaluated for signalization based on the peak hour warrants and procedures contained in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), 2014 Edition. None of the unsignalized study intersections are forecast to satisfy the MUTCD peak hour traffic signal warrants for Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions and therefore would not warrant a traffic signal in the other scenarios either. As shown in Table 9, all study area intersections are currently operating at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Existing Conditions. As shown in Table 9, all study area intersections are forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Existing Plus Project Conditions. Based on agency-established thresholds of significance, the proposed project is forecast to not result in a significant traffic impact at the study intersections for Existing Plus Project Conditions. Table 9: Study Intersection LOS Analysis Summary: Existing Conditions Plus Project Intersection Existing Conditions Existing Plus Project Conditions Project Trips Significant Impact? AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (Sec) LOS Delay (Sec) LOS Delay (Sec) LOS Delay (Sec) LOS AM PM AM PM 1. Evans Road (NS) at: • McLaughlin Road (EW) 7.0 A 6.7 A 6.9 A 6.8 A 18 22 NO NO 2. Evans Road (NS) at: • Project Access 1 (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0 A 0.0 A 13 17 NO NO 3. Project Access 2 (NS) at: • McLaughlin Road (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.5 A 8.5 A 43 57 NO NO 4. Barnett Road (NS) at: • Ethanac Road (EW) 9.7 A 7.9 A 16.6 B 16.4 B 77 103 NO NO 5. Case Road (NS) at: • Ethanac Road (EW) 13.5 B 15.3 B 13.3 B 15.1 B 78 103 NO NO 6. Barnett Road (NS) at: • McLaughlin Road (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.9 A 9.0 A 78 104 NO NO 7. Sun City Blvd N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.9 A 9.2 A 84 112 NO NO 9.2.c Packet Pg. 151 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 63 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 (Barnett Road) (NS) at: • Project Access 3 (EW) 8. Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) (NS) at: • Rouse Road (EW) 8.2 A 8.4 A 8.4 A 8.6 A 46 60 NO NO 9. I-215 SB Ramp (NS) at: • Ethanac Road (EW) 10.9 B 12.3 B 11.4 B 14.4 B 70 95 NO NO 10. I-215 NB Ramp (NS) at: • Ethanac Road (EW) 22.3 C 26.7 C 24.2 C 28.4 C 40 44 NO NO Note: TS= Traffic Signal; CSS = Cross-Street Stop; AWS = All Way Stop As shown in Table 10, all study area intersections are forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2021) Conditions. Further, all study area intersections are forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2021) With Project Conditions. Based on agency-established thresholds of significance, the proposed project is forecast to not result in a significant traffic impact at the study intersections for Opening Year (2021) With Project Conditions. Table 10: Study Intersection LOS Analysis Summary: Opening Year (2021) with Project Intersection Opening Year (2021) Conditions Opening Year (2021) With Project Conditions Project Trips Significant Impact? AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay2(S ecs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS AM PM AM PM 1. Evans Road (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) 7.0 A 6.7 A 6.9 A 6.9 A 18 22 NO NO 2. Evans Road (NS) at: Project Access 1 (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0 A 0.0 A 13 17 NO NO 3. Project Access 2 (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.5 A 8.5 A 43 57 NO NO 4. Barnett Road (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 9.6 A 8.0 A 17.2 B 17.0 B 77 103 NO NO 5. Case Road (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 14.0 B 15.9 B 13.8 B 15.7 B 78 103 NO NO 6. Barnett Road (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.2 A 9.3 A 78 104 NO NO 7. Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) (NS) at: Project Access 3 (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.9 A 9.2 A 84 112 NO NO 8. Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) (NS) at: Rouse Road (EW) 8.4 A 8.5 A 8.6 A 8.7 A 46 60 NO NO 9.2.c Packet Pg. 152 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 64 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 9. I-215 SB Ramp (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 11.9 B 14.4 B 12.7 B 17.1 B 70 95 NO NO 10. I-215 NB Ramp (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 25.0 C 35.3 D 27.5 C 37.6 D 40 44 NO NO As shown in Table 11, all study area intersections are forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Cumulative (2021) Conditions with the exception of the following study intersections which are forecast to operate at a deficient LOS: • I-215 SB Ramp / Ethanac Road (PM peak hour only); and • I-215 NB Ramp / Ethanac Road (PM peak hour only). All study area intersections are forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable level of service during the peak hours for Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions with the exception of the following study intersections which are forecast to operate at a deficient LOS: • • I-215 SB Ramp / Ethanac Road (PM peak hour only); and • • I-215 NB Ramp / Ethanac Road (PM peak hour only). As also shown in Table 11, based on agency-established thresholds of significance, the proposed project is forecast to result in a significant traffic impact at the following study intersection for Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions: • • I-215 SB Ramp / Ethanac Road (PM peak hour only). Generally, various options can be considered to mitigate impacts and improve operations at an intersection. This analysis is based on evaluation of various mitigation alternatives and makes recommendations based on the least impactive and most feasible option between various potential improvements. Implementation of Mitigation Measure TR-1 would reduce the forecasted significant traffic impacts at the impacted study intersection to a level considered less than significant for Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions: Table 11: Study Intersection LOS Analysis Summary: Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions Intersection Cumulative (2021) Conditions Cumulative (2021) With Project Conditions Project Trips Significant Impact? AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (Secs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS Delay (Secs) LOS AM PM AM PM 1. Evans Road (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) 7.0 A 6.7 A 6.9 A 6.9 A 18 22 NO NO 2. Evans Road (NS) at: Project Access 1 (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0 A 0.0 A 13 17 NO NO 3. Project Access 2 (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.5 A 8.5 A 43 57 NO NO 4. Barnett Road (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 16.2 B 11.5 B 22.7 C 13.6 B 77 103 NO NO 5. Case Road (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 13.0 B 15.8 B 13.0 B 16.0 B 78 103 NO NO 6. Barnett Road (NS) at: McLaughlin Road (EW) 8.9 A 9.2 A 9.9 A 10.7 B 78 104 NO NO 7. Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) (NS) at: Project Access 3 (EW) N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.1 A 9.5 A 84 112 NO NO 8. Sun City Blvd (Barnett Road) (NS) at: 8.6 A 8.7 A 8.8 A 9.0 A 46 60 NO NO 9.2.c Packet Pg. 153 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 65 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Rouse Road (EW) 9. I-215 SB Ramp (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) - With Mitigation 44.1 D 106.7 F 49.2 24.3 D C 115.8 64.00 F E 70 95 YES NO YES NO 10. I-215 NB Ramp (NS) at: Ethanac Road (EW) 68.7 E 147.3 F 75.1 E 155.8 F 40 44 NO NO Roadway Segment Analysis This study assumes LOS D or better as the goal for level of service operation of roadway segments. Hence, any study roadway segment operating at LOS “E” or LOS “F” will be considered deficient. All of the study roadway segments are currently operating at an acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) for Existing Conditions with the exception of the following roadway segments which are currently operating at a deficient LOS (LOS E or worse) and are forecast to continue to operate at a deficient LOS (LOS E or worse) for the future analysis scenarios (See Appendix H for detailed tables): • Segment 1 – Ethanac Road west of Barnett Road; and • Segment 5 – Ethanac Road east of I-215 Northbound Ramps. Based on agency-established thresholds of significance, since the two roadway segments are currently operating at a deficient LOS (LOS E or worse) under existing conditions, the proposed project is forecast to result in a significant traffic impact at the above two listed study roadway segments for all of the analysis scenarios. To achieve acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) operation at the study roadway segments for the analysis scenarios evaluated as part of this report, Mitigation Measures TR-2 and TR-3 would be required. It should be noted Ethanac Road is classified as a six (6) to eight (8) lane Expressway based on the City of Menifee General Plan Circulation Element. With implementation of Mitigation Measures TR- 1, TR-2, and TR-3, the project would be consistent with all applicable traffic thresholds and therefore, the project would not conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance, or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system. The project’s traffic impacts would be less than significant with mitigation. Impacts XVII.b): Less Than Significant Impact. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3 contains several subdivisions. In brief, these Guidelines provide that transportation impacts of projects are, in general, best measured by evaluating the project's vehicle miles traveled (VMT). These Guidelines recognize a lead agency's discretion to analyze projects’ transportation impacts, provided such analysis is consistent with CEQA and applicable planning requirements. As discussed above in Impact XVII a), a traffic study was prepared for the proposed project. The project would generate a nominal increase in traffic and is not anticipated to exceed adopted thresholds for LOS. As such, less than significant impacts would occur. Impact XVII.c): No Impact. The proposed project does not include the use of any incompatible vehicles or equipment on site, such as farm equipment. The project would not provide any offsite roadway improvements that could substantially increase hazards due to a design feature. The project would be compatible with the surrounding residential uses. All on‐site and site‐adjacent improvements would be constructed as approved by the City of Menifee Public Works Department. Sight distance at project access points would comply with applicable City of Menifee sight distance standards. Therefore, no impact would occur in this regard and no mitigation is required. Impact XVII.d): Less Than Significant Impact. Vehicular access to the site will be provided via one (1) 9.2.c Packet Pg. 154 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 66 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 access point on Evans Road, one (1) access point on McLaughlin Road, and one (1) access point on Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road). Pedestrian access is proposed via perimeter and internal sidewalks. The RCFD reviews the project for access requirements concerning minimum roadway width, fire apparatus access roads, fire lanes, signage, access devices and gates, and access walkways, among other requirements, which would enhance emergency access to the project site. Following compliance with RCFD access requirements, adequate emergency access to the project site would be provided. Project impacts concerning emergency access would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: TR-1 Int 9 – I-215 SB Ramp / Ethanac Road: the project applicant shall make a fair share contribution to implement the following: a) Widen the eastbound Ethanac Road approach from one thru lane and one right turn lane to consist of two thru lanes and one right-turn. TR-2 Segment 1 – Ethanac Road west of Barnett Road: This study roadway segment is currently operating deficient under Existing Conditions. To achieve acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) for the analysis scenarios evaluated as part of this report, widening of the roadway segment would be required from a two-lane Collector to a four-lane Major roadway (this roadway segment has recently been upgraded to four lanes). TR-3 Segment 5 – Ethanac Road east of I-215 Northbound Ramp: This study roadway segment is currently operating deficient under Existing Conditions. To achieve acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) for the analysis scenarios evaluated as part of this report, widening of the roadway segment would be required from a two-lane Collector to a four-lane Major roadway. XVIII. TRIBAL & CULTURAL RESOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a Cultural Native American tribe, and that is: a) Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5020.1(k), or     b) A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1. In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe.     : Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR; Riverside County Land Information System; and Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment for The Menifee Tract 37400 Project , dated September 12, 2018, provided in Appendix C. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal OSC-5: Archaeological, historical, and cultural resources that are protected and integrated into the City's built environment. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 155 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 67 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Policy OSC-5.1: Preserve and protect significant archeological, historic, and cultural sites, places, districts, structures, landforms, objects and native burial sites, and other features, such as Ringing Rock and Grandmother Oak, consistent with state law. Policy OSC-5.2: Work with local schools, organizations, the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians, and other agencies to educate the public about the rich archeological, historic, and cultural resources found in the City. Policy OSC-5.3: Preserve sacred sites identified by the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, such as tribal burial grounds, by avoiding activities that would negatively impact the sites. Policy OSC-5.4: Enhance local interest, pride, and sense of place for City residents by making locally recovered artifacts more easily accessible to students, researchers, and the interested public. Policy OSC-5.5: Establish clear and responsible practices to identify, evaluate, and protect previously unknown archeological, historic, and cultural sites, following CEQA and NEPA procedure. Policy OSC-5.6: Maintain active communication and coordination with the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XVIII.a-b): Less Than Significant Impact. Assembly Bill (AB) 52 specifies that a project that may cause a substantial adverse change to a defined Tribal Cultural Resource (TCR) may result in a significant effect on the environment. AB 52 requires tribes interested in development projects within a traditionally and culturally affiliated geographic area to notify a lead agency of such interest and to request notification of future projects subject to CEQA prior to determining if a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or environmental impact report is required for a project. The lead agency is then required to notify the tribe within 14 days of deeming a development application subject to CEQA complete to notify the requesting tribe as an invitation to consult on the project. AB 52 identifies examples of mitigation measures that will avoid or minimize impacts to a TCR. The bill makes the above provisions applicable to projects that have a notice of preparation or a notice of intent to adopt a negative declaration/mitigated negative declaration circulated on or after July 1, 2015. AB 52 amends Sections 5097.94 and adds Sections 21073, 21074, 2108.3.1., 21080.3.2, 21082.3, 21083.09, 21084.2, and 21084.3 to the California Public Resources Code (PRC), relating to Native Americans. Based on the City’s prior experience with and written request from potentially interested Tribes, AB 52 Notices were sent to the following four (4) Tribes on March 13, 2018: • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians; • Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians; • Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians; and • Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians. Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians responded to the City via letter dated March 22, 2018 and requested consultation. Additionally, Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians responded to the City via letter dated April 13, 2018 and requested consultation. Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians responded via email on April 6, 2018 and did not request consultation but did recommend an archaeological and tribal monitor during ground disturbance. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians responded via email on March 26, 2018 and deferred their consultation to Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians. Based on consultation with local tribes, Standard Conditions SC-CUL-1 through SC-CUL-7 would ensure that any impacts to potential tribal cultural resources would be less than significant. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 156 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 68 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Mitigation Measures: Overall, the project would not cause a substantial adverse change to a historical or cultural resource and a less than significant impact would occur in this regard with implementation of SC-CUL-1 through SC-CUL-7 as identified in Section V,above. XIX. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded water,wastewater treatment, or storm water drainage, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects?     b) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry, and multiple dry years?     c) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project’s projected demand in addition to the provider’s existing commitments?     d) Generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals?     e) Comply with federal, state, and local management and reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste?     Sources: Menifee General Plan; MGP Draft EIR; Menifee Municipal Code; EMWD 2015 UWMP, and CalRecycle. Applicable General Plan Policies: Goal LU-3: A full range of public utilities and related services that provide for the immediate and long- term needs of the community. Policy LU-3.1: Work with utility providers in the planning, designing, and siting of distribution and support facilities to comply with the standards of the General Plan and Development Code. Policy LU-3.2: Work with utility providers to increase service capacity as demand increases. Policy LU-3.3: Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the City's Capital Improvement Program. Policy LU-3.4: Require that approval of new development be contingent upon the project's ability to secure appropriate infrastructure services. Policy LU-3.5: Facilitate the shared use of right-of-way, transmission corridors, and other appropriate measures to minimize the visual impact of utilities infrastructure throughout Menifee. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 157 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 69 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Goal OSC-7: A reliable and safe water supply that effectively meets current and future user demands. Policy OSC-7.2: Encourage water conservation as a means of preserving water resources. Policy OSC-7.4: Encourage the use of reclaimed water for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, public landscaped areas, and other feasible applications as service becomes available from the Eastern Municipal Water District. Policy OSC-7.5: Utilize a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system that adequately serves the existing and long-term needs of the community. Policy OSC-7.7: Maintain and improve existing level of sewer service by improving infrastructure and repairing existing deficiencies. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impact XIX.a Less Than Significant Impacts. The proposed project could affect Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) treatment standards by increasing wastewater production such that expansion of existing facilities or construction of new facilities would be required. Exceeding the RWQCB treatment standards could result in contamination of surface or groundwater with pollutants such as pathogens and nitrates. New development in the City is required to install wastewater infrastructure concurrent with project development. Wastewater service within the City of Menifee is provided by Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD). Open drainage channels and underground storm drains larger than 36 inches diameter are operated and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCWCD); smaller underground storm drains are operated and maintained by the City of Menifee Public Works Department. EMWD provides wastewater treatment to the City of Menifee. Wastewater from most of Menifee – except the City’s north and south ends – is collected at the Sun City Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF) and sent to the Perris Valley RWRF for treatment. All wastewater generated by the proposed project’s interior plumbing system would be discharged into the local sewer system and conveyed for treatment at the Perris Valley RWRF. Wastewater flows would consist of typical residential wastewater discharges and would not require new methods or equipment for treatment that are not currently permitted for the facility. The Perris Valley RWRF has a capacity of treating 22 million gallons per day (mgd). Wastewater flows associated with the proposed single-family residences would include the same kinds of substances typically generated by residential uses and no modifications to any existing wastewater treatment systems or construction of any new ones would be needed to treat the project’s wastewater. As concluded in Response XIII.a), the project’s forecast population growth is approximately 512 persons. Based on a population of 512 persons and the EMWD System Design and Loading Criteria, the project would generate approximately 53,760 gallons/day of wastewater. Wastewater generated by the proposed project would be within the Perris Valley RWRF’s treatment capacity and would thus have a less than significant impact on the Perris Valley RWRF’s ability to operate within its established wastewater treatment requirements, which are enforced via the facility’s NPDES permit authorized by the Santa Ana RWQCB. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact related to SARWQCB’s wastewater treatment requirements. Connections to local water and sewer mains would involve temporary and less than significant construction impacts that would occur in conjunction with other on-site improvements. No additional improvements are needed to either sewer lines or treatment facilities to serve the proposed project. Standard connection fees would address any incremental project impacts. Therefore, the project would result in a less than significant impact as a result of new or expanded wastewater treatment facilities. Potentially significant impacts could occur as a result of the project if storm water runoff was increased to a level that would require construction of new storm drainage facilities. As discussed in Response IX.a), the 9.2.c Packet Pg. 158 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 70 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 proposed project would not generate any increased runoff from the site that would require construction of new storm drainage facilities. All drainage would be directed to a water quality basin proposed along the site’s western edge. A NPDES permit would be required for the proposed project, and pursuant to MMC §15.01.015, all construction projects shall apply (BMPs) to be contained in the project applicant’s submitted SWPPP. The proposed project would also be required to submit a WQMP in identifying post-construction BMPs that include drainage controls such as infiltration pits, detention ponds, bioswales, berms, rain gardens, and pervious pavement. Impacts would be less than significant following compliance with the existing regulatory framework and implementation of BMPs. Utilities, including electrical, natural gas, and communications are required to be located underground in rights-of-way. The undergrounding of these utilities would not create or result in significant environmental effects. Impact XIX.b) Less Than Significant Impact. The EMWD provides water service to the City of Menifee. EMWD has three sources of water supply: imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), local groundwater, and recycled water. Approximately 75 percent of EMWD’s potable water demand is supplied by imported water from MWD through its Colorado River Aqueduct and connections to the State Water Project. EMWD forecasts that it would provide water for future growth in its service area through imported water from MWD. EMWD procures water from MWD that has been treated at MWD’s Skinner Filtration Plant in Winchester and Mills Filtration Plant in Riverside. In 2010 EMWD obtained 75,000 acre-feet (af) of MWD water treated at MWD filtration plants before delivery, and 16,600 af of raw MWD water treated at EMWD water filtration plants. EMWD has two water filtration plants, one in Hemet and one in San Jacinto, with total existing capacity of 32 million gpd or approximately 35,840 acre-feet per year (afy). Approximately 25 percent of EMWD’s potable water demand is supplied by EMWD groundwater wells in the San Jacinto Groundwater Basin. EMWD’s estimated production of potable groundwater in 2010 was 18,800 af. EMWD’s production of desalinated groundwater in 2010 was 5,800 af. EMWD’s recycled water production in 2010 was 41,500 af. EMWD’s territory is divided into four subareas. The City of Menifee is in two service areas: the City is mainly in Sub-Area 41, but the southeast corner is in Sub-Area 43. Potable water sources for Sub-Area 41 are 1) Imported MWD water treated at MWD’s Mills Filtration Plant in the City of Riverside, 2) Imported MWD water treated at EMWD’s Perris Water Filtration Plant, 3) Local potable groundwater, and 4) Local groundwater treated at EMWD’s Menifee Desalter. The EMWD would supply water to the project site. EMWD’s 2015 UWMP Tables 7-4 through 7-9 indicate water supplies would meet water demands for normal, single-dry, and multiple dry-year conditions through 2040. According to the MGP EIR, the projected net increase in water demands by General Plan buildout – approximately 15 mgd, or 16,800 afy - is within EMWD forecasts of increases in its water supplies over the 2015-2035 period. EMWD forecasts that its total water supplies would increase by 88,300 afy over that period. UWMP water demand forecasts are based on adopted General Plans. The project would not change the site’s land use designation and is consistent with the assumptions of the General Plan buildout, thus, would not increase water demands associated with the project site beyond what the UWMP assumed/planned. Thus, EMWD would have adequate water supplies from existing entitlements. Project impacts concerning water demand would be less than significant and no mitigation is required. Further, EMWD provides conservation programs along with incentives to conserve water in the City. Although the EMWD service area population is expected to increase, the overall baseline potable demand in acre-feet per year (AFY) is expected to decrease due to further water use efficiency and recycled water programs. The proposed project’s estimated water demand is approximately 46,110 gpd. According to the MGP EIR, the projected net increase in water demands by General Plan buildout – approximately 15.0 mgd, or 16,800 acre- feet per year - is within EMWD forecasts of increases in its water supplies over the 2015-2035 period. EMWD forecasts that its total water supplies would increase by 88,300 acre-feet per year over that period. There are adequate forecast water supplies in the region for the proposed project, and no additional water supplies would be needed. Less than significant impacts would occur in this regard. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 159 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 71 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Impact XIX.c) Less Than Significant Impact. Concerning wastewater facilities, as discussed in the preceding response, wastewater generated at the project site would be treated at the Perris Valley RWRF. The proposed project is estimated to have a wastewater generation of approximately 8,925 gpd. This generation is well within the existing remaining Perris Valley RWRF’s treatment capacity. Impacts would be less than significant. Impact XIX.–d-e) Less Than Significant Impact. Significant impacts could occur if the proposed project would exceed the existing permitted landfill capacity or violate federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. Solid waste from Menifee is collected by Waste Management, Inc. (WMI). The proposed project’s additional solid waste stream would have a less than significant impact on regional landfill capacity. The City of Menifee utilizes three landfills: Badlands Sanitary Landfill, El Sobrante Landfill, and Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill. Badlands Sanitary Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 4,800 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 34,400,000 cubic yards. The remaining capacity is 15,748,799 cubic yards and it is scheduled to cease operation in January 2022. El Sobrante Sanitary Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 16,054 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 209,910,000 tons. The remaining capacity is 143,977,170 tons and it is scheduled to cease operation in January 2051. Lamb Canyon Landfill has a maximum daily capacity of 5,000 tons per day and a maximum capacity of 38,935,653 cubic yards. The remaining capacity is 19,242,950 cubic yards and it is scheduled to cease operation in April 2029. Based on CalRecyle solid waste generation data, the proposed project would generate approximately 289 tons of solid waste per year. There is adequate landfill capacity in the region to accommodate project- generated waste. Considering the availability of landfill capacity and the project’s relatively nominal amount of solid waste generation, project solid waste disposal needs can be adequately met without a significant impact on the nearest and optional, more distant, landfill capacities. Therefore, it is not expected that the proposed project would impact the City’s compliance with state-mandated (AB 939) waste diversion requirements. Impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. XX. WILDFIRE-If located in or near state responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones, would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan?     b) Due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of wildfire?     c) Require the installation or maintenance of associated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel, breaks, emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result in temporary or ongoing impacts the environment?     d) Expose people or structures to significant risks, including downslope or downstream flooding or landslides, as a result of runoff, post-fire slope instability, or drainage changes?     Sources: Menifee General Plan, Exhibit S-6, “High Fire Hazard Areas,” and Exhibit S-7, “Critical Facilities;” MGP Draft EIR; California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Website - Riverside County 9.2.c Packet Pg. 160 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 72 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 City Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps. Applicable General Plan Policies: Policy S-5.2: Ensure that the fire department can continue to respond safely and effectively to a hazardous materials incident in the City, whether it is a spill at a permitted facility, or the result of an accident along a section of the freeway or railroads that extend across the City. Policy S-5.5: Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to implement mitigation measures that reduce the risks associated with hazardous material production, storage, and disposal. Goal S-6: A City that responds and recovers in an effective and timely manner from natural disasters such as flooding, fire, and earthquakes, and as a result is not impacted by civil unrest that may occur following a natural disaster. Policy S-6.1: Continuously review, update, and implement emergency preparedness, response, and recovery plans that make the best use of the City- and county-specific emergency management resources available. Analysis of Project Effect and Determination of Significance: Impacts XX.a – XX b: Less Than Significant Impact. See Response IX.g Impact XX.c: Less Than Significant Impact. The project includes standard infrastructure, including roadways, utilities, and fire suppression systems. All of this infrastructure is designed to reduce the risk of fire. Following compliance with the established local and state regulatory framework discussed above, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk involving wildland fires and impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Impact XX.d: Less Than Significant Impact. Due to the relatively flat nature of the property following proposed grading, and lack of evidence of existing landslides or slope instability, the potential for slope failure and landslides is negligible. Grading for site development will most likely include minimal cuts and fills of up to a few feet, given the current flat topography of the site. Following site grading, major slopes and retaining walls are not expected. As such, risks associated with slope instability are considered "low.". As such, impacts would be less than significant in this regard. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required XXI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory?     Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. As discussed throughout the analyses contained in this Initial Study, the project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the 9.2.c Packet Pg. 161 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 73 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 environment or result in significant impacts to the environment that cannot be reduced to less than significant following compliance with the established regulatory framework (i.e., local, state, and federal regulations), project conditions of approval, and the recommended mitigation measures. As concluded in Section IV, the project would not reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, or reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal following compliance with the recommended mitigation measures. As concluded in Section V, the project would not eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. The City hereby finds that impacts concerning degradation of the environment and biological and cultural resources would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)?     Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed project would result in significant impacts unless mitigated for the following environmental issues: biological resources, cultural resources, geology/soils, noise, and transportation. A Mitigation Program has been prepared for each of these environmental issue areas to reduce impacts to less than significant. City conditions of approval would also be imposed upon the project. Other development projects within the City would also be subject to these requirements, as appropriate. All other project impacts were determined either to have no impact or to be less than significant following compliance with the established regulatory framework, without the need for mitigation. Cumulatively, the proposed project would not result in any significant impacts that would substantially combine with impacts of other current or probable future impacts. Therefore, the proposed project, in conjunction with other future projects, would not result in any cumulatively considerable impacts and no mitigation is required. Therefore, the City hereby finds that the project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly?     Findings of Fact: Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. Based on the analysis of the project’s impacts in the responses to items I thru XVII above, there is no indication that the project would result in substantial adverse effects on human beings. While there would be a variety of temporary adverse construction-related effects (e.g., air quality and noise), these would be less than significant or would be reduced to less than significant levels through mitigation. Long-term effects include increased vehicular traffic and traffic related noise. The analysis herein concludes that direct and indirect environmental effects would at worst require mitigation to reduce impacts to less than significant. Generally, the project’s environmental effects would be less than significant. Based on the analysis in this Initial Study, the City finds that direct and indirect impacts to human beings would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. XVIII. EARLIER ANALYSES 9.2.c Packet Pg. 162 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 74 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration as per California Code of Regulations, Section 15063 (c) (3) (D). 9.2.c Packet Pg. 163 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 75 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 XIX. REFERENCES City of Menifee General Plan and Draft General Plan EIR, Adopted December 2013. GeoTek. Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development Tract Map No. 33419, Menifee 157 Project, August 27, 2018. Heritage Resources. Cultural Resource Assessment for The Menifee Tract 37400 Project, September 12, 2018. Menifee Union School District. Website located at http://www.menifeeusd.org/. Accessed January 2014. Perris Union High School District. Website located at http://www.puhsd.org/puhsd/site/default.asp. Accessed January 2014. REC Consultants. Biological Resources Letter Report for the Menifee 157 Project, September 7, 2018 Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) General Plan, October 2003. Riverside County Ordinances: No. 484 (Sand Blowing), No. 655 (Regulating Light Pollution), No. 663 (Establishing Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan Fees), and No. 810 (Regulating the implementation of Ordinance 663). Riverside County, Transportation and Land Management Agency, Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), Approved June 7, 2003. Riverside County Transportation Commission, 2010 Riverside County Congestion Management Program adopted March 10, 2010. Available online at: http://rctc.org/planning/congestion-management. Accessed January 2014. Riverside Transit Agency. 2011 Annual Report. Available online at http://www.riversidetransit.com/home/. Accessed January 2014. Riverside Transit Agency. Ride Guides and System Maps. Available online at http://www.riversidetransit.com/home/. Accessed January 2014. Romoland School District. Website located at http://www.romoland.k12.ca.us/. Accessed January 2014. San Diego Natural History Museum, Department of PaleoServices. Paleontological Resource Assessment Garrett-menifee Project, February 1, 2019. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, 1993. Southern California Association of Governments, Adopted 2012 Growth Forecast. Available online at http://www.scag.ca.gov/forecast/index.htm. Accessed January 2014. State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. Riverside County Important Farmland 2008, Sheet 1 of 3, map published September 2009. Available online at: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dlrp/FMMP/pdf/2008/riv08_west.pdf. Accessed January 2014. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 164 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Planning Application No. TR 2018-065 Page 76 W1362-Menifee_(N)_CA; -- 1250593.1 State of California, Department of Toxics Substances Control. EnviroStor database. Available online at: http://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/. Accessed January 2014. State of California, Department of Toxics Substances Control. Cortese list of Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites database. Available online at: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/SiteCleanup/Cortese_List.cfm. Accessed January 2014. State of California, Department of Transportation, California State Scenic Highway Mapping System. Available online at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LandArch/scenic_highways/. Accessed January 2014. State of California, Office of Planning and Research (OPR), Technical Advisories on Climate Change and Climate Action Planning. Available online at: http://opr.ca.gov/s_ceqaandclimatechange.php. Accessed October 2012. State of California, Water Resources Control Board. Geotracker. All Hazards Site Search. Available online at: http://geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov/search/. Accessed January 2014. United States Census Bureau, Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places over 50,000. Available online at: http://census.gov/popest/data/cities/totals/2011/index.html. Accessed January 2014. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) database. Updated last September 7, 2012. Available online at: http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/cerclis/cerclis_query.html. Accessed January 2014. i State of California Department of Conservation, Farmland Mapping & Monitoring Program California Important Farmland Finder, https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/DLRP/CIFF/. Accessed June 7, 2019. iii Department of Toxic Substance Control. (2018). EnviroStor Database. https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/map/?global_id=19490135, Accessed June 7, 2019. iv City of Menifee General Plan Draft EIR. Figure 5.11-1, Mineral Resource Zones. September 2013. v Riverside County Fire Department in Cooperation with CAL Fire. 2014 Annual Report. vi City of Menifee General Plan Draft EIR. Public Services. September 2013. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 165 At t a c h m e n t : I n i t i a l S t u d y / M i t i g a t e d N e g a t i v e D e c l a r a t i o n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT “1” Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (Tentative Tract Map No. 37400) Mitigation Monitoring Plan Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring Biological Resources (Section IV) BIO–1: Burrowing Owl. Pursuant to Objective 6 and Objective 7 of the Species Account for the Burrowing Owl included in the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a pre-construction presence/absence survey for the burrowing owl shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and the results of this presence/absence survey shall be provided in writing to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. As long as there are fewer than 3 pairs of burrowing owls on or adjacent to the Site, passive or active relocation of the burrowing owls will occur prior to ground-disturbing activities onsite and follow standard protocols. If 3 or more pairs of burrowing owls are detected on or adjacent to the Site, the City and County will be contacted immediately to discuss appropriate actions. If construction must occur during the avian breeding season, pre- construction surveys shall be performed by a qualified biologist within 10 calendar days prior to the start of work to determine the presence or absence of nesting birds within 300 feet (500 feet for special-status species and raptors) of the impact area. If nesting birds are detected, the City, County, and Wildlife Agencies shall be contacted to discuss the potential impact minimization measures to be implemented. If construction and/or disturbance of the site is suspended for a period of days (30) days or more, a new survey shall be required. If the 30-day pre-construction burrowing owl survey finds burrowing owls on the site, the project biologist shall notify CDFW and USFWS within two business days of discovering the occupied burrows, and shall subsequently prepare a Burrowing Owl Protection and Relocation Plan for review and approval by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) prior to initiating any ground-disturbing activities (including disking and mowing, among others). Prior to grading permit issuance Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Preparation and approval of a 30- day preconstruction Burrowing Owl survey Biological Resources (Section IV) BIO-2: Nesting Birds. To avoid impacting nesting birds, one of the following must be implemented: Conduct grading activities from September 16th through January 31st, when birds are not likely to be nesting on Within fourteen (10) days prior to grading. Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Preparation and approval of a nesting bird preconstruction 9.2.d Packet Pg. 166 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 2 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring the site; OR Conduct pre-construction surveys for nesting birds if construction is to take place during the nesting season (February 1st through September 15th). A qualified wildlife biologist shall conduct a pre-construction nest survey no more than 10 calendar days prior to initiation of grading to provide confirmation of the presence or absence of active nests on or immediately adjacent to the project site. If active nests are encountered, species- specific measures shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and implemented to prevent abandonment of the active nest. At a minimum, grading in the vicinity of the nest shall be deferred until the young birds have fledged. An exclusion buffer of 100 feet, or other suitable buffer determined by the City of Menifee in consultation with applicable agencies, shall be maintained until the nest has successfully fledged, depending on the species and location. Construction personnel and activities shall be restricted within the exclusion buffer area. A survey report by the qualified biologist verifying that (1) no active nests are present prior to the initiation of grading, or (2) that the young have fledged in the nest-setback zone prior to removing the exclusion buffer area. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts on these nests occur. A report of the findings prepared by a qualified biologist shall be submitted to the City prior to ground disturbance and/or issuance of a grading permit. survey Biological Resources (Section IV) BIO-3: Landscaping. Project-related landscaping shall not include exotic plan species that may be invasive to native habitats. Invasive exotic plant species not to be used include those listed on the California Invasive Plant Council’s Invasive Plant Inventory and Table 6-2: Plants that should be avoided adjacent to the MSHCP Conservation Area,” found in Section 6.1.4 of the MSHCP. Prior to building permit issuance Applicant/ Applicant’s Registered Professional Geologist or Engineer Community Development Department Submittal, review and approval of a landscaping plan designed consistent with this measure Biological Resources (Section IV) BIO-4: Best Management Practices: Best Management Practices and the SWPPP shall specifically include mandatory measures to prevent any movement of water, soils, or any material from the site into offsite areas. Prior to grading permit issuance Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Public Works/Engineeri ng Department Submittal, review and approval of Best Management Practices ad a SWPPP consistent with 9.2.d Packet Pg. 167 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 3 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring this measure Geology (Section VII) GEO-1: Paleontological Monitoring A qualified project paleontologist, that meets qualifications described in the paleontology report and is approved by the City of Menifee, should be retained to monitor for and address incidental discovery during project construction activities. The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved development plan and shall conduct any pre-construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: i. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre- construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. ii. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as-needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assign will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. iii. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. iv. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the Prior to grading permit issuance Applicant/ Applicant’s Qualified Paleontologist Community Development Department Executed contract with a qualified Paleontological Monitor and Preparation and approval of a PRIMP 9.2.d Packet Pg. 168 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 4 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring project paleontologist called to the site immediately to evaluate the significance of the discovery, recover the remains, if deemed necessary, in accordance with GEO- 2. v. If fossil remains are encountered, fossiliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. vi. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. *The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. vii. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to building final inspection as described elsewhere in these conditions. All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other professionals responsible for the report's content (e.g. Professional Geologist, Professional Engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition, deposit-based fee and the 9.2.d Packet Pg. 169 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 5 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. Noise (Section XIII) NOI-1: Limit construction activities to daytime hours, Monday through Saturday, between 6:30 AM and 6:00 PM, June through September and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, October through May. No construction activity shall occur on Sundays or nationally recognized holidays. General condition required during grading and construction activities Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development, Engineering and Building and Safety Departments Review of Grading and Building Plans for compliance Noise (Section XIII) NOI-2: Short-Term Construction Noise Impacts. Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Menifee City Engineer that the project plan specifications comply with the following: 1. During all project site excavation and grading on‐site, construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturer standards. 2. The contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the project site. 3. Equipment shall be shut off and not left to idle when not in use. 4. The contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that would create the greatest distance between construction‐related noise sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction as is feasible. 5. The project proponent shall mandate that the construction contractor prohibit the use of music or sound amplification on the project site during construction. 6. The construction contractor shall limit haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment. 7. During construction, the contractor shall ensure all construction equipment is equipped with appropriate noise attenuating devices and equipment shall be maintained so that vehicles and their loads are secured from rattling and banging. Idling equipment shall be turned off when not in use. Prior to Grading permit issuance Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Public Works and Engineering Department Review of Grading and Building Plans for compliance Noise (Section XIII) NOI- 3: Construction Monitoring. A noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the residential noise threshold (80 dBA) at the surrounding residential property line. Construction during grading and construction activities Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Public Works/Engineeri ng and Building Departments Submittal, review and approval of a noise monitoring program consistent with 9.2.d Packet Pg. 170 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 6 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring activity will cease prior to noise levels exceeding the residential threshold. this measure Noise (Section XIII) NOI-4: Sound Walls. A Minimum 6-foot high sound walls are required around all habitable exterior backyard and sideyard areas for all lots along Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, and Barnett Road, as well as for all lots nearest Rouse Road. Prior to occupancy of each lot Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Community Development Department Installation of sound walls consistent with this measure Noise (Section XIII) NOI-5: Required Design Elements. The following design elements are required to meet noise standards:  A “windows closed” condition is required to meet interior noise standards for all homes.  Upgraded windows and sliding glass doors are required on all homes facing Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road.  Attic and roof vents that directly face Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road, if applicable, should include an acoustical baffles to prevent vehicle noise intrusion. The contractor may install similar measures to provide noise reduction.  For proper acoustical performance, all exterior windows, doors, and sliding glass doors must have a positive seal and leaks/cracks must be kept to a minimum. Prior to Building Permit Issuance Applicant/Appl icant’s Contractor Building and Safety and Community Development Departments Submittal, review and approval of building plans consistent with this measure Transportation (Section XVII) TR-1: Int 9 – I-215 SB Ramp / Ethanac Road: the project applicant shall make a fair share contribution to implement the following: a) Widen the eastbound Ethanac Road approach from one thru lane and one right turn lane to consist of two thru lanes and one right-turn. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Engineering/ Public Works Department Applicant shall submit fair share contribution at the direction of the Engineering Department and consistent with the conditions of approval Transportation (Section XVII) TR-2: Segment 1 – Ethanac Road west of Barnett Road: This study roadway segment is currently operating deficient under Existing Conditions. To achieve acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) for the analysis scenarios evaluated as part of this report, widening of the roadway segment would be required from a two-lane Collector to a four-lane Major roadway (this roadway segment has recently been upgraded to four lanes). Prior to building permit issuance and prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Engineering/ Public Works Department Street Improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved prior to building permit issuance and 9.2.d Packet Pg. 171 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 7 of 7 Impact Category Mitigation Measure Implementation Timing Responsible for Implementing Mitigation Responsible for Monitoring Implementation Method of Reporting/ Monitoring improvements installed prior to certificate of occupancy Transportation (Section XVII) TR-3: Segment 5 – Ethanac Road east of I-215 Northbound Ramp: This study roadway segment is currently operating deficient under Existing Conditions. To achieve acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) for the analysis scenarios evaluated as part of this report, widening of the roadway segment would be required from a two- lane Collector to a four-lane Major roadway. Prior to building permit issuance and prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy Applicant/ Applicant’s Contractor Engineering/ Public Works Department Street Improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved prior to building permit issuance and improvements installed prior to certificate of occupancy 9.2.d Packet Pg. 172 At t a c h m e n t : M i t i g a t i o n M o n i t o r i n g P r o g r a m F i n a l ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) RESOLUTION NO. PC 20-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 2018-065 (TR NO. 37400) FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF 46.9 ACRES INTO 174 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, A 1.23 ACRE PARK, A WATER QUALITY BASIN, PASEOS AND PARKWAYS LOCATED SOUTH OF MCLAUGHLIN ROAD, EAST OF EVANS ROAD, NORTH OF ROUSE ROAD, AND WEST OF BARNETT ROAD WHEREAS, on March 8, 2018, the applicant, Garrett Group, filed a formal application with the City of Menifee for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 2018- 065 for a Schedule ‘A’ subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, a 1.23 acre park, a water quality basin, two (2) paseos and parkways located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road, north of Rouse Road, and west of Barnett Road; and, WHEREAS, on February 26, 2020, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in The Press Enterprise (a newspaper of general circulation), an agenda posting, and notice to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee resolves as follows: Section 1: Consistency with the General Plan. The tentative tract map is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map, Specific Plan and applicable General Plan objectives, policies, and programs. Consistency with General Plan The General Plan land use designation for the subject parcel is 2.1-5 Dwelling Units Residential (2.1-5R). The 2.1-5R designation is intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a density range of 2 to 5 dwelling units per acre. The project proposes a subdivision of 46.9 acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and an overall density of 3.71 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the 2.1-5R General Plan designation of the site. The project is surrounded to the north by properties designated by the General Plan as Public Utility Corridor, 2.1-5R to the south, 5.1-8 Residential (5.1-8R), 8.1-14 Residential (8.1-14R) and Open Space- Recreation (OS-R) to the east and 2.1-5R to the west. These classifications are compatible with the existing General Plan designation of the subject site. In addition, the project is consistent with the following City of Menifee General Plan policies: Project Design 9.2.e Packet Pg. 173 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 2 of 5 Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 Date: February 26, 2020 LU-1.1 Concentrate growth in strategic locations to help preserve rural areas, create place and identity, provide infrastructure efficiently, and foster the use of transit options. The proposed project is located within an area that is zoned for residential uses, with existing single-family residential homes to the south, east and west of the subject site. Therefore, concentrated growth in strategic locations would occur and rural areas within the City would be preserved. LU-3.4 Require that approval of new development be contingent upon the project’s ability to secure appropriate infrastructure services. The subdivision includes conditions of approval which require roadway improvements. In addition, the subdivision has been reviewed and conditioned for consistency with the requirements for domestic water, fire protection, sewage disposal, fences, and electrical communication facilities. C-1.1 Require roadways to: • Comply with federal, state and local design and safety standards. The project includes Conditions of Approval which require the dedication and installation (or bonding) of roadway improvements consistent with the City’s General Plan and the City’s Public Works Department Standard Details. CD-1.3 Strengthen the identity of individual neighborhoods/communities with entry monuments, flags, street signs, and/or special tree streets, landscaping, and lighting. The project will include signs at the primary project entrance, street signs, coordinated street trees, landscaping throughout the project site, and street lamps. CD-3.17 Encourage the use of creative landscape design to create visual interest and reduce conflicts between different land uses. The project includes perimeter landscaping, as well as street trees, to create visual interest and increase buffering and reduce conflicts between the project site and neighboring land uses. CD-3.19 Design walls and fences that are well integrated in style with adjacent structures and terrain and utilize landscaping and vegetation materials to soften their appearance. As noted above, the project includes landscaping, as well as street trees, which will soften the appearance of the perimeter and site interior walls. The walls that will be visible to the public will be constructed of decorative masonry block and pilasters which will be well integrated with the adjacent tracts to the west and south which also contain decorative masonry block walls. 9.2.e Packet Pg. 174 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 3 of 5 Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 Date: February 26, 2020 CD-6.1 Recognize the importance of street trees in the aesthetic appeal of residential neighborhoods and require the planting of street trees throughout the City. The project will include street trees throughout the project site. Consistency with Housing Element. The Project site is identified in the City’s Housing Element as a Housing Opportunity Site for residential with a density range of 2.1-5 dwelling units per acre. This density is anticipated to provide housing capable of supporting moderate and above-moderate income housing. The proposed project has a density of 3.71 dwelling units per acre and falls within the 2.1- 5 density range identified in the Housing Element. The project is therefore consistent with the Housing Element. Consistency with Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City’s boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan (SKR-HCP). The subject site is within the jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The project site is located inside the Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) (SKR) Fee Area. The proposed project is located within the boundaries of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however, the project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group. The project will be subject to the payment of fees for a residential project consistent with Riverside County Ordinance No. 810.2 as adopted by the City of Menifee. Therefore, the project will not conflict with the provisions of the adopted HCP, Natural Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant. Section 2: Consistency with the Zoning Code. The current zoning designation of the subject site is Low Density Residential (LDR-2) which is intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a minimum parcel size of 7,200 square feet. However, this project was deemed complete prior to the current zoning designation becoming effective and was therefore reviewed under the previous zoning designation for the site, One Family Dwellings (R-1). The R-1 zone was also intended for single-family detached and attached residences with a minimum parcel size of 7,200 square feet. The proposed Tentative Tract Map for the subdivision of approximately 46.9 acres into 174 residential lots, a 1.23-acre park, a water quality basin and paseos and parkways is consistent with the allowed uses and development standards of both the R-1 and LDR-2 zones. Surrounding zoning designations include Low Density Residential (LDR-2) to the south and west of the subject site, Public Utility Corridor (PUC) to the north and Medium Density Residential (MDR), Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) and Open Space Recreation (OS-R) to the east. These 9.2.e Packet Pg. 175 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 4 of 5 Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 Date: February 26, 2020 classifications are compatible with the existing zoning designation of the subject site. Section 3: Consistency with Ordinance 460 Regulating the Division of Land. The Tentative Tract Map proposes a subdivision of approximately 46.9 acres into 174 residential lots, a 1.23-acre park, a water quality basin and paseos and parkways. The subdivision has been reviewed and conditioned for consistency with the requirements for lot layout, lot frontage, streets, domestic water, fire protection, sewage disposal, fences, and electrical communication facilities. The subdivision is consistent with the Schedule ‘A’ map requirements of Ordinance No. 460. Section 4: The site is physically suitable for the type of development and the proposed density of the development. The subject site is vacant and contains relatively flat to gently sloping topography. There are no environmental constraints within the project site, such as flood zones, fault zones or watercourses. Existing uses to the south, east and west includes vacant land and single-family residences. To the north is vacant land. The proposed density of the project is similar in character to the nearby existing residential uses to the south and west of the project site. Therefore, given the relatively flat to gently sloping topography of the subject site and the nature of the existing and planned development that surrounds the project, the site is physically suitable for this type of development and the proposed density of the development. Section 5: Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. As previously stated, to the north of the project site are similarly sized single-family homes and to the east and south are single-family residential properties ranging in size from one-half to three-acre lots and vacant land. The land to the west is current vacant but has a General Plan land use designation of 2.1-5R—which is the same designation as the project site. The project site is zoned LDR-2. The Tract Map would allow for single- family residential homes with lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. and greater. The Tentative Tract Map is compatible with the surrounding land uses, General Plan land use designations, and zoning classifications. The project is not anticipated to create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the project vicinity. Section 6: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 9.2.e Packet Pg. 176 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Page 5 of 5 Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 Date: February 26, 2020 A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been completed for the Tentative Tract Map and recommended by the Planning Commission for adoption by the City Council. The potential environmental impacts from the Tentative Tract Map are fully analyzed in the MND, which the Planning Commission has considered as part of its proceedings. No new environmental impacts have been identified and no further environmental review is required for this project. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) was prepared and identifies all mitigation measures that will be required for the project. NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby recommends to the City Council the following: 1. That the City Council determine that the “Findings” set out above are true and correct. 2. That the City Council finds that the facts presented within the public record and within the Planning Commission Resolution provide the basis to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (Tentative Tract Map No. 37400), subject to the Conditions of Approval as set forth in Exhibit “1” to this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26h DAY OF FEBRUARY 2020. _________________________ Randy Madrid, Chairman Attest: _______________________________ Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: ______________________________ V. Thai Phan, Assistant City Attorney 9.2.e Packet Pg. 177 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n f o r T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 [ R e v i s i o n 1 ] ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) EXHIBIT “1” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: TR 2018-065 (TM No. 37400) Project Description: Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TM No. 37400) proposes a Schedule ‘A’ subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and multiple lettered lots including an HOA maintained park (1.23-acre park with a shade structure, barbeque grills, picnic tables and a tot lot), a WQMP basin (35,550 square feet and CFD maintained), paeos and interior parkways (HOA maintained) and exterior parkways (CFD maintained). The dwelling units are proposed to be single-family detached homes with proposed residential lot sizes that range from a minimum of 7,200 square feet to 13,507 square feet. No retaining walls have been included with this approval Assessor's Parcel No.: 331-080-005 through 331-080-012, 331-080-018 through 331-080-021, 331-080-024 through 331-080-025, and 331- 080-027 through 331-080-028 MSHCP Category: Residential – Density less than 8 du/acre DIF Category: Single Family Residential TUMF Category: Single Family Residential Quimby Category: Single Family Residential Approval Date: February 26, 2020 Expiration Date: February 26, 2023 Within 48 Hours of the Approval of This Project 1. Filing Notice of Determination (ND/MND). The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Two Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Six Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($2,456.75) which includes the Two Thousand Four Hundred Six Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($2,406.75) fee, required by Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(d)(3) plus the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination (ND) for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration (MND) required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. Per Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(c)(3), a 9.2.f Packet Pg. 178 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 2 project shall not be operative, vested or final and local government permits for the project shall not be valid until the filling fees required are paid. 2. Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. In addition to the above, within 15 days of this approval, the developer/applicant shall enter into an indemnification agreement with the City. The indemnification agreement shall be substantially the same as the form agreement currently on file with the City. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 179 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 3 Section I: Conditions Applicable to All Departments Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval Section III: Public Works and Engineering Conditions of Approval Section IV: Fire Department Conditions of Approval 9.2.f Packet Pg. 180 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 4 Section I: Conditions Applicable to all Departments 9.2.f Packet Pg. 181 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 5 General Conditions 3. Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals in the attached conditions of Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 (TM No. 37400) shall be henceforth defined as follows: Permittee, Applicant, Project Permittee(s), Project Developer(s) shall all mean the Permittee of this project. TENTATIVE MAP (EXHIBIT A) = Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065, dated September 3, 2019. EXHIBIT G = Conceptual Grading Plan for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065, dated September 3, 2019. EXHIBIT L = Conceptual Landscaping for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065, dated September 3, 2019. EXHIBIT SD = Conceptual Storm Drain Plan for Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065, dated June 10, 2019. 4. Ninety (90) Days to Protest. The land divider has ninety (90) days from the date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a result of the approval or conditional approval of this project. 5. Mitigation Monitoring Plan. The developer shall comply with the mitigation monitoring plan (incorporated within these Conditions of Approval). 6. Expiration Date. The conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP shall expire three (3) years after the City of Menifee City Council original approval date, unless extended as provided by the Menifee Municipal Code. Action on a Minor Change and/or Revised Map request shall not extend the time limits of the originally approved TENTATIVE MAP. 7. Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 182 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 6 Section II: Community Development Department Conditions of Approval 9.2.f Packet Pg. 183 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 7 General Conditions 8. Map Act Compliance. This land division shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all requirements of the Menifee Municipal Code, unless modified by the conditions listed herein. 9. Offsite Signs. No offsite subdivision signs advertising this land division/development are permitted, other than those allowed under the Menifee Municipal Code Section. Violation of this condition of approval may result in no further permits of any type being issued for this subdivision until the unpermitted signage is removed. 10. Citywide/Countywide Design Guidelines. The land divider shall comply with the Riverside County “Countywide Design Standards and Guidelines”. 11. Reclaimed Water. The permittee shall install purple pipes and connect to a reclaimed water supply for landscape watering purposes when secondary or reclaimed water is made available to the site as required by Eastern Municipal Water District. 12. Phased Construction. If construction is phased, a phasing plan for construction and landscaping installation shall be approved by the Community Development Director. 13. Ordinance Requirements. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory requirements of all City of Menifee ordinances and State law, unless otherwise amended or replaced. 14. Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Conditions of Approval. Conditions of approval for the project from the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health have been attached to this document and shall be complied with accordingly. FEES 15. Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee), or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required by Resolution No. 18-741 (Cost of Services Fee Study), or any successor thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with. ARCHEOLOGY/PALEONTOLOGY 16. Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the 9.2.f Packet Pg. 184 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 8 treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely descendant." The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 17. Non-Disclosure of Location Reburials. It is understood by all parties that unless otherwise required by law, the site of any reburial of Native American human remains or associated grave goods shall not be disclosed and shall not be governed by public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. The Coroner, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r)., parties, and Lead Agencies, will be asked to withhold public disclosure information related to such reburial, pursuant to the specific exemption set forth in California Government Code 6254 (r). 18. Inadvertent Archeological Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native American Tribe(s). i. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find. ii. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources. iii. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the appropriate mitigation. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” 9.2.f Packet Pg. 185 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9 iv. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be consistent with the Cultural Resources Management Plan and Monitoring Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in perpetuity as identified in Non-Disclosure of Reburial Condition. v. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources, these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.” 19. Cultural Resources Disposition. In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered during the course of grading (inadvertent discoveries), the following procedures shall be carried out for final disposition of the discoveries: a) One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be employed with the tribes. Evidence of such shall be provided to the City of Menifee Community Development Department: i. Preservation-In-Place of the cultural resources, if feasible. Preservation in place means avoiding the resources, leaving them in the place where they were found with no development affecting the integrity of the resources. ii. Reburial of the resources on the Project property. The measures for reburial shall include, at least, the following: Measures and provisions to protect the future reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all legally required cataloging and basic recordation have been completed, with an exception that sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains are excluded. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. Listing of contents and location of the reburial shall be included in the confidential Phase IV report. The Phase IV Report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to Public Records Request. iii. If preservation in place or reburial is not feasible then the resources shall be curated in a culturally appropriate manner at a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources ensuring access and use pursuant to the Guidelines. The collection and 9.2.f Packet Pg. 186 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 10 associated records shall be transferred, including title, and are to be accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. Evidence of curation in the form of a letter from the curation facility stating that subject archaeological materials have been received and that all fees have been paid, shall be provided by the landowner to the City. There shall be no destructive or invasive testing on sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Results concerning finds of any inadvertent discoveries shall be included in the Phase IV monitoring report. 20. Inadvertent Paleontological Find. Should fossil remains be encountered during site development: 1) All site earthmoving shall be ceased in the area of where the fossil remains are encountered. Earthmoving activities may be diverted to other areas of the site. 2) The applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the County of Riverside. 3) The paleontologist shall determine the significance of the encountered fossil remains. 4) Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will continue thereafter on an as-needed basis by the paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The supervising paleontologist will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering any additional fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. 5) If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. 6) Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 187 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 11 *The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. LANDSCAPING 21. Landscape Plans. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and City of Menifee Municipal Code. Such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, and the appropriate maintenance authority. 22. Landscaping. All plant materials within landscaped common areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition throughout the life of this permit. To ensure that this occurs, the Community Development Department shall require inspections in accordance with the Community Development Department’s landscaping installed and inspected conditions. 23. Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Community Development Department and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 24. Landscape Maintenance. The land divider, or any successor-in-interest to the land divider, shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all landscaped areas and irrigation systems within the land division until such time as those operations are the responsibility of a property owner’s association, or any other successor-in-interest. Prior to Phasing 23. Preliminary Phase Grading. Prior to the approval of an application for a division into units or phasing plan for the TENTATIVE MAP, a conceptual grading plan covering the entire TENTATIVE MAP shall be submitted to the City of Menifee Community Development Department for review and approval. The preliminary grading plan shall comply with the following: 1) Techniques which will be used to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after grading process shall be depicted and documented. 2) Approximate time frames for grading and areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March shall be identified. 3) Preliminary pad and roadway elevations shall be depicted. 4) Areas where temporary grading occurs on any phase other than the one being graded for development at a particular time shall be identified. The approved preliminary grading plan shall be provided to the Building and Safety – Plan Check Division and shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual units or phases of the TENTATIVE MAP. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 188 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 12 24. Lot Access/Unit Plans. Any division into units or phasing of the TENTATIVE MAP shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each unit or phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the land division approval. No approval for any number of units or phases is given by this TENTATIVE MAP and its conditions of approval, except as provided by the Menifee Municipal Code. Prior to Final Map 25. Final Map Required. After the approval of the TENTATIVE MAP and prior to the expiration of said map, the land divider shall cause the real property included within the TENTATIVE MAP, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a FINAL MAP thereof prepared in accordance with the current Engineering Department - Survey Division requirements, the conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP, and in accordance with the Menifee Municipal Code. 26. Licensed Surveyor. The FINAL MAP shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer. 27. Surveyor Checklist. The City Engineering Department - Survey Division shall review any FINAL MAP and ensure compliance with the following: A. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall have a minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. B. All lot sizes and dimensions on the FINAL MAP shall be in conformance with the development standards of the corresponding zoning classification. C. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall comply with the length to width ratios, as established by the Menifee Municipal Code. D. All knuckle or cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum of 35 feet of frontage measured at the front lot line. E. All existing and proposed easements shall be identified on the FINAL MAP. 28. ECS. The land divider shall prepare an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) in accordance with the Menifee Municipal Code, which shall be submitted as part of the plan check review of the FINAL MAP. A note shall be placed on the FINAL MAP “Environmental Constraint Sheet affecting this map is on file at the City of Menifee Public Works and Engineering Department, in E.C.S Book ___, Page ___. 29. ECS Note on Dark Sky Lighting. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be placed on the ECS: "This property is subject to lighting restrictions as required by Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6 (Ordinance No. 2009-024), which are intended to reduce the effects of night lighting on the Mount Palomar Observatory. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 189 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 13 All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be in conformance with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.” 30. ECS Note on MMRP. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be placed on the ECS “This property is subject to the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan adopted as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project on file with the Community Development Department.” 31. Maintenance Exhibit. Prior to map recordation, the developer shall prepare an exhibit that shows all open space lots within the tract and the maintenance entity for each lot. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and Public Works and Engineering Department. The maintenance exhibit shall be consistent with the concept maintenance exhibit approved as a part of Exhibit L. FEES 32. Fees. Prior to recordation, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit based fees for the TENTATIVE MAP are in a negative balance. If so, any unpaid fees shall be paid by the developer/owner and/or the developer/owner's successor-in-interest. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits 33. Grading Plan Review. The Community Development Department shall review the grading plans for consistency with the approved tentative map. 34. Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval and mitigation measures of this tract map and the MND which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a grading permit for review and approval. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. 35. Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat Fee. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the permittee shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663, which generally requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. The amount of the fee required to be paid may vary depending upon a variety of factors, including the type of development application submitted and the applicability of any fee reduction or exemption provisions contained in Ordinance No. 663. Said fee shall be calculated on the approved development project which is anticipated to be 46.9 acres (gross) in accordance with APPROVED EXHIBIT A. If the development is subsequently revised, this acreage amount may be modified in order to reflect the revised development project acreage amount. In the event Ordinance No. 663 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 663 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 190 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 14 36. Fees. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit based fees are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the applicant/developer. 37. Fugitive Dust Control. The permittee shall implement fugitive dust control measures in accordance with Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403. The permittee shall include in construction contracts the control measures required under Rule 403 at the time of development, including the following: a. Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or break-up of pavement. The construction area and vicinity (500-foot radius) must be swept (preferably with water weepers) and watered at least twice daily. Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a ten (10) percent surface soil moisture content throughout all earth moving activities. All unpaved demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could reduce fugitive dust by as much as fifty percent (50%). b. Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three (3) times daily; c. All paved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once every two (2) hours of active operations; d. Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty (30) minutes of visible dirt deposition; e. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging areas; f. Onsite stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be covered or watered at least twice daily; g. Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders; h. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials must either be covered or maintain two feet of freeboard; i. All inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind drive fugitive dust; j. Install wind breaks at the windward sides of construction areas; k. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds exceed twenty-five (25) mph; 9.2.f Packet Pg. 191 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 15 l. Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour over a thirty (30) minute period or more, so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust; m. All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three- quarter (12.75) cubic yards; n. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means to prevent spillage and dust; o. Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour; p. Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the site; q. Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; r. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust; s. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and second stage smog alerts; and, t. An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone number to call and receive information about the construction project or to report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any reasonable complaints shall be rectified within twenty- four (24) hours of their receipt. 38. Tier IV Diesel. The project will only utilize Tier IV diesel construction equipment. Prior to grading permit issuance, the developer or permittee shall provide proof to the Community Development Department that this condition is being complied with. Documentation from the contractor responsible for construction stating compliance with this condition of approval will be acceptable. 39. Short-Term Construction Noise Impacts. Prior to Grading Permit issuance, the project applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City of Menifee City Engineer that the project plan specifications comply with the following: • During all project site excavation and grading on‐site, construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturer standards. • The contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the project site. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 192 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 16 • Equipment shall be shut off and not left to idle when not in use. • The contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that would create the greatest distance between construction‐related noise sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction as is feasible. • The project proponent shall mandate that the construction contractor prohibit the use of music or sound amplification on the project site during construction. • The construction contractor shall limit haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure NOI-2 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. 40. Construction Monitoring. A noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the residential noise threshold (80 dBA) at the surrounding residential property line. Construction activity will cease prior to noise levels exceeding the residential threshold. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure NOI-3 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. 41. Construction Monitoring. A noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the residential noise threshold (80 dBA) at the surrounding residential property line. Construction activity will cease prior to noise levels exceeding the residential threshold. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure NOI-2 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. BIOLOGICAL IMPACTS 42. Burrowing Owl Preconstruction Survey. Pursuant to Objective 6 and Objective 7 of the Species Account for the Burrowing Owl included in the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a pre-construction presence/absence survey for the burrowing owl shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and the results of this presence/absence survey shall be provided in writing to the City of Menifee Community Development Department. If it is determined that the project site is occupied by the Burrowing Owl, take of "active" nests shall be avoided pursuant to the MSHCP and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. However, when the Burrowing Owl is present, relocation outside of the nesting season (March 1 through August 31) by a qualified biologist shall be required. The City shall be consulted to determine appropriate type of relocation (active or passive) and translocation sites. Occupation of this species on the project site may result in the need to revise grading plans so that take of "active" nests is avoided or alternatively, a grading permit may be 9.2.f Packet Pg. 193 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 17 issued once the species has been actively relocated. If the grading permit is not obtained within 30 days of the survey a new survey shall be required. If construction and/or disturbance of the site is suspended for a period of days (30) days or more, a new survey shall be required. If the 30-day pre-construction burrowing owl survey finds owls on the site, the project biologist shall notify California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) within two business days of discovering the occupied burrows, and shall subsequently prepare a Burrowing Owl Protection and Relocation Plan for review and approval by the CDFW, USFWS, and the Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) prior to initiating any ground-disturbing activities (including disking and mowing, among others). Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure BIO-1 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. 43. Nesting Bird Survey. To avoid impacting nesting birds, one of the following must be implemented: Conduct grading activities from September 16th through January 31st, when birds are not likely to be nesting on the site; OR Conduct pre-construction surveys for nesting birds if construction is to take place during the nesting season (February 1st through September 15th). A qualified wildlife biologist shall conduct a pre-construction nest survey no more than 10 calendar days prior to initiation of grading to provide confirmation of the presence or absence of active nests on or immediately adjacent to the project site. If active nests are encountered, species-specific measures shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and implemented to prevent abandonment of the active nest. At a minimum, grading in the vicinity of the nest shall be deferred until the young birds have fledged. An exclusion buffer of 100 feet, or other suitable buffer determined by the City of Menifee in consultation with applicable agencies, shall be maintained until the nest has successfully fledged, depending on the species and location. Construction personnel and activities shall be restricted within the exclusion buffer area. A survey report by the qualified biologist verifying that (1) no active nests are present prior to the initiation of grading, or (2) that the young have fledged in the nest-setback zone prior to removing the exclusion buffer area. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts on these nests occur. A report of the findings prepared by a qualified biologist shall be submitted to the City prior to ground disturbance and/or issuance of a grading permit. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure BIO-2 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 194 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 18 ARCHEOLOGY 44. Archeologist Retained. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the project applicant shall retain a Riverside County qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground disturbing activities in an effort to identify any unknown archaeological resources. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s) shall manage and oversee monitoring for all initial ground disturbing activities and excavation of each portion of the project site including clearing, grubbing, tree removals, mass or rough grading, trenching, stockpiling of materials, rock crushing, structure demolition and etc. The Project Archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s), shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground disturbance activities to allow identification, evaluation, and potential recovery of cultural resources in coordination with any required special interest or tribal monitors. The developer/permit holder shall submit a fully executed copy of the contract to the Community Development Department to ensure compliance with this condition of approval. Upon verification, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. In addition, the Project Archaeologist, in consultation with the Consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall develop a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) in consultation pursuant to the definition in AB52 to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. A consulting tribe is defined as a tribe that initiated the AB 52 tribal consultation process for the Project, has not opted out of the AB52 consultation process, and has completed AB 52 consultation with the City as provided for in Cal Pub Res Code Section 21080.3.2(b)(1) of AB52. Details in the Plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling; b. The Project archeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre-grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and any contractors and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The Training will include a brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the Project and the surrounding area; what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. All new construction personnel that will conduct earthwork or grading activities that begin work on the Project following the initial Training must take the Cultural Sensitivity Training prior to beginning work and the Project archaeologist and Consulting Tribe(s) shall make themselves available to provide the training on an as-needed basis; c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and Project archaeologist will follow in the event of 9.2.f Packet Pg. 195 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 19 inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resources evaluation. 45. Native American Monitoring (Pechanga). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Tribal Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. 46. Native American Monitoring (Soboba). Tribal monitor(s) shall be required on-site during all ground-disturbing activities, including grading, stockpiling of materials, engineered fill, rock crushing, etc. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified tribal monitor(s) from the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit a copy of a signed contract between the above-mentioned Tribe and the land divider/permit holder for the monitoring of the project to the Community Development Department and to the Engineering Department. The Native American Monitor(s) shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt the ground-disturbance activities to allow recovery of cultural resources, in coordination with the Project Archaeologist. PALEONTOLOGY 47. Paleontologist Required. This site is mapped as having a high potential for paleontological resources (fossils) at shallow depth. Therefore, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: The permittee shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the City of Menifee to create and implement a project-specific plan for monitoring site grading/earthmoving activities which exceeds 5 feet in depth in native sedimentary. The project paleontologist retained shall review the approved development plan and shall conduct any pre-construction work necessary to render appropriate monitoring and mitigation requirements as appropriate. These requirements shall be documented by the project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP, at a minimum and in addition to other industry standard and Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards, are as follows: 9.2.f Packet Pg. 196 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 20 A. The project paleontologist shall participate in a pre-construction project meeting with development staff and construction operations to ensure an understanding of any mitigation measures required during construction, as applicable. B. Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will be conducted on an as-needed basis by the project paleontologist during all earthmoving activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The project paleontologist or his/her assign will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she determines the probability of encountering fossils has dropped below an acceptable level. C. If the project paleontologist finds fossil remains, earthmoving activities will be diverted temporarily around the fossil site until the remains have been evaluated and recovered. Earthmoving will be allowed to proceed through the site when the project paleontologist determines the fossils have been recovered and/or the site mitigated to the extent necessary. D. If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the project paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil site and the project paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the remains. E. If fossil remains are encountered, fossiliferous rock will be recovered from the fossil site and processed to allow for the recovery of smaller fossil remains. Test samples may be recovered from other sampling sites in the rock unit if appropriate. F. Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by qualified scientific investigators. * The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the fossil material prior to being curated. G. A qualified paleontologist shall prepare a report of findings made during all site grading activity with an appended itemized list of fossil specimens recovered during grading (if any). This report shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to building final inspection as described elsewhere in these conditions. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 197 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 21 All reports shall be signed by the project paleontologist and all other professionals responsible for the report's content (e.g. Professional Geologist, Professional Engineer, etc.), as appropriate. Two wet-signed original copies of the report shall be submitted directly to the Community Development Department along with a copy of this condition, deposit-based fee and the grading plan for appropriate case processing and tracking. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure GEO-1 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 48. Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval and mitigation measures of this tract map and MND which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. 49. Conform Final Site Plan. The building plans shall be consistent with the approved elevations of the final site of development plans. The building plans shall be reviewed for consistency with the final site of development plans prior to Building Permit issuance. 50. Building Plans Required. The developer shall cause building plans to be submitted to the Building and Safety Department for review and approval by the Department of Building and Safety - Plan Check Division. Building and Safety will require the following items for the building plan submittal: 1. Plans shall be designed to the provisions of the 2019 (or current) edition of the California Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, Energy and Green Codes. 2. Five (5) sets of plan drawings shall be submitted along with three (3) copies of structural and Title 24 Energy documentation. 3. Two (2) sets of precise grading plans shall be submitted at time of building plan review submittal. Showing all disabled access paths of travel, cross and directional slope percentages, site accessibility features and details. 4. All exterior lighting shall comply with Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, “Dark Sky Ordinance”. 51. Roof Mounted Equipment. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision, however, solar equipment or any other energy-saving devices shall be permitted with Community Development Department approval. 52. Building Separation. Building separation between all buildings shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Additional encroachments are only allowed as permitted by the Menifee Municipal Code. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 198 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 22 53. Parking. Parking spaces are required in accordance with the Menifee Municipal Code. All parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced to current standards as approved by the City of Menifee Engineering Department. 54. Lighting. Lighting fixtures for open space areas shall be decorative. Shoe- box-type lighting will not be allowed. The types of lighting fixtures used shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. All outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of the Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 6.01 and the General Plan. 55. Screening of Accessory Structures. Screening of mechanical equipment within trellised enclosures or encasing mechanical equipment within small structures compatible in color and materials to the adjacent landscaping or the primary structures shall be required and methods of screening shall be included on building plans and/or landscaping plans. 56. Color Schemes. Colors/materials shall be consistent with the Citywide/Countywide Design Standards and Guidelines. 57. Natural Gas Fireplaces. The project shall only install natural gas fireplaces. This information shall be made available as a note building plans for the project. 58. Required Design Elements. The following design elements are required to meet noise standards: • A “windows closed” condition is required to meet interior noise standards for all homes. • Upgraded windows and sliding glass doors are required on all homes facing Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road. • Attic and roof vents that directly face Evans Road, McLaughlin Road, Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road), and Rouse Road, if applicable, should include an acoustical baffles to prevent vehicle noise intrusion. The contractor may install similar measures to provide noise reduction. • For proper acoustical performance, all exterior windows, doors, and sliding glass doors must have a positive seal and leaks/cracks must be kept to a minimum. 59. Construction Monitoring. A noise monitoring program shall be implemented during construction. The monitoring program will alert construction management personnel when noise levels approach the upper limits of the residential noise threshold (80 dBA) at the surrounding residential property line. Construction activity will cease prior to noise levels exceeding the residential threshold. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 199 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 23 Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure NOI-2 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. MINOR PLANS REQUIRED 60. Final Site of Development Plan. A plot plan application shall be submitted to the Community Development Department pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code (Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act), along with the current fee. Subdivision development shall conform to the approved tract map and shall conform to the Countywide Design Guidelines. The plot plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director prior to approval of the building plans and prior to issuance of Building Permits for lots included within that plot plan. The plot plan shall contain the following elements: 1) A final site plan (40' scale precise grading plan) showing all lots, building footprints, setbacks, mechanical equipment (and methods for screening) and model assignments on individual lots. 2) Each model floor plan and elevations (all sides). 3) Three (3) sets of photographic or color laser prints (8" x 10") of the sample board and colored elevations shall be submitted for permanent filing and agency distribution after the Community Development Department has reviewed and approved the sample board and colored elevations in accordance with the approved Design Manual and other applicable standards. All writing must be legible. Three (3) matrix sheets showing structure colors and texture schemes shall be submitted. 4) The number of floor plans for each area shall be in accordance with the Design Guidelines. For development projects that are to be constructed in phases, a phasing plan shall be submitted to assure that the requirements for the number of floor plans is being met. 5) The colors and materials on adjacent residential structures should be varied to establish a separate identity for the dwellings. A variety of colors and textures of building materials is encouraged, while maintaining overall design continuity in the neighborhood. Color sample boards shall be submitted as a part of the application and review process. 6) All new residences with garages shall be provided with roll-up (i.e. on tracks) garage doors (either sectional wood or steel). At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the garage doors in any project should have windows. NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor plot plan required by this subdivision's conditions of approval. However, this 9.2.f Packet Pg. 200 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 24 FINAL SITE DEVELOPENT plot plan condition of approval shall be cleared individually. 61. Landscaping Plans. The land divider/permit holder shall file three (3) sets of a Landscaping and Irrigation Plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form of a plot plan application pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code, along with the current fee. The plan shall be in compliance with the Conceptual Landscaping Plan, the Menifee Municipal Code and the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of approval. The plan shall address all areas and conditions of the project requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, front yard landscaping, slope planting, common area and/or basin landscaping within Open Space Lots and any CFD-maintained landscaping. Emphasis shall be placed on using plant species that are drought tolerant and low water using. The plans shall provide for the following: 1) Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. 2) All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Community Development Department. Utilities shall be placed underground. 3) Any required landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of four (4) feet at maturity. 4) Parkways and landscaped building setbacks shall be landscaped to provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site. Landscape elements shall include earth berming, ground cover, shrubs, and specimen trees in conjunction with meandering sidewalks, benches, and other pedestrian amenities where appropriate as approved by the Community Development Department. 5) Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. 6) Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. 7) Turf shall be eliminated in areas unless provided for active uses. 8) All basins for drainage and/or water quality shall be screened from view with landscaping. 9) All trees shall be minimum double-staked. Weaker and/or slow-growing trees shall be steel-staked. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 201 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 25 10) Plants with similar water requirements shall be grouped together in order to reduce excessive irrigation runoff and promote surface filtration, where possible. Note on Conceptual Plans. The conceptual landscaping plans show general locations for shrubs, groundcover and trees, but does not specify the size and each specific type of plant for all locations. Therefore, the Planning Division may require the addition of plants, change the space of plants, change the type of plants, or change the size of plants on the working drawing. The landscaping and irrigation plans for open space lots shall be consistent with Approved Exhibit L. NOTES: The Landscape plot plan may include the requirements of any other minor plot plan required by the subdivision conditions of approval. However, minor plot plan conditions of approval shall be cleared individually. Landscaping plans for areas that are totally within the road right-of-way shall be submitted to the Engineering and Public Works Department ONLY. Landscaping plans for areas proposed to be maintained by the City Community Facilities District shall be submitted to the Engineering and Public Works Department. Project-related landscaping shall not include exotic plan species that may be invasive to native habitats. Invasive exotic plant species not to be used include those listed on the California Invasive Plant Council’s Invasive Plant Inventory and Table 6-2: Plants that should be avoided adjacent to the MSHCP Conservation Area,” found in Section 6.1.4 of the MSHCP. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure BIO-3 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. WQMP Treatment Devices. All WQMP treatment devices including design details shall be shown on the construction landscape plans. If revisions are made to the WQMP design that result in any changes to the conceptual landscape plans after entitlement, the revisions will be shown on the construction landscape plans, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. 62. Entry Monuments. Building plans for an entry monument shall be consistent with Approved Exhibit L. If any changes are proposed, the land divider/permit holder shall file five (5) sets of an Entry Monument plot plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form of a plot plan application pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code, along with the current fee. The plan shall be in compliance with the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of approval. The plot plan shall contain the following elements: 9.2.f Packet Pg. 202 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 26 2) A color elevation of a front, side, and rear view of all/the entry monument(s) with landscaping. 3) The entry monuments shall be in substantial conformance to Approved Exhibit L and the Map. 4) The plan shall include dimensions of the sign and lettering, call outs of materials and plotting of the sign, including setbacks. NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor plot plan required by the conditions of approval for this subdivision. However, this ENTRY MONUMENT condition of approval shall be cleared individually. 63. Model Home Complex. A plot plan application shall be submitted to the Community Development Department pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code, along with the current fee. The Model Home Complex plot plan shall contain the following elements: 1) An engineer's scaled plan showing the model home lots, lot numbers, tract number, and north arrow. 2) Show front, side and rear yard setbacks. 3) Provide two dimensioned off street parking spaces per model and one parking space for office use. The plan must have one accessible parking space. 4) Show detailed fencing plan including height and location. 5) Show typical model tour sign locations and elevation. 6) Three (3) sets of photographic or color laser prints (8" X 10") of the sample board and colored elevations shall be submitted for permanent filing and agency distribution after the Community Development Department has reviewed and approved the sample board and colored elevations. All writing must be legible. Three (3) matrix sheets showing structure colors and texture schemes shall be submitted. 7) Provide a Model Home Complex landscape and irrigation plan. NOTES: The Model Home Complex plot plan shall not be approved without Final Site Development Plan approval, or concurrent approval of both. See the Community Development Department Model Home Complex application for detailed requirements. The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor plot plan required by the subdivision's conditions of approval. However, this MODEL HOME COMPLEX condition of approval shall be cleared individually. The applicant will be required to enter into a model home complex agreement 9.2.f Packet Pg. 203 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 27 with the City of Menifee. The agreement stipulates terms for removal of the complex. The model home complex plan shall be approved prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Walls and Fencing. Per the approved Nosie study, dated February 14, 2019, minimum six (6) foot high sound walls are required around all habitable exterior backyard and sideyard areas for lots along Evans Road, McLaughlin Road and Sun City Boulevard (Barnett Road). For any additional walls and fencing, interior walls and fencing, or modifications to the walls and fencing noted above, the land divider/permit holder shall file five (5) sets of a Wall/Fencing Plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form of a plot plan application pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code, along with the current fee. The plan shall be in compliance with the Design Guidelines, Approved Exhibit L and the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of approval. A. A typical frontal view of all fences shall be shown on the fencing plan. B. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping or decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Community Development Department. C. Front yard return walls shall be constructed of masonry slump stone or material of similar appearance, maintenance, and structural durability) and shall be a minimum of five feet in height. D. Side yard gates are required on one side of the home and shall be constructed of vinyl. Chain-link fencing is not permitted. All construction must be of good quality and sufficient durability with an approved stain and/or sealant to minimize water staining. (Applicants shall provide specifications that shall be approved by the Community Development Department). E. All lots having rear and/or side yards facing local streets or otherwise open to public view shall have fences or walls constructed of decorative block. F. Corner lots shall be constructed with wrap-around decorative block wall returns. G. Wrought iron or tubular steel fence sections may be included within tracts where view opportunities and/or terrain warrant its use. Where privacy of views is not an issue, tubular steel or wrought iron sections should be constructed in perimeter walls in order to take advantage of casual view opportunities. H. The plan shall show the location of all retaining walls. Retaining walls shall be constructed with decorative block and a masonry cap as shown in the conceptual wall plans. Special Conditions: The following comment shall be addressed as a condition of approval on the final wall and fence plans: 9.2.f Packet Pg. 204 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 28 A. The pre-cast concrete wall caps on the proposed block walls shall be a thick (4”) split-face block cap or similar to give the wall a more finished, higher-end appearance. Note masonry caps on the walls shall not include 2” precision caps. NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor plot plan required by the conditions of approval for this subdivision. However, this WALL/FENCING PLAN condition of approval shall be cleared individually. Note: This condition implements Mitigation Measure NOI-4 of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. LANDSCAPING 64. Front Yard Landscaping. All front yards shall be provided with landscaping and automatic irrigation as defined by the Menifee Municipal Code and the Riverside County Guide to California Friendly Landscaping. The front yard landscaping must be installed prior to final occupancy release. 65. Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the Community Development Department and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). 66. Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Community Development Director to guarantee the installation of plantings, irrigation system, walls and/or fences, in accordance with the approved plan, shall be filed with the Community Development Department. Securities may require review by the City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and the Six Month and One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the planting and irrigation components have been adequately installed and maintained. A cash security shall be required when the estimated cost is $2,500.00 or less. Security deposits are only required for common area landscaped areas. 67. Landscape Inspection Deposit. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the permit holder shall open a Landscape Deposit Based Fee case and deposit the prevailing deposit amount to cover the pre-installation inspections, installation inspections, Six Month Post Establishment and One Year Post Establishment Landscape Inspections. The amount of hours for the Inspections will be determined by the Community Development Department's Landscape personnel prior to approval of the requisite Minor Plot Plan for Planting and Irrigation. Prior to Issuance of Given Building Permit 68. Open Space Lot B (1.23 acre Park). Prior to building permit issuance for the 87th production unit within the overall tract, or as determined by the Community 9.2.f Packet Pg. 205 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 29 Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot B shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. FEES 69. Fees. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit based fees for project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. 70. Romoland School District. Impacts to the Romoland School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 71. Perris Union High School District. Impacts to the Perris Union High School District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law. 72. Quimby Fees. Payment of in-lieu fees. The proposed subdivision will fulfill Quimby obligations through the payment of in-lieu fees. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the City Manager or his/her designee shall determine the amount of Quimby Fees to be paid by the subdivider. Quimby fees shall be paid directly to the city prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy of any dwelling unit in the subdivision. Prior to Final Inspection 73. Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report to the Community Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval and mitigation measures of this tract map and MND which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of final occupancy. The Community Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance. 74. Archeology Report - Phase III and IV. Prior to final inspection, the developer/permit holder shall prompt the Project Archeologist to submit two (2) copies of the Phase III Data Recovery report (if required for the Project) and the Phase IV Cultural Resources Monitoring Report that complies with the Community Development Department's requirements for such reports. The Phase IV report shall include evidence of the required cultural/historical sensitivity training for the construction staff held during the pre-grade meeting. The Community Development Department shall review the reports to determine adequate mitigation compliance. Provided the reports are adequate, the Community Development Department shall clear this condition. Once the report(s) are determined to be adequate, two (2) copies shall be submitted to the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and one (1) copy shall be submitted to the Consulting Tribe(s) Cultural Resources Department(s). 75. Anti-Graffiti Coating. An anti-graffiti coating shall be provided on all block walls, and written verification from the developer shall be provided to the Community Development Department. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 206 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 30 76. Fencing and Wall Compliance. Fencing shall be provided throughout the subdivision in accordance with Approved Exhibit L, the approved final site development plans and/or walls and fencing plan. 77. Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations approved as part of the final site of development plan. 78. Concrete Driveways. The land divider/permit holder shall cause all driveways to be constructed of cement concrete. 79. Roll Up Garage Doors. All residences shall have automatic roll-up garage doors. 80. Final Planning Inspection. The permittee shall obtain final occupancy sign-off from the Planning Division for each Building Permit issued by scheduling a final Planning inspection prior to the final sign-off from the Building Department. Planning staff shall verify that all pertinent conditions of approval have been met, including compliance with the approved elevations, hardscaping, site plan, ground mounted equipment screening, transformer locations, parking, walls and fencing and landscaping. LANDSCAPING 81. Soil Management Plan The permittee shall submit a Soil Management Plan (Report) to the Community Development Department before the Landscape Installation Inspection. The report can be sent in electronically. Information on the contents of the report can be found in the County of Riverside Guide to California Friendly Landscaping page 16, #7, “What is required in a Soil Management Plan?” 82. Landscape/Irrigation Install Inspection The permittee landscape architect responsible for preparing the Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall arrange for a Pre-Landscape installation inspection and a Landscape Completion Installation Inspection with the Community Development Department. The pre-landscape inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to installation of landscaping. The landscape completion inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior to final inspection of the structure or issuance of occupancy permit, whichever occurs first. Six Month and One Year Post-Establishment Inspection will also be required. The Community Development Department will require a deposit in order to conduct the landscape inspections. 83. Landscape Installation. All required landscape planting and irrigation, shall have been installed in accordance with approved Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans, the Menifee Municipal Code, Eastern Municipal Water District requirements and the Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping. All landscape and irrigation components shall be in a condition acceptable to the Community Development Department. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and determined to be in good working order. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 207 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 31 84. Final Landscape Approval The final landscape approval following installation shall be subject to the review and approval of the City’s Landscape Architectural Consultant and the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director may require additional trees, shrubs and/or groundcover as necessary, if site inspections reveal landscape deficiencies that were not apparent during the plan review process. FEES 85. MSHCP Fees. Prior to the issuance of either a certificate of occupancy or prior to Building Permit final inspection, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 810, which requires payment of the appropriate fee set forth in the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 810 has been established to set forth policies, regulations and fees related to the funding and acquisition of open space and habitat necessary to address the direct and cumulative environmental effects generated by new development projects described and defined in this Ordinance. The fee shall be paid for each residential unit to be constructed within this land division. In the event Ordinance No. 810 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 810 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 86. Ordinance No. 17-232 (DIF). Prior to the issuance of either a certificate of occupancy or prior to building permit final inspection, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 17-232, which requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 17-232 has been established to set forth policies, regulations and fees related to the funding and construction of facilities necessary to address the direct and cumulative environmental effects generated by new development projects described and defined in this Ordinance, and it establishes the authorized uses of the fees collected. In the event Ordinance No. 17-232 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 17-232 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent City mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required. 87. Quimby Fees. Quimby fees shall be paid directly to the City prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy of any dwelling unit in the subdivision. The amount of Quimby fees paid shall be consistent with the amount determined by the City Manager, or their designee, prior to issuance of a building permit. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 208 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 32 88. Fees. Prior to issuance of occupancy/final inspections, the Community Development Department shall determine if the deposit-based fees for project are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee. Prior to Issuance of Given Building Permit or Occupancy 89. Landscaping and Recreation Amenities Installation. Landscaping, irrigation and amenities shall be installed in accordance with the conditions noted below. Landscaping directly adjacent to residential lots will be installed prior to the occupancy of the lots the landscaping is located adjacent to. Timing is as follows for the following lots: Lots 62-64, 161-162 and 174. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lots 62-64, 161-162 and 174, the park located on Lot “B” shall be completed and have passed all necessary inspections. Per COA #67, above, the park located on Lot “B” shall be installed prior to the issuance of the 87th occupancy permit for the project. Please note that even if the overall number of occupancy permits issued for the project has not reached 87 by the time the developer would like to obtain final occupancy for Lots 62-64, 161-162 and 174, the park will still be required to be completed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for Lots 62- 64, 161-162 and 174. Open Space Lot C (Paseo). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot Nos. 114-119 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot C shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot D (Paseo). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot Nos. 20-25 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot D shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot E (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 10 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot E shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot F (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 11 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot F shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot G (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot Nos. 31-32 as shown on the approved tentative 9.2.f Packet Pg. 209 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 33 map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot G shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot H (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 29 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot H shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot I (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 36 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot I shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot J (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 38 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot J shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot K (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 110 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot K shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot L (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 113 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot L shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot M (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 129 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot M shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot O (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 96 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot O shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot P (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 95 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot P shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 210 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 34 Open Space Lot Q (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 137 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot Q shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot R (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 140 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot R shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot S (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 148 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot S shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot T (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 80 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot T shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot U (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 151 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot U shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot V (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 167 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot V shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot W (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 169 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot W shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot X (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 63 as shown on the approved tentative map, or as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot X shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Open Space Lot Y (Interior Parkway). Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Lot No. 64 as shown on the approved tentative map, or 9.2.f Packet Pg. 211 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 35 as determined by the Community Development Director, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space Lot Y shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance securities posted. Entry Monuments. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the 1st production unit within the tract, the northernmost entry monument located along McLaughlin Road and the easternmost entry monument located along Barnett Road shall be installed in accordance with Approved Exhibit L, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The easternmost entry monument located along Evans Road shall be installed prior to the 87th certificate of occupancy for the project. The Community Development Director shall have the ability to modify or defer the installation of the landscaping as noted above, but may require performance securities and additional deposits to cover administrative costs. Under no circumstance shall landscaping be deferred if 80% of the units has been issued permits. The installation of landscaping within open space area that will be maintained by the Community Facilities District (CFD) can be modified or deferred by the Engineering and Public Works Department. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 212 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 36 Section III: Public Works / Engineering Conditions of Approval 9.2.f Packet Pg. 213 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 37 The following are the City of Menifee Public Works / Engineering Department (Public Works / Engineering Department) Conditions of Approval for this development project, which shall be satisfied at no cost to the City of Menifee (City) or any other Government Agency. All questions regarding the intent of the following conditions shall be referred to the Public Works / Engineering Department, Land Development Section. The developer / property owner shall use the standards and design criteria stated in the following conditions, and shall comply with all applicable City standards and ordinances. Should a conflict arise between City standards and City design criteria, and any other standards and design criteria, those of the City shall prevail. A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 90. Subdivision Map Act. The developer / property owner shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act. 91. Guarantee for Required Improvements. Prior to final map recordation, or issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first or as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, financial security shall be provided to guarantee the construction of all required improvements associated with each phase of construction. The Public Works Director / City Engineer may require the dedication and construction of necessary utilities, streets or other improvements outside the area of any particular map phase (if the map is phased) if the improvements are needed for circulation, parking and access or for the welfare and safety of future occupants of the development project. 92. Map Phasing. This tract map may be developed in multiple phases. If the developer / property owner elects to develop in multiple phases, an application for map phasing shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for City review and approval. Phased final maps shall be in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map. Prior to recordation, financial security shall be provided for all required improvements with each map phase. The Public Works Director / City Engineer may require the dedication and construction of necessary utilities, streets or other improvements outside the area of any particular tract map phase if the improvements are needed for circulation, parking and access or for the welfare and safety of future occupants of the development. 93. Bond Agreements and Improvement Security. To guarantee the construction of all required improvements, the developer / property owner shall enter into security agreements and post bonds in accordance with applicable City policies and ordinances. The improvements shall include as applicable, but not be limited to, the following: onsite / offsite grading, street improvements, street lights, traffic signals, signing and striping, water / sewer / recycled water improvements, water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs), and storm drainage facilities. 94. Existing Easements. The submitted tentative tract map shall correctly show all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate drainage flows. The map shall also correctly show all proposed easements and dedications to support the development project. Any omission or 9.2.f Packet Pg. 214 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 38 misrepresentation of these documents may require said tentative tract map to be resubmitted for further consideration. 95. Engineered Plans. All improvement plans and grading plans shall be drawn on twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar and signed by a registered civil engineer or other registered / licensed professional as required. 96. Plan Check Submittal Process. Appropriate plan check submittal forms shall be completed and submittal check list provided that includes required plan copies, necessary studies / reports, references, fees, deposits, etc. Prior to final approval of improvement plans by the Public Works / Engineering Department, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department CAD layers of all improvements to be maintained by the City (pavement, sidewalk, street lights, etc.). A scanned image of all final approved grading and improvement plans on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive, also known as a “flash” drive or “thumb” drive, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). CAD files created with the latest version shall only be accepted if approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 97. Final Map Submittal Process. Appropriate final map plan check submittal forms shall be completed and appropriate fees or deposits paid. Prior to approval of the final map by the City Council, the developer / property owner shall provide along with the final map mylars, electronic files of the final map on a USB drive, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). CAD files created with the latest version shall only be accepted if approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 98. Plan Approvals. All required improvement plans and grading plans must be approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to recordation of a final map for which the improvements are required, or prior to issuance of any construction and / or grading permit, whichever comes first and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. Supporting City approved studies including, but not limited to, hydrologic and hydraulic studies and traffic studies must be provided prior to approval of plans. 99. As-Built Plans. Upon completion of all required improvements, the developer / property owner shall cause the civil engineer of record to as-built all project plans, and submit project base line of work for all layers on a USB drive to the Public Works / Engineering Department, in one of the following formats: (a) Auto CAD DXF, (b) GIS shapefile (made up of ESRI extensions .shp, .shx and .dbf) or (c) Geodatabase (made up of ESRI extension .gdb). If the required files are unavailable, the developer / property owner shall pay a scanning fee to cover the cost of scanning the as-built plans. The timing for submitting the as- built plans shall be as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 100. Construction Activities and Times of Operation. The developer / property owner shall monitor, supervise, and control all construction and 9.2.f Packet Pg. 215 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 39 construction related activities to prevent them from causing a public nuisance including, but not limited to, strict adherence to the following: (a) Any construction within the City limits located 1/4 of a mile from an occupied residence shall be limited to the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except on nationally recognized holidays in accordance with Municipal Code Section 8.01.020. Construction on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays is not permitted unless prior approval is obtained from the City Building Official or the Public Works Director / City Engineer. (b) Removal of spoils, debris, or other construction materials deposited on any public street no later than the end of each working day. (c) The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. Violation of any condition or restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions shall subject the developer / property owner to remedies as set forth in the City Municipal Code. In addition, the Public Works Director / City Engineer or the Building Official may suspend all construction related activities for violation of any condition, restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions until such a time it has been determined that all operations and activities are in conformance with these conditions. (d) A Pre-Construction meeting is mandatory with the City’s Public Works Senior Inspector prior to start of any construction activities for this site. 101. Dry Utility Installations. Electrical power, telephone, communication, street lighting, and cable television lines shall be placed underground in accordance with current City ordinances, or as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This applies also to existing overhead lines which are 33.6 kilovolts or below along the project frontage and within the project boundaries. In cases where 33.6kV or below lines are collocated with high voltage lines (for example, 115kV), the low voltage lines shall still be placed underground even when the high voltage lines are exempt from relocation or undergrounding in accordance with City standards and ordinances. Exemption from undergrounding low voltage lines shall only be by the Public Works Director / City Engineer or as directed by the City Council. B. GRADING All grading activities shall conform to the latest adopted edition of the California Building Code, City Ordinances on grading, applicable City design standards and specifications, City ordinances, policies, rules and regulations governing grading in the City. Prior to Grading Permit 102. Geotechnical Report. The following documentation was reviewed and approved by the City: 9.2.f Packet Pg. 216 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 40 • “Update Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development, Tentative Tract No. 33419, Menifee 157 Project, Southwest Corner of McLaughlin Road and Sun City Boulevard, Menifee, Riverside County, California”, prepared by GeoTek, Inc., Project No. 1767-CR, dated August 27, 2018. • “Response to Geotechnical Investigation Report Review, Proposed Single-Family Residential Development, Tentative Tract No. 33419, Menifee 157 Project, Southwest Corner of McLaughlin Road and Sun City Boulevard, Menifee, Riverside County, California”, prepared by GeoTek, Inc., Project No. 1767-CR, dated November 3, 2017. Two copies of the City-approved geotechnical report shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. The developer / property owner shall comply with the recommendations of the report and City standards and specifications. All grading shall be done in conformance with the recommendations of the report, and under the general direction of a licensed geotechnical engineer. 103. Grading Permit for Clearing and Grubbing. A grading permit is required from the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to any clearing, grubbing, or any topsoil disturbances related to construction grading activities. 104. Erosion Control Plans. All grading plans shall require erosion control plans prior to approval. Graded but undeveloped land shall provide, in addition to erosion control measures, drainage facilities deemed necessary to control or prevent erosion. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are required year-round in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit (CGP) from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Additional erosion protection may be required during or before an anticipated rain event. 105. Compliance with NPDES Construction General Permit. The developer / property owner shall comply with the NPDES CGP from the SWRCB. Prior to approval of the grading plans or issuance of any grading permit, the developer / property owner shall obtain a CGP from the SWRCB. Proof of filing a Notice of Intent and monitoring plan, shall be submitted to the City; and the WDID number issued by the SWRCB shall be reflected on all grading plans prior to approval of the plans. For additional information on how to obtain a CGP, contact the SWRCB. 106. SWPPP. Prior to approval of the grading plans, the developer / property owner shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development project. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for uploading the SWPPP into the State’s Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) database, and shall ensure that the SWPPP is updated to constantly reflect the actual construction status of the site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be made available at the construction site at all times until construction is completed. The SWRCB considers a construction project complete once a Notice of Termination (NOT) has been issued by SWRCB. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 217 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 41 107. SWPPP for Inactive Sites. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that any graded area that is left inactive for longer than 14 calendar days has appropriate SWPPP BMPs in place and in good working conditions at all times until construction is completed and the SWRCB has issued an NOT for the development project. 108. Grading Bonds. Prior to commencing any grading, the developer / property owner shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Prior to issuance of the permit, adequate performance grading security shall be posted by the developer / property owner with the Public Works / Engineering Department. 109. Import / Export – Prior to issuance of a grading permit, grading plans involving import or export of dirt shall require approval of the import / export locations from the Public Works / Engineering Department, which may include submittal of a soils report for review and approval by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. A haul route must be submitted for approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to grading operations. 110. Offsite Grading Easements. Prior to recordation of a final map, or the issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first, the developer / property owner shall obtain all required easements and / or permissions to perform offsite grading, from affected land owners. Notarized and recorded agreements or documents to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director / City Engineer, authorizing the offsite grading, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. DESIGN GUIDELINES: 111. 2:1 Maximum Slope. Graded slopes shall be limited to a maximum steepness ratio of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical ratio) unless otherwise approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 112. Slope Stability. A slope stability report shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department for all proposed cut or fill slopes steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical ratio) or over 30 feet in vertical height - unless addressed in a report that has been previously approved by the City. 113. Slope Setbacks. Observe slope setbacks from buildings and property lines, in accordance with the latest adopted edition of the California Building Code, City Ordinances on grading, applicable City design standards and specifications, City ordinances, policies, rules and regulations governing grading in the City. 114. Slope Landscaping and Irrigation. Manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical height shall be irrigated and landscaped with grass or approved ground cover, and shall have some type of drainage swale at locations approved by the City to collect runoff. Slopes exceeding 15 feet in vertical height shall be irrigated and planted with shrubs and / or trees per City Ordinances. Drip irrigation shall be used for all irrigated slopes. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 218 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 42 115. Control Measures for Slopes Greater than 3 feet in Vertical Height. Erosion control and / or landscape plans are required for manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical height. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect, and bonded per City Ordinances. 116. Temporary Erosion Control Measures. shall be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. Plans showing these measures shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. 117. Dust Control. During actual grading, all necessary measures to control dust shall be implemented by the developer / property owner in accordance with Air Quality Management District (AQMD) requirements. A watering device shall be present and in use at the project site during all grading operations. 118. Use of Maximum and Minimum Grade Criteria. Actual field construction grades shall not exceed the minimum and maximum grades for ADA and approved project grading design, to allow for construction tolerances. Any improvement that is out of the minimum and maximum values will not be accepted by the City Inspector, and will need to be removed and replaced at the expense of the developer / property owner. Prior to Building Permit 119. No Building Permit Prior to Final Map Recordation. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer / property owner shall record the final map. 120. No Building Permit without Grading Permit. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the developer / property owner shall obtain a grading permit and / or approval to construct from the Public Works / Engineering Department. 121. Final Rough Grading Conditions. Prior to issuance of each building permit, the developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record and Soils Engineer of Record for the approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet stamped rough grade certification and compaction test reports with 90% or better compaction. The certifications shall use City-approved forms, and shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 122. Conformance to Elevations / Geotechnical Compaction. Rough grade elevations for all building pads and structure pads submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. Compaction test certification shall be in compliance with the approved project geotechnical / soils report. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy 123. Final Grade Certification. The developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record for approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet stamped final grade certification on City approved forms, for each building 9.2.f Packet Pg. 219 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 43 requesting a certificate of occupancy. The certification shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 124. Conform to Elevations. Final grade elevations of all building or structure finish floors submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. 125. Final Grade Certification. The developer / property owner shall cause the Civil Engineer of Record for approved grading plans, to submit signed and wet stamped final grade certification on City approved forms, for each building requesting a certificate of occupancy. The certification shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for verification and acceptance. 126. Conform to Elevations - Final grade elevations of all building or structure finish floors submitted for grading plan check approval shall be in substantial conformance with the elevations shown on the approved grading plans. C. DRAINAGE General Conditions 127. Area Drainage Plan (ADP) Fees. The proposed development is located within the bounds of the Homeland / Romoland ADP of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control District), for which drainage fees have been established by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Applicable ADP fees will be due (in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans) prior to building permits for this project. The fee due will be based on the fee in effect at the time of payment. The fee shall be paid in the form of cashier's check or money order only. The Public Works / Engineering Department will not accept personal or company checks. 128. Proposed Drainage Concept. This development project proposes to subdivide 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a neighborhood park and a water quality basin. A system of storm drain pipes will collect onsite drainage flows and route them to the water quality basin. Additionally, onsite flows will also be treated through a series of vegetated swales and then routed to a storm drain system that will run along Evans Road and carry flows to the north. The storm drain system that runs along Evans Road will be maintained by the Flood Control District. Offsite flows on the west side of the project will be routed to the storm drain system that will run along Evans Road. Offsite flows on the east side of the project will be collected by approved permanent BMPs along the Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard project frontage. The offsite flows will then be routed to a storm drain system that runs along Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard. This storm drain system will also be maintained by the Flood Control District. The development project site is located south of McLaughlin Road, north of Rouse Road and Phyllis Circle, east of Evans Road and west of Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard. The site is subject to drainage flows from the south. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 220 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 44 During construction of the first 140 lots, a temporary drainage control system will be set up in which a temporary water detention / water quality basin and pump system and a permanent water detention / water quality basin will be constructed and operated. The temporary basin will be constructed near the western boundary of the development, where Lots 106 – 116 will be located, and the permanent basin will be constructed slightly to the northwest of the temporary basin, between Lots 105, 106, 1, and the private lot (APN 331-080- 003). A system of storm drain pipes will also be constructed onsite (throughout the project site) to pick up onsite flows and route them to the permanent basin, which will subsequently fill both the permanent and temporary basins. Additionally, during construction of the first 140 lots, one of the following permanent storm drain systems will be constructed along Evans Road along the western boundary of the project site: 1. Option 1: Master Drainage Plan (MDP) Line A-10 (a 54-inch storm drain), which will run northerly in Evans Road and then easterly in MDP Line A-8 (an open earthen channel) to the existing MDP Line A Flood Control Channel, connecting to Line A north of McLaughlin Road. 2. Option 2: MDP Line A-10 (a combination of 54-inch storm drain and larger reinforced concrete box), which will run northerly in Evans Road to the existing MDP Line A Flood Control Channel, connecting to the channel north of Ethanac Road. To ensure that the water volume in both basins drains after 72 hours, a temporary pump system will be set up during construction of the first 140 lots to drain both basins and release flows to drain to Evans Road in the temporary condition, and will be picked up by MDP Line A-10 in the permanent condition. After construction of the first 140 lots and during construction of the remaining 34 lots, the temporary basin and pump system will be removed, and only the permanent basin and the storm drain system (including MDP Line A-10) will remain. The permanent basin will be constructed in such a way that it drains to MDP Line A-10 in the permanent condition. MDP Line A-9 will be the storm drain system that collects offsite flows and runs along Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard. Flows from MDP Line A-9 will be routed northerly to the existing MDP Line A Flood Control Channel. All onsite and offsite water quality / drainage systems must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the 141st Certificate of Occupancy. 129. MDP and ADP. Prior to initiation of the final construction drawings for those facilities required to be built as part of the Romoland MDP and Homeland / Romoland ADP, the developer shall contact the Flood Control District to ascertain the terms and conditions of design, construction, inspection, transfer of ROW, project credit in lieu of charges and reimbursement schedules which may apply. The developer acknowledges that if the estimated cost for required MDP / ADP facilities exceeds the required ADP fees and the developer wishes to receive credit for reimbursement in excess of his fees, the facilities will be 9.2.f Packet Pg. 221 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 45 constructed as a public works contract. Scheduling for construction of these facilities will be at the discretion of the Public Works / Engineering Department and the Flood Control District. 130. Drainage Facilities for Ownership and Maintenance by the Flood Control District. Some of the proposed drainage facilities may be requested for ownership and maintenance by the Flood Control District. For such drainage facilities, applicable Flood Control District standards and guidelines shall be complied with, including conditions of approval required for said drainage facilities. Prior to the issuance of the 71st Certificate of Occupancy, the developer / property owner shall enter into a three-party cooperative agreement with the City and the Flood Control District. Both the Riverside County Board of Supervisors and the City Council shall approve the agreement. 131. Conditions for Acceptance of Drainage Facilities by the Flood Control District. For drainage facilities requested for ownership and maintenance by the Flood Control District, a written request must be submitted to the Flood Control District. The request shall note the project number, location, brief description of the system (sizes and lengths) and an exhibit that shows the proposed storm drain alignment. If the Flood Control District is willing to maintain the requested drainage systems, the developer / property owner shall complete the following prior to the issuance of the 71st Certificate of Occupancy: • Submit to the Flood Control District preliminary title reports, plats and legal descriptions for all drainage facilities, ROW, or easements to be conveyed to the Flood Control District, and secure such ROW or easements to the satisfaction of the Flood Control District; • Execute a three-party cooperative agreement with the City and the Flood Control District, establishing the terms and conditions of inspection, operation and maintenance of said drainage facilities; • Process approval of drainage plans by the Flood Control District's General Manager-Chief Engineer. The plans cannot be approved prior to execution of the agreement. • Submit an application and applicable fee to the Flood Control District to draw up the agreement; • Provide guarantee bonds for the drainage facility, and necessary certificate of insurance. The developer / property owner will need to submit proof of Flood Control facility bonds and a certificate of insurance to the Flood Control District's Inspection section before a pre-construction meeting can be scheduled. 132. 10-YR Curb – 100-YR Right of Way (ROW). The 10-year storm flow shall be contained within the curb and the 100-year storm flow shall be contained within the street ROW. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities shall be installed. The property shall be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 222 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 46 133. 100-YR Sump Outlet. Drainage facilities outletting to sump conditions shall be designed to convey the tributary 100-year storm flows. Additional emergency escape shall also be provided. 134. Coordinate Drainage Design. Development of this property shall be coordinated with the development of adjacent properties to ensure that watercourses remain unobstructed and stormwaters are not diverted from one watershed to another. This may require the construction of temporary drainage facilities or offsite construction and grading, which could encroach onto other properties. In the event that the construction of temporary drainage facilities or offsite construction and grading encroaches onto other properties, a drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review. 135. BMP – Energy Dissipators. Energy Dissipators, such as rip-rap, shall be installed at the outlet of a storm drain system that discharges runoff flows into a natural channel or an unmaintained facility. The dissipators shall be designed to minimize the amount of erosion downstream of the storm drain outlet. 136. Trash Racks. Trash Racks shall be installed at all inlet structures that collect runoff from open areas with potential for large, floatable debris. Prior to Grading Permit Issuance 137. Perpetual Drainage Patterns (Easements). Grading shall be designed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns and conditions with respect to tributary drainage areas and outlet points. Where these conditions are not preserved, necessary drainage easements shall be obtained from all affected property owners for the release onto their properties of concentrated or diverted storm flows. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review. 138. Protection of Downstream Properties. The developer / property owner shall protect downstream properties from damages that can be caused by alteration of natural drainage patterns, i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities and securing necessary drainage easements. 139. Submit Plans. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans, final map, environmental constraint sheet, BMP improvement plans, and any other necessary documentation, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations, shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval prior to final map recordation. All submittals shall be date stamped by the engineer and include a completed City Deposit Based Fee Worksheet and the appropriate plan check fee deposit. For facilities proposed for ownership by the Flood Control District, plans shall be submitted to the Flood Control District with a Flood Control Deposit Based Fee Worksheet and the appropriate plan check fee deposit. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 223 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 47 140. Written Permission for Grading. Written permission shall be obtained from the affected property owners, allowing the proposed grading and / or facilities to be installed outside of the project development tract boundaries. A copy of the written authorization shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. 141. Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). A portion of the project falls within the 100-year flood plain as shown on the National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Panel No. 06065C2055H, effective on August 18, 2014. Therefore, in order to be developed, the developer / property owner shall process approval of a CLOMR through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A copy of the approval letter shall be provided to the City. It should be noted that a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Determination for the MDP Line A Flood Control Channel was issued by FEMA on November 3, 2017 with an effective date of March 19, 2018, Reference Case number 17-09-1814P. It will be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to determine whether any portion of the project is within or outside the new LOMR boundaries. The developer / property owner shall comply with FEMA requirements for any areas of the project determined to be still within the floodplain boundaries. Prior to Final Map Recordation 142. Offsite Easements or Redesign. Offsite drainage facilities shall be located within dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owner(s). Document(s) shall be recorded and a copy submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to recordation of the final map. If the developer cannot obtain drainage easements, then the map should be redesigned to eliminate the need for the easement. 143. Onsite Easements or Redesign. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road ROW shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". The dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owner(s) shall be recorded and a copy submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to recordation of the final map. Owners of individual lots are responsible for the maintenance of any drainage facilities within the drainage easements shown on the final map, unless the maintenance is by the HOA. The storm drain easement for Lot 79 will be part of the Final Map and will be maintained by the HOA. If the developer cannot obtain drainage easements, then the map should be redesigned to eliminate the need for the easement. 144. Offsite Drainage. The developer / property owner shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event that the Public Works / Engineering Department permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, then such use shall be subject to City ordinances, applicable City design standards and specifications, policies, rules and regulations governing drainage in the City. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 224 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 48 145. On-site Storm Drain Lines Larger than 36 Inches. The City will maintain all onsite storm drain lines. The City will maintain the permanent water quality basin following removal of the temporary pump system. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy 146. LOMR. The developer / property owner, in coordination with the City, shall request and process the approval of a LOMR through FEMA and a revision to the FIRM. A copy of approval letter and / or a revised copy of the FIRM shall be provided to the City. It will be the responsibility of the developer / property owner to determine whether any portion of the project is within or outside the new LOMR boundaries. The developer / property owner shall comply with FEMA requirements for any areas of the project determined to be still within the floodplain boundaries. Drainage Design Criteria 147. 100-Year Drainage Facilities. All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate 100-year storm flows as approved by the City. If the project development tract is built in phases, each phase shall be protected from the 100-year tributary storm flows. 148. Lot Grading. Lot grading shall be in accordance with the most current codes and requirements for lots, concrete slab surfaces and drainage swales. 149. Street Drainage Grade. Streets shall be designed to have a minimum grade of one half percent (0.5%). The engineer of record must submit a variance request for design grades less than what is stated here, along with a justification for the lesser grade. 150. Site Drainage. Positive drainage of the site shall be provided, and water shall not be allowed to pond behind or flow over cut and fill slopes. Where water is collected and discharged in a common area, planting erosion resistant vegetation shall provide protection of the native soils. All cut and fill slopes shall have a maximum 2:1 grade (horizontal to vertical ratio), unless determined otherwise by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. D. WASTE MANAGEMENT General Conditions 151. AB 341. AB 341 focuses on increased commercial waste recycling as a method to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The regulation requires businesses and organizations that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and multifamily units of 5 or more, to recycle. A business shall take at least one of the following actions in order to reuse, recycle, compost, or otherwise divert commercial solid waste from disposal: • Source separate recyclable and/or compostable material from solid waste and donate or self-haul the material to recycling facilities. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 225 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 49 • Subscribe to a recycling service with their waste hauler. • Provide recycling service to their tenants (if commercial or multi-family complex). • Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations Title 14. For more information please visit: www.rivcowm.org/opencms/recyclying/recycling_and_compost_business.html#man datory 152. AB 1826 – AB 1826 (effective April 1, 2016) requires businesses that generate eight (8) cubic yards or more or organic waste per week, to arrange for organic waste recycling services. The threshold amount of organic waste generated requiring compliance by businesses is reduced in subsequent years. Businesses subject to AB 1826 shall take at least one of the following actions in order to divert organic waste from disposal: • Source separate organic material from all other recyclables and donate or self-haul to a permitted organic waste processing facility. • Enter into a contract or work agreement with gardening or landscaping service provider or refuse hauler to ensure the waste generated from those services meet the requirements of AB 1826. • Consider xeriscaping and using drought tolerant / low maintenance vegetation in all landscaped areas of the project. As of January 1, 2019, the above requirements are now applicable to businesses that generate four (4) or more cubic yards of solid waste per week and one (1) or more cubic yards of organic waste per week. Additionally, as of January 1, 2019, a third trash bin is now required for organics recycling, which will require a larger trash enclosure to accommodate three (3) trash bins. This development may be subject to this requirement. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 153. Recyclables Collection and Loading Area Plot Plan during Construction. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer / property owner shall submit three (3) copies of a Recyclables Collection and Loading Area plot plan to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval. The plot plan shall show the location of and access to the collection area for recyclable materials, along with its dimensions and construction detail, including elevation / façade, construction materials and signage. The plot plan shall clearly indicate how the trash and recycling enclosures shall be accessed by the hauler. 154. Waste Recycling Plan during Construction. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a Waste Recycling Plan (WRP) shall be submitted to the Public 9.2.f Packet Pg. 226 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 50 Works / Engineering Department approval. The WRP should include, as a minimum, the following information: • The waste materials (i.e., concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.) that will be generated by the construction activity associated with this development and the projected amounts of each material. • The measures / methods that will be taken to recycle, reuse, and / or reduce the amount of waste materials generated. • The facilities and / or haulers that will be utilized. • The targeted recycling or reduction rate. During project construction, the project site shall have, as a minimum, two (2) bins; one for waste disposal and the other for the recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials. Additional bins are encouraged to be used for further source separation of C&D recyclable materials. Accurate record keeping (receipts) for recycling of C&D recyclable materials and solid waste disposal must be kept. Arrangements can be made through the franchise hauler. The Public Works / Engineering Department can provide assistance in preparing the WRP if requested. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy: 155. Waste Management Clearance. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each building, evidence (i.e., receipts or other type of verification) shall be submitted to demonstrate project compliance with the approved WRP to the Public Works / Engineering Department in order to clear the project for occupancy permits. Receipts must clearly identify the amount of waste disposed and C&D materials recycled. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AND DEDICATIONS General Conditions 156. Tentative Tract Map. It is understood that the tentative tract map must correctly show acceptable centerline elevations, all existing easements, traveled ways, cross sections, and drainage courses with appropriate drainage flows. Any omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. In the event that there is a conflict between what is shown on the tentative tract map and these conditions, these conditions will supersede what is shown on the tentative tract map and any attachments to the tentative tract map, including the conceptual grading plan and other plans or exhibits. All questions regarding the true meaning of these conditions shall be referred to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 157. Traffic Study / Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). The development shall comply with all the mitigation measures identified to be constructed or provided in the approved TIA, dated April 19, 2019, prepared by RK Engineering Group, Inc. The Public Works / Engineering Department – Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed and approved this TIA. The developer / property owner shall be 9.2.f Packet Pg. 227 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 51 responsible for all improvements and mitigations required or identified in the approved TIA and according to these Conditions of Approval. All required improvements identified in the TIA shall be included in all improvement plans for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The recommendations / mitigation measures outlined in the approved TIA are as discussed below. Additional improvements may be required to address public safety and welfare, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 158. Street Design Standards. Street improvements shall conform to all applicable City Design Standards and Specifications, the City General Plan, Ordinances, and applicable City-adopted Riverside County Ordinances, and all other relevant laws, rules and regulations governing street construction in the City. 159. Street Improvements. The proposed street improvements will be constructed on Interior Streets “A” through “N”, Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard, McLaughlin Road and Evans Road, as described in the Street Dedications and Improvements condition listed herein. 160. Paving or Paving Repairs. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for obtaining the paving inspections required from the Public Works / Engineering Department. Paving and / or paving repairs for utility street cuts shall be per City Standards and Specifications and as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 161. Concrete Work. All concrete work including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, cross gutters, catch basins, manholes, vaults, etc. shall be constructed to meet a 28-day minimum concrete strength of 3,250 psi. 162. Intersection Geometrics. All temporary / final intersection geometrics may be modified in final engineering as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 163. Street Light Plan. A street lighting plan is required for this project. The street lighting plan shall be submitted to the City and approved by the City prior to final map recordation. Street lighting shall be designed in accordance with the latest City Standards and Specifications for LS-3 street light rates, and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 164. Signing and Striping Plan. A traffic signing and striping plan is required for this project. The signing and striping plan shall be submitted to the City and approved by the City prior to final map recordation. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for any additional paving and / or striping removal caused by the striping plan. Prior to issuance of a construction permit, any necessary signing and striping plan shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in accordance with City ordinances, standards and specifications, and with the latest edition of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). Traffic signing and striping shall be placed along Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard, McLaughlin Road, Evans Road and along the interior streets of the project. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 228 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 52 165. Onsite and Offsite Street Lights Ownership and Maintenance. All proposed street lights shall be designed in accordance with City-approved standards and specifications, or as determined and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The City shall have ownership and maintenance of all proposed street lights and associated appurtenances, and shall be provided with adequate service points for power. The design shall be incorporated in the project’s street improvement plans or in a separate street light plan as determined and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 166. Streetlight Design as LS-3 Rate Lights. All new streetlights, other than traffic signal safety lights, shall be designed as LS-3 rated lights in accordance with City-approved standards and specifications, and as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 167. Street Light Service Point Addressing. The developer shall coordinate with the Public Works / Engineering Department and with Southern California Edison the assignment of addresses to required street light service points. Service points serving the streetlights shall be owned by the City and shall be located within public ROW or within duly dedicated public easements. Prior to Building Permit Issuance: 168. Sight Distance Analysis. Sight distance analysis shall be conducted at all project roadway entrances for conformance with City sight distance standards. The analysis shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, and shall be incorporated in the final grading plans, street improvement plans, and landscape improvement plans. 169. Traffic Signal Control Devices. All new traffic signals and traffic signal modifications required for construction by this development project shall include traffic signal communication infrastructure, network equipment, and Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) license software. Said traffic signal control devices shall be submitted with the traffic signal design plans, and shall be approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, prior to testing of a new traffic signal. Traffic signal poles shall be placed at the ultimate locations when appropriate. 170. Traffic Signal Timing Plans. Traffic signal timing plans for new and / or modified signalized intersections shall be submitted with the traffic signal design plans, and shall be approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer prior to installation and testing of a new traffic signal. 171. Construction Traffic Control Plan. Prior to start of any project related construction, the developer / property owner shall submit to the Public Works / Engineering Department for review and approval, a Construction Traffic Control Plan in compliance with all applicable City ordinances, standards and specifications, and the latest edition of the CA MUTCD. This traffic control plan shall address impacts from construction vehicular traffic, noise and dust, and shall propose measures to mitigate these effects. The traffic control plan shall include a Traffic Safety Plan for safe use of public road ROW during 9.2.f Packet Pg. 229 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 53 construction. The plan shall specify the following mitigation measures to address the following: (a) The estimated day(s), time(s) and duration of any lane closures that are anticipated to be required by Project construction. (b) Safety measures such as, but not limited to, signage, flagmen, cones, advance community notice, or other acceptable measures to the satisfaction of the Public Works / Engineering Department. The purpose of these measures shall be to safely guide motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians, and minimize traffic impacts and ensure the safe and even flow of traffic consistent with City level of service standards and safety requirements. (c) A notification to the Public Works / Engineering Department at least five (5) business days in advance of any planned lane closure that will be caused by Project construction. The City shall evaluate any other known lane closures, construction activities, or special events that may conflict with the Project’s scheduled lane closure or create additional impacts to traffic flow, and, if deemed necessary by the Public Works / Engineering Department, the Project’s lane closure may be postponed or rescheduled. (d) A dirt haul route plan shall be submitted for approval prior to any import / export grading operation. The plan shall identify all origins and destinations and the time for haul period, and the haul routes shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. Haul routes shall not be permitted on residential streets without the approval of the Traffic Engineer. The traffic control application, location, and type of traffic control shall be shown on the plan. Daily street sweeping is required during all hauling operations. Prior to Final Map Recordation 172. Improvement Bonds. Prior to recordation of a final map, or issuance of any construction permit, whichever comes first, the developer / property owner shall enter into a bond agreement and post acceptable bonds or security, to guarantee the completion of all required onsite and offsite improvements. The bonds shall be in accordance with all applicable City ordinances, resolutions and municipal codes (See also the Bond Agreements and Improvement Security condition under GENERAL CONDITIONS). 173. Acceptance of Public Roadway Dedication and Improvements. Easements and ROW for public roadways shall be dedicated to the City through final map, or other acceptable recordable instrument. 174. Street Dedications and Improvements. Easements and ROW for public roadways shall be dedicated to the City through the final map, or other acceptable recordable instrument. The project shall ensure that dedications are consistent with the current City General Plan. Public street improvements, ROW dedications and easements shall be as follows: • Interior Streets – Interior Streets “B” through “F” and “H” through “M” shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with the 9.2.f Packet Pg. 230 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 54 General Local standard (City Standard Plan No. 115, Section A), which has a 60-foot ROW width and 36-foot curb-to-curb width. Also included within the 60-foot ROW width is a 12-foot parkway on each side, which includes a 6-foot sidewalk. Entry Streets “A”, “G” and “N” shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with a Modified Local Street standard, which has an 80-foot ROW width and 50-foot curb-to- curb width. Also included within the 80-foot ROW width is a 10-foot raised median, as well as a 15-foot parkway on each side, which includes a 6-foot sidewalk. The segments of Streets “E” and “F” that front Park Lot “B” shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with the Enhanced Local Street standard (City Standard Plan No. 114), which has a 66-foot ROW width and 44-foot curb-to-curb width. Also included within the 66-foot ROW width is an 11-foot sidewalk on the park side and an 11-foot parkway that includes a 6-foot sidewalk on the street side. Improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. • Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard – This street shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with the Secondary Highway standard (City Standard No. 111), which has a 100-foot ROW width and 72-foot curb-to-curb width. The improvements shall be on the west side (the southbound side) to the ultimate half-width of 50 feet, plus an additional 12 feet past the centerline onto the east side (the northbound side) and shall extend a minimum of 300 feet past the project boundary line, with appropriate transitions subject to the approval of the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The improvements shall include a 14- foot parkway that includes a 6-foot sidewalk. The improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. • Barnett Road (Offsite) – The developer / property owner shall construct a northern extension of Barnett Road from McLaughlin Road to Patricia Lane in accordance with a Modified Rural Road standard (City Standard Plan No. 121), which has a 50-foot ROW width and a 28-foot pavement width. Also included within the 50-foot ROW width is a 6-foot graded shoulder and 5-foot graded slope on each side. The improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. • McLaughlin Road – The improvements along this street to be made within the dedicated ROW shall vary from the eastern property boundary to Evans Road, as follows: • From the eastern property boundary to the western property boundary, McLaughlin Road shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with the Secondary Highway standard (City Standard No. 111), which has a 100-foot ROW width and 72-foot curb-to-curb width. The improvements shall be on the south side to the ultimate half-width of 50 feet, with appropriate transitions subject to the approval of the Public 9.2.f Packet Pg. 231 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 55 Works Director / City Engineer. The improvements shall include a 14-foot parkway that includes a 6-foot sidewalk. The improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. • From the western property boundary to Evans Road, McLaughlin Road shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with a Modified Rural Road standard (City Standard Plan No. 121), which has a 50-foot ROW width and a 28-foot pavement width. Also included within the 50-foot ROW width is a 6-foot graded shoulder and 5-foot graded slope on each side. The improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. • Evans Road – This street shall be improved within the dedicated ROW in accordance with the General Local standard (City Standard Plan No. 115, Section B), which has a 60-foot ROW width and 40-foot curb-to- curb width. Also included within the 60-foot ROW width is a 10-foot parkway on each side, which includes a 6-foot sidewalk. The improvements shall be on the east side (the northbound side) to the ultimate half-width of 30 feet, plus an additional 12 feet past the centerline onto the west side (the southbound side) to the project’s south property line, with appropriate barricade subject to the approval of the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The improvements must be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. 175. Offsite Property. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for acquiring any offsite real property interests that may be required in connection with the development project. 176. Acceptance of Public Roadway Dedication and Improvements. Any easements for public purposes and ROW for public roadways shall be granted to the City through the final map, or other acceptable recordable instrument. 177. Encroachment Permits. The developer / property owner shall obtain all required encroachment permits and clearances prior to start of any work within City, State, or local agency ROW. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 178. Fair Share Cost Participation for Offsite Improvements. The developer / property owner shall pay fair share costs for offsite improvements determined as follows: • Ethanac Road at Interstate 215 Southbound Onramp: Improve intersection geometrics at a fair share cost of 6.25% of the total cost of the improvements. The intersection improvements are as follows: • Eastbound: Widen the Ethanac Road approach from one through lane and one right-turn lane to two through lanes and one right-turn lane. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 232 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 56 179. Street Name Signs and Other Street Signs. The Developer shall install street name sign(s) and other necessary street signs to direct safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The signs shall be designed in accordance with City- approved standards as directed by the Public Works / Engineering Department. 180. Intersection / 50-Foot Tangent. All centerline intersections shall be at ninety (90) degrees, plus or minus five (5) degrees, with a minimum fifty (50) foot tangent, measured from flow line / curb face or as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. 181. Soils and Pavement Report. If not already addressed in the approved Geotechnical Report for this project, the developer / property owner shall submit a City-approved soils and pavement investigation report addressing the construction requirements, including the street structural sections, within the ROW. 182. Street Lights Installation. Install streetlights along the streets associated with the development project, in accordance with the City-approved street lighting plans and standards. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to ensure that streetlights are energized along the streets of those lots where the Developer is seeking Final Inspection for Certificate of Occupancy. 183. ROW Landscape. ROW landscaping shall be installed per approved plans, including BMPs identified in the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). Landscaping shall be installed consistent with the timing noted elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. 184. Driveways and Driveway Approaches. Driveways and driveway Approaches shall be designed and constructed per City standards. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, required driveways shall be constructed. 185. Completion of Improvements. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the following street components shall be completed: a) Primary and Alternate (secondary) access roads shall be completed and paved to finish grade according to the limits indicated in the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. b) Interior roads shall be completed and paved to finish grade according to the limits indicated in the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. All curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveway approaches shall be installed. c) Storm drains and flood control facilities shall be completed according to the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. Written confirmation of acceptance by the Flood Control District, if applicable, is required. d) Water systems, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and operational, according to the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. All water valves shall be raised to 9.2.f Packet Pg. 233 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 57 pavement finished grade. Written confirmation of acceptance from the water purveyor is required. e) Sewer systems shall be installed and operational, according to the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. All sewer manholes shall be raised to pavement finished grade. Written confirmation of acceptance from the sewer purveyor is required. f) Landscaping and irrigation, as well as water and electrical systems shall be installed and operational in accordance with City standards and specifications. 186. Intersection Geometrics. The following street intersections shall be improved with the following geometrics: • Barnett Road / Sun City Boulevard (North and South) / McLaughlin Road (East and West) Intersection Improvements • Northbound: One shared left-turn / through lane and one shared right-turn / through lane. • Southbound: One shared left-turn / through lane and one shared right-turn / through lane. • Eastbound: One shared right-turn / through lane and one through lane. • Westbound: One shared left-turn / through lane. • Evans Road (North and South) / McLaughlin Road (East and West) Intersection Improvements • Northbound: One shared left-turn / right-turn lane. • Southbound: N/A. No southbound approach. • Eastbound: One shared right-turn / through lane. • Westbound: One shared left-turn / through lane. Any offsite widening required to provide these geometrics shall be the responsibility of the developer / property owner. 187. Road Reconstruction or Resurfacing. The Public Works Director / City Engineer may consider grinding / overlays as an acceptable alternative to reconstruction or resurfacing of paving fronting the development to meet existing conditions, provided the road is found to meet the minimum City standards for pavement conditions at the time of project construction. If it is determined during project construction that the existing road is found to be substandard, then the Public Works Director / City Engineer will require the developer / property owner to provide full reconstruction as provided for in these conditions of approval. At the discretion of the developer, the existing pavement may be cored during project construction to confirm the adequate section, and any findings shall be incorporated into project design. The Public Works Director / City Engineer shall have the final approval for all road conditions. 188. Landscaping Application Annex. Landscaping within public road ROW shall comply with the Public Works / Engineering Department standards and require approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. Assurance of continuing maintenance is required by annexing the development project into a 9.2.f Packet Pg. 234 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 58 City-administered Community Facilities Maintenance District (CFD) for landscaping maintenance. F. WATER, SEWER, AND RECYCLED WATER General Conditions 189. Meet Minimum Standards. All water, sewer and recycled water improvements, as well as required auxiliaries and appurtenances, shall be designed per current City ordinances and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) standards and specifications. The final design, including pipe sizes and alignments, shall be subject to the approval of EMWD. 190. Utility Improvement Plans. Public Water, Sewer and Recycled Water improvements shall be drawn on City title block for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department and EMWD. 191. Onsite and Offsite Sewer, Water and Recycled Water Improvements. All public onsite and offsite sewer, water and recycled water improvements shall be guaranteed for construction prior to final map recordation. 192. Sewer Lines. All sewer line alignments shall be designed such that the manholes are aligned with the center of lanes or on the lane line and in accordance with City Standards and EMWD standards. 193. Water Mains and Hydrants. All water mains and fire hydrants providing required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with applicable City ordinances, and subject to the approval of the Public Works / Engineering Department and EMWD and the Riverside County Fire Department. G. NPDES AND WQMP All City requirements for NPDES and WQMPs shall be met per City Municipal Code Chapter 15.01 for Stormwater / Urban Runoff Management Program unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. This project is required to submit a project specific WQMP prepared in accordance with the latest WQMP guidelines approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 194. Trash Enclosures Standards and Specifications. Storm runoff resulting in direct contact with trash enclosure, or wastewater runoff from trash enclosure are prohibited from running off a site onto the City MS4 without proper treatment. Trash enclosures in new developments and redevelopment projects shall meet new storm water quality standards including: • Provision of a solid impermeable roof with a minimum clearance height to allow the bin lid to completely open. • Constructed of reinforced masonry without wooden gates. Walls shall be at least 6 feet high. • Provision of concrete slab floor, graded to collect any spill within the enclosure. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 235 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 59 • All trash bins in the trash enclosure shall be leak proof with lids that are continuously kept closed. • The enclosure area shall be protected from receiving direct rainfall or run-on from collateral surfaces. • The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2-inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. Any standing liquids within the trash enclosures without floor drain must be cleaned up and disposed of properly using a mop and a bucket or a wet/dry vacuum machine. All non-hazardous liquids without solid trash may be put in the sanitary sewer as an option, in accordance with EMWD criteria. An alternate floor drain from the interior of the enclosure that discharges to the sanitary sewer may be constructed only after obtaining approval from EMWD. This option requires the following: a) The trash enclosure shall be lockable and locked when not in use with a 2-inch or larger brass resettable combination lock. Only employees and staff authorized by the enclosure property owner shall be given access. This requirement may not be applicable to commercial complexes with multiple tenants. b) A waterless trap primer shall be provided to prevent escape of gasses from the sewer line and save water. c) Hot and cold running water shall be provided with a connection nearby with an approved backflow preventer. The spigot shall be protected and located at the rear of the enclosure to prevent damage from bins. SWRCB, TRASH AMENDMENTS. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California and the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries – collectively referred to as the “Trash Amendments.” Applicable requirements per these amendments shall be adhered to with implementation measures, prior to building permit issuance. Projects determined to be within Priority Land Uses as defined in the Trash Amendments, shall provide trash full capture devices to remove trash from all Priority Land Use areas that will contribute storm water runoff to the City of Menifee’s MS4. All trash full capture devices shall be listed on the State Board’s current list of certified full capture devices posted on their website (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/trash_implementati on.shtml), or otherwise approved by State or Regional Water Quality Control Board staff. Storm water runoff from privately owned Priority Land Use areas shall be treated by full capture devices located within privately owned storm drain structures or otherwise located on the privately owned property, whenever possible. Runoff from Priority Land Use areas created or modified by the project, and which are proposed to be City owned, shall be treated by full capture devices located within city-owned storm drains or otherwise located within the public right of way. Prior to Grading Permit 9.2.f Packet Pg. 236 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 60 195. Final Project Specific WQMP (Final WQMP). Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a Final WQMP shall be submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The developer / property owner submitted a Preliminary WQMP, prepared by SB&O, Inc., dated February 21, 2019. The Public Works / Engineering Department has reviewed and approved the Preliminary WQMP. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a Final WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The Final WQMP shall be in substantial conformance with the approved Preliminary WQMP. Final construction plans shall incorporate all of the structural BMPs identified in the approved Final WQMP. The final developed project shall implement all structural and non-structural BMPs specified in the approved Final WQMP. One copy of the approved Final WQMP on a USB drive in pdf format shall be submitted to the Public Works / Engineering Department. 196. Revising the Final WQMP. In the event the Final WQMP requires design revisions that will substantially deviate from what was previously documented and approved, a revised or new WQMP shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The cost of reviewing the revised / new WQMP shall be charged based on the current City-adopted User Fee for reviewing Final WQMPs. 197. WQMP Right of Entry and Maintenance Agreement. Prior to, or concurrent with the approval of the Final WQMP, the developer / property owner shall record Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s), or enter into an acceptable Right of Entry and Maintenance Agreement with the City to inform future property owners of the requirement to perpetually implement the approved Final WQMP. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 198. Implement Project Specific WQMP. All structural BMPs described in the Final WQMP that is approved by the City shall be constructed and operational in conformance with approved plans and specifications. It shall be demonstrated that the developer / property owner is prepared to implement all BMPs described in the Final WQMP that is approved by the City and that copies of the Final WQMP are available for the future owners / occupants. The City will not release occupancy permits for any portion of the project, or any proposed map phase prior to the completion of the construction of all required structural BMPs, and implementation of non-structural BMPs. An exception may be granted for BMPs not serving a Drainage Management Area where no Certificate of Occupancy is being sought. 199. WQMP / BMP Education. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the developer / property owner shall provide the City proof of notification to future occupants, of all BMPs and educational and training requirements for said BMPs as directed in the City-approved Final WQMP. At a minimum, acceptable proof of notification must be in the form of a notarized affidavit. The developer must provide to the Public Works / Engineering Department a notarized affidavit stating that the distribution of educational materials to future 9.2.f Packet Pg. 237 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 61 homebuyers has been completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits. NPDES Public Educational Program materials may be obtained from the Flood Control District - NPDES Section by accessing the Flood Control District's website at www.floodcontrol.co.riverside.ca.us H. CITYWIDE Community Facilities District (CFD) 2015-2 or 2017-1 Prior to Final Map Recordation 200. Annexation to the Citywide CFD 2015-2 or 2017-1. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer / property owner shall complete the annexation of the proposed development project into the boundaries of CFD 2015-2 or 2017- 1, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The CFD shall be responsible for the maintenance of public improvements or facilities that benefit this development, including but not limited to, public landscaping, streetlights, traffic signals, street sweeping / maintenance, drainage facilities, water quality basins, graffiti abatement and other public improvements or facilities as approved by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. The developer / property owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the annexation of the proposed development in the citywide CFD. 201. CFD Annexation Agreement. In the event timing for this development project’s schedule prevents the developer / property owner from complying with the conditions of approval for CFD annexation, the City may defer the timing of annexation, provided that the developer / property owner enters into a CFD annexation agreement to allow the annexation to complete after the final map recordation but prior to the issuance of a building permit. The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation of the CFD annexation agreement. The agreement shall be approved by the City Council prior to the final map recordation. 202. Landscape Improvement Plans for CFD Maintenance. Landscape improvements within public ROW and / or areas dedicated to the City for the CFD to maintain shall be prepared on a separate City CFD plans set for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department. The plans may be prepared as one plan for the entire project, as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer. When necessary as determined by the Public Works Director / City Engineer, a separate WQMP construction plan on City title block may be required for review and approval by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to issuance of a grading permit. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 203. CFD Landscape Guidelines and Improvement Plans. All landscape improvements for maintenance by the CFD shall be designed and installed in accordance with City CFD Landscape Guidelines, and shall be drawn on a separate improvement plan on City title block. The landscape improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works / Engineering Department prior to issuance of a construction permit. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 238 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 62 204. Maintenance of CFD Accepted Facilities. All landscaping and appurtenant facilities to be maintained by the CFD 2015-2 or 2017-1 shall be built to City standards, having a separate landscape controller and meter system, separate from the landscape controller and meter system that is to be used for the privately-owned landscaping that is to be maintained by the developer / property owner. Prior to Final Map Recordation 205. Maintenance Exhibit. Prior to final map recordation, the developer / property owner shall prepare an exhibit that shows all open space lots within the project development tract and the maintenance entity for each lot. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and the Public Works / Engineering Department. 206. Common Area Maintenance. Any common areas identified in the Tentative Tract Map shall be owned and maintained as follows: a) A permanent master maintenance organization shall be established for the tentative tract map area, to assume maintenance responsibility for all common recreation, open space, circulation systems and landscaped areas. The organization may be public (CFD) or private (e.g., homeowners’ association). Merger with an area-wide or regional organization shall satisfy this condition provided that such organization is legally and financially capable of assuming the responsibilities for maintenance. When necessary, property dedication or easement dedications shall be granted to the maintenance organization through map dedication, or separate recordable instrument, and shall be in a form acceptable to the city. b) The CFD is expected to maintain all parkways within and immediately adjacent to the public ROW. c) Unless otherwise provided for in these conditions of approval, common open areas shall be conveyed to the maintenance organization as implementing development is approved or any subdivision, as recorded. d) The maintenance organization shall be established prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first land division. I. FEES, DEPOSITS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES General Conditions 207. Fees and Deposits. Prior to approval of final maps, grading plans, improvement plans, issuance of building permits, and / or issuance of certificate of occupancy, the developer / property owner shall pay all fees, deposits as applicable. These shall include, but not be limited to, the regional Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF), Development Impact Fees (DIF), and any applicable Road and Bridge Benefit District (RBBD) Fee. Said 9.2.f Packet Pg. 239 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 63 fees and deposits shall be collected at the rate in effect at the time of collection as specified in current City resolutions and ordinances. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 208. TUMF Fees – Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the developer / property owner shall pay the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance, pursuant to City-adopted Ordinances governing the TUMF program. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 240 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 64 Section IV: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions of Approval 9.2.f Packet Pg. 241 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 65 General Conditions 209. City Case Statement. With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced project, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: 210. Blue Dot Reflectors. Blue retro-reflective pavement markers shall be mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placement of markers must be approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 211. Hydrant Spacing. Schedule A fire protection approved standard fire hydrants, (6”x4”x2 ½”) located one at each street intersection and spaced no more than 500 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 250 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 gpm for 2 hour duration at a 20 psi. Hydrants shall also be located on the perimeter streets located at each street intersection with spacing of 1000 feet. 212. Secondary Access. In the interest of Public Safety, the project shall provide an Alternate or Secondary Access(s) as stated in the Transportation Department Conditions. Said Alternate or Secondary Access(s) shall have concurrence and approval of both Transportation Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. 213. ECS-Water Prior/COMBUS. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material placed on an individual lot. 214. Driveway Access. Driveways exceeding 150’ in length shall provide a turnaround within 50’ of the structure(s). 215. Driveway Requirements. Access will not have an up, or downgrade of more than 15% (access will not be less than 24 feet in width per Ordinance 787) and will have a vertical clearance of not less than 13’ 6 inches. Access will be designed to withstand the weight of 75 thousand pounds over 2 axels. Access will have a turning radius of 38 feet capable of accommodating fire apparatus. 216. Gate Entrances. Gate entrances shall be at least two feet wider than the width of the traffic lanes serving that gate. Any gate providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located at least 35 feet setback from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, a 38 feet turning radius shall be used. 217. Auto/MAN Gates. Gate(s) shall be automatic minimum 24 feet in width. Gate access shall be equipped with a rapid entry system. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. Automatic/manual gate pins shall be rated with a shear pin force, not to exceed 30’ pounds. Automatic 9.2.f Packet Pg. 242 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 66 gates shall be equipped with emergency backup power. Gates activated by the rapid entry system shall remain open until closed by the rapid entry system. Prior to Recordation 218. Water Plans. The applicant or developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block, and shall conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for signature. 219. ECS HYD/WTR Tank. ECS map must be stamped by the Riverside County Surveyor with the following note: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a water system for fire protection must be provided, either: 1) a domestic water system with an approved fire hydrant within 600’ of the lot frontage (original letter only from the water purveyor) or 2) a private well system with a water storage tank of sufficient size, as approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 220. ECS Water Prior/COMBUS. ECS map must be stamped by the Surveyors office with the following note: The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material placed on an individual lot. 221. Secondary Access. In the interest of Public Safety, the project shall provide an Alternate or Secondary Access(s). Said Alternate or Secondary Access(s) shall have concurrence and approval of both the Transportation Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. Prior to Building Permit Issuance 222. Tract Water Verification. The required water system, including all fire hydrant(s), shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency and the Riverside County Fire Department prior to any combustible building material placed on an individual lot. Contact the Riverside County Fire Department to inspect the required fire flow, street signs, all weather surface, and all access and/or secondary. Approved water plans must be at the job site. 223. Secondary Access. In the interest of Public Safety, the project shall provide an alternate or secondary access(s). Said alternate or secondary access(s) shall have concurrence and approval of both the Transportation Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. Alternate and/or secondary access(s) shall be completed and inspected per the approved plans. Contact the Fire Department to schedule an appointment to verify: 951-723-3767. 224. Hydrant System. Prior to the release of your installation, site prep and/or building permit(s) from the Building Official, written certification from the appropriate water district that the required fire hydrant(s) are either existing or that financial arrangements have been made to provide them. 9.2.f Packet Pg. 243 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 67 Also a map or APN page showing the location of the fire hydrant and access to the property *Only the original letter from the water district will be accepted Prior to Final Inspection 225. Residential Fire Sprinklers. Residential fire sprinklers are required in all one and two family dwellings. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to the fire sprinkler installation. 226. Fire Dept. Clearance Reqd. Prior to the issuance of building permits, clearance from the Riverside County Fire Department is required. The applicant shall speak directly with a representative of the Fire Department in order to determine the exact requirements for their clearance, which may include but is not limited to fire sprinklers, fire flow and hydrant location, driveway access and turnarounds. Menifee Office 951-723-3767 Website – www.rvcfire.org Plans must be submitted in triplicate with current fees to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to the installation. Permit number, name of project must be on the plans by the job site address. 227. Verification Inspection. Prior to final for occupancy/building final you shall contact the Riverside County Fire Department to schedule an inspection for the items that were shown at the building permit issuance ie: access, addressing, water system and/or fuel modification. Riverside Office 951-246-6215 9.2.f Packet Pg. 244 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 68 Should you have any questions, or some items are unclear, please phone our office and speak to a Specialist to assist you with these conditions. 951-723- 3765 9.2.f Packet Pg. 245 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.f Packet Pg. 246 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.f Packet Pg. 247 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.f Packet Pg. 248 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 69 End of Conditions The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Date _______________________________________________ ___________________ Name (please print) Title (please print) 9.2.f Packet Pg. 249 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 70 AGREEMENT TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS This Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless (“Agreement”) is entered into, effective as of _______ ____, 2020, by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporation, on the one hand,(“City”), and Redhawk Communities, Inc., a California company, (“Indemnitor” or “Indemnitors”), on the other. The City and Indemnitor(s) are herein referred to collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” RECITALS Whereas, Applicant has applied to the City for various discretionary approvals including a project for the development of a subdivision of 46.9 gross acres into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. (the “Project”) on the southwest corner of McLaughlin Road and Barnett Road (the “Property”); and Whereas, in connection with the consideration of the above-mentioned discretionary approvals, Indemnitor(s) has offered to, and hereby agrees that it will, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any challenges arising from or related to the discretionary approvals, the Property or the Project as more fully set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for full and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and based upon the foregoing recitals, and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are an integral part of this Agreement, and are fully incorporated herein. 2. Indemnitors’ Indemnification Obligations. Indemnitor(s) shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards, commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants (which may include the County of Riverside and its employees, officers, officials, and agents), and agents (herein, collectively, the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses and attorney’s fees, arising out of either (i) the City’s approval of the Project or actions related to the Property, including without limitation any judicial or administrative proceeding initiated or maintained by any person or entity challenging the validity or enforceability of any City permit or approval relating to the Project, any condition of approval imposed by the City on such permit or approval, and any finding or determination made and any other action taken by any of the Indemnitees in conjunction with such permit or approval, including without limitation any action taken pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), or (ii) the acts, omissions, or operations of the Indemnitor(s) and the directors, officers, members, partners, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the Indemnitor(s) with respect to the ownership, planning, design, construction, and 9.2.f Packet Pg. 250 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 71 maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the Project is being approved. The City shall notify the Indemnitor(s) of any claim, lawsuit, or other judicial or administrative proceeding (herein, an “Action”) within the scope of this indemnity obligation and request that the Indemnitor(s) defend such Action with legal counsel reasonably satisfactory to the City. If the Indemnitor(s) fails to so defend the Action, the City shall have the right but not the obligation to do so with counsel of their own choosing, with no right of approval by Indemnitor(s) and, if they do, the Indemnitor(s) shall promptly pay the City’s full cost thereof, with payments made at least on a monthly basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnity obligation under clause (i) of the first sentence of this condition shall not apply to the extent the claim arises out of the willful misconduct or the sole active negligence of the City. This Agreement shall survive any final action on the Project, and shall survive and be independent of any Project approvals, even if such Project approvals are invalidated in whole or part. 3. Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the City and Indemnitor(s) with respect to the subject matter set forth herein and supersedes any prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements with respect thereto. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written agreement executed by both Parties. No waiver of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective or binding unless in writing and executed by an authorized representative of the Party waiving its rights hereunder. 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, transferees, and assigns of the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above. Dated: , 2020 APPROVED AS TO FORM RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP “CITY” CITY OF MENIFEE, a California Municipal Corporation By: Its: ___________________________ _________________________________ Attorneys for the City of Menifee 9.2.f Packet Pg. 251 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 72 Dated: , 2020 Dated: , 2020 “INDEMNITOR” Redhawk Communities, Inc. By: Print Name: Title: Its Manager/Managing Member Redhawk Communities, Inc. By: Print Name: Title: Its Manager/Managing Member 9.2.f Packet Pg. 252 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 73 9.2.f Packet Pg. 253 At t a c h m e n t : C o n d i t i o n s o f A p p r o v a l f o r T R 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.g Packet Pg. 254 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - T e n t a t i v e M a p ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.h Packet Pg. 255 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t G r a d i n g ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 3 6/10/19 9.2.i Packet Pg. 256 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t L a n d s c a p e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.i Packet Pg. 257 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t L a n d s c a p e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.i Packet Pg. 258 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t L a n d s c a p e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.i Packet Pg. 259 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t L a n d s c a p e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.i Packet Pg. 260 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t s - C o n c e p t L a n d s c a p e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.j Packet Pg. 261 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t - C o n c e p t S t o r m D r a i n ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: February 26, 2020 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: “Tentative Tract Map No. 37400” Planning Application No. Tentative Tract No. 2018-065 (TR 2018-065). Project Location: The project site is located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road, north of Rouse Road and west of Barnett Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APNs: 331-080-005 through 331-080-012, 331-080-018 through 331-080-021, 331-080-024 through 331-080-025 and, 331-080-027 through 331-180-028). The Planning Commission will consider the following project at a public hearing: Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 proposes to subdivide 46.9 gross acres (46.1 net acres) into 174 single- family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The project proposal also includes multiple lettered lots including a 0.81 acre basin, a 1.23 acre park, two (2) paseos and parkways. Project Data: General Plan Land Use: 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5R) Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR-2). Environmental Information: The City of Menifee Community Development Department has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment and has recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Menifee Planning Commission will consider the proposed project and the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, at the public hearing. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. Any discretionary action of the Planning Commission made pursuant to Title 9 of the Menifee Municipal Code may be appealed to the designated appeal authority listed in Table 9.30.100-1, Appeal Authority. All appeals shall be subject to the appeal procedures found in Section 2.20.150 of the Menifee Municipal Code. 9.2.k Packet Pg. 262 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) For further information regarding this project, please contact Tamara Harrison, at (951) 672-6777 or e-mail tharrison@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. The case file for the proposed project may be viewed Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Community Development Department office, located at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Tamara Harrison 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 9.2.k Packet Pg. 263 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. DATE OF HEARING: February 26, 2020 PLACE OF HEARING: MENIFEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled, pursuant to the City of Menifee Municipal Code, before the CITY OF MENIFEE PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the project shown below: Project Title: “Tentative Tract Map No. 37400” Planning Application No. Tentative Tract No. 2018-065 (TR 2018-065). Project Location: The project site is located south of McLaughlin Road, east of Evans Road, north of Rouse Road and west of Barnett Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (APNs: 331-080-005 through 331-080-012, 331-080-018 through 331-080-021, 331-080-024 through 331-080-025 and, 331-080-027 through 331-180-028). Tentative Tract Map No. 2018-065 proposes to subdivide 46.9 gross acres (46.1 net acres) into 174 single-family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The project proposal also includes multiple lettered lots including a 0.81 acre basin, a 1.23 acre park, two (2) paseos and parkways. Project Data: General Plan Land Use: 2.1-5 Residential (2.1-5R) Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR-2). Environmental Information: The City of Menifee Community Development Department has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect on the environment and has recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Menifee Planning Commission will consider the proposed project and the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, at the public hearing. In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). In addition, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control list of various hazardous sites). Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above. All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project. If this project is challenged in court, the issues may be limited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission, or prior to, the public hearing. Be advised that as a result of public hearings and comment, the Planning Commission may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project. Accordingly, the designations, development standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project, may be changed in a way other than specifically proposed. Any discretionary action of the Planning Commission made pursuant to Title 9 of the Menifee Municipal Code may be appealed to the designated appeal authority listed in Table 9.30.100-1, Appeal Authority. All appeals shall be subject to the appeal procedures found in Section 2.20.150 of the Menifee Municipal Code. 9.2.k Packet Pg. 264 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) For further information regarding this project, please contact Tamara Harrison, at (951) 723-3743 or e-mail tharrison@cityofmenifee.us, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us. The case file for the proposed project may be viewed Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Community Development Department office, located at 29844 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586. Please send all written correspondence to: CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn: Tamara Harrison 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 9.2.k Packet Pg. 265 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 266 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 267 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 268 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 269 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 270 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) 9.2.k Packet Pg. 271 At t a c h m e n t : P u b l i c H e a r i n g N o t i c e , R a d i u s M a p a n d L a b e l s ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) From:Mark Broderick To:Tamara Harrison Subject:"Tentative Tract Map No. 37400" Planning Application No. Tentative Tract No. 2018-065(TR 2018-065) Date:Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:57:51 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click on anylinks or open attachments unless your recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City of MenifeeAttn: Tamara Harrison, Senior Planner29844 Haun RoadMenifee, California 92586 Subject:"Tentative Tract Map No. 37400" Planning Application No. Tentative Tract No.2018-065 (TR2018-065) Please make these remarks an official part of the record I live directly adjacent to the proposed project site to the east, in a gated senior community.The proposed infill project looks to be a good fit with adjacent existing single-familyneighborhoods. However, I have the following concerns. The Menifee General Plan clearly identifies the importance of preserving unique communities,such as Sun City. "The process acknowledged that there were fundamental components of the county's GeneralPlan that should be carried forward into the City's inaugural GP effort, including preservationof established communities (Sun City, Romoland, Quail Valley) and preservation of therural residential lifestyle that is characteristic of Menifee." (Land Use Element, Overview) "Projects and buildings shall be designed with consideration for adjacent land uses." (Design Element, CD-3, Design Quality) "Preserve positive characteristics and unique features of a site during the design and development of a new project, the relationship to scale and character of adjacent uses should be considered." (Design Element, Project Design, CD-3.1) I urge the City to preserve the characteristics of all the existing single-story, single-family homes adjacent to the project site by requiring all the proposed project's homes be built single-story, which makes the project dwellings compatible in size, height and scope. 9.2.l Packet Pg. 272 At t a c h m e n t : C o r r e s p o n d e n c e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) Additionally, many of my neighbors utilize the NEV/Golf Cart low speed vehicle routes (Sun City Blvd). The Menifee GP "Encouages the use of neighborhood electric vehicles and golf carts instead of automobiles for local trips." (Circulation Element, Policies, C-4.1) Barnett will be improved to a 4-lane road. The cumulative traffic impacts from the proposed project, future multi-family development at Barnett and McLaughlin, and existing traffic that will utilize this new direct route to Ethanac/215 freeway will certainly affect seniors from my community trying to egress south onto Barnett. I urge the City to consider relocating the proposed project's ingress/egress road from Barnett slightly south, so that it intersects with Plum Drive into "The Club" senior community, and installing a 4-way stop at that location.The safety, health and welfare of Menifee residents must be its highest priority. Thank you for the opportunity to voice my concerns and suggestions regarding the abovereferenced project. Mark Broderick27882 Ruggie RoadSun City, Ca. 92585 9.2.l Packet Pg. 273 At t a c h m e n t : C o r r e s p o n d e n c e ( 2 3 7 6 : T e n t a t i v e T r a c t M a p N o . 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 5 ( T R 3 7 4 0 0 ) ) CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: General Plan Housing Element Annual Progress Report, 2019 MEETING DATE: February 26, 2020 TO: Planning Commission PREPARED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director REVIEWED BY: Lisa Gordon, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION Review the Annual Housing Element Progress Report for 2019 as required by State law to show progress on the General Plan Housing Element and receive and file the report. BACKGROUND Housing Element As established by State law (Government Code 65588(a)) the primary purpose of the Housing Element update is to: 1) evaluate and revise, as appropriate, the City’s housing goals and policies to ensure consistency with and to help attain State housing goals; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the Housing Element over the prior planning period (2008-2014); and 3) evaluate the progress of the City in implementation of the Housing Element. The Housing Element is required to address how the City will facilitate the maintenance, improvement and development of housing for all income groups and persons with disabilities and other special needs during the planning period, with a particular focus on affordable housing for those with incomes below the Riverside County median household income. Annual Housing Element Progress Report On February 5, 2014, the City Council adopted an update to the City’s General Plan Housing Element for the 2014-2021 planning period (Round 5 RHNA Cycle). State Law, specifically Government Code Section 65400, requires the City to provide an Annual Housing Element Progress Report to show progress on the General Plan Housing Element. This report provides an update on the progress in meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) and Housing Element program implementation in the 2019 calendar year. The 2019 Annual Housing Progress Report is attached. 10.1 Packet Pg. 274 City of Menifee Planning Commission General Plan Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2019 February 26, 2020 Page 2 of 4 New Housing Report Forms AB 879 and SB 35 of the 2017 Housing Package added new data requirements for the Housing Element Annual Progress Reports (APRs). These changes were reflected in the APR form, beginning with the 2018 reporting period. This form contained more data than previous reports. For the 2019 reporting period, Tables C, E, F, and G were intentionally left blank. The City did not need to rezone or identify additional sites to accommodate housing need, so it was not necessary to fill out Table C. For Table E, the City did not have any projects that were approved pursuant to Government Code Section 65915.7. Generally, Section 65915.7 allows for a development bonus for commercial developments when the applicant provides affordable housing. Table F for units rehabilitated, preserved and acquired for alternative adequate sites was optional and also left blank. Table G was left blank, because this table is only required if the Housing Element sites inventory contains a site which is or was owned by the reporting jurisdiction, and has been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of during the reporting year. DISCUSSION Progress in Meeting Regional Housing Need Allocation RHNA is a housing production goal calculated by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), based upon a State established goal, for the Housing Element planning period and provides data to assist cities in accommodating the estimated housing needs of the projected population and employment growth during the planning period. State Housing law does not require that market-rate and affordable housing units be constructed to meet RHNA projects. Instead, State law requires that the cities adopt policies, zoning standards, regulatory provisions, and review processes that will provide realistic opportunities for the private market to construct new units with minimal constraints to meet the established goal. 10.1 Packet Pg. 275 City of Menifee Planning Commission General Plan Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2019 February 26, 2020 Page 3 of 4 The following table shows the City’s 2014-2021 RHNA: City’s RHNA Allocation Household Income Category Household Income Definition Number of Units Percent of Total Extremely Low 0-30% of MFI 744 12% Very Low 0-50% of MFI 744 12% Low 51-80% of MFI 1,007 16% Moderate 81-120% of MFI 1,140 18% Above Moderate Above 120% of MFI 2,610 42% Total 6,245 100% Source: Southern California Association of Governments, 2012 The median family income (MFI) for the Menifee region is $65,800 for a family of four (4). The following table illustrates the City’s building permit activity since January 1, 2014. In 2019, a total of 1,036 housing units were issued permits. Income Category RHNA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date Total Remaining RHNA Very-Low 1,488 1 4 3 3 - - - - 11 1,477 Low 1,007 0 0 2 9 1 4 - - 17 990 Moderate 1,140 158 193 184 168 181 379 - - 1,263 0 Above Moderate 2,610 181 193 349 514 759 653 - - 2,671 0 Total RHNA 6,245 340 412 538 694 941 1,036 - - 3,962 2,467 10.1 Packet Pg. 276 City of Menifee Planning Commission General Plan Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2019 February 26, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Progress in Implementing 2014-2021 Housing Element Programs The status of progress for each of the programs is listed in the attached Housing Report, Table C. This table lists all of the programs from the City’s Housing Element and how the City has met or implemented the program. ATTACHMENTS 1. Annual Progress Report Tables 10.1 Packet Pg. 277 Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Notes 2 34 678 9 10 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+ Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=Renter O=Owner Date Application Submitted Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project (Auto-calculated Can Be Overwritten) Was APPLICATION SUBMITTED Pursuant to GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Notes+ Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 69 69 0 0 362-210-001 31018 Bradley Road Meadow Run - Paloma TR 2018-249 SFD O 7/17/2019 65 65 65 0 No 358-240-038 25870 Garbani Road Watts ADU ADU 2018-230 ADU O 8/22/2019 1 11 0 No 472-030-008 30878 Curzulla Road Curzulla ADU ADU 2018-282 ADU O 8/29/2019 1 11 0 No 384-030-007 33020 Paradise Lane Ulmer ADU ADU 2019-104 ADU O 7/25/2019 1 11 0 No 358-100-023 25850 Mountain Park Drive Baum ADU ADU 2019-018 ADU O 10/8/2019 1 11 0 No Housing Development Applications Submitted Table A Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas (CCR Title 25 §6202) 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes 10.1.a Packet Pg. 278 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Streamlining Infill Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction 23 56 89 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+ Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income EntitlementDate Approved # of Units issued Entitlements Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate-Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness How many of the units were Extremely Low Income?+ Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/N Infill Units?Y/N+ Assistance Programs for Each Development (see instructions) Deed Restriction Type(see instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units+ Demolished or Destroyed Units+ Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter+ Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 0 69 0 69 0 0 0 4 0379653 1036 0 1060290633 930 00 000362-210-001 31018 Bradley Road Meadow Run - Paloma TR 2018-249 SFD O 65 7/17/2019 65 0 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent358-240-038 25870 Garbani Road Watts ADU ADU 2018-230 ADU O 1 8/22/2019 1 0 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent472-030-008 30878 Curzulla Road Curzulla ADU ADU 2018-282 ADU O 1 8/29/2019 1 0 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent384-030-007 33020 Paradise Lane Ulmer ADU ADU 2019-104 ADU O 1 7/25/2019 1 0 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-100-023 25850 Mountain Park Drive Baum ADU ADU 2019-018 ADU O 1 10/8/2019 1 0 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent.360-760-021 26493 Keel Court Peppertree PMT17-00739 SFD O 0 1 1/10/2019 1 0N339-153-048 29004 Milky Way Oak Hills II PMT18-05093 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 339-153-049 28992 Milky Way Oak Hills II PMT18-05094 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 339-153-052 28956 Kamran Circle Oak Hills II PMT18-05095 SFD O 0 1 1/15/2019 1 1 9/26/2019 1 N 333-652-001 29153 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04470 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-650-002 29167 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04471 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-652-003 29181 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04472 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-652-004 29195 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04473 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-652-005 29209 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04474 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-670-011 29178 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04475 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-670-012 29164 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT16-04476 SFD O 0 1 1/16/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 360-680-046 30381 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02869 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/19/2019 1 N 360-680-044 30404 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02871 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/19/2019 1 N 360-680-043 30432 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02872 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/19/2019 1 N 360-680-049 26029 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02866 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/20/2019 1 N 360-680-048 30437 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02867 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/20/2019 1 N 360-680-047 30409 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02868 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/20/2019 1 N 360-680-050 26037 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02865 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N 360-680-045 30376 Canyon Point Circle Boulder Estates PMT18-02870 SFD O 0 1 1/22/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N 341-250-001 24912 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00186 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-250-003 24924 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00187 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/3/2019 1 N 341-250-004 24936 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00188 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/3/2019 1 N 341-250-031 24917 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00190 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/3/2019 1 N 341-250-032 24929 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00191 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-250-001 24900 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00185 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/5/2019 1 N 341-250-030 24905 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00189 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 1 6/5/2019 1 N 360-760-019 26476 Keel Court Peppertree PMT16-02866 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 0N360-760-018 26464 Keel Court Peppertree PMT17-00737 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 0N360-760-020 26488 Keel Court Peppertree PMT17-02891 SFD O 0 1 1/25/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02080 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02081 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02082 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02083 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02084 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02090 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02091 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02092 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02093 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02094 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02095 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02096 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02097 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02098 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02099 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02100 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02101 5+ R 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24524 Division Drive Vaquero PMT18-05260 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24536 Division Drive Vaquero PMT18-05261 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24548 Division Drive Vaquero PMT18-05262 SFD O 0 1 1/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02085 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02086 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02087 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02088 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02089 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02102 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02103 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02104 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02105 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02106 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02107 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02108 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02109 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02110 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02111 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02112 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02113 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02114 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02115 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 360-080-032 30414 Town Center Drive Artesa Apartments PMT17-02116 5+ R 0 1 1/30/2019 1 0N 333-750-014 29657 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05930 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-750-015 29669 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05933 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-750-016 29681 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05934 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/10/2019 1 N 333-750-017 29693 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05935 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/11/2019 1 N 333-750-018 29705 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05936 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/11/2019 1 N 333-751-020 29670 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05937 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/11/2019 1 N 333-751-021 39682 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05938 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 333-751-022 29694 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05939 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 333-751-023 29706 Caravel Drive Newport PMT18-05940 SFD O 0 1 2/1/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N (CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed UnitsProject Identifier 1 Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 4 7 10 10.1.a Packet Pg. 279 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 360-080-067 27286 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06028 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27298 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06030 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27310 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06031 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27287 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06033 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27322 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06032 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27299 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06034 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27311 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06035 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27323 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06036 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 5/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-770-036 29656 Canyonlands Drive Parkview PMT18-02566 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 333-770-037 29668 Canyonlands Drive Parkview PMT18-02567 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 333-770-038 29680 Canyonlands Drive Parkview PMT18-02568 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 333-770-042 29655 Canyonlands Drive Parkview PMT18-02569 SFD O 0 1 2/4/2019 1 1 6/13/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31069 Quarter Horse Way Easton PMT18-04411 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 1 9/12/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31057 Quarter Horse Way Easton PMT18-04412 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 1 9/13/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31045 Quarter Horse Way Easton PMT18-04413 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 1 9/13/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29634 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT18-04414 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 1 9/13/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29648 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT18-04410 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29684 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT18-04407 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 0N 372-080-021 29672 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT18-04408 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 0N 372-080-021 29660 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT18-04409 SFD O 0 1 2/5/2019 1 0N 358-700-023 24662 Silver Stone Court The Ridge PMT19-00005 SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 6/19/2019 1 N 360-742-004 26324 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00050B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/12/2019 1 N 360-742-005 26336 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00051B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/12/2019 1 N 360-742-006 26348 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00052B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/12/2019 1 N 360-742-007 26360 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00053B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/12/2019 1 N 360-742-002 26300 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00048B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 360-741-003 26312 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00049B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 360-742-001 26288 Bailey Court Peppertree PMT19-00047B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 8/1/2019 1 N 360-760-001 31602 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00046B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 9/20/2019 1 N360-740-021 31590 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00045B SFD O 0 1 2/7/2019 1 1 10/2/2019 1 N 358-075-031 24459 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00352 SFD O 0 1 2/12/2019 1 1 9/25/2019 1 N 358-075-032 24471 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00353 SFD O 0 1 2/12/2019 1 1 9/25/2019 1 N 358-075-030 24458 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00354 SFD O 0 1 2/12/2019 1 1 9/25/2019 1 N 358-075-029 24470 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00355 SFD O 0 1 2/12/2019 1 1 9/25/2019 1 N 358-075-028 24482 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00356 SFD O 0 1 2/12/2019 1 1 9/25/2019 1 N 360-803-035 26271 Redoak Street Cypress PMT18-04587 SFD O 0 1 2/20/2019 1 1 6/4/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-008 26290 Redoak Street Cypress PMT18-04579 SFD O 0 1 2/20/2019 1 1 6/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29875 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00093 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29863 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00094 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/23/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29904 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00096 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29899 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00091 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29887 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00092 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29851 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00095 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29892 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00097 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29880 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00098 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30489 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05901 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30485 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05902 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30481 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05903 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30493 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05904 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30497 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05905 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30501 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05906 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30490 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05907 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30492 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05908 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30494 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05909 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30482 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05910 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30480 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05911 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30478 Village Knoll Drive The Village PMT18-05912 SFD O 0 1 2/22/2019 1 1 8/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30302 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05532 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30304 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05533 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30308 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05534 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30312 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05535 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30316 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05536 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30320 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05537 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30313 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05538 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30314 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05539 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30310 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05540 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30306 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT18-05541 5+ R 0 1 2/26/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29408 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00138 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29396 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00139 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29403 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00133 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29415 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00134 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29432 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00136 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29427 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00135 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29420 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00137 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29391 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00132 SFD O 0 1 3/4/2019 1 1 7/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29475 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00478 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29463 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00479 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29451 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00480 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29439 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00481 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29444 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00474 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29456 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00475 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29468 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00476 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29480 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-00477 SFD O 0 1 3/8/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29961 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00482 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29937 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00484 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29925 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00485 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29949 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00483 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/20/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29911 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00486 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/20/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29940 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00487 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/20/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29928 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00488 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/21/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 280 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 333-170-010 29916 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-00489 SFD O 0 1 3/9/2019 1 1 8/21/2019 1 N 360-860-009 30344 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00605 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30340 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00606 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30336 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00607 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30332 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00608 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30328 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00609 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30324 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00610 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-250-007 29836 Alisal Court Willow Tree II PMT19-00428 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 11/21/2019 1 N341-250-009 29860 Alisal Court Willow Tree II PMT19-00430 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 11/21/2019 1 N 341-250-005 24948 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00426 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N 342-250-006 24960 Sagebrush Lane Willow Tree II PMT19-00427 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N 341-250-008 29848 Alisal Court Willow Tree II PMT19-00429 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-250-010 29872 Alisal Court Willow Tree II PMT19-00431 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N341-250-029 29867 Alisal Court Willow Tree II PMT19-00432 SFD O 0 1 3/13/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N 360-860-009 30326 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00599 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30330 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00600 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30334 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00601 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30338 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00602 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30342 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00603 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30346 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-00604 5+ R 0 1 3/13/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-670-013 28730 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04477 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-014 28716 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04478 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-015 28702 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04479 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-016 28688 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04480 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-017 28691 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04481 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-018 28705 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04482 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-670-019 28719 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04483 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-020 28733 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04484 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-021 28474 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04485 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 333-670-022 28761 Cebelia Circle Heritage Heights PMT16-04486 SFD O 0 1 3/15/2019 1 1 7/31/2019 1 N 358-780-025 30086 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00650 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/16/2019 1 N358-780-024 30100 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00649 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N 358-780-026 30062 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00651 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/18/2019 1 N 358-780-033 30075 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00652 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/19/2019 1 N358-780-034 30087 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00653 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/23/2019 1 N358-780-035 30099 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-00654 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2019 1 1 7/23/2019 1 N 358-700-027 24710 Silver Stone Court The Ridge PMT19-00032 SFD O 0 1 3/21/2019 1 1 5/21/2019 1 N 360-742-008 31595 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00054B SFD O 0 1 3/29/2019 1 1 8/23/2019 1 N360-742-009 31583 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00055B SFD O 0 1 3/29/2019 1 1 8/23/2019 1 N360-740-020 31578 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00044B SFD O 0 1 3/29/2019 1 0N 372-080-024 31273 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02620 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-024 31285 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02621 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N 372-080-024 31297 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02622 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N 372-080-024 31309 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02623 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N 372-080-024 31274 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02624 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N 372-080-024 31286 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02625 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-024 31298 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02626 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N 372-080-024 31310 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT18-02627 SFD O 0 1 4/6/2019 1 1 12/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 24488 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01252 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 8/22/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24500 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01253 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 8/22/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24493 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01254 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 8/22/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24481 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01255 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 8/22/2019 1 N 360-680-052 26113 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02873 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 10/28/2019 1 N 360-680-051 26085 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02874 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 10/28/2019 1 N 360-680-042 30441 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02875 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 10/29/2019 1 N 360-680-037 30408 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02880 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 11/13/2019 1 N 360-680-040 30385 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02877 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N 360-680-039 30352 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02878 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N 360-680-041 30413 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02876 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 0N 360-680-038 30380 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02879 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 0N 360-680-036 30436 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02881 SFD O 0 1 4/8/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 31922 Garlington Way Menifee Estates PMT18-05503 SFD O 0 1 4/10/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 360-250-009 31934 Garlington Way Menifee Estates PMT18-05504 SFD O 0 1 4/10/2019 1 1 7/26/2019 1 N 335-510-074 26293 Desert Rose Lane The Retreat at Holiday PMT18-06019 SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 1 7/22/2019 1 N 335-510-077 26323 Desert Rose Lane The Retreat at Holiday PMT18-06020 SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 1 7/22/2019 1 N 360-740-015 31518 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00039 SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N 360-740-016 31530 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00040 SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-740-017 31542 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00041 SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-740-018 31554 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00042B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-740-019 31566 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00043B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N 360-742-010 31571 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00056B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N 360-742-011 31559 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00057B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-742-012 31547 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00058B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-742-013 31535 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00059B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N360-742-014 31523 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-00060B SFD O 0 1 4/11/2019 1 0N 360-080-067 27313 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00624 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27325 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00625 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27337 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00626 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27336 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00627 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/29/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27324 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00628 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/29/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27312 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-00629 SFD O 0 1 4/12/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-200-015 29957 Urtica Court Valor PMT18-06078 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2019 1 1 6/28/2019 1 N341-200-015 29969 Urtica Court Valor PMT18-06079 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2019 1 1 6/28/2019 1 N341-200-015 29981 Urtica Court Valor PMT18-06080 SFD O 0 1 4/16/2019 1 1 6/28/2019 1 N 360-860-009 30371 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01208 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30367 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01209 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30363 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01210 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30359 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01211 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30355 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01212 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30351 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01213 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30349 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01214 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30353 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01215 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30357 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01216 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30361 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01217 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30365 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01218 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30369 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01219 5+ R 0 1 4/18/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-075-033 24483 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00357 SFD O 0 1 4/25/2019 1 1 11/20/2019 1 N 358-075-035 24507 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00359 SFD O 0 1 4/25/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N 358-075-034 24495 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00358 SFD O 0 1 4/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 281 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 358-075-027 24494 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00360 SFD O 0 1 4/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N 358-075-026 24806 Texican Circle Savannah PMT19-00361 SFD O 0 1 4/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N 360-840-076 26592 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05674 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 360-840-077 26600 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05675 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 360-840-078 26608 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05676 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 360-840-079 26616 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05677 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 360-840-069 26627 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05667 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N 360-840-070 26619 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05668 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N 360-840-072 26603 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05670 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N 360-840-082 26640 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05680 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 11/21/2019 1 N 360-840-068 26635 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05666 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N 360-840-080 26624 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05678 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 360-840-071 26611 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05669 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 360-840-073 26595 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05671 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 360-840-074 26587 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05672 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 360-840-075 26584 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05673 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 360-840-081 26632 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05679 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 360-840-083 26648 Opalescent Drive Primrose PMT18-05681 SFD O 0 1 4/29/2019 1 0N 372-570-016 29886 Holsteiner Way Canvas PMT19-01424 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 9/30/2019 1 N 372-570-014 31002 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01428 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 9/30/2019 1 N 370-570-013 31014 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01429 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/1/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 370-570-012 31026 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01430 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/1/2019 1 N 370-570-011 31038 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01431 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/1/2019 1 N 372-570-019 31037 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01432 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 372-570-018 31025 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01433 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-570-017 31013 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-01434 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 372-570-015 29898 Holsteiner Way Canvas PMT19-01427 SFD O 0 1 4/30/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-751-013 27641 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00930 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-014 27629 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00931 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-015 27617 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00932 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-016 27618 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00933 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-017 27630 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00934 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-018 27642 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00935 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-751-019 27654 Trawler Court Newport PMT19-00936 SFD O 0 1 5/2/2019 1 1 8/30/2019 1 N 333-170-027 29487 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-01694 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29392 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01695 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27356 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01698 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27344 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01699 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29504 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-01700 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29492 Alamitos Drive Hampton PMT19-01701 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27380 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01696 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27368 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01697 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 10/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 27560 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01687 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 333-170-010 27548 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01686 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29985 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-01689 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N 333-170-010 27541 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01691 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/7/2019 1 N 333-170-010 27565 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01693 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/7/2019 1 N 333-170-010 27572 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01688 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/12/2019 1 N 333-170-010 27553 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01692 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/12/2019 1 N 333-170-010 29973 Glacier Bay Drive Chelsea PMT19-01690 SFD O 0 1 5/3/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.358-780-028 30028 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01436 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 9/27/2019 1 N358-780-029 30027 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01437 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 9/27/2019 1 N358-780-027 30052 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01435 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 10/4/2019 1 N 358-780-030 30039 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01438 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 10/4/2019 1 N 358-780-031 30051 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01439 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N 358-780-035 30063 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-01440 SFD O 0 1 5/6/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 372-562-016 31181 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01635 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N 372-562-019 31217 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01678 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/7/2019 1 N 372-562-020 31229 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01679 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/11/2019 1 N 372-563-009 31194 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01681 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 372-563-008 31206 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01682 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 372-563-006 31230 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01684 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 372-562-017 31193 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01676 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N 372-563-010 31182 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01680 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N 372-562-018 31205 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01677 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 1 12/11/2019 1 N 372-563-007 31218 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-01683 SFD O 0 1 5/7/2019 1 0N 333-750-008 29585 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01592 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-750-009 29597 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01596 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-750-010 29609 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01597 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-750-011 29621 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01598 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-750-012 29633 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01599 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-750-013 29645 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01600 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-751-011 29632 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01601 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/22/2019 1 N 333-751-012 26944 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-01602 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 10/23/2019 1 N 360-880-001 30421 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01567 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-002 30425 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01568 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-003 30429 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01569 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-004 30417 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01570 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-005 30415 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01571 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-006 30409 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01572 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-038 30406 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01573 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-039 30410 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01574 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-046 30422 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01575 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-880-047 30418 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-01576 SFD O 0 1 5/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30354 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01741 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30358 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01742 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30362 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01743 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30366 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01744 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30364 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01745 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30360 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01746 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 10.1.a Packet Pg. 282 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 360-860-009 30356 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01747 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30352 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-01748 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30380 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01749 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30374 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01750 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30368 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01751 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30362 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01752 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30356 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01753 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30350 Skytown Way The Townes PMT19-01754 5+ R 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 24464 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01197 SFD O 0 1 5/10/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 24476 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01199 SFD O 0 1 5/10/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 24469 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01200 SFD O 0 1 5/10/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 24457 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-01201 SFD O 0 1 5/10/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 31033 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01031 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 31024 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01034 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 31036 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01035 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 31048 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01036 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N 372-080-031 31009 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01028 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N 372-080-031 31021 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01030 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 31012 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01033 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N 372-080-031 31045 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-01032 SFD O 0 1 5/16/2019 1 1 12/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28329 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05215 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-661-017 24548 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01784 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N 358-661-017 24565 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01786 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N 358-660-007 24572 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01782 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N 358-660-008 24560 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01783 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N 358-661-016 24553 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01785 SFD O 0 1 5/17/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 28386 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-01766 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 1 8/27/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28401 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-01764 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 1 9/19/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31510 Mohave Red Court Brixton PMT19-01767 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 1 11/12/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31524 Mohave Red Court Brixton PMT19-01768 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 1 12/6/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28387 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-01765 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31552 Mohave Red Court Brixton PMT19-01769 SFD O 0 1 5/20/2019 1 0N 360-080-067 27277 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01381 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27289 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01382 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27301 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01383 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27300 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01384 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27288 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01385 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27276 Allwood Way Camden Place PMT19-01386 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 9/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-540-017 31104 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02016 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N 372-540-005 31139 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02015 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 1 11/26/2019 1 N 372-540-002 31103 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02012 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 0N 372-540-003 31115 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02013 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 0N 372-540-004 31127 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02014 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 0N 372-540-016 31116 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02017 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 0N 372-540-015 31128 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02018 SFD O 0 1 5/23/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27375 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-01960 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27363 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-01962 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27366 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-01963 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27342 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02038 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 10/31/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27351 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02036 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27339 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02037 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27354 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02039 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27318 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02041 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27327 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02033 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27315 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02040 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27330 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-02042 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 360-250-009 27378 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-01964 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27390 Arabian Court Silver Trail PMT19-01965 SFD O 0 1 5/28/2019 1 0N 360-311-001 26020 Waldon Road Pacific Galleria PMT18-05551 SFD O 0 1 5/29/2019 1 1 10/9/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24843 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02140 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24838 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02141 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24826 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02142 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 10/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24831 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02139 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 11/12/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24855 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02143 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24867 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02144 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24850 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02146 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 341-200-015 24862 Hope Ranch Circle Valor PMT19-02145 SFD O 0 1 6/3/2019 1 1 12/18/2019 1 N 331-170-004 27815 Via Santa Catarina Talavera PMT19-00916 SFD O 0 1 6/6/2019 1 1 7/25/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27803 Via Santa Catarina Talavera PMT19-00917 SFD O 0 1 6/6/2019 1 1 7/25/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27791 Via Santa Catarina Talavera PMT19-00918 SFD O 0 1 6/6/2019 1 1 7/25/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-003 31833 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02323 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-004 31845 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02324 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-006 31869 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02326 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-007 31881 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02327 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-007 31828 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02318 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-001 31809 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02321 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-008 31816 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02319 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-009 31804 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02320 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 1 11/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-002 31821 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02322 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-005 31857 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02325 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-008 31893 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02328 SFD O 0 1 6/7/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-280-014 24809 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02225 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 341-282-010 24790 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02230 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N 341-280-013 24797 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02224 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N 341-282-007 24826 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02227 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N 341-280-015 24821 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02226 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 341-282-008 24814 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02228 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 283 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 341-282-009 24802 Sandy Trail Place Tribute PMT18-02229 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N 358-661-020 24601 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01790 SFD O 0 1 6/12/2019 1 1 11/19/2019 1 N 358-660-006 24584 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01787 SFD O 0 1 6/12/2019 1 0N 358-660-018 24577 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01788 SFD O 0 1 6/12/2019 1 0N 358-661-019 24589 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-01789 SFD O 0 1 6/12/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24428 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02442 SFD O 0 1 6/17/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24440 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02443 SFD O 0 1 6/17/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24452 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02444 SFD O 0 1 6/17/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24445 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02445 SFD O 0 1 6/17/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N 341-200-008 24433 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02446 SFD O 0 1 6/17/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N 372-050-032 28382 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05210 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28385 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05211 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28371 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05212 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28357 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05213 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28354 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05208 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28368 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT18-05209 SFD O 0 1 6/18/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30211 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT18-06037 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30199 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT18-06038 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30187 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT18-06039 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30175 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT18-06040 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27250 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06041 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27262 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06042 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27274 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06043 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27275 Boyd Drive Camden Place PMT18-06044 SFD O 0 1 6/19/2019 1 1 11/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-005 31057 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02294 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N 372-571-006 31069 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02295 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N 372-571-007 31081 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02296 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N 372-571-008 31093 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02297 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-011 31072 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02300 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 12/5/2019 1 N 372-571-012 31060 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02301 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 12/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-009 31096 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02298 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 0N 372-571-010 31084 Lusitano Circle Canvas PMT19-02299 SFD O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-010 31792 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02534 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 1 11/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-801-002 26140 Abbey Lane Cypress PMT19-02538 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 1 11/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-801-001 31773 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02537 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 1 11/27/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-011 31780 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02535 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-012 31768 Abbott Court Cypress PMT19-02536 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-801-003 26128 Abbey Lane Cypress PMT19-02539 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-801-004 26116 Abbey Lane Cypress PMT19-02540 SFD O 0 1 6/25/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27532 Kobuk Valley Drive Rockport PMT19-01265 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2019 1 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27556 Kobuk Valley Drive Rockport PMT19-01261 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27544 Kobuk Valley Drive Rockport PMT19-01264 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2019 1 1 10/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-562-029 29758 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02367 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 372-562-028 29770 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02368 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 372-562-027 29782 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02369 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-562-026 29794 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02370 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 372-561-004 29759 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02374 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-562-025 29806 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02371 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/18/2019 1 N 372-561-006 29795 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02372 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-561-005 29775 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02373 SFD O 0 1 6/27/2019 1 1 12/18/2019 1 N 358-780-023 30124 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02530 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/22/2019 1 N358-780-037 30135 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02532 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/25/2019 1 N358-780-021 30148 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02527 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/26/2019 1 N 358-780-022 30136 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02529 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/26/2019 1 N 358-780-036 30123 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02531 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/26/2019 1 N 358-780-038 30147 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-02533 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 11/26/2019 1 N 333-750-006 29561 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-02769 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 333-751-004 27615 Kayak Court Newport PMT19-02771 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 333-751-005 27627 Kayak Court Newport PMT19-02772 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 333-751-006 27639 Kayak Court Newport PMT19-02773 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 333-751-007 27616 Kayak Court Newport PMT19-02774 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 333-750-007 29573 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-02770 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 333-751-008 27628 Kayak Court Newport PMT19-02775 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 333-751-009 29596 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-02776 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 333-751-010 29620 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-02777 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 360-802-010 26211 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02755 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-011 26194 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02756 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-012 26182 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02757 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-802-013 26170 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02758 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-803-026 26163 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02759 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-803-027 26175 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02760 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-803-028 26187 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02761 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-803-029 26199 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02762 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-803-030 26211 Redoak Street Cypress PMT19-02763 SFD O 0 1 7/3/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-680-033 30383 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02885 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 1 11/5/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-681-005 26155 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02882 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-035 30439 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02883 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-034 30411 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02884 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-032 30378 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02886 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-031 30406 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02887 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-030 30434 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02888 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-029 30462 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02889 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-680-028 30490 Canyon Trail Court Boulder Estates PMT18-02890 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 360-681-008 26239 Boulder Ridge Way Boulder Estates PMT18-02891 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2019 1 0N 372-540-006 31151 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02427 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/11/2019 1 N 372-540-009 31187 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02431 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/11/2019 1 N 372-540-008 31175 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02430 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/13/2019 1 N 372-541-011 31176 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02436 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/17/2019 1 N 372-541-014 31140 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02433 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/18/2019 1 N 372-533-010 29646 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02779 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 284 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 372-533-011 29658 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02780 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 372-533-012 29670 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02781 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 372-533-014 29683 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02786 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/26/2019 1 N 372-533-015 29671 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02785 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/27/2019 1 N 372-540-007 31163 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02429 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-540-010 31199 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02432 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-533-013 29682 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02782 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-533-017 29647 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02783 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-533-016 29659 Saddlebred Circle Easton PMT19-02784 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-541-013 31152 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02434 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-541-012 31164 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02435 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-541-010 31188 Morgan Horse Street Newpark PMT19-02437 SFD O 0 1 7/10/2019 1 0N 372-561-007 29809 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02797 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-561-008 29821 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02798 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-561-009 29835 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02799 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-561-010 29847 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02800 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-561-011 29859 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02801 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-561-022 29842 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02802 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-562-023 29830 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02803 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N 372-562-024 29818 Gypsy Vanner Way Kadence PMT19-02804 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 12/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-791-001 29932 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-01950 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-791-002 27744 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-01951 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-791-003 29956 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-01952 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-791-004 27512 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01953 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-791-005 27524 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01954 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-794-004 29927 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-01955 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-794-005 27517 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01956 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N 333-794-006 27529 Arches Drive Chelsea PMT19-01957 SFD O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-660-005 24596 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-03102 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 358-661-021 24613 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-03103 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 358-661-022 24625 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-03104 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 358-661-023 24637 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-03105 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 358-661-024 24649 Round Meadow Drive Dakota PMT18-03106 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29892 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-02735 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29880 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-02736 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29868 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-02737 SFD O 0 1 7/19/2019 1 0N 333-813-001 27452 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01937 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 11/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-812-004 27421 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01934 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-812-005 27433 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01935 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-812-006 27445 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01936 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-813-002 27440 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01938 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-813-004 27416 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01940 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-813-005 27404 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01941 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/13/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-813-003 27428 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-01939 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 1 12/31/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-250-009 27371 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02652 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27359 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02653 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27362 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02654 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27374 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02655 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27347 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02656 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27335 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02657 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27338 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02658 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27350 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02659 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27323 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02660 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27311 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02661 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27314 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02662 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 27326 Clydesdale Court Silver Trail PMT19-02663 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 31886 Garlington Street Silver Trail PMT19-02664 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 31898 Garlington Street Silver Trail PMT19-02665 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 360-250-009 31910 Garlington Street Silver Trail PMT19-02666 SFD O 0 1 7/25/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24392 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02447 SFD O 0 1 8/7/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24404 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02448 SFD O 0 1 8/7/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24416 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02449 SFD O 0 1 8/7/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24411 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02450 SFD O 0 1 8/7/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24399 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-02451 SFD O 0 1 8/7/2019 1 0N 358-075-025 24505 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03403 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-024 24493 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03404 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-023 24481 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03405 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-022 24469 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03406 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-020 24492 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03407 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-019 24480 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03408 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-018 24468 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-03409 SFD O 0 1 8/8/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24823 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-02738 SFD O 0 1 8/12/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24835 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-02739 SFD O 0 1 8/12/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24828 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-02740 SFD O 0 1 8/12/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29844 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-02741 SFD O 0 1 8/12/2019 1 0N341-200-015 29844 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-02742 SFD O 0 1 8/12/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31538 Mohave Red Court Brixton PMT19-01819 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N 372-521-004 28454 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03511 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N 372-521-005 28468 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03512 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N 372-520-022 28471 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03505 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 372-520-023 28457 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03506 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 372-520-024 28443 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03507 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 372-520-025 28429 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03508 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 372-520-026 28415 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03509 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 372-521-003 28426 Coral Dune Drive Brixton PMT19-03510 SFD O 0 1 8/13/2019 1 0N 364-190-021 29711 Rigging Way Reflections PMT19-03606 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 1 12/16/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29653 Rigging Way Reflections PMT19-03603 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 364-190-021 29689 Rigging Way Reflections PMT19-03604 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 364-190-021 29701 Rigging Way Reflections PMT19-03605 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 285 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 364-190-021 30091 Typhoon Court Reflections PMT19-03607 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 364-190-021 30084 Typhoon Court Reflections PMT19-03608 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 364-190-021 29629 Rigging Way Reflections PMT19-03609 SFD O 0 1 8/14/2019 1 0N 372-590-002 31582 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03702 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-003 31596 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03703 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-008 31668 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03708 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 1 12/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-001 31599 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03701 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-004 31610 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03704 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-005 31624 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03705 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-006 31638 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03706 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-590-007 31652 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-03707 SFD O 0 1 8/15/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-670-027 29125 Moraga Street Heritage Heights PMT17-00054 SFD O 0 1 8/16/2019 1 1 12/20/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30449 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03578 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 1 10/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent.360-751-033 31661 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03663 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N360-751-034 31649 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03664 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-035 31637 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03665 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-036 31625 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03666 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-046 31608 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03667 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N360-751-047 31620 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03668 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N360-751-048 31632 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03669 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-049 31644 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03670 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-050 31656 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03671 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-751-051 31668 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03672 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N 360-080-090 30448 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03577 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30453 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03579 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30441 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03580 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30437 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03581 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30433 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03582 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30430 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03583 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30434 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03584 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30446 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03585 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30442 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-03586 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-562-021 31241 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02787 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-563-005 31242 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02788 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-563-004 31254 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02789 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-563-003 31266 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02790 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-563-002 31278 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02791 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-563-001 31290 Bay Horse Way Newpark PMT19-02792 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-561-012 29832 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-02793 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-561-013 29820 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-02794 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-554-013 29821 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-02795 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 372-554-014 29833 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-02796 SFD O 0 1 8/20/2019 1 0N 358-740-003 24513 Diablo Way Savannah PMT19-02711 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 1 12/19/2019 1 N358-780-039 30159 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03259 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N358-780-020 30160 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03260 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N358-780-018 30182 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03261 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N 358-780-019 30170 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03262 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N 358-780-040 30171 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03263 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N358-780-041 30183 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-03264 SFD O 0 1 8/22/2019 1 0N 360-860-009 30399 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03513 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30395 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03514 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30387 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03516 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30379 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03518 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30377 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03519 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30381 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03520 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30385 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03521 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30389 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03522 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30393 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03523 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30397 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03524 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30391 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-03515 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30383 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05317 5+ R 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29884 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03595 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29896 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03596 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29908 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03597 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29920 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03598 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29877 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03599 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29889 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03600 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29901 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03601 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29915 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-03602 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27457 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03587 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27469 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03588 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27481 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03589 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27493 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03590 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27500 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03591 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27488 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03592 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27476 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03593 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27464 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-03594 SFD O 0 1 8/26/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-311-002 26044 Waldon Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-03659 SFD O 0 1 8/28/2019 1 0N 360-311-003 32677 Hayden Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-03662 SFD O 0 1 8/28/2019 1 0N 372-521-006 31537 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03689 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 1 12/23/2019 1 N 372-522-001 34523 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03690 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-002 31509 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03691 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-003 31506 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03692 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-004 31520 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03693 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-005 31534 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03694 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-006 31548 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03695 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 372-522-007 31562 Bronze Court Brixton PMT19-03696 SFD O 0 1 8/29/2019 1 0N 360-080-067 30283 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02842 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30271 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02844 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30259 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02845 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30247 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02846 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30235 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02847 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30223 Ramsey Drive Camden Place PMT19-02848 SFD O 0 1 8/30/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28343 Feldspar Drive Windsor PMT19-05214 SFD O 0 1 9/6/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 29723 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-03655 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 286 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 341-200-008 29711 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-03656 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29699 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-03657 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29728 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-03658 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24344 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-03673 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24356 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-03674 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24368 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-03675 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24380 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-03676 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 24387 Division Drive Vaquero PMT19-03677 SFD O 0 1 9/9/2019 1 0N 360-740-014 31506 Eaton Lane Peppertree PMT19-03688 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 1 12/23/2019 1 N 360-751-044 31584 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03678 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 360-751-045 31596 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03679 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 360-750-004 31601 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03680 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N360-750-005 31589 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03681 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N360-750-006 21577 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03682 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 360-740-009 31565 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03683 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 360-740-010 31553 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03684 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 360-740-011 31541 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03685 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N360-740-012 31529 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03686 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N360-740-013 31517 Tudor Court Peppertree PMT19-03687 SFD O 0 1 9/12/2019 1 0N 372-571-020 31049 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04140 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-571-021 31061 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04151 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-022 31073 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04152 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-571-023 31085 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04153 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-571-024 31097 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04154 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-570-010 31050 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04155 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-570-009 31062 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04156 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-570-008 31074 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04157 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-570-007 31086 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04158 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-570-006 31098 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04159 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-540-011 31211 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04004 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-540-012 31223 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04005 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-540-013 31235 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04006 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-540-015 31247 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04007 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-541-009 31259 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04008 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-541-009 31200 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04009 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-541-008 31212 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04010 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-541-007 31224 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04011 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-541-006 31236 Morgan Horse Street Easton PMT19-04012 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-561-003 31320 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03416 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-561-002 31332 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03417 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-561-001 31338 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03418 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-554-007 31344 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03419 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-554-006 31348 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03420 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-560-005 31321 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03421 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-560-006 31333 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03422 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-551-009 31345 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03424 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-551-010 31357 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-03425 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-015 24847 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-03697 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24859 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-03698 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24852 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-03699 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24840 Sun Rose Circle Valor PMT19-03700 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29820 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-03709 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29808 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-03710 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24812 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-03711 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24800 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-03712 SFD O 0 1 9/17/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31663 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04755 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 28453 Ivory Court Brixton PMT19-04756 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 28439 Ivory Court Brixton PMT19-04757 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 28436 Ivory Court Brixton PMT19-04758 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N372-050-035 28450 Ivory Court Brixton PMT19-04759 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31646 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04760 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31660 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04761 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-761-019 27613 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04111 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-761-020 27625 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04112 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-761-021 27637 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04113 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-751-001 27638 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04114 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-751-002 27626 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04115 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 333-751-003 27614 Headsail Drive Newport PMT19-04116 SFD O 0 1 9/30/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31621 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04749 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31607 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04750 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31590 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04751 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31604 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04752 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31618 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04753 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-035 31632 Shawnee Circle Brixton PMT19-04754 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N 372-050-032 28396 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04732 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28424 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04733 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28413 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04734 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28399 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04735 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 31725 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-04736 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 31711 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-04737 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 31697 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-04738 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 31683 Jade Run Drive Windsor PMT19-04739 SFD O 0 1 10/01/19 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28438 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04740 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28452 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04741 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28469 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04742 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28455 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04743 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28441 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04744 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28427 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-04745 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27315 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04013 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27327 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04015 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27339 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04016 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27338 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04017 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27336 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04018 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27314 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-04019 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-070-035 27357 Calabria Court Salerno PMT18-05846 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 10.1.a Packet Pg. 287 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 333-070-035 27345 Calabria Court Salerno PMT18-05852 SFD O 0 1 10/2/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27573 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04102 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27561 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04118 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27610 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04119 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27598 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04120 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27586 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04121 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27574 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04122 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27562 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04123 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27550 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-04124 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-280-001 24795 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02231 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N341-280-002 24807 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02232 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N341-280-003 24819 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02233 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N 341-280-010 24824 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02234 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N 341-280-011 24812 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02235 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N 341-280-012 24800 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02236 SFD O 0 1 10/8/2019 1 0N 333-750-005 29549 Caravel Drive Newport PMT19-04117 SFD O 0 1 10/11/2019 1 0N 333-170-027 29505 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04924 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29493 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04925 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29481 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04926 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29469 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04927 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29457 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04928 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 29445 Biloxy Drive Hampton PMT19-04929 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27505 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-04930 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-027 27512 Saginaw Drive Hampton PMT19-04931 SFD O 0 1 10/17/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-025 31109 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04321 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-571-026 31121 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04323 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-027 31133 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04324 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-571-028 31142 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04325 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-571-029 31157 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04326 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-570-005 31110 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04327 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-570-004 31122 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04328 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-570-003 31134 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04329 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 372-570-002 31146 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04330 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-570-001 31158 Bay Horse Way Canvas PMT19-04331 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N 331-170-004 27825 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04080 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27837 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04081 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27849 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04082 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27861 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04083 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27873 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04084 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27902 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04085 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27890 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04086 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27878 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04087 SFD O 0 1 10/21/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29836 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04936 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29848 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04937 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29860 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04938 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29872 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04939 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29829 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04940 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29841 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04941 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 333-170-010 29853 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04942 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-170-010 29865 Olympic Drive Chelsea PMT19-04943 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N 360-080-090 30469 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04719 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30473 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04720 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30477 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04721 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30465 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04722 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30461 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04723 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30457 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04724 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30454 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04725 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30458 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04726 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30470 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04727 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30466 Village Terrace Drive The Village PMT19-04728 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27765 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04089 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27777 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04090 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27789 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04091 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27801 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04092 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27815 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04093 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27820 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04094 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27808 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04095 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27796 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04096 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-170-004 27784 Calle Talavera Talavera PMT19-04097 SFD O 0 1 10/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-008 29783 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04135 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29771 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04137 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29759 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04138 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29776 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04139 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29747 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04265 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29735 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04267 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29740 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04268 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-200-008 29752 Saddle Ranch Place Vaquero PMT19-04269 SFD O 0 1 10/28/2019 1 0N 341-280-014 24831 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02237 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N341-280-005 24843 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02238 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N341-280-006 24855 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02239 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N341-280-007 24860 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02240 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N 341-280-008 24848 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02241 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N 341-280-009 24836 Trott Circle Tribute PMT18-02242 SFD O 0 1 10/30/2019 1 0N358-780-015 30220 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05260 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N358-780-016 30208 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05261 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N358-780-017 30196 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05262 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 358-780-042 30195 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05263 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 358-780-043 30207 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05264 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N358-780-044 30219 Honor Court Kingston PMT19-05265 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24819 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04694 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24831 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04695 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24843 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04696 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24848 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04697 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24836 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04698 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 24824 Solvang Lane Valor PMT19-04699 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-015 29940 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-04700 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 288 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 341-200-015 29928 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-04701 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N341-200-015 29916 Urtica Court Valor PMT19-04702 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2019 1 0N 360-840-050 30461 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04549 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-051 30453 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04550 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-052 30445 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04551 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-063 30429 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04552 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-064 30421 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04553 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-065 30413 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04554 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-066 30405 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04555 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-067 30389 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04556 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-022 30450 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04557 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-023 30442 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04558 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-024 30434 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04559 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-025 30426 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04560 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-026 30418 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04561 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-044 30402 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04562 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-045 30394 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04563 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 360-840-046 30386 Silicate Drive Primrose PMT19-04564 SFD O 0 1 11/6/2019 1 0N 372-554-005 31358 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04332 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-554-004 31370 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04333 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 372-554-003 31382 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04334 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 372-554-002 31394 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04335 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-554-001 31406 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04336 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 372-551-011 31369 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04337 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 372-551-012 31381 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04338 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-551-013 31393 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04339 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 372-551-014 31405 Quarter Horse Way Kadence PMT19-04340 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 0N 358-075-021 24457 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-04689 SFD O 0 1 11/13/2019 1 0N 358-750-017 24456 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-04690 SFD O 0 1 11/13/2019 1 0N 358-750-016 24444 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-04691 SFD O 0 1 11/13/2019 1 0N 358-750-015 24432 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-04692 SFD O 0 1 11/13/2019 1 0N 358-750-014 24420 Crooked Trail Drive Savannah PMT19-04693 SFD O 0 1 11/13/2019 1 0N 360-080-067 27279 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05554 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27291 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05555 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27303 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05556 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27302 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05557 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27290 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05558 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27278 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05559 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30343 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT19-05560 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30331 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT19-05561 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30319 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT19-05562 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30307 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT19-05563 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 30295 Ramsay Drive Camden Place PMT19-05564 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-067 27265 Graphite Drive Camden Place PMT19-05565 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-312-004 32516 Waldon Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-04574 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N 360-312-001 32852 Hayden Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-05450 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N 360-312-010 32732 Hayden Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-05451 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N 360-312-012 32780 Hayden Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-05452 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N 360-312-011 32828 Hayden Road Pacific Galleria PMT19-05453 SFD O 0 1 11/20/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 24620 Administrative Circle Saddlewood PMT19-04897 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 24608 Administrative Circle Saddlewood PMT19-04898 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 341-200-009 24596 Administrative Circle Saddlewood PMT19-04899 SFD O 0 1 11/25/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 29856 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05295 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 29868 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05296 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-200-009 29880 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05297 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N341-200-009 29892 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05298 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 29904 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05299 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-200-009 29916 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05300 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N341-200-009 29928 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05301 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N 341-200-009 29940 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05302 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent.341-200-009 29952 Patriot Drive Saddlewood PMT19-05303 SFD O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 0N 333-180-028 27549 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-05970 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 27537 Wendy Street Rockport PMT19-05971 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29782 Penn Street Rockport PMT19-05972 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29901 Solardo Drive Rockport PMT19-05973 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29889 Solardo Drive Rockport PMT19-05974 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29877 Solardo Drive Rockport PMT19-05975 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29865 Solardo Drive Rockport PMT19-05976 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-180-028 29853 Solardo Drive Rockport PMT19-05977 SFD O 0 1 12/9/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-780-010 30101 Thunder Court Kingston PMT19-05255 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N 358-780-011 30087 Thunder Court Kingston PMT19-05256 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N 358-780-012 30063 Thunder Court Kingston PMT19-05257 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N 358-780-013 30053 Thunder Court Kingston PMT19-05258 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N 358-780-014 30029 Thunder Court Kingston PMT19-05259 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N 372-050-032 31691 Shawnee Circle Windsor PMT19-05999 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent372-050-032 31677 Shawnee Circle Windsor PMT19-06000 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent372-050-032 31674 Shawnee Circle Windsor PMT19-06001 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent372-050-032 31688 Shawnee Circle Windsor PMT19-06002 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 31702 Shawnee Circle Windsor PMT19-06003 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28483 Hazel Lane Windsor PMT19-06004 SFD O 0 1 12/12/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30447 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05949 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30443 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05950 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30439 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05951 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30435 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05952 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30431 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05953 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30427 Uniontown Way The Townes PMT19-05954 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30423 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05955 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30419 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05956 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30145 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05957 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30409 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05958 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30407 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05959 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 10.1.a Packet Pg. 289 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 360-860-009 30411 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05960 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30417 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05961 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 30421 Town Square Drive The Townes PMT19-05962 5+ R 0 1 12/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-532-007 29542 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT19-04600 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-532-008 29530 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT19-04601 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-532-009 29518 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT19-04602 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-532-010 29506 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT19-04603 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-540-001 29521 Shire Horse Way Easton PMT19-04604 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-561-015 29808 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04353 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-561-014 29796 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04354 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-561-016 29784 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04355 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-561-017 29772 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04356 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-561-018 29760 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04357 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-554-012 29809 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04358 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-554-011 29797 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04359 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-554-010 29785 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04360 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-554-009 29773 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04361 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-554-008 29761 Harness Circle Newpark PMT19-04362 SFD O 0 1 12/30/2019 1 0N 372-080-031 31019 ALTAI LN KADENCE-NSFR- LOT 103 PMT18-01115 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 372-080-031 31007 ALTAI LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 104 PMT18-01114 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 358-770-014 26353 BAILEY CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 157 PMT18-01918 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 358-770-015 26341 BAILEY CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 158 PMT18-01919 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 360-751-040 31621 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 170 PMT18-01931 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 360-751-041 31609 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 171 PMT18-01932 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 360-751-042 31597 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 172 PMT18-01933 SFD O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N 358-770-056 30063 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 100 PMT18-02444 SFD O 0 0 1 1/3/2019 1 N 358-770-057 30051 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 101 PMT18-02445 SFD O 0 0 1 1/3/2019 1 N 333-650-001 28676 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 10 PMT16-04454 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 333-650-002 28662 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 11 PMT16-04455 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 333-650-003 28648 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 12 PMT16-04456 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 333-650-004 28634 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 13 PMT16-04457 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 372-541-019 31117 QUARTER HORSE WAY NEWLAND-NSFR-LOT 109 PMT18-01736 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 360-770-023 31652 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR LOT 166 PMT18-01927 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 360-751-043 31585 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 173 PMT18-01934 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 358-760-039 24540 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 39 PMT18-01072 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 358-760-042 24576 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 42 PMT18-01075 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 358-760-043 24588 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 43 PMT18-01076 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 358-760-044 24600 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 44 PMT18-01077 SFD O 0 0 1 1/4/2019 1 N 333-651-022 28665 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 100 PMT16-04461 SFD O 0 0 1 1/7/2019 1 N 360-770-002 31703 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 145 PMT18-03189 SFD O 0 0 1 1/7/2019 1 N 358-700-001 24813 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 168 PMT18-01839 SFD O 0 0 1 1/8/2019 1 N 358-700-010 24808 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 177 PMT18-01848 SFD O 0 0 1 1/8/2019 1 N 358-700-009 24796 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 176 PMT18-01847 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30393 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 48 PMT18-02927 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30389 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 49 PMT18-02928 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30385 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 50 PMT18-02929 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30397 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 51 PMT18-02930 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30401 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 52 PMT18-02931 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30405 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 53 PMT18-02932 SFD O 0 0 1 1/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-031 29753 HOLSTEINER WAYCANVAS-NSFR-LOT 31 PMT18-01236 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2019 1 N 360-791-015 31822 IVES CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 93 PMT18-03201 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-651-020 28623 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 98 PMT16-04459 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2019 1 N 333-651-021 28637 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 99 PMT16-04460 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2019 1 N 358-770-024 30040 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 68 PMT18-02435 SFD O 0 0 1 1/11/2019 1 N 358-770-025 30060 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 69 PMT18-02436 SFD O 0 0 1 1/11/2019 1 N 358-770-028 30100 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 72 PMT18-02439 SFD O 0 0 1 1/11/2019 1 N 360-751-038 31645 GREENWICH CT PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 168 PMT18-01929 SFD O 0 0 1 1/11/2019 1 N 327-380-005 29885 MAPES RD NSFR-KINTOP RESIDENCE PMT15-03097 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-770-039 29692 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 58 PMT18-02558 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-001 29679 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 62 PMT18-02559 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-002 29691 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 63 PMT18-02560 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-003 29703 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 64 PMT18-02561 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-004 27490 BISCAYNE DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 65 PMT18-02562 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-005 27478 BISCAYNE DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 66 PMT18-02563 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-006 27466 BISCAYNE DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 67 PMT18-02564 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 333-772-007 27454 BISCAYNE DR PARKVIEW-NSFR-LOT 68 PMT18-02565 SFD O 0 0 1 1/14/2019 1 N 360-762-002 31839 IVES CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 96 PMT18-03204 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-770-026 30076 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 70 PMT18-02437 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30417 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 58 PMT18-02933 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30415 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 59 PMT18-02934 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30409 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 60 PMT18-02935 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30421 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 61 PMT18-02936 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30425 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 62 PMT18-02937 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30429 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 63 PMT18-02938 SFD O 0 0 1 1/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-370-006 30533 GREEN VISTA DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 55 PMT17-04357 SFD O 0 0 1 1/16/2019 1 N 358-770-053 30099 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 97 PMT18-02441 SFD O 0 0 1 1/16/2019 1 N 358-770-054 30087 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 98 PMT18-02442 SFD O 0 0 1 1/16/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29814 HOLSTEINER WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 22 PMT18-01313 SFD O 0 0 1 1/17/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29802 HOLSTEINER WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 23 PMT18-01312 SFD O 0 0 1 1/17/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29801 HOLSTEINER WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 35 PMT18-01309 SFD O 0 0 1 1/17/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29565 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 31 PMT18-03261 SFD O 0 0 1 1/18/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31056 MORGAN HORSE ST EASTON-NSFR-LOT 89 PMT18-02431 SFD O 0 0 1 1/18/2019 1 N 372-523-009 28320 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 55 PMT18-03622 SFD O 0 0 1 1/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-660-025 24565 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 25 PMT18-00796 SFD O 0 0 1 1/23/2019 1 N 335-510-079 26343 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 143 PMT18-02796 SFD O 0 0 1 1/24/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 290 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 335-510-080 26353 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 144 PMT18-02797 SFD O 0 0 1 1/25/2019 1 N 335-510-081 26363 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 145 PMT18-02798 SFD O 0 0 1 1/25/2019 1 N 335-510-082 26373 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 146 PMT18-02799 SFD O 0 0 1 1/25/2019 1 N 335-510-078 26333 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 142 PMT18-02795 SFD O 0 0 1 1/28/2019 1 N 335-510-066 26368 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 77 PMT18-02792 SFD O 0 0 1 1/28/2019 1 N 335-510-067 26348 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 78 PMT18-02793 SFD O 0 0 1 1/28/2019 1 N 335-510-068 26338 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 79 PMT18-02794 SFD O 0 0 1 1/28/2019 1 N 364-350-048 29597 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 244 PMT18-00472 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-049 29585 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 245 PMT18-00473 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-050 29573 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 246 PMT18-00474 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-051 29561 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 247 PMT18-00475 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-005 29568 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 5 PMT18-00468 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-006 29580 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 6 PMT18-00469 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-007 29592 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 7 PMT18-00470 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 364-350-008 29604 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 8 PMT18-00471 SFD O 0 0 1 1/30/2019 1 N 360-770-003 31691 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 146 PMT18-03190 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2019 1 N 339-153-042 25479 KAMRAN CIR OAK HILLS II-NSFR-LOT 11 PMT18-02722 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2019 1 N 339-153-034 25510 KAMRAN CIR OAK HILLS II-NSFR-LOT 3 PMT18-00981 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2019 1 N 339-153-037 25474 KAMRAN CIR OAK HILLS II-NSFR-LOT 6 PMT18-02717 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2019 1 N 360-720-028 31810 VICTORIA PL SYCAMORE-NSFR-LOT 76 PMT17-03040 SFD O 0 0 1 2/4/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-820-030 26538 ROSEATE CIR ORCHID-MODEL-LOT 30 PMT18-00517 SFD O 0 0 1 2/6/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-750-026 27654 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 26 PMT18-04333 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-750-027 27642 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 27 PMT18-04334 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-750-028 27630 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 28 PMT18-04335 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-750-029 27618 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 29 PMT18-04336 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-751-025 27655 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 87 PMT18-04337 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-751-026 27643 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 88 PMT18-04338 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-751-027 27631 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 89 PMT18-04339 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 333-751-028 27619 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 90 PMT18-04340 SFD O 0 0 1 2/7/2019 1 N 360-791-016 31810 IVES CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 94 PMT18-03202 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-770-001 31715 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 144 PMT18-03188 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2019 1 N 333-651-032 30279 CHERRY OPAL LN ORCHID-NSFR-LOT 32 PMT16-04527 SFD O 0 0 1 2/13/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29850 HOLSTEINER WAYCANVAS-NSFR-LOT 19 PMT18-01316 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29826 HOLSTEINER WAYCANVAS-NSFR-LOT 21 PMT18-01314 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 372-080-031 29790 HOLSTEINER WAYCANVAS-NSFR-LOT 24 PMT18-01311 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 358-661-010 24546 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 35 PMT18-00798 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31053 BRIDLE WAY EASTON-NSFR-LOT 13 PMT18-03336 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29504 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 14 PMT18-03327 SFD O 0 0 1 2/15/2019 1 N 333-770-034 29632 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 53 PMT16-04712 SFD O 0 0 1 2/19/2019 1 N 333-770-035 29644 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 54 PMT16-04713 SFD O 0 0 1 2/19/2019 1 N 333-770-040 29631 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 59 PMT16-04714 SFD O 0 0 1 2/19/2019 1 N 360-860-009 27336 PROVINCETOWN WAY THE TOWNES-PRODUCTION MODEL-LOT 198 PMT18-03131 5+ R 0 0 1 2/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 27348 PROVINCETOWN WAY THE TOWNES-PRODUCTION MODEL-LOT 199 PMT18-03132 5+ R 0 0 1 2/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-860-009 27360 PROVINCETOWN WAY THE TOWNES-PRODUCTION MODEL-LOT 200 PMT18-03133 5+ R 0 0 1 2/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-671-063 26291 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 72 PMT16-04558 SFD O 0 0 1 2/22/2019 1 N 360-621-010 26406 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 88 PMT16-04578 SFD O 0 0 1 2/22/2019 1 N 360-621-013 26370 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 91 PMT16-04569 SFD O 0 0 1 2/22/2019 1 N 364-190-021 30024 TYPHOON CT REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 33 PMT18-00914 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29564 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 24 PMT18-03259 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29541 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 29 PMT18-03263 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31068 MORGAN HORSE ST EASTON-NSFR-LOT 88 PMT18-02432 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31044 MORGAN HORSE ST EASTON-NSFR-LOT 90 PMT18-02430 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2019 1 N 372-541-018 31105 QUARTER HORSE WAY NEWLAND-NSFR-LOT 108 PMT18-01735 SFD O 0 0 1 2/26/2019 1 N 360-770-004 31667 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 147 PMT18-03191 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2019 1 N 360-770-005 31643 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 148 PMT18-03192 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2019 1 N 360-770-006 31631 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 149 PMT18-03193 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2019 1 N 358-700-002 24801 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 169 PMT18-01840 SFD O 0 0 1 2/27/2019 1 N 372-541-023 31165 QUARTER HORSE WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 113 PMT18-01740 SFD O 0 0 1 3/1/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31189 QUARTER HORSE WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 115 PMT18-03329 SFD O 0 0 1 3/1/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31201 QUARTER HORSE WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 116 PMT18-03330 SFD O 0 0 1 3/1/2019 1 N 358-700-003 24789 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR- LOT 170 PMT18-01841 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2019 1 N 358-700-004 24777 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 171 PMT18-01842 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2019 1 N 358-700-005 24765 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 172 PMT18-01843 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2019 1 N 358-700-006 24760 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 173 PMT18-01844 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2019 1 N 358-700-007 24772 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 174 PMT18-01845 SFD O 0 0 1 3/4/2019 1 N 358-660-021 24517 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 21 PMT18-00799 SFD O 0 0 1 3/5/2019 1 N 372-581-010 29778 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 81 PMT18-01324 SFD O 0 0 1 3/11/2019 1 N 358-660-020 30633 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 20 PMT18-01772 SFD O 0 0 1 3/14/2019 1 N 360-830-052 26638 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 51 PMT16-04621 SFD O 0 0 1 3/14/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30441 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 68 PMT18-03910 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30437 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 69 PMT18-03911 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30433 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 70 PMT18-03912 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30445 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 71 PMT18-03913 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30449 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 72 PMT18-03914 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30453 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 73 PMT18-03915 SFD O 0 0 1 3/18/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-651-024 28693 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 102 PMT16-04467 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2019 1 N 333-651-025 28707 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 103 PMT16-04468 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2019 1 N 333-652-007 29237 MORAGA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 7 PMT16-04463 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 291 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 372-581-008 29808 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 79 PMT18-01326 SFD O 0 0 1 3/19/2019 1 N 360-600-009 26254 ADELINA DR ALASIA-NSFR-LOT 64 PMT15-02157 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N 358-661-001 24618 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 29 PMT18-00790 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29605 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 52 PMT18-02737 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30442 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 108 PMT18-03916 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30444 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 109 PMT18-03917 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30446 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 110 PMT18-03918 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30434 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 111 PMT18-03919 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30432 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 112 PMT18-03920 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30430 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 113 PMT18-03921 SFD O 0 0 1 3/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-021 29553 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 30 PMT18-03262 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N 333-651-023 28679 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 101 PMT16-04466 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N 333-651-026 28721 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 104 PMT16-04469 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N 333-652-006 29223 MORAGA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 6 PMT16-04462 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-652-008 28732 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 8 PMT16-04464 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N 333-652-009 28718 WEDELIA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-NSFR-LOT 9 PMT16-04465 SFD O 0 0 1 3/21/2019 1 N 360-080-067 30176 CAREY RD CAMDEN PLACE-MODEL-LOT 53 PMT18-02689 SFD O 0 0 1 3/22/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-660-018 30609 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 18 PMT18-01770 SFD O 0 0 1 3/22/2019 1 N 360-760-007 31674 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 126 PMT18-03187 SFD O 0 0 1 3/22/2019 1 N 335-510-069 26328 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 80 PMT18-04185 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2019 1 N 335-510-070 26318 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 81 PMT18-04186 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2019 1 N 335-510-071 26308 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 82 PMT18-04187 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2019 1 N 335-520-012 26268 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-NSFR-LOT 85 PMT18-04188 SFD O 0 0 1 3/25/2019 1 N 358-760-045 24612 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 45 PMT18-01640 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2019 1 N 358-760-048 24648 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 48 PMT18-01643 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2019 1 N 358-760-049 24660 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 49 PMT18-01644 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2019 1 N 358-760-051 24651 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 51 PMT18-01646 SFD O 0 0 1 3/26/2019 1 N 372-581-011 29766 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 82 PMT18-01323 SFD O 0 0 1 3/28/2019 1 N 372-581-013 29742 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 84 PMT18-01321 SFD O 0 0 1 3/28/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28317 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 18 PMT18-03659 SFD O 0 0 1 3/29/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28314 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 33 PMT18-03660 SFD O 0 0 1 3/29/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29552 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 41 PMT18-02726 SFD O 0 0 1 3/29/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29540 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 42 PMT18-02727 SFD O 0 0 1 3/29/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29517 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 27 PMT18-03325 SFD O 0 0 1 4/2/2019 1 N 372-581-009 29790 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 80 PMT18-01325 SFD O 0 0 1 4/4/2019 1 N 358-700-017 24763 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 184 PMT18-03468 SFD O 0 0 1 4/8/2019 1 N 358-700-018 24751 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 185 PMT18-03470 SFD O 0 0 1 4/8/2019 1 N 358-700-029 24734 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 196 PMT18-03476 SFD O 0 0 1 4/8/2019 1 N 358-700-030 24746 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 197 PMT18-03477 SFD O 0 0 1 4/8/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31042 BRIDLE WAY EASTON-NSFR-LOT 16 PMT18-03322 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-019 29717 CARAVEL DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 19 PMT18-05191 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-020 29729 CARAVEL DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 20 PMT18-05193 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-021 29741 CARAVEL DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 21 PMT18-05194 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-002 27702 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 22 PMT18-05195 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-003 27690 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR- LOT 23 PMT18-05196 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-004 27678 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 24 PMT18-05197 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-005 27666 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 25 PMT18-05198 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 333-750-006 27667 COLLIER DR NEWPORT-NSFR-LOT 86 PMT18-05199 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 360-830-044 30452 CHERRY OPAL LN PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 43 PMT16-04605 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29569 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 49 PMT18-02734 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29593 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 51 PMT18-02736 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 358-760-046 24624 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 46 PMT18-01641 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 358-760-047 24636 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 47 PMT18-01642 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 358-760-050 24663 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 50 PMT18-01645 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 358-760-052 24635 BIG COUNTRY DR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 52 PMT18-01647 SFD O 0 0 1 4/9/2019 1 N 360-620-003 30278 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-MODEL-LOT 3 PMT18-01281 SFD O 0 0 1 4/12/2019 1 N 360-620-004 30290 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-MODEL-LOT 4 PMT18-01282 SFD O 0 0 1 4/12/2019 1 N 360-620-005 30302 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-MODEL-LOT 5 PMT18-01283 SFD O 0 0 1 4/12/2019 1 N 358-661-006 24594 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 31 PMT18-00792 SFD O 0 0 1 4/16/2019 1 N 335-520-004 31671 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 4 PMT18-02910 SFD O 0 0 1 4/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-523-014 28351 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 60 PMT18-03627 SFD O 0 0 1 4/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-021 31041 BRIDLE WAY EASTON-NSFR-LOT 12 PMT18-03323 SFD O 0 0 1 4/23/2019 1 N 358-660-022 24529 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 22 PMT18-00800 SFD O 0 0 1 4/24/2019 1 N 358-660-023 24541 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 23 PMT18-00801 SFD O 0 0 1 4/24/2019 1 N 358-661-011 24534 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 36 PMT18-00802 SFD O 0 0 1 4/24/2019 1 N 360-621-008 26430 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 86 PMT16-04576 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-002 29520 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 2 PMT18-00477 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-052 29549 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 248 PMT18-00481 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-053 29537 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 249 PMT18-00482 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-055 29513 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR- LOT 251 PMT18-00484 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-056 29501 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 252 PMT18-00485 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-004 29556 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 4 PMT18-00479 SFD O 0 0 1 4/25/2019 1 N 364-350-001 29508 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 1 PMT18-00476 SFD O 0 0 1 4/26/2019 1 N 364-350-054 29525 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 250 PMT18-00483 SFD O 0 0 1 4/26/2019 1 N 364-350-003 29544 STARRING LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 3 PMT18-00478 SFD O 0 0 1 4/26/2019 1 N 358-750-041 24460 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 62 PMT18-02541 SFD O 0 0 1 4/26/2019 1 N 360-792-010 26266 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 104 PMT18-04581 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-013 31872 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 107 PMT18-04584 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-750-022 24461 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 63 PMT18-02542 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2019 1 N 358-750-023 24473 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 64 PMT18-02543 SFD O 0 0 1 4/29/2019 1 N 358-750-040 24472 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 61 PMT18-02540 SFD O 0 0 1 4/30/2019 1 N 360-830-047 26590 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 46 PMT16-04616 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2019 1 N 358-750-039 24484 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 60 PMT18-02539 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 292 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 358-750-024 24485 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 65 PMT18-02544 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N 360-080-090 30466 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 102 PMT18-04995 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30468 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR- LOT 103 PMT18-04996 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30470 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 104 PMT18-04997 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30458 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 105 PMT18-04998 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30456 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 106 PMT18-04999 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30454 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 107 PMT18-05000 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30465 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 78 PMT18-04989 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30461 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 79 PMT18-04990 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30457 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 80 PMT18-04991 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30469 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 81 PMT18-04992 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30473 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 82 PMT18-04993 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-080-090 30477 VILLAGE KNOLL DR THE VILLAGE-NSFR-LOT 83 PMT18-04994 SFD O 0 0 1 5/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-035 28370 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 37 PMT18-03664 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2019 1 N 360-792-011 31896 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 105 PMT18-04582 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-012 31884 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 106 PMT18-04583 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-770-041 29643 CANYONLANDS DR PARKVIEW AT HERITAGE LAKES-MODEL-LOT 60 PMT16-04715 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2019 1 N 358-700-031 24758 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 198 PMT18-03478 SFD O 0 0 1 5/8/2019 1 N 358-660-017 30597 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 17 PMT18-01769 SFD O 0 0 1 5/14/2019 1 N 358-660-019 30621 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 19 PMT18-01771 SFD O 0 0 1 5/14/2019 1 N 358-661-012 24522 HIDDEN HILLS DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 37 PMT18-00803 SFD O 0 0 1 5/14/2019 1 N 360-791-019 26331 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 192 PMT18-03212 SFD O 0 0 1 5/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-791-020 26343 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 193 PMT18-03213 SFD O 0 0 1 5/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-581-012 29754 CARMAGUE LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 83 PMT18-01322 SFD O 0 0 1 5/15/2019 1 N 372-523-011 28348 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 57 PMT18-03624 SFD O 0 0 1 5/15/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 384-050-005 33060 BUCKWHEAT RD ADU-SCHEIDEMANTLE RESIDENCE PMT18-01497 ADU O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-806-033 26247 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 187 PMT18-04585 SFD O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-806-034 26259 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 188 PMT18-04586 SFD O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-791-021 26355 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR- LOT 194 PMT18-03214 SFD O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-021 31054 BRIDLE WAY EASTON-NSFR-LOT 15 PMT18-03321 SFD O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29505 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 26 PMT18-03326 SFD O 0 0 1 5/16/2019 1 N 360-681-006 26183 BOULDER RIDGE WAY BOULDER ESTATES-MODEL-LOT 27 PMT18-00971 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 360-620-008 30338 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-MODEL-LOT 8 PMT18-01286 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 360-760-002 31614 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 121 PMT18-03182 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 360-760-004 31638 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 123 PMT18-03184 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 360-760-005 31650 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 124 PMT18-03185 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 360-760-006 31662 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 125 PMT18-03186 SFD O 0 0 1 5/17/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28328 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 34 PMT18-03661 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2019 1 N 358-770-036 30236 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 80 PMT18-02505 SFD O 0 0 1 5/23/2019 1 N 360-830-007 26601 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 7 PMT16-04614 SFD O 0 0 1 5/24/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29768 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 89 PMT18-02611 SFD O 0 0 1 5/29/2019 1 N 360-620-006 30314 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD- MODEL-LOT 6 PMT18-01284 SFD O 0 0 1 5/29/2019 1 N 358-770-043 30219 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 87 PMT18-02512 SFD O 0 0 1 5/29/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29732 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 92 PMT18-02608 SFD O 0 0 1 5/30/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29720 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 93 PMT18-02607 SFD O 0 0 1 5/30/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29708 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 94 PMT18-02606 SFD O 0 0 1 5/30/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29792 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 73 PMT18-02612 SFD O 0 0 1 5/31/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29756 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 90 PMT18-02610 SFD O 0 0 1 5/31/2019 1 N 360-600-002 31443 GAVINO CT ALASIA-MODEL-PLAN 3 PMT15-00891 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2019 1 N 360-611-044 31415 GAVINO CT ALASIA-MODEL-PLAN 4 PMT15-00892 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2019 1 N 360-792-009 26278 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 103 PMT18-04580 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-791-017 26307 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 190 PMT18-03210 SFD O 0 0 1 6/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-622-008 26423 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 83 PMT16-04573 SFD O 0 0 1 6/4/2019 1 N 360-622-009 26435 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 84 PMT16-04574 SFD O 0 0 1 6/4/2019 1 N 358-700-028 24722 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 195 PMT18-03475 SFD O 0 0 1 6/4/2019 1 N 358-770-038 30268 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 82 PMT18-02507 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2019 1 N 358-770-039 30267 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 83 PMT18-02508 SFD O 0 0 1 6/5/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31531 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 16 PMT18-03835 SFD O 0 0 1 6/7/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28356 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 36 PMT18-03663 SFD O 0 0 1 6/7/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31542 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 39 PMT18-03836 SFD O 0 0 1 6/7/2019 1 N 372-582-004 31090 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 74 PMT18-01331 SFD O 0 0 1 6/10/2019 1 N 372-571-040 31066 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 76 PMT18-01329 SFD O 0 0 1 6/10/2019 1 N 372-523-013 28365 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 59 PMT18-03625 SFD O 0 0 1 6/10/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-770-034 30208 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 78 PMT18-02503 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2019 1 N 358-770-035 30220 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 79 PMT18-02504 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2019 1 N 358-770-042 30231 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 86 PMT18-02511 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2019 1 N 358-700-008 24784 PARADISE MEADOWS DR THE RIDGE-NSFR- LOT 175 PMT18-01846 SFD O 0 0 1 6/11/2019 1 N 358-700-024 24674 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 191 PMT16-02352 SFD O 0 0 1 6/12/2019 1 N 358-700-025 24686 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 192 PMT16-02354 SFD O 0 0 1 6/12/2019 1 N 358-700-026 24698 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-MODEL-LOT 193 PMT16-02355 SFD O 0 0 1 6/12/2019 1 N 372-100-015 32250 HALEBLIAN RD NSFR - MARIN RESIDENCE PMT17-03348 SFD O 0 0 1 6/13/2019 1 N 360-791-018 26319 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 191 PMT18-03211 SFD O 0 0 1 6/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-660-015 30561 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 14 PMT18-01775 SFD O 0 0 1 6/14/2019 1 N 358-660-016 30573 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 15 PMT18-01776 SFD O 0 0 1 6/14/2019 1 N 358-770-040 30255 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 84 PMT18-02509 SFD O 0 0 1 6/14/2019 1 N 360-620-002 30266 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 2 PMT16-04580 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-571-041 31054 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 77 PMT18-01328 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-582-000 31053 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 85 PMT18-01335 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-582-001 31065 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 86 PMT18-01334 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-582-002 31077 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 87 PMT18-01333 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-582-003 31089 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 88 PMT18-01332 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31559 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 15 PMT18-03834 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28373 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 38 PMT18-03665 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-770-037 30250 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 81 PMT18-02506 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-770-041 30243 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 85 PMT18-02510 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-770-044 30207 OLD MILL RD KINGSTON-NSFR-LOT 88 PMT18-02513 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 293 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 358-700-019 24739 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 186 PMT18-03471 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-700-020 24727 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 187 PMT18-03472 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-700-021 24715 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR- LOT 188 PMT18-03473 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-700-022 24703 SILVER STONE CT THE RIDGE-NSFR-LOT 189 PMT18-03474 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29708 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 22 PMT18-02207 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29696 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 23 PMT18-02208 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29684 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 24 PMT18-02209 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29672 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 25 PMT18-02210 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29660 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 26 PMT18-02211 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29665 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 27 PMT18-02212 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29677 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 28 PMT18-02213 SFD O 0 0 1 6/19/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29689 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 29 PMT18-02214 SFD O 0 0 1 6/20/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29701 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 30 PMT18-02215 SFD O 0 0 1 6/20/2019 1 N 335-520-003 31685 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 3 PMT18-02909 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-571-042 31042 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 78 PMT18-01327 SFD O 0 0 1 6/28/2019 1 N 358-660-012 24512 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 12 PMT18-01773 SFD O 0 0 1 7/1/2019 1 N 358-660-016 30585 SAGE CREEK DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 16 PMT18-01768 SFD O 0 0 1 7/1/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29617 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 53 PMT18-02738 SFD O 0 0 1 7/3/2019 1 N 358-750-025 24497 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 66 PMT18-02545 SFD O 0 0 1 7/11/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31587 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 13 PMT18-03832 SFD O 0 0 1 7/12/2019 1 N 372-050-035 28342 CORAL DUNE DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 35 PMT18-03662 SFD O 0 0 1 7/12/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31556 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 40 PMT18-03837 SFD O 0 0 1 7/12/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31570 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 41 PMT18-03838 SFD O 0 0 1 7/12/2019 1 N 335-510-076 26313 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-MODEL-LOT 140 PLAN 3A PMT16-03246 SFD O 0 0 1 7/12/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29745 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 39 PMT18-03347 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29757 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 40 PMT18-03346 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29769 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 41 PMT18-03345 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2019 1 N 358-750-026 24509 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 67 PMT18-02546 SFD O 0 0 1 7/16/2019 1 N 372-571-039 31078 NOKOTA LN KADENCE-NSFR-LOT 75 PMT18-01330 SFD O 0 0 1 7/18/2019 1 N 358-750-040 24520 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 57 PMT18-02550 SFD O 0 0 1 7/18/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29781 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 42 PMT18-03344 SFD O 0 0 1 7/19/2019 1 N 360-760-003 31626 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 122 PMT18-03183 SFD O 0 0 1 7/19/2019 1 N 335-510-075 26303 DESERT ROSE LN THE RETREAT AT HOLIDAY-MODEL-LOT 139 PLAN 1A PMT16-03244 SFD O 0 0 1 7/19/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29805 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 44 PMT18-03342 SFD O 0 0 1 7/23/2019 1 N 360-792-022 26240 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 116 PMT18-05326 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-023 26228 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 117 PMT18-05327 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-024 31812 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 118 PMT18-05328 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-750-038 24496 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 59 PMT18-02548 SFD O 0 0 1 7/24/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29793 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 43 PMT18-03343 SFD O 0 0 1 7/25/2019 1 N 358-750-039 24508 PLAINSMAN CIR SAVANNAH-NSFR-LOT 58 PMT18-02549 SFD O 0 0 1 7/25/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29529 CAVEAT LN EASTON-NSFR-LOT 28 PMT18-03324 SFD O 0 0 1 7/26/2019 1 N 339-153-051 28968 MILKY WAY OAK HILLS II-NSFR-LOT 20 PMT17-02905 SFD O 0 0 1 7/26/2019 1 N 360-830-004 26625 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 4 PMT16-04611 SFD O 0 0 1 7/26/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29504 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 45 PMT18-02730 SFD O 0 0 1 7/31/2019 1 N 360-830-006 26609 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 6 PMT16-04613 SFD O 0 0 1 8/1/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31601 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 12 PMT18-03831 SFD O 0 0 1 8/7/2019 1 N 360-792-020 26264 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 114 PMT18-05324 SFD O 0 0 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-021 26252 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 115 PMT18-05325 SFD O 0 0 1 8/7/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-019 26276 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 113 PMT18-05323 SFD O 0 0 1 8/9/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-830-051 26630 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 50 PMT16-04620 SFD O 0 0 1 8/13/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29804 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 72 PMT18-02613 SFD O 0 0 1 8/14/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29744 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 91 PMT18-02609 SFD O 0 0 1 8/14/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29828 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 70 PMT18-02615 SFD O 0 0 1 8/15/2019 1 N 364-370-002 30201 BRISTOL GATE LN MARIPOSA-MODEL- LOT 61 PMT15-03690 SFD O 0 0 1 8/15/2019 1 N 364-370-003 30189 BRISTOL GATE LN MARIPOSA-MODEL-LOT 62 PMT15-03691 SFD O 0 0 1 8/15/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31156 CAMPOLINA WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 66 PMT18-02619 SFD O 0 0 1 8/16/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29817 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 45 PMT18-03341 SFD O 0 0 1 8/16/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31204 CAMPOLINA WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 47 PMT18-03339 SFD O 0 0 1 8/16/2019 1 N 372-050-032 28315 FELDSPAR DR WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 52 PMT18-05206 SFD O 0 0 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28284 FELDSPAR DR WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 7 PMT18-05203 SFD O 0 0 1 8/16/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-017 26257 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 111 PMT18-05321 SFD O 0 0 1 8/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-018 26269 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 112 PMT18-05322 SFD O 0 0 1 8/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-005 31853 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 123 PMT18-05333 SFD O 0 0 1 8/19/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-021 31144 CAMPOLINA WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 67 PMT18-02618 SFD O 0 0 1 8/20/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31132 CAMPOLINA WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 68 PMT18-02617 SFD O 0 0 1 8/20/2019 1 N 360-830-008 26593 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 8 PMT16-04615 SFD O 0 0 1 8/20/2019 1 N 360-800-001 31805 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 119 PMT18-05329 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-006 31865 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 124 PMT18-05334 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-080-021 29829 BRUMBY WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 46 PMT18-03340 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31192 CAMPOLINA WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 48 PMT18-03338 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2019 1 N 372-080-021 31180 CAMPOLINA WAY NEWPARK-NSFR-LOT 49 PMT18-03337 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2019 1 N 372-080-021 29840 SHIRE HORSE WAY CANVAS-NSFR-LOT 69 PMT18-02616 SFD O 0 0 1 8/22/2019 1 N 360-770-007 31619 EATON LN PEPPERTREE-NSFR-LOT 150 PMT18-03194 SFD O 0 0 1 8/22/2019 1 N 360-620-001 30254 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 1 PMT16-04579 SFD O 0 0 1 8/26/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31598 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 43 PMT18-03840 SFD O 0 0 1 8/27/2019 1 N 333-670-023 28775 CEBELIA STHERITAGE HEIGHTS-MODEL-LOT 118 PMT16-04127 SFD O 0 0 1 8/27/2019 1 N 360-792-016 26245 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 110 PMT18-05320 SFD O 0 0 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-002 31817 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 120 PMT18-05330 SFD O 0 0 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-003 31829 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 121 PMT18-05331 SFD O 0 0 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-622-004 26375 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 79 PMT16-04565 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N 333-670-024 29083 MORAGA ST HERITAGE HEIGHTS-MODEL-LOT 119 PMT16-04129 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N 364-370-001 30225 BRISTOL GATE LN MARIPOSA-NSFR-LOT 60 PMT18-00480 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 294 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 364-190-021 29576 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 39 PMT18-02724 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N 372-050-032 31657 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 5 PMT18-05201 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-523-010 28334 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR- LOT 56 PMT18-03623 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-523-012 28362 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 58 PMT18-03626 SFD O 0 0 1 9/3/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-035 31517 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 17 PMT18-03658 SFD O 0 0 1 9/4/2019 1 N 358-660-014 24500 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 13 PMT18-01774 SFD O 0 0 1 9/4/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29756 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 19 PMT18-02219 SFD O 0 0 1 9/5/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29725 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 32 PMT18-02223 SFD O 0 0 1 9/5/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29780 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 17 PMT18-02217 SFD O 0 0 1 9/6/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29768 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 18 PMT18-02218 SFD O 0 0 1 9/6/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29732 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 21 PMT18-02221 SFD O 0 0 1 9/6/2019 1 N 364-190-021 30039 MAST CT REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 48 PMT18-02733 SFD O 0 0 1 9/7/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29581 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 50 PMT18-02735 SFD O 0 0 1 9/7/2019 1 N 358-070-009 24833 SANDY TRAIL PL TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 16 PMT18-02216 SFD O 0 0 1 9/10/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29744 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 20 PMT18-02220 SFD O 0 0 1 9/10/2019 1 N 358-070-009 29715 GYPSY CANYON CIR TRIBUTE-NSFR-LOT 31 PMT18-02222 SFD O 0 0 1 9/10/2019 1 N 360-860-009 30383 TOWN SQUARE DR, MENIFEE 92584 THE TOWNES-NSFR-LOT 127 PMT19-03517 5+ R 0 0 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-661-014 24529 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 39 PMT18-01780 SFD O 0 0 1 9/17/2019 1 N 335-520-002 31699 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 2 PMT18-02908 SFD O 0 0 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-523-015 28337 PEWTER CT WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 61 PMT18-03628 SFD O 0 0 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28298 FELDSPAR DR WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 8 PMT18-05204 SFD O 0 0 1 9/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-035 31584 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 42 PMT18-03839 SFD O 0 0 1 9/19/2019 1 N 360-800-004 31841 QUILL CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 122 PMT18-05332 SFD O 0 0 1 9/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-660-011 24524 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 11 PMT18-01778 SFD O 0 0 1 10/1/2019 1 N 360-830-002 26649 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 1 PMT16-04608 SFD O 0 0 1 10/2/2019 1 N 362-440-023 32300 GEARY ST NSFR-SIERRA BAHIA LLC PMT17-03889 SFD O 0 0 1 10/4/2019 1 N 360-621-009 26418 BRAMBLE WOOD CIR COTTONWOOD-NSFR-LOT 87 PMT16-04577 SFD O 0 0 1 10/8/2019 1 N 360-620-007 30326 BLUE CEDAR DR COTTONWOOD-MODEL-LOT 7 PMT18-01285 SFD O 0 0 1 10/11/2019 1 N 360-792-014 26221 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 108 PMT18-05318 SFD O 0 0 1 10/11/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-792-015 26233 BARRACK CT CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 109 PMT18-05319 SFD O 0 0 1 10/11/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-800-009 26230 REDOAK ST CYPRESS-NSFR-LOT 143 PMT18-05335 SFD O 0 0 1 10/11/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 364-190-021 29492 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 46 PMT18-02731 SFD O 0 0 1 10/11/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31629 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 10 PMT18-03829 SFD O 0 0 1 10/17/2019 1 N 358-660-010 24536 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 10 PMT18-01777 SFD O 0 0 1 10/21/2019 1 N 358-661-013 24517 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 38 PMT18-01779 SFD O 0 0 1 10/21/2019 1 N 364-190-021 30051 MAST CT REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 47 PMT18-02732 SFD O 0 0 1 10/21/2019 1 N 335-520-001 31713 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 1 PMT18-02907 SFD O 0 0 1 10/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-035 31573 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 14 PMT18-03833 SFD O 0 0 1 10/31/2019 1 N 372-050-035 31615 NAVY SKY DR BRIXTON-NSFR-LOT 11 PMT18-03830 SFD O 0 0 1 11/6/2019 1 N 358-661-015 24541 ROUND MEADOW DR DAKOTA-NSFR-LOT 40 PMT18-01781 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29564 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS- NSFR-LOT 40 PMT18-02725 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29528 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 43 PMT18-02728 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29725 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 7 PMT19-02462 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N 372-050-032 31643 ROUGE LN WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 6 PMT18-05202 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 372-050-032 28312 FELDSPAR DR WINDSOR-NSFR-LOT 9 PMT18-05205 SFD O 0 0 1 11/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-830-009 26585 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 9 PMT16-04595 SFD O 0 0 1 11/15/2019 1 N 360-190-015 31469 BRADLEY RD NSFR-AHONEN RESIDENCE B 2nd UNIT PMT18-03512 ADU O 0 0 1 11/20/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-830-003 26633 VERDANT CIR PRIMROSE-NSFR-LOT 3 PMT16-04610 SFD O 0 0 1 12/10/2019 1 N 364-190-021 29516 RIGGING WAY REFLECTIONS-NSFR-LOT 44 PMT18-02729 SFD O 0 0 1 12/16/2019 1 N 360-330-006 32700 COX RD NSFR-BOWERS RESIDENCE PMT19-00890 SFD O 0 0 1 12/19/2019 1 N 360-190-015 31467 BRADLEY RD NSFR-AHONEN RESIDENCE A MAIN PMT18-03511 SFD O 0 0 1 12/31/2019 1 N 331-150-004 27793 ETHANAC RD, MENIFEE, CA 92585 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - CEPEDA RESIDENCE PMT19-05437 MH O 0 0 1 10/22/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 331-350-009 26645 DAWSON RD, MENIFEE, CA 92585 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - HENRY BATES RESIDENCE PMT19-00083 MH O 0 0 1 1/8/2019 1 N 341-151-011 29095 AVENIDA DE LAS FLORES, MENIFEE, CA 92587 MH-PERM FOUNDATION-ANNET ENT PMT18-05600 MH O 0 1 2/8/2019 1 1 2/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 350-285-016 23976 WELLS PL, MENIFEE, CA 92587 MH-INSTALL-HERRERA RESIDENCE PMT19-00363 MH O 0 1 1/30/2019 1 1 8/28/2019 1 N 358-160-004 31160 GEARY ST, MENIFEE, CA 92584 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - VILLASENOR RESIDENCE PMT19-00415 MH O 0 1 4/2/2019 1 1 4/2/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-190-007 31400 HAWTHORNE ST, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP-HALPERN INDUSTRIES INC PMT19-02561 MH O 0 1 9/23/2019 1 0N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-011-003 26077 SAN QUINTIN AVE, MENIFEE, CA 92584 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - STEWART RESIDENCE PMT19-03924 MH O 0 0 1 9/12/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-011-003 26020 SAN QUINTIN RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH- PERMANENT FOUNDATION - PADILLA RESIDENCE PMT19-02702 MH O 0 1 8/28/2019 1 1 8/28/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-012-001 26240 SAN QUINTIN AVE, MENIFEE, CA 92584 PERMANENT FOUNDATION-MH-CHU-HARRIER RESIDENCE PMT19-03326 MH O 0 0 1 7/23/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 360-120-017 30763 SHERMAN RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP-SUP ADAME RESIDENCE PMT17-00316 MH O 0 1 1/14/2019 1 1 1/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 362-200-026 25150 BARNES LN, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-PERMANENT FOUNDATION PMT19-00001 MH O 0 0 1 1/2/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 362-280-019 25285 BUNDY CANYON RD, MENIFEE, CA 92586 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - ST JOHN RESIDENCE PMT19-02929 MH O 0 0 1 6/24/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 384-020-023 26120 LAKESIDE DR, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-PERMANENT FOUNDATION-PEREZ TRUST PMT19-02698 MH O 0 0 1 6/13/2019 1 N 351-102-032 23410 VISTA WAY, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP- KONA FUNDING INC PMT19-04234 MH O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 351-102-031 23420 VISTA WAY, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP- KONA FUNDING INC PMT19-04231 MH O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 351-830-016 23890 VISTA WAY, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP- KONA FUNDING INC PMT19-04237 MH O 0 1 12/4/2019 1 1 12/4/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 362-040-040 25395 WALDON RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 SITE PREP - PADILLA RESIDENCE PMT18-03988 MH O 0 1 4/10/2019 1 1 4/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 330-240-056 25654 NOVA LN, MENIFEE, CA 92585 MH-SITE PREP- VARGAS/ESCOBAR RESIDENCE PMT18-04598 MH O 0 1 2/25/2019 1 1 2/25/2019 1 N 330-240-057 25688 NOVA LN, MENIFEE, CA 92585 MH-PERM FOUNDATION- VARGAS/ESCOBAR RESIDENCE PMT18-04597 MH O 0 1 2/25/2019 1 1 2/25/2019 1 N 10.1.a Packet Pg. 295 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field 330-240-058 25722 NOVA LN, MENIFEE, CA 92585 MH-PERM FOUNDATION- VARGAS/ESCOBAR RESIDENCE PMT18-04594 MH O 0 1 2/25/2019 1 1 2/25/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 362-440-006 25834 GLENBURN RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP-CASANOVA RESIDENCE PMT19-01512 MH O 0 1 6/21/2019 1 1 6/21/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 358-100-023 25854 MOUNTAIN PARK DR, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH - SITE PREP - BAUM RESIDENCE PMT19-05243 MH O 0 1 11/8/2019 1 1 11/8/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 362-040-048 25980 WALDON RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 MH-SITE PREP-WALSH RESIDENCE PMT19-01081 MH O 0 1 7/17/2019 1 1 7/17/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 333-112-035 27532 FARGO ST, MENIFEE, CA 92585 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - FEARS RESIDENCE PMT19-00331 MH O 0 1 5/9/2019 1 1 5/9/2019 1 N 329-143-013 27805 ETHANAC RD, MENIFEE, CA 92585 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - CEPEDA RESIDENCE PMT19-05438 MH O 0 0 1 10/22/2019 1 N 351-062-006 29554 PLATINO DR, MENIFEE, CA MH-SITE PREP-DELATORRE RESIDENCE PMT19-01417 MH O 0 1 6/14/2019 1 1 6/14/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 388-110-019 33155 Briggs RD, MENIFEE, CA 92584 PERMANENT FOUNDATION - AVILA RESIDENCE PMT19-04307 MH O 0 0 1 8/30/2019 1 N Based on proposed sales price/rent. 10.1.a Packet Pg. 296 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) 1 34 RHNA Allocation by Income Level 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date (all years) Total Remaining RHNA by Income Level Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 1433 Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 1 2914 Deed Restricted Non-Deed Restricted 158 193 184 168 181 379 Above Moderate 2610 181 215 349 514 759 653 2671 6245 341 412 538 694 941 1036 3962 2467 Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Total RHNA Total Units Income Level Very Low Low 11 This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs. 1263Moderate 1488 1007 1140 Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here 17 2 Table B Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 1477 990 10.1.a Packet Pg. 297 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Objective: Issue grants for up to 10 households annually.Annual Commencing with 2012-2013, the City of Menifee participates as an entitlement community within the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Annually $70,000 is designated specifically to provide assistance to Low Moderate (30%-80% or less) senior and/or permanently disabled resident within the City for improvements focused on address health, safety, and accessibility. An estimated 5-7 households are projected to be assisted each year. The City has continued to incorporate the Senior Minor Home Repair Grant Program as part of its annual CDBG Program activities/program through its 5 year Consolidated Plan (2017-2021). Neighborhood Stabilization Homeownership Program Support the program by advertising on the City’s website.Ongoing While the City does not directly receive NSP funding, the City participates through the County of Riverside's NSP program. Funding is no longer available for this program. Fair Housing Services Provide fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. Annual As a part of its annual CDBG program, the City allocates approximately $22,000 for the provision of fair housing services to address issues of housing discrimination, landlord- tenant conflict issues etc. The City contracts with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County for these services. The City has continued to contract with Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc., beginning with 2012-2013 to the present, for provision of comprehensive fair housing related services. Code Enforcement Program Continue to implement code enforcement activities in an annualbasis to address properties not in compliance with City codes. Ongoing Complying. The Code Enforcement Department actively addressed hazardous vegetation, substandard buildings, accumulation of debris and vehicles, graffiti, storm water drainage, green pools, construction without a permit, land use violations and various other code issues through the year. In addition, the City holds an annual Quail Valley Clean Up Day to assist property owners clean up their properties and discard debris. Habitat for Humanity Continue to partner with nonprofit organizations to assist in meeting city housing needs. Annual The City works with Habitat for Humanity on projects for home repairs within the City. Rental Housing Assistance Support Riverside County Housing Authority by placing advertisements for the program for them at City Hall. Ongoing The City provides information for the public on Riverside County Housing Authority. Housing Funding Review grants and additional funding sources applicable with the objective of 3 per housing element planning cycle. This may include supporting tax credit or bond projects as well. Up to three per the 2013- 2021 housing element cycle. The Community Development Department monitors grants; however, no grants or other funding sources have been secured for housing in 2017. In 2017 the City established a new position and recruited a person as the Contract & Procurement Administrator. The administrator will assist departments with finding grants, grant applications, grant reporting, and grant tracking. Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) 10.1.a Packet Pg. 298 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 ) Jurisdiction Menifee Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 4 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 379 653 1036 5 69 69 0 0 0 0 0 Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 000 Low 000 Moderate 000 Above Moderate 000 Total 000 Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits Number of Streamlining Applications Approved Total Developments Approved with Streamlining Total Units Constructed with Streamlining Total Housing Applications Submitted: Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: Total Housing Units Approved: Total Housing Units Disapproved: Total Units Housing Applications Summary Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low- income permitted units totals Number of Applications for Streamlining Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate 10.1.a Packet Pg. 299 At t a c h m e n t : A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t T a b l e s ( 2 3 9 8 : G e n e r a l P l a n H o u s i n g E l e m e n t A n n u a l P r o g r e s s R e p o r t 2 0 1 9 )