2023/02/04 Craig, Gary DBA Bob & Gary's (3)Stale Farm lnsurance PO Box 2915 Bloomington. lL 6 1 702"29 1 5 12 39C0AT1 002655 1005 01 CITY OF I\iIENIFEE 29714 HAUN RD suN ctTY cA 92586-0540 111'llllllllllt'lll' lll'r lr lllr lk llll,lllr llllr lr L lllllr lgh g &StateFarm State Farm General lnsurance Company Erii$ tffis E Pollcy number: 90-EH-U284-6 SFPP number: 12587 44612 Your State Farm Agent James Fread James M Fread lne Agency lnc 9923 Channel Rd Laksside, CA 92040 Bus: 619-93&1600 Email: james.fread.qpvl @statefarm.com Notice of Reinstatement Distributors Reinstatement date: February 4, 2023,12:,01 a.m. Standard Time Date processed: February 27,2023 Amount pald: No Amount Due Please keep for your racords We aro ploasad to acknowledge receipt of tha pramium due on this policy, This policy will be mntinued in force subjoct to its printed terms and condilions upon thopayment check clearing through your bank. lnsured: CRAIG, GARY DBA BOB & GARY'S Locatlon: 39610 MEDINA CT [/luRRt ETA cA 92562- 451 4 Po icy Nurnber 90-EH U284-6 Prcparcd Fe,uary 27 ,2D23 Page 1 of 1 1009364 2o0o 152832 200 09.08.2017