2022/12/13 Act 1 Construction, Inc. (8)| $ato&rrn STATE FABM@&. PO gox 2368Bloominglon lL 61 702-2368 85A ZJ 000999 0093CITY OF I'IEN I FEE29844 HAUN RI) MENIFEE CA 925A6.6539 DATE OF NOTICE: JAN 03 2023 CODE: NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY STATE FARM AT THE ADDRESS LISTED AT THE TOP. LEFT CORNEB OF THIS PAGE REGARDING ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION.t# I s Rd98 I 8 ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVEBAGE Stale Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: PoLIcY No: 685 6946,C24-75F CoVERAGE:ACT 1 CONSTRUCTTON tNC YB/MAKE/i,ODEL: 2ol t FORD ptCKUp Bt AND po LtABtLtry 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPEH: 1 FTFX1CT8BFC74225 $ 1 MIL NoBcocA e2g6o.i75g AGENTNAME: rbNy FREEMAN $3333 BEB 33illfGE}'ITfHONE: (sos)s42.6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6o28BU PoLICY EFFECTIVE OEC 13 2022 UNTIL TEBIUINATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedos policy# 6856946-75E. The policy includes a loss payable clause proteclino the addilional insured's inloresl in the described car to the exient ol the insuranceprovided and subject to all policy provisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days notice il the policy is terminated. Untit such noticeis provided, ii shall be presumed that lhe required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional lnsured must notity us within '10 days ofany change ol inleresl or owne.shipcoming to lh€ir attention. Failure to do so will render this poticy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slal6 Farm Mulual Aulomobile lnsurancs Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLtCy NO: 56s 4012-817-75c COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 1997 FORD PICKUP BIAND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VINiCAMPER: 3FTHF25F3VMA5935o $ 1 MIL NoBcocA e2g6o-17s8 AGENTNAME: iouv rneer,anN l?999 PlP 9qI4PAGENTPHONE: t9o9)s42-6464ENDOBSEMENT NO: 6o28BU PoLIcY EFFECTIVE OEC 13 2022 UNTIL TEBI\,4INATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown abov€ supersedes policy# 5694012-75F. The policy includes a loss payable clause p.otecling lho addilional insured's inlerest in lhe described car to lhe extent ol lhe insuranceprovided and subjecl to all policy provisions. Tho additional insured will be given 30 days notice il the policy is terminaled. Until such nolic€ is provided, itshallbe presumed ihat ihe rsquired renewalpremiums have been paid. The additional insured must nolity us wilhin lOdaysof any change ol inlerest or ownership com ino lo lheir attention. Faiiure to do so will render this policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSUHED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stalo Farm Mutual Automobilo lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: pOLtCy NOr 647 0891-E2o-7sD COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONS-TBUCTIoN INc YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2019 FoRD PIoKUP BI AND PD L1ABILITY 444 6TH sr vlN/cAMpEB: l FTEW1 EpgKKcol sTi s I MIL NoRCo cA 92860-1758 lcENi tlaME: ToNy FREEMAN $2000 DED' coMP' AcENf piiolre: {9os)942-6464 s2000 DED coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: oozdeu PoLICY EFFECTIVE OEC 13 2022 UNTIL TERMINATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: "fhis poticy shown above supersedes policy* 6478991-75C. The policy includes a oss payable clause protecling lhe additional insured's i.terest in lhe described car lo the exteni ol lhe insuranceprovided and subject 10 all policy provisions. The addilional insured will be given 30 days nolice if the policy is t€rminated. Until such notice^ is provrded, rl shall be presumed lhal the required renewal premiums have been paid. The addilional insured musl notily us within 1O days otfi any change of rnteresl or ownershrp coming to their allention. Failure 10 do so will render this policy null and void. 3 ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVEBAGE Stale Farm Mulual Automobile lnsurance Company 1045'FACEA NAMED INSUREO: POLICY NO: 462 9314-E27.75A COVEHAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2016 FORD PICKUP BIAND PO LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPEB: 1FTEX1C88GFA21257 $ 1 MIL NOBCOCA 92860.1758 IGENi iieutE: ToNYFBEEMAN $2000 DED COMP AGENT PHoNE: (909)942-6464 s2000 DED' coLL ENDORSEMENT NO: 60288U pOLtCy EFFECIvE OEC 13 2022 UNTIL TERMINATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: Thrs policy shown above supersedes policy# 4629314-75N. The policy includes a loss payable clause protecling the addilional insured's interest in the described car lo the exteni o, the insurance provided and subiect lo alL policy provisions. The addilional insured will be given 30 days notice i, the policy is terminaled. Unlil such notice is provided, it shall be presumed thal lh€ required renewal premiums have been paid. The addiiional insured musl notify us within 10 days ol any change ot inlerest or ownership coming 10 their altention. Failure lo do so will render lhis policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slals Farm Mulual Automobils lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSUREO: PoLIcY No: 277 9160.803,751 COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YB/MAKE/MODEL: NONOWNED AUTO BIAND PD LlABlLlrY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: $ 1 MIL NoRco CA 92860-17s8 AGENTNAME: ToNYFREEMANAGENTPHONE: (909)S42-6464 ENOORSEMENT NO: 602{iBU PoLICY EFFEoTIVE6165CS DEC 13 2022 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy# 2?79160-75K. The policy includes a loss payabls clause protecli.g lhe addillonal insu.ed's lnterest in lhe described car to lhe exlenl or lhe insurance provided and subjecl to all policy provisions. The addilional insured will be given 30 days notice il lhe policy is terminated. Unlil such notice ^ is provrded, il shall be presumed lhat lho required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional insured musl notity us within 10 days ol * any change o, rnteresl or ownershrp coming lo iherr anention. Failure lo do so will render this policy null and vojd.tg ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVEBAGE Stato Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsuranca Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 614 6670-E31'75E COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YBi MAKE/MOOEL: 2019 FORD PICKUP BI AND PD LIAEILITY 444 6TH ST VINiCAMPER: 1 FT8W3BT3 KE E04541 $ 1 MIL NoBCo cA 92g60-1758 aGENi t'tlME: tbruv rneeunru $2000 DED coIVP AGENT pHoNE: (909)942-6464 $2000 DED coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: 6O28BU PoLIcY EFFEoTIVE DEC 13 2022 UNTIL TERi.4INATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy* 6146670-75D. The policy includes a loss payable clause prolecling lhe additional insured's inleresl in the described car to the exlent ol lhe insurance provided and subject to all policy provlsions. The additional insured will be given 30 days notice il the policy is lerminated. Unlil such notice is provided, it shall be presumed thai the required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional insur€d musl nolily us within 10 days ol any change ol inle.est or owoership coming 10 lheir allenlion. Failure to do so will render lhis policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stato Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSUFED: POLICY NO: 614 3101-E15.75F COVEFAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2019 FORD PICKUP BI AND PD LIABILIry 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: l FTEWI CPoKKo27914 $ 1 MIL NoRco cA s286o-1758 AGENT NAME: roNy FREEMAN 36333 BEB 33illAGENfPIONE: (sos)s42-6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6O28SU POLICY EFFECTIVE DEC 13 2022 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above sup€rsedes policy# 61431 O 1-75E. The policy includ€s a loss payable clause prolecting the additional insured's inleresl in the describ€d car to lhe extenl ol the insurance provided and subiect lo all policy provisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days notice il lhe policy is terminaled. Until such notice is provided, il shall b€ presumed that lhe required r€newal premiums have been paid. The addilional insured must notily us wilhin 10 days oi any change oi inlerssl or ownership coming 10 their attenlion. Failure to do so will r€nd€r this policy null and void. BCXl I