2022/12/13 Act 1 Construction, Inc.I sl.teE,?,, STATE FABM@&. PO Box 2368Bloominglon lL 6 I 702-2368 AT1 DATE OF NOTICE: JAN 03 2023 CODE: B4A CITY O MENIFE 000998 0093 ENIFEEA 9?546 NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY STATE FARM AT THE ADDRESS LISTED AT THE TOP, LEFT CORNER OF THIS PAGE REGARDING ANY CHANGE OF ADDBESS INFORMATION. F t'tEC ffi h llr,llt, tllr,l, il r, th tt, h ltil t,l, t, t,llil h, t,,1ilil t,, tltlt 3 ,J? 8 ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE State Farm Mulual Automobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMEO INSURED: PoLIcY No: 544 8080.B11.75G covERAGE:AcT 1 coNSTBUcTIoN INc YR/I,IAKE/MODEL: 2017 FoRD UTII TRK BI AND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1FTBW3BT0HED51452 s I MIL NoRCo cA e2860-1758 AGENr NAME: ibr.rv rneevar,r 33333 BEB 33lilAGENTPHONE: {909)942-6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: dozeeu POLICY EFFEoTIVE DEC 13 2022 UNT|L TERMINATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersed€s poticy* 5448080-75F. The policy includes a loss payable clause protecting th€ ack ilional insured's interosl in th€ describ€d car to the extent oi th€ rnsurancsprovided and subject lo all policy provisions. The addilional insured will b€ given 20 days notice il the policy is lerminated. Until such notics is provided, il shall be presum€d that lh€ requlred renewal premiums have b€en paid. The additional insured must notity us within 1O days ol any change ol interest or ownership coming to lheir attenlion. Failure to do so tyill r€nder lhis policy nult and void.