2022/12/18 C Below, Inc.THIS CEBTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEFTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIBMATIVELY OB NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTENO OB ALTER THE COVEFAGE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSUBANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTPACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZEO BEPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPOPTANT: lf lhe cortiflcato holdor iB an AOOITIONAL INSURED, the policy(io6) must have AODITIONAL INSURED proviBions o. bo endorcod. ll SUBROGATION lS WAIVEO, Bubiect to the t6rms and condiliono ol lhe policy, ce.taln polici6s may roquire an endoBsmont. A atatement on thio certillc6to do68 not conior rlght8 to the c€rtilic6t6 holdor in ll6u ol auch 6ndoraemenl(o). Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, LLC 21820 Burbank Boulevard Suite 301 Woodland Hills CA 91367 License#. 0D69293 caELowt0lINSUBEO C BELOW, INC. 14280 Euclid Avenue Chino, CA 91710 ll$l{]4ry""a eqotalel Exr):818-449-0216 ro1,818 316-0990 s vanessa_aldershof@aj9.com NSUN ER(S) AFFOR DING COVERAGE Compwesl lnsurance Company 12177 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILTTY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBEB: 163062388 REVISION NUMBER CANCELLATION O'1988-20'15 ACOBD CORPOBATION. All rlghG.cacrvcd The ACORD namc and logo a,e roglatered marks of ACORD PoLrcY EFF PoLrcY ExP lIMWOO/'YYYY) IMi'/DDAtYYI ] "ro u" ,ooa occuF OEN'L AGGBEGATE LIMIT APPLIES PEF 'ou"'. l l!lP; I l.o" OTHERI EACHOCCUBFENCE-DAfi$EIOHENTET IIEUISES lEa oc.u.,sqcrl MEO EXP (Any on6 p.Eon) PEBSONAL A AOV INJUHY GENEAAL ^GIiREGATEPAOOUCTS - CgMP/OP AGq ! s s s s q s OWNED HIFED AUTOSONLY SCHEDULEO AIJTOS NON.OWNEO AUTOS ONLY ,9ojrLI lllu!Y (P:i!"::ll BODLLY INJUFY (Per accrd.ni) -PBoFEFIYDAMAGE_.es'_99cjd9['U ,. s s 5 s s EXCESSLIAB ll OCCUF CLAIMS.MAOE oEo EACH OCC_U:i!ENCE AGGFEGATE s s s A WoF(EaSCO PE SATION AND EI' PLOYERS' LIABIIIIY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNIF/EXECUT VE OFF CFFUMFJ\'BFRFXCt IIOFD' DESCBIPTiON OF OPEFATIONS D.Io* cv\\ /cP100086909 12t1Al?O22 1?]1812023 x SIAIUIE ] I OTH E.L. EACH Ag9lqENr E,L, OISEASE. EA EMPLOYE€ 5,L, OLqEASE, POLICY LUiIII 11.000 000 !1.999,009 31,000.000 City of Menifee 297'14 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA SHOULD ANY OF THEABOVE DESCFIBEO POLICIES AE CANCELLEO AEFOFETIIE EXPIFATIOI{ DATE TTIEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OELIVEBEO IT,I ACCOROANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, d ePRescfiArNE ,r4 CERTIFICATE HOLDER acoRo 2s (2016/03) 1t10t2023 A<:ORiJ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUFANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED AAOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO INDICATEO, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FEOUIBEMENT. TEFM OF CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OF OTHER OOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEFTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PEBTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOFDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEBEIN IS SUBJECI TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SI]OWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED AY PAID CLAIMS, AUTOMO BILE LIAAIL ITY I I DESCnIP-iION OF OPEiATTONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICIES (ACOFO l0! , Addhion.l R.h.rr. Sch.dul., 6.y b. .t.ch.d il ho6 .pre j. Gqun d) Waiver of Subrogataon applies in favor ofth6 certificate holder per the atlach€d fo.m. Arthur J. Gallagher Risk l\.4anagement Services, LLC 21820 Burbank Boulevard, Suite 301 Woodland Hills CA 91367 ffii MDG2023 00004769 01 l,,il,r,,,lhrhhrllllhilrl,l,Iil,,hltrqrltltltl,,l,,lt,ll City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 W We are providing you with a Certificate of lnsurance confirming our client's coverage. Want to get certificates of insurance faster? "Go Green with Gallagher" by receiving digital copies of certificates via e-mail in the future. Or, do you no longer require a certificate of insurance for our client? Please contact us at COl.UpdateMyEmail@AJG.com and provide the following information for processing: Confirmation that a certificate of insurance is no longer required; or E-mail address to send future certificates of insurance in lieu of U.S. Mail delivery lnsured Code: CBELOWI-O1 This Certificate Number: 163062388 To learn more about the lnsurance and Risk Management Services offered by Gallagher, please visit us at www.ajg.com/us/about-us/how-we-work/core-360. Gallagher does not share your e-mail as detailed rn our privacy policy found at https:// www. aj g.com/us/privacy-policy/. 1 2 J 4 f'itEEArt I 8 5 5 E