2022/01/22 Young Champions Recreation Programs, Inc.--^\ -ACORLI oarE l5t/oo.YYYY) 7t20t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTEN OF INFOHIIATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO FIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. ITIIS CERTINCATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTEND OF ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSUBANCE OOES NOT CONSNTUTE A CONTBACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUREB(S), AUTHORIZED REPBESENTATIVE OR PRODUCEN, AND THE CENTIFICATE HOLOEN. IMPORTANT: ll the cartllicale holder ls an ADOITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL lNSURED provislons or be endorsed thl! certlllcate doea not confer dg hts to th6 cortlllcate holder ln llou ol ruch endor3emcnl{3). PA@UCER Arthur J. Gallaghor & Co. lnsurance Brokers of CA lnc. LIC # 0726293 18201 Von Karman. Suite 200 lrvin€ CA 92612 ArthurJ Gallagher & Company 949-349-9800 949"349-S962 INSUBEB(5) AFFOFDINC COVEFAGE INSUEEF a: Phrl hra lndemnr lnsurance Co 18058 tisunED Young Champrons Recreation Programs, lnc. and Champion Youth Outreach Programs, lnc 322 Oak Placo, Ste B Braa CA 92821 t auBEBB, Sonthel lnEuranco Company Ltd 11000 !-rguBEuq: PhilalqP}ra lnd6mnity lnsur€ncr CoEPqly _ rxg!!8EBO: IXSUEEF E: 18058 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDER CEHTIFICATE NUMBER : 5759s5652 R N NUMBER: CANCELLANON THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSURED NAMED AAOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO INDICATED NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEBTIFICATE MAY AE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSUFANCE AFFORDEO BY THE POLICIES DESCRIAEO HEREIN IS SUAJECT TO ALL THE TEBMS. EXOLUSIONS AND CONOIIIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED 8Y PAIO CLAIIUSrNsF rypE oF rirsuBANcE 'ir?"t Yff poucy NUi EER r&?ts8ltTu ,i&$Bhil'"r IlrTTS PtaPK228g242 7131t2022 3 X r 1 000.000 l1q00.qg9 t3.000.000 GEN'L AOOBEGATE !IM!'APPLIES PEFIX poucv 58"o; ro" OTHEN GENEAAL AGGFEGAIE PEOOUCIS COMP OP AGG COM[EFCtAL GEiIENAL IIAAILITY curus.uroE X occun MED EXP rAnyon€ p.rro.) t -"a"",r"L, ^***" -l -* 7/312023 EqCHOCCUABENCE'trArrAoFTonENTE o I PFEMTSES (E. occurohc.) -T 31.000,000 I I CCI'T BIN ED S INGLE i.IMIT | 1Er lesdriu | 8O0l!Y lirruFYlPat PalEon) ' BoDILY Tl\l,UFY (Pli.cadoni) AUIO$OAILE UABILITY I 3 sSCHEOULED -, AUIOS L AUTOS ONLY OWNED - AUTOS OIILYHIBEO_ auTos of.tLY [PFoPEurr-DAMAoE Ta I tPo, lccid.nrt i ; I 11 qeo eqo ]_! r,ooo.oooPHU87731967131t2022 7/31/2023 EACHcTcUBRENcEuiaEaELLAL|AA \ occunErcEtjI'! -cLArMs.M^oEoeo X arte rrp,,r i ,n nnn X woa(EBs coxPEl{E nor{Afto IIPLOYEAa UABIITY ANYPAOPFIEIORPAFTN€REXECUIIVE OFFIAEF/MEMEEAEXCLUOED?0r. !.!ory ln {r0 ER YrN f E L. EACH ACCIOENT . I EL OISEASE EA EMPTOYEE 'ffi^.t;;*** 41Jle PH?K2289242 72 SBA UU3775 SC PHPAO74851 7n1QOZ2 121112021 1Q2nO22 7/r1n023 1211t2022 1t22t2423 $I1 1Bc c0 !0t) 000 000 Ags Ded E! Occw ll 0!! 000 Llm( !261 300 S.ru.l AbB. & Mol.stdton A.crd.nr M.drco I O.nt l $25 oEscirPnoi oF oPEaanoxt / Loc^rlor€ ' vExrcL€lt (Acoao r0r. a.rnlon r Ftilnr Sclrdub, m.y b. ri-n d I nror..p.o. i...qulrd) RE Projcct Nama Elevation Church 26250 Bradl6y Rd Mcnitoc CA 92566 City of Menifee, its officers, offlcials, omployees, desi Attn Tina Chrupcala gnsted Volunteers & agents sorvrng as rndependent contract in the role of city ot agency otficials 29844 Haun Rd.. Menifee CA 92586 SfIOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCFIBEO POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EIPIRATIOTI OA'E THEBEOf. I{OTlcE WILL BE OELIVERED I}{ ACCOBDANCE }VIT}I THE POLICY PBOVISIOT{S. AUTHOFIZED FEPBESE IATIVE O 198&2015 ACORD CORPOFATION. Allrlghts relsrvod. Tho ACOFO nlmo and logo aro reglstorrd marks ol ACORD 2'or 3 2s5O ACOED 25 (2016/03) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE r SUBROGATION lS WA|VEO, sublect to tho t6rm3 rnd condltlon3 of the pollcy, cenaln pollcles may requlrc an endorlemont, A stalement on I P( )t.t( t)'# PNPK2427636 Pr-AS-010 (04/04) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGESTHE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED: OWNERS AND / OR LESSORS OF PREMISES, LESSORS OF LEASED EQUIPMENT, SPONSORS OR CO. PROMOTERS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART This policy is amended to include as an additiona lnsured any person or organization of lhe types designated beiow, but on y with rospect to liability arising out of your operations: 1 . Ownors and / or lossors of the premisos loas6d, rsnted. or loaned to you, subject to the following additional exclusions: a This insurance applies only to an "@currence- which takes place while you are a tenant in the premises; b. This insurance does not apply to'bodily injury'or "properly damage" resulting from slructural alterations. new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the owner and / or lessor of the premises; This insurance does not apply to liability of the owners and / or lessors for "bodily injury'' or "property damage" arising out of any design defect or struclural maintenance of the premises or loss caused by a premises defect. With respect to any additional insured includgd under this policy, lhis insurance does not apply to the sole negligenc€ of such additional insured. 2. Lessor of Leased Equipment, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury', "property damage" or ''personal and advertrsing iniury" caused, in whole or in part, by your marntenance, operatron or use of equipment leased to you by such person(s) or organization(s) subjoct to the following additional exclusions: a This insurance does not apply to any "occunenc6" which takas place after the equipmant lease expires. 3. Sponsors 4. Co-Promoters c Page 1 of 1 3'or 3 2950