2022/03/10 WC Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.ACORD WCHEATI-01 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 3t2112022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATTON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S}, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: ll the cortlflcato holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(ios) must havo ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsod.lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVEO, subject to the terms and conditions of tho policy, cortain policies may rcquire an endorsement. A statement on this certiticats dogs not confer rlghts to ths certificate holder in lisu of such endorsement{s). rNsuRER A rDepositors lnsurance Company fi8 EAcr Elizabeth Rasco INSU RER(S) A FFORDING COVERAGE (95',t1 23',t -2572E,o, (951) 779-8745 cal.cpu@hubinternational.com pRooucER Llc6nse # 0757776 HUB lntornalional lnsuranco Services lnc. PO Box 5345Riverside, CA 92517 WC Heating & Air Conditioning, lnc. dba: We Caro 41085 Golden Gate Circl6 Murriota, CA 92562 INSURED tNsuRER B rwestchester s us Lines lnsurance Co.10172 II{SURER E E CERTIFICATE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE EEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSUREO NAiTEO ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTW'THSTANDING ANY REQUIREi.IIENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO TAI-IICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROED 8Y THE POLICIES DESCRIEED HEREIN IS SUEJECI TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOW! MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, A COMMERCIAL GENERAI. LIABILITY crarMS-M^DE I occun P3100325729 311012022 3t10t2023 x x x TET E RENTED L & ADV EACH OCCURRENCE MED EXP ENERAL LOC 3 I 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 s 2,000,000 COMB NED SINGLE LI]V T BODILY NJURY rP6roorsonr BOOTLY NJURY tPer.ccden| 1,000,000I 5 I I A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY OWNEDAUTOS ONLY H RED SCHEDULEDAUTOS NONOW!EDx x x ACP3100325729 3t10t2022 3t'1012023 S EACI-] OCCU RR ENC E DED OCCUR CLAIMS MAOE AGGREGATE soTllWORK€RS COMPENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS' I-lAAIUTY A NY PROPRIETOR/PARTNE R/EX€ClJT VEOFFICER/MEMAER EXCLUOEO? oEscRrPTroN oF oPERATtoNS bsrow N 3t10t2022 3t1012022 3t10t2023 314012023 General Aggregate Per Occ. Ded: 65,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 B B Pollution Pollution x x 7005 7005 G,1687731 G4687731 DESCRTPTTON OF OPERATTONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES IACORO l0l,Addltlon.l R€mrt. S.h.dul., tuy b..(.ch.d lt moE.p.ce13 Equired)Updated 0312112022This certificate supersedes any and all prior certificates issued on behalf of the named insured - Auto Policy and Endorsement updated City of Menifee and its officers, employees, agents, and aulhorized volunteers are Additional lnsured with rcgard to General Liability when required by written contract per the attached endors€ment form CG8186 03/19, Waiver of Subrogation included. Primary & Non -Contributory wording applies with regard to General Liability when required by written conlract per the attached endoBemeht form CG2001 04/13. Additional lnsured with regard to Pollution Liability when required by written contract per the attached endorsement forms ENV3250 l2l18 and ENV3251 12l18. Primary & Non -Contributory wording applies with regard to Pollution Liability when required by written contract per the atlached endorsement form ENV3253 12,/18. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATIOI{ DATE THEREOF, TIOTICE wlLL AE DELIVEREO IIT ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.City of Msnifee and its officors, qmployeos, agents, and autho.ized voluntoe6 298,14 Haun Road Sun City, CA 92586 O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rlghts reserved. Th6 ACORD name and logo aro registered marks of ACORD ACORD 2s (2016/03) 42587 li I E L. EACH AccrDElx I I &,ru^,_ AUTHORIzED REPRESENTAT]VE CANCE POLICY NUMBER: ACP31oo325729 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 81 86 03 19 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, CONSTRUCTIONGARD'" GENERAL LIABILITY ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under lhe tollowing: GOI\4tv|EHCIAL G ENERAL LIABI LITY COVEHAGE PAHT The following isasummaryof lhe additional coverages provided bylhis endorsemenl. For complete details on a specilic coverage, consull the endorsement conlract language. 1 Additional lnsureds Various addilional insured extensions 2. Aggregate Limit Per Proiect 3. Blanket Waiver ol Subrogation lf required by writlen conlract, insurer waives riqht of subroqalion 4. Broad Form Named lnsured 5. Broadened Definition oi Bl Definilion includes menlal anguish 6. Broadened Liability Coverage lor Damage to "Your Product" and "Your work" 7. Contractual Llablllty - Railroads Expanded detinition of "insured conlracl" 8. Contractual Liability lor Personal and Advertising lniury 9. Damageto Premises Rented toYou Extends perils Limil: $1 ,000,000 10. Electronic Data Liability Limil: $100,000 1'1. Expected and lntended lniury 12. lncidental Medical Malpractice 13. Knowledge ol Occurrence 14. Liberalization 15. Losl Key Coverage Occurrence Limil: $10,000 16. Newly Formed and Acquired Organizations'180 days 18. Non-owned Watercraft lncluded for walercrafl up lo 5l ft '19. Supplementary Paymenls lncreased bail bonds limit lo $5,000 lncreased daily loss of earnings limit lo $ 1 ,000 per day 21. Non-duplication ot Benelits cG 81 86 03 19 lncludes copyrighted malerial of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with ils permission. 22073 INSURED COPY Page 1 ol 7 47 0013769ACP GLDO3100325729 LOKB 17. Non-owned Aircralt 20. Unintentional lailure lo Disclose Hazard cG 81 86 03 19 1. Additional lnsured - Automatic Status When Required ln An Agreement Or Contract With You SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED is amended to include: 1. Any person(s) or organizalion(s) whom you are required lo add as an additional insured on this policy under a wriflen conlracl or writlen agreemenl, provided the wrillen conlracl or witlen agreemenl: (1) ls currenlly in effect or becomes elfective during the term or this policy; and (2) Was executed prior to the "bodily iniury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising inlury' tor which the addilional insured seeks coverage. The person or organizalion added as an addilional insured by this endorsement is an addilional insured only wilh respect lo liability lor: 1. "Bodily injury" or "property darnage'' or 2. "Personal and adverlising injury"i due to: a. Controlling lnterest - with respect to their liabilily arising out of: (1) Their financial conlrol of you; or (2) Premises they own, mainlain or conlrol while you lease or occupy these premises. This insurance does not apply loslruclural alterations, new conslruclion and demolition operalions pertormed by or for such addilional insured. b. Co-owner oI lnsursd Premises -with respecl to lhe co owner's liability as a co-owner of such premises. c. Grantor ol Franchise or License Any person or organization lhal has granled you a franchise or license by wrillen conlract or agreemenl is an additional insured, but only with respecl to their liability as a granlor of a franchise or license lo you. However, their slalus as addilional insured under this policy ends when lheir contract or agreemenl wilh you granling lhe franchise or license ends. d. Lessors of Leased Equipment wilh respecl lo their liabilily for "bodily injury", "properly damage", or"personal and advertising injury", caused in whole or in part by your mainlenance, operalion, or use of equipment leased lo you by such p€rson(s) or organizalion(s). This insurance does nol apply to any "occurrence" which lakes place atter lhe equipmenl lease expires. However, their slalus as additional insured under this policy ends when lheir lease, contract, or agreemenl with you for such leased equipmenl expires. e. Lessor o, Land - with respect lo liability arising out of the ownership, mainienance or use of lhal specific parl of the land leased to you and subjecl to the Iollowing addilional exclusions: This insurance does nol apply lo: (1) Any "occurrence" which lakes place after you cease to be a lenanl in thal premise: or (2) Slruclural alteralions, new conslruclion or demolition operalions performed by or on behalf ol such additional insured. However, their slalus as additional insured under this policy ends when you cease to be a lenant ol such premises. l. Managers or Lessots of Premisas - wilh respecl 10 liabilily arising out of lhe ownership, mainlenance, or use of that parl ol the premises you own, rent, lease, or occupy. This insurance does nol apply lo: (1) Any "occurrence" which lakes place afler you cease 10 be a lenant in lhal premises; or (2) Structural allerations, new con-slruclion, or demolition operations performed by or onbehall of lhe person or organizalion. lncludes copyrighled material ol lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. 22073 INSURED COPYLOKB 47 0013770 Page 2 ol 7 ACP GLD03100325729 cG 81 86 03 19 However, their slalus as addilional insured under this policy ends when you cease to be a lenant of such premises. g. Mortgagee, Asslgnee or Recoivsr - wilh respecl lo lheir liability as mortgagee. assignee. or receiver and arising out ot lhe ownership, maintenance, or use ol a premrse by you. This insurance does not apply to slructural alleralions, new conslruclion or demolition operalions perlormed by or on behalf of such additional insured. h. Owners, Lessees, or Contraclots - with respect to liabil(y for "bodily iniuM, "property damage", or "personal and adverlising anjurY' caused in whole or in parl, by; (1) Your acts or omissions; or (2) The acls or omissions o[ those acling on your behalf, in lhe performance ol your ongoing operations perlormed tor lhal additional insured, whether lhe work is perlormed by you or on your behalf; or (3) "Your work" performed lor thal addilional insured and includedin the "products-compleled operalions hazard." The insurance does nol apply lo: (a) "Bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury" arising out ol the rendering of or thefailure to render anyprofessional architeclural, engineering, or survey services, including: (i) The preparing, approv- ing, or lailing to prepare or approve maps, shopdrawings. opinions. rePorts, survey, tield orders, change orders,or drawings and specifications;or (ii) Supervisory, inspeclion, architeclural or engi- neering aclivilies. cG 81 86 03 19 This exclusion applies evenif the claims againsl any insured allege negligence or olher wrongdoing in thesupervision, hiring, employmenl, lraining or monitoring of olhers by lhat insured. if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodilyinjury" or "property damage", or the offense which caused the "personal and advertising injury", involved the rendering of, orlailure to render, any professional, archltectural, engineering. or surveying services. i. State or Political Subdivision -Permlts Relating to Premlses -with respect to the lollowing hazards for which the slale or political subdivision has issued apermil or authori./ation in conneclion with premises you own, rent, or control and to which this insurance applies. (1) The existence, mainlenance, repair, construclion. erection, or removal of adverlising, signs. awnings, canopies, cellar enlrances, coal holes, drive' ways, manholes, marquees, hoist away openings, sidewalk vaulls, slreet banners, ordecorations and similar exposures;0r (2) The construction, ereclion, or removal of elevalors; or (3) The ownership mainlenance or use of any elevators covered by this insurance. This insurance does nol apply to: (1) "Bodily injury" or "properly damage" or "personal or advertising iniury' arising out of operalions perlormed for lhe slale or municipality; or (2) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included wilhin the "products-completed operations hazard". cG 81 86 03 19 lncludes copyrighled material of lnsurance Services Ollice, hc., wilh its permission. 22073 INSURED COPY Page 3 o, 7 47 0013771ACP GLDO3100325729 LOKB Page 4 of 7 ACP GLDO3100325729 cG 81 86 03 19 2. However, such slale or political subdivision's slalus as additional insured under lhis policy ends when the permil ends. This endorsemenl shall nol increase the applicable Limils of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. The insurance allorded lo such addilional insureds described in a.' i. above: (1) Only applies lo lhe exlenl permitted by law; and (2) Will nol be broader lhan any coverage requirement in a conlracl or agreement to provide for such additional insured. AggregatB Limit Per Proioct Under SECTION ln - LIMITS OF INSUBANCE, the following paragraph is added lo Paragraph 2: The General Aggregate Limil under SECTION lll LIMITS OF INSURANCE applies separately to each of your construction proiects away from premises owned by or rented to you. Blanket Waivsr Of Subrogalion Under SECTION lV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, 8. Transfer Ol Rights Ol Recovery Against Olhers To Us, the following is added: We waive any righl of recovery we may have against any person or organization because of payments we make lor injury or damage arising oul of: a. Your ongoing operalions; or b. "Your work' included in the "producls completed operations ha/ard. However, this waiver applies only when you have agreed in wriling to waive such rights o[ recovery in a contract or agreement. and only if the contracl or agreemenl: a. ls in eftect or becomes effeclive during the lerm or lhis policy: and b. Was execuled prior to loss. Broad Form Namsd lnsurgd Under SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED, lhe following is added 10 Paragraph 2: e. Any business enlity incorporaled or organized under lhe laws ot the United Stale of America (including any State lhereol), ils terrilories or possessions, or Canada (including any Province lhereof) in which the 3. 4. Named lnsured shown in the Declaralions owns, during the policy period, an interest of more than fifly percent. lf olher valid collectible insurance is available lo any business enlity covered by this solely by reason of ownership by lhe Named lnsured shown in lhe Declarations in excess ot fitly p€rcent, this insurance is excess over the olher insurance, whether primary. excess. contingent, or on any other basis. 5. Broadened Bodily lnlury Delinitlon (Mental Anguish) Under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, Definition 3. "Bodily lnjury" is replaced with: 3. "Bodily injury" means physical injury, sickness, or disease lo a person and ifaising oul of lhe foregoing, menlal anguish, menlal injury, shock, or humiliation, including death at any lime resulting therefrom. 6. Broadened Liability Coverage for Damage to "Your Product" and "Your Wo;k" Unoer SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJUBY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, Paragraph 2. Excluslons is amended lo delete exclusions k. and l. and replace them with lhe following: This insurance does nol apply lo: k. Damage to Your Product "Property damage" lo ,your producl" arising out of it or any part of it except when caused by or resulting from: (1) Fire; (2) Smoke: (3) Collapse; or (4) Explosion. l. Damage to Your Work "Property damage" lo "your work' arising oul of il or any parl of il and included in the "producis-com pleted operations hazard'. This exclusion does noi apply: (1) lf the damaged work or lhe $,ork oul otwhich lhe damage arises was performed on your behalf by a subcontractori or (2) lf the €use of loss 10 the damaged work arises as a result of: (a) Fire; (b) Smoke; cG 81 86 03 19lncludes copyrighled material of lnsurance Services Oflice, lnc., with ils permission. 22073 INSURED COPYLOKB 47 0013772 (c) Collapsei or (d) Explosion. Under SECTION lll - LIMITS OF INSURANCE, the following paragraph is added: Subject to 6. above, $100,000 is lhe mosl we will pay under Coverage A lor the sum of damages arising out of any one "occurrence" because of "property damage" 10 "your producl" and "your work" thal is caused by fire, smoke, collapse or explosion and is included wilhin lhe "product compleled operalions hazard". This sublimit does nol apply lo "properly damage' lo "your work" if the damaged work or the work oul of which the damage arises was performed on your behalf by a subcontraclor. 7. Contractual Liability - Bailroads a. Under SECTION V - DEFINTIONS, lhe Iollowing replaces Paragraph c. of definition 9. "lnsured Conlract": c. Any easemenl or license agreemenl; b. Under SECTION V -DEFINITIONS, Paragraph l.('l) of definilion 9. "lnsured Conlract" is deleted. L Contractual Liability for Personal and Advertislng lnlury Under SECTION l- COVERAGES, COVERAGE B - PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIABILITY, Paragraph 2. Exclusions is amended lo delete exclusion e. Contractual Liability. This provision 8. does nol apply to any person or organizalion who otherwise qualifies as an additional insured on this Coverage Part. 9. Damage to Premises Rented to You a. Under SECTION l- COVERAGES, COVERAGE A _ BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY. the |ast paragraph of 2. Exclusions is replaced wilh: lf DamagB To Premises Rented To You is nol otherwise excluded, Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire, lighlning, explosion, smoke, or sprinkler leakage to premises while rented to you or lemporarily occupied by you wilh permission of lhe owner. b. Under SECTION lll - LIMITS OF INSURANCE, Paragraph 6. is replaced wilh: 6. Subject 10 Paragraph 5. above, lhe Damage To Premises Flenled To You Limil is lhe mosl we will pay under coverage A for damages because of cG Bl 86 03 19 cG 81 86 03 19 "property damage" lo any one premises. while rented to you, or in lhe case of damage by fire, lightning, explosion, smoke or sprinkler leakage, while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you wilh permission of lhe owner. The limil is increased to $1 ,000,000. c. Under SECTION lV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIL]TY CONDITIONS, 4, Other lnsurance, b. Excess lnsurance (1) (a) (ii) is replaced wilh: (ii) Thal is Fire, Lighlning, Explosion, Smoke or Sprinkler leakage insurance for premises renled to you or lemporarily occupied by you with permission ot lhe owner; 10. Electronic Data Liability a. Under SECTION l- COVERAGES, COVERAGE A - BODILY INJURY AND PROPEBTY DAMAGE, Paragraph 2. Exclusions is amended to delele exclusion p. Electronic Data and replace il wilh lhe following: This insurance does not apply lo. p. Electronic Data Damages arising oul of the loss of, loss ot use of, damage to, corruplion of, inabilily lo access, or inability lo manipulate "electronic dala" thal doesnot resull from physical injury to tangible properly. However, lhis exclusion does nol applylo liabilily for damages because of "bodily injury." b. Under SECTION lll - LIMITS OF INSURANCE, the following paragraph is added: Sublecl to paragraph 5. above, $100,000 is the mosl we will pay under Coverage A forall damages arising out ol any one "occurrence" because of "property damage" that resulls from physical injury lo langible property and arises out of "electronic dala". c. Under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, lhe following definition is added: "Electronic dala" means informalion, facls or programs slored as or on, created or used on, or lransmitted to or trom computersoflware, including systems and applicalions sottware, hard or floppy disks, CD ROlVlS, tapes, drives, cells, dala processing devices or any other media Page 5 ot 7lncludes copyrighled material of lnsurance Servi@s Oltice, lnc., with ils permrssion. 22073 INSURED COPYACP GLO03100325729 LOKB 47 0013773 Page 6 ol 7 ACP GLD03100325729 cG 81 86 03 19 which are used wilh eleclronically controlled equipmenl. d. Under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, lhe definilion of "property damage" is replaced by the following for lhe purposes of lhe coverage provided by this endorsement onlY: 17. "Property damage" means: a, Physical injury to langible properly, including all resulting loss of use of lhal property. All such loss of use shall be deemed to occur al the lime of lhe physical iniury that caused it: b. Loss oI use of langible properly lhat is nol physically injured. All such loss of use shall be deemedlo occur al lhe lime of lhe "occurrence" thal caused il; or c. Loss of, loss of use ot, damage to, corruplion of, inabilily lo access, or inability lo properly manipulale "electronic data," resulting from physical injury lo langible property. All such loss of "eleclronic dala" shall be deemed to occur al lhelime of the "occurrence" lhat caused it. For lhe purposes of lhis insurance,"electronic dala" is nol tangible propeny. e. lf Eleclronic Data Liability is provided at a higher limit by anolher endorsement aflached lo lhis policy, then the $100,000limil provided by this Provision 10. Electronic Data Liability is parl of, and not in addilion to, thal higher limil. 11. Expected or lntended lniury UnderSECT|ONl-COVERAGES, COVERAGE A - BODILIY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, Exclusion a. is replaced by the following: a. Expected Or lntended lniury "Bodily injury" or "property damage" expected or inlended from lhe standpoint of lhe insured. This exclusion does nol apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting fromlhe use of reasonable Iorce lo protect persons or property. cG 81 86 03 19lncludes copyrighled material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with i1s permission. 22073 INSURED COPYLOKB 47 00137't4 12. lncidental Medical Malpractice Liability a. Under SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED, Paragraph 2.a.(1)d. does not apply 10 nurses, emergency medical technicians or paramedics employed by you arising oul of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services, bul only if such healthcare services are within the scope of their employmenl by you or are related lo or arise out of the conduct of your business. b. This coverage does not apply if you are engaged in lhe business or occupation of providing prolessional heallh care services. 13. Knowledge Ol An Occurrence Under SECTION IV _ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, IhE following is added to 2. Duties ln The Event Ol Occurrence, Ollense, Claim Or Suit: e. Knowledge of an occurrence, offense, claim or suit by an agenl or employee of any insured shall not in itself conslilute knowledge of the insured unless you, a partner, if you are a partnership; or an executive oflicer or insurance manager, if you are a corporalion receives such notice of an occurrence, offense, claim or suit from the agent or employee. l. The requirements in Paragraph b. will nol be considered breached unless there is knowledge of occurrence as oullined in Paragraph e. above. 14. Liberalization lf we revise this endorsement lo provide more coverage without addilional premium charge, we will aulomalically provide lhe additional coverage 10 all endorsement holders as of lhe day lhe revision is effective in your slate. -15. Lost Key Coverage a. Under SECTION l- COVEBAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, coverage is exlended 10 include the following: lf a customer's masler or grand key, excluding eleclronic key card, is losl, damaged or slolen while in your care, custody or control we will pay lhe cost of replacing the keys, including lhe master lock and all keys used in lhe same lock, the cost of adjusting locks to accepl lhe new keys, or the cost to replace the locks, whichever is less. b. Limit ol lnsurance - For lhe purpose ol lhis coverage the mosl we will pay is $ 10,000 per "occurrence". 16. Newly Formed And Acquired Organizations a. Under SECTION II _ WHO IS AN INSUBED, in paragraph 3.a.,901h day is changed lo 1801h day. b. This provision does not apply il coverage for newly formed or acquired organizations is excluded either by the provisions of the Commercial General Liabilily Coverage Form or by any applicable endorsement. 17. Non-Owned Aircralt Under SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A _ BODILY INJUBY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, Exc|Usion g. does not apply to an aircraft provided: a. ll is hired, chartered or loaned with a paid Crew, b. lt is not owned by an insured; c. The pilot in command holds a currently effeclive license for the particular aircraft being flown, issued by the duly constituled authorily of the United Slates of Americaor Canada, designating her or him a commercial airline pilol; and d ll is nol being used by the insured to carry persons or properly for a charge. The following is added lo SECTION lV, COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Condition 4. Other lnsurance, Paragraph b. Excess lnsurance: This Non-Owned Aircrafl insurance is excess over any other valid and colleclible insurance whether primary, excess (other than insurance written to apply specifically in excess of this policy), contingent or any other basis that would also apply to loss covered under this provision. 18. Non-Owned Watercralt UnderSECT|ONl-COVEFAGES, COVEHAGE A - BODILY INJUBY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, Paragraph (2) of Exclusion g. is deleted and replaced with cG 81 86 03 19 cG 81 86 03 19 lhe following: (2) A walercrafl you do not own lhal is: (a) Less than 5'1 feet long; and (b) Not being used by the insured to carry persons or property for a charge. 19. Supplementary Payments UndeTSECTIONI-COVEBAGES, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS COVERAGES A AND B Paragraphs 1.b and '1.d. are replaced wilh: b. Up to $5,000 for cost of bail bonds required because ol accidenls or lratfic law violalions arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily lnjury Liabilily Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish lhese bonds. d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured al our requesl to assisl us in lhe investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including actual loss of earnings up to S1 ,000 a day because of time off from work. 20. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazard Under SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Condilion 6. Bepresentations lhe followiflg paragraph is added: d. Your failure 1o disclose all hazards or prior "occurrences" or offenses exisling as of the inception date of the policy shall not preiudice the coverage afiorded by this policy provided such failure 10 disclose all hazards or prior "occurrences" or otfenses is nol intenlional. This provision does not affect our right to collect addilional premium or exercise our right of cancellalion or non- renewal. 21. Non-Duplication ol Benelits No one will be enlitled to receive duplicate payments for the same elemenls of loss underany of the coverages provided by the Commercial General Liability Coverage form, this endorsement, or any other applicable endorsement. Page 7 ol 7 47 0013775ACP GLD03100325729 LOKB All terms and conditions of this policy apply unless modilied by this endorsement. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. 22073 INSURED COPY COMMEECIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 01 04 13 THIS ENDOBSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAEEFULLY. PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY -OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the lollowing COIV]MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PAHT PBODUCTS/COMPLETED OPEBATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART POLICY NU[rBER: ACP31ao32s729 The tollowing is added 10 the Other lnsurance Condilion and supersedes any provision to the conlrary: Primary And Noncontributory lnsurance This insurance is primary to and will nol seek conlribution from any olher insurance available 1o an additional insured under your policy provided thal: (1) The additional insured is a Named lnsured under such other insurance; and (2) You have agreed in wriling in a conlract or agreemenl lhat lhis insurance would be primary and would nol seek conlribulion from any other insurance available 10 the addilional insured. All terms and conditions ol this policy apply unless modilied by this endorsement. O lnsurance Services Office, lnc.,2012 INSURED COPY cG 20 01 04 13 ACP GLD03100325729 LOKB 22073 Page 1 ol 1 47 001373,t Westchester \ ( hrrhh (irnrlirr! ADDITIONAI, INSURED E,NDORSEMENT _ PRODUCTS-COMPLI'I'ED OPERATIONS TLAZARI) W C Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. dba WE CARE Endo6ement Numher Policy Synbol CPW Policy Numb€r G46877 317004 Policy Pcriod 03 I lO l2o2l to 03 I l0 I 2022 Effecti!e D.tc of l:rdorseDr.nt 0311012021 lssued By (Name oflnsuranc! o)nrpaDy) Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company THIS ENDORSEMENT CIIANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE R-EAD IT CAREFULLY. THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PRO\,IDED UNDERTHE FOLLOWING: CONTRACIORS POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or required by written contract, prior to a loss to which this insurance applies (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) A. SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for injury or damage, to which this insurance applies, caused by or resulting from your work performed for that additional insured and included in the products-completed operations hazard, and only to the extent that such injury or damage is caused, in whole or in part, by your negligence or the negligence ofthose acting on your behalf. However: r. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and z. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to SECION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf ofthe additional insured is t}le amount of insurance: t. Required by the contract or agreemenU or z. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. ENV-3251 (12/18) lncludes coplrighted material oflnsurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission (22tot2-2) Page r of t Westchester A Chubb Company ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT - ONGOING WORK OR OPERATIONS W C Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. dba WE CARE trdoBcment Nunrbcr PolicysurlDl CPW c46877317004 03 I 10 I 2021 to 03 I l0 I 2022 lffective Date of EndorseDrent 03/10/202r lssned By (Name oflnsurance Company) Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company lnsen the poli.ynumber. The remainderofthe information is to be completed only when thisendorsement is issued subsequent to the preparation of the policy THIS ENDORSEMENT CTIANGES THE POLICY. PI-EASE READ IT CAR.EFULLY. THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROIIDED UNDER THE FOLT,OWING: CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDUI-E: Name of Person(sl or Orsanization(s): As required by written contract, prior to a loss to which this insurance applies (Ifno entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) A. SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSLIRED is amended to include as an additional insured the persons or organizations shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for injury or damage, to which this insurance applies, caused, in whole or in part, by: l. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance ofyour ongoing operations for the additional insureds. However: r. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and z. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following exclusion is added: Exclusions This insurance does not apply to injury or damage occurring after: a. All work or operations, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by you or on your behalf at the site ofthe covered operations has been completed; or b. That portion of your work out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for the additional insured as a part ofthe same project. EIW-32So (12/18) Includes coplriShted material oflnsurance Servic€s Ofhce, Inc. with its p.rmission Page r ofz (221o12.r) Westchester A Chubb Company C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to SECTIONIII - LIMITS OF INSURANCE: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, t}re most we will pay on behalf ofthe additional insured is the amount of insurance: r. Required by the contract or agreement; or z. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. All other terms and conditions ofthis policy remain unchanged. EIW-32so (r2l18) (22tot2-r) Includes coplrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its p€rmission Page z of z Westchester A (lhLrbb Company PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY - OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION W C Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. dba WE CARE Endoreem.trt Numbc. PolicyS)mbol CPW G46877 3 t7 004 Policy Period 03 I t0 1202t to 03 I t0 12022 Efr€.tir€ Date of F-ndorsemen t 03/tol202), Issued By (Name of I nsu rance Compa.y) Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company Insert the policy number. Thc remainder of the information is lo be compl€ted only wh€n I his endorsement is issued snbsequent to thc !rcparation oI the policy THIS ENDORSEMENT CIIANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PRO!'IDED UNDERTHE FOLLOWING: CONTRACTOR'S POLLUTION LIABILITY CO\,'ERAGE PART The following is added to the Other Insurance Condition and supersedes any provision to the contrary Primary and Noncontributory Insurance This policy is primary to, and will not seek contdbution from, any other insurance available to an additional insured under this policy, provided that: a. The additional insured is a named insured under such other insurance; and b. The named insured has agreed in a written contract or agreement that this insurance would: (r) act as primary insurance; and (z) would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured. All other terms and conditions ofthis policy remain unchanged. EIW-3253 (12-18) (266562.2) Includes cop),righted matcrial of Insurance S€rvices Office,Iric. with its p€rmission Page r of r