2022/11/03 Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth APCpage 2 of 13ffi Client#:1252713 3O5STRADYOC REVISION NUMBEB: 1'lo1t20z2 THIS CEFTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTEB OF INFOBMATION ONLY AND CONFEBS NO FIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEB. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTENO OR ALTEE THE COVEFAGE AFFOBOED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSUFANCE OOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTBACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUBEH{S), AUTHORIZED BEPFESENTATIVE OF PROOUCEB. AND THE CEBTIFICATE HOLOEB. TMPOFTANT: I the csrtlficate holdt io an ADD ONAL INSUhEO. the policy(le8) must hlvo ADDITIONAL INSUBED provlsion. or be endorsed ll SUBBOGATION lS WAIVEO. 6ublrct to tho terms and condltlono of thg pollcy, certrin pollcias may r.qulre an endoroomant, A otatamont on thlr cartlficata do€s not conlor any righta to tho cs ilicrt. holder ln li6u ol ruch .ndors.m.nl(a). McGrlfl lnsurence Sowlces 130Thoory Sto 200 lrvlne, CA 92617 714 941-24fi iiY#'Es6 cerrscA@Mccrlfl.com INSIJFER(6) AFFOFOING COVENAGE tNsUAEAA vlgllAnt lnauranc. company tNsuAEA B. FcdarEl ln!uranca comPany Stradllng Yocca Carlson & Rauth APC 660 Nowporl Centor Drlve, Sulto *1600 Newporl Beach, CA 92660 INSIJAEF D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CEFTIry THAI THE POLICIES OF INSURAIrcE LSTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOB THE POLIC/ PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING AIIY REOUIBEMENT IERM OB CONDITIONOF AI'TY CONTBACT OB OTHEB OOCUMENT WITH RESPECI TO WHICH THIS CEBTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OH MAY PERTAIN. THE INSUBANCE AFTOBDEO BY THE POLICIES DESCBIBEO HEBEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEBMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN BEDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, A TYP€ OF lllAUEAIICE x coMxEBct L oEN!FA! LlABlUrY POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MWOO,.YYYY) (H [rOOl1Y Y Y) l2tZL O5l0ll2o23 E^cH occrJFBENcE ;P!ELtEI&:'#-"T%*, EB l 1 ".o,r"-uoo, !f l occ,c 35327003 74988951 79726620 71700994 s 1 ,000,000 sl,Om,@o s l O,OOO s1,000,0@ s2,OOO,00O EINCLUDED s1.000,0o0 GEN L AGGFIEG/cYE LIMIT APPLTES PEH I"o.,""fl3J3; ll.o" L q,urt AUIOIOEILE IIAEILTTY t2o22 o5to1tzo?3 leY?:1,'.';,1t ''"" ' " ' qlq lll o,!y ej!_p-.q!) !E!9q!4!!4!!!9!L lEqE84!t9cjlGl[E PFOD UCTS . COMP/O P AGG BOOILY INJUFY (Pd D.B6d BODILY TNJUFY (Pdaccrd6nl) PBoPEEiVOaMAcElPaaccrddt)lurneo SCHEOT]LEOl l AUTos I I 3 t BX A UMEFELL L|AA X occue CLAIMgMADE 5lO1 12022 Ogol 12023 EACH occuBAENcE 1108'12022 1', w2023 X STAIUTE s $27,0O0,0O0 $27,m0,000 s1,0m,(x)0 s.l,00O,O00 r1 ,Om,000 I OED L FETENILON! *oEkEFS COtlrENaATlo ANO EXPLOYEEE' LIABILITY ANY PROPFIETOF/PAFTN EB/EXECUTIVE OFFICEF/MEMSER EXCLT]OED? OESCF PTION OF OPEBATIOiIS Uo' Et E4 !.^S9A!!L EL DI6E!S!J EA EMPLOYE! E L DISEASE. PdICY LIMII OESCFttllON oF OPEFITIOIIS / LocATlolis /V€HlcLEs (AcoFo 101. Addlliorl F.m..t. sch.dul., h.y b..tl..h.d ll mo- !t.6 l. rqut.d) Certlllcale is eublocl to pollcy limita, conditions and excluslons. RE: Contract Agreoment; FY2019/20 BONDED CFDs BOND COUNSEL SERVICES. Clty ot Msnlfe6, lts offlcars, oflicials, employoes, and aulhorEgd voluntoers are lncludod as addttlonal lnsurod as respects to Genolal Liablllty covsrages as rsquir€d by wrltten Contract. Genoral Llabllity covsrago is primary and noncontrlbutory as requlred by wrltlen conlract. D6slgnated lnsurod appliss lo the Auto Llablltty ag (Se6 Attached Descrlptions) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Clty ol Menilsq Ath: Margarita Corneio, Flnancial Servbes Managel 29844 Hsun Boad Menltee, CA 92584-m0O SHOULDANY OF THE ABOVE DESCAIAED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPINATEN OATE THEBEOF. NONCE WILL BE DELIVEBED IN ACCOBDANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTIIOFZED FEPAESENTAIIVE I ur^ tr..---q*y 818 ACOBD 25 (2016r'03) 'l ol2*s309981sdM30983859 O 1908-2015 ACOFD COFPORATION. All thte r.r.rucd The AcoFlD nrm. rnd logo rr. rcglatercd m.rko ol ACOBO SSTAN ACORD" CERTIFICATE OF LIAB!LITY INSURANCE CEBTIFICATE NUMBEBi 20397 20241 B I I |ip.*ffi page 3 of 13 requlred by wrttten contrrcL Walver ol Subrogation b includ6d wtth rospoct to Workers Compsnsatlon as requlred by wrltlen contract. 60 Day Notlco ol Cancellation- Nonrenewal (20 Day ln the event ol no1tpayment). SAGITTA 25.3 61031 2 ol2 819 #s3099815dM30983859 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) ffi page 4 of 13 Liability lnsurance Endorsement Policy Period G5/O12O22 O5lo1l2@3 Etrcdive Date PdicY Numhel 35127003 /nsured Stradling yocca Cartson & tiaulh ApC Nafic of Company VIGII-ANT INSURANCI: COMPANY Dale /ssu€d lhrs Indorscm.ut rpplies id thc li)lllrwhg ,i)rn1s' (iENERAL LIABILITY thddr \\'ho ls An lll$rcd he li)lloqirtg pri\ iskrn is addc(l Who ls An lnsured Addilional lnsurcd - Scheduled Pe/son Ot OQanization Persons (t dgsnizrtidis shou,n in the schcdule 8e ltrsuredl: but lhsy ee lnrlredr (xlly ifyou aae obligaledpursuant to a contraci or agreemml lo provide them *ith such inslance as is lfforded by this policy However. the peavtn ,t orRanization is an lnsurcd (lly: . itand thm qrly to the exlenl thc per3d) rx c.EaDiTrlim is descnhed in lhe schcdule; . lo lhe cxtenl such contr6cl ot Agreenlent tequires lhe person or 'tg.niatim to h' afforded status as an lnrured: . fc,r activities that did nol oc(rf. in whole (r in pen, before the ei(ecution oflhe conEact ff a8reementl 5nd . wilh respect kr damages, loss, rcsl {r( expeos. for injury ,r damaSe to u'hich lhis insuraoce qplies. No person (, irSanizati()n is an i[rur€d under thisprovision: . that is luore specilicslly identified 'mder atly oth€r provision oflhe Who ls An lnsrrcd s€cti (reSardless ofany limilatim applicahle fier.to). Addniohd lhso@d - Scheduletl P.rso^ Or OQadz, d 82tJ Fo.n8042-2367(Rev.5-ot) Endarsament page 5 of 13 '....-.--- Who ls An lnsured Additional lnsurcd - Scheduled Person Ot Otganization (continued) Conditions Olher lnsurance - Pimary, Noncontributory lnsurance - Scheduled Person Ar Organization wi0r respecrro any as$nplion o, liahihly(ofmothc. persm (r ligani,,nti1yl) by lhem in a conrs.r 'r agreemerl This limilali(,l d,)es nol Pply I. thc liability lix darnages, loss. cosl ff expols€ ffi iniury (x darnage. b which lhis in$rance aPplies, that lhc rctsdr or orguli7ali.rl would have in the ahsence of such contract ff sgreenlent. L;nde. Conditions. the folk,wing proYision is edded to thc .ondium titled Other lnsirancc If you are ohligated. pursusnl to a conuacl (l rgreement, 10 proi'ide the pets$ or organizalion shouo in lhe Schedule $,ilh primory insrrmce $dr as is offffded by lhis policy, lh6l in slrh casd this rn$rallce is pnmary and we will not seek mnribuli$ from insrralce .vailahlelo such petsol rr orgonization. Schedule Persons or organizations that you are obligated, pursuant to a contract or agreement, to provide with such insurance as is afforded by this policy. All othcr lerms and condililxrs renrain ulchanged A,lho red Reprcsenl,iw Ad.lititj,c lnsu..t1 - schetldatl P*son Ot oqaalzatd u1 F,or,,, 804223a7 lR€v. 5-07) Endotsoneht ffi Stradling Yocca Csrlson & Badh APC 35327003EHLJEIEI'Common Policy Conditions Contract Ihc tblowiog Conditions arc included und€r each pan of the policy, unlqss stated otherwisc Audit Of Books And Records We may audit your books and rccolds a.s thcy relato to tbis insurancc at aoy timc dudrg thc tcrm of this poiicy aod up to tfuoc yca$ aftcrwards. Conditions Cancellation The first nalned insured may cancel this policy o! any of ils individual covcr"agcs at any time by sending us a wrincn rcqucst or by retumirg thc policy and staLing when thereafter canccllatioo is to take effect. Wo may caDccl this policy or atry of its individlal covc(8gcs at ary timo by scoding to thc first namcd insured a notbc 60 days (20 days in fte evcnt of oon-paymcnt of prcmirrm) in advance of he caocellatioo date. Our notice of cancellation will bc mailed to tlle fnst mmcd insurcd's last kDowo addrcss, and will indicate the dat€ on which coveroge is Erminated" If notice of canc€llatioo is ruilcd, proof of rnailiflg will bc sufficicnt proof of noticc. 'l'he eamed promium will b€ compuled oD a plo rata basjs. Any uneamed Premiurtr will be rEtumed as soon as Placticablo. Changes This policy cao only bc chatrgcd by a writtcD cndorscmcnt that becorncs part of this poLicy, Thc endorsemeot must be sign€d by onc of our dDrized r€prcseotatives. Compliance By lnsureds we hav€ oo duty to provide coveragc uoder this policy unlcss you aod any othcr involvcd insured have fully complied with all of the tcrms and condltions of the policy. Comptiance With This insurancr docs no! apply tic thc errcnt that tradc or cconomic sa.Dctions or olbor laws or Applicable Trade regulalions pmhibit us ftom providing insurance' Sanctions COnlOf mance Any terms of this iDsuranco which ue in conflict with the applicable statutes of the Statc in which this policy is issuod are aJrEnded to conform to such slatutes. Firct Named lnsured Thc poson or organization fiIst namcd in tho Dcclarations is prirnarily rqsponsiblc fo! paymont of all prcmiums. The lust named insurql will irct on bchalf of all olher namcd insurerls for th€ givmg and receiving of rptice of cancellation or nonlencwa.l and the rcceiving of zoy lctum prcmiurns thal become PaYable under this PolicY lnspeclions And Surueys Wc may: . makc inspcctions and suwcys at any timel . giv€ you reports on the conditioos w€ fiDdi and ' r$orntnond cha[g€s. Common Policy Conditions Form80-02-9090(Rev.6"05) Contact Page I ol2 ffiEELr-'; page 6 of 13 page 7 of 13 Condltlons lnspections And Survoys (continued) Transfer Ol Rights And Duties . luc safe or healthful; or . comply with laws, rcgulations, codes or stzndards. This condition applies not only tD us, but also !c atry ralinS, advislry, ratc service or similar oltadzatioo which makes insurance inspcctiaDs, survcys, reports or recommenda[ons for us Titles Of Paragraphs I he titlcs of thc various paragaphs of fis policy and cndorscmcnts, if any, altachcd to this policy are inserted solcly for coovenielce or roferenc€ and are not to be d€cmcd in ally way to limit or affect thc provisiotls to which they relate. Any inspections, surveys, reports or r€commendations relate only lo insurability and thc premiums m bc chargcd. Wo do not makc mfoty inspccdons. Wc do not undfitatc to pcrform thc duty of any ponon or organization to prcvide for lhc hcalth or safety of workers or the public. And we do not wa[ant that conditioos: Your rights and duties uodor this iDsurancc may not bo tsansf€rred without our rvritt€n consent, Howcvcr, if you dic, thcn youl ights ard duties will bc ratrsfeErd to your lcgal rcprcscotatiYc, but only whil€ acrinS within the scope of dudqs as your lcgal rcpresentative. or to anyooc having temporary custody of your property uDtil your lcgal reprcsedative has been appoinrcd. When We Do Not Renew If we decidc Dot to renew lhis policy, $ o will rDail or doliver to the fust named irsured's last known addross, writrco notico oftbc DoDre,Dewal rtot lcss than 60 days beforc thc cxpiralion daE.Ifnoticc of noffenewal ls mailed, proof of mailiog will be sufncienl proof of noticc. Common Policy Condllions 823 Form eO-O2-oOgO (Rev. 6-05) Contract Page 2 ol 2 ffi ffi pag€ 8 of 13 POLICY NUMBER 74988851 COMMERCIAL AUTO cA 20 48 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modifies lnsurance provided under the following AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORI\,4 BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM IVOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modilied by this endorsement This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds'for Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the Who ls An lnsured provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in lhe Coverage Form This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of lhe policy unless another date is indicated below. Named lnsured: Stradling Yocca carlson & Raulh APC Endorsement E fective Date: 05/01,2022 SCHEDULE Name Of Person(s) Or Organization(s): Persons or organizations that you are obligated, pursuant to a contract or agreement between 1'ott and such person or organization, to provide with sttch ilrsurance as is afforded by this policy' However, no such person or organization is an insured under this provisiou who is more specifically described under any other provision ofthe "Who Is An Insured" section of this policy (regardless of any limitation applicable thereto) or who is a branch, departrnent, agency, corporation or other governmental authority ofthe Federal Government ofthe United States of Arnerica. lnformation required lo complete this schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations Each person or organizalion shown in the Schedule is an'insured" for Covered Autos Liability Covelage, but only to lhe extent thal person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under lhe Who ls An lnsured provision contained in Paragraph A1. of Section ll - Covered Autos Liability Coverage in the Business Aulo and Motor Carrier coverage Forms and Paragraph D.2. of Section l- Covered Autos Coverages of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form 8?4 cA 20 48 10 13 @ lnsurance Services Office. lnc , 2011 Page 1 of 1 page 9 of 13|r#EJETt'iIffi*i. This page hrs been lefl blanli intentionally 825 WHffi page 10 of 13 workers' compensation and Employers' Liability Policy Named lngwed Stradlhg Yocca Carlson & Rauth APC Endorsement Number Policy NumberSymbol Number:71700994 Policy Period 11/os.2@2 TO 11/032@3 Effective Date of EndoEenEnt lsued By (Nanp ot 1116urance Ccxnpany) Vaoilant lnsurance Company lnsort tho policy numb€r Th€ r€mainderoi the,nlormatlon s to be compl€ted onlY whon this ondorsomenl is issuod sub6€au€nl to lhe pr€parelron oi lhe policy CALIFORNIA WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT This endorsemenl applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because California is shown in ltem 3.A. of the lnformation Page We have the right to recover our payments lrom anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. but this waiver applies only with respect to bodily injury arislng out of lhe operalions described in lhe Schedule, where you are requared by a writlen contract to obtain this waiver from us. You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneralion of your employees while engaged in lhe work described in the Schedule. Schedule (tr) SPecalic Waiver Name of person or organization Any person or organization where you are required pursuanl to a wrilten contract or agreement to waive rights ot subrogation against such person or organization. (E) BlanketWaiver Any person or organization for whom the Named lnsured has agreed by written contract to furnish this waiver 2. Operations 3 Premium: The premium charge tor this endorsement shall be 1yo percent ot the premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for the above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operalions described 4 Advance Premium P;)6 wc 90 03 75 (05/18) Authorized Representative pag€ 12 of 13 Stradling Yocca Carlson & Fauih APC 35327000 Conditions Duties ln The Event Of Occurrcnce. Offense. Aaim Or Suit (continued) Legal Action Against Us (xher lnsurance F (; Knowledge olan occrraretrce or ollbrlce hy an agml or emploYee olthe lDsured will nol constitue knowledge by *re Inrured. tlr sis an oflicer (whelber or flot sn €mployee)ofany losured or an officer! drxigtee knorvs atnut srrch occurrcoce ot offense. Failtu'e of an agent or cmployee of the lrsured. olher then an offlcer (whdher or not an employee) ofany ltr.uaed orafl omcers designee, to notify w ofan occurrelce ot offense lhat suc-h person kno$,s ahout will nol allecl lhe insumnce afforded to you lf a claim or loss dres not reasonably appear to involve this instuance, bul it later devdops imo a clairn or loss lo which lhis insurance apdies. the tailu:e to repon it lo us wi[ rot violate this condition, provided the lnsurcd givc us immediate nr*ice as s(mn a\ lhe lDsured is aware that this in-surance nuy apply to such claim or loss. No penion or oBanizalion har a righl rnder this inslrance lo: . join us as a [nrt/ ot ntherwise hring ts i o a rnlt seeking darmgcs from afl lnruredi or . {ue ra on lhis irrslrance unless sll ofthe lerms and conditions ofthis i[sruance have heen hrlly complied with. A penion or orEanization tnay sue us to rccover on an cgrsed r€lttemetrt or on a 6nal j udgment agairLst an inrured ohteined after an acnral: . trial in a civil proceedingi or . arttitretidl orother alte$lative dispue retrrllti<xr proceedingt but we will not be tiable lor dsrnages thal arE rlot poyable mder the tdms md conditiolrs ofthis insrrsncc or thal sle in *gers ofthe applicaHe Limil* Ofln$rance. If other vatid and colledihle insurance i't availaHe to the lrx red fot losc we wnid otherwise cover rurder this irlsurance. orr obligatioru are limited as follows. Pimry lnsuance This insruance is prinury except \+fi€n the Excess Insuaoce provision d.$crihed helow appliel. If this insrrrance is prinury, our oHiSations are not allected ut ess any of the other insr[ance is als<t primary. Then, we will share with all that other insLrance by the mahod descrihed in the Mdho'l of Sharing provision described hdow. Excess /nsura,c€ This insrrance ic exccss over any other i[\ulance, whdher prirnary, exctss, cootingml or nn any oGer hasis: A. thal is FirE, Extended Coverage, Buildo! Risk, Irstallation Risk or similar insumnce for Ionr rrorli B. that is insutBnce thal applies to property dsmoge to pNmises leded to you (,1 lonpordrily occupied by you with permicsion olthe owne( C. if the loss srises od of aircrafl, Dnaor or watercEfl (to the exlert nol subj ect to the Aiicraft. Auos Or Watercrafl exclusion); 828 Fom 8OO2-2(Xn lRev 4-Ol) Cnrtract Page 22 ol 32 ffi ffi page 13 of 13 General Liability D. lhst is irlsurance: l. provided to you by any perrion or orgaoizalion working under contmd or agreolleril for' youl or 2. tmdo which you ale included as an irsttre<t or E. thar is insrrrance under any Pbpcfly \eclion oflhis fiolicy. when this insuance is exce+s, we will luve no duty to defe'fld the lnsured againsl any snlt if sny othel io.rurer has a duty to defend such lnsured againsl such srlt. [fno dher insruer defcnds, we will undenake to do so. but we will hc entided to the lrs ureds righb against .ll those o$er insrrers. When this insurance is excL'ss over olher' i[sLrznce, we will pay only orrr share ofthe amord of l<lis. ifany, that exceeds lhe strrn oflhe ldal; . anhrfl thal all other insurance would pay for loss in thc ahsence of this insurance; and . of all deduclible and self-insured anromts tmder all other insurance. We will share rhe refiaining lors, ifany. with any other insurance thal is nd dcscrihed in fiis Excess Insurance pmvision and was nol negotialed sDecifically lo apdy in excqts ofthe Limik of I[surance shown in lhe Declarati<ns ofthis insrrarcc. ilethod of Shanng If Bll of rhe other irlrurance p€trnits cootrihr ioh by equal shacs. we will folkw this nrethod also. [ ]nder rhis methrxl each insuret contrihrrtei equal amount\ rntil it has paid ils applicable limits of insrrance or none olthe loss nrnains. ultichel'et comes fir$. If any offie othcr insrrance does na permit contdbrtion by e{lual shares, wc will cmtrihute by limits, (lnder this nrqhod. each insurErl sharc is hased oa the ratio ofits applicable limits of insurance to the total applicable limits ofinsurance ofall insurers. We will compute all prrrniurs for this insrrance in accordznce with orr n es and rales. In eccordance with thc Estinuted Preruirrns section ofthe Premiurn SurnnralY, ptmtuns shown with an asterisk (*) are eslimated premiutr6 and are subj ccl to audit. In addition ro or in lieu ofsuch de.iignation in lhe Premiurn Srunrury. prcmiruns may be designat,el as s.itimated prerniuni c'lsewhae in lhis policy. ln tllal case. there pretniuns will alwr he subjecr to audit. and the seconcl pamg.aph of lhe Estinuted PremiurB s.'clion of the Pr':rnium Sumnury will apply. Excefl qith respect to the Limits Of lllsrmnce, and any ights or d i€s specifically assigned in lhis irlslrance lo the fiN named lmured. this insurance apdics: . as if each named lnrured werelhc dlly named hcuredi and . sepaEtely lo cach lmured againsl wlxrm claim ir rnade or srtlt is llroughl. Conditions Aher lnsurance (continued) Prcmium Audit Separation A hsurcds ll29 Fom 0e42-2@O(tuv. H1) CnrfiBd Page 23 ol 32