2021/11/03 Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth APC (5)ffi Cllenl#: 12527'13 305STRADYOCACORD" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES BEVISION NUMBER CEBTIFICATE HOLDEB CANCELLATION SHOULOAI{Y OF THE AEOVE DESCFlaED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATIOT{ DATE THEBEOF, NOTICE wlLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDAI{CE wlTH IHE POLICY PBOVISIOT{S. AIJIHOFEED FEPFESENTATIVE I.{r.* Cr'.-^q"\r 04t29t2022 THIS CEBTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFEFS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEF. THIS CEBTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIBMATIVELY OB NEGATIVELY AMEND. EXTEND ON ALTER THE COVEBAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CEFTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTNACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUREB(S), AUTHORIZED REPFESENTATIVE OR PBODUCER. ANO THE CERTIFICAlE HOLDEB, IMPOBTANT: ll the cerlificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, lhe policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSUREO provisions or be endorsed It SUBRoGATIoN ls wAlVED, subiect lo the termg End condltlons of lhe policy, certain pollcles may requlre an endorsement, A slatemenl on lhie certlllcate does not confer any rights to th€ certlficrte holder ln lieu ot such endorsement(s). McGrlfl lnsurance Servlces 13O Thsory Sults 2OO lrvlne, CA 92617 714 941-2800 Kimberly Ellrlng . e*a,71 4 941 '2a22 477-297 -9247 s kelfring 20397 @mcgrltt.com rNsuaE R(s) AFFOFOTTG COVEBAGE Slradllng Yocca Carlson & Fauth APC 660 Newport Center Drive, Sulle $1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 tNs]JFER A : Vlgllanl lnsumncc Company l{suFEB B r Fcdcrel lnsuranca Compsny INSURER O l I202A THIS IS IO CEBTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURAJCE LIS]ED AELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TOTHE INSUNED NAMEDABOVE FOBTHE POLICY PEBIODINDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING AI.IY REOUIBEMENT. TEFM OR CONDITION OF AIIY CONTFACT OR OTHEF DOCUMENT WITH BESPECT TO WHICH TH|SCEBIIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSUFANCE AFFORDED BY fHE POLICIES DESCRIAED HEREIN IS SUBJECI TO ALL THE TFBMS EXCLUSIONS ANO CONOITIONS OF StrcH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, tNsn IYPE OFINSURANCE COMIIIEBCIAL GENENAL IIA LtMrls xAxBILITY 35327003 12022 o5lo1t2 $1,000,000 $1,0m,000 $10,000 $'l ,0OO,000 $2,00O,000 s INCLUDED I ".o,r"-uoo. f1] o""r,PREMTSES lEaoccunfl..r MED ExP (Any on. FEin) lo.lqq+lellqr I"*."1 15F& fl.o" I o*.* GENEFAL AG6AEGATE PROOUCTS - COIr'P/OP AGG s AUIOMOBITEIIIEIIfIY 74988851 5t0112022 o51o112023 COMBINEO SINGIE LIMII(E! !4eE!dL BOOILY INJURY (P6 p.r$n) s1 ,0m,0oo OWNED I SCHEDULEo I Auros s x x NON OWNEO s s B x €XCESS LIAB x OCCUF 12022 o51o112023 $27,0OO,O0O $27,0O0,000 $o.o I I EELE{]]Q! $ A woF(EFS COtItPENSAll0N AND EMPLOYEFS' LIAB[rrY ANY PFOPBIETOtuPAFTNEtuExECUTTVE rOFF!CFF/MFMFFR FXCi IIDFDT {M.nd.lory ln IH) x 71700994 'voat2021 1110312022 x OTHSTAlUTE E L, EACH ACCIDENT s1,000,000 E L OISEASE. EA EMPLOYEErlvESCFIPION OF OPEFATIONS b.low EL. orsEAsE. poLrcy LrMrr lrl,OOO,OOO DESCFIPTTON OF OPEhAIIONS / LocATloxs / VEHICLES (ACoBO 101, Adtll on.r F.h.rtt sch.dul., n.yb..n.ch.d It mor..p.c. r.,.q!|..t) Cerlltlcate holdor ls lncluded as Addilional lnsured lncludlng Prlmary/Noncontributory wordlng, wlth respects to General Llabllity as requlred by wrltten contracl, por form(s) attached. Deslgnated lnsured applies to the Aulo Llablllty as requlred by written contract, per torm anached. Walver ol Subrogallon applies to Workers Compensatlon per lorm attached. 60 Day Notlco ol Cancellatiory'Nonrenewal (2o Day ln lho event o, non-payment) appllos per lorm attached. (See Attachod Descrlptlons) 6{.r{.1 ACOBD 2s (201U03) 1 ol2*s29945965/M29946959 O'1986-20'15 ACOFD COBPOBATION. All rlghts resErvod The ACOBD nema rnd logo arc reglsterod marks ol ACOFO KSELF page 2 of 13 CEBTIFICATE NUMBEF: l I I B L iz9z2ffi2o $1,00O,0O0 L Clty ol Menllee Atln: Margarlta Corneio, Flnanclal Services Manager 29844 Haun Road Menlle6, CA 92584 ffi pags 3 of 13 cRIPTI oN in ued from P HE: Contracl Agreemenl; FY2o19/20 BONDED cFDs BoND coUNSEL SEHVICES Cerlificale Holders name is amended to lnclude: Clly ol Menlree, lls ofllcers, oltlclals, employees, and authollzed volunteels SAGITTA 2s.3 (mldo3l 2 ol2 #s29946965/M29S46959 601 page 4 of 13 Llabilily lnsurance Endorsement Policy Pedod r.5l01t2(E2 6tO1f2O2.3 Efredive Oete Pdicy Nu[ser r5s27ffi lns,rod $radli.rg Yocca Cadson & BaL{h APc NsMe oI CofiPany VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY Date lsstlgd 'l11is Ilndorsemerl applies lo rie followinS filr4rs: (iENERAL LIABILITY lhdcr \\'ho ls An In$rcd. rhe follo\fing prolisio" is.ddcd. Who ls An lnsured Addilional lnsured - Scheduled PeBon Or OEanizdtion Pers(nrs (r orgflrizrtims showr in lie Schedule are ln!trrcdr; b l drey llre lnrur.d3 drly if y(xr nre obligaledp rsuarl lo a cootract or agreemeDt lo provitlc thcnr uirh sUch inqrr6nce as is afford€d by {'is policy Ilowevcr, thc ncrsnn (r orgrnization is ar hrsured urly: . ilalldlhcndllyro$eexrentdrepers(,|ilrdganizati isdcscrihed iD dre Schedu,e; . k) the cxlenl $ch conlract or agreenrent rcqrires lhc persd o( rrgrniziliur to bc affffded shtus rs nll lnlure{l: . f(r qclivities lhat did ool occlrr. i whole ir ir port, b.fore dre execution of the cortracl o. {€tcemeol; and . l'ilh respect lo damrges. loss. cost or expen.€ fo. injury ir damage to which Gis insrrance qrplies. No plrsoo or (rganiz.tion is an in!ured under lhis provision: . lhal is ok)re specifically identified under any olher prolision ofthe Who ls An lnsured secti (u ( rcgardlcs s of any linrila ti on appli oob le dletelo ). Addllohd losund Scherlule.l Percon Or O.ganizatih 602 Fo.m aO42-2367 (Rev- 5-07) E.lotsement ffi page 5 of 13ffi Who ls An lnsured Addilional lnsurcd - Schedu/ed Person Or Oryanization (continued) Othet lnsurance -P mary, Nonconlributory lnsurance - Scheduled Person Or Organizalion Undcr Conditidrs. rhc tollo\ring provision is rddcd lo {he.ondilior titled oiher lnsrran.e Conditions wilh rcsfoc(ro any flssrmfllion of li$ilily(of :trhlhcr pcrsdl or organizatidl)hy thcnl in n cont rcl or igrccnrcnl I his linrilario docs ool aPply l,) ihe liahilily fff d:rnragcs. loss. t.osl or experrse for injury ,r danrige. lo shich lfiis insrrruce applics. that tltc pcrs rr orgarriz.lirrr would ha1c iD drc.hsence ofsuch contract or agrtentcnt. lfyou {e obligalcd pursunnl l() a conEacl d agreenrenl.lo provide dle pelsm or orgaliz?lion shoM in the Sche(lrrlc witi prinrary irrsrrarce srdr as is afl{rded by lhis policy. &en in srch case lhis hsrrance is prinrrry ard u'e will nol s€ek corrlrihulim Ii onl irsnrerce availsble to such persor Schedu/e Pe60ns or organizations that you are obligated, pursuant to a contract or agreement, to provide with such insurance as is afforded by thi5 policy. All other tcrms and (orditi, srcmxin un.hangcd. Aulhat iz ed Ra p.e se nl al iB Att.nional lnswetl sched ett Pers@ oro,ganizali@ 603 Fo.nSO4223A7lRev.5-07) Endorcement Pqe 2 ['E+;:ffi page 6 ol 13 StradllrE Yocca Carlson & Rauth APC 35327003 Conditions Duties ln The Evenl Of Occurrcn@, dfense, Claim Or Suit (continued) Legal Aclion Against Us Other lnsurance F Kuosledgc ol'an occrrrrcnrc or olirrsc by an agcnt or emplot'rc ol_tlre Insrrrcd uill uot conslitt e knoNldgc l)y lhc lt|srrrcd. unlers an offlccr(whetherornot an emplorcc)o[lny insurcd or a[ offlccr\ dcsignqJ knows aboul srrch occurrence or of[ensc, Failrrrc olan agcul or enrplovcc ol-thc lnsrrrcd. othcr than ,rn offlrer (whctllrx o[ ol xn cmploree)oi'any inrnrcd olan ofl'iccr! tlcsignce, to notily rls ol alt occu rrcn ce or oll'cnsc lllal suct pqson knows ahollt will ol nlldjt thc ir*uri ce allorded to you. [[ a claim or loss dors rx)l rcasonahly appc'.!r lo in\'olve this insumice. brrt it latcl devdops into a clainr or loss to wlriclr thir insurrncc apflies. fie failue h reporl il to rr.i $ill not violate this conclition. pk\iderl thc lnsurcd gives tls irnrnediale notice as soon as lhc lnr Ircd is awarL thal lhis insu(t,rc('nuv apply to such clairn or ltxs. No p.tson or orEariizalion lras a right rnder tlris insurance to: . j oin u,r as a [Eny or rlhcrwisc hring [s into a snlt seeking darnages from an lns r.rd: or . sue rls on this insrrrance unless all ol the tenm and condilions ofthis insuEnce hale hcm fully c<rnflied wilh. A pa'tson or organizlion rBy sue us lo recover on an sgreed setdement or on a linalj udgrrqtl against an lnsurfd ohtained aller an actrral: . trial in a cilil pr<rcec<lingl or . arbitratioq or ot hcr all clnalive dispul e rEsol r ion pr<rceerling; hut we will not be liable for damaget tlral arc not payable mder the terns and conditions ofllris insuEnce or lhal arc in exc6s ofthe applicalrle Lirnits Of Insurance. Ifothervalid and collrctihle insurance iq availaHe ro the lnsDred ['or loss we would olhenyisc cover under this insuEncc, ourobligationr ate limited as fdlows. PinEry lnsuance This insrrance is pimary except r{rcfl thc Excess lrlsurance pm\isim descrihed he'low applies. Ifthis insrrrance is pimary. ouroHigali<xrs are not alfectcd trnless any oftheothet insrrmnce is also prirnary. Then, wc will sharewitlr all that otherinsurance by the melhod descrihed in the Mdhd ol' Sharing provision descrihed hdow. Exess lnswance This insrrmnce is excsrs ovo any other insurance, whether primary, exc\ess, contingml or on any olhei: basis: A. that is Fire, Extend(l Covoagc, Builtlc* Risk, Installalion Risk or sitrrilar insunncc Iirl vour lvorkl B. that is hNrtrance that applies to property damagc lo prcmises l erlcd lo you or temfx)mrily occupied by you wilh pcrinissi(ln oIthc owrlcri C. if lhc l<xs arises out of ail ctafi. allto. or watercml] (to the cxtenl not subj ect to lhe Ailunll. Autos Or Watelu"fi cxclrrsion)i (; II 604 Fonn 8OA-2m (Rev. 441) C<rtrad Paoe 22 ot 32 ffi page 7 of 13 General Liability D. thal is insurance: I . providol to you by any person oa organizalion working mdcr contract or agreernent for yotl or 2. rmder which you arc inclrrded as an insuro( or ll. that is insurance ruder any Ptopefly section of this policy. Wren this insurance is exc.ss, we will have no duly to detbnd lhe lni red agaiost any solt ifany other imlrer haq a dtry to deferrd suc:h lrsurcd against srrch rult. [fno other instuer defends, we will rurdenake to do so, but we will hc entided to the lniured$ righs aSainsl all thoce other insrrrers. Mren this insurnnce is exc(-, s ovcr ollrcr iflsuance, we will pay only our share of the amoul of l(xs. ifany. lhat exceeds lhe srun oflhe ldal: . anmrnrl thal all olher illsutnnce would pay for lnss in the akerrce of this itsurancei and . of all deducrihle and scl[-insurr--d alrcurts under' all ollrer insurance. We will sharr Ihe rcrnaini0g loss, il any, with any olher insumnce lhat is not described in this Excess Insunnce prcvision and was not negotiated specifically lo apdy in exc€ss of the Limits of Irrsumnce shown iu the Declarttiorrs ofthis insumncc. Method of Shaing lf atl oflhe other iBurance petmits crntrihrrtion hy equal shares, we will follow this mahod also. Under llris mdlrxl each insurercontrihrres equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limib of insrrrance or none oflhe lrxs rcrnains. *,lrichever com€s 6rsl. If any ofthe other insrrralcc (hcs nd pcrmil contribr.tion by equal shares, we will cmtrihuie by limirs. tlnder this nldh l. eac'lr irlsrrrcA sharc is based on the ratio ofits applicablelimih of insnrance to lhe t(*al apflicablc linrits ofinsrfance ofall insrrers. We will conrpt e all plerniurns lin this insumce in accordance with ollr n es ard rales. In accoldance with the Estimale{ Pra'rnirrns section of tlrc Prcmiun Srmmary, pramiufis shown with an asterisk (*) are estimated Fncmiruns and are subj ect to ardit. Lr addilion to or in lieu ofsrrclr dcsignltion in the Premirrm Srunmary. premiruns may be designated as estimated preniuns elservhoc in tlris policy. In ttlat case, thcse pnrniunE will also he subject k, audit, and the second pamgmplr of lhe llslimated Prenrirns seclion ot$e Prcmium Srufinary will apply. Exccpt with Nslrccl to thc Limils ol'hsumnce, and any righls oldl{ies specifically assigned in this insumllce 1o the lirsl narned lnsurcd. this insurance apdies: . as ile.rch named llts[red wcre the orily named lnsured: and . scpamtely to each lnsured against whonr claim is nrade o[ rrlt is hrcught. Conditions Other lnsurance (continued) Prcmium Audit Separation Of lnsureds 605 Fom 8tl02-2uA0 (Rev 4-Ol) Cnnract Page 2i ol 32 Stradling Yc.ca Carlson & Radh APC 353270@EHUEIE''C o mmo n P olicy C o ndition s Contract 1he tbllowing Conditions are included under cach part of the policy, unle.ss stated otherwisc We may audit your books and rccords as thcy relato to this insurancc at arly timc durirg thc tcrm of his policy and up to tluoe yea$ aftcrwards. This insurancc docs not apply to thc axtent that tradc or cconomic sanctioos or othe.r laws or re8ulalions prohibit ns from providirg insurancc. Thc pcrson or organization first named in the Dcclarations is primarily rcsponsiblo for paymcnt o[ all prcmiums, 'l tre lust namcd insured will act on behalf of all other named hsureds for thc givilg and rcceiving of notice of cancellation or noorqrcwal atld the receiving of 8ty retum p.emiurns lhat b€come payable undeI this policy. lnspections And Surueys wc mayr . make inspeclions and survcys al aDy timg; . give you rcports on the conditions we nnd; and . reco0mcod chargcs. Common Policy Candilions Cancellation Thc firs( named insured may cancel this poticy or 8ny of its iodividual covcrages at aoy timc by sqding us a writtcn requcst or by retunting the policy alld stalillg when thereafter canccllaion is to take effect. Wc may canccl this policy or any of its individual covcragcs at any timc by sendiDg to tho first namcd insucd a noticc 60 days (20 days io th€ event of non-payment of prcmium) in advance of tle caDcellation date. Our notice of cancellation will bc mailed to Oe first named insurcd's last knolvn sddrcsr, and will iodicate the dale on which coveraSe is Erminated. lf ootico of caocellation is mailcd, proof of mailing will be sufflcierrt proof of notice. The eamed promium will be computed oo a pro rata basis. Any uoearned premium will be returned as soon as pmcticablc. Condltions Audit Of Books And Records Compliance With Applicable Trade Sanctions Firsl Named lnsured This policy can only bc chaogcd by a writtcq codorscmcnt that bc{omes part of tlis tolicy, l'he endorsement must be signed by one of our authorized rcpresentatives- Compliance By lnsureds we have no duty to proiide coverage uflder this policy unlcss you and any other involved insured have fully complied with all of the tcrlris and conditions of the policy. Conformance Any terms of this iosuraflce which are in conflict with the applicabto statutes of tho State in which this policy is issuod are anrendsd to conform to such statute.s. Fom 80-02-9090 (Rev.6-05) @ntact Page I ol2 ffi*rt+1d# page 8 of 13 Changes page I of 13 Conditions Any inspcctions, survoys, reports o! recommendations relate only to insurability and lhe premiums to bc chargcd. Wc do not rnakc safcty inspcctions. Wc do not undcnakc to pcrform lhc duty of any persoo or organization to provide for lhc health or safety of workers or he pDblic. And 'i,e do not wafiant thal conditionsr . are salc or hcalthful; or . comply wib laws, rogulations, codcs or standards. This coodition applies not or y to us, but atso to aDy rating, advisory, rale service or similar organization which makes insur8nce inspections, survcys, reports or reconuncodations for us Titles Of Pafagraphs '['hc tities of thc various paraSraphs of this policy and cndors€mcnts, if any, attrchcd to this policy are insefled solely for convenicncc or referencc and are not lo be (lccmed in any way to limit or altcct thc provisioos to which they relate. ln spections And Surveys (continued) Transfer Of Rights And Duties Your rights and dutios undcr ftis insuranco may not bc tralsferrcd without our written consent. Howcvcr, if you dic, thcn your rights and dutics will bc u'ansfcrrEd to your lcgal rcprGscotativc, but only while actinS \rithin the scopc of dulies as your lcgal represenlative, or to anyooc having temporary custody ot your propefly until your legal representative has becD appointed. When We Do Not Renew If we decidc not to rencw this policy, we will mail or deliver to th€ fust namcd iosured's last known address, writcn noticc of thc rmnrcocwal not lcss thau 60 days bcforc thc cxpiration datc. lf ooticc of nonrcnewal is mailed, pmof of mailiog will be sufRcient proof of nodce. @mmon Policy Conditions 607 Foftn8O"O2-9O9O(Rev.6-05) Contract Page 2 of 2 ffi ffi page 10 of '13 POLICY NUMBERT 74e8sss1 COMMERCIAL AUTO cA 20 48 10 '13 TH]S ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM I\,4OTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modifred by this endorsement. This endorsement identities person(s) or organization(s) who are'insureds'for Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the Who Is An lnsured provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does nol alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception dale of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Named lnsured: Stradling yocca Cartson & RaUh ApC Endorsement Effective Date: SCHEDULE Name Of Person(s) Or Organization(s): Persons or organizations that you are obligated, pursuant to a contract or agreement between you and such person or organization, to provide with such insurance as is afforded by this policy. However, no such person or organization is an insured under this provision who is more specifically described under any other provision ofthe "Who Is An Insured" section of this policy (regardless of any lirnitation applicable thereto) or who is a branch, departnrent, agency, corporation or other governrnental authority ofthe Federal Government ofthe United States of America. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" Ior Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifiesas an "insured' under the Who ls An lnsured provision contained in Paragraph A1. of Section ll -Covered Autos Liability Coverage in the BusinessAuto and N4olor Carrier Coverage Forms and Palagraph D.2. of Section l- Covered Autos Covereges ol the Aulo Dealers Coverage form. 608 cA 20 48 10 r3 @ lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 20'l l Page 1 of 1 page 1'1 of 13 This page has treen leli blank intentionally 609 ffi page 12 of 13 Workers' Compcnsation and Employers' Liability Policy Named lnsured StradlirE Yocca Carlson & Rauth APC Endorsement Number Poliry Number Symbol: Number:717U)994 Poliry Period 11/Ov2@1 TO 11/0!2@2 Eiective Date of EndoGernent lssued By (Name ot l16urance Company) ylgilant l nsurance Company lnserl the Do!icy number The.emarnder ol lhe nformahon s to be compleled only when lhis endorsement ls issued subsequent to lhe preparation ofthe policy CALIFORNIA WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We have the right to recover our payments ffom anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver applies only with respect to bodily injury arising oul of the operations described in the Schedule, where you are required by a written contract to obtain this waiver from us. You musl maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneralion of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule Schedule (D) Specific Waiver Name of person or organization Any person or organization where you are required pursuant to a written contract or agreement to waive rights of subrogation against such person or organization. (8) Blanket Waiver Any person or organizalion for whom the Named lnsured has agreed by written contracl to furnish this waiver 2. Operations 3. Premiuml The premium charge for this endorsement shall be 1o/o percent of the premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for the above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operations described 4. Advance Premium 610 wc 90 03 75 (0s/18) Aulhorized Representative ffi This endorsement applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because California is shown in ltem 3.A. of the lnformation Page. pag6 13 of 13[,4]it::It?,.S Et}X* This page has been leli blank intentionally ti11 McGrifi lnsurance Sewices Po Box 819 Wilson NC 27894-0819 5400 H City oI l\,lenifee AUn: MaBarita Comejo. Financial Services Manager 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92584 page 1 of 13 05t02n022 599 ffi