2022/01/01 Santolucito Dore Group, Inc. (9)StateFatm STATE FARU GENEBAL IN9URAt{CE COMPANY A STACK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?"F?fa€lf,! ?* rc w s. s s r s Addl lnsured-S€ctlon ll Only ^rz oour8u 3',2u'-'3-372c-FA71 F u CITY OF l.IEIi I FEE29714 HAUN RD I'iEN I FEE CA 9?5A6-6540 l, rlt, t,,1, tl, tlh,, il,,, tlliltl,ltrtr[ 1,, It, rtrllllI rl,llrltr RENEWAL DECLARATIONS Policyllumber 92-ES-R381-4 Policv Period Elfuctivc Dalo Exoiralion Dale r 2 Mbnrtrs JAN 1 2022 JAIr 1 2023 The polirv perrod beqins qnd ends at 12.01 am standardtme attie premrses locauon. Named lnsured SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP INC (-@ Oflice Policy k+-'+EHffi 8 Aubm.lic Ranewal - lf ttre policy period is shown as 12 monlhs , ttis policy will be renewed automatcally subjectto tre premiums, rules and forms in effect for each sucieed in g policy period. lf $is policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wifi the policy provisions or as required by law Entity: Corporation NOTICE: lnformation concerning changes in your policy language is included. Please call your agent if you have any questions. POLICY PHE|\illUM Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Sprinkler Claim Record $ 1 ,181 .00 Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 033562 294 Ar N O Cogyrioh! Stlti Flrm Mutu0l Automobilo lnlurrncs Complny. 2N lncluder copyrighted mrtarill of lnsuranco sorvicet oftico, lnc., wd its pgrmiE!ion Continued on Reverse Side ot Page Page 1of 7 5m 636 i 2 0l 31 ,nl1 (oll323lc Oflice PolicPolicy Num RENEWAL OECLARATIONS (CONTINUEO) v lor CITY OF MENIFEE6er 92-EgR381-4 SECTION I - PROP RTY SCHEDULE Location Number Location ofOescribed Premises Limit of lnsurance' Cov€raoe A - Buildfngs Limit of lnsurance' Coveraoe B - Business FersonalProperty Seasonal Increase-Business PersonalProperty 001 STE l OO-L 31 600 RAILROAD CANYON RD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9462 No Coverage $ 11,600 ' As of lhe ct e date of this po , the Limit of lnsurance as shownlncludes any rncrease nt mit due to lnf la on overagee sFcTr.)N r . r FT ATION COVEPAGF INDFY/FSt Cov A - lnflation Coveraoe lndex: Cov B - Consumer Pricdlndex: N/A 273.6 SECTION I .DUCTIBLES Basic Deductible Speclal Deductibles: Money and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1,000 Other deductibles may apply - refer to policy $2s0 $1,000 Employee Dishonesty $2s0 Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 033562 @ Copyri!h! Stat€ Frrm l\4ut!!l Automobil6 lnsur.noo Compony,2008 lnclud€s copyrightsd m!t6nalor lns!16nc6 SBrvic0s ofticB. lnc., with its psrmission Continued on Next Page Page 2 ot 7 StateFarm& }l,-'riEH[t BENEWAL DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Oflice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-E$83814 SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INSI.J RANCE - EACH DFSCRIBED PBEMISES Eq Tho coverages and corresponding llmlts shown below apply soparatoly to each descrlbed premisos shown in thqseI Declarations, unless indicated by''S€e Schedule." ll a coverage does not have a corresponding limit shown below,H but has "lncluded" indicated, please rel€r to that policy provlsion for an explanation of that coverago. LIMIT OF INSUBANCECOVERAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Off Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Ot Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Thefl, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipmenl Breakdown Fire Department Service Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Ol Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only wh€n buildings are insured on a replacemenl cost basis) Money And Securities (Olf Premises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Counterleit Money Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only if this policy provides Coverage B - Business P6rsonal Properly) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Buildings (applies only if this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) $50,000 $15,000 $5'000 $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Llmit 25olo ol covered loss lncluded $5,000 $s,000 $10,000 lncluded 10% Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 033563 294 N $s,000 $10,000 $1,000 $100,000 $250,000 E O Copyrighl Stlt8 F.rm Muturl Automobils hsurrncs Comp.ny. 20(ts lncludos copyri0htsd mlt8riol of lniurrnc0 Ssrvic€s offico, lnc., with it3 p8rmis!ion Conlinued on Beverse Side ot Page Page 3 of 7 RENEWAL OECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otllce Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-E9R381-{ Ordinance Or Law - Equipmenl Coverage Outdoor Property Personal Ellects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B. Business Personal Property) Personal Property Off Premises Pollutant Clean Up And Removal Preservalion Ol Property Properly Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs Unauthorized Business Card Use Valuable Papers And Records On Prgmises Ofl Premises lncluded $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,500 $2,500 $5,000 $s0,000 $15,000 SECTION I . EXTENSIONS OF COV AGE . LIMIT OF INS RANCE - PER POLICY The coverages and corrosponding limits shown below ar€ the most we will pay regardless ot the number ofdescribed premises shown in th€so Declarations. COVERAGE Dependent Prope(y - Loss Ol lncome Employee Dishonesty Utility lnterruption - Loss Of lncome Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense O Copyrigh! Strto F!rm Mutual Automobilo ln!ur6nos Complny.2OO8 lncludes copyri0hted mlteriol of lnsurance Servico! offic0, lnc., with its oermrssron Continued on Next page LIMIT OF INSURANCE $5'ooo $10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 Months Preparedocl 192021 cMP-4000 03356s Page 4ol 7 StateFarm ffi RENEWAL DECLAHATIONS (CONTINUED) Oflice Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-E$F381-4 sFcTtoN ll- r raB tTY I COVEFAGE Coverags L - Business Liabilily Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Rented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completod Operations Ag gregale General Aggregate Each paid claim for Liability Coverage rsduces the amount of insurance we provide during annual period. Please refer to Section ll - Liability in lhe Coverage Form and any atlached LIMIT OF INSURANCE $1 ,000,000 $5,000 $500,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE $2,000,000 $2,000,000 the applicable endorsements Your policy consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other lorms and'endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequenl to lhe issuance of this policy. FOBMS ANO ENOOBSEME cMP-4101 FE-6999.3 cMP-4819.1 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4703,1 cMP-4788.1 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4787 cMP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form 'Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Unauthorized Business Card Use Loss of Income & Extra Expense Employee Dishonesty Money and Securiti€s Back-Up of Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Ulility lnterruption Loss lncm Addl lnsd Mgrs Lessor of Prem Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched Waiver of Trans Rgt of Recov Amendatory Endorsement-CA Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 033564 294 N o copyrilh! Strta F6rm Muturl Automobile lnsurrrce Comprny, 2008 lnclud0r co[yrightsd m.t€ri!l of ln.ur!ncs Srrvices Office, lnc., wtth i$ prrmission Conlinued on Reverse Side ol Page Page 5 of 7 (-CD RENEWAL DECLAHATIONS (CONTINUED) Otlice Policv for CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-ESB381-4 cMP-4261 FD-6007 Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Attach Dec " New Form Attached This policy is issued by the Stat€ Farm General lnsurance Company. Participating Policy You ar€ €ntit€d to participate in a distribution of the sarnings of the company as determined by our Board of Directors inaocordance with the Company's Articles of lncorporalion, as amended. ln Wihess Whereof, he State Farm General lnsurance Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and Secretary at Bloomington, lllinois. ff*rnlP""n Sac16tary -il,*eM4 Prssident IMPOHTANT NOTICE: Colfomla hw ]equllee ue_to PloY!&.y.ou wllh lnlometlon lor llllng complalms whh the gtore lngurance tbp0nm€m regaldlng thecoverage and service provk ed undsr this poficy. Your agert's name and contact inlomalion are provided on the lrom ol lhlg documem. Another option is to reach out bymailor phone dhectly tor Stale Farm6 Erecutivs Customer Seryica PO Box 23m Bloomlngton lL 61702 Phone f 1{oO-STATEFAHX (l -60G782.8332) Department-ol lnsurance complaints ehould b€ liled only slter you and Stste Fam or your agent or othet companyrepresnt.tfus h€v€ lail€d lo rDach a sotislactory rgreemont on a ptoblem. Caliromia Department o, lnanrance Consume] Servlces Dlvlsbn 300 Souih Sprlng Strest Los Angslss, CA s00t3 PhorF # l€o0-927-HELP (4357) or vbit rrw.insurance.ca.ooy,ot-corErmerr Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 033564 @ Copyri0ht, Stste F.rm l\4 utu 6l AutomobilB lnsu16ncs Comprny, 2008 lncludBs copyriohtsd motori.l ol lnsurancB Sgrvic0s otfice, lno., with ts pBrmissron Continued on Next Page Page 6 of 7 StateFarm(-dD H* RENEWAL OECLABATIONS (CONTINUEO) Oftice Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-E$R3814 NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDER: For a comprehensive description of coverages and forms, please reler lo your policy. Policy changes requested before he "Dale Prepared", which appaar on this notic€, are effeclive on the Renewal Date of lhis policy unless otherwise indicaled by a separate endorsement, binder, or amended declarations. Any coverage forms atlached to this notice are also ellective on he Flen€wal Date of this policy. Policy changos roqu€sled atter th€ "Dat€ Prepared" will be sent to you as an amended declarations or as an endorsement to your polioy. Billing lor any additional premium tor such changes will be rnailed al a laler date. lf, during he past year, youVe acquired any valuable proporty it€ms, made any improvements to insured property, or have any questions about your insurance coverag6, contact your State Farm agent. Please keep this with your policy. 9 E Prepared ocT 19 2021 cMP-4000 O Copyrigh! St.to F.rm Mutu!l Automobils lnsur![ce Comp!ny, 2008 lnchde! copyri0htrd m.t8rirl ol ln!urrncs Slrvicss offic6, 1n6., with its permission 033565 294 N Page 7 ol 7 StateFarm STATE FARM GENERAL INSUBANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS(-)@ INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS Policyllumber 92-ES-8381-4 Policv Pedod Ellsctive Dato Exoiralion Dale'12 Nlbnths JAN 1 2022 JAN 1 2023 The polipv penod begins and ends at 12:01 am standardtme at the premtses locaton. E?"F?/o€1i! ?1, u o t u - t t, u Narned lnsured M-23-372C-FA71 F SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP II{C ATTACHING INLAND MABINE U lri-,fr HTT I 3 Automalic Renewal - lf the policy period is shown as l2 monlhs , t'ris policy will be renewed automatjcallY subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. lf this policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wi$ the policy provisions or as required by law. Annual Policy Premium Included The above Premium Amount is included in the Policy Premium shown on $e Declarations Your policy c onsists of these Declarations, dre INLAND IVARINE C ONDlTl0NS shown below, and any other lorms and endorsemenB that apply, including $ose shown below as well as fiose issued subsequent to the issuance of this policy. Foms, 0ptions, and Endorsoments FE-8739 FE-6271 rE-8745 lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsemenl lnland Marine Computer Prop See Reverse for Schedule Page wifr Limis Prepared ocT 19 2021 FD-6007 033566 O Copyrighl St.t. Farm lvlutu al Auto mobilo lnsur!ncs Comp!ny, 2008 lnclud0. cowrighted mat.ri0l of lnsu16nco SErvics3 offic0, lnc., wlh it! prrmission t30 08602 05 3r ?0!! toll3?3?c 92-E9R381-4 ATTACHII{G INLAND MARINE ATTACHING INIANO MARINE SCHEOUTE PAGE ENDORSEMENI NUMBER FE-8745 COVERAGE lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Expense LIMIT OF INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT ANNUAL PREM IUM sI 25,000 25,000 s 500 IncludedIncluded Prepared ocT 19 2021 FD-6007 033566 OTHER LII\4ITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY - REFER TO YOUR PO @ Copyri!h! Stlte tirm [v]utual Automobile lnsurance Comprny, 2OO8 lncludes copyrightsd m.t6ri!l of lnsuronca S0rvtcos OfficB, lnc , with its psrmission 510 il6r2 0531 20tl rolr3233.l